OWBC CH 5: Finally Completing Objectives!

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Transcript of OWBC CH 5: Finally Completing Objectives!

  1. 1. Welcome back to my Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge, with the Com family! In the previous chapter, the girls attended La Fiesta Tech. Now all three of them are back at home. If you haven't read the previous chapters you may not understand some slides so I advise you read those first! As you can see, Callista is still disgruntled from Opal's little affair, and has followed the family back to Strangetown on the quest for revenge... stealing their prized gnome.
  2. 2. Jumping right back into it, Opal married Chandler as soon as she moved back home. There are still 13 careers that need to be topped as per the Workaholics anonymous challenge. At the end of the chapter I'll calculate all the points and deductions the Com's have so far.
  3. 3. Opal (the heiress) is a pleasure sim, with romance as her secondary(8/8/4/5/3). Her LTW is to be a celebrity chef. Chandler here is a Wealth sim (7/4/1/8/5). His LTW is to be a criminal mastermind.
  4. 4. Of course, David (the perverted soon to be brother in law) happened to walk in after the two wed, and catches the newlyweds woohooing.
  5. 5. Opal, you tramp! I should of known better, I knew you would break my heart! Oh please David, you heartfart for Olivia as well, and she's a lesbian. Excuse me while I laugh at your pathetic desperation. 'Damn, my wife is smoking hot, what is this guy even saying again?'~Chandler
  6. 6. Steffi is still locked in the shed, and still hasn't gotten food poisoning from her steady diet of rotten food.
  7. 7. The familuy got the gnome back from Callista, and thankfully Vu (who is still mad?!) was content with just knocking over the garbage can. His transportation costs from the U to Strangetown must be getting expensive.
  8. 8. Snorkling in da' tub, better plug my nose! Chandler is actually pretty funny autonomously, even if he isn't the brightest Sim.
  9. 9. Oh god, I hope no one sees me in this outfit...~Opal Your face is pretty much covered, you should be good. I ended up placing her in the wrong entertainment career track (for the workaholics anon. Challenge), it was supposed to be Showbiz. I corrected that later on though aha.
  10. 10. Finally Steffi got food poisoning from toaster pastry, of all things. Am I crying Cookie?! Hell no!
  11. 11. I missed it, but Steffi was eaten by flies, finally. Of course I miss it, ugh. She lasted a week in that dirty shed, a real trouper Steffi was.
  12. 12. Poor Tom, finally realizes Steffi died hours ago. He was the only sad one.
  13. 13. Who is this ginger, I don't like that I'm not kept in the loop of who is living here!~Pedo Ghost
  14. 14. What's this business with not keeping me in the loop Missy?! What-..What are you even doing in here? I thought you were over me now that I'm an adult..
  15. 15. Tom's time came the next day. He was a good founder, a bit boring, but always a good sport. He died Platinum, surprisingly considering my playing.
  16. 16. Unlike with Steffi's death, everyone was upset over Tom's.
  17. 17. In order to lift Olivia's spirits after Tom's death, I had her marry the cheerleader she met in University, Mary. Mary appears to still be overheating, even weeks after we last saw her...
  18. 18. It was a lovely wedding, with the death/unwanted urn shed and family cemetery as the backdrop.
  19. 19. I still can't believe you had two loves at once. How did you juggle it, I felt so guilty! Guilty isn't in a pleasure AND romance sim's vocab David. Get with the program.
  20. 20. Our last woohoo was crap anyways, so stop fretting over me David.~Opal Hey guys, what's up?! Great party, eh?~Chandler He's so oblivious.
  21. 21. Hey Opal, I know you manipulated my feelings to get me to be placeholder for your wacko university house, but I still think you're hot, call me.~Callista
  22. 22. A pissed off Steffi returns to celebrate Olivia's wedding. Look at how she stares darts into the back of Opal's head, oh my.
  23. 23. Oh come on Tom, don't become mean in the afterlife, we don't need Callista to die on her wedding night.
  24. 24. The next morning Olivia moved with Mary to a house of their own. They both have full body points, are popularity sims and have the preferred hobby of sports.
  25. 25. Here's the full view of their house, it's a premade, I forget which expansion it came with though.
  26. 26. He didn't just see me in this outfit, did he?! I'm sure he did, your face isn't fully covered this time. At least I finally have you in the correct career path to get the Showbiz career reward.
  27. 27. I'm slaving away here, trying to write the stupid heiress novel, and you didn't even let me change out of this stupid french fry costume?! Both Belle and I are getting a kick out of it, so no.
  28. 28. The autobiography, entitled, Opal Com Celebrity ended up being a great seller, unlike Tom's novel which had poor sales. His was probably too humble.
  29. 29. I got super bored with the last layout, so I redesigned the house (same lot though, I just manually removed the walls) using mostly Glamour Life items. I felt they suit Opal well, and Chandler couldn't care less. There's alot of empty space in the part over the garage due to insufficient funds, but whatever.
