PACKINGS - SEALX APPLICATIONS PACKINGS PACKINGS ®® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®...

28 Textile Solutions for Sealing PACKINGS INDEX OF PACKINGS SX 9010 30 SX 9011 31 SX 9012 32 SX 9013 33 SX 9015 34 SX 9016 35 SX 9020 36 SX 9021 37 SX 9030 38 SX 9031 39 SX 9032 40 SX 9035 41 SX 9040 42 SX 9041 43 SX 9053 44 SX 9059 45 SX 9060 46 SX 9070 47 SX 9071 48 SX 9072 49 SX 9075 50 SX 9080 51 SX 9081 52 SX 9088 53 SX 9095 54 SX 9097 55 APPLICATION Seal X packing products are used to seal shafts, rods, and seats, to prevent the escape of gas or fluids. e main fields of application are: > static seals (covers, frames, furnace doors, boilers); > stem seals (valves); > moving shaft seals (plunger pumps); > rotating shafts (centrifugal pumps, mixers, stirrers); > pumps. CHARACTERISTICS Depending on the end use, certain characteristics must be assessed > Flexibility > Elasticity and elastic return - to guarantee tightness under pressure > Homogeneity - acting as a guarantee of efficient service and longer life > Compact external surfaces - guaranteeing tightness while avoiding excessive tightening pressure and possible wear to the shaft > Impregnation to the heart - offering guaranteed tightness to improve efficiency and the value of the application COMPONENTS Seal X products have different components to suit different applications. e main components are: > graphite fibres (providing extra chemical and thermal resistance); > insulating glass and ceramic fibres (generally used for static thermo resistant seals); > vegetal fibres, such as cotton, linen, ramie fibre and hemp (especially suited to applications with cold water and where hard-wearing qualities are required); > synthetic fibres, such as ptfe, polyester, aramidic and acrylic fibres (suitable for producing packing with high resistance to chemicals and corrosive agents); > metals, such as stainless steel, copper and inconel (used to strengthen the packing and thus increase its mechanical strength at high temperatures and pressures); > lubricants and binders, essential when using packing as these must not attack the contact fluids or corrode the metals surrounding the packing or any metal in this, while at the same time eliminating friction. ese products are suitable for a large range of applications according to your specific requirements.

Transcript of PACKINGS - SEALX APPLICATIONS PACKINGS PACKINGS ®® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®...


Textile Solutions for Sealing


SX 9010 30SX 9011 31SX 9012 32SX 9013 33SX 9015 34SX 9016 35SX 9020 36SX 9021 37SX 9030 38SX 9031 39SX 9032 40SX 9035 41SX 9040 42SX 9041 43SX 9053 44SX 9059 45SX 9060 46SX 9070 47SX 9071 48SX 9072 49SX 9075 50SX 9080 51SX 9081 52SX 9088 53SX 9095 54SX 9097 55

APPLICATIONSeal X packing products are used to seal shafts, rods, and seats, to prevent the escape of gas or fluids.The main fields of application are:

> static seals (covers, frames, furnace doors, boilers);> stem seals (valves);> moving shaft seals (plunger pumps);> rotating shafts (centrifugal pumps, mixers, stirrers);> pumps.

CHARACTERISTICSDepending on the end use, certain characteristics must be assessed> Flexibility> Elasticity and elastic return - to guarantee tightness under pressure> Homogeneity - acting as a guarantee of efficient service and longer life> Compact external surfaces - guaranteeing tightness while avoiding excessive tightening pressure and possible wear to the shaft> Impregnation to the heart - offering guaranteed tightness to improve efficiency and the value of the application

COMPONENTSSeal X products have different components to suit different applications.The main components are:

> graphite fibres (providing extra chemical and thermal resistance);

> insulating glass and ceramic fibres (generally used for static thermo resistant seals);

> vegetal fibres, such as cotton, linen, ramie fibre and hemp (especially suited to applications with cold water and where hard-wearing qualities are required);

> synthetic fibres, such as ptfe, polyester, aramidic and acrylic fibres (suitable for producing packing with high resistance to chemicals and corrosive agents);

> metals, such as stainless steel, copper and inconel (used to strengthen the packing and thus increase its mechanical strength at high temperatures and pressures);

> lubricants and binders, essential when using packing as these must not attack the contact fluids or corrode the metals surrounding the packing or any metal in this, while at the same time eliminating friction.

These products are suitable for a large range of applications according to your specific requirements.



SX9010 Technical Sheet

SX9010 synthetic pack black®

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing specifically developed to replace graphite asbestos braid packing at a low price. Synthetic yarn is impregnated yarn-by-yarn with a special graphite powder, with the addition of a corrosion inhibitor and top quality lubricants.

APPLICATIONS Water; steam; oil; gas; piston pumps; centrifugal pumps; valves; suitable for the chemical and petrochemical industries, shipping, electricity power stations, cementworks and oil refineries.


synthetic pack black®

synthetic pack black®

CARATTERISTICHEÈ una treccia studiata appositamente per sostituire la treccia in amianto grafitato a un prezzocontenuto; il filato sintetico è impregnato filo per filo con grafite speciale in polvere, con ag-giunta di inibitore di corrosione e con lubrificanti di ottima qualità.

APPLICAZIONIAcqua; vapore; olio; gas; pompe a pistone; pompe centrifughe; valvole; adatta per l’industria chi-mica, petrolifera, navale; centrali elettriche; cementifici; raffinerie.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing specifically de-veloped to replace graphiteasbestos braid packing at alow price. Synthetic yarn isimpregnated yarn-by-yarnwith a special graphite pow-der, with the addition of acorrosion inhibitor and topquality lubricants.

APPLICATIONSWater; steam; oil; gas; pistonpumps; centrifugal pumps;valves; suitable for the chem-ical and petrochemical in-dustries, shipping, electricitypower stations, cementworksand oil refineries.




