Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1893-02-25 [p ]. · W T, H Schmidt, Miss L...

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISE!, FEBRUARY 25. 1893. BY AUTHORITY A BRILLIANT BALL! MIRTH. J1VS1C AND MINSTRELSY. W E Bowed. A W Richardson, II and Mrs es, .! G and Mrs Kcthwel!. GG and Mrs Kos. Capt Jno lit?, S B and Mrs Bee, J W and Mrs KoU'ruon, M P liobinson, A and Mrs liosa, Mis-- J Ken- dall, S and Mrs Both, G M Kose. Mrs J N Kobinson, G H and Mrs IIolertM), Mrs M Kenru-r- . Geo C Boss. Mrs 1". V, The following were the guests invited : W F an 1 .Mrs Al!-m- , S C and Mrs Allen, (I C and Mrs Alk-n- , YV I) and Mrs Alexander, J p. and Mrs Atherton, A T and Mrs Atkinson, the Misses Atkinson. Mrs U Afon?, the Misses Afong. C W and Mr Ashford, W P Alexander, Jr, Mrs Herrlck. J II and Mrs Hare. Miss J Hare. Y. and Mrs Hammer, Chas and Mrs Hammer. J F Humborg. I. W Hough. HCH i lley. WH and Mrs Heil-bro- n, J F and Mrs Hackfeld. Jno Hopp. Mr Merapath. Walter and Mm Hi',, J and Mrs Hoting. J A and Mr Hopper, K. R and Mrs Hendry, WW and Mrs Hal!. Fred Harrsn. I". Hutchinson. Mrs A A Haalelea. D I. Huntsman. CL Hopkin?. W H Huddv, Miss Hatch. A Hombur;. A Hashagen. N C Harlan, P and Mrs fumi?hed an agreeable treat in more active employments, and the long tabh-- which stretched across the room and from one end to the oth'.r groaned," as tables invari- ably do on such occasion?, with the weight of all the solids, delica- cies and dainties which this land where everything is always in season can supply. A whole chapter might be de- voted to the costumes of the ladies, A Iipppption in Honor of Captain Wiltsp. THE OPERA HOUSE THRONGED WITH FRIENDS OF THE GALLiNT SAILOR. f The Largest Reception F,ver Given in Honolulu Full List of the Invited Guests. 8ale of Threo Tracts of Govern- ment Lands in North Hilo, Hawaii. On THURSDAY, March 30, ltf3,at 12 o'clock noon at the front entrance of Ali-iola- ni Hale, will be Fold at public nuction, three Tracts of Government Lands in Mauluaiki, North Hiio, Hawaii, viz: Tract No 1 Containing an area of 21 07-10- 0 acres, upaet price $103. Tract No. 2 Containing an area of 13 30-1-00 acres, upset price $91.50. Tract No. 3 Containing an area of 13 99-10- 0 acres, upset price It is conditioned Pi at the purchaser of the above lots, shall pay costs of survey and plotting of same. Full information in this regard can be obtained upon appli cation to the Land Office, Interior De partment. J. A. KING, Minister of the Interior. Interior Odice, February 24, 1893. 3313 15GS-3- t Sale of Government Lands in Kuala and Kanoahuna. On THURSDAY, March 20th, 1803, a 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance o Aliiolani Hale, will be sold at public taction, four (4) sections of land in Kua- - ia and Kahoahuna, N. Hilo, Hawaii, as follows : Section 1 Containing an area o; 39.2 acres. Upset price $106. Section 2 Containing an area of 37.7 acres. Upset price $1S0. Section 3 Containing an area of 40.43 acres. Upstt price $203. Section 4 Containing an area of 0.5 acres. Upset price $43. It is conditioned that the purchaser o the above lots, shall pay the cost of sur- vey and plotting of the same. Full in- formation in this regard can be obtained pon application to the Land Office, In- terior Department. J. A. KING, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, February, 22d, 1893. 3313 146S-3- t Finance Department, 1 Bureau of Customs, Honolulu:, II . I., January 27th, 1893. ) M. N. SANDERS has this day been appointed Port Surveyor for the Port of Honolulu and Collection District of Oahu, vice A.N. Tripp, resigned. A. S. CLEGHORN, Collector-Gener- al . Approved : P. C. Jones, Minister of Finance. 32S0-t- f Notice to Taxpayers. Taxpayers are hereby notified that on and after the fifteenth day of this month, January, ten f-e- r cent, will be added to all delinquent taxes. T. A. LLOYD, Deputy Assessor and Collector, Honolulu. Approved : P. C. Jones, Minister of Finance. 32GS-t- f Board of Jlealth Notice. The office of the Board of Health will le open on SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 7:30 a. m. to 9 a. m., for the pur pose of issuing burial certificates. DAVID DAYTON, President Board of Health. 32SS-4- w Tic inter s Italy TABLE OF CONTENTS. JANUARY 1S9S With Our Readers. Sorghum or Beet Sugar. Be of Good Cheer. Mr. Disston's Sugar. Temperature Record. Report of Committe on Manufacture Sugar. Fertilizers adapted to Hawaiian Cane Fields. Report of Committee on Coffee and Tea. Agricultural Small ! Commercially Great! Gripe Culture in Florida. Recent Sugar Beet items. FEBRUARY ISPS The 17th of January. Homesteads for Hawaiian?. Hawaiian Fruits. Shipping Oranges to London. Information Wanted. Consumption of Sugar in the United States in 1S92. Meteorological Summary for 1S02. Lalas or Branches, as Cane Seed. Automatic Megass Firemen. Sugar Boiling in Vacuo. How Manufacture Affects Cultivation. Sugar Production in America. Sugar Cane Insects in New South Wales. A Tree for Bee-Keepe- rs. The Banana Industry in Central Ame- rica and Florida. Artesian Bores as Affecting Climate. Wage which the Sugar Industry in Queensland can urTord to give the un- skilled laborer. Use of Pineapples. Yearly subscription f 2 60 Foreign " 3 oo Bound Volumes 3 50 Back Volumes bound to order. Address: CUZETTE PUBLISHING CO., 40 Merchant St., Honolulu. MR. STOEC&LE AND HIS WONDER- FUL PHONOGRAPH AGAIN IN TOWN. "Talking Machines-Itali- an Opera (or Ten Cents. The residents of Honolui1 have opportunity in the past, by tw enterprise ef Mr. O. Stoeckle to become aralliar with the practical working of thjom,er" ful Phonograph, and almost evenC man woman and child in the citv, has rt?arJ of the peculiar powers of the 'TalkfC Machine." Ihe public concert given bv Mr. Srnvkle in th Y. M. C. A. Hafl bete.ab ut one y. ar ao, and Ht which the Phonograph itself, alone, furnished the speeches, vocal and instrumental music, t tc, etc., to a l.irg and delighted audience, is muemlertM tothisd.iy, and with both interest and pleasure. After a series of tours over and around the islands of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai, where th wizard instrument has delighted and mystified the residents of thope district, Mr. t'toeckle again returns to Honolulu with Lis wonderful instrument, intending to remain a short time The cf the 'Talking Machine" ban been greatly added to by the importation of a large number of new records for pro- duction by the instrument. The new addi- tions consist of (1 ) choice Felections from celebrated Italian and other operas, seve- ral having been vocalized by the famous prima donnas Adelina Patti, Clara Louise Kellogg and Anne Louise Carey ; (- -) new miscellaneous vocal selections of well known Eastern vocalists, both comic and sentimental; (3) new duets, including an artistic rendering of the famous "Ijit-boa- rd Watch;" (4) new instrumental selections both bard, orchestral and hoIo from 1I10 performances of Gilmore's and other noted bands, celebrated orchestras and artist soloists; (5) fresh, funny dia- logues and recitations ; Jail in all making an olio of mirth, music a d ministrelsy which should please any fancy. There are also national and local airs in Ger- man, French, Spanish, Italian, Portu- guese, Japanese, Chinese and Hawaiian which have been specially recorded by 3Ir. Stoeckle and are well reproduced by the Phonograph . The general public are thus now again privileged to enjoy them- selves from 9 . m. to 9 p. m. in the company of the Phoncurai'U to the extent of their own wishes, by calling at the ExmiJiTiox nooM.s, Thomas' block, King street, hetweex Nuuanu axi Hethel ktkkkts, (store formerly occu- pied by 3Ir. Thomas Lindsay, the watch- maker) where 31r. Stoeckle and hia phenomenal Talking Machine are, at present, located. Tim ilmiMiiiin M niirnnnnsi; 1111, iifuvdikui 1 DAILY AND WEEKLY KTJOKOA With a combined Circu'ation of d-.OO- O COPEKS Furnish the host medium for advertising in the Hawaiian language, and are the only recognized leading .lournals. ISF Advertisements and subsrrintion.s received at, the office of the Hawaii au Gazette, Co., - U Merchant Street, Honolulu. M. L. MINER, 1). V. S.f VETERINARY SURGEON, PHYSICIAN and Dentist,. Offki:: Hotel Stables. Office Horns : 8-- 10 a. m., 1:30-- 3 :30 r. m. Residence : With Dr. F. L. Miner, Eeretania Street. gjSST'AU call3 will receive prompt 3303-l- y MRS. ANNA B. TUCKER, TEACHER OF PIANO RESIDENCE: 3Ir. W. Hopper'a, King Street, opposito the Palace. Mrs. Tucker i3 an experienced teacher of Piano, and the result of her teaching have been approved by some of the most cultivated musicians of London & Boston, Ma3s. 3300--tf To Let or Lease. i::;fi rpHOSE DESIRABLE PREMISES X on Eeretania Street, lately occupied by Mr. E. W. Peterson. For particulars applv to E. C. ROWE, 32T.2-t- f King Street. Lost. PAIR OF GOLD-RIMME- D EYE-- . glasses and Chain. Finder please leave at Hobron & Newman's store and receive suitable rewanL 330S--3t Any kind of printing at the Ga- zette Office equal to work done abroad. Hichardson, Dr C T and .Mrs liodg?rs, 1 S Bubenstein, Geo J Kosa. Mis 11 Rose, ' C B and Mrs Ripley, ECai.dMrs Roe, ! Jas Weir Robertson. C du Roi. G Rod- - ! ick, C B and Mrs Reynolds. W F Rev- - nclds, Dan I Rouch, Mrs E Riemtn-s- i hneider. P M