Page 2 - Great Ads - Back to School

TWO OXNARD  PRESS-COURIER—PHONE  HU  3-110>  THURSDAY,  SEPTEMBER 5,  1951 Final  Arguments In  Confidential Trial Scheduled HOLLYWOOD,  IB   Prosecu- to r  William  Ritzi  an d  defense attorney Arthur  Crowley  today prepared  to square off with final  arguments  In the  Confi- dential  magazine  criminal  libel trial. Th e  trial  was  In  recess today.  Final  arguments  probably  will begin  tomorrow.  However,  both the  prosecution  an d  defense,  in resting their reserved the cases right yesterday, to  call  at least  one  more witness each. Th e  main issue continues  to center  upon whether actress Maureen  O'Hara  cuddled  with  a ,  "Latir."  in a  movie  theater.  Miss O'Hara  on the  witness stand angrily  denied  th e  escapade  de - scribed  in a  Confidential  story. However,  th e  defense  has at- tempted  to  prove  in  nearly  five weeks  of testimony  that  the story was true. Candy  Girl  Testifies Mrs.  Janet Harkin s, a be d- ridden  former  candy  girl  at Graumann's  Chinese  Theater, •was  the major  witness yester- day.  She  made  a  deposition  at he r  home  in the  presence  of Judge Herbert  V.  Walker  and the attorneys. James  Craig, former  employee of  the  theater,  ha d  testified  he saw the auburn-haired actress making  love  to a  "Latin"  in the movie  house. Mrs.  Harkins said that  Craig Fl u  Vaccine Distribution Plan  Okayed WASHINGTON,  (in  — The six manufacturers of  Asian  flu vaccine  have agreed to  distri- bute  vaccine supplies to the states  on a population basis. Th e  Public Health Service announced  last night the manu- facturers  accepted the distribu- tion  plan proposed several weeks  ago'  by  Surgeon General Leroy  E. Burney. Th e  service also endorsed a proposal  by  state health  offi- cers  to have states and c om- munities  create advisory com- mittees  to  draw  up  priority plans for  inoculations. Dr .  W.  Palmer Dearing, act- ing  head  of  the  Health Service, said  the PHS allocation system is  "the most equitable  way of distributing  the vaccine  geo graphically." "Any  one  part  of the  nation Is  as  vulnerable  as  another  tc a possible  Influenza  epidemic," Dr .  Dearing said.  The  plan could  be  dropped when vaccine supplies  begin  lo  catch up with demand,  he  added. Shipments  will be made ac- cording  to  each  state's  per centage  of. the  total population. Thus New York  would  get 9.5 per  cent of the vaccine as com- pared  to .2  per cent  for  Dela- ware,  Nevada, Vermont  an d Wyoming. TURF LIQUOR  STORE Corner Eoif  5th  and Oxnard  Bird. Open  Daily: HU 6-1234 6  A.M.  fa 2  A.M. asked  her one  night  if he  could borrow  a flashlight. The witness said  Craig told her "I want to check  on  Maureen O'Hara neck- ing  with somebody  in a  seat  off aisle  C. " Under  cross-examination, the no  time  did  Mrs..  Harkins  see Miss  O'Hara  the  night  of the alleged  cuddling episode. —WILCOX S  COTTAGE  RESORT—, Hwy.  399  —Wheele r  Springs,  7 Mi,  from Ojo tiev. 1500.  Swimming  an d  mineral  barh.  Rtlax  in cltan  moidtrn cottages, aither  housekeeping  o r  non-houwkeeplng. No  Fog No  Dogt .No.  Smogs Phone:  Reservations Ojai  M 6-253-5 WH Stocked Stream  and Lake  Fishing WELCOME  TO  NEWPORT  says Mayor  John J.  Sullivan  as he  gives President Eisenhower a 27-pound  lobster  at .the  start  of the  Presi- dent's vacation.  -United  Press  Telephoto Daughters  o f Famous  Dads Lead Beauties ATLANTIC CITY,  N.J., H I  Two daughters fathers  wo n  the of  famous first  round Miss onors  last  night  in the America  pageant. Blonde  Sara Ann  Cooper,  Miss Missouri,  who wasn't  bonrwhen the Charleston was the rage in the 192 0s, won the first pre- liminary talent competition. She danced  the Charleston in a cos- tume of that period. Blonde Lynn  Freyse,  Miss Arizona,,a  20-year-old  girl  with 36-23-35 measurements, won the first  night  swim  suit,  com- petition in a brand new beige and white  suit  she purchased just  for the  pageant.  iss  Cooper  is the  daughter  of  Walker Cooper, catcher for| the St. Louis Cardinals and one of  baseball's  greats.  ,IHss^ Freyse  is the  daughter  of  car- toonist Bill  Freyse  who  draws "Our  Boardin g House" with the blustering  Major  Hoople. Knowland  Claims  Knight Slow  o n  Water Problems Reefs  Accused  o f  Delaying Hammarskjold's Reelection UNITED  NATIONS,  N. Y.,  (IB —Western diplomats privately accused  the,  Russians today  of playing U. N. politics by holding up  Security Council approval  o f the  reelection  of  Secretary Gen- eral  Dag Hammarskjold. The  council was to have met today  but the  oviets  requested prosecution  established that at a n indefinite postponement ear- lier  this  week, explain ing only that  they  were not re ady to consider  the  question. Western sources said the Rus- sian move was connected with the special General Assembly debate on  Hungary opening Tuesday.  