  30. 30. Why wasn't our wedding photographed like Olivia's? Our's was in the living room!
  31. 31. I am the heiress, so basically, our whole lives are like on a reality show, so don't fret over something so small. Reality weddings never last anyways, look at Kim K's marriage, 70 days!
  32. 32. Blowing bubbles probably isn't the healthiest thing to do while pregnant .. oh well at least Belle is bonding with her future mother in law (the preggo is David's mom).
  33. 33. Belle and David were clearly very happy to see eachother. Belle had been busy slaving away for her three career rewards.
  34. 34. Well, David isn't rich (haven't motherloded yet) but okay, ignorance is bliss I guess.
  35. 35. They live in a modest apartment, the bottom right one (with the illuminated door).
  36. 36. Here are all the career rewards earned so far..
  37. 37. Workaholics Anonymous Progress BUSINESS (steffi) done ARTIST ATHLETIC (olivia) done LAW ENFORCEMENT CRIMINAL (chandler) done ENTERTAINMENT/FAME (opal) done CULINARY (opal) done MEDICINE (belle) done MILITARY (olivia) done NATURAL SCIENTIST (belle) done PARNORMAL POLITICS SCIENCE (belle) done SLACKER (opal) done The star for entertainment & spy kit for intelligence (Tom) don't count because they aren't in my expansion set up.
  38. 38. With that portion of the career rewards out of the way,it was time for Opal and Chandler to finally have a baby.
  39. 39. I have to look perfect when playing SSX3! Yet you always seem to be in your Pjs?? The face is what matters Cookie, you should take that into consideration. The sass is unreal.
  40. 40. I really wish Sims could have crooked teeth. I would love to see Opal with rotted crooked teeth.
  41. 41. You! The slutty sister! BOO! Come on pedo ghost, she's pregnant, give her a break. Speaking of ghosts, I totally missed the third death for the first generation, so I'm going to subtract 1.25 points from the original 10. Hopefully I get three unique ones this (2nd ) generation!
  42. 42. Nothing to see here, just another dream date for the Com's..
  43. 43. Of course two Sims happen to come by. Chandler looked a bit embarassed but Opal had no shame.
  44. 44. These challenge families are always so indecent! Yeah yeah yeah, get out of here Crumplebottom v.2.
  45. 45. It was finally time for the second generation to be born.
  46. 46. I don't even know what to do right now, I can't handle it!!~Chandler It says alot if he's freaking out more than Opal, queen of self centred and dramatic.
  47. 47. Meet Lucia Com! I so hope those are developing elf ears I see...
  48. 48. She's so cute! Yeah yeah yeah, enough, put the kid in its crib already, we have two more pregnancies to go.
  49. 49. On the 5th try there was finally a lullaby.
  50. 50. Since baby's are boring, I didn't capture any of Lucia's babyhood.
  51. 51. But here she is, typical neglected toddler! She's actually cute, even when she's screaming. Her personality is (8/4/9/8/!1!).
  52. 52. You know, it may be encouraging if you didn't seem bored Opal! God, toddlers are so boring...
  53. 53. At least Chandler takes interest in his child! Geeze!
  54. 54. Yeah, well I'm the one who has to CARRY them and then go through this TORTURE! Arrrrrgghhhh!
  55. 55. Meet Priscilla Com, another girl. And a redhead, yay!
  56. 56. Yes, right back down to business you two. This time it only took two tries, phew.
  57. 57. With Chandler working nights as a getaway driver, poor Lucia is so neglected I even bought her a dog bed to sleep in. When her mom can't be bothered to get her from downstairs.
  58. 58. Thankfully she grew up well, and alone. Poor girl didn't even get a cake.
  59. 59. And she actually likes skilling. By the time toddlerhood was done, she had maxed creativity.
  60. 60. Time for Priscilla to enter the realms of neglecthood!
  61. 61. Poor Pris has to amuse herself with the toilet. Her personality is (7/8/1/8/5)
  62. 62. Chandler is now a Criminal Mastermind (his name and mastermind do NOT belong in a sentence together). Now time to ignore him.
  63. 63. This is the last time, right?! Yes Opal. Oh my, look at her eyes.
  64. 64. Little Richard is born, and then promptly placed in his crib. He has blonde hair.
  65. 65. Poor Priscilla was never potty trained, taught to speak, or how to walk. She was basically in her room the entire time, with smelly diapers.
  66. 66. I was able to boost her aspiration by having Opal (edit, FORCING Opal) to play with her. She grew up well, but just barely.
  67. 67. I felt so bad for her that I took the time to buy her a lemonade stand. Wow, shocker eh?
  68. 68. Richard looks like he's trying to wiggle away from entering toddlerhood, aka the era of all my Sim children's neglect.
