555 BAILEY ROAD • CRYSTAL CITY, MO 63019 P A R I S H S OCTOBER 17, 2021 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time MISSION STATEMENT We the parish family of Sacred Heart, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit seek to bring all to a fuller understanding of God’s love by teaching, pray- ing, witnessing for Christ and service to one another. Through the sharing of our time, talents, and treasures, we shall build up the body of Christ in our local parish, deanery, archdiocese and the world. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time “What do you wish me to do for you?” Whether we realize it, this is a question God is always asking. It’s an important question because the answer we provide will reveal a great deal about where our hearts lie. Our requests of God can often appear very noble and altruistic. They consist of requests for healing for someone in need of prayers, successful resolution of a personal conflict, assis- tance in overcoming a disease and myriad other desires for both ourselves and oth- ers. We are especially concerned about those we love and can easily find our- selves bringing their struggles to God for a hearing in our prayer. Is that really all that prayer is about? The woman in today’s Gospel, having been put in her place by Jesus, was only looking out for the wellbeing of her sons. She was doing what mothers do, protecting and securing the livelihood of her children. But she was sadly mistaken, her request was not granted. We all make this same misguided mistake from time to time. The goal of prayer is not to convince God of the worthiness of our agenda or to gain a hearing. Sometimes we believe that the more we multiply our prayers or dis- cover the right combination of supplica- tions that we will receive more of God’s attention. That’s not how it works. Even though God desires to hear, know, and be an intimate part of what is on our minds, it goes much deeper. What we need from God is a relationship. It’s a relationship that guides and immerses us in the very stuff of life and in the direction of the Gospel. This relationship sees God’s kingdom and agenda, not our own, as what is most im- portant. It builds the strength of character necessary to bring God’s Gospel into a world that may not receive it with open arms. It may cause us discomfort and suf- fering. We are asked to heroically journey with God through suffering, hardship, ridicule, and even death! Ultimately, our desire from God must become our desire for God. It is only when this happens that the powerful words “thy will be done” will be found with sincerity and humility on our lips. Whatever God wishes be- comes what we wish as we see this glori- ous union of wills. Our humble lives will then become powerful witnesses, and what happens to us in God’s eternal king- dom the result of his mercy. We become true servants and find ourselves discover- ing God’s definition of success. That defi- nition has nothing at all to do with status, income, or privilege.

Transcript of P A R I S H


P A R I S H �


OCTOBER 17, 2021�

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time�


We the parish family of Sacred Heart, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit

seek to bring all to a fuller understanding of God’s love by teaching, pray-

ing, witnessing for Christ and service to one another. Through the sharing

of our time, talents, and treasures, we shall build up the body of Christ in

our local parish, deanery, archdiocese and the world.�

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time�

“What do you wish me to do for

you?” Whether we realize it, this is a

question God is always asking. It’s an

important question because the answer we

provide will reveal a great deal about

where our hearts lie. Our requests of God

can often appear very noble and altruistic.

They consist of requests for healing for

someone in need of prayers, successful

resolution of a personal conflict, assis-

tance in overcoming a disease and myriad

other desires for both ourselves and oth-

ers. We are especially concerned about

those we love and can easily find our-

selves bringing their struggles to God for

a hearing in our prayer.�

Is that really all that prayer is

about? The woman in today’s Gospel,

having been put in her place by Jesus, was

only looking out for the wellbeing of her

sons. She was doing what mothers do,

protecting and securing the livelihood of

her children. But she was sadly mistaken,

her request was not granted. We all make

this same misguided mistake from time to

time. The goal of prayer is not to convince

God of the worthiness of our agenda or to

gain a hearing. Sometimes we believe that

the more we multiply our prayers or dis-

cover the right combination of supplica-

tions that we will receive more of God’s

attention. That’s not how it works. Even

though God desires to hear, know, and be

an intimate part of what is on our minds,

it goes much deeper.�

What we need from God is a

relationship. It’s a relationship that guides

and immerses us in the very stuff of life

and in the direction of the Gospel. This

relationship sees God’s kingdom and

agenda, not our own, as what is most im-

portant. It builds the strength of character

necessary to bring God’s Gospel into a

world that may not receive it with open

arms. It may cause us discomfort and suf-

fering. We are asked to heroically journey

with God through suffering, hardship,

ridicule, and even death! Ultimately, our

desire from God must become our desire

for God. It is only when this happens that

the powerful words “thy will be done”