These sources  accus- ed  Russia  of  stalling  on the Hammarskjold reelection to en- hance  its  bargaining position during the assembly session, Mr .  Hammarskjold's first five- year  term  expires next April 10. To  be  re-elected he first would have  to be  approved  by the se- curity council and then voted in bv  se cret b allot in the general assembly.  Tha  regular assembly opens  Sept. 17 and the .west hoped to have security council approval  by  then. Security Council approval was  virtually  assured since  nei- ther  the  Soviet Union  nor any other nations  Mas  expressed  op- position to Swedish dip lomat's re-election. No other candidate has  been suggested openly or othenvise. Box  Office  Operis  7:15  —•  Show  Storty  ot  Dusk TONITE THRU  SATURDAY CNSMAS cOpi — AND — (20th  CENTURY.fOX  presents J et  Shell  Kills  at El  Centra EL  CENTRO, Calif.   1P I  A, Navy Board  of  Inquiry today Warned  a  "faulty firing mech- anism"  on a jet plan e for send- nery mission. The plane's 20 millimeter  .  cannon  without warning  discharged  the  shell. The  shell  hit one of the  sailors ing a cannon shell ripping 50  feet from  the plane, ripped .through a hangar at El  Centro Navy Auxiliary Air Station, re- sulting  in the  death  of two en- listed men. The accident occurred  yester- da y  as the FJ3  Fury  jet plane prepared  to  take  off on a  gun- Around  th e  World- Syr/on  Crowd  Demonstrates Against  U .  S,  "Plotting" DAMASCUS,  Syria,  (U.P.)   Speakers screamed anti- American  invective  to a  cheering  crowd  of  1,500  last  night in the  first  public demonstration permitted  since  th e  United States was accused of  "plotting"  against  Syria. Police  broke  attempt  by the  demonstrators  to stage an anti-American  parade  through  the  city. The  raucous,  75-minute  demonstration was  held  in Da- mascus' kurdish  quarter,  whose people  elected  the  only through  the hangar wall and struck  the  second victim  in the stomach.  Pieces  of the  non explosive-type shell also  nicked a  third  man. Names  of the  victims  were withheld pending notification  o f next of  kin.  The Navy also withheld the name of the jet pilot. Navy  officials  said  the pilot had been cleared of any blame in the  mishap. They  said an investigation revealed that S e t BANK  MITE  FRIDAY  NITE PHONE-MI  2-229; at the junction of Shew  Starts  at  Dusk—Children  Under 12  Free CONTINUOUS SHOWSSATURDAY avowed Communist  member  of  Syria's parliament. FLTJ CONTROL  •. AT  VATICAN  ,- VATICAN''CITY  OB   Health officials  have clamped  .  precau- tionary  controls on  tourists, pilgrims and Vatican guards and workers  to  prevent  the  spread- ing of Asian flu in the  papal state. Groups  of  tourists  and  pil grims,  known to have come  from areas  where the disease has been prevalent,  are  being  denied  en- trance  to the  Vatican. might come on any of three skipped the country. mechanical cannon to "error"  caused  the fire  as the  plane started  to  taxi  to the flight line Jayns  Mansfield Ha s  Mink  Stolen LAS  VEGAS,  Nev.,  (IP Actress  Jayne  Mansfield hac er  $5,000  mink stole stolen last night  at the  Riviera' Hotel. Miss  Mansfield tol d  sheriff's deputies she took the stole off to  pose  for  publicity  pictures She said she handed the mink to a "wardrobe  woman," bu 1 after  the  pictures were taken she couldn't locate the woman or the fur piece. lifferent  dates  in  mid-Septem-l ber in Los Angeles, in  OaklanJ or in San  Francisco. In stops yesterday  In  th d water -  conscious  SacramentJ Valley  towns  of  Redding, Reel 31uff,  Chico and  Marysvillel Sen. Knowland said  he  favorecf 'ederal -state partnership  in  de-j veloping  w ater resources. As for the Feather  RlveJ Project, which  the  state  plani to build, the senator said "I call see no  basic  conflict  of  interes'l n the  federal  government  goin v ahead  in its  field  and the  stat<| proceeding  in its  field. EN  ROUTE WITH KNOW- LAND M)  U.S.  Sen. Willim  F. Knowland promised today he will  outline  a definite, construc- tive  water  program for Califor- nia before  he  completes  his  cam- paign-like  tour  of the  state. Sen.  