Pacific University Annual Report 2008-2009

2008-2009 Annual Report NOW ONLINE


The Annual Report of Paciific Univeristy

Transcript of Pacific University Annual Report 2008-2009

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2008-2009Annual ReportNOW ONLINE

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Letter from Phillip D. Creighton ................................... 1

Letter from President Lesley M. Hallick ......................... 3

Pacific Stories ....................................................................... 4

Tim Choy ............................................................ 7

Jan Nerenberg .................................................... 9

Milton Johnston ................................................ 11

Bob Bumstead .................................................. 13

Tom's of Maine, Inc. ......................................... 15

2008–2009 Year in Review .............................................. 16

By the Numbers | Charts & Graphs

Month-by-Month | Highlights of the Year

Thank You to Our Donors

President’s Circle ............................................... 30

Evergreen Society ............................................. 31

Sidney Harper Marsh Society ............................. 32

Boxers & Badgers .............................................. 40

Student Giving .................................................. 60

Heart of Oak ..................................................... 61

Gifts in Honor ................................................... 62

Gifts in Memory ................................................ 65

University Leadership, Development Staff ..................... 68

Phonathon Callers ............................................................ 70


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It has been a great honor and pleasure to be your president these past six years. Leigh and I would like to thank you all for the many kindnesses we’ve received. I am especially humbled and honored by the designation of our first Health Campus building as Creighton Hall. I’m also very pleased to see the second building, which will house our Professional Psychology and Occupational Therapy programs, beginning to take shape at the Hillsboro campus along with a new Intermodal Transit Facility for parking and transit riders.As I go into retirement, I can’t help but think back to the beginning of my tenure at Pacific. I knew immediately that it was a place where we could make a difference. There was an amazing resiliency, an overflowing of talent and optimism. With campus-wide input, we created the Strategic Plan 2010, an aggressive blueprint for adding needed facilities and programs. It wasn’t long until you, our alumni and friends, began responding, and together we were able to build five new LEED-certified green buildings, the latest of which was the Gilbert Hall residence building, dedicated in September 2008. This coming year is sure to be filled with equally exciting accomplishments, with new President Lesley Hallick lending her considerable talents to the University. Leigh and I look forward to a little less hectic schedule, some bird watching and writing.

We also look forward to being part of this special, dynamic and ever-exciting academic community for years to come.

Phillip D. Creighton, Ph.D., President 2003–2009

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Dear Friends

What a pleasure it has been for me to join the Pacific family. I am so grateful for all the warm

greetings and signs of support I have received in my first days on the job. Thank you.

What first drew me to Pacific and to this position was the University’s commitment to its students.

On all four of our campuses, students are learning and growing, preparing to enter adulthood

or their professions with confidence and expertise. At the same time, students are embracing the

service component of their educational experience with an inspiring array of projects that make

significant contributions back to the community. This University opens up so many doors for its

students. I am honored to be a part of this long tradition.

Pacific University is blessed with momentum, an upward trajectory and a platform for even

greater success. Our future is bright. I look forward to working with each of you to determine how

far we can take Pacific in this next chapter. I anticipate meeting students, faculty and staff and

learning more about what makes this great University tick. As part of my learning process, I will

be conducting what we are calling ‘listening tours’ with faculty and staff, alumni and friends. It is

my goal to understand the hopes and dreams each of you have for Pacific. I want to know your

thoughts on building upon the excellence we already have here and creating an even stronger, more

competitive university.

Your support has helped bring Pacific to this point of pride and achievement. I know together

we can continue this success and ensure that Pacific University becomes the finest institution

possible. It is a great time to be a Boxer, and I am honored to call Forest Grove and Pacific

University my home.

Lesley M. Hallick, Ph.D., President

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VISIT additional stories and photos

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One of the many pieces of art that Choy has donated to the University’s

permanent collection.

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Tim Choy

Lessons LearnedDr. Tim Choy ’64 is retired after 30 years as a speech communications professor at Moorhead State University, Minnesota, and later as assistant to the president at Hawai’i’s Bishop Museum. Over the years, he’s been a generous benefactor to charities and organizations, including his undergraduate alma mater. If you’ve ever visited the Pacific Library, you’ve likely run across one of his 600 donated books or numerous works of art. He also supports the Hingston Endowed Scholarship and the Scheller Endowed Scholarship, which honor two of his favorite Pacific speech professors, Hap Hingston and Fred Scheller ’43, MA ’54.

His favorite philanthropic endeavor, though, was establishing the Ellen Choy Craig Endowed Scholarship in 2005 after his mother, who passed away in 2008. The gift supports scholarships primarily for students from single-parent households from Hawai’i to honor his mother’s sacrifices and many life lessons.

It was one lesson learned as a freshman at Pacific that shaped his view of money from then on. As a high school senior, he said, he had been quite irresponsible with money. Recognizing this, Choy's mother offered to pay for tuition, room and board, but for the rest he was on his own. Shocked at first, he looked around and realized he could make money ironing the white dress shirts that were part of the required uniform for male students: 25 cents for the whole shirt, 15 cents for the parts that showed, collar, front and cuffs. He also sold corsages to his classmates for dates, ended up being the campus representative for a local florist, swept floors and worked in the campus dining room.

Now living in a Hawai’i condo with his cat Rocket, Choy is able to smile at the memory—and the valuable lesson learned.

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Walking the Cathedral Tree Trail in Astoria with her grandchildren is a

perfect day for Nerenberg. They tell stories of fairies dancing and danger

in the shadows. “Every good story needs a dragon,” says Nerenberg.

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Jan Nerenberg

The Color of SuccessJan Nerenberg ’09 jots down thoughts in her daily journal, which she keeps with her at all times.

She is a writer, an artist, a mother and grandmother. And at 61, she is also officially the oldest degree-receiving graduate from Pacific University. Nerenberg received the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship for her undergraduate studies, and upon graduation with a bachelor’s in creative writing this past spring, received a new Cooke Scholarship for graduate studies, a six-year, $300,000 scholarship, which she will use to pursue a Ph.D. in English.

“When I was young I wanted to marry a man, have a lot of children and live in an old Victorian home,” she says. “And when I got to the end of that list I figured it was time to make a new list!” Earning a bachelor’s degree and eventually a Ph.D. became top on that list.

While Nerenberg was at Pacific, her husband traveled 180 miles roundtrip from Astoria to spend every weekend with her. Not that she was alone. She often saw her eight children and 20 grandchildren, some of whom live in the Portland area.

Nerenberg’s love of life and vibrant color is evident in every part of her life—from splashes of red among the dark wood furniture in her office to her favorite Dr. Seuss Book, My Many Colored Days. "I could just eat color,” she says.

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John Vingoe, the latest Johnston endowed scholarship recipient

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Milton Johnston

Lasting ImpactWhen Milt Johnston arrived on campus in 1931 in the midst of the Great Depression, there were 250 students at Pacific. Tuition was $150. Forest Grove had more fields and trees than people. Despite the many worries at the time, Milt and his friends were able to focus on having fun and getting an education. He was a proud member of the Gamma Sigma fraternity, Blue Key Honorary Society and the football team. When he graduated in 1935, he worked when he could find it, eventually teaching school and becoming an administrator. He married his wife, Ruth, and had two children.

Johnston left teaching to join Gray & Company, the world’s largest maker of maraschino cherries and glacé fruit, eventually working his way up to vice president. He wasn’t far away from his alma mater, as the company is just down the road from the University. And Pacific wasn’t far from his thoughts either, as he always appreciated the friendships and the high-quality professors he experienced. He and his wife Ruth became faithful donors and created an endowed scholarship. And when they passed away a few years ago, they left $1 million to the scholarship through a charitable remainder trust and bequest.

The Milton and Ruth Johnston Endowed Scholarship is awarded annually to a math or science student with demonstrated financial need, much like Milt himself 75 years ago. This year’s recipient, John Vingoe ’10, was working towards his bachelor’s in biology when he received the scholarship. He is now pursuing his doctor of optometry (O.D.) degree through the Visual Sciences Program in the College of Optometry.

Like all scholarship recipients, John appreciates the support, and with a wife and three kids, these scholarships are more than helpful, they’re necessary.

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Bob Bumstead

Born to TeachWhen Bob Bumstead is on his scooter, he thinks about a lot of things. His wife and kids. Perhaps a line in his next poem or the way the light shimmers on his favorite fly-fishing spot on the Willamette. Maybe he’s thinking about soccer, which he used to coach, or dressing up as Shakespeare, which he does every year, both to honor the Bard and make a point that teaching need not be boring.

That’s most likely what he is thinking about on his scooter. Teaching, or how to better his teaching. He used to be terrified of public speaking, but once he tried teaching, he loved it.

“I should have a tattoo that says ‘Born to Teach’ because that’s what I really like to do—and I will probably keep doing it until they tell me I’m done.”

Bumstead is not done yet. He spends his days teaching future teachers in the Eugene campus’ Masters of Art in Teaching (MAT) program. This past year he led the faculty/staff giving campaign for the Eugene campus, helping to raise the overall University participation to 50 percent (a measure of how many people donated), up from 17 percent. A recipient of the University’s Excellence in Professional Education Award, the once-shy Bumstead isn’t shy at all when it comes to the benefits of supporting education.

On such a night as this:


a mighty moon rising

over golden fall colors

my bicycle

whispering down

deserted streets,

how can I doubt

the power

of the ineffable

—Bob Bumstead

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A Natural PartnershipMaking socially responsible decisions has been a long-time mission of Tom’s of Maine, Inc., makers of natural healthcare products. The company uses all-natural ingredients in their products. They recycle. They share their time, knowledge, talent and profits.

So it was “natural” for Tom’s of Maine to fund Pacific's Smile Care Everywhere van, which regularly visits vineyards and health fairs, offering free dental screenings to low income, homeless or uninsured people. Pacific Dental Health Sciences Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator Gail Aamodt and her group of students provide the much-needed dental care. At each stop, chairs and equipment are unloaded, exams are conducted and free toothpaste and toothbrushes distributed. If patients require more urgent care, they are referred to the dental clinic at the Health Professions campus in Hillsboro or to county dentists.

For the patients who use the Smile Care program, it might be the only care they get. And for the students, it’s invaluable experience directly tied to Pacific’s mission of service learning—resulting in smiles all around.

The four exam chairs are unloaded, and the clinic opens for business. Pacific students

conduct the exams, clean teeth and hand out toothpaste and toothbrushes—and make a

difference in people’s lives.

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Year in ReviewFINANCIALS

Balance Sheet Endowment, Trusts and Similar Funds Full-Time Enrollment Total Giving by Constituency Total Giving by Designation

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$004–05 05–06 06–07 07–08 08–09

FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09

Total Assets $110,863 $157,023 $162,190 $171,726 $166,374

Total Liabilities $33,201 $76,984 $70,580 $75,410 $75,098

Unrestricted $27,735 $33,602 $41,061 $46,266 $51,915

Permanently Restricted $28,281 $27,916 $27,198 $31,045 $28,949

Temporarily Unrestricted $21,647 $18,521 $23,352 $19,063 $10,412


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July 2008The 2008 Legends Golf Classic, hosted by Tommy Thayer, Pacific University trustee and lead guitarist for the legendary rock group KISS, featured music, entertainment and sports stars from the PGA Tour, the NFL, Major League Baseball and NASCAR. >

August 2008Summer Commencement for the College of Education’s Special Education graduates, Physician Assistant Studies and Dental Health Science programs was held Saturday, August 16 on the east lawn of Marsh Hall. >

September 2008 < Gilbert Hall, the newest residence hall on the Forest Grove campus, was celebrated with a dedication and open house September 9. Named after alumnus A.C. Gilbert, 1908 Olympic Gold medalist and inventor of the erector set, the building was the fifth Pacific building built to LEED green building standards. Gilbert granddaughter, Linsay Hall, and great-granddaughter, Marsted, were on hand for the ceremony. Trivia note: as the Hall was being built, it looked a lot like a giant Erector Set project.

President Phil Creighton announced his retirement September 18 at the annual “State of the University” address in the Taylor-Meade auditorium. Creighton led the University through six years of building and program expansion, which transformed the University.

The 44th Annual Corn Roast was held on the West Lawn of Marsh Hall September 21. The celebration with the Forest Grove community, presented by the Forest Grove Chamber of Commerce and the University, offered activities for kids of all ages, including an obstacle course and dunk tank, interactive displays, live entertainment, vendors and piles of freshly roasted corn.


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FY 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09

University-held Funds $23,403,489 $25,630,133 $26,077,175 $26,264,434 $25,419,658

Trusts & Similar Funds $24,478,183 $25,042,233 $27,455,907 $28,109,755 $20,684,022

Total University Endowment $47,881,673 $50,672,366 $53,533,082 $54,374,189 $46,103,680

05–0604–05 08–0907–0806–07








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October 2008Five exceptional former Boxer athletes were inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame during the 18th annual induction ceremony, including Bill Braun ’58, baseball; Ian Lench ’96, men’s soccer; Christy Taylor Zimmer ’92, women’s basketball; Coach Tom Reynolds, soccer coach 1983-1992; and Jeff Grundon ’80, for meritorious service. >

The Grand Opening of the new student lounge in the University Center included the unveiling of its official name: the Pacific University Lounge for Study and Entertainment (PULSE). Freshman Cassie Hart won an iPod for naming the lounge. The area, in the former bookstore space, offers comfortable chairs and couches, a flat-screen TV, and is conveniently located next to the Boxer Bistro.

November 2008All students, staff and faculty were invited to Trombley Square on November 12 to celebrate the official rollout of the new Pacific identity, including a new Boxer logo which incorporates the likness of the Boxer statue. Free polo shirts, flash drives and window stickers were handed out at the party along with “Boxer cake.” >

In commemoration of American Indian Heritage Month, the Pacific University Archives—with support of Alex Toth, Associate Professor & Special Collections Librarian—staged an exhibit of reference materials about the 1880s native boarding school associated with the University.

A public memorial for Board of Trustees member Douglas Strain was held in McCready Hall on the Forest Grove Campus on Saturday, November 22. Strain was an Oregon high-technology pioneer with Electro-Scientific Instruments (later ESI) and a leading supporter of education in the region.

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20% increase over 5 years 31% increase over 5 years

2007 2008200620052004 2007 2008200620052004






















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December 2008As part of a global education initiative, the Center for Languages and International Collaboration (CLIC) took shape in Scott Hall, the old library building. The new facility features computer-assisted language learning technology, which allows students to practice French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese, matching speech to a native speaker. The center was made possible by a $150,000 grant from The Collins Foundation, $100,000 from the Meyer Memorial Trust and $10,000 from the NorthWest Academic Consortium. >

January 2009Ghanaian painter Robert Akotia led a new Winter III course called "Introduction to West African Arts" with 54 undergraduates. In addition to Akotia, other guest artists included dance instructor Diedre Schuetz and drumming instructors Ketrone Lyles and Matt Wirzbicki. The course concentrated on visual arts forms of West Africa, dance and drumming, cultural awareness and exploration of the historical, political and social background. >

January marked the one-year anniversary of Pacific’s recycling center. The University saved approximately $84,000 in that year alone. This included a reduction in fees charged for garbage collection, as well as payment for cardboard and paper that the University now sells. >

February 2009The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler, sponsored by the Center for Gender Equity, was performed on February 12 in McCready Hall combining theatre, social consciousness and political action. Ticket proceeds went to Bradley Angle House in Portland for women victims of same-sex domestic violence.

< On February 20, Spirit Night 2009 came to the PAC. The Student Alumni Relations Association hosted the Alumni Spirit Night Basketball Game as alumni and friends returned to campus to watch as the men and women Boxers took on Puget Sound at the last home game of the season. The men’s team lost 76-64, but the women’s team won in overtime 73-70.

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FY 08-09

Friends* $4,187,026

Alumni $768,405

Corporations $544,148

Foundations $307,148

Trustees $167,916

Parents $60,465

Organizations $48,158

Students $1,466

Total FY 08-09 $6,085,525




Organizations 1%



Students >1%

Parents 1%







*Includes $2.2 million from the Frank Knight Trust

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March 2009 > The Writing on the Wall Project was designed to help people overcome the hate and limitations placed on them by others. From March 11 to March 19 students painted bricks with a hurtful word, phrase or picture that has negatively affected them. The bricks were then assembled into a wall, a symbol of hate, discrimination and the pain that those words can cause. The wall was left standing on the University Center patio for one week before its ceremonious destruction.

April 2009The Pacific University’s Hawaiian Club, Na Haumana O Hawai’i, sponsored the 49th Annual Lu'au in Forest Grove. The evening included traditional Polynesian dance, music and entertainment, as well as an authentic Lu'au menu. >

As part of the 13th annual Pacific University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, a live taping of the National Public Radio show, “Philosophy Talk” (broadcast Thursday nights on OPB) occurred on April 17. Stanford University philosophers and hosts Ken Taylor and John Perry offered a fascinating philosophical analysis of social networking. Prof. Malcolm Parks of the University of Washington, Department of Communication also joined in the discussion.

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FY 08-09

Unrestricted Gifts $3,419,424

Endowment Gifts $1,628,811

Restricted Gifts $984,308

Capital Gifts $52,980

Total FY 08-09 $6,085,525


Unrestricted Gifts

Capital Gifts 1%

Restricted Gifts

Endowment Gifts

16% 56%


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May 2009On May 19, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick was named the 17th president of Pacific University in a morning ceremony at Old College Hall on the University’s Forest Grove campus. Dr. Hallick comes to Pacific from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) where she served a 20-year tenure as the chief academic officer. >

During the Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony on May 23, President Phil Creighton announced that the Pacific University Board of Trustees approved the addition of football to the school’s athletic offerings. Pacific’s 21st intercollegiate athletics program hopes to take to the field in the fall of 2010. >

The Pacific Undergraduate Community Council (PUCC) hosted a going away party for President Phil Creighton Friday, May 15 in the PULSE lounge In the University Center.

June 2009Old friends met on campus again at Reunion 2009: Celebrating 160 Years, June 18–21. Highlights included the Golden Guard Legacy Luncheon, the Class of 1959 and Golden Guard Reunion Dinner, the Greek Alumni Social, Boxer & Badger Breakfast, the Golden Guard Sidewalk Signing and the Picnic Under the Oaks. >

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HONOR ROLL OF DONORS President’s Circle Evergreen Society SIdney Harper Marsh Society Heart of Oak Gifts in Honor & In Memory

If you would like to make your gift for this year, please use the enclosed envelope or visit

Thank You

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30 ▼ 2008 | 2009 * Five years consecutive giving ‡ Deceased

Annual Donors

President’s CircleThe President’s Circle is the University’s premier lifetime gift club. Individuals, corporations and foundations whose cumulative gifts exceed $100,000 since July 1, 1999 are gratefully acknowledged with lifetime membership.