will be found with sincerity and humility

on our lips. Whatever God wishes be-

comes what we wish as we see this glori-

ous union of wills. Our humble lives will

then become powerful witnesses, and

what happens to us in God’s eternal king-

dom the result of his mercy. We become

true servants and find ourselves discover-

ing God’s definition of success. That defi-

nition has nothing at all to do with status,

income, or privilege. �


Pastoral Staff�

Pastor, Rev. Mathew �


E�Mail…...…[email protected]

Deacon, Jerry Stoverink Deacon�

E�Mail..…[email protected]

Director of Rel. Ed…... Karen Weber�

Phone�636�937�4662, 314�623�1139�

[email protected]

Finance Council Chair, Steve Bacon�


Parish Leadership Chair, �

Jim Sparling�

E�Mail…[email protected]

Parish Offices�

Rectory���������������������������(636) 937�4662�

�������(636) 931�5507�

�E�mail���������������[email protected]

Adoration Chapel����������(636) 933�0454�

Parish Website: sacredheart�


Parish Secretary �

�Office hours��������M�F 8:30 am�4:30 pm�

Email……[email protected]

Eucharistic Celebrations�

Weekend: Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday

� 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am�

Weekday: Monday�Thursday 8:00 am;

(Friday 8:00 am�Communion Service)�

Holy Day: Day 8:00 am, 12:00 noon &

7:00 pm�



Saturday at 4:00 pm or by appointment.�


�Held on 2nd and 4th Sunday of each

month following the 11:00 am Mass.�

�Baptism is an introduction to the Catholic

way of life, attendance at Sunday Mass is

an obligation which is not taken lightly.

Baptism preparation will be held on the 1st

Monday of each month. Call Fr. Mathew

for Baptism preparation and Baptisms �

+(636�937�4662). �


� Preparation class must begin at least six

months in advance of date of marriage.

Make an appointment with the priest .�

Communion Calls�

� If you are unable to come to Mass for sev-

eral weeks due to illness, contact the Parish

Office for a visit.�

Perpetual Adoration Chapel�

�Open twenty four hours a day in the Con-

vent Chapel. If interested contact the Parish

Office (636) 937�4662.�

PSR Classes�

Held at school every Wednesday evening

during school year from 6:45�8:00 pm.�

Bulletin Deadline�

�Announcements must be turned in to

Parish Office by Sunday evening. �

Email……[email protected]

Staff & Parish Info�2 Greetings from the Pastor�

As I was looking on, there fell a yellow leaf to the ground. There

were many more on the tree, ready to fall down. But most were

green. As the yellow leaves embraced one another with tears,

promising one another to meet in the near future somewhere on

the ground, green leaves scornfully laughed at the older leaves

who had had their share of time, now ready to fall down. The

green leaves thought they would stay always green, that their

youthfulness would never fade. They thought that once the yellow ones are

gone, they would rule the land; they would dictate terms, and they would shade

and protect men and beast under the shade they cast. �

Days went by. The green leaves felt changes in their bodies unexpected-

ly. Their gait was different from before; their color was failing; youthfulness

was vanishing rapidly. Their smile began to fade. And one day, they saw them-

selves old and feeble. There was no green in them anymore. They coughed and

puffed; swayed in the wind as if to fall soon. They were struggling to hold on to

the trunk. Even at this point, though they swayed in the wind, they were beauti-

ful. People praised their beauty, and ladies captured it on their cameras. �

Eastern wind swept by. The leaves, once young and green, that scorn-

fully mocked the yellow leaves, fell one by one, not being able to resist the

force of the wind. As they fell to the rugged ground beneath them, those that

had fallen already said, ‘welcome to the ground reality.’ There they waited for

their further misfortune. Someone would come and gather them; then, set them

on fire. People will never again remember them. The world will go on and on. �

Nothing is permanent on earth. ‘Beauty is vain and charm is deceitful’

