P2e Earths Magnetic Field

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Transcript of P2e Earths Magnetic Field

  • 1. Earths Magnetic Field

2. 3. Earths Magnetic Field

  • Vital to life on Earth
  • Due to the Iron core
  • Protects us from cosmic rays
  • Prone to reversal

4. Cosmic Rays

  • High energy, fast moving particles from the Sun and outside the solar system

5. Cosmic Rays

  • Hit upper atmosphere and create gamma rays
  • One cosmic ray can create hundred of gamma rays

6. Cosmic Rays

  • Gamma rays can __________ materials
  • This can cause damage to tissues and ________

7. 8. Cosmic Rays

  • Luckily, the Earths magnetic field deflects _________ particles, like cosmic rays, along its lines of force towards the _______

9. The Aurora Borealis 10. The Aurora Borealis

  • Caused by particles, ionised by cosmic rays, recombining with electrons and emitting light

11. Earths Magnetic Field 12. Earths Magnetic Field ( p56 )

  • Has lines of _______ and _______ like any magnet
  • Caused by _______ in the Earths _____ core