P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004 1 Single Assessment, Change Management and Leadership A Workshop...

P Gray SAP co-ordinator A ug.2004 1 Single Assessment, Change Management and Leadership A Workshop for Managers and Champions Single Assessment In Gateshead

Transcript of P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004 1 Single Assessment, Change Management and Leadership A Workshop...

Page 1: P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004 1 Single Assessment, Change Management and Leadership A Workshop for Managers and Champions Single Assessmen t In Gateshead.

P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Single Assessment, Change Management and

LeadershipA Workshop for

Managers and Champions


In Gateshead

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004



• How do we respond to change?• Think of an example in your own

life of a change and how it felt.

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Aims and Objectives

• To identify why we need to manage change

• To understand Single Assessment and identify the changes that this means for our teams/workplace

• To identify a strategy for staff development for Single Assessment within our teams/workplace

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Why Change?

• Need to respond to political/economic/ethical/technological advances

• Human interaction takes place in an environment which changes

• Change is exciting – it means renewal and transformation

• Reason for change is to improve quality

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Why Manage Change?

• Change may bring loss

• Change may threaten existing power or other interests

• Change means an end to certainty

• Change may threaten a system of meaning

• Change may imply criticism

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


The need to manage change

Donald A Schon ‘Beyond the Stable State’1973• The loss of the stable state means that our

society and all of its institutions are in continuous processes of transformation

• We must learn to understand, guide, influence and manage these transformations.

• We must become able not only to transform our institutions in response to changing situations; we must invent systems capable of bringing about their own continuing transformation.

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


The process of change

• The ending• We acknowledge we need to let go• We recognise we have lost something

• The neutral zone• Old way has finished, but new way hasn’t

started• Everything is in flux and confusing

• The beginning• The new way feels comfortable and right

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Managing the process

• Help people understand the need for change – move to the ‘discomfort zone’, but prevent the ‘panic zone’

• Recognise the loss • Give people information about the change

proposed• Get people involved and give them time to

experiment with new ideas• Ensure that things that matter are continued• Help people feel valued• Ensure people know the part that they play• Help people identify ‘ what’s in it for me’

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Single Assessment as Change

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


NSF Standard 2 – Person Centred Care

• NHS and social care services treat older people as individuals and enable them to make choices about their own care. This is achieved through the Single Assessment Process

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Respect differences

including culture

and religion

Person Centred Care

Enable to make informed choices

Avoid asking same questions

Listen to older people

Respect privacy and dignity

Provide coordinated

and integrated service responses

Involve and support carers

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


The Vision for Single Assessment






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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


The National Programme for IT - NPfIT

• Underpinning IT structure to support the delivery of care and services

• For example: integrated records service, electronic appointment booking service, Single Assessment

• Electronic solutions facilitate and complement SAP

• Focus on person centred care, by improving pathways so impacting on patient experience

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


SO……… What’s the problem?

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


What’s the problem?(Turning Your Back on Us – Age Concern 2000)

“Old age hasn’t even started and I feel that I’ve already been written off”

“I can’t help thinking that if I had had the right treatment from the start, I would not have had to go through all these months of pain”

I have met too many old people who almost apologise for being alive

“The past year has been very distressing for me and my family. We have seen my father change from an intelligent gentleman to a very frail old man suffering from dementia”

“We are expendable – they are waiting for us to die”

“I was told my mother’s pain was ‘all in her head’”

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Things have to change . . .

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Exercise 1Identifying the change

• What things from your team/workplace/professional ethics do we bring that support SAP and Person Centred Care?

• Identify the key aspects in your workplace that you would like to change to implement Person Centred Care?

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Role of a Champion

• Adoption• Learning about the innovation proposed• Knowing the stakeholders• Identifying the opinion leaders/judging

potential resistance

• Promotion• Contextualise the innovation• ‘selling it’ and influencing others

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Role of a Champion

• Securing Resources and Support• Securing support within the organisation

and team

• Tracking and trouble shooting• Dealing with resistance and influencing

people• Keeping a ‘watching brief

• Mainstreaming• Embedding the innovation into the

mainstream work

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Characteristics of champions

• Knowledge of the innovation or change

• Use of personal power rather than positional power

• Adopts the project as their own• Generates support• Advocates for the innovation

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Champions and Leadership

• Leadership Behaviour– Inspire and enthuse others with a clear vision

and goal– Cope with resistance and gain commitment– Suggest creative and challenging solutions to


• Personality characteristics– Risk taking– Political astuteness– Persistence and dedication– Like to achieve

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Exercise 2moving towards change

To work towards person centred care we need to help staff understand Single Assessment, and look at changes we can make.

Use the template and resources in your pack to write an action plan to implement in your teams.

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P Gray SAP co-ordinator Aug.2004


Achieving Change