Own your people

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Transcript of Own your people

Page 1: Own your people


Welcome aboard Guiding Factors:

Participate & Learn

Explore need to modify.

Page 2: Own your people


Branch & leavesVisible from distance / Fast Changing

TrunkVisible if we go Close / Slow Changing

ROOTInvisible / Very slow Changing

BehaviorVisible from Distance / Fast Changing

AttitudeVisible if we go Close / Slow Changing

ThoughtsInvisible / Very Slow Changing

Influenced from


Insight into Self

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Insight into Self & the Organization “I” is a bunch of roles made up of KSA + GOAL. (SMART & SWOT).

“I”–Role = Empty, Role–Personality (KSA)= Ineffective.

Goals help us to use KSA, be Productive, & Develop

Growth & Development help succeed in Changing Roles.

Organizations are Vehicles to our goals & must earn Profits. (O2)

To Succeed do what is important for the Organization.

Quickly shift from “My Right” to the “Common Right”.

The story of the eagle…

Different way of seeing things

For Young and Aspiring Managers……………

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Monopolistic to Competitive.

Authoritative to Persuasive.

Instruction to Indication.

Product driven to Market driven.

Volumes to Contribution driven.

Employment to Employability.

Some Important Shifts in Business World

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Control Costs

Leverage Intellectual Assets

Increase Business Efficiency

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Create Competitive Advantage

Some of the Challenges:

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Path ahead demands:

Higher automation, higher competition, lower realizations.

Success depends on improvement in:

Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Behavior, & Out looks of people.

Use of technology by trained Man- power.

Concern for Quality & Passion for Excellence.

Work culture causing higher productivity, & profile enhancement.

Basic forward path:

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Maintain People & Accomplish Targets

SMARTLY decide when to Pitch in & Pitch out. Optimally utilize Power & Authority to:

Track team member’s work to get desired result.

Use Team Strengths to Beat the Targets Give instructions and/or orders to subordinates.

Be responsible for the work & actions of other employees. Use Head, Heart & Guts properly.

Display love to Win & make Team Win.

Managers are required to:

Ensure their Safety, Security & Health.

Ensure compliance of Law.

Train People for proficient performance.

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Knows him self & Understand people properly.

Displays Power and Direction. (Engine)

Feels responsible for Tasks, Team & the Individual. Sets SMART challenging & agreed targets.

Displays confidence in teams ability.

Hold together when going is rough.

Makes more demands on self than others.

To retain people: know what type of superior inspires them

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Understand the strategies developed by Top Mgt. & implement them.

Achieve the Sectional =>Org Goals.

But at times they:

Strive to achieve their Goals in isolation, ignoring needs of other Departments.

This creates Functional-Myopia.

At times they start working at Cross purposes.

Responsibilities of Managers

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Strive for excellence & to achieve the Goal.

Observable Behavior: Be Active, Work hard, attempt challenging tasks

enjoy doing difficult things & look for quality.

Steps to enhance Achievement Motivation:

1. Volunteer to take more & new responsibilities.

2. Take moderate risks, face adversity & succeed.

3. Be future oriented, innovative & show tolerance.

4. Convert thoughts into words and deeds.

As Manager: Aim high & Inspire others to achieveDon't Don't

compare compare yourself with yourself with

any one in any one in this world.this world.

If you compare, If you compare, you are insulting you are insulting


Conflict emerges when parties:

Get Goal Directed.

Depend on each other.

See variance between: Expected & Actual behavior.

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Clarifying: “WHAT”, “WHEN” & “HOW” of the tasks

Make the person agree & write his agreed Goal.

Let him realize all the dimensions of the goal carefully.

Tell him what a good behavior looks like.

Make him revisit his efforts towards goal frequently.

Tell him if or not his behavior supports his goal.

For people to contribute well & enjoy their work, they must know when they are doing well or doing poorly.

To get Results: Clarify Roles & set clear Goals.

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To Drive results: Show Functional Competence

Complete in-depth, practical understanding of each & every aspect related to the function, Value them all & leverage the knowledge.

Apply functional expertise innovatively to improve quality of service.