Knowland  told reporters  Marysville,  in an  obvious riticism  of the  administration f  incumbent Gov. Goodwin  J. Cnight,  that  he does not think we can  afford  to continue to rocrastinate and delay in  solv- ng our water problems." ,He  promised  that  when  he laches  the San Joaquin Valley ate  this  week he will be pre- ared  to "elaborate  consider- bly" on his  earlier charge that lere  is a lack of executive eadership in  state government n important water issues . Although  .he  still  clung to the retext that  he is not an  official andidate  for  Governor against ellow  Republican Knig ht, Sen. Cnowland  did ask reporters hen  would  be the best  time  to make a  public announcement  of is  future political plans. Announcement Forthcoming sH e  finally  settled  on a  forma' isclosure to be made some time efore  early October, probably in le  early  part  of a week. Re- orters with  the Knowland en- ourage speculated the expected his East Side apartment Th nnouncement  of his  candidacy $20  Million  a  Year Dope Ring  Cracked NEW  YORK,  U ?   Federal agents cracked  a  $100  rniUiorl international narcotics  syndi-T cate Wednesday shortly  after  ; federal  grand jury accused  <l men and two  women  of  conspirJ ing to  smuggle  opium,  cocaimf an d  heroin  into  the  United States. dams been selling the drugs  whole-l sale for the past  five  years| averaging about  $2 0  million year. Mr. Williams  identified  Harrjl (Nig  Rosen)  Stromberg  as  the director  of the  entire  operatiorf and •  said  he was  missing  fro Attorney  Paul  W.  .WilJ said  the  syndicate  hart government  fears  he may hava .have  fun alHornia f ESTATE  FAIR Sacramen  »o a n d  Exposition A U G  2 8 SEPT.  8 ADMISSION  50<  Children Under  12  FREE  . Ll  . _"-_  ji i Announcing  .... KRCW-FM 97.5  M C  10,000 W a tts 81 8  StATE  St.   SANTA  BARBARA For  fine  music reproduced  in the full  fidelity  that  only FM can  provide.  NOW ON THE  AIR- WEEKDAYS  3p m  -  I I pm Saturday fr  Sundays  10 am • 11 pm ••••••••••••••S JO J aOOa S O ^ ^^ ^W^ ^^^^^^^™^^™ VOGUE THEATRE  -  HU  3-9216  -  OXNARD TONITE  FRIDAY DISARMAMENT STALEMATE LONDON,  (IB  — A new  stale- mate appeared shaping up to- day in the  deadlocked U.N. dis- armament subcommittee  con ference  with both East and West apparently reluctant to take  th e  blame  for  breaking  o ff the negotiations here. The  five-power talks were torpedoed  by  the Soviet rejec- tion  of  the  "final" Western arms reduction  plan  yesterday. But the  delegates  of the United States, Britain, France, Canada  and  Soviet Russia agreed to meet again today. AS  SWEET  A S WEDDING  BELLS DES  MOINES,  Iowa,  (IB — Mrs.  T. A.  Thomas, explaining her  husband's reaction when he  learned  their  14-year-old daughter  ha d  found  $60 in the city  dump: "He  just  lit up like a  star. I haven't seen so much happi- ness  in him  since  the day we were married." FIRST  COUNT Y SHOWNG ALLIED  ARTISTS  Present GARY COOPER AUDREY HEPBURN MAURICE CHEVALIER FctiiCii  > n J  md i  tr  V BILLY  WLDER AFTERNOON Back  to School SU E 3-in-l  Special  Zipper  Binder  Binder Pocket  Memo  Book  - CARYGRANT DEBORAHKERR  On  Stage Granada  Theatre Santa  Barbara Monday,  Sept 9th 2  Performances Ortiy —and—  120  MP H  ON A  ROAD  BUILT FOR  A N  OXCART; THERE'S  A GUN AT  YOUR  RIBS, AND NOT ENOUGH  G AS TO  MAKE  TH E  NEXT  ... CHECKPOINT A  RANK OROANIZATION PRESENTATION to  ASTMAN COLO X -hi-toily..'.  ' ; ,, orilhe Mediterranean ...  across  a n  -  ocean,...and a ll  over -Ne w York  L BANK  NITE  FRIDAY  NITE A N  AFFAIR  TO  REMEMBER CINEMASCOPE:  couon  o r  Qt  tuxe  | 2 —PLUS— 'OUT  o f  the  CLOUDS'  STARRING  ANTHONY  STEEL (plui  Fed. Tax) 3  Ring  Zipper  . BINDER $2.98 Value Fitted with School Supplies  Fe d Tax Jr. Miss Clutch  Bags A  Real  Value ,< Various  Styles and  Colors Company  of 100 Symphony  Orchestra KME  KRIZA  BRUHH  SERRMf  ERDY  DOUBUS  KOESUK  HAND Matinot 3  P.M. Swan  '-ok« Billy  lh «  Kid Interplay Evening 8:30  P.M. Lei  Patinaun Fancy  Frti Pai  d« Dnux Misses'  and Ladies' Stretch Anklets Assorted Colors 3 P I R  A T °  9 7 Tlckcti—Orch.  4; Bo .  4, 3.50, 3, 2 On  Sal*: LOBERO  THEATRE BOX  OFFICE Mai Ordtw  AccipUd (Endow Damped  nturn  •.nvclape) Alw-Crnnmln  Thcntcr I)«y 01  Performances A  Moll  and  Hayman  Attraction  Girls' 100%  Orion CARDIGAN SWEATERS ONLY Knit  Sweater  $1.79 Girls'  and Ladies' T-Shirt Blouses Special  m T Each Baek-to-School YARDAGE Assorted  Prints 3  V D S  9 7 * GIRLS' BLOUSES Assorted Styles and  Colors Sizes  7 to 14 100%  Orion Ladies'  Cardigan SWEATERS Regular  $3.98 ONLY Y V Stripe  Boys' T-SHIRTS Regular  98e ONLYQQ ? Sizes  6-12 Boys' COTTON HOSE Special Sizes  0 to 10 »ASCO iamoni 133  West 5th  Strwt Open  Friday  Til 9 P.M. nr-AlVAlUES  5 - 1 0 - 251  S T O R E S