INDIVIDUALSShirley ‘52 ‘53 & Arline Abbott Henry Victor Adix‡Doris Zook Andrews ‘30‡James ‘29‡ & Laura Baker‡Amy Spelbrink Beaupre ‘33James ‘60 & Mary Fair Berglund ‘58*Charles‡ & Eloise Connor Bishop‡Anne Bricknell ‘30‡A.E. “Gene”‡ & Evona Harford Brim*Bernard ‘49 ‘50 & Selma BrownHelen Brunner ‘41‡Merle ‘47 & Merle Bryan*Kenneth ‘41 & Ellen Arnold Bump ‘40*Maude Bunday‡Doris Wells Burlingham‡George & Ruth Burlingham*Louis‡ & Lela Hankins Busch‡Kathrin Cawein‡Robert ‘59‡ & Genevieve De Vleming* Bruce‡ & Grace Denney‡Elise Elliott‡William ‘50 ‘51‡ & Marjorie Gustelius Emhoff ‘48*Gloria Menduni Evans ‘44‡Cecilie Froehlich‡Stephen & Kris GreggKenji ‘72 & Lillian Kiyota Hamada ‘70*

Kenneth Hess ‘52‡Thomas ‘58 & Gretchen HolceDetleff ‘38‡ & Lila Jans‡Estate of Jean JenkinsPhilip & Patricia LaCaille John ‘69‡*Wyllis Johnson ‘41‡Milton ‘35‡ & Ruth Fritsch Johnston‡Monroe‡ & Frances JubitzFrank Knight TrustMargaret Ruecker Knispel ‘42‡Marjorie Peterson Kunkel ‘25‡Janet Lellelid‡Jack & Carolynn LoackerRobert ‘69 & Mary Lohr‡William & Cheron Messmer Mayhall ‘64Viola Paterson McCready ‘31‡Geneva McDonald ‘28‡Charles ‘30‡ & Edith Hansen McGill ‘30‡Carol Boyd McGilvra ‘88Paul McGilvraHugh McGilvra‡Jack & Barbara McLartyMarjorie McVicker‡ Leon ‘70 & Gail Taylor Meade ‘70*Reginald Menegat ‘26‡John ‘49 & Lee Stowell Meyer‡Harold ‘40‡ & Ann Munkres Meyer ‘40 ‘65‡Jurgen‡ & Erica Meyer-Arendt*Mr.‡ & Mrs. T. Kirk MilesCarl Mills‡Benjamin ‘29‡ & Henrietta Morlan‡Lawrence ‘40‡ & Deanne Nielsen Robert Oliver ‘32‡

Paul ‘78 & Nancy Knop Phillips ‘77 ‘82*Helen Propstra‡Ralph ‘49 & Helen Doppleb Raines ‘48‡Robert Ramp ‘48 ‘49‡James ReynoldsFred Richards‡Duane & Lorraine RobertsGeorge Rossman‡Timothy ‘66 & Nancy Schauermann*Rolfe Selberg ‘53 ‘65*Larry Semler ‘59Ralph & Elizabeth Eckart Shumm‡Raphael Spiro‡William ‘74 & Cathy Stoller*Milan & Jean Stoyanov*Barbara Strain ‘70 Douglas‡ & Cleo Strain Lucia Taylor‡Hall Templeton‡Thomas ‘38‡ & Margaret ThompsonJoseph Vandervelden ‘37‡

& Joy Vandervelden Hammond‡Benjamin & Elaine Whiteley*John‡ & Lois Whiteneck‡Donna Kesner Young ‘40‡Glenn Zurcher‡

ORGANIZATIONSAlcon Laboratories, Inc.*Association of Schools and Colleges of OptometryBausch & Lomb Inc.Binney Charitable FoundationLouis P. & Lela E. Busch FoundationBen B. Cheney Foundation

L i fetime Donors

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CIBA Vision CareThe Collins FoundationDCI InternationalExpress Services, Inc.Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationWilliam & Flora Hewlett FoundationHoya OpticalIntel Foundation*Japan FoundationKaiser Foundation Health PlanMatsushita Electric Industrial Company LimitedMatsushita International FoundationMeyer Memorial TrustJames F. & Marion L. Miller FoundationMicrosoft CorporationMontgomery Street FoundationO.L. Moore FoundationM.J. Murdock Charitable TrustNorthwest Health FoundationNorthwest Lions Foundation for Sight & Hearing*OOGP, Inc.The Oregon Community Foundation*Oregon Independent College Foundation, Inc.*Oregon Sports Trust, Inc.Polymer TechnologyResearch CorporationRite Aid CorporationRotary Club of Forest Grove*The Hubert & Ludmila Schlesinger Foundation, Inc.Ralph & Bunny Schlesinger FoundationStimson Lumber CompanyThe StandardTuality Healthcare

United Church of Christ -Local Church MinistriesUS Bancorp*Vision Service Plan*Vistakon Johnson & Johnson Vision CareJudith & Scott Walter TrustWells Fargo Northwest N.A.Wheeler Foundation*Willamette Dental Management GroupWillamette Industries, Inc.Juan Young Trust*

Evergreen SocietyThe Evergreen Society recognizes with gratitude those whose lifetime giving to the University is $50,000 –$99,999.

INDIVIDUALSNeta Wirak Barr ‘28‡Kay Bishop Ruth Bishop ‘68Melva Brown‡ Lund Chin ‘65 ‘66Leona Coon‡James Dundas ‘49 ‘50‡Gladolia Durig‡Irene Darnell Hansen ‘59‡Margaret Morgan Hawkins ‘21‡Claridge ‘40‡ & Jean Himes* Karen Jaggar ‘83Samuel Jaggar, Jr.‡Samuel Jaggar, Sr.‡G. Orlo Jefferson‡ Elizabeth Johnson‡

Eugene‡ & Alyce LaMont‡Loren Leach ‘61‡Roy ‘40‡ & Barbara Wales Lieuallen ‘39‡William K.H. & Jean MauKenneth McGill*James & Millie Miller*James ‘46‡ & Elisabeth Cushman Nichols ‘42‡Anne Wagner Price ‘40Richard Reath ‘38‡Ray Replogle‡ Donald Sanders ‘42‡Paul Schramel‡Paul Schwejda & Judith McDonaldRobert Skippen ‘50 ‘54‡Judson ‘62 & Sherry Hicks Smith*Barbara F. Sowers‡ Loran‡ & Dorothy Stewart‡Steven Stewart ‘69*C. Wayne ‘50 ‘60 & Jean Brodersen Tate ‘52*Terrance Toda‡Louis & Camille Wainwright

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32 ▼ 2008 | 2009 * Five years consecutive giving ‡ Deceased

Annual DonorsSidney Harper Marsh SocietyThe Sidney Harper Marsh Society recognizes with gratitude those who have given a gift to the University during the 2008–2009 fiscal year (July 1–June 30).

Diamond Level ($5,000+)INDIVIDUALSMark & Rebecca AnkenyJames ‘60 & Mary Fair Berglund ‘58Jeffery & Tori BrownKenneth ‘41 & Ellen Arnold Bump ‘40*The Estate of Dodds ‘38 & Mildred Wirtz Bunch ‘41George & Ruth Burlingham*Timothy Choy ‘64*Phillip & Leigh Creighton*Dan & Sallie DuttonMark & Katherine FrandsenKenji ‘72 & Lillian Kiyota Hamada ‘70*Richard & Joy Hanson*Michael Henningsen*The Estate of Edwin ‘49 & Jean Jenkins Philip John*The Estate of Milton Johnston ‘35 Fred & Gail JubitzFrank Knight TrustDerek ‘92 & Bettina Cooper Lasko ‘95*Robert Lohr ‘69 David ‘63 & Sandy Spurling Lowe ‘78 ‘82*Kenneth McGill*Leon ‘70 & Gail Taylor Meade ‘70*The Estate of John & Virginia Brodersen Merrifield ‘41Kathryn O’Driscoll ‘86*Henry PeekEdwin PetermanPaul ‘78 & Nancy Knop Phillips ‘77 ‘82*

Irene Price*The Estate of Robert Ramp ‘48 ‘49Timothy ‘66 & Nancy Schauermann*Chad & Nanci SmedWilliam ‘74 & Cathy Stoller*Douglas‡ & Cleo Strain Keith & Bethany Speed Valachi ‘97*Benjamin & Elaine Whiteley*The Estate of Lois WhiteneckGordon Zimmerman

ORGANIZATIONSAlcon Laboratories, Inc.*Allergan PharmaceuticalBi-Mart CorporationBP America, Inc.CIBA Vision CareThe Collins FoundationCVS CaremarkGerding/Edlen Development Company, LLCJohnson & Johnson Vision CareJuan Young Trust*M.J. Murdock Charitable TrustMarco OpthalmicMeyer Memorial TrustMicrosoft CorporationNorthwest Lions Foundation for Sight & Hearing*The Oregon Community Foundation*Oregon Independent College Foundation, Inc.*Research CorporationRite Aid CorporationRotary Club of Forest Grove*Stimson-Miller FoundationTom’s of Maine, Inc.Tuality Healthcare

Larry Williams Samuel ‘49 ‘50 & Helen WilsonDoris Madsen Winters ‘29‡Loren & Judith Wyss

ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Optometric AssociationCancer Federation Inc.Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.Columbian Bifocal CompanyEF NurseryFord FoundationGray & CompanyIBM International FoundationKikuchi College of OptometryNewsradio 750 KXLMatsushita Electronics Corporation of AmericaNational Society of New England WomenOregon Lions Sight & Hearing FoundationPacific Cataract & Laser InstitutePortland General ElectricRose E. Tucker Charitable TrustSamuel S. Johnson FoundationTektronix FoundationTimes Litho, Inc.Verizon CommunicationsWessinger FoundationWindsor Foundation

L i fetime Donors Annual Donors

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Vanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramVision Service Plan*Walgreens CompanyLane Werner Family FoundationWheeler Foundation*

Platinum Level ($2,500–$4,999)INDIVIDUALSPhilip & Catherine AkersGary AlvisJeffrey Barlow & Christine Richardson-BarlowCharles & Mary BrennanMerle ‘47 & Merle Bryan*William Berg & Melinda Cottrell Cameron ‘65*Manuel & Rosa CastanedaJoe & Terra CheekPatrick ‘93 & Mariko Clark*Brian & Denise DohertyWally & Dianna Graff*Wayne & Rebecca GrahamW. Thomas & Adelia Sasaki Griffith ‘72‡*Larry Gunselman & Suzanne RicheyRon & Julie HaasDavid & Siri HamillLawrence & Peggy Harris*Gladys Lowder Haynes ‘65 ‘70‡*Jean Himes*John Howarth*Peter & Jan JacobsenJohn & Jane King*Kim & Barbara LedbetterKenneth & Colleen Lewis*Doc McGheeThomas Meakin ‘62*

Richard & Susan MilesAlice Streitwieser Morgan ‘57*Jim & Darlene Morgan*Dave & Judy NygaardN. Charles O’Connor*David ‘55 & Susan Parry*Clark ‘65 ‘70 & Aurora Salvador Peters ‘65*Bart & Wendy RickettsJoseph & Bobbie RodriguezDorothy Schimke ‘64*Gerald ‘59 & Katherine Schimke*Shaun Simpkins & Dawn HoltJudson ‘62 & Sherry Hicks Smith*Roy Chrisop & Jennifer Kucala Smythe ‘90 ‘93 ‘00Steven Stewart ‘69*Milan & Jean Stoyanov*Jan Stricklin*Tommy & Amber Thayer*Mike & Linda TwissTrey White

ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Optometric FoundationApple, Inc.AramarkBank of the WestEthicon, Inc.Forest Grove Lions Club*Henningsen Cold StorageInspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.King Charitable Foundation*McMenamins, Inc.Miller Nash, LLPNational Society of New England Women*Pac/West Communications

Parr Lumber CompanyPro Landscape, Inc.Professional Society of PharmacistsRic Ergenbright Photography, LLCSafeway, Inc.Stoller Family FoundationSupervalu FoundationThe Standard*United Church of ChristWal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Gold Level ($1,000–$2,499)INDIVIDUALSDennis ‘69 ‘71 & Anne ArtmanMyra Schimke Beeler ‘62 Thomas Brand*James Bushong ‘34*Susan CannonScott ‘90 ‘93 & Tricia Allen Cooper ‘90Randall ‘66 ‘67 & Joanne CoreyJohn & Laura DavidsonRobert & June Dressler*Robert & Nell Epler*George & Donna Evans*Gerald ‘62 & Laura James Frye ‘65*Hans ‘72 & Edna Doar Gehring ‘70 ‘72*Cyndy GoodmanJessie M. Hand ‘07 Jon & Amy Hansen*John Hayes & Vanessa Gray*Lawrence ‘58 ‘59 & Joan Hedgren*Richard ‘63 ‘65 ‘84 & Sharon HehnRaymond ‘91 ‘94 & Sherry HerreraMichel & Victoria Hersen*

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Annual DonorsMonty & Lilas HillSara Hopkins-PowellGeorge Horner ‘44 David & Anne Thompson Johnson ‘53*Yvonne Katz*Alan & Jane Stein Kershaw ‘61*Eric ‘66 ‘67 & Patricia Knutson*Rick & Eva Krebs*Richard ‘78 & Pauline Luekenga*Sonny LuongTeresa Maloney*Marlin Vortman & Sheila Manus Vortman ‘67*Mitsunobu ‘71 & Hatsuho Maruyama*Monica Wolf Marvin ‘68 Jesse ‘49 & Phyllis Beima Miller ‘52*John & Linda MillerPaul ‘90 ‘90 & Mindy Min*Scott ‘79 ‘83 & Cynthia Wacker Nehring ‘78*David & Susan Nelson*Chad NortonNeil ‘86 & Desiree’ NotarobertoElliott & Eleanor Parks*Bruce & Judy PetersonBecca Wilhelm & Megan Plumlee ‘03Rex ‘66 & Kristy ReedBarb RicheyLisa J. RowleyDante Salvati ‘98 David & Jeannette SaucyJoseph ‘95 & Stephanie SchulteRyan SevereJohn ‘78 ‘80 & Erma SmithMelissa Sommers ‘78*Kenneth ‘77 & Debra Brown Stangland ‘77

Barbara Strain ‘70 Fran Tabor ‘95 Margaret TaylorRodney & Judith Taylor*James ThayerMike & Kristy ThayerArnold ‘49 ‘58 & Ora Faye Wilson Thogerson ‘49*Jay & Jerilee Thomas*Aaron ThompsonGerard & Judith TsutakawaLoren & Dottie Waltz*Douglas ‘72 ‘74 & Eileen Weberling*Don West ‘61 Christopher Wilkes & Cheleen Mahar*Fred ‘66 & Tonya Willis*Michael ‘82 & Ann Witkowski*Gerald ‘73 & Bonnie Yoshida

ORGANIZATIONSAlbertsons Stores Charitable Foundation, Inc.Ball Janik, LLPBo RestobarCarl Zeiss Vision, Inc.Cascade Business Group, LLCCompView MedicalCooper Vision, Inc.Epler FarmsEssilor of America, Inc.General Electric FoundationGenzymeGreat Western Council of OptometryGrove Properties, LLCHollywood Entertainment CorporationIntel Foundation*KPMG, LLP

Lane Optometric SocietyLease Crutcher LewisMarion Polk Yamhill Pharmaceutica AssociationMorgan Worcester, Inc.NACDS FoundationNorthWest Academic Computing ConsortiumPacific Northwest Conference of the UCC*Piper JaffrayProfessional Eye Care Associates of AmericaStephanie InnStimson Lumber CompanySunstar ButlerTLC VisionTyphoon!, Inc.W & G PropertiesWashington County Dental Society

Silver Level ($500–$999)INDIVIDUALSEvie Sallee Allen ‘59* Kasumi Aoki ‘97 Les ‘69 & Susan AuCoinTom & Jennifer BeLuskoKenneth & Kristine Bilderback*David Boersema*Kathryn Brand ‘85 William ‘58 & Carolyne Nesbit Braun ‘60James ‘89 & Wendy Brazeau*Evona Harford Brim*Thomas & Deborah Broughan*Jesse Bryson ‘98 W. Earl ‘74 ‘76 & Dianne Buchanan*Kyle McLain ‘11 & Martha Calus-McLain ‘03*Scott & Kimberly Carter

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Gerald ‘65 & Judy CarvellNeil ‘61 & Elizabeth Cawood*Erik ‘83 ‘86 & Pamela Paguia Christianson ‘85Terrence ‘78 & Rosemarie Clark*Lee & Cheryl Colaw*Joshua Davis '02 Howard & Napua De LimaPatrick & Yianna DohertyStephen ‘73 & Cynthia Schlueter Dustrude ‘74*Taghrid Elmeligui ‘08 Lenore Nyzack Fasules ‘46*John ForsythDaniel FortmillerJohn & Gail FredericksJames Draznin & Lorely French*Alfred ‘58 ‘60 & Carole Furie*Tim & Joyce Gabriel*Mimi Gonigam Stevens ‘61 Ernie & Janice Paley Graham ‘74*Randy GuerraRoger ‘77 & Elizabeth Miller Hanna ‘81*Robert Harvey ‘69 ‘71Brian & Sally Hess*Timothy & Elaine Hill*Bill Hilson & Penny Lucchini-HilsonChi-Wai Ho ‘75Judy HullRaynard & Charlotte Carr Kanemori ‘69*Louise Cahn Karr ‘65*Lance KisslerKyle Kobashigawa ‘87 Marita KunkelKevin & Renee Kurata*Scott & Helen Langley

Norman Larabee ‘56*Warren Leung ‘76 Jim & Kay LinkousCraig ‘91 & Kathleen LiskoJohn ‘70 & Virginia Cary Long ‘69 ‘73*Dorothy Gillmore Main ‘35*Charles Mies & Linda Marvel ‘65*Corie Maxwell*Michael & Beverly McCall*Jessie Lockhart McCandlish ‘67*Michael ‘80 & Celine McEwan*Todd ‘95 & Jill MetzgerRhoda Mills ‘39 Roberta Nickels ‘70*Paul ‘61 & Phyllis O’Driscoll*Glenn & Gail OkadaPatricia O’Neill ‘84 Mickey & Phyllis PalmerTheodor PelmusTimothy Port ‘75 ‘75Joel ‘78 & Amy Postma ‘80William & Carolyn Pritchard*Frank Puckett ‘77 ‘78 & Joanne Hendrick ‘81 Melvin Rehse ‘37 Christopher & Dorinda Diener Rife ‘82*Richard Rutt*Fred ‘43 ‘54 & Ruth Scheller*Robert & Peggy SchlegelJan & Jewel Shield*Ryan & Stephanie SnyderByron & Dianne Steiger ‘79*Richard & Doreen Stenson*Elton ‘53 & Carol Storment*John & Cathy Cody Suroviak ‘02*

Dennis ‘72 ‘74 & Phyllis Swarner*Dennis & Rie Tamakawa*Arden & Sarah Moran ThomasMary Smith Tomme ‘41 ‘63*William & Terry ToopsChristopher Tuffli ‘89 & Joy Higa*Walter ‘50 & Nancy Turner*John ‘10 & Nanette VingoeRichard & Mary Whiteley*Gary ’57 & Eleanor Williams*Jack Worden ’61 ’62John White & Bonnie Wyckoff ’05*Ronald ’57 & Jean Hicks Young ’58*Steve & Kristine Zika

ORGANIZATIONS Astoria Golf & Country ClubFrye’s Action AthleticsG. Hartzell & SonHuron Consulting Services, LLCKershaw KnivesOptos, Inc.Oregon State Handball AssociationSafeco CorporationSilicon Valley Community FoundationTektronix Foundation*The Wine Country Inn

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Annual DonorsBronze Level ($150–$499)INDIVIDUALSPatrick ‘70 & Patricia AarstolBruce ‘50 & Zona Bonnell Ackley ‘50* Terry ‘78 & Vicki Adams*Brian & Ada Akimoto*Saburo ‘50 ‘51 & Betty Akiyama*Del ‘75 & Carolee AllenTimothy ‘86 & Mary Allen*Jerry ‘56 & Stephany Morris Anderson ‘62*John ‘64 & Theresa Hjersman Anderson ‘67Michio AoyagiJustin Arnold ‘06 Molly ArtmanGary & Pamela AugustineGlenn & Sylvia Aust*Vernon & Laurie AwaRobert & Lydia BabekJeffrey Baeth ‘84 David ‘80 & Renee Bagley*Jane Henriksen Baird ‘79*George & Mary Wilson Balas ‘52*Christine Balducci*Frank ‘67 & Margaret Baldwin*Brian ‘75 ‘75 & Twila Ballard*Zachary Barnett ‘99 & Jamie Hoag Barnett ‘99Richard Barnhill ’59*Thomas Barreto ’84 ’86Rita BartonNoel & Karen BassettVernon Bates & Patricia Foy*Jack ‘71 & Sandra BattinCurtis Baxstrom ’83 ’84*