P bar 20 40 60

t °C -50 +250

ph 4÷10

v m/sec 10 2 1,5

packing world 6:packing world 6 9-06-2009 15:28 Pagina 87

SX9011 Technical Sheet

SX9011 incotex®

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing made from a special pure graphite yarn reinforced with discontinuous metal micro-filament (made by Schappe), impregnated in three stages: first the individual yarns are impregnated with graphite paste plus a corrosion inhibitor, then on the surface with particles and flakes of fine graphite. Particularly suitable for seals in valves and es-pecially wherever high resistance to temperature is required over a long period.

APPLICATIONS High temperatures; valve stems; suitable for the chemical industry,electricity power stations, nuclear power stations, the petrochemical industry and oil refineries.







P bar 80 300

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 1,5 1

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da un fi-lato particolare di grafitepura con micro rinforzo me-tallico discontinuo, prodottodalla ditta Schappe. L’impre-gnazione avviene in tre stadi:dapprima sui singoli filaticon pasta di grafite addizio-nata di inibitore di corro-sione, sul corpo della trecciaed infine in superficie conparticelle e scaglie di grafitefinissima. Particolarmenteadatta per tenuta su valvolee soprattutto dove è neces-saria una elevata resistenzanel tempo alle alte tempe-rature.

APPLICAZIONIAlte temperature; steli di val-vole; adatta per industrie chi-miche, centrali elettriche,centrali nucleari, industriapetrolchimica, raffinerie.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing made from a special pure graphite yarn reinforcedwith discontinuous metal micro-filament (made by Schappe),impregnated in three stages: first the individual yarns are im-pregnated with graphite paste plus a corrosion inhibitor, thenon the surface with particles and flakes of fine graphite. Par-ticularly suitable for seals in valves and especially whereverhigh resistance to temperature is required over a long period.

APPLICATIONSHigh temperatures; valve stems; suitable for the chemical in-dustry, electricity power stations, nuclear power stations, thepetrochemical industry and oil refineries.

packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 49



SX9012 Technical Sheet

SX9012 pure graphite

CHARACTERISTICS Graphite braid packing has the great advantage of not hardening or vit-rifying at high temperatures. This packing minimises friction on the axes and has high heat dispersal, is treated with a special solution based on extremely pure graphite powder plus a corrosion inhibitor.

APPLICATIONS Valve stems; supply pumps;chemical products, apartfrom strong oxidants;

suitable for water treatment plant, the chemical industry, electricity power stations, nuclear power stations, the petrochemical industry and oil refin-eries


pura grafitepure graphite

CARATTERISTICHELa treccia di grafite ha ilgrande vantaggio di non in-durirsi e non vetrificare allealtissime temperature. Mini-mizza l’attrito sugli assi inquanto è un ottimo dissipa-tore di calore. Viene trattatacon una speciale soluzione abase di grafite purissima inpolvere e inibitore di corro-sione.

APPLICAZIONISteli di valvole; pompe dialimentazione; prodottichimici a eccezione di fortiossidanti; adatta per tratta-mento acque, industrie chi-miche, centrali elettriche,centrali nucleari, industriapetrolifera, raffinerie.

CHARACTERISTICSGraphite braid packing hasthe great advantage of nothardening or vitrifying athigh temperatures. Thispacking minimises frictionon the axes and has highheat dispersal, is treatedwith a special solution basedon extremely pure graphitepowder plus a corrosion in-hibitor.




P bar 40 20 200

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 25 2 1,5

APPLICATIONSValve stems; supply pumps;chemical products, apartfrom strong oxidants; suit-able for water treatmentplant, the chemical industry,electricity power stations,nuclear power stations, thepetrochemical industry andoil refineries.

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SX9013 Technical Sheet

SX9013 99% pure graphite

CHARACTERISTICS Graphite braid packing with a high carbon content (99%), twisted and doubled with several ends for the production of a highly flexible packing that withstands stress and bending, without losing volume or crystallis-ing at high temperatures. Our top quality yarns receive pre-treatment with special dispersed graphite mixes during production with the addition of corrosion inhibitors. Due to its low content of chlorides, this packing is recommended for applications in the nuclear sector.

APPLICATIONS High temperatures; valves; suitable for the chemical industry, nuclear power stations, electricity power stations, the petrochemical industry,water treatment plant and boilers.





P bar 40 20 200

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 30 3 1

CARATTERISTICHEComposta da filato di grafite ad alto contenuto di carbonio99% ritorto e binato a più capi, è una treccia molto flessibileche resiste alle sollecitazioni e alle curvature, senza perdita divolume e senza cristallizzare alle alte temperature. I nostri filatidi altissima qualità subiscono un pre-trattamento in produzionecon speciali miscele di grafite in dispersione, con aggiunta diinibitori di corrosione. Per il basso contenuto di cloruri è con-sigliata per applicazioni nel settore nucleare.

CHARACTERISTICSGraphite braid packing with a high carbon content (99%),twisted and doubled with several ends for the production of ahighly flexible packing that withstands stress and bending,without losing volume or crystallising at high temperatures.Our top quality yarns receive pre-treatment with special dis-persed graphite mixes during production with the addition ofcorrosion inhibitors. Due to its low content of chlorides, thispacking is recommended for applications in the nuclear sector.

pura grafite 99%99% pure graphite

APPLICAZIONIAlte temperature; valvole;adatta per industrie chimi-che, centrali nucleari, cen-trali elettriche, indusriapetrolifera, trattamentoacque e bollitori.

APPLICATIONSHigh temperatures; valves;suitable for the chemical in-dustry, nuclear power sta-tions, electricity powerstations, the petrochemical in-dustry, water treatment plantand boilers.

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SX9015 Technical Sheet

SX9015 fluorpack® + kevlar® on corners

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of fluorpack® yarns reinforced on the corners with pure kevlar® yarns with diagonal interweaving. This combinationimproves the mechanical resistance of the braid packing and its resis-tance to extrusion and high pressures.

APPLICATIONS Pumps; piston pumps; centrifugal pumps; stirrers;valves; centrifuges; acids;oils;

solvents; abrasive substances;waste water; hot water; suitable for paper mills, the food in-dustry, the chemical and petrochemi-cal industries, water treatment plant and boilers.