and Mrs Roonev. G A Rice, L J Rvan, G von Rochow, C E Richardson, Mis.3 Roche, C N Ro-- F N Ross. Wm Ross, J and Mrs Rodanet, Miss Minnie Roie, CH Rose, D F Ru-nevsk- y. Admiral J S Skerrett, C N and Mrs Spencer, W Jas Smith. G W and Mrs Smith, His Ex and Mrs Stevens, M ss Stewns, H W and Mrs Severance, F A and Mrs Schaefer. H Wand Mrs Schmidt. E and Mrs Snhr, Henry and Mrs Smith. H Snles, L D and Mr9 Sjencer, O and Mrs Mrs Stillraan, C K Stillman, F M And Swanzy, T M Starkey, W O and Mrs Smith, Col J H and MrsSoper, MM and Mrs Scott, J G and Mrs Spencer, WC Sproull, Y. D and Mrs Spalding, Major W T Seward, Kawaiahao .Seminary Teach- ers, D B Smith, T and Mrs Norenson, the Misses Sorenson, .Miss B Smithies, G E and Mrs Smithies, W P. Stnglehurst, .1 Stelling, Dr and Mrs Stangenwald, N S and Mrs Sachs, . I F Soper, W II Sojer, E R Staekable, Capt PP and Mrs Slun -- ard, Geo and Mrs Sr.itineyer, ,lona and Mrs Shaw, W II and Mrs Hmm- - J M Simms, .1 Simonson, Mrs A L Smith W H and Mrs Smith, J and Mrs Steiner, II Schultze, M N and Mrs Sanders. SS iu-ds- ;e, S I Sbaw, Morris Sichel, Wm Sav-idg- e, Oliver L Sorenson, M A S,roull, Miss E B Snow, W L and Mrs Smitten, W T, H Schmidt, Miss L Strain, Mm J A Scott, J R S antun, VS N, J Phillips and Mrs Smith, MS Smith, ,1 C and Mrs Sullivan, Walter G Smith, T A St w art, T W Stewart, Dr A J Stone, Miss A Stirling. Miss E Stoddard, Miss N Stoddard, GW Stoddard, Miss Schenck, Dr MS ule, J W Stoddard, Mrs 1, Sever- ance, S Sachs, II F Street. 31 r Steeckle, RC Scott, Capt and 3IrsS)deru'ren, Capt Sivenson, T S Sagiyama, 3Irs 31 Staple Harry Smith, AV and Mis Scares, W II and 3Irs Smith, J F and 3Irs Scott, J T and 31 rs stacker, J W Smith. Capt and Mrs AN Tripp, T G and 3Irs Thrum, Wray and 31 s Taylor, Hon L A Thurston, E D and 3Irs Tenny, Dr Geo Trousseau, 3Iisa J Tanner, E R and 3frs Thomas, F J and 3trs Testa, W P and Mrs Tuler, J II and 3Irs Thompson, 3Irs A Thurston. W 31 Temp'eton, W F Thrum, the 3Iisses Thompson, 3IissTuck. Jas LTorbert, 11 S and 3Irs Tregloan, J D Tregloan, Thos and 3Irs Tannatt, D F Thrum, Geo A and 3Irs Turner, Ralph Turner, E and 3Irs Tieijen, L E and 3Irs Tracy, Mips Torbert, P S Taylor, G E Thrum, FJ and 3Ira Turner, C II Tsu-ku- i, 3Iiss L Trehan, A Tibbs. RT Tom-li- n, WE Ttiorne, 3Iiss C L Turner, Capt Tashiro (of Kon-go)- , W P Tilden, 3Ir Thompson, Capt Thornton, Capt Togo (Jap Navy). 3Ions A Vizzavona, 31iss 31 von Holt, 3Irs D K Vida, F Vida, the3Iisses Vida, C von Hamm. II A and 3Irs Widemann, II 31 and 3Irs Whitney, II 31 Whitney Jr, Dr J 31 and 3Irs Whitnev, J S and 3Irs Walker, the 3Iisses Walker, J T Waterhouse, J T Jr and 3Irs, II and 3Ds Waterhouse, the 3Iisses Waterhouse, G N Wilcox, R W Wilcox, A S Wilcox, 3Iajor J II and 3Irs Wodehouse, Hay Wodehouse, T A and 3Irs Walker, CL and 3Irs Wight, W L and 3Irs Wilcox, W Horace Wright, CB and 3Irs Wilson, F Wundenbarg, E Wodehouse, .INS and 3Irs William", J K and 3Irs Wilder, G and 31 s We&t, F L and 3Irs Winter, Carl Widemann, 3Iift3 Wodehouse, W A Whit- ing, J W and 3Ir3 Winter. 3Irs C J Ward, the 3Iisses Ward, 3Irs Widdifield, 3Iiss Widdifield, E O and 31 rs White. W II Wright, G P and 3Irs Wilder, J A Wil- der, SG Wilder, 3Iiss Helen Wilder, Chas T Wilder, W C Wilder Jr, C II White, J S Walker, Chas and 31rs Wil- cox, F' and 3Irs Whitney, II F and 3Irs Wichman, II II and 3Ira Williams, J G and 3lrs Weibel, 31rs SG Wilder, W C and 3Irs Wilder, T B and 3Irs Walker. It N Webster, J N and 3Irs Wright, F W Wood, L de L Ward, 3Iiss Leta Wilder, J J :md Mrs Williams, Cr and 3Irs CB Wool, Palmer Woods, J T and 3Irs White, W Woon, W b Wall, J Q Wood, W C and Mm Weedon, G J and 3Irs Wal- ler, C J and 3Irs Weatherwax, A and 3Irs Wenner, A O Wood, F and 3Irs Wil-helm- .T Wolf, C F add Mrs Wolfe, W Walters, Arthur White, F 31 and 3Irs Wilson, T 31 Williams, Mr Wilson, 31iss Grace Wing, 3Irs E Williams, Capt Winding, 31iS3 K Woodward, C E Wash- burn, 3Irs Welsh, C E Williams, 3Ir and 3Irs von Werthen, C T and Mrs Wail, Charles and 3Irs Williams, V H Wil-co- x, C 31 and 3Irs White. EC Winston, Wm and 3Ir3 Wagner, WW Wilder, A A Wilder, P W and 3Irs White, 3Irs 31 A Woods, E K Wright, Alfred Wall, A F Wall. T E Wall, Walter Wall, Wm A and 31 rs Wall, E HF and 3Irs Wolters, Rt Rev and 3Irs Willis, Rev J Waiamau, Geo S Waterhouse. 3Iiss Elsie Water-hous- e, Harry Waterhouse, C L Weight, RE van Winkle, 3Irs Percv Williams, 3Irs Witham.Chas II Wetm'ore, S Wid- difield, 3Ir Winterstein. A and 3Irs Young, the 3Iisscs Young. E F Zumwalt, Capt Charles and Mrs Ziegler. The Daily Advertiser is deliver- ed by carriers for 50 cents a month. Ring up Telephones 88. Now 13 the time to subscribe. 2Cciu rcrttscmcnts. Xoticp 31 V TEMPORARY DIKING the Islands, Charles T. Wilder has fu 1 power of attorney to act for the firm of Wilder &Co., and also in anv personal matters. S2Sl-t- f W. C. WILDER. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING 3IISS BURROW, 90 HOTEL street. Washing Dresses neat- ly made from li. Stylish Cos- tumes, Evening Dresses and Tea Gowns from $7 and up. Home Cooking. VICE HOMEMADE CAKE, PLAIN and Fancy, ma le to orcJer in quan- tities to suit. Also Nice Mayonaise from the best of materials. 11G BERETANIA ST., 3303-- 1 m Bell Telepone 169. Pianos For fiANOS IN" GOOD ORDEK from $4.0u to $7.00 per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF THE HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY LC and Mrs Abies, W II and Mrs Aid-ric- h, I)r KB Anderson, the Misses Auld, C II and Mrs Atherton, Pr and Mr G P Andrews, W G and Mrs Ashley, F Band and Mrs Auerbaeh, Julius and Mrs A'che,. Jack Atkinson, J M and Mrs Augu. Mr C Arnold, M'hs Adler, Mr Adler, L Ahlo, Geo Acus, K L Auer-ba- h. Attaches Japanese Legation, CW and Mrs At wood, Mi;s Adarason. NL Awry, Vj SS Alliance Wardr xm Ollicers. and .Peerage Ollicers, A Aungst, R P. Anderson, Miss Anna Altman, J and Mrs Ailau, J F and Mrs Ashworth. J II and MraBovd, II F and Mrs Bertie-roa- n, Godfrey Brown, Cecil P.rown, Malcolm and Mrs Brown, Arthur Brown, J F and Mrs Brown, OA and Mrs Brown, Frank and Mrs Brown, Hon C R Bishop, K F and Mrs Bishop, Hen R F and Mrs Bickerton. CO and Mrs Berger, G E and and Mrs Board man, Mrs E F Bush, W II Baird, Frof II Berber, Rev E G and Mrs Becttwith, Miss M Eeekwith Prof W T Brigham, Miss Bolles, Miss L Brick-woo- d, C and Mrs Bolte, G C and Mrs Beckley, C Bcsse, J F and Mrs Bowler, R N and Mrs Bovd, Miss Margaret Brew- er, A W Bolster. Rev S F. and Mrs Bishop, W A and Mrs Bowen, Mrs L C Brick-woo- d, WR and Mrs Buchanan, ED Baldwin, (i H and Mrs Babb, Miss M Burbank, J Bartram, W Porter Boyd, A and Mrs Brown, Mrs C Bone, E Benner, D T Bailey, J L and Mrs Bushee, Capt and Mrs Babcock, N F and Mrs Barges?, G YV Burgess, J II and Mrs Bruns Geo Bruns, E Baldwin, B Baldwin, W S and Mrs Bartlett. A Brush, Chas Brown. W and Mrs Berlowitz, lion II P and Mrs Baldwin, the Misses Bruns, Mrs E J Bush, Mrs J II Brown, R B Banning, F C Bloomer, BF Beadmore, W E Brown, A Beritzhoff, W Blaisdell Mrs F Blake, Miss Blake, A and Mrs Barnes, T and Mrs Barlow, E C Bond, Wardroom and Junior Officers of the U SS Boston, W II Benson, Mr and Mrs Bloomer, Mrs h II F Bryant, W G and Mrs Brash, A Bolster, G E Betters, L A Brown, Mr and Mrs Bergersen, W II Baird. J A and Mrs Cummins, Hon AS Cleg-hor- n, W II and Mrs Cummings, A and Mrs Cannavarro, Sr, A J and Mrs Cart-wrig- ht, B and Mrs Cartwright, Mrs Cart-wrigh- t, Jno and Mrs Cassidy, Jas B and Mrs Castle, S N and Mrs Castle, II N and Mrs Castle, G P and Mrs Castle, W R and Mrs Castle, J O and Mrs Carter, the Misses Carter, O Carter, Chas and Mrs Creighton, Miss Charlotte Carter, Jas and Mrs Campbell, Miss Lizzie Campbell, C L and Mrs Carter, Miss Carrie Castle, Mrs II Cornwell, Miss B Cornwell.C M and Mrs Cooke, T P Cum- mins, Mis3 M Cummins, the Misses Cum- mins, R and Mrs Catton, A J Campbell, A Cockburn, J II and Mrs Coney. J F and Mr Colburn, M and Mrs Colburn, A F and Mrs Cooke, E S and Mrs Cunha, C L and Mrs Crabbe, II andMraCrabbe, V Chamberlain, C Clapp, II A P and Mrs Carter, the Misses Carter, Mr and Mrs Crozier, II E and Mrs Cooper, J C Clapp, Chas Carter, C W Cross, Douglas Collins, W II Charlock, A Coakley, Thos Cooke, Mrs J M Cooke, J C Cooke, A Clark, II Congdon, E II Cant, Jno Car-de- n, Jas Carty, E P and Mrs Chaoin, Miss Chapin, WM Cunningham, Miss M A Carroll, Mis? N E Cook, Capt EF Cameron, RW Cathcart, W R and Mrs Chiton, Alex Chesholm, W II Cooper, C I) Chase, S B Champaine, II T Cot-tre- ll, A Camara, P G Camarinos, Jas and Mrs Cowan, R and Mrs Cowes, F Clifford, J D and Mrs Cockett, Miss B Cowin, SS and Mrs Chambeilain, Prof E Charlier, J P and Mrs Colleco, W E Cornwell, J Conner, Miss Cahill, Cipt C Campbell, L Conradt, A F Crockett, Capt Calhoun, Mrs and Miss Cook, SM ard Mrs Carter, Miss Ella Cbe. SM and Mrs Damon, President and Mrs Dole, F S and Mrs Dodge, G L Desha, I and Mrs Dayton, II M and Mr3 Dow, J I Dowsett, C B and Mrs Dwight, the Misses Davidson, Dr F R and Mrs Day, Ed Dowsett, A and Mrs Dowsett, J M and Mrs Dowsett, the Misses Dowsett, B Fan 1 Mrs Dillingham, J M Davidson, C W an! Mrs Day, E C and Mrs Damon, WW and Mrs Dirnond, J I and Mrs Dowsett Jr, D II and Mrs Davis, Ilv and Mrs Davi, TF and Mrs Douglas, Miss L F Dale, P V Dode, II F Davidson, Miss L Duncan. M and Mrs Davis, Rev F W