Transcript of Page 2 - Great Ads - Back to School

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Final A rg u m e n t sIn Conf ident ia lTr ia l Schedu led

HOLLYWOOD, IB — Prosecu-to r William Ri t z i an d defenseattorney Arthur Crowley todayprepared to square off withfinal arguments In the Confi-dential ma g a z in e criminal libeltrial.

Th e trial was In recess today. Final a rguments probably willbegin tomorrow. However, boththe prosecution an d defense, in

resting theirreserved the casesright yesterday,to call atleast one more witness each.

Th e main issue continues tocenter upon whether actressMaureen O'Hara cuddled with a"Latir." in a movie theater. MissO'Hara on the witness standangrily denied th e escapade de -scribed in a Confidential story.However, th e defense has at-tempted to prove in nearly fiveweeks of testimony that thestory was true.

Candy Girl TestifiesM r s . Janet Harkins, a bed-

ridden former candy girl atGraumann 's Chinese Theater,•was the major witness yester-day. She made a deposition athe r home in the presence ofJudge Herbert V. Walker andthe attorneys.

James Craig, former employeeof the theater, ha d testified hesaw the auburn-haired actressmaking love to a "Latin" in themovie house.

M r s . Harkins said that Craig

Flu VaccineDistribution

Plan OkayedWA S H I N G TO N , (in — The six

manufac turers o f Asian fluvaccine have agreed to distri-bute vaccine supplies to thestates on a population basis.

Th e Public Health Serviceannounced last night the manu-facturers accepted the distribu-tion plan proposed severalweeks ago' by Surgeon GeneralLeroy E. Burney.

Th e service also endorsed aproposal by state health off i-cers to have states and com-

munities create advisory com-mittees to draw up priorityplans for inoculations.

Dr . W. Palmer Dearing, act-ing head of the Health Service,said the PHS allocation systemis "the most equitable way ofdistributing the vaccine geographically."

