Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud - JMCO Tech

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud by Curtis McCallister E veryone’s talking about “cloud computing!” You’ve been told this is a game-changer in the information technology (IT) world, but what exactly does it mean, and how can it help you? In plain English, cloud computing lets you store, manage, and process your data using the Internet instead of investing in your own IT infrastructure. While it may seem like a new buzzword, most of us have used various forms of cloud technology in the past 20 years, for example, web-based email (such as Gmail or Hotmail), social media (such as Facebook or LinkedIn), sales and customer relationship management (such as Salesforce and Constant Contact), and software as a service (such DV 2FH DQG RWKHUV %XW PDQ\ VPDOO EXVLQHVVHV KDYH EDUHO\ scratched the surface of cloud computing’s potential to streamline and energize their operations. Below are some of the pros and cons of cloud computing and some pointers for migrating your business to the cloud. Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing &ORXG FRPSXWLQJ EHQHÀWV DUH XQGHQLDEOH ,Q WKH VDPH ZD\ early 20th century factories reduced energy costs by switching from generating their own electrical power to buying power from a central utility, cloud computing can lower the cost of your business’s “computing power” by eliminating the need to install, host, and support an IT infrastructure on your premises. Some of WKH EHQHÀWV RI FORXG FRPSXWLQJ LQFOXGH Lower IT costs — Cloud users save money on software licenses, hardware, and upgrades, since they are all included in cloud computing. Anywhere, anytime access — With cloud computing you can access your desktop or applications from anywhere using any device with a web browser. This is particularly useful if you travel a lot or have remote workers. More robust and secure — Economies of scale allow cloud service providers to invest heavily in security, redundancy, and failover systems, making a cloud-based setup generally more reliable than a standalone in-house system. Faster and easier — Cloud service providers handle all the setup and maintenance—installing updates, maintaining equipment, upgrading hardware—taking the responsibility DQG FRVW RͿ RI \RX Greener — You save money and help the environment because you no longer have to supply dedicated power or air conditioning to server rooms. Scalable — As your business demands grow, it’s easy to add more resources quickly, increasing capacity without buying costly hardware. Before you jump on the cloud bandwagon, however, you should be aware of some issues that might concern you: Outages — If you lose your Internet connection, you can’t access your cloud-based data. Data Security — Your cloud provider stores your data. Be sure to know where your data is stored, how it’s encrypted, who can access it, and how you can get it back. Compatibility — Some applications won’t work seamlessly with the cloud. You may need to buy cloud-based versions | 14 | EVOLVE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINE

Transcript of Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud - JMCO Tech

Page 1: Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud - JMCO Tech

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud

by Curtis McCallister

Everyone’s talking about “cloud computing!” You’ve been

told this is a game-changer in the information technology

(IT) world, but what exactly does it mean, and how can

it help you? In plain English, cloud computing lets you store,

manage, and process your data using the Internet instead of

investing in your own IT infrastructure. While it may seem like

a new buzzword, most of us have used various forms of cloud

technology in the past 20 years, for example, web-based email

(such as Gmail or Hotmail), social media (such as Facebook or

LinkedIn), sales and customer relationship management (such as

Salesforce and Constant Contact), and software as a service (such

DV�2FH�����DQG�RWKHUV���%XW�PDQ\�VPDOO�EXVLQHVVHV�KDYH�EDUHO\�scratched the surface of cloud computing’s potential to streamline

and energize their operations. Below are some of the pros and

cons of cloud computing and some pointers for migrating your

business to the cloud.


early 20th century factories reduced energy costs by switching

from generating their own electrical power to buying power

from a central utility, cloud computing can lower the cost of your

business’s “computing power” by eliminating the need to install,

host, and support an IT infrastructure on your premises. Some of


• Lower IT costs — Cloud users save money on software

licenses, hardware, and upgrades, since they are all included

in cloud computing.

• Anywhere, anytime access — With cloud computing you can

access your desktop or applications from anywhere using

any device with a web browser. This is particularly useful if

you travel a lot or have remote workers.

• More robust and secure — Economies of scale allow cloud

service providers to invest heavily in security, redundancy,

and failover systems, making a cloud-based setup generally

more reliable than a standalone in-house system.