and Mrs Damon, I, II and Mrs Dee, Mrs, Mk-- s and R Dexter, Geo Denison, R Day, C W and Mrs Dav, T and Mrs Dow-del- l, C E V Dove, Geo Dillingham, Dr and Mrs Delamater, T M Datte, Captain B F Day, U S N, Mrs Douglas, II D.vcr, Capt Dabel, Mr and Mrs Devlin, Mr Dougherty, Mr Dunphy, Miss R Daniels, Mrs J O Dominis, Dr and Mrs Delamates, TM Dotte. Hon Jno Ena, JJ and Mrs Egan, Miss Egan, A and Mrs Ehler3. C H and Mrs Eldridge, F M English, Rev 0 P Pers- on, Dr N B and Mrs Emerson J S Emer- son, J and Mrs Emmeluth, J F Eckardt, Jno Effinger, Mr and Mrs Ehrlich, C R Ellinwood, T Wr Ernst, W Ernest, Mi-- s Emmett, Mr3 J F Elliot, Miss M Elliot, Miss G Emerson. Judge and Mr3 Foster. W E and Mrs Foster, Mrs T R Foster, Capt and Mrs A Fuller, Miss Fuller, A and Mrs Fernan- dez, N Fernandez, GD and Mrs Freeth, Miss Finckler, C J and Mrs Fishel, Capt and Mrs J H Fisher, Miss Fanning, II Focke, Mrs Forbes, Miss M R Forbes, W Forbes, Hon WF Frear, G W Farr, Capt Freeman, J Farnsworth, R French, CM V and Mrs Foster, F Fredenburg, C II Fairer, G II Fairehild, CT Fisher, FR Fulton, Miss Fulton, F II Foster, Mrs Fairehild. His Ex S Fugii, Mr Frank, E Fickett, Miss M Ferreira, W Fernandez. J B and Mrs Gibson, W M and Mrs Gitfard, Dr M E Grossman, W M Gra- ham, Mrs S A Gilman, Capt H and Mrs Gunn, C T and Mrs Gulick, J A and Mrs Gilman, N E and Mrs Gedge, Miss V Gilliland.E Giffard, W H C Greig, F and Mrs Godirev, A von C and Mrs Gear, Miss K Grav, Mi3 C A Gilman, II F ! and Mrs Glade, the Misses Glade, Capt ; WB and Mrs Godfrey, A Gartenberg, M uoiaoerg, 3liss Came P Green, O fct .1 Gilbert, R Jay and Mr3 Green, J J and Mrs GreeD, Jro and Mrs Grace, S F Gra- ham, F and Mrs Gertz, J T and Mrs Gil-fil'a- n, Geo and Mrs Grau, Jno Good, M A and Mr3 Gonsalvez, H E Gaves, Rand Mrs Grieve. F W and Mrs Glade, Mr Goo Kim, R L Gilliland. C and Mrs j Girdier, Hy A Giles, II J Gallagher, F Ct (joIus worthy, Alex Garvie, Mrs G'r-ne- y, J33 Gibbons, M and Mrs Green- wood, J B and Mrs Greenwood, Ward- room and Junior OiEcers of II P MS Garnet. Miss M L Garten. Mrs I Gedze, i Capt Griffiths, Miss Maria Gomez, Miss b Genns. F M and Mrs Hatch. II and Mrs von Holt. Capt II C Houdiette. the Misse3 Howland, Chas Hall, E W and Mrs Holiswortb. Mrs Hawes, Miss Lily Ila-p- ai. A and Mrs Herbert. Miss R Iler-b?r- t. WR and Mrs Holt. Jas and MrE Holt, Miss Annie Holmes. F A and Mrs Hosmer, TW and Mrs Hobron, F P and Mrs Hastings. Mr Hughes. Miss L Hop- per. 0 Herold. A S and Mrs HartwelJ, the Misses Ilartwell, Rev C M and Mrs Hvde. C and Mrs Hedeman. E and Mrs H'alstead. F and Mrs Halstead. R and Mrs Halstead, Miss Halstead, W II and Mrs Hoogs, F Hoogs, Chas and Mrs Hostace, Miss Hustace, F and Mrs Hus-tac- e, Chas Hustace Jr. Rev R R Hoes. Jas H Hunt. Mrs T H Hobron. Chas and High, A M HitchtielJ. Henry Holmes. t and Mrs Horn, J O 11 Horn, L and Mrs Horner, Walter L Howard. P ! and Mrs Huge?. Chas V, Hu-to- n. WW Har- ris, G S Harris, Col and Mrs Ifecker. Miss Heilbrun. J W Hllirerloh, F M and Mrs Hallock. T J and Mrs Higgins, W Hannigan, W II Hawes, Capt Hughes-Hallet- t. Mr Heggins. J A and Mr3 Has-singe- r. Miss Hassinger. Miss R Hoppin, Miss Lydia Hart. Mrs Husbands, Ed and Mrs Hopkins, W L and Mrs Hopper, Chas. H Hill, Mrs. A Hitchcock, Lionel Hart. C 1 and Mr3 Iv.ikea. W G and Mrs Ir- win, DPR and Mrs Isenberg, K J Ima-mish- i. Hon A F and Mrs Juld, P C and Mrs Jones, E A and Mrs Jones, Miss A Joues, Pierre and Mrs Jones, J Walter Jones, Arthur Jones, Dayton Jones, the Misses Jones, A and Mrs Jae r, Miss H Judd, Mrs E C Judd. Miss Pa iahi Judd, Miss Agnes Judd, E W and Mrs Jordan, A and Mrs Johnstone, GWC Jones, J II Jennings, Jr, C 11 and Mrs Judd, Jr.Miss Johnson, N P and Mrs Jacobsen, E A Jacobsen, Wm A Johnston, W M John-Fo- n, Capt Jacobsen, TK and Mrs James, V Jacobsen, J W Jennings, Miss Jordan, D Porter Johns m, A L and Mrs John- son. T J and Mrs Kinir. W C and Mrs King, C Kaiser, S II and Mrs Kane, H and Mrs Kaia, Miss K Keough,T It and Mr Key-wort- h, Miss M Kinney, Geo C Kenyon, Mr and Mrs Klugel,TEand Mrs Krouse, Geo Koch, F J Kruger, Jas J Kellv, A W and Mrs Keech, A L and Mrs Kron, A Kauhi, T V King. R King, Caj t J A and Mrs King, L T Kaneke, J A and Mrs Kennedy, L B and Mrs Kerr, F Klamp, JNK Keola, J U and Mrs Kawainui, E and Mrs Kopke, S Kunura. S L Kekua-wa- , Miss A E Knapp, J T and Mrs Knapp, Miss M A Krout, J Kidwell, Wardroom and Junior Oilijers and Naval Cadets of II I J MS Kon-g- o, Miss A Knapp, Miss M Kinney, II M Kinney, Miss Minnie Kinney, Mr Kalanianaole, Mrs L A Kaneke. T R and Mrs Lucas, A and Mrs Lucas, C J and Mrs Lyons, Dr A B and Mrs Lyons, D Lyons, II and Mrs Lose, M Louisson, Sam Louisson, T F and Mrs Lansinsr, R and Mrs Lishman,Miss Irish- man, W and Mrs Lishman, Mrs Law- rence, W S and Mrs Luce, F J and Mrs Lowrey, W Lanz, the Misses Ladd, Miss G Lemon, D and Mrs Logan, II F and Mrs Lewis, Dr and Mrs E A Lund-- , G II Luce, Robt and Mrs Lewers, Miss Lewers, Miss D Lamb, Thos and Mrs Lloyd, Fred Lewis, R I and Mrs Lillie, Miss N Lowrey, ELewis.Capt J C and Mrs Lorenzen, W O and Mrs Lackland, W Lucas, Geo and Mrs Lucas, AC Love-ki- n, E W Langley, Miss K Long, Sam Lesser, J and Mrs Lightfoot. Miss MC Lofquist, E Lofquist, C II and Mrs Luther, F S and Mrs Lyman, Jr, J II Lovejoy, Jas and Mrs Lucas, Jas A and Mrs Lyle, Alex and Mrs Lyle, Miss Lynch, S W Lederer, Mr and Mrs Lud-wigso- n, the Misses Lyle, I and Mrs Lowell, Mr Mrs M Lane, T Lish- man, L L La Pierre, Mr and Mrs J Lycc-tt- , R F Lange, Mr and Mr3 L J Levey, Mr and Mrs M Lvey, G W Lin- coln," Mr and M s J W Luning, W F Love, James H Love, D II Lewis, Thos Lind.-;r.- y, Janit-- s W Lloyd, Jams A Low, Mr and Mrs W J Lowrie, A Lindsay, A Larnach, J J lacker, J S Low, Mr nnd Mrs MJ Lawrence, MLubenstein, RT Lawless, the Misses Lycetr, Tuo3 Illie, Mr Lufc.', Mr and Mrs F T Lowrey, Miss M C Lloyd, LP Lyman, Frauk Lake, Mr and Mrs P M Lucas. Mrs L McCully, K C Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs C J McCarthy, J Marsden, A Marques, Mr and Mrs II R Macfarlane, Dr and Mrs J S McGrew, Dr and Mrs H G McGrew, Miss McGrew, Mr and Mrs F B MeSiocker, Mr and Mrs J A Mehrtena, Mr and Mrs MD Monsarrat, J M Mon-sarra- t, Dr and Mrs WT Monsarrat, Capt and Mrs HW Mist, Rev and Mrs Alex Mackintosh, Miss E Mist, Dr and Mrs A Mc Wayne, Miss H Mclntyre, Captain II Mclntyre, Frank Mclntyre, the Misses Mclntvre, Thomas Mav, Frank May, Dr R McKibbin, Alex McKibbin, C W Mac- farlane, C Mett, Mr and Mrs M Mc-Inern- v, E Mclnerny, W II Mclnerny, J D Mclnerny, Miss Mclnerny, Dr and Mrs F L Miner, J W McGuire, Mr and Mrs J K Mersberg, Mr and Mrs J A Magoon, HM Mist, Miss Marv McGuire the Misses MoGuire, Mr and" Mrs W II Mclean, E L Marshall. R More, Mr and Mrs .IF Morgan, A Mobsman, Georne M.cLao-3- , Mr and Mrs J McCandless, .Mr and Mrs J S Martin, Dr and Mrs I) McLennan, Miss Annie Mo.ssman, Mr and Mrs F W McChesney, P Muhlendorf, Mr and Mrs W Maertens, E Mossman, Mrs C B Makee, Mr and Mrs J W Mc- Donald, F N McCandless, V,' II McCand-les- s. John McLean, the Mi-se- s McLean, W D McWavne, Mrs E X Monsarrat, Mr l and Mrs F W Macfarlane, Miss May, M N Mossman. Mr and Mrs A 31 Mellis, George W Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs T B Murrav, J M McChesney, GR Mahonev, Mr and Mrs E M Marshall, Mr and Mrs G F McLean, James L McLean, A E Murthy. Mr Murdoch, Miss McShane, J II Munstermann, G Mauer, Dr McGet-tinge- r, Mr and M3 A McBean, Mr and Mrs D Mason, C McLennan, Mohican Wardroom Officers, Mohican Junior Off- icers, J Miller, Dr RI Moore, Mr Moore, H II Miller, I Moore, Miss E D Meyer, Miss McLeod, L L McCandless, Miss Mitchell, Miss J McGowan, Miss L Moore, Geo Manson, L F Marshall, Miss Lulu Moore. Lieut Moore, T W Math- ews, R W Meyer, Mrs A W McLean, Mrs Mitchell. P and Mrs Neumann, Geo K Norton, II J and Mrs Nolte, Miss F NoUe, WG and Mrs Needham, Miss Needbam, Dr and -- drs Nichols, ER and Mrs Newman, Jno and Mrs Nott, Jas and Mrs Nott, Jas Jr and Mr3 Nott, Mrs Geo K Norton, Mr Nacavama, G O Naeavama, Mrs Nicoll, Capt Chas Nottage, W D No jghtorj, W II Neiman,Dand Mrs Noonan, Ward- room and Junior Officers of 11 I J MS Rev ar.d Mrs W B Oleson, F B Oat, J M and Mrs Oat, Mrs Or d way, U J Ord-Ordwa- y, Ph and Mrs Opfenrelt, Jno M and Mrs Oat, Officers and Men Co A, N G H, Officers and MeD, Co B, N G H, Officers and Men, Co C, N G 11, Officers and Men, Co D, N G H, Officers and Men oi Barracks, K and Mrs Oikato. A P and Mrs Peterson, Jfam'l and Mrs Tarker, John Phillips. J II and Mrs Patv, the Misses I'atv, Geo C Totter, F S and' Mrs Pratt. CA and Mrs Peacock, WC and Mrs Peacock, W C Parke, H I' Poor, C and Mrs Porter, E W and Mrs Peter- son, H A and Mrs Parmelee, Miss Parme-'e- e, HW and Mrs reck, C F Peterson, A Perrv, Miss Annie Perrv.t be Misses Perrv J W'and Mrs Poimcre Miss Patch, Mrs A S Parke. Miss Parke, P Peck, E Peck, D P and MVs Peterson, W Photenhauer, FF l'orter. Bishop of Panopolis, Rev H II Porker, E II Paris, Geo H Paris, S Peck, F Philp. S E Pierce, K Podeyn, W M Pomrov, L E Pinkham. Y J Peterman, K B Porter, Miss Patter, Miss E Plern-rne- r, E B Poairoy, Miss Pomroy, Miss L Phillips, Capt Porter, Capt Peterson, Mr Peterman, Miss K Pope, Thos and Mrs Patterson, A and Mrs Petrie, H Purdy, Wm L Peterson, Miss S E Peterson, J W Pratt, Dr and Mrs C A Peterson. many of which wore costly and