" A n y one part of the nationIs as vulnerable as another tca possible In f luenza epidemic,"Dr . Dearing said. The plancould be dropped when vaccinesupplies begin lo catch up withdemand, he added.

Shipments will be made ac-cording to each state's percentage of. the total population.Thus New York would get 9.5per cent of the vaccine as com-pared to .2 per cent for Dela-ware, Nevada, Vermont an dWyoming.

TURF LIQUOR STORECorner Eoif 5th and

Oxnard Bird.Open Daily:

HU 6-12346 A.M. fa 2 A.M.

asked her one night if he couldborrow a flashlight. The witnesssaid Craig told her "I want tocheck on Maureen O'Hara neck-ing with somebody in a seat off

aisle C."Under cross-examination, the

no time did Mrs.. Harkins seeMiss O'Hara the night of thealleged cuddling episode.

—WILCOX S COTTAGE RESORT—,Hwy. 399 —Wheele r Springs, 7 Mi, from Ojo

tiev. 1500. Swimming an d mineral barh. Rtlax in cltan moidtrncottages, aither housekeeping o r non-houwkeeplng.

No Fog •No Dogt.No. Smogs

Phone: Reservations

O ja i M 6-253-5

WH StockedStream and

Lake Fishing

W E L C O M E TO NEWPORT says Mayor JohnJ. Sullivan as he gives President Eisenhower

a 27-pound lobster at .the start of the Presi-dent's vacation. -United Press Telephoto

Daughters o fFamous DadsLead Beauties

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., H I —Two daughtersfathers wo n the

of f amousfirst round

Missonors last night in theAmerica pageant.

Blonde Sara Ann Cooper, MissMissouri, who wasn't bonrwhenthe Charleston was the rage inthe 1920s, won the first pre-liminary talent competition. Shedanced the Charleston in a cos-tume of that period.

Blonde Lynn Freyse, MissArizona,,a 20-year-old girl with36-23-35 measurements, wonthe first night swim suit, com-petition in a brand new beigeand white suit she purchasedjust for the pageant. •

Miss Cooper is the daughter

of Walker Cooper, catcher for|the St. Louis Cardinals and oneof baseball's greats. , IH s s ^Freyse is the daughter of car-toonist Bill Freyse who draws" O u r Boardin g House" with theblustering Major Hoople.

Knowland Claims KnightSlow o n Water Problems

Reefs Accused of DelayingHammarskjold's Reelection

UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., (IB—Western diplomats privatelyaccused the, Russians today ofplaying U. N. politics by holdingup Security Council approval o fthe reelection of Secretary Gen-eral Dag Hammarskjold.

The council was to have mettoday but the oviets requested

prosecution established that at an indefinite postponement ear-lier this week, explain ing onlythat they were not re ady toconsider the question.

Western sources said the Rus-sian move was connected withthe special General Assemblydebate on Hungary openingTuesday. These sources accus-ed Russia of stalling on theHammarskjold reelection to en-hance its bargaining positionduring the assembly session,

Mr . Hammarskjold's first five-year term expires next April 10.To be re-elected he first wouldhave to be approved by the se-curity council and then voted inbv secret ballot in the generalassembly. Tha regular assemblyopens Sept. 17 and the .west

hoped to have security councilapproval by then.

Security Council approvalwas virtually assured since nei-ther the Soviet Union nor anyother nations Mas expressed op-position to Swedish dip lomat'sre-election. No other candidatehas been suggested openly orothenvise.

Box Office Operis 7:15 —• Show Storty ot Dusk



— AND —(20th CENTURY.fOX p r e s e n t s

J e t Sh e l l Kills a t E l C e n t raEL CENTRO, Calif. — 1P I — A,

Navy Board of Inquiry todayWarned a "faulty firing mech-anism" on a jet plan e for send-

nery mission. The plane's 20millimeter . cannon w i t h o u twarning discharged the shell.

The shell hit one of the sailorsing a cannon shell ripping 50 feet from the plane, ripped.through a hangar at El CentroNavy Auxiliary Air Station, re-sulting in the death of two en-

listed men.The accident occurred yester-da y as the FJ3 Fury jet planeprepared to take off on a gun-

Around th e World-

Syr/on Crowd DemonstratesAgainst U. S, "Plotting"

DAMASCUS, Syria, (U.P.) — Speakers screamed anti-American invective to a cheering crowd of 1,500 last nightin the first public demonstration permitted since th e UnitedStates was accused of "plotting" against Syria.