• Faster and easier — Cloud service providers handle all the

setup and maintenance—installing updates, maintaining

equipment, upgrading hardware—taking the responsibility

�DQG�FRVW��RͿ�RI�\RX�• Greener — You save money and help the environment

because you no longer have to supply dedicated power or

air conditioning to server rooms.

• Scalable — As your business demands grow, it’s easy to add

more resources quickly, increasing capacity without buying

costly hardware.

Before you jump on the cloud bandwagon, however, you

should be aware of some issues that might concern you:

• Outages — If you lose your Internet connection, you can’t

access your cloud-based data.

• Data Security — Your cloud provider stores your data. Be

sure to know where your data is stored, how it’s encrypted,

who can access it, and how you can get it back.

• Compatibility — Some applications won’t work seamlessly

with the cloud. You may need to buy cloud-based versions


Page 2: Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud - JMCO Tech

of certain line-of-business applications, like QuickBooks, or make other technical accommodations.

• Compliance issues — Many cloud providers won’t specify where your protected data is stored. This could pose FRPSOLDQFH�LVVXHV�IRU�EXVLQHVVHV�WKDW�KDYH�WR�IROORZ�VSHFLÀF�regulations for data security and control, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or Sarbanes-Oxley.

• Lack of control�³�&ORXG�SURYLGHUV�FRQÀJXUH�VROXWLRQV�WR�follow standardized best practices for the majority of users –you may not be able to tweak applications to meet your VSHFLÀF�QHHGV�

Migrating Your Business to the CloudThe pros and cons listed above are fairly universal to every

cloud-based set up, and you should evaluate them carefully in WHUPV�RI�\RXU�VSHFLÀF�EXVLQHVV�QHHGV�EHIRUH�GHFLGLQJ�ZKHWKHU�cloud computing is right for you. If the answer is “yes,” then you will need to decide what type of cloud environment you want to use, develop a plan for making the switch, and evaluate your cloud service options.

Types of Cloud Environments First, understand that there is no “one way” to use cloud computing. Some businesses use a pure cloud setup. All their business applications and data are placed in the cloud and accessible by laptops, desktops, tablets, and phones via the Internet. This is a good solution for small or mobile businesses, since they often have a dispersed workforce or lack a primary RFH�ORFDWLRQ��

Others businesses use a hybrid cloud arrangement where certain parts of their existing IT infrastructures (for example, storage and email) are in the cloud, while the rest stays on premises. A hybrid cloud limits the risks of cloud use to a smaller part of your environment. An improperly designed hybrid setup, however, can have issues with speed, performance, and security.

Another consideration is whether to go with a public or private cloud service. A public cloud is hosted on shared resources that, while secure, can be used by anyone with Internet access. These types of cloud resources tend to be more common or universal products and are often cheaper to use. A private FORXG�LV�VHW�XS�VSHFLÀFDOO\�IRU�\RXU�FRPSDQ\�RU�RUJDQL]DWLRQ��WKHUHIRUH��LW�RͿHUV�\RX�D�PRUH�WDLORUHG�VROXWLRQ��

The type of cloud environment you choose will be based on what works best for your business and your data security preferences. Transition PlanningThe migration to a cloud solution should be just like any other

migration; you must plan carefully to ensure that it goes well and the inevitable “kinks” can be ironed out quickly. Your plan should address a number of important questions, including:

• How will I avoid or prevent extended downtime of the network?

• Will I run my network in a test environment to check performance before making the full migration?

• How can I test to make sure that all my applications (cloud and resident) will interoperate correctly?

• How will my graphics programs (such as CAD, GIS and InDesign) work when using the cloud? Do I have a strategy to address these needs?

$V�D�ÀUP�ZLWK�RYHU����\HDUV�RI�H[SHULHQFH�DGYLVLQJ�companies on technology solutions, we’ve heard these and many more questions about cloud computing’s reliability, security, and equipment requirements. For example, many clients wonder how they’ll be able to work if their Internet connection goes down. We recommend a backup Internet connection to your main RFH��HQDEOLQJ�\RXU�PRELOH�ZRUNIRUFH�WR�VHFXUHO\�DFFHVV�WKH�systems from anywhere. Another frequent question is whether a client needs to purchase new hardware to move the cloud. The DQVZHU�LV�QR��7KDW·V�RQH�RI�WKH�EHQHÀWV�RI�FORXG�FRPSXWLQJ��7KH�computing power is in the cloud, so you don’t need expensive equipment. You can use older workstations, laptops, and servers or buy less expensive workstations and laptops, giving you more return on your investment. Addressing questions like these at the planning stage will help you anticipate your needs and budget accordingly.

