P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of...

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis, the following vector fundamentals are necessary: 1. Convention for describing angle of a vector 2. Projecting a vector onto a Cartesian reference frame 3. Types of vectors 4. Time derivatives of vectors

Transcript of P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of...

Page 1: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A


Fundamentals of Analytical Method

For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis, the following vector fundamentals are necessary:

1. Convention for describing angle of a vector

2. Projecting a vector onto a Cartesian reference frame

3. Types of vectors

4. Time derivatives of vectors

Page 2: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

There are infinite ways to describe angle of a vector. We adopt the convention to describe the angle of a vector with respect to the positive x-axis in a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction.

For vector R (with a magnitude R) the angle is measured as:

Angle of A Vector




1. From the base (tail) of the vector draw a line in the positive x-axis

2. In a counter-clockwise direction, starting from this line, draw an arc until it reaches the vector

This is the angle .

Regardless of the orientation of a vector, this process provides the angle in such a way that simplifies any further analysis.

Angle of A Vector

Page 3: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A


1. Vector R1

2. Vector R2

3. Vector R3

4. Vector R4

Angle of A Vector




1 = 36.4o

Angle of A Vector (cont.)


2= 160.7o


3= 215.6o


4= 310.2o

Page 4: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

For vector R with a magnitude R and an angle , if the angle is described according to the “convention”, it is a simple matter to determine its x-y components.

Vector Projection




R cos

R sinThe x component is:

R(x) = R cos (a)

The y component is:

R(y) = R sin (b)

Equations (a) and (b) are always valid, regardless of the angle being in the first quadrant (0-90 degrees) or the second quadrant (90-180 degrees) or so on.

Projecting A vector onto x-y Axes

Page 5: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

1. Constant magnitude and constant angle

2. Constant magnitude and variable angle

3. Variable magnitude and constant angle

4. Variable magnitude and variable angle

Types of Vectors

Types of Vectors












The magnitude and the angle of a vector may be constant and/or variable. Therefore we may consider four types of vectors:

Page 6: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

Constant magnitude and constant angle

Position components:

R(x) = R cos

R(y) = R sin

First derivative (velocity components):

R(x) = d R(x) / dt = 0

R(y) = d R(y) / dt = 0

Second time derivative (acceleration components):

R(x) = d2 R(x) / dt2 = 0

R(y) = d2 R(y) / dt2 = 0

Time Derivatives

Time Derivatives of Vectors






Page 7: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

Constant magnitude and variable angle

Position components:

R(x) = R cos

R(y) = R sin

First derivative (velocity components):

R(x) = d R(x) / dt = R (sin)

R(y) = d R(y) / dt = R (cos)

V t

Where = d/ dt is the angular velocity of the link.

Second time derivative (acceleration components):

R(x) = d2 R(x) / dt2 = R (sin)R (cos)

R(y) = d2 R(y) / dt2 = R (cos)R (sin)

At An

Where = d/ dt is the angular acceleration of the link.

Time Derivatives

Time Derivatives of Vectors (cont.)






Page 8: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

Variable magnitude and constant angle

Position components:

R(x) = R cos

R(y) = R sin

First derivative (velocity components):

R(x) = d R(x) / dt = R cos

R(y) = d R(y) / dt = R sin

V s

Where R = dR / dt = V s is the rate of change in the magnitude of the link.

Second time derivative (acceleration components):

R(x) = d2 R(x) / dt2 = R cos

R(y) = d2 R(y) / dt2 = R sin

A s

Where R = d2R / dt2 = A s is the second time derivative of the magnitude of the link.

Time Derivatives

Time Derivatives of Vectors (cont.)












Page 9: P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1 Introduction Fundamentals of Analytical Method For analytical kinematic (and dynamic) analysis,

Fundamentals of Analytical Analysis 1

P. Nikravesh, AME, U of A

Variable magnitude and variable angle

Position components:

R(x) = R cos

R(y) = R sin

First derivative (velocity components):

R(x) = d R(x) / dt = R cos R (sin)

R(y) = d R(y) / dt = R sinR (cos)

V s V t

Second time derivative (acceleration components):

R(x) = d2 R(x) / dt2 = R cos R (sin)R (cos) 2R (sin)

R(y) = d2 R(y) / dt2 = R sinR (cos)R (sin)2R (cos)

As At An Ac

Time Derivatives

Time Derivatives of Vectors (cont.)











