Oxidation of Metals

Oxidation of Metals


Oxidation of Metals. What we’ve learned about metal so far: Reacts with acid to create hydrogen gas Hydrogen is explosive Acid will cause metal to disintegrate/erode. Review!. Process that is a reaction between a substance and oxygen Most common type of oxidation is rust. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Oxidation of Metals

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Oxidation of Metals

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What we’ve learned about metal so far:◦Reacts with acid to create hydrogen gas◦Hydrogen is explosive◦Acid will cause metal to disintegrate/erode

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What is Oxidation?

Process that is a reaction between a substance and oxygen

Most common type of oxidation is rust

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The Reaction

All starts with the atomAtoms are made up of 3 parts:


For our reactions we will only care about the electrons

Subatomic particles

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Once an electron is lost, the atom is known as an ion.

If electron is lost, it is a positive ion

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Once an electron is gained, it is also called an ion.

A gained electron makes a negative ion

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Where do we find ions?

Ions commonly appear when certain compounds are dissolved in water◦Dissolving salt in water will produce both

sodium and chlorine ions:Na+ and Cl-

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Why does this matter?

When a car rusts, the iron in the steel reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere

The iron loses an electron where the oxygen gains one

The reaction simply transfers electrons:

Iron + Oxygen Iron oxide

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Description of Reaction

Any time a substance loses one or more electrons, it is called oxidation

Any time a substance gains electrons, it is called reduction

Together the reaction is called a redox reaction

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Examples of common oxidation


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Issues with Oxidation

Energetic reactions = lots of heat potentially

Can cause fires if reaction happens quickly

Can cause fires to burn more intensely

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Predicting Reactions

To predict if a reaction is going to occur we use a chart that ranks the hold on electrons by certain metals

Chart is called the activity series

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Activity Series

Any metal found higher in the series has a weak hold on electrons and will react with anything below it

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Protection from corrosion is widely used◦Corrosion = when the surface of a metal is

eaten away chemicallyProtection from corrosion uses the activity

series in 3 ways:1. Painting surface2. Metal coatings – ie galvanizing3. Placing more reactive material close by –

ie zinc pieces on boat motor

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Time to answer some questions!