elaborate, while others were not less beautiful in a simple style. But the male portion of mankind is not gifted with powers of descrip- tion in this sphere, and it i3 better to gasp and be rilent. One other interruption to the dancing there was, more pleasant even than the supper. Lieut. Young made the following speech, after which Dr. McGrew called for three rousing cheers for Capt. Wiltse which were given with a ! will : The honors which you have on this occasion conferred upon tbecommand-in- g officer of the Boston are appre- ciated by the otlicers and crew of that vessel, and it is with pleasure that I am able to attest the common feeling, and on their behalf to thank you for this evidence of approval and good will. While we are sorry to lose hini, we nevertheless rejoice to know that he goes home crowned with success, and that his government will reward him as he deserves. It is not often you will lind a man taking risks that might result in the loss of a high posi- tion only obtained in a life time: yet, when the hour came, Captain Wiltse did not hesitate, but acted at once, and the prompt measures taken by him were the means of preserving life and preventing the loss of property. When the Stars and Stripes rose over the Government Building, it pro- claimed to all Hawaiians, that the popular will should occupy the throne of sovereignty, and that the only monarch which freedom would toler- ate on these islands was public opinion. Our government i3 a Re- public founded upon purely democra- tic principles, one in which the people rule, distinguished from a mouarcby under the rule of one, or an aristocracy under the rule of a few. lie who can claim the United States as his home is possessed of a priceless inheritance. Without permitting national pride to degenerate into national egotism, we can boast of a great ltepublic where manhood, euterprize and ambition are the ruling forces; a nation where all the doors are open to every- one who has the courage "to cross the threshold. Our princi- ples of government and liberal institutions came down to us from honored sires, ancestors who had the true ideas of liberty taught them in the severe schools of adversity and hardship. Nor has it been but a little more than a century since our people earned the right to establish a gov- ernment of their own to which we are not bound in servile thoughts of a distant past, but are free to dwell upon the blessings of the present and the promises of a glorious future, and know that from the very first our flag has stood for freedom, liberty and po- litical equality. That flag is the bea- con light to which the eyes of the oppressed of all the world are turned. From the abyss of des- potism and political slavery the hands of down-trodde- n men are stretched out towards it for help and assistance. It tells the story and sings the song to the breezes of heaven that the country over which it floats and which it represents is the asylum, the home and the promised land for the victims of political injustice, persecu- tion and inequality upon the earth. We therefore extend to you an open welcome and ample protection, and trust that it will not be long before another star shall have been added to the brilliant constellation of the American flag. Opportunity has been the inheritance of each generation, and when you took advantage of this occasion you erected a mile-ston- e in Hawaiian history from which we will march united, charmed by the prophetic music of a hopeful future, and upon which the names ot John L. Stevens and Captain Wiltse are shown in bold relief. One word more. We celebrate to-nig- ht not only the virtues of men, but the beginning of a new and progressive policy upon the part of the United States. Annexa- tion in the decades to coaie, deriving its impetus from the Hawaiian Inl- ands, may be the watchword of a con- tinent; and there may be those here who will live to see the time, predicted by Benjamin J. Butler, when the American flag will be planted so far north that the Esquimau, coming out of his hut in the gray of the earlv morning, shall mistake it for the Northern Lights. Yes, and more: the time may come when from the blue ramparts of the northern ice to the blistered ripples of the tropic seas all men will share our pride in the flag of the constellated stars, and hail it as the token of a common citizenship. Capt. Wiltse then called for three cheers for President Dole, to which the President responded with a few appropriate remarks. The ball and reception may be pronounced an unqalified success, and great credit is due the com- mittees for their arduous labors. Appended is the dancing pro- gramme, with the committee list : r I'KOGRAMMK. 1. Lancers. J. Waltz. Polka. 4. Lancers. o. Sehottische. p.. Walt. .. lancers. S Waltz. Waltz. 10. Polka. 11. Lancers. 12. Scottisehe. 13. Waltz. COMMITTEES. Finance: F. M. Hatch, E. A. Jones, H. W. Schmidt, G. P. Castle, H. F. Glade, M. P. Robinson. Invitation: G. W. Smith, T. F. Lansing, E. I. Spalding, T. C. Porter, II. F. Wichman. Arrangement: E. F. Bishop. Geo. McLeod, S. B. Rose. Refreshment: John Ena, J. H. Paty, H. Gunn, II. B.enjes. Reception: H. W. Schrnidt, F. M. Hatch, E. A. Jones. G. P. Castle, M. P. liobinson, H. F. Glade, G. W. Smith, E. I. Spaldinsr, T. F. Lansing, T. C. Porter, II. F. Wichman. Floor Managers: H. Gunn, E. F. Bishop, C. T. Wilder, S. Louisson, Dr. M. E. Grossman. Captain Wiltse has hundreds of friends and well-wishe- rs in this tropical city, and they hastened to do him honor at the grand reception and ball held at the Opera House on Friday night. For several days the signs of husy preparation had been vsible in and around the Opera House, and the indications were not wanting that the various committees having charge had put their heart in their work, and were determined to make the reception in honor of the Captain of the U. S. S. Cruiser Boston the most bril- liant' and successful affair of its kind which Honolulu had ever seen. The Opera House itself could not begin to accommodate with even a semblance of comfort, the vast throng of guests who were sure to come, as former Fourth of July celebrations had proved. In order to meet this dilliculty, the committee of arrangements very thoughtfully built a large lanai addition on the east side of the house, extending the whole depth. The walls were made of flags, and palm leaves were liberally and tastefully used in beautifying the impromptu structure, which af- forded a cool promenade and smok- ing room, with a convenient corner for the punch. Instead of serving supper in the crowded, hot and in- accessible basement, the Arion Hall was obtained for this purpose, and a passage constructed connect- ing it with the main building. The result was that room was found for all the vast company. Had it not been for the admirable arrange- ments of the committee, the ball would have been simply an intol- erable crush. Half-pa- st eight was the hour set for the opening of the ceremonies, and from and before that time a long line of carriages stretched through Palace Square to the Opera House steps. Here a num- ber of police were stationed, so that perfect order was maintained and the usual confusion avoided. The ticket office served as a hat and cloak room for the gentlemen, and the pile of head coverings almost reached the ceiling. The ladies dressing rooms opened into the audience room. As one approached the wide inner entrance a scene presented itself which was beautiful in the extreme. Everything had been done which taste and liberality colild suggest to adorn the interior, and the end certainly crowned the work. As is natural and appro- priate on such occasions, flags fur- nished the principal means of decoration, and a more profuse display of bunting was never seen in Honolulu. Directly in front of the entering visitor hung from the front , of the stage Old Glory, supreme among which ruled the banners as the moon queens it. To the right and left the boxes were draped with the flags of America and Hawaii, now at last to float and rule to- gether in the bands of a perpetual amity. Wreaths of raaile and jas-sami- ne hung from the lower boxes in graceful festoons, while over all the balconies and above them were hung flags and banners of every description. The "meteor flag of England'' was not unhonored, but unhappily none of the officers of the Garnet were there to see it. Perhaps no feature of the decora- tions was more graceful than the basket of roses which hung frorW the center of the roof and served as5 the meeting point for festoons of the red, white and blue, whicli streamed together from all the four corners. i The hero of the hour was of course genial Captain Wiltse, and the first hour was entirely occupied in the numerous hand-shakin- gs which occasions like these necessi- tate. There was no lack of friend- -' ly greetings, of warm alohas raised to the superlative with a nui loa and wishes that this adieu might only prove an au revoir. All the space from the dress circle to the back of the stage was given up to the dancers, and the floor, though crowded, was by no means so un- inhabitable as "might have been feared. Hundreds wisely concluded that it was better fun" to sit still and leave other couples to colli- sion and shipwreck. Supper in the hall at the rear

