Oxylane Village, Broxtowe October 2013 - Richard...

Delivery Benefits Summary Oxylane Village, Broxtowe October 2013

Transcript of Oxylane Village, Broxtowe October 2013 - Richard...


Delivery Benefits Summary

Oxylane Village, Broxtowe October 2013

Oxylane Village, Broxtowe




Sport, Health and Increased Participation

Economic Growth and Investment

Highway and Transport Improvements

Enabling new and improved Council Leisure Facilities

Protection of Green Belt, New Woodland Area and Landscaping









Oxylane Village, Broxtowe 02

The Oxylane Group is one of the World’s leading sports development companies, operating in 25 countries and employing more than 60,000 people worldwide united in a common purpose to ‘create desirability and make the pleasure and benefits of healthy living accessible to all’.

Oxylane Group aims to build 30 Oxylane Villages across the UK within the next 10 years and the Oxylane Village in Broxtowe will be the first. The Oxylane Village proposals provide Broxtowe Council and the local inhabitants with a once in a lifetime opportunity to realise the significant benefits that will be delivered by such an investment.

We have spent over 3 years tailoring the Oxylane Village concept to best suit Broxtowe. This has involved significant amounts of consultation with the local community, sports clubs, national governing bodies of sport and most importantly, Broxtowe Borough Council. The proposed scheme has evolved to a stage where it embodies all the key principles of an Oxylane Village, this results in a desirable destination site where the pleasure and benefits of a healthy lifestyle are accessible to all.

The proposed Oxylane Village provides a new and innovative contribution towards the Legacy from the Olympic Games. Our nation needs to encourage more people to be more active not only because it is good for individuals but also because we must remain fit and capable to compete in the World economy.

This project will act as a beacon for the future, promoting the importance of an active lifestyle but engaging people in a way which they find pleasurable. The Village deliberately mixes a range of uses which in total form a “lifestyle offer”. The result is a place where people will come to socialise, relax, learn, play and be active, mainly because they find it an attractive place to be. Everyone knows we need to be more active and eat a healthier diet but less and less people are actually doing it, the key to tackling this problem lies in the incentive and the pathway which is where the role of the Village is vital.

• Economic Investment: The village will generate circa £30million of capital investment into the Broxtowe economy.

• Highways Improvements: Over £2.7 million will be invested in off site highway works. This will result in significant improvements to traffic flows and movement over and above any additional new traffic movements.

• Enabling a new, fit for purpose Council Leisure Centre: Broxtowe Borough Council will build, own and operate a new leisure centre at no additional expense to the public purse.

• Landscaping and Ecology: Creation of a new woodland and meadow area. Over 5,000 new trees and 14,000 shrubs will be planted on the site. All free and accessible to the public, effectively creating a new public park.

• Jobs: The Oxylane Village will create around 300 local permanent jobs on site plus an additional 200 local construction jobs. A legal agreement will ensure that priority will be given to local employment.

• Sport: The Oxylane Village will provide and enable a massive investment into sport and physical activity opportunities. It will significantly improve levels of physical activity and deliver on the Olympic Legacy.


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Artist’s Impression of the proposed development






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Oxylane Village, Broxtowe 04

Site legend

1. New site access from A610

2. Swale

3. Car park

4. Village Square

5. Main building

6. Partner building - Garden Centre

7. Play area

8. Multi-use area

9. Food Outlet

10. Football centre

11. Team sports

12. Tennis / netball

13. Tree climbing experience

14. Urban sports / Community

15. Cycle track

16. Activity Park

17. Active way paths

18. Outdoor sales area

19. Service / Delivery area

20. Bicycle station

21. Bus drop off and information point

22. Adventure golf centre

23. Leisure Centre

24. Planting to Verge Wood perimeter




Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

The Oxylane village will create a multi-sport/activity environment that will act as a catalyst to drive up participation which in turn delivers a range of additional social, health and community benefits.

Oxylane Villages comprise a mix of high quality indoor and outdoor sport and leisure facilities as well as commercial opportunities located on a single, cohesive site. The linkages provide critical mass, substantially increasing footfall and economies of scale.

The core premise is that unless sport and physical activity is promoted, presented and delivered differently, little or no impact will be made on presently relatively static levels of participation. The application proposals have already generated a significant amount of interest from National Governing Bodies of Sport, ranging from the FA to Triathlon England, British Tennis (LTA) the RFU and many more. All bodies recognise the huge opportunity to raise interest and participation levels in their respective sports through the sports ‘hub’ environment.