CARATTERISTICHEComposta da filati fluorpack®

rinforzata sugli angoli con fi-lati di puro kevlar®, realizzatacon sistema di intreccio dia-gonale. Tale abbinamentomigliora le caratteristichemeccaniche della treccia ene aumenta la resistenzaall’estrusione e alle pressionielevate.

fluorpack® + kevlar® sugli angolifluorpack® + kevlar® on corners4154

APPLICAZIONIPompe; pompe a pistone;pompe centrifughe; agita-tori; valvole; centrifughe;acidi; olii; solventi; sostanzeabrasive; acque di scolature;acque calde; adatta per car-tiere, settore alimentare,chimico, industrie petroli-fere, trattamento acque ebollitori.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting offluorpack® yarns reinforcedon the corners with purekevlar® yarns with diagonalinterweaving. This combina-tion improves the mechani-cal resistance of the braidpacking and its resistance toextrusion and high pres-sures.

APPLICATIONSPumps; piston pumps; cen-trifugal pumps; stirrers;valves; centrifuges; acids;oils; solvents; abrasive sub-stances; waste water; hotwater; suitable for papermills, the food industry, thechemical and petrochemicalindustries, water treatmentplant and boilers.


P bar 70 250 350

t °C -100+280

ph 3÷12

v m/sec 25 3 1,5


packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 20

SX9016 Technical Sheet

SX9016 pure graphite + inconel

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of graphite yarn reinforced with continuous metal filaments yarns. Specifically designed for valve seals, it is impreg-nated yarn-by-yarn, on the finished packing and in its surface with non-organic corrosion inhibitors.

APPLICATIONS Pumps; piston pumps; centrifugalpumps; stirrers;valves; centrifuges; acids;oils;

solvents; abrasive substances;waste water; hot water; suitable for paper mills, the food in-dustry, the chemical and petrochemi-cal industries, water treatment plant and boilers.





P bar 300

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 1

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filati digrafite rinforzati con fili me-tallici continui. Studiata ap-positamente per tenuta suvalvole, viene impregnatasui singoli filati, sul corpotreccia e sulla sua superficiein presenza di inibitori di cor-rosione inorganici.

pura grafite + inconelpure graphite + inconel

APPLICAZIONIValvole di servizio in pre-senza di vapore e fluidi diprocesso ad elevata tempe-ratura e pressione.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofgraphite yarn reinforcedwith continuous metal fila-ments yarns. Specifically de-signed for valve seals, it isimpregnated yarn-by-yarn,on the finished packing andin its surface with non-or-ganic corrosion inhibitors.

APPLICATIONSPumps; piston pumps; cen-trifugal pumps; stirrers;valves; centrifuges; acids;oils; solvents; abrasive sub-stances; waste water; hotwater; suitable for papermills, the food industry, thechemical and petrochemicalindustries, water treatmentplant and boilers.

packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 48



SX9020 Technical Sheet

SX9020 expanded pure graphite + inconel

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of 99,9% pure, flexible, expanded graphite inc-onel reinforced; it has all the features of the pure graphite+ inconelpacking at an economically favourable price. Extremely easy to use.

APPLICATIONS High temperatures; valve stems; suitable for the chemical industry, elec-tricity power stations, nuclear power stations, the petrochemical industryand oil refineries.


pura grafite espansa + inconelexpanded pure graphite + inconel




P bar 300

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 1

CARATTERISTICHEAppositamente studiata peroffrire tutti i vantaggi e le ca-ratteristiche delle baderne ingrafite pura+inconel ad unprezzo contenuto. Facilis-sima da utilizzare. È compo-sta da grafite pura al 99.9%flessibile ed espansa rinfor-zata con inconel.

APPLICAZIONIAlte temperature; steli divalvole; adatta per industriechimiche, centrali elettriche,centrali nucleari, industriapetrolchimica, raffinerie.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting of99,9% pure, flexible, ex-panded graphite inconel rein-forced; it has all the featuresof the pure graphite+ inconelpacking at an economicallyfavourable price. Extremelyeasy to use.

APPLICATIONSHigh temperatures; valvestems; suitable for the chemi-cal industry, electricity powerstations, nuclear power sta-tions, the petrochemical in-dustry and oil refineries.

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SX9021 Technical Sheet

SX9021 expanded pure graphite

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of 99,9% pure, flexible, expanded graphite; it has all the features of the pure graphite packing at an economically favourable price. Extremely easy to use.

APPLICATIONS Valve stems, feed pumps, chemicals with the exception of strong oxidiz-ers, suitable for water treatment, chemical industries, electrical power stations, nuclear power stations, petrol industry, refineries.


pura grafite espansaexpanded pure graphite

CARATTERISTICHEAppositamente studiata peroffrire tutti i vantaggi e lecaratteristiche delle badernein grafite pura ad un prezzocontenuto. Facilissima dautilizzare. È composta dagrafite pura al 99.9% flessi-bile ed espansa.

APPLICAZIONISteli di valvole; pompe dialimentazione; prodottichimici ad eccezione di fortiossidanti; adatta per tratta-mento acque, industrie chi-miche, centrali elettriche,centrali nucleari, industriapetrolifera, raffinerie.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting of99,9% pure, flexible, ex-panded graphite; it has allthe features of the puregraphite packing at an eco-nomically favourable price.Extremely easy to use.

APPLICATIONSValve stems, feed pumps,chemicals with the excep-tion of strong oxidizers, suit-able for water treatment,chemical industries, electri-cal power stations, nuclearpower stations, petrol indus-try, refineries.




P bar 300

t °C -100+650

ph 0÷13

v m/sec 1

packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 57



SX9030 Technical Sheet

SX9030 discontinuous aramidic + lubricated PTFE

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of discontinuous fibre aramidic yarn with diago-nal interweaving, impregnated with dispersed ptfe at 40% or over plus an inert lubricant. This braid packing is impregnated in three stages: the individual yarn, during braiding and the surface.

