Ovi-bovi: Automated cow estrus detection system


Transcript of Ovi-bovi: Automated cow estrus detection system


To produce milk, a cow should be inseminated

Before insemination, estrus should be detected

In large herds, visual heat detection is inefficient

We aim for raising detection rate from 50% to 75%

… compact wireless sensors of cow activity to detect estrus without need for visual observation

1. Nedap (Netherlands): RealTime Activity Heat Seeker II (BouMatic), Rescounter II (Westfalia)

2. SCR Engineers, (Israel): Heatime Horizon, Qwes H (Lely), Heatime Ruminact (Milkline)

3. Afikim (Israel): AfiTag, AfiAct, Crysta Act, Промтехника

4. ENGS Systems (Israel): Track a)))Cow, Animart Legend, Dairymac Limited

5. Dairymaster (Ireland): MooMonitor, Select Detect

6. DeLaval (USA): ALPRO

7. Medria (France): HeatPhone

8. Fujitsu (Japan): Gyuho SaaS

Grazing systems are often economically competitive but long-range wireless

connectivity is needed for herd tracking


Unprecedented distance of up to 10 km will be covered via ultra-narrow-band (a la Sigfox) technology for ISM band


With ARM Cortex MCU’s, we do most processing at tag's side => complex detection algorithms can be used

Processing at sensor's side also extends battery life due to rear transmissions and

leaves radio band uncluttered

Primary market: 10,000,000 cows in Russia (incl. Belarus)


$69 per tagPayback period for a farm: 1 year

>> Not happy with the usual way

stats data is used on the farm, we

develop a genuinely intelligent

farm management program. Via

dynamic modeling and optimization

(either maximizing milk production

in the given period, or total

revenue, or net revenue per cow)

it should outperform human stuff

in decision making efficiency

regarding insemination and


Electronicsdeveloped forwireless data logging @6.25Hz sampling rate

Circuit boards for 40 tags printed

Technique worked out to produce duraliminiumforms…

…for cheap and speedy prototyping

On May 11 2015, tests at a dairy farm in Gorodeya(100 km from Minsk) were launched

Press-forms &equip.

Pilot + further

dev. Break-even point assuming $40 margin per tag: 3,000 tags or just 5-10 farms


Sum needed for ½-year

Dmitry Shyrokiphysicist (PhD), head of


Yulia Yanovskayaveterinarian &


Nikita Pastukhovindustrial designer & engineer

Alex Adakimchikhardware architect,dev lead at www.novatekh.by

Oleg Verychsystem analyst, full

stack developer (NodeJs, ExtJs)