Evertt & Jill BeidlerVerle DeBord Bell ‘42*Michael ‘71 & Betty Lau Ben ‘71*Robert & Karen Gibbons Bennett ‘68*Maya Wirt Benton ‘64 Zachary Berk ‘74 ‘74 & Marlene KraussPaul ‘75 & Diane BermanChristopher ‘03 & Tami BerryMerle ‘75 & Carol Ann Berry*William ‘65 & Priscilla Kelley Bigler ‘65*Stanley ‘72 & Elizabeth Black*Clark ‘70 ‘72 & Lois Burchett Blackwood ‘71*Willard ‘51 ‘52 ‘54 & Karen Bleything*Joseph BonnarensSuzette BorrorChrist & Barbara Bouneff*Nancy James Bourke ‘52 Paul ‘70 & Ozella Bradley*Conrad & Joan Gundershaug Breece ‘65*John ‘64 ‘65 & Janet Roper Brenneman ‘64Claude ‘72 ‘74 & Barb Brist*Duane ‘71 & Glee Blakkolb Brooks ‘70*Chris Brown ’11 & Lusha Kaufmann ’98*Daniel ‘62 & Mary Brown*Frank Brown ‘87 ToiNae Brown ‘95 Everett ‘76 & Linda BruerTom Bryan & Sue Yee-Bryan*Donald Bryant ‘41 Eric & Joyce Burbano*Michael & Jane Burch-Pesses*

Donald & Bernice Bernice Buswell ‘49*Evelina CabreraDavid ‘70 & Judith Alden Carkner ‘69William & Virginia Judy Carpenter ‘65Joseph Carr & Annamarie WoodMary Cason ‘07 Evelyn Vanderzanden Chalustowski ‘59 David Lew Chan ‘66 & Sonia Chan ‘67Scott Child ‘97 & Kelley DenneyPhil ‘76 & Vicki Christman*Malcolm ‘78 & Carrie Chun*Michael ‘84 & Joanne Perry Chun ‘84Karl Citek & Patricia LoganDon ‘70 & Cathleen Clay*Bradley Coffey ‘79 ‘81 & Mirth WalkerA. Everett Cook ‘51*Bernard ‘51 & Margaret Gaston Cooper ‘51*Jerry Cox ‘66 James & Victoria CurrieJohn & Nancy Airhart Cuyle ‘70Jim & Gayle Rosenback Darr ‘64Alan ‘52 & Mary Stone Davidson ‘53*Donald ‘62 & Gerrie DavidsonChili DavisRick Wallace & Elizabeth Davis ‘93 ‘96*Genevieve De Vleming*Leanna Deeds ‘69*Robert DeGrilla ‘64 Eugene DeMayo ‘79 ‘81 & Karen Wharton ‘83John Demske ‘73 ‘73Robert ‘61 & Karen Dernedde*Helen Randall Dickason ‘48 Michael ‘74 ‘75 & Mary Dieter*Timothy ‘93 & Kay Dieter

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Steven & Sherri DodgeScott Loveridge & Ellen Dohr ‘80 ‘82 Russell & Ann Furukawa Dondero ‘81*Taylor '02 & Megan Doren '02Herbert '60 & Carol Bowser Drew '60*Daniel & Cheryl DungMichael DuPonte & Ruth Niino-DuPonte*Clifford & Gloria Duro*Richard & Jill EdelsonDale ‘51 & Margaret Wickman Edwards ‘49*Jonah & Kelly ElliottJon ‘66 ‘67 & Kathy Elston*Robert Emerson ‘68*Marjorie Gustelius Emhoff ‘48*Roger Epstein & Barbara KirkDave Fall*W. Stuart ‘62 & Beverly Ferris*Steven ‘81 & Rebecca Fields*Charlotte Filer*James & Jean FloryNorma FogelbergDavid ‘85 ‘88 & Deanna Fok*Mark FontanaChristopher ForrestG. Don ‘36 & Alice Weigel Fossatti ‘37*Elia ‘97 & Esther Coppedge Freedman ‘98*Aaron ‘97 & Brandi FryeJerald & Anne Tucker Furgurson ‘51*Jonathan & Manami FuruyaGeorge & Terry GageJay ‘90 & Becky Gallinger*Robert ‘75 ‘76 & Sharon Gander*Michael ‘71 ‘73 & Cindy Garton*William Geertz ‘65

Brian ‘81 & Cheryl Kunimune Gesik ‘81*Peter ‘68 & Carol Stedronsky Giannini*Larry & Connie Gienger*Jay & Dawn Oen Gillman ‘87*Jon & Anita GimreMichael & Karen GirardR. Kenneth & Karen Sato Godwin ‘66*Gerald & Linda Gono*Russell GoyaBarbara GrahamErin Gram ‘04 Jerry ‘64 & Kathleen Bolster Greenfield ‘64*Dale & A. Elaine Bianchi Grothmann ‘71*J. Russell & Beverly GroveDarrell ‘86 & Cathrine Grow*David ‘62 & Ginger Hackett*Wayne ‘66 ‘67 & Gloria Hagerman*Eric Halperin ‘86 & Beatrice Michel ‘87*Katherine HamamotoDoris Clarke Hamilton*Rowland ‘74 & Sue Judson Hamly ‘74*Ralph ‘67 ‘68 & Barbara Wilson Handly ‘67 ‘68 Helfon Hanono ‘78 ‘79Michael ‘77 & Krystel Hansen*T. Carlisle ‘57 & Lydia Fahner Harrison ‘60*Michael ‘97 & Kristen Cooke Haslebacher ‘98*John R. & Sherry HayesRobert ‘61 ‘63 & Emily HellerBruce & Donna Hepler*Kerwin & Allyn Kozai Higashi ‘85*Jack ‘51 & Irene Hilbourne*Craig & Deborah HirasakiWilliam & Jo McGarry Hollingsworth ‘50*Dean ‘50 & Leatrice Holman*

Daniel ‘69 & Lois HornbergerHoward ‘40 & Grace Boyles Horner ‘41*Victoria Horton ‘97 William & Alice Davis Hoskins ‘56*Russell HouseJoel '93 & Alisa Otterness Hoyt '93John '50 '56 & Joan Hugill*Leigh & Dorothy HuntStanley ‘66 & Lisa Huse*Elizabeth Hutchinson ‘94 Ronald Jaecks & Kelli Swanson-JaecksBrian JaffeGordon ‘72 & Pam JarmanSandra JenkinsScott JenkinsClark ‘74 ‘76 & Diane Taylor Jensen ‘76*Mark & Jean JohnsonRichard ‘53 & Lois Williams Johnston ‘52 ‘80*Michael ‘88 & Constance Joki*James & Diane JonesRobert ’49 & Dori Jones*Jack ’59 & Gayle JossiCraig & Mavis KadookaHartwell & Judith KaeoDuane ’70 & Carmen Kaneshiro*Michael & Jocelyn KasamotoGlenn Kato ’83 & Lydia Lem ’81 ’83*Mike & Lorri KehoeHarley ‘55 & Candace Kelley*Glenn ‘65 & Miriam Olson Kelly*John ‘97 ‘01 & Lam Kikuchi*Beth KinoshitaDean & Aileen Kinoshita*Lori Jo Kirschenmann ‘83

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Annual DonorsMark ‘78 ‘82 & Randi Kirstein*Todd & Kate KnopHarvey & Pamela Kofstad*Gerald ‘81 ‘83 ‘85 & Zona Komarnicky*Garrett & Ann KondoJoan Exford Korb ‘66*Theodore & Marianne Krupicka*John ‘99 ‘01 & DatNhan Khuu Kwei ‘97 ‘01 David Lackey ‘68 Priscilla Lafollett ‘70 Jack & Marjorie Putman Lanthier ‘60*Brian Lau ‘76 & Yvonne Kurata-Lau ‘79*Hannu ‘83 ‘84 ‘94 & Wanda Laukkanen*James Laws ‘70*Fred ‘59 & Janet Leach*Randolph ‘75 ‘78 & Aline Lee*Michael Leighton ‘78*Gloriene Brown Lesmeister ‘61* Vinny LiangCharles ‘59 & Phyllis Lindberg*Roy & Charmaine Lindsay*Anna Lingel*Hugo Long ‘64*Jeffrey ‘76 & Catherina Long*Joel & Allie Losli*Thomas & Yvonne Williams Luther ’84*Van Ly ’07 Raphael Lyons ‘85 John ‘75 ‘76 & Joann MacDaniel*Keith & Patricia MaileThomas ‘75 & Laina MarshJudy Mason ‘60*Michael & Anne Mathis*Gerald ‘80 ‘83 & Lori Ann Matsuda*

Annelle Brooks Maygren ‘03 Charles ‘52 & Loraine McCarthy*Marcus McCoyMichael McKelveyMichael McManusMark & Lisa McMinnDavid McSwainRichard ‘66 & Jewel MelbergJohn ‘60 & Dorothy Mendonca*Matthew ‘75 & Diana Pratt Meyer ‘75*William ‘71 ‘73 & Rosemary MeyerErica Meyer-Arendt*Ray & Sharon Kawashima Michimoto ‘69John & Frances Mickelsen*Chase ‘93 & Amy Milbrandt*Sandra MilesNick ‘02 & Crystal Fitzsimmons Miller ‘02Steven ‘82 & Patricia Miller*Edward & Judi Brown Mills ‘73*Allan ‘50 & Jean Mirkin*Gust & Melva MolineBernard ‘51 ‘52 & Nadine Monetta*Clifford & Laura MonroeCatherine MoonshineJames Moore*Jeffrey Morey ‘79 & Gail HarrisLyman & Marilyn Makii Morikawa ‘70*John & Laura MoriyamaCalvin ‘66 & Claudia MosleyNelson ‘81 & Karyn Murata*Daniel & Carleen Sorensen Murdock ‘61*Jane Terrazas Murphy ‘99 Jason Nakagawa ‘91 Riley ‘82 ‘83 & Judy Nakatsu*

Douglas ‘60 & Maryjane NehsDavid Nelson ‘52*Randall ‘80 ‘83 & Thao Tran Nelson ‘80Thao Nguyen ‘97 Christopher & Christie NorburyMarthanne Norgren*Griff O’Brien & Catherine CrookerBrian ‘89 & Michelle Elliott O’Driscoll*James Ogden ‘72 ‘73*Fred & Jeanne OliverHilario & Margaret Olivos*Scott OlsenGary Olson ‘59*James Onishi*William & Judy Ortiz*Roy & Mari OtisPaul Owens ‘66 Jiah PackJames ‘75 & Catherine Palmer*Holly Parker ‘91 Darin Paulson ‘94 & Suzanne Scott ‘94*Robert ‘65 & Mary Lowery Peacock ‘64*Dennis ‘78 & Corinne Pearson*Todd Perkins ‘88 William Perkins & Robin KeillorMatthew ‘87 & Deborah Perry*Charles Petersen ’60 Michael Pharris '89 Scott ‘68 ‘70 & Joene Pike*Robert Platt ‘66 Sean ‘80 & Chris PorterRobert ‘69 & Susan Postle*Gordon ‘66 & Julie Postovit*John & Lynn Prag*

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William Preston ‘58*Lee Ann Williams Prielipp ‘66*Roberta Culverson Pullen ‘49*Michael & Jill QuillinBradford RabeWilliam RamlowW. Wayne Randleman ‘55 Randy & Candice Randolph*William ‘54 & Lavaughn Rannow*Geoffrey ‘79 ‘81 & Dorothea Olson Rath ‘79*Mark & Kathy Read ‘89*Sanjay & Latha Reddy*Arnold & Patty ReeseDan & Lee Ann Remington ‘83 ‘84 ‘93Kay RenfroCory & Margaret McVay Richardson ‘01Lianne Richland ‘97 Herb Richter & Jocelyn Ludwigsen ’81*G. Truxton ‘39 & June Ringe*Eleanor RitchieRobert ‘66 & Kathleen Roark*Rebecca RodesSusan RohrbacherSadie RomanoCecelia Romero ‘88 Robert ‘88 & Marilyn Rosenow*Leslie ‘48 & Rosemary Ross*James & Kary RowlandChristopher Rubio ‘01 & Brandi Buchanan ‘01 Philip & Lisa Ruder*Michael Rushfeldt ‘95*P. Stephen Russell & Elizabeth Mulcahy-RussellLisa SardiniaScott Schauermann

Leonard & Betty Schmidlin*Paul & Lori SchultzKenneth & Linda Schumann*Karl SchweitzerDonald & Maxine ScottMichael ‘78 & Laurie Scott*Bryce & Christina Seidl*Shinji ‘77 ‘79 & Yasuyo SekiDonovan Murphy & Jane Babcock Selberg-Murphy ‘51*John Shadden ‘71 James SheedyFrank Sheldon ‘71 Michael & Karleen Shibuya*Eric & Patricia Yoshinobu Shinseki ‘64*Gordon & Cheryl ShojiGary ‘67 & Margaret Shumm*A. James ‘60 & Nadeane SilbernagelTheodore Simmons ‘74 Adam Simon ‘97 Verjean Rancore Simpson-Geddes ‘60*Mary Wolken Sizer ‘52 ‘77Benjamin & Jennifer Saltonstall Smith ‘94*Dennis Smith ‘87 & Nada Lingel ‘81 Steven Smith & Martha Rampton*Shelley SmolniskySteven & Loxi SmytheBenjamin Hoyord & Tania Sobchuk ‘03*Karen Phillips Soderberg ‘72 ‘82JoAnne Somers ‘70 Joseph & Janella SouzaFrancis ‘59 & Alice StadelmanVictor ‘73 & Carolyn StarowDaniel & Susan SteinJames ‘82 & Elizabeth Stevens*

Douglas ‘61 ‘69 & Frances Stewart*Thomas ‘89 & Jan Stewart*Gayle ’66 & Lois Strickler*Mike StumvolGene & Anita Sweet*Greg & Alma TakahashiDana & Rebecca TakashimaGregg & Linda TakayamaCollin Young & Laurie Tarumoto-Young ‘82 ‘86 Dale & Clare TenganPaula Thatcher*Wayne Thomas ‘61*Daniel ‘81 ‘83 & Leann Tiller*Terry ‘79 ‘81 & Kathleen TobinDonald ‘51 & Louise Barnett Todd ‘50*Gary & Gail Tomita*Robert & Bobbie Skerry Tomkinson ‘52*Khiem ‘74 & Thuy Trinh Tran ‘74*Wilma Marsh Trytko ‘48*John ‘78 & Shelley Tsue*Stephen Tucker ‘61 Joseph Murdock & Jane TyrolerW. Douglas Uhl ‘91 & Susan Verry*Sig Unander ‘87 Trinh VanCalvin ‘49 & Loris Van Pelt*Stacy Vance ‘03 Charlotte Vanchura Candelaria*Ralph & Robin Vasey*Rolf Vatne & Judy McIntosh-Vatne ‘68*Robert & Margaret VincentAlice Furby Voges ‘52*Mary Von*Mona Ward*

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Annual DonorsSteven ‘91 & Terri WardJeffrey ‘65 & Lynn WatanabeJoanne Rieger Webber ‘59*Gary ‘69 & Marcia Byers West ‘69*Kevin ‘72 & Donna White*Lance & Debbie Whittaker*Dean ‘50 & Beryl Schantz Wilcox ‘53*John & Susan Bench Will ‘66*Michael & Barbara WilldenNorma Nelson Williams ‘61*Timothy ‘89 & Andrea VonTom Williams ‘89Michael ‘77 & Gail Turek Wong ‘73Mel WoodmanRaymond Woods ‘66 Robert ‘58 ‘59 & Marguretta Yaeger*Douglas & Yu Jae YamashitaAki & Frances Iida Yano ‘65Lloyd & Ruby Yasumoto*Charles ‘70 & Nancy Berggren Young ‘70*William Young ‘58 Lorne Yudcovitch ‘96 ‘97 & Rosiland Hursh ‘98 Robert Zimmerman

ORGANIZATIONSAlten Handball Foundation, Inc.Aspen Lakes Golf CourseColumbia Stone, Inc.Congregational Presbyterian Church*Domino’s PizzaEdison InternationalHotel ElliottIBM International Foundation*Indian Creek Golf CourseInn at Cannon Beach

Legacie EyewearOregon Culinary InstituteParadise Beverages, Inc.*Parr Lumber CompanyPortland Trail BlazersR & R Brokerage, Inc.State Farm Companies Stoller Vineyards, Inc.The Ocean LodgeUS BankWells Fargo Bank*Whole Foods Market, Inc.William Wrigley Jr. Company

Boxers & Badgers Level ($1–$499)INDIVIDUALSGail AamodtViolet Schrock Aandres ‘65 Anne-Elise AartsenPeter & Myrna-Lyn Abang*Nasim AbdullaEric Abeene ‘00 Lynn ‘51 & Eileen Abraham*Alex & Galina AchilovaSusan Acosta ‘06 Clay Actor & Margaret Waltz-ActorLouise Wilcox Adaikkalam ‘69 Brent & Kathleen Cary Adams ‘83Tony & Virginia Adams*John & Maria AdversaloAlfonso & Ely Afos*Thomas & Linda Moriyama AgawaRobert & Jean Agnew*Maria de Jesus Aguilar

Eric & Linda AhlvinDiane AingeChristina Aleckson ‘95* Walter & Colette AlexanderWilliam ‘64 & Margaret Skarsten Alexander ‘63Edwin Allabough ‘76 Duane & Pat AllanTerry & Kat Allan*Dale Allen & Suzanne MilliesBrian & Theresa AllenderRobin AllenderGail Harrison Allgood ‘69*Gerry Wren Allyn ‘52 Richard & Dora AmaNeal ‘86 & Louann Garvin Amina ‘84Thomas & Tracy Meling Ammann ‘93Steven & Denise AndersenBob Radford & Norma Anderson ‘59Jolene Anderson ‘08 Rachel Anderson ‘02 Rick ‘80 & Janice Bengel Anderson ‘80Roger Anderson ‘74 ‘75Rose Anderson*

Read Michelle Bingaman's story—visit

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Scott & Lori Gibbens Anderson ‘00Lucy Anderson-Duyck ‘05 Anthony & Naomi AndradeMark & Madelene AndreScott & Deanna Andrews*Gary ‘02 ‘03 & Carmen Wilkins Anglin ‘02 ‘03Edrey Schendel Anker ‘47*Gonzalo & Teresa AquinoLinda Arakaki ‘94 Warren ‘83 & Deane ArakakiAlan ArbCassandra ArendtPhillip ‘93 & Janette Padilla Armstrong ‘95Janette Armstrong OrchardDouglas & Terry Arnall ‘04Genevieve Arnaut ‘98 ‘99Kent & Lynne ArnoldJames ArnouxChristopher & DeeAnn ArriolaMelqui & Irene ArroyoClifton ‘98 & Daurice Tamura Arruda ‘98Karen ArtJeffrey & Mary ArtzCharles & Sally Arvidson*Jay & Karen AsatoKeola Asato ‘01*Robert & Sandra Asato*William Bright & Laura Aspinwall ‘89*Glenn & Susan AttaRussell ‘74 & Mary AuclairRoberta August ‘82*Gwen AuyongRaquel AvalosDebra Avilucea

Kristi Ayars ‘06 Thomas BachhuberDavid Bachman ‘03 Dan & Susan Badders ‘05Art Viloria & Barbara Bagg ‘88Mark & Pamela Bailey ‘01MaryBeth Shoemaker Bailey ‘08 Richard & Ellen Bailey*William & Twila Foster Bailey ‘50*Michael & Jane Spencer Baird ‘55*Merle BaisdenJeremiah ‘01 & Alyssa Wollam Baker ‘00Larry & Tammy BakerPatrick ‘75 & Rebecca Matta Ball ‘75*Robert & Marjorie McDonald Banks ‘49*J. Keith & Sherilyn BankstonMark Bannon ‘78 ‘80*John Barber ‘80 Lee Barckmann & Mary TraegerGregory ‘71 ‘73 & Mary BarcusDonald & Alison Elizabeth ‘84 BarkerHerbert ‘52 & Gloria Barkuloo*Randy & Robyn BarnaPaul ‘74 ‘74 & Joan BarnardMitzi Barnes*Thomas BarnesCadence Barr ‘01*Cecelia BarrRobert Barrow ‘51 William & Mary Ann Bart*Douglas ‘79 ‘81 & Vickeri Barton*Andrew & Karen Rand Bassett ‘06James & Victoria Gardner Bassingthwaite ‘03Phillip Bastian ‘04