APPLICATIONS High pressure; speed; water;oil; grease; weak acid and alkalis; abrasive fluids; chemical products; steams; solvents;

petrol by-products;centrifugal pumps; piston pumps; stirrers; mixers; suitable for paper mills; sugar industry; electricity power stations; the chemical and petrochemical in-dustry and water treatment plant.


aramidico discontinuo + PTFE lubrificatodiscontinuous aramidic + lubricated PTFE

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da intrec-cio diagonale di filato arami-dico a fibra discontinua,impregnata con ptfe in di-spersione in quantità pari osuperiore al 40% e con lubri-ficante inerte. L’impregna-zione avviene in tre stadi: sulfilo, durante l’intreccio e insuperficie.

APPLICAZIONIAlte pressioni; velocità;acqua; olii; grassi; acidi e al-cali deboli; fluidi abrasivi;prodotti chimici; vapori; sol-venti; derivati del petrolio;pompe centrifughe; pompea pistone; agitatori; miscela-tori; adatta per cartiere, zuc-cherifici, centrali elettriche,industrie chimiche, petroli-fere, trattamento acque..

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofdiscontinuous fibre aramidicyarn with diagonal interwea-ving, impregnated with di-spersed ptfe at 40% or overplus an inert lubricant. Thisbraid packing is impregna-ted in three stages: the indi-vidual yarn, during braidingand the surface.

APPLICATIONSHigh pressure; speed; water;oil; grease; weak acid andalkalis; abrasive fluids; che-mical products; steams; sol-vents; petrol by-products;centrifugal pumps; pistonpumps; stirrers; mixers; sui-table for paper mills; sugarindustry; electricity powerstations; the chemical andpetrochemical industry andwater treatment plant.




P bar 30 80 100

t °C -100 +250

ph 3÷12

v m/sec 20 2 1

packing world 4:packing world 4 9-06-2009 15:18 Pagina 67

SX9031 Technical Sheet

SX9031 kevlar® + pbi® on corners

CHARACTERISTICS Stuffing box packing with exclusive interweaving using aramidic yarns and pbi® twisted yarns on the corners. This packing is impregnated in three stages: the individual yarn, the ply and during braiding. Good di-mensional stability and stability.

APPLICATIONS Piston pumps; centrifugal pumps; low pressure valves; static seals on covers; mixers; reactors; sea water; suitable for the food industry and paper mills.


CARATTERISTICHEBaderna a intreccio esclusivo realizzata con filati aramidici e fi-lati ritorti di pbi® sugli angoli. L’impregnazione di questa trec-cia viene realizzata a tre stadi: sul filato, sul trefolo e durante latrecciatura. Buona stabilità dimensionale.

kevlar® + pbi® sugli angolikevlar® + pbi® on corners


APPLICAZIONIPompe a pistone; pompecentrifughe; valvole a bassapressione, tenuta statica sucoperchi, mescolatori; reat-tori; acqua di mare; adattaper industria alimentare ecartiere.

CHARACTERISTICSStuffing box packing withexclusive interweaving usingaramidic yarns and pbi® twi-sted yarns on the corners.This packing is impregnatedin three stages: the indivi-dual yarn, the ply and du-ring braiding. Gooddimensional stability andstability.

APPLICATIONSPiston pumps; centrifugalpumps; low pressure valves;static seals on covers; mi-xers; reactors; sea water; sui-table for the food industryand paper mills.



P bar 40 130 100

t °C -100 +300

ph 1÷13

v m/sec 15 2 2

packing world 4:packing world 4 9-06-2009 15:18 Pagina 66



SX9032 Technical Sheet

SX9032 discontonuous lubricated graphited aramidic

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of discontinuous aramidic yarn, treated yarn-by-yarn with high purity graphite powder, plus inert lubricant and corro-sion inhibitor, with diagonal interweaving.

APPLICATIONS Valves and high speeds; static seals; reciprocating motion;abrasive liquids; water;chemical products and lightcaustic substances;

suitable for water treatment plant,electricity power stationsand the chemical and petrochemicalindustries.


CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filatoaramidico discontinuo trat-tato filo per filo con puris-sima grafite in polvere,lubrificante inerte, inibitoredi corrosione e realizzata consistema di intreccio diago-nale.

aramidico discontinuo grafitato e lubrificatodiscontonuous lubricated graphited aramidic


APPLICAZIONIValvole ad alte velocità; te-nute statiche; moti alterna-tivi; liquidi abrasivi; acqua;prodotti chimici e causticileggeri; adatta per tratta-mento acque, centrali ellet-triche, industria chimica epetrolifera.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofdiscontinuous aramidic yarn,treated yarn-by-yarn withhigh purity graphite powder,plus inert lubricant and cor-rosion inhibitor, with diago-nal interweaving.

APPLICATIONSValves and high speeds; sta-tic seals; reciprocating mo-tion; abrasive liquids; water;chemical products and lightcaustic substances; suitablefor water treatment plant,electricity power stationsand the chemical and petro-chemical industries.



P bar 50 100 100

t °C -100 +300

ph 2÷12

v m/sec 15 2 1,5

packing world 4:packing world 4 9-06-2009 15:18 Pagina 68

SX9035 Technical Sheet

SX9035 kevlar®

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of continuous aramidic yarn, impregnated with dispersed ptfe and a lubricant, inflammable and heat-stable; this packing does not stain, has a low friction factor and dissipates the heat gener-ated by the peripheral speed when used with centrifugal pumps.

APPLICATIONS Steam; water treatment; airlocks;low pressure valves;expanding joints; solvents;piston shafts; steam; light

acids; alkalis; oil;universal use, except with oxygen,strong alkalis and oxidants;suitable for paper mills, thepetrochemical and chemicalindustries and electricity power stations.


CARATTERISTICHEComposta da filato arami-dico continuo puro, impre-gnata con dispersione diPTFE e lubrificante, questatreccia è termostabile e noninfiammabile. Non macchia,ha un basso coefficiented’attrito e ha la capacità didissipare il calore generatodalla velocità periferica inapplicazioni su pompe cen-trifughe.