Police broke u p . a n attempt by the demonstrators tostage an anti-American parade through the city.

The raucous, 75-minute demonstration was held in Da-mascus' kurdish quarter, whose people elected the only

through the hangar wall andstruck the second victim in thestomach. Pieces of the non

explosive-type shell also nickeda third man.Names of the victims were

withheld pending notification o fnext of kin. The Navy alsowithheld the name of the jetpilot.

Navy officials said the pilothad been cleared of any blamein the mishap. They said aninvestigation revealed that



PHONE-MI 2-229;at the junction of

Shew Starts at Dusk—Children Under 12 Free


avowed Communist member of Syria's parliament.


VATICAN' 'CITY O B — Healthofficials have clamped . precau-tionary controls on tourists,pilgrims and Vatican guards andworkers to prevent the spread-ing of Asian flu in the papalstate.

Groups of tourists and pilgrims, known to have come fromareas where the disease has beenprevalent, are being denied en-trance to the Vatican.

might come on any of three skipped the country.

mechanicalcannon to

"error" caused thefire as the plane

started to taxi to the flight line

Jayns MansfieldHas Mink Stolen

LAS VEGAS, Nev., (IP —Actress Jayne Mansfield hacher $5,000 mink stole stolen lastnight at the Riviera' Hotel.

Miss Mansfield told sheriff 'sdeputies she took the stole offto pose for publicity picturesShe said she handed the minkto a "wardrobe woman," bu1

after the pictures were takenshe couldn't locate the woman

or the fur piece.

lifferent dates in mid-Septem-lber in Los Angeles, in OaklanJor in San Francisco.

In stops yesterday In th dwater - conscious SacramentJValley towns of Redding, Reel31uff, Chico and MarysvillelSen. Knowland said he favorecf'ederal-state partnership in de-j

veloping water resources.As for the Feather RlveJ

Project, which the state planito build, the senator said "I callsee no basic conflict of interes'ln the federal government goinv

ahead in its field and the stat<|proceeding in its field.

EN ROUTE WITH KNOW-LAND M) — U.S. Sen. Willim F.Knowland promised today hewill outline a definite, construc-tive water program for Califor-nia before he completes his cam-paign-like tour of the state.

Sen. Knowland told reporters Marysville, in an obvious

riticism of the administrationf incumbent Gov. Goodwin J.Cnight, that he does not thinkwe can afford to continue torocrastinate and delay in solv-

ng our water problems.",He promised that when helaches the San Joaquin Valleyate this week he will be pre-ared to "elaborate consider-bly" on his earlier charge thatlere is a lack of executive

eadership in state governmentn important water issues.Although .he still clung to the

retext that he is not an officialandidate for Governor againstellow Republican Knig ht, Sen.Cnowland did ask reportershen would be the best time to

make a public announcement ofis future political plans.Announcement ForthcomingsH e finally settled on a forma'isclosure to be made some timeefore early October, probably inle early part of a week. Re-orters with the Knowland en-ourage speculated the expected his East Side apartment Thnnouncement of his candidacy

$20 Million a YearDope Ring CrackedNEW Y O R K , U ? — Federal

agents cracked a $100 rniUiorlinternational narcotics syndi-Tcate Wednesday shortly a f te r ;federal grand jury accused <l

men and two women of conspirJing to smuggle opium, cocaimfan d heroin into the UnitedStates.

damsbeen selling the drugs whole-lsale for the past f ive years|averaging about $2 0 millionyear.

Mr. Williams identified Harrjl( N i g Rosen) Stromberg as thedirector of the entire operatiorfand • said he was missing fro

Attorney Paul W. .WilJsaid the syndicate hart

government fears he may hava

.have funalHornia f

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LONDON, (IB — A new stale-mate appeared shaping up to-day in the deadlocked U.N. dis-armament subcommittee conference with both East andWest apparently reluctant totake th e blame for breaking o ffthe negotiations here.

The five-power talks weretorpedoed by the Soviet rejec-tion of the "final" Western armsreduction plan yesterday.

But the delegates of theUnited States, Britain, France,Canada and Soviet Russiaagreed to meet again today.


WEDDING BELLSDES MOINES, Iowa, ( IB —M r s . T. A. Thomas, explainingher husband's reaction whenhe learned their 14-year-olddaughter ha d found $60 in thecity dump:

"He just lit up like a star.I haven't seen so much happi-ness in him since the day wewere married."





CHEVALIERFc t i i C i i > n J md i tr V



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