Martha Haynes BatchelorBrian & Sheryl BatemanHoward & Linda BatemanDavid Bates ‘62*Michael & Kelli BauerStephen ‘76 & Margaret BauerChristopher Baumann ‘97 Anthony Baumgartner ‘87 Carl Hammergren

& Josephine Goodwin Bausch-Hammergren ‘52Donn & Deborah BauskeGregg ‘74 ‘77 & Robin Olsen Beach ‘75*Guy ‘60 & Jan Beachler*William Bear ‘55 Lori Bearden ‘93 Jim & Frances Forrester Beaster ‘67Joseph ‘79 & Florence Beattie*Steven & Susan BeattieTodd & Kayla Bechthold ‘96 ‘98 Ronald & Elaine BeckDaniel Beckner ‘93 Duane Beckwith ‘79 ‘79 & Fran Kosik*Phyllis Beemsterboer*Gina Bell ’00 Patrick & Rhonda BellingerMike & Colleen BellottiRebekah Benek ‘06 Terry & Kelly BennettArthur & Elizabeth Clark Benton ‘65*Michael ‘81 & Barbara Bischke Berger ‘78 ‘81*Gerald ‘70 ‘73 & Cathy BergesDonna Marcum Bergstrom ‘50*Walter ‘54 & Maryanne BergstromStanley ‘54 ‘55 & Jacqueline Berman

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Annual DonorsAlicia BermejoMartha BernadelliJames ‘63 & Brenda BerryJay '61 '62 & Carol Berry*Jonathan '05 & Amy BerryDonald '56 '57 & Sandra BettgerJack '57 & Winifred Beu*Scott & Kristina Beyer*Bruno & Sharon BiancoDirk ‘85 & Tami Hyder Biddington ‘86*William ‘50 & Joanne Kline Bieker ‘50Lynette Sites Biethan ‘72 Tom Biglen & Diana TaylorAngelo ‘63 ‘63 & Ann Biondi*Thomas Blair ‘03 Lynn Blankenship-Jepson ‘01 Woodrow & Susan Blettel*Robert ‘74 ‘75 & Judy Gooch Blomquist ‘75*Michael & Tami BoardmanJoe BoatwrightCarl Boeck ‘75 Patrick BoernerGeorge & Anita Taylor Bolanis ‘63*Richard Bondelid ‘50 ‘51 & Florentina Krieg-Bondelid*Jay & Laura Floyd Bondy ‘89Ken BonkSandy BonkHarvey ‘75 & Margy Danielsen Bonner ‘73Zina Booher*Evan Boone ‘74*Michael & Charlene Reid Booth ‘81*Elaine BortlesChristopher Pfeifer & Joy Boswell ‘98Marie Botnen ‘61

Elise BouneffAllyson Bourke ‘03*Mark ‘81 & Susan BoutwellDarren Bowe ‘03 Marjorie BowerGerald ‘73 & Bonnie BowersMark & Ann BowlerBill BowmanLester ‘51 & Marian Bowman*Timothy BoyceJules BoykoffJoseph & Steffanie Richards Brackett ‘97 ‘01 ‘04Charles & Florence Holmes Bracy ‘76*Kenneth ‘45 & Margaret Bosworth Bragg ‘46*Edmund Brand ‘47 Susan Brandes*Monte & Paula BransonJames & Gwen BrassFrank ‘64 & Marcia Williams Braudt ‘65*Jeff & Kim Braun*Sharlene BrellsJoseph & Cheree Bilyeu Brennan ‘85Tricia Brenner ‘83 Allan & Kelly BrickmanPauline BringazeMark BristJerome & Barbara Britsch ‘01Benjamin Broadbent ‘94 & Brooke BellDavid & Carolyn BrockFrank ‘53 & Jil BrodersenWayne Brookshier*Daniel & Betty BrouilletteDarrell & Naomi Stucky Brown ‘03*Jill Brown

Kim ‘85 ‘87 & Cynthia BrownMichael BrownSarah BrownShaun & Lori BrownHoward ‘49 ‘52 & Eva BrowningJerry Chan & Nora Brownlie ‘72Timothy Brummett*John ‘83 & JoJo Worden Brunelle ‘85Marge Brushe*Sylvia Lindley Bryan ‘33 James & Janet BryntesonMeredith Brynteson ‘08 Tami Buedefeldt*Amber BuhlerM. Glenn & Ruth Johnson Bullard ‘44*Forrest ‘42 & Rosemary Joubert Bump ‘60*Robert BumsteadRobert BurcoRichard Burda ‘62 John & Janice Danielson-Sargeant Burdett ‘64*Ronnie Tauala & Paula-Ann Burgess-Tauala ‘85*Richard Burk ‘88 & Heather Hansen-Burk ‘88*Kieth ‘71 ‘73 & Leslie Burkart*

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Charles & Denise BurnhamDorothy Underkofler Burnham ‘45*Daniel ‘83 & Carolyn Burris ‘86Ellen Bussell Burton-Hallock ‘45*Noli & Erlinda Butay*Fred ‘76 ‘77 & Leah Butler*David ‘83 & Denise CaddMichael & Jane CaganEdward Eliot ‘52 & Janet Nye Caine ‘54William ‘59 & Linda CaldwellRachel Caldwell Camp ‘64 Raymond & Sharon CamptonAnn Canady*Eric & Jeane CanonChuck CantaleMaria CantuJoan Clair Capesius*William ‘52 ‘53 & Pala Hearth Carden ‘51Eric Carlson ‘07 & Jennifer Herbage ‘06Rick Carnaroli ‘80 William & Kay CarnegieCharles CarpenterE. Powell Carpenter ‘88 Lawrence & Marsha CarrikerRoger & Mary Carroll*Steven & Teresa Keiffer Carson ‘86*Deanna Carten ‘99 ‘01Owen & Debbie CarterAntoinette CarvalhoRobert Green & Marilyn Casa Calvo-Green ‘64Bruce Casias ‘85 Steve & Sara Bagley Casler ‘97*John ‘77 & Patricia CasonRobert ‘54 & Barbara Pelton Casteel ‘56*

Tyler ‘94 & Paula CatesBrian ‘64 & Polly CaugheyRichard ‘91 & Lorraine CedrosMiguel CervantesFrancisco Chacon ‘07 Charles Chaffee ‘99*Jeannine ChanArthur ‘69 & Peggy ChangEvanson Chang ‘85 Chi Chang-TrinhChris & Mary ChapmanGlen ChapmanJeff ‘91 & Kirstin ChapmanRichard Chapman & Barbara Newell*Michael & Judith Charles*Steven ChaseRich Wilson & Christine Chatten '93 '96 Mou-ta ‘50 & Kathleen Chen*John Cheslock ‘02 William ‘77 ‘80 & Deidre CheslockChristian & Jackie Doerksen Chester ‘90*Fung & Jennifer CheungJerry ‘57 & Lis Chichester*Jack ‘88 & Anita McDowell Childress ‘90*Creighton Ching ‘71*Gregory Chipps ‘70 James ‘42 & Mary Chipps*George ‘57 & Anastasia ChobanPedro & Angelica CholicoEleanore ChongMalorie Chong ‘97 Vaughn & Tanya ChongZachary ‘98 & Rebecca Jacobs Chown ‘98 ‘03 Jeff Choy ‘77

Eric & Kari Virding ChristensenGreta ChristensenTheodore ‘53 ‘54 & Nola Christensen*Randall Christiansen ‘72 ‘74*Michael Meriwether & Penny Christianson ‘03*William ChristyLawrence ‘54 & Sylvia Chung*Jim & Christine Church ‘89Daniel & Patricia CiulaDiane ClarkPeter & Carol ClarkJeff & Kassie ClarkeMichael & Mary ClasenJohn ‘69 & Donna ClevelandGordon Clifford*Laurel Ann Carter Clifton ‘84 Judy Sagen Close ‘67 George ‘50 & Jacqueline Barney Cobern ‘50*Scott ‘69 & Angelina CoffinKaila Cogdill ‘03*Charles & Carolyn CoinerKelli Cole ‘05 Shavonne Colebrooke Tonnes ‘04 Jerry & Colette ColemanMark ‘74 & Loretta Simonson Coleman ‘75*Bradley Collins ‘04 Nora Collins ‘95 Samantha-Noel Collins ‘06 Jeremy ‘89 & Cherilyn Rodenhurst Conant ‘90Jerry & Jane ConnerDavid & Nancy ConnollyHelen Popham Connor ‘58 Bruce & Patricia Laws Conrad ‘64*Keith & Judith Cook

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Annual DonorsRory ‘95 & Heather Schroeder Cook ‘97Bridget CookeDavid CookmanRichard & Arlene CoonMitch & Kathryn Pace Cooper*James ‘65 & Kathleen Corbett*Kenneth ‘70 ‘70 & Dorothy CorlissSteven Powers & Trista Cornelius ‘94*Lynn ‘61 ‘73 & Donna Corwin*John ‘72 & Cynthia Cost*Robert ‘71 & Sharon CostaRichard ‘81 & Glenda Costain*W. Dale & Kathryn Korevaar Costin ‘66*Jonathon Lietz & Elaine Coughlin*Herbert ‘79 ‘82 & Teresa CourtneyCharles & Virginia CowdenCraig & Michelle Cowing*David ‘98 & Laura CoxJohn & Diana CoxBarbara Williams Crandall ‘66 Douglas ‘89 & Debora Creger*Michelle CrockerKim Cross-BoyceJohn ‘74 ‘76 & Debi Crotty*Brad & Janell CroxfordPatrick ‘98 & Robin CruiseMark Crunican ‘46 Bradley & Sharon Cuff*Jon & Nennie CummingsBill Cunningham & Lorna StevensonJohn & Michele Curtan*Michel Curtis ‘05 Meghan Daaboul ‘04 Benzie & Nancy Dacquel

Forrest & Diana Satterlee Daniel ‘58*Gary DanielsRoland ‘75 & Trudy DanielsCarol Chesbro Danley ‘68 Elinore Fritz Darland ‘53*Darren & Julie DassingerRobert ‘59 & Linda DavidsonRobert DaviesCatherine DavisGeorge & Elizabeth DavisJon & Lori Johnson Davis ‘93Phyllis Davis ‘06 Richard & Nancy Putnam Davis ‘59*Robert & Judy Davis*Lincoln ‘81 ‘83 & Laurie DaynesGale Dayton ‘52*Michael ‘81 ‘83 & Kathryn De RosierMark ‘80 & Shannon Lyle De Vito ‘82Beverly Nielsen De Young ‘50*Tod & Lori Mathis Deal ‘00*Michael & Ashley DeanRiley Newcomb & Michelle Dean-Newcomb ‘91*Curtis Dechant ‘97 & Amy Fuhr-Dechant ‘92 ‘95 A. Frank & Pauline Delamarter*John Campbell & Martha DeLong ‘74*Paul Rittman & Judy Delong-Rittman ‘04Sam & Norma Delos SantosHarriet DentonMarilyn Wolfe Depolo ‘62 Dale Derby ‘62 Rita Detmer*William & Elizabeth Dewey*Phillip ‘63 & Ruth DickieLarry & Christine Duncan Didway*

Jay Dietrichs ‘68 & Matthew Gage*Robert DiPiazza & Judy WarrenDerryck ‘65 & Anne Nordlund Dittman ‘65*Curtis ‘77 ‘79 & Cindy Struck Dix ‘79*Phyllis Skarsten Dixon ‘51 ‘58*Theresia Dixon ‘95 Jean DobbelsJeri ‘58 & Patricia Dobbs*Douglas Dolan ‘86 Liza Dombrowsky ‘07 Mary Downey ‘91 John Downie ‘67*Steven ‘85 & Kathleen Dragovich*Ernest ‘60 & Darlene Drake*Paul ‘54 & Ruth King Draper ‘57Brian ‘73 ‘75 & Michele Hucke Dubes ‘74*Michael & Linda DuBoseDavid ‘58 & Ann Broadbent Duling ‘60Carissa DunlapGinny DunnWilliam Dunn ‘76 ‘76Azizi Dunston ‘01 Martha Duran de GonzalezErin Dustrude ‘05 ‘08Ralph & Suzanne Duyck*James Dye ‘61*David & Diane Hayes Eads ‘82Kenneth Eakland ‘84 Curtis & Mardo EatonDavid ‘62 & Terri Ebert*Aurelia EcheverriaHilda EcheverriaWayne Edgecomb ‘72 Earl ‘54 & Mary Edmonds*

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Kelly & Pamela Gunson Edwards ‘77*Robert ‘69 ‘71 & Billie EdwardsScott & Kathleen EdwardsRichard ‘92 & Carol Madary Ehlen ‘90 ‘93*Louis Eiffert ‘51*Mark Eilenfeldt & Patrica WakenellScott Eilerts ‘93*Gregory ‘62 ‘63 & Nancy EisenKathryn EisenbarthGary Raze & Genevieve Ekani-Raze ‘04Benjamin Elliott ‘08 Linda Endo ‘73 ‘74Steven & Tina EngelfriedCarol Stephenson English ‘51*James ‘94 ‘96 & Kristin Miller Engstrom ‘94Ken & Michelle Enockson ‘92*William & Marion Jacobson Ensley ‘49*Ryan ‘09 & Heather Jones Eoff ‘07Richard ‘70 ‘72 & Denise Martin Erenstone ‘72*Graham ‘88 ‘90 & Dina EricksonWayne ‘69 ‘75 & Sharla Erickson*Peter ErschenLunetta Erwin*Maria Escutia AndradeArlene Evans*Cathy EvansNels Becker & Helena Greenstein Fagan ‘73 ‘76 Lisa-Ashley Falk ‘10 Brian & Shellie FarberDonald & Lennice Farnham ‘89*Alexander ‘65 & Nan Farquhar*Daphne Farrar ‘81 Mary FaustJudith Wright Favor ‘61

Dale FeikChristopher & Kami Hapward Felipe ‘01*Jack ‘60 & Louise Hill Fenton ‘59Aaron ‘91 & Tracy Remington Fentress ‘92*Marvin & Barbara Collins Ferenstein ‘64James & Deborah FergusonAndrew FerlitschKeith & Sandra Karrmann Ferrell ‘69*Orlando & Elvira FerrerWade FerrisJ.R. & Clinda Feucht*Brent ‘93 & Kodi Teegarden Fidler ‘93Linda FieldsMaria FilgueiraWilliam & Winona J. FirthMel FischerPatrick ‘74 & Marianne Fisher*Teresa Fitzmorris*Darrin FlemingLyman ‘49 ‘71‡ & Shirley Flint Flenner ‘52* Bruce ‘87 & Paula DeWenter Fleskes ‘89 ‘91*Dagoberto Flores-De JesusRaymond Floyd & Mary HahnJoanne FluvogWilliam ‘44 & Elsa Skaaluren Foelker ‘46*Steve & Linda Foote*Eric & Carol FordGary & Rosemary FornshellJeffrey Forrey ‘64 ‘65Anna Nettleton Forsberg ‘96 Thomas & Roberta Fort*Brian Fox & Cheryl Bennett Fox*Jeanne FoxBrian & Patricia Frangipani

N. Price ‘61 ‘68 & Nelda Sherman Franks ‘63*Lance ‘82 & Martina Fredericks ‘83*Albert FreedmanJames & Pamela Blackis Freeman ‘71*Jon FrewPhilip FriesenPhilip & Deborah Friscia*Angela Fritsch ‘07 Cathleen Fritz ‘85 Richard & Carol Friz*Carmen FrojenPhyllis Asbury Frost ‘49*Fred ‘58 ‘59 & Marilyn Fuerst*Stephen & Lola Fuhrmann*Heidi Fuiten ‘06 Mark & Debra FujimotoKristin Fujioka ‘05 Brad FujisakiCraig & Gwen FukuharaKay FunDennis Fuoss*David & Joanne Aki Gabel ‘66*Greg Gadbois ‘97 Donald Orwick & Gail Alexander Gage ‘79David ‘76 & Karen Gainey*Joan GaitherWilliam & Tina GallawayBradford & Barbara Gallup*Richard F.wM. & Christine McGuire Garcia ‘91Sandra Gray Garcia*W. Aubrey ‘60 & Billie Gardner*Sandra GarryRosetta GarzaGordon & Patricia Breitkreutz Gates ‘86 ‘88*

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Annual DonorsThomas & Arlynda GatesWilliam Gates ‘08 Dean Gautschy ‘53 Jovencio & Mely GazmenJonathan ‘80 & Kelli Stipe Gehrs ‘81*Marcia White Gentry ‘67 Timothy George & Tamera FarleyEnnis & Susan Geraghty*Martin & Lisa Vandehey Gerdes ‘91Louis ‘50 & Patricia Gerhardt*Phillip Gerking ‘54 Natalie Getchell ‘11 Evelyn Bankus Gibbs ‘49*Todd Gienger ‘07 Brent & F. Denise Price Giesbers ‘00Alec & Shana GiessJonathon ‘99 & Robin Gietzen*Robert & Ramona Knight Gifford ‘55*Carroll & Susan Staton Gilbert ‘62*Torey Gilbertson ‘03 Colleen Gill ‘92 Patrick Gillem & Elizabeth Prosch-JensenIsaac GilmanLeonard ‘41 & Gayle GilmanColleen Gilroy ‘98*David Gisborne & Jo CollinsNicholas ‘73 & Linda Gitts*Patrick & Rachel Fennimore Glancy ‘91*Barbara Glover ‘72 Scott GobelGary GodsilJoel GohdesDavid ‘75 ‘76 & Patti Gohman*Edward ‘84 ‘87 & Colleen Golesh*

Gordon & Donna GollehonCori Gono ‘99*Norman Goo ‘82 ‘84Craig & Linda Waples Goodbrake ‘78J.J. & Paula GoodingLloyd GoodingHannah Gordon ‘06 Ronald ‘66 ‘67 & Truska GorrellDavid Goss ‘72 ‘74Mark ‘93 ‘95 & Margot GotcherClifford & Sherry GoyaIsaac Goya ‘03 Thomas & Mary GoyaDayna Judd Grandmason ‘67 David ‘67 & Judy GranstromWilliam & Nancy Grant*Patricia GrassPeggy Wilke Graves ‘60*Rosemary Besaw Gray ‘58 Steven ‘94 & Emma Dessauer Gray ‘95Janice GreenMichael & Ivy Buell Green ‘66*Jeffrey ‘71 & Joan Lubamersky Greendorfer*Donald ‘66 & Debora GreenfieldCharlotte GreenwoodTravis & Kirstin GregoryRobert & Donna Greytak*David & Susie Griess*William ‘64 & Inez Bondurant Griffels ‘66*Scott & Dawne Rime Griffith ‘95*Paul & Heather GriffoJoseph Grillo & Mary OrdalDean & Karen Groetzinger*Mary Grout ‘78

William & Patty Im Grunwald ‘99Elena Guinn*R. Pearl Wilson Gunn ‘68*Marion Albro Gustafson*Mark ‘64 & Connie GustafsonJose Guzman & Obdulia ArroyoBryan ‘93 & Laura HadleyNewt & Dorothy McClimans Hagar ‘80*J. Ronald & Joyce HailickaWilliam & Catherine Call Hainer ‘64Peter & Marjorie HalbachBecky Breneman Haley ‘89 Benjamin & Kimberly Von Hall ‘91*Ralls & Kathleen HallJiri Halla & Anyeley HallovaJoseph Halloran ‘05 Walter & Ginny HamerAngela Hamilton ‘97 Craig & Rebecca Christie Hamilton ‘80*Ronald & Robin HamiltonSteve & Tiffany Norling Hamilton ‘95Bruce & Marilyn Hamm*Donald ‘49 ‘50 & Peggy HammRichard Brenden & Joanne Hammar ‘83James Hammer ‘08 Bruce ‘79 ‘80 & Anne HammondsRusty ‘80 & Cindy Hampton*Quang HangDavid & Barbara HankinsHeather Hannam ‘78*Richard Hansen*Linda HansonRobert & Peggy Hanson ‘91Stephen ‘62 & Annabelle Jones Hanson ‘63*