APPLICAZIONIVapore; trattamento acque;saracinesche; valvole a bassapressione; giunti di dilata-zione; solventi; alberi pi-stoni; vapore; acidi leggeri;alcali; olii; impieghi univer-sali a eccezione di ossigeno,alcali forti e ossidanti; adattaper caritere, industria petro-lifera, industria chimica, cen-trali elettriche.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofcontinuous aramidic yarn,impregnated with dispersedptfe and a lubricant, inflam-mable and heat-stable; thispacking does not stain, hasa low friction factor and dis-sipates the heat generatedby the peripheral speedwhen used with centrifugalpumps.

APPLICATIONSSteam; water treatment; air-locks; low pressure valves;expanding joints; solvents;piston shafts; steam; lightacids; alkalis; oil; universaluse, except with oxygen,strong alkalis and oxidants;suitable for paper mills, thepetrochemical and chemicalindustries and electricitypower stations.



P bar 50 100

t °C -100 +280

ph 3÷12

v m/sec 15 3

packing world 4:packing world 4 9-06-2009 15:18 Pagina 64



SX9040 Technical Sheet

SX9040 fluorpack®

CHARACTERISTICS Fluorpack®, designed with an exclusive Lenzing fiber,is a braided packing made of expanded PTFE yarns containing capsulated graphite particles and components with lubricating powers and suitable for conducting heat, grant a high thermal conductivity as well as resistance to chemical agents and to ageing. This homogenous structure permits the packing not to lose its components during the operation, reduces to a minimum the risk of wear on the shaft and prevents the fluid from being polluted by the particles that detach themselves from the packing. It has a longer working life if com-pared with traditional packings. Thanks to his plasticity and high flexibility, Fluorpack® renders the installation and the disassembly of the gasket easier, and labour costs may be considerably reduced. Only the boxes with the blue label are Fluorpack® 100% packings, the exclusive trade mark of Texpack® made of Lenzing fibers. This blue label guarantees the 100% Fluorpack® quality.

ADVANTAGES: ong working life, universal chemical resistance, excellent themal conductivity for high shaft speed, does neither hydrolyze nor harden, clean and easy to cut, not abrasive, better heat dissipation, lower weight loss and consequent minor shrinkage, asbestos-free.

APPLICATIONS CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: Pumps and control valves, mixers and dischargers for acids, alkali, resins, solvents. PETROLCHEMICAL INDUSTRY: Pumps and valves for acids, asphalt, vapour, mud, chemical products,caustic solutions. MINING INDUSTRY: Drainage pumps.TEXTILE INDUSTRY: Bleaches, dyestuffs, acids, filtered liquids, dirty water. FOOD INDUSTRY: Pumps, valves and mixers for ammonia, foodstuffs, pasta, cleaning solu-tions.SUGAR-REFINERIES: Pumps and valves for cold water, dirty water, mud, syrup, juicesi.BREWIERS: Pumps and valves for beer, brine, hops, caustic soda, ammonia.DISTILLERIES: Pumps and control valves for cleaning solutions and must.POWER PLANTS: Pumps and control valves for water, dirty water, fuels, condensate, spent ashes.NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: Pumps for cooling water, fuels.DEPURATORS: Pumps and valves for acids, alkali, mud.PAPER MILLS: Pumps and valves for chlorine, bleaches, alkali, lye, condensate, washing water, mud, boiler feed, pulp, vapour.


SX9041 Technical Sheet

SX9041 GFO® gore

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of expanded GFO® gore ptfe yarns with encap-sulated graphite particles. This structure offers a low friction factor and dissipates the heat of the pumps without hardening the braid packingitself.

APPLICATIONS Centrifugal pumps; low pressure valves; oil; solvents;acids and alkalis; as a gasket seal for all products with the exception of oleum, fum-ing nitric acid, turpentine andfluorine;

suitable for papermills, the chemical andpetrochemical industries,water treatment plants andboilers.


GFO® goreGFO® gore

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filati diPTFE espanso GFO® gorecon particelle di grafite in-capsulate. Tale struttura per-mette di avere un bassocoefficiente di attrito ed è ingrado di dissipare il caloredelle pompe senza l’induri-mento della treccia stessa.

APPLICAZIONIPompe centrifughe; valvolea bassa pressione; vapore;olio; solventi; acidi e alcali;come guarnizione su tutti iprodotti a eccezione dioleum, acido nitrico fu-mante, acqua regia, fluoro;adatte per cartiere, chimiche,industrie petrolifere, tratta-mento acque e bollitori.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofexpanded GFO® gore ptfeyarns with encapsulatedgraphite particles. Thisstructure offers a low frictionfactor and dissipates theheat of the pumps withouthardening the braid packingitself.

APPLICATIONSCentrifugal pumps; lowpressure valves; oil; solvents;acids and alkalis; as a gasketseal for all products with theexception of oleum, fumingnitric acid, turpentine andfluorine; suitable for papermills, the chemical andpetrochemical industries,water treatment plants andboilers.



P bar 50 200 300

t °C -200+280

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 25 2 1,5


packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 23



SX9053 Technical Sheet

SX9053 pulp and paper®

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of synthetic, discontinuous yarn (polyimide)lubricated in three stages: on the individual yarn, the ply and the braid-ing with dispersed PTFE. A universal packing for paper mills, offering the following characteristics: high mechanical strength, low friction factor, does not stain, non-polluting, good resistance to chemicals and easy to install.

APPLICATIONS Suitable for paper mills.


pulp and paper®

pulp and paper®

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filato sintetico discontinuo (poliimide) lu-brificato a tre stadi: sul filo, sul trefolo, sulla treccia con di-spersione di PTFE. Treccia universale per le cartiere chepresenta le seguenti caratteristiche: elevata resistenza mecca-nica, basso coefficiente d’attrito; non macchia non inquina,buona resistenza chimica; facile da installare.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting of synthetic, discontinuous yarn (po-lyimide) lubricated in three stages: on the individual yarn, theply and the braiding with dispersed PTFE. A universal packingfor paper mills, offering the following characteristics: high me-chanical strength, low friction factor, does not stain, non-pol-luting, good resistance to chemicals and easy to install.