Transcript of Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1893-02-25 [p ]. · W T, H Schmidt, Miss L...

Page 1: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, HI) 1893-02-25 [p ]. · W T, H Schmidt, Miss L Strain, Mm J A Scott, J R S antun, V S N, J Phillips and Mrs Smith, M S Smith,,1


BY AUTHORITY A BRILLIANT BALL! MIRTH. J1VS1C AND MINSTRELSY.W E Bowed. A W Richardson, II andMrs es, .! G and Mrs Kcthwel!. G Gand Mrs Kos. Capt Jno lit?, S B andMrs Bee, J W and Mrs KoU'ruon, M Pliobinson, A and Mrs liosa, Mis-- J Ken-dall, S and Mrs Both, G M Kose. Mrs JN Kobinson, G H and Mrs IIolertM),Mrs M Kenru-r- . Geo C Boss. Mrs 1". V,

The following were the guestsinvited :

W F an 1 .Mrs Al!-m- , S C and MrsAllen, (I C and Mrs Alk-n- , YV I) and MrsAlexander, J p. and Mrs Atherton, A Tand Mrs Atkinson, the Misses Atkinson.Mrs U Afon?, the Misses Afong. C Wand Mr Ashford, W P Alexander, Jr,

Mrs Herrlck. J II and Mrs Hare. Miss JHare. Y. and Mrs Hammer, Chas andMrs Hammer. J F Humborg. I. WHough. H C H i lley. W H and Mrs Heil-bro- n,

J F and Mrs Hackfeld. Jno Hopp.Mr Merapath. Walter and Mm Hi',, Jand Mrs Hoting. J A and Mr Hopper, K.

R and Mrs Hendry, W W and Mrs Hal!.Fred Harrsn. I". Hutchinson. Mrs A AHaalelea. D I. Huntsman. C L Hopkin?.W H Huddv, Miss Hatch. A Hombur;.A Hashagen. N C Harlan, P and Mrs

fumi?hed an agreeable treat inmore active employments, and thelong tabh-- which stretched acrossthe room and from one end to theoth'.r groaned," as tables invari-ably do on such occasion?, withthe weight of all the solids, delica-cies and dainties which this land

where everything is always inseason can supply.

A whole chapter might be de-

voted to the costumes of the ladies,

A Iipppption in Honor of

Captain Wiltsp.




The Largest Reception F,ver

Given in Honolulu Full

List of the Invited


8ale of Threo Tracts of Govern-

ment Lands in North

Hilo, Hawaii.

On THURSDAY, March 30, ltf3,at 12

o'clock noon at the front entrance of Ali-iola- ni

Hale, will be Fold at publicnuction, three Tracts of GovernmentLands in Mauluaiki, North Hiio, Hawaii,viz:

Tract No 1 Containing an area of

21 07-10- 0 acres, upaet price $103.

Tract No. 2 Containing an area of13 30-1-00 acres, upset price $91.50.

Tract No. 3 Containing an area of13 99-10-0 acres, upset price

It is conditioned Pi at the purchaser of

the above lots, shall pay costs of surveyand plotting of same. Full information inthis regard can be obtained upon application to the Land Office, Interior De



Minister of the Interior.Interior Odice, February 24, 1893.

3313 15GS-3- t

Sale of Government Lands in

Kuala and Kanoahuna.

On THURSDAY, March 20th, 1803, a12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance o

Aliiolani Hale, will be sold at publictaction, four (4) sections of land in Kua--ia and Kahoahuna, N. Hilo, Hawaii, asfollows :

Section 1 Containing an area o;

39.2 acres. Upset price $106.

Section 2 Containing an area of 37.7acres. Upset price $1S0.

Section 3 Containing an area of 40.43acres. Upstt price $203.

Section 4 Containing an area of 0.5acres. Upset price $43.

It is conditioned that the purchaser othe above lots, shall pay the cost of sur-vey and plotting of the same. Full in-

formation in this regard can be obtainedpon application to the Land Office, In-

terior Department.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, February, 22d, 1893.3313 146S-3- t

Finance Department, 1

Bureau of Customs,Honolulu:, II . I., January 27th, 1893. )

M. N. SANDERS has this day beenappointed Port Surveyor for the Port ofHonolulu and Collection District of Oahu,vice A.N. Tripp, resigned.

A. S. CLEGHORN,Collector-Gener- al .

Approved :

P. C. Jones,Minister of Finance.


Notice to Taxpayers.Taxpayers are hereby notified that on

and after the fifteenth day of this month,January, ten f-e-r cent, will be added toall delinquent taxes.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Assessor and Collector, Honolulu.

Approved :

P. C. Jones,Minister of Finance.

32GS-t- f

Board of Jlealth Notice.The office of the Board of Health will

le open on SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYSfrom 7:30 a. m. to 9 a. m., for the purpose of issuing burial certificates.

DAVID DAYTON,President Board of Health.

32SS-4- w

Tic inters ItalyTABLE OF CONTENTS.


With Our Readers.Sorghum or Beet Sugar.Be of Good Cheer.Mr. Disston's Sugar.Temperature Record.Report of Committe on ManufactureSugar.Fertilizers adapted to Hawaiian Cane

Fields.Report of Committee on Coffee and

Tea.Agricultural Small ! Commercially

Great!Gripe Culture in Florida.Recent Sugar Beet items.


The 17th of January.Homesteads for Hawaiian?.Hawaiian Fruits.Shipping Oranges to London.Information Wanted.Consumption of Sugar in the United

States in 1S92.Meteorological Summary for 1S02.Lalas or Branches, as Cane Seed.Automatic Megass Firemen.Sugar Boiling in Vacuo.How Manufacture Affects Cultivation.Sugar Production in America.Sugar Cane Insects in New South

Wales.A Tree for Bee-Keepe- rs.

The Banana Industry in Central Ame-rica and Florida.

Artesian Bores as Affecting Climate.Wage which the Sugar Industry in

Queensland can urTord to give the un-skilled laborer.

Use of Pineapples.

Yearly subscription f 2 60Foreign " 3 ooBound Volumes 3 50

Back Volumes bound to order.Address:

CUZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,40 Merchant St., Honolulu.




"Talking Machines-Itali- an Opera(or Ten Cents.

The residents of Honolui1 haveopportunity in the past, by tw enterpriseef Mr. O. Stoeckle to become aralliarwith the practical working of thjom,er"ful Phonograph, and almost evenC manwoman and child in the citv, has rt?arJof the peculiar powers of the 'TalkfCMachine." Ihe public concert given bvMr. Srnvkle in th Y. M. C. A. Haflbete.ab ut one y. ar ao, and Ht whichthe Phonograph itself, alone, furnishedthe speeches, vocal and instrumentalmusic, t tc, etc., to a l.irg and delightedaudience, is muemlertM tothisd.iy, andwith both interest and pleasure. After aseries of tours over and around the islandsof Hawaii, Maui and Kauai, where thwizard instrument has delighted andmystified the residents of thope district,Mr. t'toeckle again returns to Honoluluwith Lis wonderful instrument, intendingto remain a short time The

cf the 'Talking Machine" banbeen greatly added to by the importationof a large number of new records for pro-duction by the instrument. The new addi-tions consist of (1 ) choice Felections fromcelebrated Italian and other operas, seve-ral having been vocalized by the famousprima donnas Adelina Patti, Clara LouiseKellogg and Anne Louise Carey ; (- -) newmiscellaneous vocal selections of wellknown Eastern vocalists, both comic andsentimental; (3) new duets, including anartistic rendering of the famous "Ijit-boa- rd

Watch;" (4) new instrumentalselections both bard, orchestral and hoIofrom 1I10 performances of Gilmore's andother noted bands, celebrated orchestrasand artist soloists; (5) fresh, funny dia-logues and recitations ; Jail in all makingan olio of mirth, music a d ministrelsywhich should please any fancy. Thereare also national and local airs in Ger-man, French, Spanish, Italian, Portu-guese, Japanese, Chinese and Hawaiianwhich have been specially recorded by3Ir. Stoeckle and are well reproduced bythe Phonograph . The general public arethus now again privileged to enjoy them-selves from 9 . m. to 9 p. m. in thecompany of the Phoncurai'U to theextent of their own wishes, by calling atthe ExmiJiTiox nooM.s, Thomas' block,King street, hetweex Nuuanu axiHethel ktkkkts, (store formerly occu-pied by 3Ir. Thomas Lindsay, the watch-maker) where 31r. Stoeckle and hiaphenomenal Talking Machine are, atpresent, located.

Tim ilmiMiiiin M niirnnnnsi;1111, iifuvdikui 1


KTJOKOAWith a combined Circu'ation of


Furnish the host medium for

advertising in the Hawaiianlanguage, and are the only

recognized leading .lournals.

ISF Advertisements andsubsrrintion.s received at, theoffice of the

Hawaii au Gazette, Co., -

U Merchant Street,Honolulu.

M. L. MINER, 1). V. S.f


and Dentist,.

Offki:: Hotel Stables.

Office Horns : 8-- 10 a. m., 1:30-- 3:30 r. m.

Residence : With Dr. F. L. Miner,Eeretania Street.

gjSST'AU call3 will receive prompt3303-l- y



RESIDENCE: 3Ir. W. Hopper'a,King Street, opposito the Palace.

Mrs. Tucker i3 an experienced teacherof Piano, and the result of her teachinghave been approved by some of the mostcultivated musicians of London & Boston,Ma3s.


To Let or Lease.


rpHOSE DESIRABLE PREMISESX on Eeretania Street, lately occupied

by Mr. E. W. Peterson. For particularsapplv to E. C. ROWE,

32T.2-t- f King Street.


PAIR OF GOLD-RIMME- D EYE-- .glasses and Chain. Finder please

leave at Hobron & Newman's store andreceive suitable rewanL 330S--3t

Any kind of printing at the Ga-

zette Office equal to work doneabroad.

Hichardson, Dr C T and .Mrs liodg?rs, 1 S

Bubenstein, Geo J Kosa. Mis 11 Rose, '

C B and Mrs Ripley, ECai.dMrs Roe, !

Jas Weir Robertson. C du Roi. G Rod- - !

ick, C B and Mrs Reynolds. W F Rev- -nclds, Dan I Rouch, Mrs E Riemtn-s- i

hneider. P M and Mrs Roonev. G ARice, L J Rvan, G von Rochow, C ERichardson, Mis.3 Roche, C N Ro-- F NRoss. Wm Ross, J and Mrs Rodanet,Miss Minnie Roie, C H Rose, D F Ru-nevsk- y.