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Carol Hanzlik-Hall ‘70 Donald & Carol Hapward*Bryan & Seda Hara*Jaime Hara ‘05 Lloyd & Mildred HaraSteven & Jane Harms Harloff ‘90William ‘66 & Sally Breede Harman*Bobby Harris ‘70 & Ruthann Hartley*Lewis ‘55 ‘56 & Barbara HarrisLowell ‘62 & Janet Harris*Deidre HarrisonR. Gordon & Carol HarrisonGeorge HarshbargerCraig & Lynn HarstadMitchell ‘82 ‘84 & Laura HarstadPaul ‘78 & Linda Hartkorn*Carol Hartley ‘84 Gary ‘58 & Jacqueline Hartrampf*Larry & Judy Haselwood*Heather HaskellEllen Hastay*Edward & Muriel Hastings*Thomas & Caroline HattersleySteven Haugen & Elizabeth Lux-HaugenTrevor Hausske ‘46 & Marjean Postlethwaite*Troy ‘88 & Michelle Denniston Haverkamp ‘87Karen Havnaer ‘61 Glenn & Gail Hayashi*Anthony & Kerry Hayes*Dorance ‘61 & Sharon Hayes*Vincent Hayes ‘65 Harry ‘50 & Amelia Hays*Joan Whitchurch Hays ‘56 Karsten Hazelett ‘75 & Josephine Pegrum-Hazelett ‘75

Darrell & Marilyn Walker Heard ‘61*Bill & Sara Heffler ‘94*Carl & Kathy HeislerHoward Heisler ‘89 & Germaine Cheslock ‘87 ‘89 Lester & Erma Heisler*Charliss Held ‘83 ‘84*David & Virginia Held*Mark Helgeson ‘88 & Dori Carlson-Helgeson ‘89 Michael ‘83 & Donna L. Hellums ‘83Ann Helmick ‘66 William ‘77 & Denise Henderson*John ‘59 & Patricia Henick*Alison Hennes ‘05 ‘08Norma Henry*Douglas ‘00 & Kylie Thompson Hepler ‘01*Michael & Cathleen HerbageDaniel & Phyllis Weiler Herinckx ‘70*Kelly HeringCharles & Mary Jane Lintz Herman ‘47*Atuey & Jana HernandezCarmelo HernandezSteven & Nicole HerranenT. William Hess ‘62 & Glendora Albertson-HessCaroll Heusser ‘55 Joni HeveronSergio Hickey ‘07 Hope Hicks ‘05 Alden & Karen Higa*Coreen Higa ‘01 Glenn ‘70 & Candice Higa*Paul Higa ‘08 Warren Higa ‘64 Paul & Summer Olsen Highfill ‘02Calvin & Sharon Higuchi*

Carlys Higuchi ‘02 ‘06Pauline Larsgaard Hilden ‘64*Anya Hill ‘05 Isreal HillElenora Hundis Hillis ‘42 Maurice & Margaret Hoyen Hillyer ‘60*Todd & Selena HingLawrence ‘88 & Barbara Hittle*Elizabeth Robohm Hix ‘56*Roy & Kuulei Ho*Phillip & Patricia HobizalMichael ‘75 ‘76 & Victoria HobussRobert ‘62 & Michele Hobza*Clark ‘74 & Mary Wagenblast Hochstetler*Sharon HoffJohn ‘62 & Miriam Horner Hoffman ‘62*Eugene & Ruth HoganTerrance ‘73 & Jane HohnerAlfredo Hokutan & Donna Cadiz-HokutanStan & Julie Thorne Holcomb ‘99*Steve & Mary Wolfe Holland ‘65*Roger ‘77 & Mary Holling*

Read about Pacific's youngest graduates, Karsten and Kerensa—


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Annual DonorsJames ‘00 & Carol HolmDenis Holmes ‘82 ‘84Robert ‘65 & Gail L. HolmesKathryn Holt*John ‘74 ‘75 & Nancy Gall Holte ‘77*Louis ‘54 & Dolores Kidder Holzgang ‘54*Aron & Patsy McLain Homberg ‘93 ‘98 Heather Miller Hon '90 Brent & Pamela HondaRonald ‘51 & Joyce HoneymanCynthia Honma ‘06 Lester & Penelope HoodenpyleObie & Jean HoodmanJohn & Susan Hoover ‘79*Frederick & Lisa HopkinsNoah Horstman ‘06 Thomas ‘51 & Marie Leavens Houston ‘50*Kassie HoyneLen HuaHoward & Lou Juan Hubbard*James Krumm & Tonya Hubbard ‘98Randy ‘82 & Margaret Mackenzie Hubbard ‘81*Katie & Mariflorence Martin Hudson ‘98Michael ‘77 & June Hudson*Wayne ‘77 ‘79 & Janine Hudson*Burton ‘56 & Margaret Harty Huggett ‘49 ‘56*Douglas Hughes & Pamela Logsdon*Joy Hughes ‘87 ‘88William & Laurel Chamberlain Hughes ‘88*Jack ‘94 & Carolyn Huhtala*Craig ‘64 ‘65 & Molly Hull*Joy HullTerrence HummelR. Douglas ‘61 & Della Sinn Humphrey ‘59

David & Linda HuntJames & Diane HuntLawrence Hunt*Mike & Maria HuppiRichard & Maria HurdleJames ‘77 & Elizabeth HurleyPatrick ‘66 ‘67 & Sigrid Ekholm Huston ‘66*Perry Hutchison & Suzanne SmithCuong Huynh ‘92 Earl & Allison IchimuraKazuko Ikeda*Ramona IleaAllan ‘70 & Sharlyne Inouye*Susan InouyeLynn IronsideStephanie Irving ‘04 Lorraine Ishida‡ Alan & Jean Ishimitsu*Gary Isono & June Uyehara-IsonoDonald ‘59 & Deborah Iverson*Garner & Mary Ivey*Pedro JacintoDuane Jackson ‘89 ‘91Frank ‘40 & Patricia Stanton JacksonJohn JacksonRichard ‘56 & Dorothy Jackson*Robert ‘46 & Virginia Huson Jackson ‘46Greg JacobJohn ‘54 & Jean Jacobs*Valerie Spahn Jacobsen ‘88 ‘90Lara Jago ‘08 Shahriar & Guity Sohrab Jam ‘68 ‘75 Alan JamesKeith James

William ‘92 & Eve James*Richard & Lucinda JardineCliff JarrardThomas Jeanes ‘69 John & Jeanne JenkinsRoger & Julie JensenSusan Jensen ‘68 Richard Nute & Janice Jepsen-Nute ‘86Madeline JepsonJohn ‘80 & Barbara W. Jewett*Glenn Joesten ‘63 David ‘70 ‘72 & Debra Johanknecht*James ‘50 & Ginger Johns*Phil Biehl & Linda Johns ‘89*Alan Johnson ‘56 ‘57*Andrew & Rebecca Walton Johnson ‘96*Barbara Wolfe Johnson ‘51 ‘53Bridget JohnsonBryan ‘83 ‘86 & Leah Johnson*Claude ‘75 & Elisa Johnson*Donna Taggart Johnson ‘78 Glenda Johnson ‘83 Jodi Johnson ‘04 Lawrence ‘73 & Kim Johnson*Milt ‘52 & Sue Johnson*Monte & Sandra Johnson*Paul Johnson ‘70 Terry ‘71 & Cathy JohnsonTimothy Johnson ‘83*Jerry ‘68 ‘70 & Peggy Spencer Jolley ‘70*Don Jones ‘52 ‘53Grant ‘97 & Lynda Rasmussen Jones ‘98James ‘74 & Ginny Weinhold Jones ‘76Mary Ann Jones ‘73

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Matthew Jones ‘82 ‘84 & Jody HamiltonRyan Jones ‘99 Frank & Leah JordanKeely JosiMaria Juarez LopezDelilah Wheeler Judy ‘46 ‘75*Tim ‘78 & Melva Juett*Deloros Afrank Kaauwai ‘59*Clifford & Helen Kagawa*Jerry & Patsy Kahler*Daniel & Karen Mullan Kaiser ‘77*Joni Kaitoku ‘05 Edwin Kajiwara ‘82 Cindy KakuElton KakuG. Kevin & Mary Kambak*Brenda Johnson Kameenui ‘70*Michael & Wanda KameokaEric KandaJames & Karen KaneMark ‘70 & Alexis Kane*Riley ‘66 & Jackye KaneshinaBoyd KaneshiroDean & Liane Kaneshiro*Theron ‘60 ‘61 & Vicki KarrickGarold & Lorraine Kashiwa*Paul ‘69 & Karlin KathreinFukuo & Mary Kato*Noah Kressel & Lisa Katon ‘97Jacqueline Katz ‘90 Milton Katz ‘52 ‘53*Owen & Shirley Ann Leialoha Kauahi ‘66Clifford Kawano*Pamela Kawasaki

Teruo & Kiku Kawata*Richard Kay ‘79 Robert ‘88 & Leni KearnsDavid Keck ‘71 Gregory KellerJim & Julie M. Price Keller ‘92Michael & Heidi Trupp Keller ‘90*Gary & Kathryn Kelley ‘04Kyle Kelly ‘89*Stephen ‘95 & Jennifer Roberts Kelson ‘94Harold ‘56 & Shirley Kempster*Maureen KennedyCharles & Theresa KentJohn & Emily KerriganBob KeyesHeidi Kilian ‘01 Ryan KimberlyMervyn ‘69 & Carol KimuraShane & Donna KimuraLauna KindKevin & Joyce KindschuhKatherine KingMichael & Lori Guiton King ‘80*Peter & Celia Kircher*Patrick & Lori KirkDavid Kiser ‘03 Benjamin ‘73 ‘76 & Debbie KisterGary & Grace KitabayashiDaryle & Violet KitamoriMichael & Dorrine KitamuraJames ‘94 & Karla KitchEvan Kjornes*William & Sidney Toraason Klammer ‘83*Anne Murray & Dawn Klein ‘87 ‘88*

Stephen & Cindy Klein*Philip Berens & Kari Klein Berens ‘97Mari Anne Klekacz ‘06 Jeffrey & Gwendolyn KlobesHeather Klos ‘03 ‘06Ronald & Nancy Whitmore Knapp ‘69Alexander & Heather Mayo Knoeferl ‘96Esther Winebarger Knox ‘00 Patrick Knox ‘70 Sarah Kodama ‘08 Wayne & Gwen KojimaThomas Koll ‘82 & Karen Jansky-Koll*Jon ‘93 ‘95 & Cynthia Kolstad*Russell & Delna KomoRyan Storfa & Kristin Kondo StorfaKristopher Kosik ‘96 Michael Kou ‘94 Steven ‘79 ‘81 & Debra KourajianKevin & Debrah KraalSteven ‘63 & Joyce Krake*Michael & Clara KresseLarry ‘65 ‘66 & Carol Krieger*Bob & Betty KrieghRichard & Linda KrollRichard Krueger ‘76 & Joan McCumby ‘72*Ansel Krutsinger*Jarrett & Lana Shotwell Kubo ‘04Morris ‘76 & Mary KuhlmannGregory ‘88 & Kelly Kuhns*Peter & Therese Kujawa*David & Pam Aronson Kulhavy ‘70 ‘73 James ‘99 ‘99 & Alicks KundartRichard & Linda KuritaGeorge ‘58 & Dorthea Kurtz*

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Annual DonorsRavi Kurukulasuriya ‘94 Hung KwongJacey Laborte ‘07 Mercy Labrador*Martin ‘54 ‘55 & Willa Laderman*Bridget Lahm ‘03 Ronald LajoyKaren Lally ‘79 Albert & Helen LamMary Gonzales Lamb ‘86 Matthew ‘03 ‘06 & Terese LampaWarren & Betty Lancaster*Robert Lance ‘52 ‘53John & Diane Landon*James LaneJoseph & Sandra LaneTami Lang ‘82 ‘85Maria LaraPaul ‘04 & Katie Martin Lardy ‘03Arthur & Ellen Larsen*Janet Collins Larsen ‘67*Lori LarsonEric Laschever & Eulalie SullivanTimothy LauerWilliam LawlerGeorge & Twila LawrenceMorgan Leach ‘87 & Mindy Sterner ‘89*Brenda Lecarno ‘05 Christopher Lee ‘08 David & Stacey LeeErnesto ‘61 & Susanna Lee*Gordon ‘77 & Judy LeeKenny ‘98 ‘02 & Tracy Doll Lee ‘03 ‘06 Leslie & Luanne Lee*

Linda LeeMarshall & Esther Lee*Michael & Allison Lee*Wayson & Edwina LeeDorothy Robinson Legernes ‘48*Eleanor LembertThomas ‘74 & Arlene Higa Lemieux ‘72*Clinton & Sheryl Falconer Lentfer ‘90Chuck & Susan Bones Lenzi ‘75 ‘80*Arturo LeonPak Ho ‘83 & Nancy Klinkhammer Leong ‘83 ‘88 Melchor Leon-VidalsNorbert & Carol LePage*Tessa Lethlean ‘10 Donald LetourneauDavid & Diana LettAaron LevinLaura Anne Chamberlin Levy ‘46*Chester & Joan Mittman Lewandowski ‘77John & Linda Hoar Lewis ‘65 ‘68 Robert & Charlyn Thompson Lewis ‘61Susan LiKathleen Light*Richard ‘88 & Melanie LightbodyRichard & Stephanie Hibbs Lind ‘85Harold ‘49 ‘50 & Jolie Lindquist*Lawrence Lipin & Sylvie Horne*Mark & Barb Lisac*Kenneth ‘51 & Iris Roy Little ‘51*Harry ‘65 ‘66 & Margaret Litts*Peter & Pauline LiuTedd LivengoodPaul & Sydney Lizundia*Russell & Allyson Lloyd

John ‘63 ‘65 & Judith Lofgren*Kenneth Loftus ‘97 & Melissa KatsikisRobert Logsdon ‘51*Richard London & Jayne SilverDoug Long & Leah CoiteuxGregg Long ‘07 John Long ‘71*Leslie & Bobbie Loo*David Lopez ‘83 Alfonso Lopez-VasquezBradley Lorenzen ‘88 P. Paul & Angela LorenzoPatrick & Jill LoupinThomas ‘68 & Carolyn Davis Love*John ‘93 ‘96 & Priscilla Thomas Lowery ‘93 ‘94 Tony & Kelly LucarelliJamie Lucero ‘98 Stephen & Virginia LuckerMary Ludtke ‘96*Sharon LudtkeStephen ‘65 & Ruth Lusk*Ted ‘73 & Susan Hackleman Luther ‘74 ‘03 Patricia Luttrell ‘95 Dori MacDonaldHarry & Susan Heinrich Mackin ‘67 ‘78*Ron & Sharon Kodani Maeda ‘74*Dennis & Karen Goya Maedo ‘67Greta Magden ‘00 Phyllis Kirk Magden ‘74 R. Wayne & Nadine Danielson Maggard ‘59John & Pamela MaherEric MainRobert & Elizabeth Main*Gary & Celeste Major

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Kirk & Elizabeth MakinRomeo & Grace ManabatAnthony Marble ‘97 Gwenn MarcheseHelenka Marcinek*Matthew & Kristine MarcusRobert & Cindy MarkMichael & Janet Zimmerman Markee ‘58LaDaryl ‘51 ‘52 & Marlys Markeson*Joseph ‘01 & Erin Holley Maronick ‘00Sandra Flores MarroquinHarue MarsdenDouglas ‘93 & Gladys MartinHenry MartinKenneth & Becky Freeman Martin ‘73*Leila Martin ‘79 Lowell & Sydney Martin ‘92Paula MartinSteven MartinLucia MartinezLois Martz*Yasutaka MarukiSondra Maruna-Ziegler ‘76 Michael MarusichStephen MasonAlan & Dale Masumura*David & Tamara Wiedrich Mathison ‘90John & Ann MatschinerGlenn ‘65 & Joan Matsukawa*Barbara MatsumotoGlenn & Lori MatsumotoLeslie & Valerie MatsumotoDesmond & Robin MatsumuraKelly Matsunaga ‘05

Stewart & Faye Matsunaga*Joseph & Deldrien Maunupau*Eric & Amy MaussAllyson May ‘85 Craig & Renee MayRobert ‘73 & Karen McAllister*James ‘68 ‘70 & Mary McAndrewMatt Parker & Susan McAndrew ‘03 John & Polly McArthur*Lewis & Elizabeth McArthurMichael & Janet McBrideDavid & Julie McCallumMichael ‘82 & Candace McCartney*Jeffery ‘88 & Jan McCaw*Douglas ‘96 & Claudia McClure*Michael ‘88 ‘90 & Debbie McCown*Frederic McCurdy, Jr. ‘78 Elizabeth Jones McDowall ‘46*Mark ‘92 & Sandy McDowall*Donald ‘67 & Arlene McFadden*Michael & Virginia McGaraghanDennis & Sharon McGirk*

Michael ‘69 ‘71 & Kathie McGrath*James McGuire ‘05 Martha Teeter McGuirk ‘69*William ‘89 & Tracy McIntosh ‘88*Arthur ‘72 & Beverly Olesen McIrvin ‘74Leslie McKenzieRussell McKinley & Anne Herndon*Kathryn McKinney ‘06 Daniel & Stana McKitrick*James & Grace McKnightJoe McLaughlinColleen McLeodTimothy McMahonAnthony & Nancy McPhersonGlenn & Barbara McQueen*Justin McRobertJohn Medeiros*Larson & Kehau MedinaDonald ‘63 & Frances Meek*John ‘67 ‘68 & Mary Jane Mees*Rosa Mejia GaonaTamarra MellickKenneth & Judith Mellow*Nancy MeltzoffBernard & Shirley Melum*Ken ‘79 & Arla MelzerJason ‘96 ‘97 & Kayleen Beard Mendenhall ‘97*Rosario Mendez-RodriguezBilly Merck ‘03Shelley Merello*Kay Messenger*Deann MetzgarFletcher & Julie Czywczynski Meyer ‘03William ‘69 & Nicki Meyers*

Members of the Campus Public Safety team. Visit to read

about faculty/staff giving.