Follow Systems & show command over Processes & Procedures.

Display knack to spot deviations & take steps to correct them swiftly.

Be Sharp to pick up useful experiences from Seniors.

Have Open mind to change work patterns to suit the situation.

Display Capacity to see the unobvious. Thinking out of box.

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Stay in touch & observe the activities closely.

Make them record their work & ask the report regularly & use them to spot them doing right.


Praise on right things, reinforces (+) behavior.

Through personal contact make them feel that you are on their side.

Look into the eye of the person and tell him specifically what good he did and you are really happy about it.

Remain consistent.

To Drive results: Praise at the right moment

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For wrong behavior reprimand immediately. To reprimand Go to the person & confirm the facts. Don’t smile, look straight in the eye, tell precisely

what wrong has been done, & how you feel about it not more then 30 seconds. (Crisp and Clear).

Let what you have said, sink in for a few seconds. Tell him how you see him & never expected this

from him, & you don’t like this to get repeated. It indicates that you are on top of things and he can

not get away with sloppiness. If you don’t attack the person but only to his

behavior it is easier for the person to be receptive and open to accept.

To Drive results: Reprimand at the right moment

Page 15: Own your people


Our mind is a Garden, we are the Gardner.

Weed out the waste, Maintain the Good & Bring in the new.

Be a Self-Starter & use Goals as Motivator.

Link Fear of Loss & Hope of Gain with goals for assured success.

Control Dislikes & avoid loss of credibility.


The story about Tiny Frogs


As Manager: Manage Mind to Control Ego & Emotions

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To Maintain People: Manage your response

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Effective Expression is a must to:

Assign tasks & give feedback on performance.

Assess the results with preset goals, & take corrective actions.

To cause Understanding, Acceptance & Action, remain alert to the Intellectual & Emotive level, and see that the message is found Logical.

Create an environment of trust and confidence.

Listen Empathically, use Feed-back & Grape-wine.

To Maintain People: Express self Assertively

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Uncooperative CooperativeCOOPERATIVENESS



Avoiding Accommodating


To Manage Work Place: Practice Collaboration

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To Manage Work place: Build upward communication

Listening is hearing with thoughtful attention.

Use eyes, ears & brain to understand Words & feelings.

Make them Read & Express through In-house Magazine.

Encourage them to express process limitations & flaws.

Probing interviewing Enquiring

Information collection

Page 20: Own your people


Discipline: Is orderly behavior under control or command.

Poor discipline shows Omission & Commissions.

Is needed for smooth business & its prosperity.

Must be directed towards “an act” but not “against the person”. “Fair & Firm”.

Statutes provide uniform terms & conditions of employment. (Industrial Employment - Standing Orders Act 1946)

Disciplined employees are “not the creation of GOD” but are the fruits of efforts of dedicated Line Managers.

To manage work place: Maintain Discipline

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Indiscipline is a behavior of a person who does: With understanding and intention.

With knowledge of doing something wrong.

Does thing recklessly not bothering about its results. It is a violation of a definitive law or doing a forbidden act.

Anticipate & Address irritants to avoid Indiscipline.

Develop network to “observe occurrence=> investigate=> report for action”.

To maintain discipline follow “Red Hot Stove Theory”.

It provides Warning, Impact is Immediate, Consistent and Impersonal.

To manage work place: Handle Indiscipline properly

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Walk the Talk(Be the Role Model)

An Eagle’s Eye (Knack to spot deviations)

Empathic Custodian(Appreciate the concerns)

SMART Listener(Listening Untold)

To “OWN YOUR PEOPLE” practice:

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It’s Time to say…

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Make others: Understand, Accept and Act. (+)

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Make others: Understand, Accept and Act (-)

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D2: Session 3: Assess Inter Personal effectiveness

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D2:Session1: Manage Mind & Motivate self

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D2: Session1: Manage Mind: Control Ego & Emotions

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D 2: Session 2: To Achieve Targets Pursue Tasks.

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D 2: Session 2: To Achieve Targets Build Relations

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D 2: Session 2: As leader display Passion to Achieve