P2 powerpoint

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Renata O, Steyn F, Nathaly M, Aileen j

Transcript of P2 powerpoint

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Congenital Adrenal


Renata O, Steyn F, Nathaly

M, Aileen j

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What the disease is

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a defect in the

adrenal glands when they lack enzyme.

Two types of CAH

1. Classic also has two forms: salt wasting

(severe) & non-salt wasting (mild).

2. Non-classic

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Classic CAH

1. Salt wasting: body has trouble keeping the right

amount of salt. Causes weight loss &

dehydration in the first week of life for


2. Non-salt wasting: levels of cortisol are

reduced, no salt wasting. Causes ambiguous

genitalia in female babies and virilization in

both sexes before puberty.

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Non-classic CAH

Neither cortisol nor aldosterone is reduced

No salt wasting

Newborn girls usually have no abiguity

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The target

Both males and females are an easy target

This disease affects 10,000-15,000 newborns

every year

Severe form affects mainly European


Mild form affects Ashkenazi-Jews

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Areas of infection

Affect the adrenal glands mainly

Also affects the reproductive system of both


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Lack of enzyme needed by the adrenal gland to

make the hormones cortisol and aldosterone.

Cortisol: a steroid hormone of the adrenal


Aldosterone: hormone produced by the cortex of

the adrenal gland

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Female Symptoms

Abnormal menstrual cycles

Deep voice

Early appearance of pubic & armpit hair

Ambiguous genitalia (genitals that look both

male and female)

(picture maybe)

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Male Symptoms

Early appearance of pubic & armpit hair

Enlarged penis

Small testes

Early development of male characteristics (e.g.

deep voice, facial hair, etc.)

(picture maybe)

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Exams and Tests

Salt levels and urine tests

X-ray for bone age

High levels of serum DHEA sulfate

Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA)-sulfate- a

weak male hormone produced in the adrenal

glands in both males & females.

Genetic test also help diagnose, confirm, &

manage the disease.

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Treated with hormone replacement; generally

replaced with cortef and florinef.

Take a form of cortisol daily (e.g.

dexamethasone, fludrocortisone, or


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Citation (idk if the way it’s cited is correct) The hormone foundation’s Patient Guide to

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. (n.d.). http://www.hormone.org/resources/up-adrenal-hyperplasia-patient-guide-083110-2.pdf

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia-PubMed Health. National Center for biotechnology Information. http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/health/

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Medicine plus Medical Encyclopedia. National library of medicine-national institutes of health. http://nlm.nih.gov/medicineplus/encyla