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52 ▼ 2008 | 2009 * Five years consecutive giving ‡ Deceased

Annual DonorsPaul MichaelFaye Michaelis‡Kenneth ‘50 & Mary MichenerShanelle Mickelberry ‘06 Jennifer MiddletonSusan MiddletonSusan Mihelich ‘05 Shane Millard ‘04 David & Norah MillerErvin ‘82 & Karol MillerJames & Millie Miller*Joan Deane Miller ‘53*Kirk & Catherine Miller*Nicholas Miller ‘00 Trixy Miller ‘11 June McCrum Miller-Gibron ‘49 Gerald ‘55 & Donna Millis*Masakazu & Emily Kojiri Minei ‘52*Paul & Linda Frank Minor ‘71*Richard & Elaine MitzelMax ‘79 & Janice MiuraLeila Miyamoto ‘83 Gary & JoAnn MiyashiroSusan Mizuno*M. Michael Mlynski ‘00 Andy MoScott ‘98 & Melissa Mocklin-Dwiggins ‘98 ‘01Timothy Moe ‘06 Jeremiah & Selena Maestas Moffitt ‘96John & Kathryn Mohar*Andrea Mohrle ‘93 ‘97Luke MoissinacTed & Winifred MokiaoGeorge F. & Kathryn Leventis Molesa ‘75

Irving & Momoe Kokubo Mondschein ‘50*David Moody ‘84 Bruce & Sandy Moore*June Purviance Moore ‘52*William & Bonnie Bell Moore ‘73*Anna Moran ‘93*Gener & Carlina MordenDavid & Mary Jo Morelli*Alice Smith Morgan ‘35 Kenneth & Terry Morgan*Jason ‘97 ‘02 & Kelly Kwai Morgenthaler ‘00Ivan & Janet Morita*Lisa MoritaDonald ‘50 ‘56‡ & Geraldine Sinclair Morrison ‘52*J. Kenneth Morrison ‘73 Kelly MorseMicah MortonJohn & Charla MoserJon Furukawa & Shani Moser ‘94*Joseph & Leslie Graves Moya ‘88*Michael MoyersNicholas Mucisko ‘56 Miranda Mueller ‘04 Ken & Noreen Kurata Mumaw ‘75*Martha Muncie ‘68*Gerald & Susan Munger*J. Eric & Mary Munk*Daniel MunozEugene & Frances Munson*Steven & Lynn MuraokaPatrick & Debra MurphyTeresa MurphyJennifer Murray ‘97 ‘01 Timothy & Ethel Musnicki*

A. Wayne ‘44 & Brix Myers*James ‘02 & Cathleen Myers*Jody Myers ‘85 Joshua Myers ‘99*Thomas Myers ‘03 William & Sarah NaegeliClyde & Mary NagamineSteven & Verna NagamineBradley Nagasako ‘08 Kenneth & Karen Nakamura*Kurt Nakamura ‘88*Mark & Dale Nakamura*Reid Nakamura ‘08 Kay NakaoRoshanak Namavari ‘06 Myrl & Bonnie Nardinger*Eugene & Gwen NarimatsuMaryllyn Miller Neely ‘78*Daryl & Joanne Steveley Nehler ‘63 ‘70*Wendell ‘59 & Danell Neibuhr*David ‘82 ‘84 & Cheryl Neill*Dale & Elaine Nelson*Darrel Nelson & Michelle McCormickHenry & Barbara Wylie Nelson ‘51*John & Megan Nelson ‘96*Larry ‘91 & Amanda Deeley Nelson ‘95Lenora Nelson ‘80 Mary Nelson ‘08 Scott & Marit Blecha Nelson ‘96*William ‘51 ‘53 ‘53 & Louise Leding Nelson ‘51*Joseph ‘06 & Courtney Misslin Neron ‘03William & Sharon Landreth Nesbit ‘62*Luther ‘85 & Claudia NessJerrol & Janet Neupert

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John ‘42 & Helen NewbyCarrie Newman ‘88 Kerry ‘60 & Marie Newman*Bruce & Wendy Newton ‘97 ‘00*Hung Nguyen & Ngocchau TruongGary ‘59 & Rose Nichols*Brent Nielsen ‘89 George & Elizabeth Hewitt Niewoehner ‘66*Stephen ‘72 & Marilyn NiimiAndrew & Barbara NishCurtis & Ann NishimuraJared NishitomiRobert ‘47 & Norma NixonPhyllis Noah*Cherie Noble ‘01 Michael ‘82 ‘83 & Cynthia NobleJohn & Camille Campbell Noel ‘70*Erle & Patricia Murphy Norman ‘73*Jeremiah Norris ‘97 & Stephanie Pisias ‘97 William ‘72 & Marilyn NovotnyGyorgyi NyergesPatty Kirk Nystrom ‘82 Charles & Jean Lindely Oakes ‘83Frances O’Brien ‘65*Jack & Lori OelfkeWolfgang OesterreichAl & Judy Ogasawara*Ginger Ogle ‘93 Raymond Ogle ‘08 Terri O’HaraRodney & Gail OkanekuArthur & Lonnie OketaniLincoln Okita & Jo Malmstrom-Okita*Logan Okita ‘06

Anne O’Leary-Brink ‘08 Robert & Elaine Olguin*Randy & Ann OlinJames & Barbara OlsenCharles ‘58 & Beverly OlsonMike & Carol Semler Olson*David Onishi ‘06 Lori Ordway ‘81*Tommy Orlinski ‘04 Joyce Kellington Osborn ‘45*Robert ‘64 & Jerelyn OsbornDean ‘87 & Laura Shintaku Oshiro ‘88Randi Otis ‘03 Haley OvertonMargaret Wong Owen ‘71 Kelsey Owens ‘08 Wesley Owens ‘91 ‘01Steve & Lorna Cary Ozawa ‘74 ‘77 Bruce ‘74 & Alison Ando Pace ‘81Greg & Jonatha PaetzholdDarlene PaganDennis Palanuk ‘77 Susan Palmer ‘84 Pat & Donna PalmertonRebecca Pang*Terry PantonaChester & Lynne ParkPatricia ParkerSteve & Rachel ParkerMatthew ‘03 & Julie Parks*Bradley ‘91 & Elizabeth Parsons*Ruth ParvinRuth Pasley*Raja Patel

Dorothy Withycombe Paul ‘42 David ‘68 & Carol Coates Pauli ‘69*Louis ‘60 & Bernardine Payne*Mark Pedemonte & Alayn WaldorfKresten ‘79 ‘82 & Cyndi Pedersen*Susan PedersenRafael Pedraza-Urtes & Victoria White Pedraza ‘84*Janet PeifferMyldred Chester Peldyak ‘57*Sandra Pelham-FosterMichelle PelkeyJohn ‘54 ‘65 & Genevieve Pennington*Philip & Cynthia Finkle Penttila ‘81*Wilma Schildhauer Percifield ‘43*Francisco Perez-Gomez & Maria Rodriguez-PerezMario ‘03 & Kristin Peri*Dennis & Glenda Connell Perry ‘65*Douglas & Sueann PerryAlan & Shirley Peters*Alana Peters ‘05 Dave & Tyra PetersTerry & Juli PetersChris ‘77 & Norma Petersen*John ‘66 & Nancy Warwick Peterson ‘65Ruth Boyles Petrasso ‘40 William & Rita PetrocineKaren PettingerTim PextonBarbara Pfaltzgraff ‘92 Bernice PhillipsDavid & Nina PhilpottRick & Amanda Brown Pickar ‘94Ronald & Genevieve Pickering*Norman ‘51 & Rowena Pierce

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Annual Donors

Read the Facilities team story. Visit

Tom & Nickola Grossmiller Pierce ‘66Roger & Lynn PiersonPeter Benedict Pigao ‘07 Carl ‘60 ‘62 & Lois Pileri*Robert Pinder ‘63 Maria PinedaJason Pirga ‘03 Greg & Jennifer Grigsby Pirie ‘99*Steven Pisciotta ‘82 & Sally O’Neill*Nicklas & Susan Pisias*Jesus & Karen Plasencia ‘99Steve & Theresa Feeney Plasencia ‘88Bruce ‘68 & Harriett Platt*Duane ‘61 & Joyce Plyter*Kris & Deanna Chaney Pobanz ‘81Norbert & Nancy PoirierJohn & Sue Grimes PolerSteven ‘70 & Barbara PomerantzJoseph ‘66 & Sharon Pomrink*Wade & Sunya PorterAnn Porter-Hoke ‘08 Steven & Minda Potter*Connie Powell ‘01*Ed & Eve Barnes Powell ‘80*James & Renate Powell ‘81*Sean Powell ‘01 Vincent ‘68 & Pamela Powell*Glen ’43 & Betty Powers*James Powers ’65 & Jennie Williams-PowersStephen PragEdward & Kathleen PratiHannah Pratt ‘98 Jeffrey ‘73 & Maria Lita Yambos Pratt ‘74*Lindsay Prescott ‘07

Donald ‘77 & Mae PresleyEileen Acton Preston ‘52*Nathan ‘94 ‘96 & Jennifer PriceScott ProbertThe Estate of Helen PropstraJoseph & Nancy PulitoJann PurdyJohn Purdy ‘01 Ronald ‘56 & Alice M. Puzey*John & Carol McBlaine Pyle ‘74D. Dean ‘56 & Margene QuallsBrian & Michele Kemper QuintLeslie Rabon ‘04 Charles ‘71 ‘72 & Peny RadebaughMatthew ‘07 & Jennifer McRae RadelCarl & Brenda RaffertyAndy & Deborah Chun Ragasa ‘82Emily Rampton ‘72*John ‘78 ‘80 & Pamela RandallJohn ‘62 & Yolanda Lewandowicz Randlett ‘63Fernando Rangel-SandovalRogelio Rangel-SandovalThomas & Joanne Tilton Rannells ‘82*Pat Breunsbach-Rutan Rasmussen ‘53 Andrew Rau ‘07 Ronald & Wanda Rau ‘82Thomas & Sue RauKarl & Theresa Raudsepp ‘89*Jean Stephenson Rawls ‘49*Robert RawsonBill & Kristy Ray*Fletcher Ray ‘01 Richard RayleyMarilyn Lynch Raynor ‘61

Roylene ReadVijay & Varakantham ReddyAlex & Luz RedobleLandis & Natalie Beltram Reed ‘97 ‘00*Michael & Cindy ReeseJohn ‘84 & Rebecca Reidy*Rebecca Reisch ‘01 Fred Reisinger ‘81 & Nery Sison-Reisinger ‘82 ‘85 Scott Andler & Stacy Renfro ‘94William & Joyce RenioWayne & Dee RenshawGabriel ‘03 & Louise Torres Reyes ‘05Alan ‘76 & Terry Cox Rhodes ‘77Esther Rice*Jerry Rice ‘94 Leah Richards ‘06 Clifford ‘00 & Connie RichardsonGloria Christensen Richardson ‘54 David & Barbara RichterDaniel & Deanna Rickenbacher*John Rickman ‘78 ‘84*Theodore & Linda Keiser Riedeburg ‘67*Vergie Ries

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Billy RietmannJames RilattKyle Riley ‘98 & Jenny Johnson-Riley ‘98 Greg ‘74 & Victoria Nauyok Ring ‘74*Sharon RissmillerBarbara RoarkSuzanne Robb ‘70*Thomas ‘47 & Patricia Vernon Robb ‘45*Philip & Janet RobbinsDavid ‘60 & Janet Roberts*John Roberts ‘63*Ralph ‘61 & Rita Roberts*Ruston Roberts ‘06 Thomas & Barbara RobertsTheresa Roberts-Eilerts ‘93 Barbara Trenholm Robinson ‘51*Kenneth ‘71 ‘72 & Marilyn RobinsonRhonda RobinsonMarc ’05 ’07 & Lisa Kjorstad Roche ’06Ronald & Diann Layfield Rockstrom ’75 Graciela RodalesVictor Rodriguez & Christine GuentherHeriberto Rodriguez Garcia &

Margaret Rodriguez-Springer ’93Robert ’59 & E. Ellen Roe*William Kness & Sandra Rogers*Randolph & Sandra RohdeRonald & Roberta RohlenaShawna RohnerAndrew & Kimberly RohrIra & Karen Rohter*Corrine Varitz Romero ‘50 Claude & Elisabeth Romig ‘07William ’76 & Gail Romley

Veronica Rosales-LeonDavid ’83 & Patricia RoseJoanne Rose*R. Thomas ’74 & Bonnie Roselius*Sharon Rosen ’76 Ira & Ruth Conklin Rosenberg ’64*Edmund Stuber & Ruth Rosimo ‘76*Aaron ‘96 & Shelly Ellison Ross ‘96*Angela Rosario Ross ‘03 Heather Ross ‘06 Fredrick & Lani Rossetta ‘91Vincent RossiRichard & Jodi RothGarth & Sue RoundsMimi Marylon Moore Routh ‘64 Dale RoweCaron Rowland ‘71 Aric & Ashley Bement Royce ‘07Wallace ‘57 ‘58 & Catharine Shepard Ruch ‘58*John ‘57 & Phyllis RudiMarvin ‘61 & Mary Lou Rueck*David ‘82 & Mary Rumpf*Stacie RushChrista Russell ‘06 Richard & Veronica Russell ‘03Winona Turner Russell ‘37 Patricia RussoNicholas Ryan ‘72*Tobias Ryan ‘04 ‘07Robin & Lea Ann Ryder*Dan & Kathi RyoppyWayne & Renee SadangDouglas Safley ‘75 ‘76*Mark & Renee Saito

Derek & Linda SakadoCraig & Kathy SakamotoJerry & Rosie SakamotoKellen & Cecily SakrisonEric ‘83 ‘85 & Tamson Saksa*Donald Salmon ‘75 Jaime Sanchez-GutierrezDavid SatnickScott Sato ‘03 Simona SavaDavid Savage ‘77 & Laurie MedillPilar SayagoAndrew Schaedel & Susan Sanzi-SchaedelDonald & Dorothy Schauermann*David ‘88 & Pamela ScheidtVernor SchenckDavid ‘63 & Loraine Schmidt Schibbler ‘64*Timm & Susan SchimkeJonathan ‘78 & Pamela Young Schlueter ‘77*Mark Schmalz ‘79 Earl ‘61 ‘68 & Dicksie S. SchmittJon Schnorr*Greg Schober ‘78 ‘79 & Mauri Bauer ‘78 ‘80 Monte & Margaret Becker Schoffstall*David ScholnickDouglas Stephy & Julie Schornack ‘87 Fred & Tammy Van Schrader ‘94 ‘08 James ‘92 & Sara Harkonen Schrader ‘89*Ralph & Susan Schubothe*Stephen & Patricia Schuetz*William Schultz ‘54*Christine SchulzeWilliam & Judy SchumannCindy Schuppert ‘83

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Annual DonorsElwin ‘71 & Shirley SchuttRonald & Aline SchwartzAmy Scott ‘06 ‘08B.J. Scott ‘03 ‘06Danny & Lynda Nelson Scott ‘81*Noreen ScottRobert & Marcia ScullyGary ‘58 & Jeanie Seaney*Daniel ‘68 & Joanne Sears*Jo Ann Sedlak ‘00 James Seixas & Astrid ThangenRolfe Selberg ‘53 ‘65*Peter Stich & Katherine Selmar ‘79 ‘84 Armando Joe & Linda SepulvedaDavid ‘72 ‘74 & Patti SevensmaJeffrey SewardKelli ShafferMichael & Sabrina Hull Shalz ‘82William & Lisa SharkeyJames & Teru ShawRita Sheen ‘07 Robert ‘87 & Dolores Sheets*Harry & Gayle ShellerPeter ShepherdKeith & Greta Sheppard ’79Mark & Barbara Sherrill*Jerrold ‘44 & Geraldine Bennett-Pace Sherson ‘47Stanley ‘06 & Eva ShieldsRebecca ShipmanJean Allin Shirley ‘39*Robert & Lorena Deardorff Shook ‘67*Donald ‘84 & Deanne ShuteJoyce Givens Siewert ‘54 Terry ‘65 & Marion Natenstedt Sigel ‘66

Kenneth ‘68 & Evelyn Silbernagel*Leon & Laurali Smith Sime ‘98Mary Jo Simone*Bob & Shelly Simonyi ‘04Barbara Sinclair ‘55 Walter ‘51 & Muriel SinclairWendi Dunkel Sinclair ‘99 James & Sandra SirlesAlfred SlighterPaul & Molly Morrow Sloan ‘96 ‘98 Thomas & Della SloanEdward ‘81 & Cynthia SmallAllen SmithBrent ‘88 & Colleen Couron Smith ‘89Dana & Karen Baldwin Smith ‘70Dorothy Thompson Smith ‘32*Fred & Gail SmithGarry Smith ‘74 Harlan B. & Shannon Mahoney Smith ‘67*Matthew Smith ‘83 Myron ‘60 & Jann Chapman Smith ‘60Roland Smith ‘50 Scott ‘67 & Gisele Nusspickel Smith ‘68Steven & Christine SmithStuart & Patricia SmithWalter & Karen Smith*John ‘49 & Alice Hook Smock ‘49*Jeremy & Emily SnyderWilliam & Denise SockolovRob Robinson & Kathleen Soderberg-Robinson ‘97*Jeffrey & Kumika SogaRobert Sojka & Linda Helgeland SojkaClifford Solberger ‘50 Daniel ‘89 & Diane Solbrack

Kimberly Sorensen ‘94 Tony Sorenson & Angela Smith*Edward Soss ‘67 Kristan Sparks ‘80Jeannette Spearin ‘87*Joel Spencer & Lurnette Dacalio-SpencerDavid ‘63 & Karen Spidal*Michael & Kim SpringerWilliam & Judy Sproul*Christina Stankovich*Kathleen Stanley*Nathan ‘97 ‘98 & Michelle Namitz Stanley*Colin Stapp ‘91Louanne Starr ‘65*Gail Stearns*Michael & Gerianne Steele*Richard Steinzeig & Elizabeth Ellis-SteinzeigBenjamin SternCraig & Tamara Moss Stewart ‘95Curtis & Martha Stewart*Ronald Stewart ‘59 Mark ‘89 & Anna StillerJeffrey Stoch & Mary HenryHoward & Marjory Jackson Stokes ’51*William ’98 & Mihoko Kobayashi Stolley ’00Richard & Susan Wilkinson Stone ’69*H. Joe StoryGeorge Stoumbos*Jay ‘53 & Leona Blackmun Stovall ‘51*Timothy Strand ‘75 ‘76 & Sukey Pfirman*Harold & Vicki StrappleJami Strapple ‘03 Ron & Dorothy Knouff Strasser ‘90*Carley Straughan ‘49 ‘50*

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Cynthia Strawn ‘00*David ‘01 & Nicole Dorris Strayer ‘00*Marjorie Underwood Street ‘46*Gary ‘85 & Lorna StremchaMara StricklerLeonard ’65 & Anne Stroh*Damon & Lois StrubleBob & Amy Corvin Struckmeyer ’70*Michael Studer ’91 Richard & Christine StyffeLucrecia SuarezPablo ’65 & Electra Garcia SuarezDaniel & Carole Suehiro*Ernest & Janet Sueoka*Elton & Patricia SuganumaBrian Sullivan ’82 ’85 & Anna Leon-Guerrero ’83 Gloria Greene Sullivan ‘53*Vera SullivanJames ‘66 & Annabelle Sumner*Yukie Katayama Sumoge ‘43 Colleen SumpLeAnn Sundhagen ‘93 ‘96Angela SurrattDavid & Elizabeth Suryan*Michael ‘65 & Ann Suzuki*Thomas Swann & Elizabeth Friskey Swann*Dean ‘58 & Janet Swanson*Jim & Susie SwansonDonald ‘69 ‘71 & Cathie Reynolds Swanz ‘73*Rick Swearingen ‘74 ‘76Paul & Christine SwinehartMark & Kate SzymanskiLeo ‘71 & Bernadine TaacaTroy ‘90 ‘93 & Chelsea Tactay*

Dale & Lois Tagami*Jon Tokuuke & Patti Taira-Tokuuke ‘90 ‘92*Philip ‘66 & Karen Takaba*Michael & Sandra TakaezuEdward & Meri Takahashi*Edward Takahashi ‘89 Randall ‘86 ‘89 & Edna Takaki*Iris TakaneDonna TakaraRyan Takas ‘99 Donald & Vicki TakenakaGerard & June Takiguchi*Gordon & Patricia Tallent*Myles & Shereen Tamashiro*Randy & Donna Tamashiro*Johannes ‘08 & Melanie TanTerrence ‘79 & Charlene Tancabel*Barry & Sandy Taniguchi*Wesley & Carole Tanoue*Constance Tarasawa*Tamara Eischen Tasker ‘02 ‘05Tim & Cortney Woolett TassoneC. Wayne ‘50 ‘60 & Jean Brodersen Tate ‘52*Darwin ‘65 & Cecilia Tate*Hugh & Cynthia TatsunoDan TawaCharles & Phyllis Taylor*Matthew & Kathy TaylorRoger Taylor ‘79*Stephen Taylor ‘82 ‘86 & Mary Lou NewboldEdwin ‘58 & Mary Tays*Claude & Gail TazawaWilberta Teeter*Gene Teigen ‘72 ‘72