Admiral J S Skerrett, C N and MrsSpencer, W Jas Smith. G W and MrsSmith, His Ex and Mrs Stevens, M ssStewns, H W and Mrs Severance, F Aand Mrs Schaefer. H Wand Mrs Schmidt.E and Mrs Snhr, Henry and Mrs Smith. HSnles, L D and Mr9 Sjencer, O and MrsMrs Stillraan, C K Stillman, F M AndSwanzy, T M Starkey, W O and MrsSmith, Col J H and MrsSoper, M M andMrs Scott, J G and Mrs Spencer, W CSproull, Y. D and Mrs Spalding, Major WT Seward, Kawaiahao .Seminary Teach-ers, D B Smith, T and Mrs Norenson,the Misses Sorenson, .Miss B Smithies, GE and Mrs Smithies, W P. Stnglehurst, .1

Stelling, Dr and Mrs Stangenwald, N Sand Mrs Sachs, .I F Soper, W II Sojer,E R Staekable, Capt P P and Mrs Slun --

ard, Geo and Mrs Sr.itineyer, ,lona andMrs Shaw, W II and Mrs Hmm- - J MSimms, .1 Simonson, Mrs A L Smith WH and Mrs Smith, J and Mrs Steiner, IISchultze, M N and Mrs Sanders. S S iu-ds- ;e,

S I Sbaw, Morris Sichel, Wm Sav-idg- e,

Oliver L Sorenson, M A S,roull,Miss E B Snow, W L and Mrs Smitten,W T, H Schmidt, Miss L Strain,Mm J A Scott, J R S antun, V S N, JPhillips and Mrs Smith, M S Smith, ,1 Cand Mrs Sullivan, Walter G Smith, T ASt w art, T W Stewart, Dr A J Stone, MissA Stirling. Miss E Stoddard, Miss NStoddard, G W Stoddard, Miss Schenck,Dr M S ule, J W Stoddard, Mrs 1, Sever-ance, S Sachs, II F Street. 31 r Steeckle,R C Scott, Capt and 3IrsS)deru'ren, CaptSivenson, T S Sagiyama, 3Irs 31 StapleHarry Smith, A V and Mis Scares, W IIand 3Irs Smith, J F and 3Irs Scott, J Tand 31 rs stacker, J W Smith.

Capt and Mrs A N Tripp, T G and 3IrsThrum, Wray and 31 s Taylor, Hon L AThurston, E D and 3Irs Tenny, Dr GeoTrousseau, 3Iisa J Tanner, E R and 3frsThomas, F J and 3trs Testa, W P andMrs Tuler, J II and 3Irs Thompson, 3IrsA Thurston. W 31 Temp'eton, W FThrum, the 3Iisses Thompson, 3IissTuck.Jas LTorbert, 11 S and 3Irs Tregloan, JD Tregloan, Thos and 3Irs Tannatt, D FThrum, Geo A and 3Irs Turner, RalphTurner, E and 3Irs Tieijen, L E and 3IrsTracy, Mips Torbert, P S Taylor, G EThrum, F J and 3Ira Turner, C II Tsu-ku- i,

3Iiss L Trehan, A Tibbs. R T Tom-li- n,

W E Ttiorne, 3Iiss C L Turner, CaptTashiro (of Kon-go)- , W P Tilden, 3IrThompson, Capt Thornton, Capt Togo(Jap Navy).

3Ions A Vizzavona, 31iss 31 von Holt,3Irs D K Vida, F Vida, the3Iisses Vida,C von Hamm.

II A and 3Irs Widemann, II 31 and3Irs Whitney, II 31 Whitney Jr, Dr J 31and 3Irs Whitnev, J S and 3Irs Walker,the 3Iisses Walker, J T Waterhouse, J TJr and 3Irs, II and 3DsWaterhouse, the 3Iisses Waterhouse, GN Wilcox, R W Wilcox, A S Wilcox,3Iajor J II and 3Irs Wodehouse, HayWodehouse, T A and 3Irs Walker, C Land 3Irs Wight, W L and 3Irs Wilcox,W Horace Wright, C B and 3Irs Wilson,F Wundenbarg, E Wodehouse, .INS and3Irs William", J K and 3Irs Wilder, Gand 31 s We&t, F L and 3Irs Winter, CarlWidemann, 3Iift3 Wodehouse, W A Whit-ing, J W and 3Ir3 Winter. 3Irs C J Ward,the 3Iisses Ward, 3Irs Widdifield, 3IissWiddifield, E O and 31 rs White. W IIWright, G P and 3Irs Wilder, J A Wil-der, S G Wilder, 3Iiss Helen Wilder,Chas T Wilder, W C Wilder Jr, C IIWhite, J S Walker, Chas and 31rs Wil-cox, F' and 3Irs Whitney, II F and 3IrsWichman, II II and 3Ira Williams, J Gand 3lrs Weibel, 31rs S G Wilder, W Cand 3Irs Wilder, T B and 3Irs Walker.It N Webster, J N and 3Irs Wright, F WWood, L de L Ward, 3Iiss Leta Wilder,J J :md Mrs Williams, Cr and 3Irs C BWool, Palmer Woods, J T and 3IrsWhite, W Woon, W b Wall, J Q Wood,W C and Mm Weedon, G J and 3Irs Wal-ler, C J and 3Irs Weatherwax, A and3Irs Wenner, A O Wood, F and 3Irs Wil-helm- .T

Wolf, C F add Mrs Wolfe, WWalters, Arthur White, F 31 and 3IrsWilson, T 31 Williams, Mr Wilson, 31issGrace Wing, 3Irs E Williams, CaptWinding, 31iS3 K Woodward, C E Wash-burn, 3Irs Welsh, C E Williams, 3Ir and3Irs von Werthen, C T and Mrs Wail,Charles and 3Irs Williams, V H Wil-co- x,

C 31 and 3Irs White. E C Winston,Wm and 3Ir3 Wagner, W W Wilder, AA Wilder, P W and 3Irs White, 3Irs 31A Woods, E K Wright, Alfred Wall, A FWall. T E Wall, Walter Wall, Wm A and31 rs Wall, E H F and 3Irs Wolters, RtRev and 3Irs Willis, Rev J Waiamau,Geo S Waterhouse. 3Iiss Elsie Water-hous- e,

Harry Waterhouse, C L Weight,R E van Winkle, 3Irs Percv Williams,3Irs Witham.Chas II Wetm'ore, S Wid-difield, 3Ir Winterstein.

A and 3Irs Young, the 3Iisscs Young.E F Zumwalt, Capt Charles and Mrs


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L C and Mrs Abies, W II and Mrs Aid-ric- h,

I)r K B Anderson, the Misses Auld,C II and Mrs Atherton, Pr and Mr G PAndrews, W G and Mrs Ashley, F Bandand Mrs Auerbaeh, Julius and MrsA'che,. Jack Atkinson, J M and MrsAugu. Mr C Arnold, M'hs Adler, MrAdler, L Ahlo, Geo Acus, K L Auer-ba- h.

Attaches Japanese Legation, C Wand Mrs At wood, Mi;s Adarason. N LAwry, Vj S S Alliance Wardr xm Ollicers.and .Peerage Ollicers, A Aungst, R P.

Anderson, Miss Anna Altman, J andMrs Ailau, J F and Mrs Ashworth.

J II and MraBovd, II F and Mrs Bertie-roa- n,

Godfrey Brown, Cecil P.rown,Malcolm and Mrs Brown, Arthur Brown,J F and Mrs Brown, O A and Mrs Brown,Frank and Mrs Brown, Hon C R Bishop,K F and Mrs Bishop, Hen R F and MrsBickerton. C O and Mrs Berger, G E andand Mrs Board man, Mrs E F Bush, WII Baird, Frof II Berber, Rev E G andMrs Becttwith, Miss M Eeekwith Prof WT Brigham, Miss Bolles, Miss L Brick-woo- d,

C and Mrs Bolte, G C and MrsBeckley, C Bcsse, J F and Mrs Bowler,R N and Mrs Bovd, Miss Margaret Brew-er, A W Bolster. Rev S F. and Mrs Bishop,W A and Mrs Bowen, Mrs L C Brick-woo- d,

W R and Mrs Buchanan, E DBaldwin, (i H and Mrs Babb, Miss MBurbank, J Bartram, W Porter Boyd, Aand Mrs Brown, Mrs C Bone, E Benner,D T Bailey, J L and Mrs Bushee, Captand Mrs Babcock, N F and Mrs Barges?,G YV Burgess, J II and Mrs Bruns GeoBruns, E Baldwin, B Baldwin, W S andMrs Bartlett. A Brush, Chas Brown. Wand Mrs Berlowitz, lion II P and MrsBaldwin, the Misses Bruns, Mrs E JBush, Mrs J II Brown, R B Banning, FC Bloomer, B F Beadmore, W E Brown,A Beritzhoff, W Blaisdell Mrs F Blake,Miss Blake, A and Mrs Barnes, T andMrs Barlow, E C Bond, Wardroom andJunior Officers of the U SS Boston, WII Benson, Mr and Mrs Bloomer, Mrs hII F Bryant, W G and Mrs Brash, ABolster, G E Betters, L A Brown, Mr andMrs Bergersen, W II Baird.

J A and Mrs Cummins, Hon A S Cleg-hor- n,

W II and Mrs Cummings, A andMrs Cannavarro, Sr, A J and Mrs Cart-wrig- ht,

B and Mrs Cartwright, Mrs Cart-wrigh- t,

Jno and Mrs Cassidy, Jas B andMrs Castle, S N and Mrs Castle, II Nand Mrs Castle, G P and Mrs Castle, WR and Mrs Castle, J O and Mrs Carter,the Misses Carter, O Carter, Chas andMrs Creighton, Miss Charlotte Carter,Jas and Mrs Campbell, Miss LizzieCampbell, C L and Mrs Carter, MissCarrie Castle, Mrs II Cornwell, Miss BCornwell.C M and Mrs Cooke, T P Cum-mins, Mis3 M Cummins, the Misses Cum-mins, R and Mrs Catton, A J Campbell,A Cockburn, J II and Mrs Coney. J Fand Mr Colburn, M and Mrs Colburn,A F and Mrs Cooke, E S and Mrs Cunha,C L and Mrs Crabbe, II andMraCrabbe,

V Chamberlain, C Clapp, II A P andMrs Carter, the Misses Carter, Mr andMrs Crozier, II E and Mrs Cooper, J CClapp, Chas Carter, C W Cross, DouglasCollins, W II Charlock, A Coakley, ThosCooke, Mrs J M Cooke, J C Cooke, AClark, II Congdon, E II Cant, Jno Car-de- n,

Jas Carty, E P and Mrs Chaoin,Miss Chapin, WM Cunningham, MissM A Carroll, Mis? N E Cook, Capt E FCameron, R W Cathcart, W R and MrsChiton, Alex Chesholm, W II Cooper,C I) Chase, S B Champaine, II T Cot-tre- ll,

A Camara, P G Camarinos,Jas and Mrs Cowan, R and Mrs Cowes,F Clifford, J D and Mrs Cockett, Miss BCowin, S S and Mrs Chambeilain, ProfE Charlier, J P and Mrs Colleco, W ECornwell, J Conner, Miss Cahill, Cipt CCampbell, L Conradt, A F Crockett,Capt Calhoun, Mrs and Miss Cook,S M ard Mrs Carter, Miss Ella Cbe.