Oxylane will deliver a site with infrastructure and footfall, this “enabling” allows every pound from NGB’s to be invested directly into Sport.

Through ongoing liaison and consultation with Broxtowe Sport, the application proposals now enable the Council to deliver a new fit for purpose leisure centre on the site. This will provide a significantly improved leisure offer and more cost effective leisure provision for the Local Authority. As stated in the Councils own Cabinet report:

‘the proposal seeks to achieve a step change improvement in health and wellbeing for the local population’. There is ‘no other long term replacement policy or programme that exists for the Councils existing leisure centres’.

Increased participation is a fundamental component of the nation’s health, social and personal development agenda and of Oxylane’s company philosophy and business model.

There is no doubt that the Oxylane Village proposal exemplifies the aspirations for a long-term legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Broxtowe Oxylane Village represents the creation of a high quality multi-activity environment in which to promote sport and physical recreation to all parts of the community. It will deliver against many of central and local government’s targeted aims around sports, health, obesity and social inclusion. Importantly, it is an economically viable proposition, particularly for Broxtowe Sport.

At a time of economic stringency, this will enable Broxtowe Borough Council to develop, own and operate a new fit for purpose leisure centre.

Sport, Health and Increased Participation


Oxylane Village, Broxtowe 06

Oxylane Village Broxtowe will play a key role in driving economic growth within the Borough, working in parallel with the Sustainable Communities Strategy, to help deliver economic growth and secure new inward investment to create jobs at a time when the UK economy is rebuilding - a position which also exists in the East Midlands and Broxtowe.

The Oxylane Village will make a major contribution to the Broxtowe local economy through:

Economic Growth and Investment

• Inward investment - a commitment to deliver £16m of spending in site infrastructure and facilities, which will also act as a catalyst for additional investment to provide total investment in excess of £30m.

• Permanent jobs – around 300 FTE jobs will be created by the proposed development;

• Fixed term employment – an additional 200 construction jobs will also be generated;

• Apprenticeships and training - at least 25 apprenticeships in technical, managerial and retail based professions will be provided to local 16-19 year olds ;

• Career opportunities - a strong policy of promotion from within, provides a route for apprentices to continue working for the company, both in Broxtowe or elsewhere in the UK and the world;

• Business rates - by contributing in excess of £500,000 per annum in business rates, the development will provide an income stream for the Council to the benefit of the local community;

• Improved highway infrastructure - around £2.7m of investment in local highway infrastructure improvements will deliver significant additional capacity at J26 of the M1, and the Nuthall and Cinderhill roundabouts, over and above that required to mitigate the impacts of the development.

• Showcasing – using the venue to promote leisure, sport and recreation initiatives which will attract visitors to the area and benefit wider tourism objectives;

• Permanent venue – high quality sport and recreation facilities that can be used by internal and external partners to hold events, and promote new activities in leisure, recreation and sports.

Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

It is well known that substantial investment in existing junction improvements is needed to deliver additional network capacity. No such works are currently included in any identified Local Transport Plan and therefore, the new development provides the most likely means by which this investment will come forward.

These improvements would be funded by the proposed development, and represent an investment of £2.7m in local highway works.

This will not only ensure that traffic generated by the development can be accommodated on the highway network, but also provide significant additional spare capacity during peak periods, thereby easing congestion on the network as a whole.

This additional capacity, over and above that needed to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development is one of the key benefits that the proposal will deliver. As Oxylane deliver all the works, there will be no cost to the public purse.

It is clear that the net result of the highway works will be an improvement in operation of this section of the A610 corridor, a key radial route into and out of Nottingham City. This is confirmed by Nottinghamshire County Council who consider the proposed works at M1 J26 would provide significant improvements.

The illustrative plan shown opposite identifies the key proposals and works to each of the junctions to ensure that the net improvement to the highway network, over and above the proposed development, will be significant.

The table below summarises the agreed position with regard to the effects of the highway and capacity improvements.

Highway and Transport Improvements

Junction Capacity % Improvement

Weekday AM Peak Weekday PM Peak

M1 J26 53% 76%

Nuthall Island 7% 64%

Cinderhill Island 23% 22%

The site will also benefit from a dedicated bus service, linking in with existing services to connect to the wider area and ensure that the site is accessible to the surrounding area. Both cycle and pedestrian access to the site is achieved via the A610 underpass on the northern boundary of the site.