Kimberly Tengan ‘97*Michael ‘69 & Linda Terhorst*Christena Terjeson ‘02 Timothy & Susan Terrell*Jay & Leslie TerryTerence & Ann Teruya*Kristine TeyssierAnson & Anne ThacherAnthony & Kathleen Thiel*Stefanie Thiel ‘03 Delmer & Dorothy ThomasJohn ‘49 & Jean Thomas*Robert ‘93 & Kristin Thomas*Stephen & Carole Thomas*Eric ‘77 & Lydia Thompson*Fred & Betsy Thompson ‘83*James ‘78 & Darlene ThompsonKenneth & Keely Walshe Thompson ‘99Larry ‘87 & Robin ThompsonMarianne Hinck Thompson ‘81 ‘84*Roger Thompson ‘53 ‘54Shawn & Nicole Ellis Thompson ‘04Alfred ‘65 & Sharon ThonstadJoseph Thorman ‘71 ‘71Ronald & Patricia Thorne*Donald Thorsness ‘53 Kathy Thurman ‘76 ‘80Xiaoling TianWilliam ‘58 & Joyce Tiedgen*Henry & Sherie Tillman*Karren TimmermansSteve Matthews & Carole TimponeHumberto TinocoJanice Loo Tobin ‘72

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Annual DonorsGary & Lorraine Tokuda*William & Mildred Shintani Tokushige ‘52*Dale & Sandra Tokuuke*Randy & Julie Doebele Toney ‘99 ‘00 Chadwick Toomey ‘94 & Amy Anderson ‘00 Carl ‘51 ‘61 & Pat Totman*Peter Towne ‘61 Hung Tran ‘00 ‘04 & Sherry Wickware*Steven ‘75 & Mary TronnesJames Truax ‘03 Peter ‘69 & Patricia York Truax ‘69 ‘79 Robert ‘75 & Stephanie TrummC. Alan ‘51 & Sue TuckerValenda TueyDan & Julie Driscoll Tulenko ‘85Kenneth & Martha TunallTed & Susan Huang Tung ‘62*Dana Gorelangton Turnbull ‘75 Stanton ‘67 & Kathleen Turner*Charles ‘76 ‘77 & Teresa TyhurstRaul ‘75 & Candace UgarteAnn UlumAmy Unfred ‘04 Ingrid Unterseher*Ferdinand & Leonora UsiMarlin ‘54 & Barbara Utterback*Carol Utterberg*Placido ValencianoMariana ValenzuelaEllisa ValoJ.L. ValumFloris Van de Ven ‘04 Robert Van Dyk & Nancy ChristophWilliam Van Horn ‘54

Kristen Van KranenburghJack & Joan Van OosterhoutCameron ‘95 & Lisa Van RoekelHugh ‘56 ‘60 & Harriet Kyle Van Valkenburgh ‘57Carolyn VanakenTroy & Teri-Lynn Nishimoto Vance ‘85*David & Laurie Nelson Vancott ‘00Duke & Carol VandervortDeanne Dayton Vandevert ‘61 Callie Vandewiele ‘08 Jennifer VanVleetBrent & Jewelena VanzantClaude VanzantRobert & Pamela Varuska*Fern VaughnChristopher Veazey ‘01 & Kristine Drafahl ‘02 Dalton & Nona VelligasLawrence VellucciPablo ‘94 & Linda Hirashiki Venenciano ‘93 ‘94Frederick & Donna Ventura*Ray & Martha Arnold Verlinich ‘03*Pasi & Bobbi VirtaTruong VoPaul & Janell VoellerSteven & Trina Lunstrum Volk ‘03*Charles & Johari Hemenway Vos ‘67*Liana VossenSandee Vossler ‘88*Harold VreelandDouglas ‘68 & Joyce Etrata Wachsmuth ‘68Gary & Pamela Waddell*Shelley WagnerWilliam & Oliva WagonerDeanne Wahlstrom ‘90

James & Teresa WaleyKirk & Terri Horst Walker ‘90*Duane ‘49 & Louise Waln*Scott ‘88 & Lori Kinsey Walters ‘88*Dennis Walthall ‘68 & Carol Taylor*Stewart ‘60 ‘61 & Mysta Austin Ward ‘62*Thomas Wardell ‘65 Marine WardenE. David ‘68 & Phyllis Warfield*Margaret Hook Warner ‘49 Thomas & Sharon Warren*Juanita Sidney Wasser ‘49 Grace Watamoto*Wayne & Kathleen WatanabePaul ‘74 & Diana Krieger Waterstreet ‘77Timothy Donahoe & Melody Watral ‘76*Britton WatsonTerry & Anne Harrington Watson ‘79Sern Watt ‘68 & Mari Siemon*Michael & Ellen Waugh ‘06Richard Piper & Pam Gilchrist Weatherill-Piper ‘71*Douglas Weaver*Rebecca Weaver ‘98*Herbert ‘88 & Beth Bentley Webb ‘85*Alec & Amber WebsterJeremy ‘98 ‘00 & Dawn Hopper Wedell ‘00 ‘02 Thomas & Donna Twining Wehrley ‘89*Michelle Weicker ‘01*Scott & Susan Weinbender*Robert & Kathy Weinhold*Gilbert ‘50 & Trina Weisman*Donald Welch & Mine BoydRobert & Colleen Madary Wesel ‘92 ‘96*Lyman ‘61 ‘62 & Charlene West*

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Gary & Beth Westbrook ‘91Gerald ‘64 & Charlotte Westerholm*Jon Westerholm ‘56*Randall ‘79 & Joyclyn Westfall ‘78 ‘80 Molly WestmorelandDean Wetzel ‘90 ‘92*Tina Whitsett Wheeler ‘81 Robert WhippleBrenden White ‘91 ‘93Brett ‘92 & Polly WhiteCharles ‘51 & Jan WhiteHarold & Vickie White*John ‘62 & Martha White*Max & Kathleen Main White ‘63*Richard & Carolyn Miller White ‘65*Vincent ‘69 ‘71 & Jill WhiteHarry ‘83 & Rebecca Wiessner*Shandra Wilcox ‘02 Richard & Sophia Mueller Wilde ‘57*Rosemary Hess Wiles ‘40*Joanne WileyRick & Paula WilkesSally Wilkes-CookBrian WillWilliam & Dollyann Dudis Willcutt ‘72Kirk WilleDawn Williams ‘00 George & R. Laverne WilliamsJeffrey ‘93 & Stephanie Newkirk Williams*Larry ‘65 & Kathleen Williams*Salisa WilliamsStanley & Dianne Fierling Willis ‘62Preston & Gweneth Wills*Michael ‘79 & Kathy Wilsey

Craig ‘86 & Patricia Wilson*Eric & Tina Nelson Wilson ‘90*Naomi WilsonRobert ‘82 ‘84 & Joleen WilsonElaine Brady Wiltse ‘53 Gordon & Dorothy WiltshireCameron ‘79 & Valerie WinderDaniel & Stephanie Prischmann Winrod ‘98Deborah WintermuteMakindra Winters ‘05 Marion Carver Wirtz ‘58 John & Amy WiseJoyce Wisinger ‘67 Charles Wolf ‘54 ‘56David ‘83 & Sara WolfFrank Wolf ‘51*Sharon Wolff ‘96 Steven ‘73 & Janet Hunt Wolfhagen ‘73Duane & Mary WollmuthDon & Georgina WolvertonSarah WolvertonArthur ‘96 & Kathleen Solum Wong ‘96Carol Wong ‘71 Edward & Sheila Wong*Jim & Sandra Wong*Russell & Diane Wong*Susan Woodard ‘07 David ‘62 & Shirley Woodford*George ‘59 & Flo-Ree Woodruff*Tom & Vickie WoodwardR. Gary ‘70 & Shari Thorn Wright ‘72*Paul & Peggy Bigbee Wu ‘94*Glenn & Gloria Doerfler Wulf ‘53*Baron & Sharon Inouye Yamamoto ‘70*

Cheryl Yanagida ‘76*Young YangKenneth & Debra Yap*Nolan & Esther YapScott Yasumoto ‘07 Vance Yatsushiro ‘66 Cathy Yee*Kelly Yim ‘01 ‘04Reid Yoshida ‘08 Gary & Alma Yoshimori*Thomas & Caryn YoshinoJames & Adele Young*Michael ‘82 ‘83 & Sandra Coutts Young ‘82 ‘84 Vernon & Dawn Young*Thomas & Hilda YounkerWilliam Zawacki ‘06 Sean & Karli Kondo Zearly ‘01 ‘04 Irv ‘62 ‘63 & Carol ZemrauRichard Hansen & Janice Ziegler ‘85 ‘88 ‘06Douglas & Christine Taylor Zimmer ‘92 ‘95 William ‘83 & Janice ZimmermanFredric & Connie Zook*

ORGANIZATIONSAlexander & Baldwin Foundation*American Association of University WomenAnkeny Vineyard WineryApplebee’s RestaurantAstoria Medical ServicesB.J.’s Coffee CompanyBakers BurgersBDP Periodontal Study ClubBryan N. Sakka, O.D.Charles & Karen KempCheesecake Factory

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Annual DonorsCinnabonColleen Ichiyama-Kong ’97Eyeland Family Optical, LLCFamily Fun Center & Bullwinkles RestaurantFerraro CellarFour Seasons Bowling CenterGengis Khan GrillGodfathers PizzaGreen Heron Book ArtsHEI Charitable FoundationHemprova Ghosh McDonald, M.D.Jan & Jean NewmanKing Estate WineryKrispy KremeMaggie’s BunsMaxwell’s Pub & GrillMDU Resources FoundationMerrill Lynch & Co. Foundation*Mizuno SuperetteMorgan Stanley*Mt. Hood Meadows Ski ResortNetwork for GoodNorth Douglas Plumbing, Inc.Old Spaghetti FactoryOlson’s BicyclesPanera BreadPanther Creek CellarsPEO Sisterhood - Chapter BHPepper’s Mexican GrillPhil’s 1500 SubsPig-N-PancakePizza SchmizzaPortland Beavers Baseball Club

Portland SpiritPortland Winter Hawks, Inc.Prime Time Sports BarQualcomm, Inc.Rainbow Lanes, Inc.Rockwell Collins, Inc.Romano’s Macaroni GrillScarborough InternationalShari’s RestaurantsSonic Drive-InSonoco CorrFlexSonoco FoundationSubwaySun Microsystems, Inc.Sushi & MakiSymantec CorporationSyun IzakayaTaco Del MarThe Arthur J. Gallagher FoundationThe Cinnamon Bums, Inc.Tip Top Day SpaToni’s House of BeautyUnited Way Mid-Willamette ValleyUrban DecanterVerizon Communications Foundation*Wallace GroupWaltz Sheridan Crawford, Inc.Washington Mutual BankWinCo FoodsYaki DayYummy Wine Bar & Bistro

Student GivingRecognizing with gratitude the gifts given by students during fiscal year 2008 –2009 (July 1–June 30).

Sara Allender ‘09 Kristen Almgren ‘09 Ashley Anderson ‘09 Marcel Bailey ‘09 Michaela Balkus ‘10 Amy Banas ‘11 Carson Bartlett ‘11 Ross Bartlett ‘09 Magdalene Beltrone ‘12 William Berk ‘09 Alyssa Berry ‘10 Nicolle Brossard ‘12 Chris Brown ‘11Rachael Burbank ‘09 Kevin Butler ‘09 C.J. Ceria ‘10 Kennedy Clifford ‘09 Sarah Conkey ‘09 Harmony Cook ‘10 Nathan Cook ‘09 Lindsey Costley ‘09 Sarah East ‘12 Aaron Eberhardt ‘11 Jordana Ferreira ‘11 Aes Guiliano Ferrer ‘11 Allison Fujimoto ‘11 Jayson Fukumoto ‘11 Luke Fuller ‘11 Tia Garcia ‘11 Natalie Getchell ‘11 Micah Gomes ‘12

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Andrew Gregerson ‘09 Benjamin Griffin ‘11 John Grillo ‘11 Breanna Grove ‘11 Alicia Guildner ‘11 Jen Hansen ‘09 Caitlin Kerrigan ‘10 Jamaica King ‘12 Patrick Kinghorn ‘11 Rachel Kirk-Epstein ‘10 Zachary Knox ‘12 Mari Kondo ‘12 Rebecca Krieger ‘10 Shane Kwiatkowski ‘11 Leslieanne Lazo ‘11 Erica Lee ‘09Jessica Lee ‘10 Katelyn Liebe ‘12 Amanda Loupin ‘09 Carrie Maerz ‘11 David Maile ‘10 Madeline Maldonado ‘09 Kristen Mathis ‘09 Kyle McLain ‘11Kelly McGee ‘09 Anna McGeehan ‘09 Austyn McPherson ‘09 Nicole Miyahira ‘11 Lee Moyers ‘10 Michael Nagamine ‘12 LeAnna Nash ‘09 Nhat Nguyen ‘11 Casey Nishimura ‘10 Bonnie Noble ‘11

Sherilyn O ‘10 Kate Owen ‘09 Brian Pan ‘09 Tami Park ‘11 Ian Pearson ‘10 Francisco Perez-Rodriguez ‘09 Jason & Gaile Philipp ‘11 Sara Poppleton ‘09 Brandon Porter ’09 Hannah Pramuk ’11 Aaron Pratt ’10 Travis Renshaw ’12 Heather Ritenour ’10 Timberly Robinson ’10 Liliana Robles ’09 Amanda Ross ’12 Corbett Roy ‘10 Allyson Ryoppy ‘10 Abby Sakaida-Diaz ‘08 Emily Schmidt ‘09Rochelle Schwartz ‘09 Gabriella Scippa ‚10 Chaz Scott ‘10 Carlene Smith ‘09 Megan Snelson ‘09 Samantha Stych ‘11 Alyssa Tallent ‘09 Catherine Tardif ‘11 Marissa Topp ‘10 Stella Tran ‘10 Vanity-Lei Tuquero ‘12 Cassandra Vielma ‘12 Tanna Waters ‘09 Zachary Wolf ‘11

Heart of OakThe Heart of Oak Society honors those who have made long-term commitments to Pacific University by naming the University in their will, arranging life income gifts (charitable trusts, gift annuities and life estate gifts of residences) or making gifts of life insurance or other estate assets.

If you have named Pacific University as a beneficiary in your will or life insurance policy, but are not listed, please let us know. We would like to express our thanks. At their request, some members’ names are not published here.

Paul ‘50 & Sarah Anderson William ‘49 ‘51 & Honey Baldwin Robert ‘53 & Jean Baltes Thomas ‘51 & Lavilla Siegeist Barry Amy Spelbrink Beaupre ‘33Patrick & Tabitha Hazelett Becker ‘84 Arthur & Elizabeth Clark Benton ‘65*Ruth Bishop ‘68 David & Robyn Buzzetti Bogden ‘81 Evona Harford Brim*Dan & Kathy BumpKenneth ‘41 & Ellen Arnold Bump ‘40*George & Ruth Burlingham*Richard & Pamela Loring-Johnson Cariker ‘63 Waltraud Pembaur Cate ‘47LeRoy & Doris Christensen Benjamin Colby ‘97 Bernard ‘51 & Margaret Gaston Cooper ‘51*Lance & Marcia Englund Cypert ‘72 Anthony ‘49 & Maureen DeVito

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Annual DonorsHildegard Brodersen Fahrenbach ‘80 Judith Wright Favor ‘61 Charlotte Filer*Peter Ford ‘45 James Draznin & Lorely French*Gerald ‘53 ‘54 & Marian Groff Kenji ‘72 & Lillian Kiyota Hamada ‘70*Eugene ‘49 ‘50 & Jimmie Grace HarrisGladys Lowder Haynes ‘65 ‘70*Karsten Hazelett ‘75 & Josephine Pegrum-Hazelett ‘75 Rodney ‘60 ‘61 & Susan Heater Jean Himes* Thomas ‘58 & Gretchen HolceRobert ‘49 ‘50 & Billie Holcomb Ronald ‘51 & Joyce Honeyman*David ‘72 & Melanie McVey Johnston ‘91 Richard ‘53 & Lois Williams Johnston ‘52 ‘80*Robert ‘49 & Dori Jones*Brenda Johnson Kameenui ‘70*Edward Kameenui ‘70 Alan & Jane Stein Kershaw ‘61*Gerald ‘81 ‘83 ‘85 & Zona Komarnicky*Ansel Krutsinger*Jay LeeLeonard & Nira LevineRobert Lohr ‘69 Douglas Longhurst ‘89 & Linda NethertonDavid ‘63 & Sandy Spurling Lowe ‘78 ‘82*Ronald Malloney ‘60 Corie Maxwell*William & Cheron Messmer Mayhall ‘64Kenneth McGill*Bruce McInnes Gene ‘60 & Linda McIntyre

John Meyer ‘49Erica Meyer-Arendt*Mrs. T. Kirk MilesThomas Mitchell ‘99 James Nelson ‘51 ‘52Deanne Nielsen John Olsen ‘67 ‘68William ‘49 ‘50 & Maxine Pollock Irene Price*Jack ‘52 ‘53 & Laverna ReidNan ReppetoJohn & Marilyn Ritchie Aaron ‘96 & Shelly Ellison Ross ‘96*R. Richard ‘77 ‘79 & Marcia Pogue Ryan ‘79Fred ‘43 ‘54 & Ruth Scheller*William & Hazel Sefler Rolfe Selberg ‘53 ‘65*Mary Wolken Sizer ‘52 ‘77Thomas & Della Sloan*Myron ‘60 & Jann Chapman Smith ‘60*Janice Spencer ‘70 Richard ‘53 ‘54 & MaryLou Spencer Steven Stewart ‘69*Jay ‘53 & Leona Blackmun Stovall ‘51*Barbara Strain ‘70 Douglas‡ & Cleo Strain

Carley Straughan ‘49 ‘50*Gayle ‘66 & Lois Strickler*Douglas Stuart ‘51 ‘52William Studdiford ‘49 C. Wayne ‘50 ‘60 & Jean Brodersen Tate ‘52*Margaret ThompsonDonald ‘51 & Louise Barnett Todd ‘50*Robert & Bobbie Skerry Tomkinson ‘52*Dennis ‘78 ‘80 & Rita Vannatta Louis & Camille Wainwright Ann Waltz Loren & Dottie Waltz*Charles Ward ’49‡ James Weber ’70 ’75 & Sally Ringholm ’78Benjamin & Elaine Whiteley*Norma Nelson Williams ’61*

Gifts In HonorThroughout the year, the University receives many gifts from donors wishing to commemorate a friend or loved one. Honorary gifts ensure that generations to come will have the opportunity to succeed at Pacific.

The name of each honoree is followed by those who contributed during fiscal year 2008-2009 (July 1–June 30).