says the Scripture (Proverbs 31:30). Do not be haughty and snooty at your

health, wealth, beauty or even your long living. Do not live like as if you are

immortal. Do not mock those who are less fortunate. When you are high up on

the ladder, remember rugged reality is just a few feet away. Higher you go; big-

ger will be the impact of the fall. No king has ruled the land forever. Everything

is temporary. The nature will take its turn to bring people down and to enthrone

someone else in his/her place. Though parting is painful and departure is tearful,

be prepared for the ultimate and irresistible winds of life that will sweep the

strong and the weak, the young and the old alike. Who can fathom the wisdom

of God?�

With love,�

Fr. Mathew �

NEXT WEEKEND we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Pope Francis in-

vites the entire Church to support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific

Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, religious and lay

leaders serve the world’s most vulnerable communities. Please keep the Pope’s

missions in your prayers and be generous in next week’s collection for the Socie-

ty for the Propagation of the Faith. If you would like more information, please

visit www.archstl.org/wms or call the Mission Office at 314�792�7655.�


S t e w a r d s h i p a n d M o r e � 3

Your Gift of Treasure�

Week of October 10, 2021�

Envelopes Mailed……..….…......534�

Envelope Gifts.……......…..$5104.70�

Number of Envelopes……….......120�

Online Gifts….…….…...…$2912.00�

Number of Online Donations….....56�


Scrip Program October 10, 2021�

Number of orders…………….… . 10�

Amount of Orders…...….... $1695.00

Amount earned this week…....$54.86�

E�Scrip Revenue……...….……$0.00�

Amount earned YTD….…..$569.14�

Special Collections�

Permanent Diaconate……..$978.00�

Peter’s Pence (addt’l)…...….$10.00�

Catholic University…...…..$690.00�

Haiti (addt’l)……...………$378.00�

October 17, 2021�


�Sunday in Ordinary Time�

“For the Son of Man did not come to be

served, but to serve and to give his life as a

ransom for many.”���(Mark 10:45)�

If you held a mirror up to your life, would it

reflect God’s love and mercy?� If you are

struggling with this, try changing your attitude

from “I want more” to “thank you God for everything you have given me, I

have enough to share”.� This change in perspective will bring you joy

through service to others.� Pray daily to become less self�centered and to

become more God�centered..�

Psychics and Mediums �


Are Catholics allowed to visit psychics? Why or why not? �

Answer: �

It’s part of human nature to experience some sense of unease and fear about the future.

This can lead some people to seek out the services of psychics or consult horoscopes or

turn to other occult practices or resources (e.g. Ouija boards or tarot cards). The Cate-

chism of the Catholic Church is very clear that Catholics should avoid such practices:

“Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the

phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over

time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate

hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God

alone” (no. 2116). �

Despite the uncertainties we might feel, we are called to have faith and trust in God, con-

fident of God’s desire for what is best for us. This means that we are called to surrender,

to pray and to reflect on how we can best move into the future in hope, knowing that

God is with us.�

Time Change for Neocatechumenal


The time for the Sunday session is

now 12:00 noon instead of 7:00pm.