S M and Mrs Damon, President andMrs Dole, F S and Mrs Dodge, G LDesha, I and Mrs Dayton, II M and Mr3Dow, J I Dowsett, C B and Mrs Dwight,the Misses Davidson, Dr F R and MrsDay, Ed Dowsett, A and Mrs Dowsett, JM and Mrs Dowsett, the Misses Dowsett,B Fan 1 Mrs Dillingham, J M Davidson,C W an! Mrs Day, E C and Mrs Damon,W W and Mrs Dirnond, J I and MrsDowsett Jr, D II and Mrs Davis, Ilv andMrs Davi, T F and Mrs Douglas, Miss LF Dale, P V Dode, II F Davidson, MissL Duncan. M and Mrs Davis, Rev F Wand Mrs Damon, I, II and Mrs Dee, Mrs,Mk-- s and R Dexter, Geo Denison, RDay, C W and Mrs Dav, T and Mrs Dow-del- l,

C E V Dove, Geo Dillingham, Drand Mrs Delamater, T M Datte, CaptainB F Day, U S N, Mrs Douglas, II D.vcr,Capt Dabel, Mr and Mrs Devlin, MrDougherty, Mr Dunphy, Miss R Daniels,Mrs J O Dominis, Dr and Mrs Delamates,T M Dotte.

Hon Jno Ena, J J and Mrs Egan, MissEgan, A and Mrs Ehler3. C H and MrsEldridge, F M English, Rev 0 P Pers-on, Dr N B and Mrs Emerson J S Emer-son, J and Mrs Emmeluth, J F Eckardt,Jno Effinger, Mr and Mrs Ehrlich, C REllinwood, T Wr Ernst, W Ernest, Mi-- s

Emmett, Mr3 J F Elliot, Miss M Elliot,Miss G Emerson.

Judge and Mr3 Foster. W E and MrsFoster, Mrs T R Foster, Capt and Mrs AFuller, Miss Fuller, A and Mrs Fernan-dez, N Fernandez, G D and Mrs Freeth,Miss Finckler, C J and Mrs Fishel, Captand Mrs J H Fisher, Miss Fanning, IIFocke, Mrs Forbes, Miss M R Forbes, WForbes, Hon W F Frear, G W Farr, CaptFreeman, J Farnsworth, R French, C MV and Mrs Foster, F Fredenburg, C IIFairer, G II Fairehild, C T Fisher, F RFulton, Miss Fulton, F II Foster, MrsFairehild. His Ex S Fugii, Mr Frank, EFickett, Miss M Ferreira, W Fernandez.

J B and Mrs Gibson, W M and MrsGitfard, Dr M E Grossman, W M Gra-ham, Mrs S A Gilman, Capt H and MrsGunn, C T and Mrs Gulick, J A and MrsGilman, N E and Mrs Gedge, Miss VGilliland.E Giffard, W H C Greig, Fand Mrs Godirev, A von C and Mrs Gear,Miss K Grav, Mi3 C A Gilman, II F

! and Mrs Glade, the Misses Glade, Capt; W B and Mrs Godfrey, A Gartenberg, Muoiaoerg, 3liss Came P Green, O fct .1

Gilbert, R Jay and Mr3 Green, J J andMrs GreeD, Jro and Mrs Grace, S F Gra-ham, F and Mrs Gertz, J T and Mrs Gil-fil'a- n,

Geo and Mrs Grau, Jno Good, MA and Mr3 Gonsalvez, H E Gaves, RandMrs Grieve. F W and Mrs Glade, MrGoo Kim, R L Gilliland. C and Mrs

j Girdier, Hy A Giles, II J Gallagher, FCt (joIus worthy, Alex Garvie, Mrs G'r-ne- y,

J33 Gibbons, M and Mrs Green-wood, J B and Mrs Greenwood, Ward-room and Junior OiEcers of II P MSGarnet. Miss M L Garten. Mrs I Gedze,

i Capt Griffiths, Miss Maria Gomez, Missb Genns.

F M and Mrs Hatch. II and Mrs vonHolt. Capt II C Houdiette. the Misse3Howland, Chas Hall, E W and MrsHoliswortb. Mrs Hawes, Miss Lily Ila-p- ai.

A and Mrs Herbert. Miss R Iler-b?r- t.

WR and Mrs Holt. Jas and MrEHolt, Miss Annie Holmes. F A and MrsHosmer, T W and Mrs Hobron, F P andMrs Hastings. Mr Hughes. Miss L Hop-per. 0 Herold. A S and Mrs HartwelJ,the Misses Ilartwell, Rev C M and MrsHvde. C and Mrs Hedeman. E and MrsH'alstead. F and Mrs Halstead. R andMrs Halstead, Miss Halstead, W II andMrs Hoogs, F Hoogs, Chas and MrsHostace, Miss Hustace, F and Mrs Hus-tac- e,

Chas Hustace Jr. Rev R R Hoes.Jas H Hunt. Mrs T H Hobron. Chas and

High, A M HitchtielJ. Henry Holmes.t and Mrs Horn, J O 11 Horn, L andMrs Horner, Walter L Howard. P ! andMrs Huge?. Chas V, Hu-to- n. W W Har-ris, G S Harris, Col and Mrs Ifecker.Miss Heilbrun. J W Hllirerloh, F M andMrs Hallock. T J and Mrs Higgins, WHannigan, W II Hawes, Capt Hughes-Hallet- t.

Mr Heggins. J A and Mr3 Has-singe- r.

Miss Hassinger. Miss R Hoppin,Miss Lydia Hart. Mrs Husbands, Edand Mrs Hopkins, W L and Mrs Hopper,Chas. H Hill, Mrs. A Hitchcock, LionelHart.

C 1 and Mr3 Iv.ikea. W G and Mrs Ir-win, DPR and Mrs Isenberg, K J Ima-mish- i.

Hon A F and Mrs Juld, P C and MrsJones, E A and Mrs Jones, Miss A Joues,Pierre and Mrs Jones, J Walter Jones,Arthur Jones, Dayton Jones, the MissesJones, A and Mrs Jae r, Miss H Judd,Mrs E C Judd. Miss Pa iahi Judd, MissAgnes Judd, E W and Mrs Jordan, Aand Mrs Johnstone, G W C Jones, J IIJennings, Jr, C 11 and Mrs Judd, Jr.MissJohnson, N P and Mrs Jacobsen, E AJacobsen, Wm A Johnston, W M John-Fo- n,

Capt Jacobsen, T K and Mrs James,V Jacobsen, J W Jennings, Miss Jordan,D Porter Johns m, A L and Mrs John-son.

T J and Mrs Kinir. W C and Mrs King,C Kaiser, S II and Mrs Kane, H and MrsKaia, Miss K Keough,T It and Mr Key-wort- h,

Miss M Kinney, Geo C Kenyon,Mr and Mrs Klugel,TEand Mrs Krouse,Geo Koch, F J Kruger, Jas J Kellv, AW and Mrs Keech, A L and Mrs Kron,A Kauhi, T V King. R King, Caj t J Aand Mrs King, L T Kaneke, J A and MrsKennedy, L B and Mrs Kerr, F Klamp,JNK Keola, J U and Mrs Kawainui, Eand Mrs Kopke, S Kunura. S L Kekua-wa- ,

Miss A E Knapp, J T and MrsKnapp, Miss M A Krout, J Kidwell,Wardroom and Junior Oilijers and NavalCadets of II I J M S Kon-g- o, Miss AKnapp, Miss M Kinney, II M Kinney,Miss Minnie Kinney, Mr Kalanianaole,Mrs L A Kaneke.

T R and Mrs Lucas, A and Mrs Lucas,C J and Mrs Lyons, Dr A B and MrsLyons, D Lyons, II and Mrs Lose, MLouisson, Sam Louisson, T F and MrsLansinsr, R and Mrs Lishman,Miss Irish-man, W and Mrs Lishman, Mrs Law-rence, W S and Mrs Luce, F J and MrsLowrey, W Lanz, the Misses Ladd, MissG Lemon, D and Mrs Logan, II F and MrsLewis, Dr and Mrs E A Lund-- , G IILuce, Robt and Mrs Lewers, MissLewers, Miss D Lamb, Thos and MrsLloyd, Fred Lewis, R I and Mrs Lillie,Miss N Lowrey, ELewis.Capt J C and MrsLorenzen, W O and Mrs Lackland, WLucas, Geo and Mrs Lucas, A C Love-ki- n,

E W Langley, Miss K Long, SamLesser, J and Mrs Lightfoot. Miss MCLofquist, E Lofquist, C II and MrsLuther, F S and Mrs Lyman, Jr, J IILovejoy, Jas and Mrs Lucas, Jas A andMrs Lyle, Alex and Mrs Lyle, MissLynch, S W Lederer, Mr and Mrs Lud-wigso- n,

the Misses Lyle, I and MrsLowell, Mr Mrs M Lane, T Lish-man, L L La Pierre, Mr and Mrs JLycc-tt- , R F Lange, Mr and Mr3 L JLevey, Mr and Mrs M Lvey, G W Lin-coln," Mr and M s J W Luning, W FLove, James H Love, D II Lewis, ThosLind.-;r.- y, Janit--s W Lloyd, Jams A Low,Mr and Mrs W J Lowrie, A Lindsay, ALarnach, J J lacker, J S Low, Mr nndMrs MJ Lawrence, MLubenstein, RTLawless, the Misses Lycetr, Tuo3 Illie,Mr Lufc.', Mr and Mrs F T Lowrey, MissM C Lloyd, L P Lyman, Frauk Lake,Mr and Mrs P M Lucas.

Mrs L McCully, K C Macfarlane, Mrand Mrs C J McCarthy, J Marsden, AMarques, Mr and Mrs II R Macfarlane, Drand Mrs J S McGrew, Dr and Mrs H GMcGrew, Miss McGrew, Mr and Mrs FB MeSiocker, Mr and Mrs J A Mehrtena,Mr and Mrs M D Monsarrat, J M Mon-sarra- t,

Dr and Mrs W T Monsarrat, Captand Mrs H W Mist, Rev and Mrs AlexMackintosh, Miss E Mist, Dr and MrsA Mc Wayne, Miss H Mclntyre, CaptainII Mclntyre, Frank Mclntyre, the MissesMclntvre, Thomas Mav, Frank May, DrR McKibbin, Alex McKibbin, C W Mac-farlane, C Mett, Mr and Mrs M Mc-Inern- v,

E Mclnerny, W II Mclnerny, JD Mclnerny, Miss Mclnerny, Dr andMrs F L Miner, J W McGuire, Mr andMrs J K Mersberg, Mr and Mrs J AMagoon, H M Mist, Miss Marv McGuirethe Misses MoGuire, Mr and" Mrs W IIMclean, E L Marshall. R More, Mr andMrs .IF Morgan, A Mobsman, GeorneM.cLao-3- , Mr and Mrs J McCandless, .Mrand Mrs J S Martin, Dr and Mrs I)McLennan, Miss Annie Mo.ssman, Mrand Mrs F W McChesney, P Muhlendorf,Mr and Mrs W Maertens, E Mossman,Mrs C B Makee, Mr and Mrs J W Mc-Donald, F N McCandless, V,' II McCand-les- s.