Daiva BanaitisJames ArnouxRoberta August ‘82*Michael ‘88 & Constance Joki*Rebecca Reisch ‘01Richard Rutt*Jon Tokuuke & Patti Taira-Tokuuke ‘90 ‘92*

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Taylor Barnes ‘83Mitzi Barnes*

Timothy Choy ‘64*Jerry & Colette ColemanCraig & Deborah HirasakiMichael & Virginia McGaraghanGust & Melva MolineRobert RawsonEleanor RitchieWilliam & Terry ToopsRobert Zimmerman

Roy Chrisop & Jennifer Kucala Smythe ‘90 ‘93 ‘00Mark & Madelene AndreMelqui & Irene ArroyoMolly ArtmanDebra AviluceaThomas Barreto ‘84 ‘86Willard ‘51 ‘52 ‘54 & Karen Bleything*Pauline BringazeKarl Citek & Patricia LoganBradley Coffey ‘79 ‘81 & Mirth WalkerScott ‘90 ‘93 & Tricia Allen Cooper ‘90Phillip & Leigh Creighton*Roy Chrisop & Jennifer Kucala Smythe ‘90 ‘93 ‘00Rick Wallace & Elizabeth Davis ‘93 ‘96*Kenneth Eakland ‘84Graham ‘88 ‘90 & Dina EricksonAndrew FerlitschChristopher ForrestLance ‘82 & Martina Fredericks ‘83*Paul & Heather GriffoJohn Hayes & Vanessa Gray*John R. & Sherry HayesSteven & Nicole Herranen

Todd & Selena HingSara Hopkins-PowellLen HuaChris Brown ‘11 & Lusha Kaufmann ‘98*Launa KindBeth KinoshitaEsther Knox ‘00Rick & Eva Krebs*Matthew ‘03 ‘06 & Terese LampaHannu ‘83 ‘84 ‘94 & Wanda Laukkanen*Kenny ‘98 ‘02 & Tracy Doll Lee ‘03 ‘06Richard London & Jayne SilverDoug Long & Leah CoiteuxJohn ‘93 ‘96 & Priscilla Thomas Lowery ‘93 ‘94Harue MarsdenSteve Matthews & Carole TimponeTimothy McMahonDavid McSwainJohn & Linda MillerJoseph Murdock & Jane TyrolerJoseph ‘06 & Courtney Misslin Neron ‘03Fred & Jeanne OliverTerry PantonaWilliam Perkins & Robin KeillorScott ‘68 ‘70 & Joene Pike*Vijay & Varakantham ReddyDan & Lee Ann Remington ‘83 ‘84 ‘93Barb RicheyRhonda RobinsonClaude & Elisabeth Romig ‘07Julie Schornack ‘87Kenneth & Linda Schumann*Donald & Maxine ScottJohn ‘78 ‘80 & Erma Smith

Steven & Loxi SmytheYu-Chi TaiJohannes ‘08 & Melanie TanJack & Joan Van OosterhoutSalisa WilliamsLorne Yudcovitch ‘96 ‘97 & Rosiland Hursh ‘98

Phillip & Leigh Creighton*James ‘60 & Mary Fair Berglund ‘58Kenneth & Kristine Bilderback*Michael & Jane Burch-Pesses*David ‘83 & Denise CaddEleanore ChongScott ‘90 ‘93 & Tricia Allen Cooper ‘90Mark & Katherine FrandsenRichard & Joy Hanson*John Hayes & Vanessa Gray*Michael Henningsen*Sara Hopkins-PowellYvonne KatzEric ‘66 ‘67 & Patricia Knutson*Marita KunkelKenneth & Colleen Lewis*David ‘63 & Sandy Spurling Lowe ‘78 ‘82*Kenneth McGill*Irene Price*Joseph & Bobbie RodriguezKenneth & Linda Schumann*Judson ‘62 & Sherry Hicks Smith*William ‘74 & Cathy Stoller*Milan & Jean Stoyanov*Jan Stricklin*Tommy & Amber Thayer*Marlin Vortman & Sheila Manus Vortman ‘67*The Oregon Community Foundation*

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64 ▼ 2008 | 2009 * Five years consecutive giving ‡ Deceased

Annual DonorsJames Currie

Darren Bowe ‘03 Jeannine ChanJay & Dawn Oen Gillman ‘87*Hannah Gordon ‘06 Bruce & Sandy Moore*Thao Nguyen ‘97 Megan Plumlee ‘03 & Becca WilhelmAlan ‘76 & Terry Cox Rhodes ‘77Kenneth ‘77 & Debra Brown Stangland ‘77Christopher Veazey ‘01 & Kristine Drafahl ‘02 Michael ‘82 & Ann Witkowski*Intel Foundation*

Russell Dondero*Scott ‘90 ‘93 & Tricia Allen Cooper ‘90Ann Furukawa Dondero ‘81*Steven ‘94 & Emma Dessauer Gray ‘95Christopher Tuffli ‘89 & Joy Higa*Intel Foundation*

George GageFred & Jeanne Oliver

Monty & Lilas HillFred‡ & Gail Smith

Edward & Jan HuskissonWilliam Lawler

Stella O.H. Lee Timothy Choy ‘64*

Keith Mathison Monty & Lilas Hill

Julie Marples Monty & Lilas Hill

Annie McLain Lewis ‘03 Lori Larson

Kyle McLain ‘11 & Martha Calus-McLain ‘03* Lori Larson

Roberta Nickels ‘70*Maria de Jesus AguilarDiane AingeRaquel AvalosThomas BarnesAlicia BermejoWillard ‘51 ‘52 ‘54 & Karen Bleything*Patrick BoernerMarjorie BowerShaun & Lori BrownChuck CantaleMaria CantuEvanson Chang ‘85Chi Chang-TrinhRobert Van Dyk & Nancy ChristophMartha Duran de GonzalezAurelia EcheverriaHilda EcheverriaMaria Escutia AndradeDagoberto Flores-De JesusDaniel FortmillerLloyd GoodingW. Thomas & Adelia Sasaki Griffith ‘72‡*Marion Gustafson*Mitchell ‘82 ‘84 & Laura HarstadJohn Hayes & Vanessa Gray*Carmelo HernandezHope Hicks ‘05William & Alice Davis Hoskins ‘56* Joy HullJudy HullLeigh & Dorothy Hunt

Mike & Maria HuppiPedro JacintoKeith JamesMadeline JepsonMaria Juarez LopezRavi Kurukulasuriya ‘94Hung KwongMaria LaraDavid & Stacey LeeArturo LeonMelchor Leon-VidalsVinny LiangAllie & Joel Losli*David ‘63 & Sandy Spurling Lowe ‘78 ‘82*Sharon LudtkeSonny LuongGwenn MarcheseSandra Flores MarroquinDouglas ‘93 & Gladys Martin Paula MartinLucia MartinezRosa Mejia GaonaRosario Mendez-RodriguezCherie Noble ‘01Pat & Donna PalmertonJanet PeifferTerry & Juli Peters

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Maria PinedaRogelio Rangel-SandovalBarbara RoarkGraciela RodalesVeronica Rosales-LeonJaime Sanchez-GutierrezPilar SayagoLeonard & Betty Schmidlin*Ralph & Susan Schubothe*Cindy Schuppert ‘83James & Teru ShawBrent ‘88 & Colleen Couron Smith ‘89Byron & Dianne Steiger ‘79*Richard & Christine StyffeVera SullivanMatthew & Kathy TaylorHumberto TinocoJ.L. ValumTrinh VanRalph & Robin Vasey*Jeremy ‘98 ‘00 & Dawn Hopper Wedell ‘00 ‘02 Young YangIntel Foundation

James Ogden ‘73Gregory ‘71 ‘73 & Mary BarcusTodd & Kayla Bechthold ‘96 ‘98 John Demske ’73 ‘73Michael ’71 ’73 & Cindy Garton*William ’71 ‘73 & Rosemary MeyerJames Ogden ‘73

Ed & Eve Barnes Powell ‘80*Mitzi Barnes*

James & Pamela Hummels Ross ‘69Aaron ‘96 & Shelly Ellison Ross ‘96*

Fred Scheller ‘43 ‘54Timothy Choy ‘64*Judy Sagen Close ‘67Lyman & Marilyn Makii Morikawa ‘70*William Young ‘58

Wilberta Teeter Martha Teeter McGuirk ‘69*

Scott TuomiConstance Tarasawa*

Gifts in MemoryMany individuals choose to celebrate the life of a loved one through a memorial gift. Such gifts not only commemorate a friend or family member, but also help ensure that generations to come will have the opportunity to succeed at Pacific.

The name of each honoree is followed by those who contributed during fiscal year 2008-2009 (July 1–June 30).

Jill AgostSteven ‘75 & Mary Tronnes

Donna Meinig Barnhill ‘60 Richard Barnhill ‘59

Larry Burr ‘58‡Claude ‘72 ‘74 & Barb Brist*E. Powell Carpenter ‘88Tyler ‘94 & Paula Cates William Dunn ‘76 ‘76William & Winona FirthDarrin FlemingNorman Goo ‘82 ‘84Mark ‘93 ‘95 & Margot GotcherBradley Lorenzen ‘88

Michael & CarolMarusichJesse ‘49 & Phyllis Beima Miller ‘52*Jeffrey Morey ‘79 & Gail HarrisCharles ‘71 ‘72 & Peny RadebaughDale RoweAric & Ashley Bement Royce ‘07Eyeland Family Optical, LLCLane Optometric Society

Francesca Clifford‡Tim & Joyce Gabriel*

Shirley Corey‡Randall ‘66 ‘67 & Joanne Corey

Ellen Choy Craig‡Timothy Choy ‘64*Jerry & Colette ColemanCraig & Deborah HirasakiMichael & Virginia McGaraghanSusan Middleton Gust & Melva MolineRobert RawsonEleanor RitchieChristine Schulze Karl Schweitzer William & Terry ToopsRobert Zimmerman

Robert De Vleming ‘59‡Genevieve De Vleming*

Esther Evans‡ George & Donna Evans*

Owen Fox‡Joyce Gabriel* Hans ‘72 & Edna Doar Gehring ‘70 ‘72* Cindy Schuppert ‘83Joseph & Janella Souza

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66 ▼ 2008 | 2009 * Five years consecutive giving ‡ Deceased

Annual DonorsMinnie Alice Frasier‡

Anna LingelJack Friedel‡

William & Carolyn Pritchard*Faith Gabelnick‡

John Howarth*Silvia Genel ‘00‡

Genevieve Arnaut ‘98 ‘99Jon FrewDavid ‘76 & Karen Gainey*Michel & Victoria Hersen*Sandra JenkinsJames LaneSusan LiDaniel & Stana McKitrick*Paul MichaelKirk & Catherine Miller*Catherine MoonshineDaniel MunozB.J. Scott ‘03 ‘06Lucrecia SuarezTamara Eischen Tasker ‘02 ‘05Jay & Jerilee Thomas*

Adelia Sasaki Griffith ‘72‡*Michael & Tami BoardmanJames & Victoria CurrieDan & Lee Ann Remington ‘83 ‘84 ‘93H. Joe Story

Elizabeth Ritchie Hanson ‘74David & Jeannette Saucy

Zane Harris‡Mark & Pamela Bailey ‘01Lawrence & Peggy Harris*

Harold Haynes ‘50‡Martha Haynes BatchelorGladys Lowder Haynes ‘65 ‘70‡*

Brian Hill ‘95‡Monty & Lilas HillFred & Gail Smith

Josiah Hill‡ Scott & Kristina Beyer*M. Glenn & Ruth Johnson Bullard ‘44*Kelli Cole ‘05 Thomas & Roberta Fort*Philip & Deborah Friscia*Anya Hill ‘05Norbert & Carol LePage*Dori MacDonaldMarsheena Messenger*Shane Millard ‘04 William & Judy Ortiz*Michelle PelkeyRandy & Candice Randolph*Sanjay & Latha Reddy*Robert ‘88 & Marilyn Rosenow*Diane Van DykeMary Von*

A.C. “Hap” Hingston‡Gail Harrison Allgood ‘69*John ‘64 & Theresa Hjersman Anderson ‘67Timothy Choy ‘64*Jessie Lockhart McCandlish ‘67*Clark ‘65 ‘70 & Aurora Salvador Peters ‘65*Deanne Dayton Vandevert ‘61William Young ‘58

Patricia LaCaille John ‘68‡Philip John*

Audrey Kerseg‡Susan Brandes*Robert & Peggy Hanson ‘91Troy ‘88 & Michelle Denniston Haverkamp ‘87Phil Biehl & Linda Johns ‘89*Eleanor LembertDavid & Susan Nelson*Thomas & Donna Twining Wehrley ‘89*John White & Bonnie Wyckoff ‘05*Tektronix Foundation*

Sharon Lingel-Pate ‘86‡Anna Lingel*Dennis Smith ‘87 & Nada Lingel ‘81

Pamela Lusardi‡ Nilesh AsherAnita GovindarajanLakecia GunterDavid LiebsonKeith MacDonald Erik MaceDavid ReaginBrian Samander Hieu Trung Tran

Robert Main ‘36‡Michael & Karen Girard

Patrick James Maloney ‘88‡Cathleen Fritz ‘85Paul & Sydney Lizundia*Teresa Maloney*

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Ruby Margach ‘67‡ David & Diana LettKirk Wille & Ellisa Valo

Patricia Morgan ‘82‡Jim & Gayle Rosenback Darr ‘64William & Alice Davis Hoskins ‘56*

Maude Brown Pendleton‡National Society of New England Women*

Henry Peltola ‘57‡ Chris ‘77 & Norma Petersen*

Robert Peterson‡George & Ruth Burlingham*

Carol Pratt‡Jeffrey ‘73 & Maria Lita Yambos Pratt ‘74*Henry Price‡AnonymousRobert ‘49 & Dori Jones*Bruce & Judy PetersonDonald ‘51 & Louise Barnett Todd ‘50

M.A.F.‡ & Josephine Ritchie‡Les ‘69 & Susan Swearingen AuCoin

Harvey Roloff ‘41‡Joan Miller ‘53*Gerald ‘55 & Donna Millis*

Eric Ross ‘92‡Aaron ‘96 & Shelly Ellison Ross ‘96*Bryan ‘93 & Laura Hadley

Arthur Schauermann‡ Gary & Pamela AugustineBarbara GrahamMark & Lisa McMinnDonald & Dorothy Schauermann*

Harold Schimke‡ Bob Radford & Norma Anderson ‘59Myra Schimke Beeler ‘62 Robert & Karen Gibbons Bennett ‘68*John ‘64 ‘65 & Janet Roper Brenneman ‘64William & Virginia Judy Carpenter ‘65Phyllis Skarsten Dixon ‘51 ‘58*Marjorie Gustelius Emhoff ‘48*W. Thomas & Adelia Sasaki Griffith ‘72‡*Lewis ‘55 ‘56 & Barbara HarrisJoan Whitchurch Hays ‘56 Michael ‘75 ‘76 & Victoria HobussCliff JarrardJack ‘59 & Gayle JossiHarley ‘55 & Candace Kelley*George ‘58 & Dorthea Kurtz*John & Linda Hoar Lewis ‘65 ‘68 John ‘75 ‘76 & Joann MacDaniel*Daniel & Carleen Sorensen Murdock ‘61*Gary ‘59 & Rose Nichols*Rex ‘66 & Kristy ReedDorothy Schimke ‘64*Gerald ‘59 & Katherine Schimke*Francis ‘59 & Alice StadelmanJohn ‘62 & Martha White*Fred ‘66 & Tonya Willis*George ‘59 & Flo-Ree Woodruff*

Fred Smith‡Monty & Lilas Hill

Jim Soule‡Monty & Lilas Hill

Barbara Story ‘79‡ George & Donna Evans*Hans ‘72 & Edna Doar Gehring ‘70 ‘72*Marshall & Esther Lee*

Douglas Strain‡Alan Arb

Glenn Sundstrom ‘51‡Michael & Jane Cagan

Dwight Taylor ‘29‡Margaret Taylor

Thomas Thompson ‘38‡Bob & Shelly Simonyi ‘04

Jean West ‘76‡Don West ‘61

Hazel Wolf‡Monica Wolf Marvin ‘68

Beatrice Young‡Michael & Karen GirardDorothy Gillmore Main ‘35*Eric MainRobert & Elizabeth Main*Max & Kathleen Main White ‘63*Microsoft Corporation*

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68 ▼ 2008 | 2009

Board of TrusteesMs. Renée Anderson Ms. Julie Berglund BakerMr. George W. Burlingham Ms. Mindy Cameron ‘65 Mr. Manuel CastañedaMr. Patrick C.H. Clark ‘93 Dr. Scott C. Cooper ‘90, ‘93Mr. Brian B. DohertyMr. Mark FrandsenDr. Lorely French Mr. Nathan Gilpin ‘11Ms. Rebecca GrahamDr. Lesley M. HallickMr. David C. Hamill Mr. Richard E. HansonMr. Lawrence W. “Tige” Harris IIIMr. Michael E. Henningsen Jr. Dr. Yvonne Katz

Mr. John G. King Dr. Eric Knutson ‘66, O.D. ‘67Mr. Kim W. Ledbetter Mr. Kenneth LewisDr. Paulette Long, ‘65, Hon. ‘83 Mr. David W. Lowe ‘63 Mr. Ken McGill Dr. Richard B. Miles Mr. Gary A. Pacarro ‘74 Mr. Paul V. Phillips ‘78 Ms. Irene Price Mr. Joseph A. RodriguezMr. Tim Schauermann ‘66 Ms. Sherry H. Smith ‘64 Mr. William H. Stoller ‘74Mr. Milan Stoyanov Mr. Tommy ThayerMs. Sheila Vortman ‘67

SENIOR TRUSTEESGovernor Victor Atiyeh, Hon. ‘96Mr. Steven C. Boone ‘73 Mr. Robert E. EplerMr. Ron FraedrickDr. Thomas J. Holce ‘58, Hon. ‘93Dr. John R. Meyer ‘49Mr. Steven R. Rogel Mr. Bryce Seidl Mr. Leslie StevensMs. Jean B. Tate ‘52Dr. Benjamin R. Whiteley, Hon. ‘01Dr. Dean M. Wilcox ‘50

HONORARY TRUSTEESMs. Evona Brim Dr. Roy B. Clunes, O.D. ‘39Dr. Louis B. Perry, Ph.D. Hon., ‘64Dr. Newton K. Wesley, M.D., O.D. ‘39

Page 73: Pacific University Annual Report 2008-2009 ▼ 69

University LeadershipLesley M. Hallick

PresidentJohn Miller

Provost and Vice President of Academic AffairsPhil Akers

Vice President of University RelationsEva Krebs

Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of StudentsDarlene Morgan

Vice President of Finance and AdministrationSara Hopkins-Powell

Executive Dean, College of Health Professions, Vice ProvostMark Ankeny

Dean, College of Education John Hayes

Dean, College of Arts & SciencesJenny L. Smythe

Dean, College of OptometryMarita Kunkel

University LibrarianKen Schumann

Director of Athletics

Development StaffPhil Akers

Vice President, University RelationsJan Stricklin

Associate Vice President, University RelationsJill Beidler

Director of Advancement, EducationKelly Elliott

Director of Annual GivingBrian Hess

Director of Corporate and Foundation RelationsLusha Kaufmann

Director of Advancement, OptometryKristin Kondo Storfa

Assistant Director of Annual GivingMichael McKelvey

Senior Director of Advancement, Arts & SciencesHaley Overton

Donor Relations CoordinatorSadie Romano

Director of Advancement, Health Professions

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70 ▼ 2008 | 2009

FALL 2008Abby Sakaida-Diaz

Annual Giving Intern


Amanda LoupinKristen MathisSamantha StychChristie Wollmuth


Jasmine AuyongAmy BanasErika CabatinganMichelle CarnegieHarmony CookJordana FerreiraTia GarciaMolly Hahn-FloydMadisen HolbrookErica LeeDavid MaileAustyn McPhersonSean Moore

Lee MoyersNicole MyrieStephanie MyrieCasey NishimuraSherilyn OTami ParkIan PearsonAmber RedobleSimone RendekBenjamin RobbinsCandace SakamotoVanity Lei TuqueroCassandra Vielma Zachary Wolf


Katherine Bowen (COE)Natasha Grewal (OD)Dana Shipley (DHS)Jessica Shoemaker (COE)Sabi Sudy (COE)

SPRING 2009Amanda Loupin

Annual Giving Intern


Harmony CookKristen MathisAustyn McPhersonSamantha Stych


Amy BanasAmber BentonJesse CamptonLindsey CostleyJoanna DelantryJordana FerreiraTia GarciaSean GrassoMadisen HolbrookKudrat KahlonJamaica KingMari KondoNicole MyrieStephanie MyrieCasey Nishimura

Bonnie NobleSherilyn OLindsay OlinTami ParkIan PearsonTiffany PiersonMalia PurdyAmber RedobleSimone RendekAlly RyoppyCandace SakamotoTran Thu-ThuongVanity Lei TuqueroCassandra Vielma Jared VisserZachary Wolf


Natasha Grewal (OD)Leaha Phillips (DHS)Jessica Shoemaker (COE)Janelle Tamashiro (SPP)


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Colin Stapp '91, Director of Multimedia and Photography

Sarah Conkey '09, Alex Hunte '10, Erik Jensen,

Reese Moriyama '11, Brian Pan '09,

special thanks to Pacific University Library archives

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