Wednesday sessions are still at

7:00pm. Both sessions will be held in

the Rectory Basement. They will last

about an hour and you do not need to

attend every session to learn more

about our faith. These sessions are

going on now through the end of No-


All are welcome and no sign ups nec-


Online Giving�Convenient and Easy�

� When you can’t make it to Sacred

Heart because of the weather or because

you are out of town for the weekend, you

can still give your offertory donation

online. If you haven’t signed up for

Online Giving, now would be a great

time. You don’t have to remember to take

your envelope each week or bring 2 en-

velopes if you miss a week. Online Giv-

ing is easy to use and you can make

changes whenever you wish. Go to the

parish website�


festus.weconnect.com and click on the

online giving tab then click on the OSV

Online Giving link and then create new

account. You decide when and how much

to give to Sunday offertory, special col-

lections and holy days. If you have any

questions, please contact the Parish Of-

fice at 636�937�4662.�

We will be having our Food &

Birthright Collection next week-

end. Please remember our broth-

ers and sisters in need.�

� Julia Hagan is needing volunteers to

bake a pie or cake for the Quilt Bin-

go.� You can drop your donation off at

the gym on Sunday October 24th

Next weekend, October 23rd



, �the 2021 Annual Stewardship

Report will be in the bulletin.� Steve

Bacon, the Finance Committee Chair,

will be briefly speaking at all Masses

regarding the finances of the parish. �


P a r i s h & C o m m u n i t y E v e n t s �4�

Dynamic Catholic, Alive! � Servant


“For the Son of Man did not come to

be served but to serve and to give his

life as a ransom for many.” Jesus

turns the idea of leadership on its

head. Leadership isn’t for a few peo‐

ple. It is for all of us, we are all called

to lead. All of us have been given

charisms by the Holy Spirit to help

build the Church. And, none of these

gifts are too small or insignificant.

Leadership is not about me, it’s about

all of you. The focus should be on

how can I accompany you on your

faith journey? How can I help you

grow in love with the Holy Trinity?

You don’t have to have the title of

“chairperson” or “president” to be a

leader. Discern what you’re charisms

are and use them to lead others to

Jesus! �



What’s in it for me?�

I think we’ve all been guilty of looking at a situation and wondering what’s in it for us.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a particular work assignment, someone at the parish asking for

help with the mission trip bake sale, or your spouse asking if you’ll take over the gro-

cery shopping this week. Often, our first reaction to one of these requests is a heavy

sigh and the thought: “If I do this, what will I get?”�

Sometimes it surprises us to realize that the Apostles were no different. We tend to idol-

ize these contemporaries of Christ as giants who walked with the Savior. But in reality,

these individuals were merely human beings struggling to commit to the task of every-

day stewardship. �

In the Gospels, we see glimpses of them longing for praise and affirmation. We see

them jockeying for positions of power within the group of twelve. We see them expect

earthly rewards like honor and admiration. We see them acting a lot like us.�

But in the end, we see them transformed by the grace of God. Like all the saints, their

holiness stems from their commitment to their call. They stumble through, and as they

stumble, they keep trusting God. They keep turning to Him. They keep asking for help.

They don’t give up just because they keep failing at it. �

We are defined by what we give when we have no hope of being reimbursed, rewarded,

or recognized. The Apostles understood this, eventually, and they gave accordingly.

Most of them gave their very lives. �

Remember, they’re just like us. If they can do it, we can too.�


In the Sacred Heart Parish Hall / Gym�

200 Brierton Lane, Crystal City�

Sunday, October 24, 2021�

�We will hold our Annual Quilt Bingo and Chili Lunch on Sunday, October 24

in the Gym. Chili lunch begins at 11:30 am and Quilt Bingo begins at 1:30 pm.

Don’t forget to turn in your chances on the Beautiful��quilt that is on display in

the east entrance of church. There are extra raffle tickets at the exits of church.���

� Everyone who is able is asked to bake a fruit pie or cake for the Quilt Bingo

and bring it to the Gym on Sunday anytime. Due to food safety risk, we have

been asked by the Health Department to limit the pies and cakes served only to

fruit pies and cakes. No flan, cream, custard, cheese, mince, meringue or any-

thing with whipped cream.�

Workers Needed!�

1)�Set�Up:�at the Gym on Thursday, October 21 starting at 9:00 am.�

2)�Bingo:�workers for the floor and/or pull tabs. Call Ed Walters at�314�607�


3)�Clean�Up and Take Down:�Sunday after the Bingo. Both men and women can

help clean up.� �

4) Anyone who would like to help with serving food, please contact Julia Hagan

at 314�650�6574.�

Have you heard His call to help others?

It’s time to answer.� Join the Society of St.