John McLean, the Mi-se- s McLean,W D McWavne, Mrs E X Monsarrat, Mr

l and Mrs F W Macfarlane, Miss May, MN Mossman. Mr and Mrs A 31 Mellis,George W Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs T BMurrav, J M McChesney, G R Mahonev,Mr and Mrs E M Marshall, Mr and MrsG F McLean, James L McLean, A EMurthy. Mr Murdoch, Miss McShane, JII Munstermann, G Mauer, Dr McGet-tinge- r,

Mr and M3 A McBean, Mr andMrs D Mason, C McLennan, MohicanWardroom Officers, Mohican Junior Off-icers, J Miller, Dr R I Moore, Mr Moore,H II Miller, I Moore, Miss E D Meyer,Miss McLeod, L L McCandless, MissMitchell, Miss J McGowan, Miss LMoore, Geo Manson, L F Marshall, MissLulu Moore. Lieut Moore, T W Math-ews, R W Meyer, Mrs A W McLean,Mrs Mitchell.

P and Mrs Neumann, Geo K Norton,II J and Mrs Nolte, Miss F NoUe, W Gand Mrs Needham, Miss Needbam, Drand --drs Nichols, E R and Mrs Newman,Jno and Mrs Nott, Jas and Mrs Nott, JasJr and Mr3 Nott, Mrs Geo K Norton, MrNacavama, G O Naeavama, Mrs Nicoll,Capt Chas Nottage, W D No jghtorj, WII Neiman,Dand Mrs Noonan, Ward-room and Junior Officers of 11 I J M S

Rev ar.d Mrs W B Oleson, F B Oat, JM and Mrs Oat, Mrs Ord way, U J Ord-Ordwa- y,

Ph and Mrs Opfenrelt, Jno Mand Mrs Oat, Officers and Men Co A, NG H, Officers and MeD, Co B, N G H,Officers and Men, Co C, N G 11, Officersand Men, Co D, N G H, Officers andMen oi Barracks, K and Mrs Oikato.

A P and Mrs Peterson, Jfam'l and MrsTarker, John Phillips. J II and MrsPatv, the Misses I'atv, Geo C Totter, F Sand' Mrs Pratt. C A and Mrs Peacock, W Cand Mrs Peacock, W C Parke, H I' Poor,C and Mrs Porter, E W and Mrs Peter-son, H A and Mrs Parmelee, Miss Parme-'e- e,

H W and Mrs reck, C F Peterson, APerrv, Miss Annie Perrv.t be Misses PerrvJ W'and Mrs Poimcre Miss Patch, MrsA S Parke. Miss Parke, P Peck, E Peck,D P and MVs Peterson, W Photenhauer,F F l'orter. Bishop of Panopolis, Rev HII Porker, E II Paris, Geo H Paris, SPeck, F Philp. S E Pierce, K Podeyn, WM Pomrov, L E Pinkham. Y J Peterman,K B Porter, Miss Patter, Miss E Plern-rne- r,

E B Poairoy, Miss Pomroy, Miss LPhillips, Capt Porter, Capt Peterson, MrPeterman, Miss K Pope, Thos and MrsPatterson, A and Mrs Petrie, H Purdy,Wm L Peterson, Miss S E Peterson, JW Pratt, Dr and Mrs C A Peterson.

many of which wore costly andelaborate, while others were notless beautiful in a simple style.But the male portion of mankindis not gifted with powers of descrip-tion in this sphere, and it i3 betterto gasp and be rilent.

One other interruption to thedancing there was, more pleasanteven than the supper. Lieut.Young made the following speech,after which Dr. McGrew called forthree rousing cheers for Capt.Wiltse which were given with a

! will :

The honors which you have on thisoccasion conferred upon tbecommand-in- g

officer of the Boston are appre-ciated by the otlicers and crew of thatvessel, and it is with pleasure that Iam able to attest the common feeling,and on their behalf to thank you forthis evidence of approval and goodwill. While we are sorry to lose hini,we nevertheless rejoice to know thathe goes home crowned with success,and that his government will rewardhim as he deserves. It is not oftenyou will lind a man taking risks thatmight result in the loss of a high posi-tion only obtained in a life time: yet,when the hour came, Captain Wiltsedid not hesitate, but acted at once,and the prompt measures taken byhim were the means of preserving lifeand preventing the loss of property.When the Stars and Stripes rose overthe Government Building, it pro-claimed to all Hawaiians, that thepopular will should occupy the throneof sovereignty, and that the onlymonarch which freedom would toler-ate on these islands was publicopinion. Our government i3 a Re-public founded upon purely democra-tic principles, one in which the peoplerule, distinguished from a mouarcbyunder the rule of one, or an aristocracyunder the rule of a few. lie who canclaim the United States as his home ispossessed of a priceless inheritance.Without permitting national pride todegenerate into national egotism, wecan boast of a great ltepublic wheremanhood, euterprize and ambitionare the ruling forces; a nation whereall the doors are open to every-one who has the courage "tocross the threshold. Our princi-ples of government and liberalinstitutions came down to us fromhonored sires, ancestors who had thetrue ideas of liberty taught them inthe severe schools of adversity andhardship. Nor has it been but a littlemore than a century since our peopleearned the right to establish a gov-ernment of their own to which weare not bound in servile thoughts of adistant past, but are free to dwellupon the blessings of the present andthe promises of a glorious future, andknow that from the very first our flaghas stood for freedom, liberty and po-litical equality. That flag is the bea-con light to which the eyes of theoppressed of all the world areturned. From the abyss of des-potism and political slavery thehands of down-trodde- n men arestretched out towards it forhelp and assistance. It tells thestory and sings the song to the breezesof heaven that the country overwhich it floats and which itrepresents is the asylum, thehome and the promised land for thevictims of political injustice, persecu-tion and inequality upon the earth.We therefore extend to you an openwelcome and ample protection, andtrust that it will not be long beforeanother star shall have been added tothe brilliant constellation of theAmerican flag. Opportunity has beenthe inheritance of each generation,and when you took advantage of thisoccasion you erected a mile-ston- e inHawaiian history from which wewill march united, charmed by theprophetic music of a hopeful future,and upon which the names ot JohnL. Stevens and Captain Wiltse areshown in bold relief. One word more.We celebrate to-nig- ht not only thevirtues of men, but the beginning ofa new and progressive policy upon thepart of the United States. Annexa-tion in the decades to coaie, derivingits impetus from the Hawaiian Inl-ands, may be the watchword of a con-tinent; and there may be those herewho will live to see the time, predictedby Benjamin J. Butler, when theAmerican flag will be planted so farnorth that the Esquimau, coming outof his hut in the gray of the earlvmorning, shall mistake it for theNorthern Lights. Yes, and more: thetime may come when from the blueramparts of the northern ice to theblistered ripples of the tropic seas allmen will share our pride in the flag ofthe constellated stars, and hail it asthe token of a common citizenship.

Capt. Wiltse then called forthree cheers for President Dole, towhich the President respondedwith a few appropriate remarks.

The ball and reception may bepronounced an unqalified success,and great credit is due the com-mittees for their arduous labors.Appended is the dancing pro-gramme, with the committee list :


1. Lancers.J. Waltz.

Polka.4. Lancers.

o. Sehottische.p.. Walt.

.. lancers.S Waltz.

Waltz.10. Polka.

11. Lancers.12. Scottisehe.

13. Waltz.


Finance: F. M. Hatch, E. A. Jones,H. W. Schmidt, G. P. Castle, H. F.Glade, M. P. Robinson.

Invitation: G. W. Smith, T. F.Lansing, E. I. Spalding, T. C. Porter,II. F. Wichman.

Arrangement: E. F. Bishop. Geo.McLeod, S. B. Rose.

Refreshment: John Ena, J. H.Paty, H. Gunn, II. B.enjes.

Reception: H. W. Schrnidt, F. M.Hatch, E. A. Jones. G. P. Castle, M.P. liobinson, H. F. Glade, G. W.Smith, E. I. Spaldinsr, T. F. Lansing,T. C. Porter, II. F. Wichman.

Floor Managers: H. Gunn, E. F.Bishop, C. T. Wilder, S. Louisson, Dr.M. E. Grossman.

Captain Wiltse has hundreds offriends and well-wishe- rs in thistropical city, and they hastened todo him honor at the grand receptionand ball held at the Opera Houseon Friday night. For severaldays the signs of husy preparationhad been vsible in and around theOpera House, and the indicationswere not wanting that the variouscommittees having charge had puttheir heart in their work, and weredetermined to make the receptionin honor of the Captain of the U.S. S. Cruiser Boston the most bril-

liant' and successful affair of itskind which Honolulu had everseen. The Opera House itselfcould not begin to accommodatewith even a semblance of comfort,the vast throng of guests who weresure to come, as former Fourth ofJuly celebrations had proved. Inorder to meet this dilliculty, thecommittee of arrangements verythoughtfully built a large lanaiaddition on the east side of thehouse, extending the whole depth.The walls were made of flags, andpalm leaves were liberally andtastefully used in beautifying theimpromptu structure, which af-

forded a cool promenade and smok-ing room, with a convenient cornerfor the punch. Instead of servingsupper in the crowded, hot and in-

accessible basement, the ArionHall was obtained for this purpose,and a passage constructed connect-ing it with the main building. Theresult was that room was found forall the vast company. Had it notbeen for the admirable arrange-ments of the committee, the ballwould have been simply an intol-erable crush.

Half-pa-st eight was the hour setfor the opening of the ceremonies,and from and before that time along line of carriages stretchedthrough Palace Square to theOpera House steps. Here a num-ber of police were stationed, so thatperfect order was maintained andthe usual confusion avoided. Theticket office served as a hat andcloak room for the gentlemen, andthe pile of head coverings almostreached the ceiling. The ladiesdressing rooms opened into theaudience room.

As one approached the wideinner entrance a scene presenteditself which was beautiful in theextreme. Everything had beendone which taste and liberalitycolild suggest to adorn the interior,and the end certainly crowned thework. As is natural and appro-priate on such occasions, flags fur-nished the principal means ofdecoration, and a more profusedisplay of bunting was never seenin Honolulu. Directly in front ofthe entering visitor hung from thefront , of the stage Old Glory,supreme among which ruled thebanners as the moon queens it.To the right and left theboxes were draped with theflags of America and Hawaii,now at last to float and rule to-

gether in the bands of a perpetualamity. Wreaths of raaile and jas-sami- ne

hung from the lower boxesin graceful festoons, while over allthe balconies and above them werehung flags and banners of everydescription. The "meteor flag ofEngland'' was not unhonored, butunhappily none of the officers ofthe Garnet were there to see it.Perhaps no feature of the decora-tions was more graceful than thebasket of roses which hung frorWthe center of the roof and served as5

the meeting point for festoons ofthe red, white and blue, whiclistreamed together from all the fourcorners. i

The hero of the hour was ofcourse genial Captain Wiltse, andthe first hour was entirely occupiedin the numerous hand-shakin- gs

which occasions like these necessi-tate. There was no lack of friend- -'

ly greetings, of warm alohas raisedto the superlative with a nui loaand wishes that this adieu mightonly prove an au revoir. All thespace from the dress circle to theback of the stage was given up tothe dancers, and the floor, thoughcrowded, was by no means so un-inhabitable as "might have beenfeared. Hundreds wisely concludedthat it was better fun" to sit stilland leave other couples to colli-sion and shipwreck.

Supper in the hall at the rear