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Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

No long term replacement policy or programme exists for the Council’s existing, ageing leisure facilities, which no longer reflect current standards of provision and have a limited life without major capital investment in the near future. Continuing financial pressures on local authorities also mean that the financial performance and long term viability of these non-statutory services must be closely scrutinised.

The development of a new Council leisure centre at Oxylane Village would not only provide a significantly improved and cost-effective facility, but also offer a replacement for both the Kimberley Leisure Centre and Eastwood Community Sports Centre. Neither of these existing facilities is owned by the Council.

The Council has undertaken a preliminary analysis, which indicates that the proposed leisure centre would cost the Council less to operate than the two existing facilities. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the level of savings achievable could grow as levels of usage mature.

Oxylane Village offers the Council an appropriate, fully serviced site for its new leisure centre, on a long term lease at a peppercorn rent. In so doing, it provides the Council with a much needed solution for the long term replacement of existing ageing facilities, and offers a unique opportunity to provide an innovative range of sport and recreation facilities capitalising on the London 2012 Olympic legacy.

Without Oxylane Village, the Council would have to invest significantly more capital in order to purchase and service an appropriate site, which could render the leisure centre unaffordable. Alternatively, the Council could continue to maintain existing old and less cost-efficient facilities in the hope that an albeit unlikely alternative long term solution materialises at some point in the future.

For this reason, it is considered that the opportunity afforded by Oxylane Village to rationalise existing leisure centre provision in the locality constitutes an important element of the ‘very special circumstances’ case.

Enabling new and improved Council Leisure Facilities


Oxylane Village, Broxtowe 10

Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

The site currently consists of low quality agricultural land. Whilst the site is Green Belt it does very little to enhance the local area, is not accessible for the public to use and enjoy and has little or no ecological value.

The Oxylane Village will ensure significant improvements to the accessibility, amenity, ecological and recreational value of the site.

The Oxylane Village proposal will not take the site out of the Green Belt Allocation. The site will retain this allocation and more importantly, the open space will be given even greater protection through a planning agreement attached to the planning consent.

All the outdoor sports are agreed to be acceptable uses within the green belt and once the site becomes more attractive and accessible local people will be able to access and enjoy the site for free.

Protection of Green Belt and Significant Landscaping Improvements

The Oxylane Village proposals include for the planting of approximately 5,200 new trees, creating a new woodland area that will enhance the existing Verge Wood to the west of the site.

An additional 150 heavy or semi mature trees will be planted across the site outside of the woodland area. As can be seen from the site visuals, these trees are planted along the site boundary, around the building and throughout the parking areas to create a well landscaped environment. The majority of existing trees on site will be retained and integrated into the proposed site layout.

The planting of an additional 14,000 native shrubs within the woodland area and across the wider site will create new meadow areas allowing local ecology and wildlife to prosper.

A landscaping plan and supporting planting schedule will be submitted with the planning application and conditioned as part of the consent to ensure that Oxylane deliver on their promises to enhance the site in this way.

Protection of Green Belt, New Woodland Area and Landscaping




Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

Indicative ditch leading to swale

Key to features

Wildflower meadow mix

Amenity grassland

Artificial play surface

Natural turf play surface

Woodland mix - whips, transplants and standards

Existing trees and planting

Feature specimen trees

Proposed EHS trees


Oxylane Village: Broxtowe

Landscaping Proposals*Landscaping plan by Landscape Perspective Ltd.


Oxylane Village, Broxtowe



Oxylane Village, Broxtowe

The potential health and well-being benefits, coupled with the obvious contribution to economic growth and the delivery of much needed additional highway capacity, represents a substantial counter-balance to the fairly limited harm that the development would cause to the Green Belt.

A new approach is needed and as Olympic host nation, the UK has a moment in time to set a new level of ambition and lasting legacy, that can help to change the trend towards sedentary lifestyles and encourage greater participation in sport and active recreation, thereby encouraging better lifestyle choices and improved health outcomes.

Oxylane Village Broxtowe would be the first of its kind in the UK, and will target those people who currently do little or no sport, wish to take part, but who have been unable to find a personal pathway to entry.

It will also involve a significant level of inward investment, generate much needed new jobs, and deliver significant community benefits as has been demonstrated. This will build on the excellent work that is already being done within the Borough to enhance the lives and well-being of the local population.

Subject to planning consent being obtained, the Oxylane Group are keen to realise this development as soon as possible. As a family owned company, the financial resources are available to invest in this exciting project.

We look forward to building on and developing our existing relationship with the Borough of Broxtowe for years to come.