Vincent de Paul and become a Vincentian.�

Who is a Vincentian?�A Vincentian is a

member of the Society of St. Vincent de

Paul, one of the largest Catholic lay or-

ganizations in the world. Vincentians vol-

unteer in local communities and are from

every profession. Vincentians understand

that everything that we have�skills, tal-

ents, material goods�comes from God,

and that we are called as Christians to use

those resources to reduce the suffering

experienced by our brothers and sisters in

need, providing face�to�face contact with

those we serve.�

Vincentians believe that “no work of char-

ity is foreign to the Society,” and so each

local Parish Conference helps people in

their area in different ways�assistance

with utility bills, rent or mortgage assis-

tance, clothing, furniture, or simply prayer

and companionship.�

Why be a Vincentian?�See Christ in the

face of the poor and to bring the love of

God to those who are in material or spir-

itual need. You’ll grow spiritually and

make friends.�

How to join us?�Call 314�591�1717 to

learn more.��


Adoration of the Lord�

Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel is

OPEN and volunteers are needed.�

� “One need not say much to pray

well, we know that Jesus is there in the

tabernacle; let us open our hearts to Him,

let us rejoice in His Sacred Presence.

That is the best prayer.” �


Please call Terri Wolk at 314�620�7527

for more information.�

� Openings for the following hours are

needed to be filled ASAP. This is a great

way to give your time and talent to your

Parish and The Lord!�

Monday: 5:00am�

Thursday: 11:00pm�

Friday: 12:00am� �

� � �

Saturday: 7:00pm�

� � 8:00pm �

� � 9:00pm�

� � 10:00pm�

Sunday: 4:00am�

� �

We are in need for someone to do

every other Friday at 6:00pm. If inter-

ested please reach out to Terri Wolk.

P a r i s h & C o m m u n i t y E v e n t s � 5

National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows � Visitors Center�

CS Lewis Video Study � Six Part Series �

Facilitator: Fr. Mark Dean, OMI.�

Tuesdays, Oct 5, 12, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 10 am � 12:30 pm�

This course is a remarkable exploration of the most popular, and arguably most influen-

tial, Christian writer of the twentieth century. C.S. Lewis was one of the most powerful

Christian apologists of his time, and today he is cherished across the world for his fiction-

al works. In this 15�lecture video course you will explore, through video presentations by

Notre Dame’s professor David W. Fagerberg, Lewis’s fiction, discovering many of his