  69. 69. Yay, he has elf ears! His personality is (8/8/10/6/3)
  70. 70. Opal became a celebrity chef, completeing her LTW. Maybe now she can focus more time on her kids, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  71. 71. Exhibit A, her first attempt at giving little Richard some attention..
  72. 72. And she walks away to stare out a window, and he falls off. Great parenting!
  73. 73. Exhibit B, we see Opal trying to make Lobster for the headmaster visit, but instead, she sets the kitchen into flames.
  74. 74. And then the headmaster catches Lucia resorting to eating a burnt easy bake muffin.
  75. 75. Thankfully her second batch turned out.
  76. 76. Somehow Lucia and Priscilla were accepted into private school, but I feel that mostly had to do with Opal's dress for the event... Or the fact that I am a C-E-L-E-B-R-I-T-Y! Even she doesn't attribute it to her parenting skills, gads.
  77. 77. Belle (still oblivious to her sister's affair) came over for the event. School cheers are so cute when its not by the harassing cheerleader/illama/cow.
  78. 78. Or when your dead father interupts them..
  79. 79. Belle's preferred hobby isn't even fitness, and she still continues to obsessively exercise, whether its on a bike or the bar in Lucia's bedroom.
  80. 80. Opal reached full enthusiasm in cuisine, whoot! I still feel like the perks though (in the zone, etc.) aren't worth the time spent to get there..
  81. 81. Byebye mister bus driver, I suggest you brush your hair down the sides more so I can't see your receding hair line as well! 1 nice point I tell ya.
  82. 82. For being the nice one out of the 3 kids Priscilla tends to throw the most angry faces of them all. At least Lucia attempts to hide her inner devil.
  83. 83. I didn't realize kids smustle! So cute. Also, the gnome has been stolen, and it seems to be permanent, as it hasn't been back in over one Sim week..
  84. 84. Lucia aged into a Teen, and rolled Romance, her LTW is to Woohoo 20 different Sims. What an ambitious young women! Look at me! Look at me! I'm bored! Who cares that my sister just went through puberty in five seconds! Instruct me to use the television that's right in front of me!~Priscilla
  85. 85. Richard (I know right, who??) aged into a child. He looks cute, but he grew up badly (Maxis dramatically put it as hitting rock bottom...after only toddler hood, really, already??).
  86. 86. Self centered Opal on the otherhand, grew up perfectly fine.
  87. 87. As did Chandler. Who is this random old man, inviting himself to the Cookie Doesn't Pay Attention to the Life Bar computer room party??
  88. 88. Opal, being Opal, rolled the want to get a facelift, which I have never seen before.
  89. 89. That looks...painful.
  90. 90. Success! I look like I get better with age, like George Clooney!
  91. 91. Here is plastic granny. I should of made her eyebrows raised even higher, oh well, there's always next time.
  92. 92. Lucia found some random CAS sim to be hot (only one bolt though..), so I figured why not give her aspiration bar a boost.
  93. 93. Jeeze Opal, give your kid some space. I'm just wondering if she'll ever get to my level of infamy. Well she does strive to Woohoo 20 different people, so it will probs be higher.
  94. 94. POINTS SO FAR Base Game -For obtaining an alien through a legit abduction. (3 Points) Done Tom -> Belle -For going one whole generation, from birth to birth, without getting ANY promotions. (3 Points) -For having a gnome to guard your flamingos and having your Sims always go to fetch it back. He must be accesible to be stolen, you may not have a sentry bot guard him. Watch for it and don't lose that gnome! (3 Points) Lost this, never got it back from Callista the angry uni chick University -The heir/ess for each generation must go to and complete college. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess) 1/3 -Heir/ess for each generation must be able to do the xylophone trick shot (using the pool table) by adulthood. (3 Points, 1 Point for each heir/ess) 1/3 -For creating a zombie. (3 Points) Bon Voyage -Take the entire bloodline at the main household on a vacation once a generation starting with the birth of first generation. (3 Points, 1 Point for each generation) 1/3 -For having one member of the bloodline earn all vacation mementos. (3 Points) -For obtaining a bigfoot. (3 Points) BoolProp Naming Scheme (10 Points) Will for sure finish, easiest one Cowforbrain's ghosthunt (10 Points) Deducting 1.25 at the end for the one missed death so far, not sure if I will complete this Family Scrapbook (10 Points) Another easy one, so far so good, but not counting yet WorkAholics Anonymous (15 Points) 10/13 are done (Basegame&Uni careers), 75% done, 11.4 points so far of 15 Penalty for Belle&Olivia being taken by social worker -20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.15/72 ahahhah
  95. 95. I'll leave you with this throwback shot to the first vacation. In the next chapter the Coms will go on their second generation vacation. Will it suck as much as the last one?? Will I ever be able to catch up with the cowforbrains ghost challenge? Will my score (8.54% lmao) improve? Doubt it ahaha Thanks for reading, take care! :)