APPLICAZIONIAdatta per cartiere.

APPLICATIONSSuitable for paper mills.




P bar 15 60 90

t °C -100+250

ph 2÷12

v m/sec 12 1,5 2

packing world 5:packing world 5 9-06-2009 15:22 Pagina 75

SX9059 Technical Sheet

SX9059 ramie fibre + lubricated PTFE

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of ramie fibre yarn, impregnatedyarn-by-yarn with pure dispersed PTFE and treated with a special inert lubricant. A pasty packing that does not stick to the shafts and is easily adjusted. Excellent resistance to fuels, oil, greases, saline water and solvents.

APPLICATIONS Pumps; piston pumps; suitable for the food industry (beer production), paper mills, oil refineries and sugar factories.


ramié + PTFE lubrificatoramie fibre + lubricated PTFE

CARATTERISTICHEComposta da filato di puroramié, impregnata filo a filocon PTFE puro e trattatacon lubrificante specialeinerte. Treccia pastosa chenon intacca gli alberi e facil-mente regolabile, presentaottima resistenza a combu-stibili, olii, grassi, acqua sa-lata e solventi.

APPLICAZIONIPompe; pompe a pistone;adatta per fabbriche alime-natri (produzione birra), car-tiere, raffinerie, zuccherifici.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting oframie fibre yarn, impregna-ted yarn-by-yarn with puredispersed PTFE and treatedwith a special inert lubricant.A pasty packing that doesnot stick to the shafts and iseasily adjusted. Excellent re-sistance to fuels, oil, grea-ses, saline water andsolvents.

APPLICATIONSPumps; piston pumps; suita-ble for the food industry(beer production), papermills, oil refineries and sugarfactories.



P bar 25 60 100

t °C -50 +120

ph 4÷11

v m/sec 10 2 1,5


packing world 7:packing world 7 9-06-2009 15:30 Pagina 98



SX9060 Technical Sheet

SX9060 synthetic pack white®

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing specifically developed to replace asbestos at a low price. With universal usage, it is made from synthetic yarns impregnated with PTFE and inert lubricants during braiding. Very flexible and elastic, it adapts well to stuffing boxes, is nonpolluting and does not stain.

APPLICATIONS Piston pumps; centrifugal pumps; valves; suitable for the petrochemical and chemical industries, electricity power stations, paper mills, sugar factories and the food industry.


CARATTERISTICHEÈ una treccia studiata appositamente per sostituire la treccia inamianto grafitato a un prezzo contenuto. Ritenuta d’impiegouniversale è costituita da filati sintetici impregnati durante latrecciatura con PTFE e lubrificanti inerti. Molto flessibile edelastica, si adatta bene nelle camere stoppa, non inquina e nonmacchia.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing specifically developed to replace asbestos at alow price. With universal usage, it is made from synthetic yarnsimpregnated with PTFE and inert lubricants during braiding.Very flexible and elastic, it adapts well to stuffing boxes, is non-polluting and does not stain.

synthetic pack white®

synthetic pack white®


APPLICATIONSPiston pumps; centrifugalpumps; valves; suitable forthe petrochemical andchemical industries, electricitypower stations, paper mills,sugar factories and the foodindustry.

APPLICAZIONIPompe a pistone; pompecentrifughe; valvole; adattaper industria petrolifera, chi-mica, centrali elettriche, car-tiere, zuccherifici e industriealimentari.



P bar 50 80 100

t °C -100 +250

ph 2÷12

v m/sec 15 2 1,5

packing world 6:packing world 6 9-06-2009 15:28 Pagina 86

SX9070 Technical Sheet

SX9070 lubrificated PTFE

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of pure PTFE yarns impregnated with dis-persed ptfe and an inert lubricant, with diagonal interweaving to guar-antee a perfectly square cross-section. It has a low friction factor, and so does not scratch the shaft; inert to all chemical products apart from alkaline metals.

APPLICATIONS Centrifugal pumps; valves with air and gas; oxidants and aggressive chemicals;concentrated acids;

steam;suitable for the petrochemicaland chemical industries, paper mills and the food industry.


PTFE lubrificatolubrificated PTFE

APPLICAZIONIPompe centrifughe; valvole con aria e gas; ossidanti e aggres-sivi; acidi concentrati; vapore; adatta per industrie petrolifere,chimiche, cartiere e alimentari.

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da fili diPTFE puro impregnata diPTFE in dispersione e lubri-ficante inerte, realizzata conil sistema di intreccio diago-nale per garantire una per-fetta sezione quadrata.Possiede un basso coeffi-ciente d’attrito, che evita larigatura dell’albero; è inertea tutti i prodotti chimici adeccezione dei metalli alcalini.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofpure PTFE yarns impreg-nated with dispersed ptfeand an inert lubricant, withdiagonal interweaving toguarantee a perfectly squarecross-section. It has a low fric-tion factor, and so does notscratch the shaft; inert to allchemical products apartfrom alkaline metals.

APPLICATIONSCentrifugal pumps; valveswith air and gas; oxidantsand aggressive chemicals;concentrated acids; steam;suitable for the petrochemi-cal and chemical industries,paper mills and the foodindustry.



P bar 50 100 20

t °C -200+280

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 8 2 1



packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 27



SX9071 Technical Sheet


CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of pure PTFE yarns, impregnated yarn-by-yarn with dispersed ptfe, with diagonal interweaving. This has a low friction factor and resists chemical attack. The significant breaking resistance and tensile strength of this packing means it can be used for valves with pressure of up to 350 Kg/cm2.

APPLICATIONS Valves; centrifugal pump shafts; mixers; stirrers; high pressure; reciprocating pistons;

register valves; aggressive chemical products;steam; solvents; suitable for the petrochemical and chemical industries and paper mills.


CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da fili diPTFE puro, impregnata filoper filo con dispersione diptfe, realizzata con il sistemadi intreccio diagonale. Pos-siede un basso coefficientedi attrito ed è resistente agliattacchi provocati da pro-dotti chimici. La notevole re-sistenza al carico di rottura etrazione permette l’impiegodi tale baderna su valvolecon pressioni fino a 350Kg/cm2.



P bar 150 500

t °C -200+280

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 2 1

APPLICAZIONIValvole; alberi di pompecentrifughe; miscelatori; agi-tatori; alte pressioni; pistonialternativi; valvole di regi-strazione; prodotti chimiciaggressivi; vapore; solventi;adatta per industrie petroli-fere, chimiche, cartiere.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofpure PTFE yarns, impreg-nated yarn-by-yarn with dis-persed ptfe, with diagonalinterweaving. This has a lowfriction factor and resistschemical attack. The signifi-cant breaking resistance andtensile strength of this pack-ing means it can be used forvalves with pressure of up to350 Kg/cm2.

APPLICATIONSValves; centrifugal pumpshafts; mixers; stirrers; highpressure; reciprocating pis-tons; register valves; aggres-sive chemical products;steam; solvents; suitable forthe petrochemical and chem-ical industries and paper mills.



packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 26

SX9072 Technical Sheet

SX9072 PTFE + kevlar® on corners

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of lubricated pure PTFE yarn, strengthened on the corners with pure kevlar® yarn, impregnated yarn-by-yarn withdispersed PTFE and lubricant.

APPLICATIONS Reciprocating motion; high pressure and speed; solvents;weak acids; aggressive gases;alkaline products; aggressive chemical fluids apartfrom molten alkaline metals;

universal use apart from oxygen;suitable for paper mills;electricity power plants;chemical and petrochemicalindustries and water treatmentplants.


CARATTERISTICHEComposta da fili di PTFE puro e lubrificato, rinforzata sugli an-goli con puro kevlar® per dare maggiore resistenza all’estru-sione e alle alte pressioni, impregnata filo a filo con PTFE indispersione e lubrificante inerte.APPLICAZIONIMovimenti alternativi; alte pressioni e velocità; solventi; acidideboli; gas aggressivi; prodotti alcalini; fluidi chimici aggressivifatta eccezione per i metalli alcalini fusi; impieghi universalisalvo l’ossigeno, adatta per cartiere, centrali elettriche, chimi-che, industria petrolifera, trattamento acque.

PTFE + kevlar® sugli angoliPTFE + kevlar® on corners

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting oflubricated pure PTFE yarn,strengthened on the cornerswith pure kevlar® yarn, im-pregnated yarn-by-yarn withdispersed PTFE and lubri-

cant.APPLICATIONSReciprocating motion; highpressure and speed; solvents;weak acids; aggressive gases;alkaline products; aggres-sive chemical fluids apartfrom molten alkaline metals;universal use apart from oxy-gen; suitable for paper mills;electricity power plants;chemical and petrochemicalindustries and water treat-ment plants.


P bar 30 500

t °C -200+280

ph 3÷12

v m/sec 2 1,5



packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 40



SX9075 Technical Sheet

SX9075 lubrificated PTFE for food

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing in pure PTFE with exclusive interweaving, specifically designed for the food industry. The yarn used to produce our packings complies with the FDA standard

APPLICATIONS Pumps; centrifugal pumps; piston pumps; valve steams; suitable for food preservation and the food industry in general.


CARATTERISTICHETreccia in PTFE puro a in-treccio esclusivo, apposita-mente studiata per impieghialimentari.

PTFE lubrificato per alimentarilubrificated PTFE for food

APPLICAZIONIPompe; pompe centrifughe;pompe a pistone; steli divalvola; adatta per industriaconserviera e alimentare ingenere.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing in pure PTFEwith exclusive interweaving,specifically designed for thefood industry.

APPLICATIONSPumps; centrifugal pumps;piston pumps; valve steams;suitable for food preserva-tion and the food industry ingeneral.


P bar 50 100 20

t °C -200+280

ph 0÷14

v m/sec 8 2 1

Il filato utilizzato per produrre le nostre trecce è conformealla normativa FDA

The yarn used to produce our packings complies with theFDA standard



packing world 2:packing world 2 9-06-2009 15:15 Pagina 28

SX9080 Technical Sheet

SX9080 Pan multifilament

CHARACTERISTICS A packing consisting of multi-filament Pan carbon yarns with long fibres. Impregnated with a special blend of PTFE and with the addition of ex-tremely pure powdered graphite.

APPLICATIONS The packing is suitable for applications in service pumps in a wide range of fields. Oil, chemical, ship-building and boiler-making industries.


Pan multifilamentoPan multifilament

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filati incarbone Pan multifilamentoa fibra lunga. Impregnatacon una speciale miscela diPTFE e con l’aggiunta di pu-rissima grafite in polvere.

APPLICAZIONITreccia adatta per applica-zioni su pompe di servizioindustriali nei più svariatisettori.Industria petrolifera, chimica,navale e caldareria.

CHARACTERISTICSA packing consisting ofmulti-filament Pan carbonyarns with long fibres. Im-pregnated with a specialblend of PTFE and with theaddition of extremely purepowdered graphite.

APPLICATIONSThe packing is suitable forapplications in servicepumps in a wide range offields. Oil, chemical, ship-buildingand boiler-making industries.



P bar 50 100 200

t °C -60+280

ph 1÷13

v m/sec 25 2 1,5


packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 54



SX9081 Technical Sheet

SX9081 carbon + PTFE

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing made from carbon yarn, impregnated yarn-by-yarn with purest graphite powder. PTFE dispersion treatment to eliminate the pos-sible migration of the carbon fiber.

APPLICATIONS Pumps; valves; stirrers; strong chemical agents; petrol;water; air; alkalis; organic and non-organic products;

sewers;saline water; phosphates;boiler supply pumps and corrosivegas pumps; suitable for the petrochemical industry;oil refineries and electricitypower stations.


carbonio + PTFEcarbon + PTFE4149


CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da fili dicarbone impregnata filo perfilo con purissima grafite inpolvere. Trattata con disper-sione di PTFE per eliminarel’eventuale migrazione dellafibra di carbonio.