most beloved works anew by examining them through a theological lens.�

Cost: $30 for series; $5 per session,�

For more information, call 618�394�6281. �



Catholic Perspective on End�of�Life




2021 10:00 A.M. � 2:00 P.M. (lunch

provided) St. Joseph Church • Corpus

Christi Room 6020 Old Antonia Road •

Imperial, MO 63052 �


• Principles of Catholic Bioethics,�

Fr. Donald Henke, D.Th.M.�

� Ordinary & Extraordinary Means of

Preserving Life�

� Quality of Life & the Dignity of the

Human Person�

• Advance Directives & Estate Plan-


Leland Molony, JD�

Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C.�

• Charitable Legacy Planning,�

Michael Weisbrod, Roman Catholic


• Funeral and Cemetery Planning,�

Fr. Daniel Shaughnessy, VF, St. Joseph


� Pastoral Care of the Sick & Dying�

� Anatomical Donation & Cremation�

This free seminar is for people of all


� To register, please visit https://

rcfstl.org/conversation�fall2021/ or call

314.918.2892. �

Ecumenical Prayer � Care for Creation� �

Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski, Archdiocese

of St. Louis and Bishop Susan Candea,

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

will co�preside an outdoor ecumenical pray-

er emphasizing our shared commitment to

care for the Earth and acknowledging the

damage done to vulnerable communities by

neglect of our common home.� �

Our hosts for the prayer request that all at-

tendees be vaccinated. Masking & social

distancing required.� �


3pm Sunday Oct 24��


The Garden at Our Lady of the Holy Cross�

8115 Church Road�

St. Louis, MO 63147�

For more information:�

Call James Fowlkes�Comninellis 314�


Bingo raffle tickets are

still available for

sale.� They are availa-

ble at all Church en-

trances.� The quilt that

is being raffled off is

on display in the east

foyer of

Church…� take a look

and buy some raffles! �


Ministry Schedules�6

Monday, October 18th�

8:00am Marina Vinyard �

Tuesday, October 19th�

8:00am Donald & Johanna Puricelli�

� � �

Wednesday, October 20th�

8:00am Ramon Augusto &�

� � Gregoria Augusto�

Thursday, October 21st�

8:00am Bernice Hardin�

Friday, October 22nd�

8:00am Prayer Service�

Saturday, October 23rd�

5:00pm People of the Parish�

Sunday, October 24th�

7:30am Dan Halley Sr �

9:00am Angie Zander�

11:00am Malinda Luebbers�

� � �

Tuesday, October 19th�

8:45am� Legion of Mary RMR�

6:30pm Bible Study RMR�

Wednesday, October 20th�

1:00pm Bible Study RMR�

6:00pm� Youth Group Meeting GYM�

6:45pm PSR� SC�

7:00pm Neocatechumenal Way RMR�

Thursday,� October 21st�

�8:45am � Quilters ANN

6:00pm� Quilters ANN�

5:00pm Parish Council Mtg PO�

Sunday, October 24th�

11:30am� Quilt Bingo/Chili Supper GYM�

12:00pm Neocatechumenal Way RMR�

6:30pm Christmas Choir CH�


Next weekend is Stewardship Sunday!�

Food and Birthright collection �

after all Masses next weekend!�

Readings for the week of October 17, 2021�

Sunday:� Is 53:10�11/Ps 33:4�5, 18�19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb 4:14�16/�

� � Mk 10:35�45 or 10:42�45�

Monday:� 2 Tm 4:10�17/Ps 145:10�11, 12�13, 17�18 [12]/Lk 10:1�9�

Tuesday:� Rom 5:12, 15, 17�19, 20�21/Ps 40:7�8, 8�9, 10, 17�

� � [8 and 9]/Lk 12:35�38�

Wednesday:� Rom 6:12�18/Ps 124:1�3, 4�6, 7�8 [8]/Lk 12:39�48�

Thursday:� Rom 6:19�23/Ps 1:1�2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5]/Lk 12:49�53�

Friday:�� Rom 7:18�25/Ps 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94 [68]/�

� � Lk 12:54�59�

Saturday:� Rom 8:1�11/Ps 24:1�2, 3�4, 5�6 [cf. 6]/Lk 13:1�9�

Next Sunday:� Jer 31:7�9/Ps 126:1�2, 2�3, 4�5, 6 [3]/Heb 5:1�6/�

� � Mk 10:46�52�

Observances for the week of October 17, 2021�

Sunday:� 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time�

Monday:� St. Luke, Evangelist�

Tuesday:� Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, �

� � and Companions, Martyrs �

Wednesday:� St. Paul of the Cross, Priest �

Thursday:� 29th Thursday in Ordinary Time�

Friday:�� St. John Paul II, Pope �

Saturday:� St. John of Capistrano, Priest; BVM �

Next Sunday:� 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday�

October 23rd and October 24th�

Altar Servers�

5:00pm� Carolyne Argana� �

7:30am� Samantha Helbrueck� �

9:00am� Zander Street� �

11:00am� Percy Pfohl� �

Eucharistic Ministers�

5:00pm� Deacon Jerry��

7:30am� Julia Hagan� �

9:00am� Laurie Roubidoux�

11:00am� Barb Case�


5:00pm Francie Wagner �

Sue Cresswell� �

7:30am Cathy Johns� �

Teri Gansner��

9:00am Marian Branson �

Judith Bailey� �

11:00am Joe Govro� �

Carrie Loukas� �


5:00pm� Diane Stoverink� �

7:30am� Art & Jackie Baumgartner�

9:00am� Zander Street� �

11:00am� Denise Jones��

St. John Paul II | Feast Day October 22�

St. John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyla in

the small Polish town of Wadowice. During

World War II, when the Nazis invaded Po-

land, Karol secretly studied for the priest-

hood in an underground seminary. He was

ordained to the priesthood in 1946, appoint-

ed Archbishop of Krakow in 1964, and

three years later he was made a cardinal. In

1978, he was elected the 264th

pope, where

he took the name John Paul II. �

St. John Paul II made evangelization a key

part of his papacy and made pastoral visits

to all parts of the world. In 1981, he was

shot twice in an assassination attempt. Fol-

lowing Jesus’ example of compassion, he

later met with his would�be assassin in his

prison cell, where he forgave him for what

he had done.�

St. John Paul II was well�known to be an

active sportsman throughout his life, hiking

and skiing well into his 60s. In 1992, his

health began to decline, and it was later

discovered that he suffered from Parkin-

son’s disease, a degenerative disorder of the

central nervous system. �

Near the end of his papacy, it became diffi-

cult for him to speak, and his poor health

and physical suffering made public appear-

ances difficult. Still, he continued his pasto-

ral work. He died April 2, 2005, and he was

declared blessed on May 1, 2011. He be-

came a saint on April 27, 2014. �


News and Notes� 7

Pray For Our Sick: Your prayers are requested for the sick of the Parish.

Please remember the many people who are suffering with cancer and various

other illnesses in the hospitals, the Nursing Homes, as well as at home and also

remember all those of the par ish who are pregnant that they will have a

safe delivery and a healthy baby. Prayer Requests: �

Gina Allen�

Martin Ames�

Agnes Baker�

Matt Bequette�

Mary Breitbarth�

Carolyn Bridges�

Lucy Brindley�

Marian Charleville�

Clare Coleman�

Galena Coleman�

Francis Coleman�

Wendell Coleman�

Jacintha Davis�

Diana DeClue�

Karen Dettmer�

Angie Dill�

Mylissa Dornself �

Chris Doskocil�

Joe Douglas�

Leanne Doza�

Glen Elsworth�

Joe Elsworth�

Phyllis Elsworth�

Kristine Fears�

Tim Fears�

Sergeant Robert Paul�


Wilfred Figge�

Jacob Finch�

David Friesner�

Michael Frey�

Lori Hassel�

Dorothy Hendrix�

Traci Hendrix�

Mary Hill�

Phyllis Hill�

Tom Hill�

Shari, Bert & �

Andrea Horn�

Steve Jennings�

Joanne Johnston�

Carol Kaltenbronn�

Carol Kestermont�

Don Linderer�

Joshua Lucas�

Beth Mahn�

Holly Martin�

Nadine McConnell�

Carol Turgeon� Miller�

Joshua Miller�

Doris Moeller�

Cerita Munshaw�

Ruth Nichols�

John & James Norris�

Jax Okenfuss�

Jeff Osia�

Ashley & Jimmy�


Tim Perry�

Susan Peterein�

Miranda Pfaff�

Carolyn Pool�

Kathleen Portell�

Geralyn Prior�

Prosser Family�

JoAnn Reeves�

Donna Riedy�

Millie Ritcher�

Kathy Robertson�

Steve Roth of Iowa�

Linda Schmitt�

Jeanette Smock�

Pat Spillers�

Janene Spresterbach�

Louise Spresterbach�

Patricia Swader�

Juanita Swyers�

Wayne Turley�

Merrily Varone�

Leah Broyles Vogt�

Al Walker�

Henry Walker�

Patty & Greg Ward�

Michelle Waters�

Rose Weeks�

Stella Weidenbenner�

Jordan Winkel�

Chuck Yount�

PLEASE NOTE: If a name has been on for a long time, it may be taken off

to make room for others who are seriously ill.�



There will be a Eucharistic and Lector

meeting in the church, Oct 28 at 6:00pm

followed by an appreciation dinner in the

gym. There are a few things Fr. Mathew

would like to go over with everyone, now

that we have the new speaker system in. �

Please RSVP by Oct 21 for the dinner by

calling the Parish Office at 636�937�4662.�

Thank you all for what

you do for our parish!�

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Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2612

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Sacred Heart, Crystal City, MO A 4C 01-0946

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Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2612