Choosing a Cloud Service ProviderWhile choosing the right cloud provider will depend in large part on your business needs and preferences, some basic areas for comparing your options are security, documentation, DQG�VWDQJ�

”The computing power is in the cloud, so you don’t need expensive

equipment. You can use older workstations, laptops, and servers or buy less expensive workstations

and laptops, giving you more return on your investment.

NOVEMBER 2016 | 15 |

Page 3: Owner Needs to Know about Moving to the Cloud - JMCO Tech

Data Security. One of the biggest concerns we hear from

businesses migrating to the cloud is the risk of others accessing

their cloud-based data. In many cases, cloud computing is a

MORE secure way of accessing and storing data than using

\RXU�RZQ�,7�V\VWHPV��6PDOOHU�EXVLQHVVHV�RIWHQ�FDQ·W�DͿRUG�WR�secure their network the way a cloud provider can, or they don’t

properly maintain their in-house networks with security updates,

software patches, and up-to-date antivirus software. Reputable

FORXG�SURYLGHUV�KDYH�UREXVW�ÀUHZDOOV�DQG�RWKHU�GDWD�VHFXULW\�tools in place. They have teams of security experts constantly

monitoring their networks for signs of attack or breach, and they

respond immediately to any signs of trouble.

Documentation. Your cloud service provider should provide you

with both paper and electronic versions of the documentation

detailing your software licenses, critical passwords, user

information, hardware inventory, etc. at no additional cost. They

should also regularly update this information and provide it to

your organization’s key people.

As a side note, NEVER allow a provider to have exclusive

control over your company’s IT infrastructure. If you suspect that

your current IT provider is “keeping the keys to the kingdom”

as a means of job security, get rid of them. Such practices are

unethical and dangerous to your organization.

Multiple Technicians. A good cloud service provider will have

PXOWLSOH�WHFKQLFLDQV�RQ�VWDͿ�WKDW�DUH�IDPLOLDU�ZLWK�\RXU�QHWZRUN�in case your regular technician is unavailable. Your cloud

service provider should keep detailed network documentation

(basically a blueprint of your computer network) and updates on

your account so that any of their technicians can pick up where

DQRWKHU�OHIW�RͿ��Where is the Help? It is inevitable that you will need technical

assistance at some point. You probably have criteria of your own

about responsiveness and accessibility of help. But remember,


to your systems and data, so you should be comfortable with

who they are and where they are located. Find out beforehand

ZKHWKHU�����WKH\�XVH�D�UHVLGHQW�KHOS�GHVN�VWDͿ�RU�RXWVRXUFH�WR�a third party and (2) the help desk is U.S.-based or located in

DQRWKHU�FRXQWU\��$Q�LQ�KRXVH�KHOS�GHVN�VWDͿHG�E\�IULHQGO\�DQG�helpful employees is one of the most important aspects of your

cloud service provider’s customer service.

7KH�EHQHÀWV�RI�FORXG�FRPSXWLQJ�DUH�far reaching, from reduced costs and low

maintenance to increased performance and

security. By performing the necessary research

and taking an honest look at your needs,

you can determine whether it’s right for you

DQG�JHW�RͿ�WR�D�JRRG�VWDUW��)RU�YLUWXDOO\�DOO�businesses, working with an IT expert is the

best way to help you evaluate alternative

scenarios and develop a comprehensive plan

to optimize your migration. If you don’t have

an in-house IT expert, it’s important to do

your homework before hiring an outside IT

FRQVXOWDQW�RU�ÀUP�IRU�\RXU�PLJUDWLRQ��$Q\RQH�can claim to be a “cloud expert,” however,

even with honest intentions an inexperienced

consultant can cost you a lot in reduced network speed or


your cloud transition, and beyond.

Curtis McCallister is the Manager of Technology

Solutions for James Moore and Company, P.L. He has

25 years of experience providing information systems

consulting to commercial businesses, governments

DQG�QRQSURÀWV��ZZZ�MPFR�FRP���������������� [email protected].

”;OL�ILULÄ[Z�VM�JSV\K�JVTW\[PUN�are far reaching, from reduced costs

and low maintenance to increased performance and security.