APPLICAZIONIPompe; valvole; agitatori;agenti chimici forti; petrolio;acqua; aria; alcali; prodottiorganici e inorganici; fogna-ture; acqua salata; fosfati;pompe di alimentazione dicaldaie e gas corrosivi;adatta per industrie petrol-chimiche, raffinerie, centralielettriche.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing made fromcarbon yarn, impregnatedyarn-by-yarn with purestgraphite powder. PTFE dis-persion treatment to elimi-nate the possible migrationof the carbon fiber.

APPLICATIONSPumps; valves; stirrers; strongchemical agents; petrol;water; air; alkalis; organic andnon-organic products; sew-ers; saline water; phosphates;boiler supply pumps and cor-rosive gas pumps; suitablefor the petrochemical indus-try; oil refineries and electric-ity power stations.


P bar 35 50 150

t °C -130+250

ph 1÷13

v m/sec 10 2

packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 52

SX9088 Technical Sheet

SX9088 pre-oxidised graphited carbon + inconel

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of pre-oxidised pan carbon graphite yarns, strengthened with inconel yarns. Specifically developed for seals in valves, it is impregnated yarn-by-yarn with special graphites and corro-sion inhibitors, with the addition of excellent lubricants.

APPLICATIONS Static seal valves; steam;fumes; oil; crystallising products;petrochemical and chemical sub-stances, apart from oxidants;

water treatment plant; suitable for the chemical and petro-chemical industries, metal-workingand electricity power stations.


carbografite preossidata + inconelpre-oxidised graphited carbon + inconel4138


CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da filati dicarbo grafite preossidatapan rinforzati con filati di in-conel. Studiata apposita-mente per tenuta su valvole,viene impregnata filo per filocon speciali grafiti e inibitoridi corrosione con l’aggiuntadi ottimi lubrificanti.

APPLICAZIONIValvole a tenuta statica; va-pore; fumi; olii; prodotti cri-stallizzanti; prodotti petrol-chimici e chimici a ecce-zione di prodotti ossidanti;trattamento acqua; adattaper industria chimica, petro-lifera, metalmeccanica ecentrali elettriche.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting ofpre-oxidised pan carbongraphite yarns, strength-ened with inconel yarns.Specifically developed forseals in valves, it is impreg-nated yarn-by-yarn with spe-cial graphites and corrosioninhibitors, with the additionof excellent lubricants.

APPLICATIONSStatic seal valves; steam;fumes; oil; crystallising prod-ucts; petrochemical andchemical substances, apartfrom oxidants; water treat-ment plant; suitable for thechemical and petrochemicalindustries, metal-workingand electricity power sta-tions.


P bar 200

t °C -50+500

ph 2÷12

v m/sec 1

packing world 3:packing world 3 9-06-2009 15:17 Pagina 53



SX9095 Technical Sheet

SX9095 glass + lubricated PTFE

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of texturised E glass 6/9 micron and impregnat-ed yarn-by-yarn with a high percentage of dispersion of PTFE and inert silicone-free lubricant. Features good chemical resistance.

APPLICATIONS Water; steam; solvents;abrasive and crystallisedchemical products; static seals; reciprocating motion;valves; covers;

gas; mixers;stirrers; oil; water treatment plant; centrifugal and reciprocating pumps; suitable for electricity power stations and the chemical and petrochemical industries.


CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da fili divetro E testurizzato a 6/9 mi-cron impregnata filo per filocon alta percentuale di di-spersione di PTFE e lubrifi-cante inerte esente dasilicone. Possiede una buonaresistenza chimica.

vetro + PTFE lubrificatoglass + lubricated PTFE


APPLICAZIONIAcqua; vapore; solventi;prodotti chimici abrasivi ecristallizzati; tenute statiche;moti alternativi; valvole; co-perchi; gas; mescolatori;agitatori; olii; trattamentoacque; pompe centrifughe ealternative; adatta per cen-trali elettriche, industria chi-mica, petrolifera.

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting oftexturised E glass 6/9 mi-cron and impregnated yarn-by-yarn with a high percentageof dispersion of PTFE andinert silicone-free lubricant.Features good chemical re-sistance.

APPLICATIONSWater; steam; solvents;abrasive and crystallisedchemical products; staticseals; reciprocating motion;valves; covers; gas; mixers;stirrers; oil; water treatmentplant; centrifugal and reci-procating pumps; suitablefor electricity power stationsand the chemical and petro-chemical industries.



P bar 20 40 60

t °C -50 +280

ph 2÷12

v m/sec 15 2 1,5

packing world 7:packing world 7 9-06-2009 15:30 Pagina 92

SX9097 Technical Sheet

SX9097 lubricated graphited glass

CHARACTERISTICS Braid packing consisting of textured E glass 6/9 micron, impregnated yarn-by-yarn with a blend of high percentage graphite and lubricant,with the addition of corrosion inhibitor.

APPLICATIONS Packing suitable for applications as oven doors gasket, manholes, steam, fumes, oils, acids and base stuffs.


vetro grafitato e lubrificatolubricated graphited glass

CARATTERISTICHETreccia composta da fili divetro E testurizzato a 6/9 mi-cron, impregnata filo per filocon grafite in polvere ed unamiscela di lubrificante, gra-fite ad alta percentuale , conun’aggiunta di inibitore dicorrosione.

APPLICAZIONIBaderna consigliata per ap-plicazioni su portelloniforno, per passi d’uomo, inpresenza di vapori, fumi, olii,acidi e sostanze basiche..

CHARACTERISTICSBraid packing consisting oftextured E glass 6/9 micron,impregnated yarn-by-yarnwith a blend of high percen-tage graphite and lubricant,with the addition of corro-sion inhibitor.

APPLICATIONSPacking suitable for applica-tions as oven doors gasket,manholes, steam, fumes,oils, acids and base stuffs.




P bar 200

t °C -50 +550

ph 2÷12

v m/sec

packing world 7:packing world 7 9-06-2009 15:30 Pagina 93