Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray...


Transcript of Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray...

Page 1: Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray Absorbed Dose Lectures ... Gamma-ray Spectrometry ... Coincidence summing correction
Page 2: Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray Absorbed Dose Lectures ... Gamma-ray Spectrometry ... Coincidence summing correction


Modules Subjects Chief Lecturers

OrientationIntroduction and brief tour

(* to be offered for participants who will have arrived by Friday, 4th of September 2015)GMA

MiG(Days 1-2)

Metrology in General (MiG)

- Five (3) sessions of lectures and practice dealing with

the fundamentals of metrology in general

Dr. Jong Oh CHOI ([email protected])


Measurement and Calibration of Ionizing Radiation

- THREE (3) intensive laboratory sessions (ILS) with

technical lectures and hands-on exercises combined

Dr. Chul-Young YI ([email protected])


(Day 3-4)Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Dr. Chul-Young YI ([email protected])


(Day 5-6)Technical Visits to Industry, Cultural Experience in Seoul GMA


(Day 8-9)Radioactivity Dr. K. B. Lee ([email protected])


(Day 10)Neutron Measurement and Calibration Dr. Hyeon-Seo Park ([email protected])


(Day 11)Evaluation Test & Individual lab visits Dr. Sang-Han LEE ([email protected])

Global Metrology Academy Group Course


The GMA group course has been organized to meet the needs of metrology HRD of the organizations who are responsible for metrology and

related functions of national qaulity infrastrucutre of the nation. The course [GMA-GT-2015-04-IR] is the fourth one scheduled to be offered

in 2015. Its main theme is measurement and calibration of Ionizing Radiation (IR), to be presented in three (3) modules consisting of

ionizing radiation dosimetry, radioactivity, and neutron measurement and calibration. It covers the concepts of the traceability and

measurement standards in the fiedls of ionizing radiation and their practical applications in offering calibration and measurement services.

With the view to yielding as more practical benefit as possible for participants, each session of the course is strategically designed that

technical lectures are effectively combined with hands-on laboratory sessions to follow. By the end of the course, participants will be able to

obtain knowledge, skills, and information as up to dated on the key elements of IR. In addition, participants will be given a chance to deepen

and renew their knowledge and uncerstanding on selected subjects of metrolog in general (MiG), such as: national standards system -

quality infrastucture, QMS, key comparison (KC), calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC), traceability and uncertainty in


Outline of Course program [* Subject to Modification!]

Official language of the course: English(interpretation service is not available.)

At the end of the course, participants will become familiar with basic knowledge in the

fundamental subjects of measurement standards, calibration and uncertainty in the fields of

ionizing radiation standards and calibration, covering ionizing radiation dosimetry,

radioactivity, and neutron measurement and calibration. Intensive laboratory sessions (ILS)

are effectively combined with lectures in ways that allow them to obtain practical skills

required for offering quality services for customers. MiG session will offer participants broad

perspectives that will help them grow up to be key players in advancing the nation-wide

measurement system up to the international level.

Metrologists who are working on R&D and services relating to the technical

areas of ionizing radiation measurement and calibration.

accepted by July 10, 2015

Welcome to be Partners of Global Metrology Academy!

Theme: Measurement and CalibrationIon of Ionizing Radiation (IR)

Dates: August 31 - September 11, 2015

Venue: Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Daejeon, Korea

Organzied by: Global Metrology Academy (GMA), KRISS

Knowledge and skills to be obtained

Who should attend!


Global Metrology Academy Group Course



Page 3: Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray Absorbed Dose Lectures ... Gamma-ray Spectrometry ... Coincidence summing correction

Aug 28 (Fri) Arrival at Daejeon, check-in at the Hotel Graytone in Daejeon recommended date of arrival at Daejeon, Korea

MiG Metrology in General Aug 31 (Mon) - Sept 1 (Tue)

Five (5) sessions of lectures and practice (uncertainty evaluation) Lecturers

MiG-01 National standards system in Korea-quality infrastructure Prof. Dr. Gun-Woong BAHNG

MiG-02 QMS (1): why and for what - management requirements

(ISO/IEC 17025)Dr. Jongseon PARK

MiG-03 QMS (2): why and for what - technical requirements

(ISO/IEC 17025)Dr. Hun-Young SO

MiG-04 KC-CMC-Tracability Dr. Jong Oh CHOI

MiG-05 Uncertainty in measurement Dr. Jong Oh CHOI

IR Ionizing Radiation Standards and Calibration Sept 2 (Wed) - 3 (Thu)

Three (3) Intensive Laboratory Sessions with lectures and practices combined Lectures (L), Hands-on Exercises (H)

IR-01 Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry (Module -1) Sept 2 (Wed) - 3 (Thu)

(2-L-1) Dosimetry Standards and Traceability

(2-L-2) Ionizing Current Measurement Techniques Lectures

(2-L-3) Primary Standards of Medium- and Low-Energy X-ray Air Kerma

(2-H-2/3) Hands-on Session for Lecture 2-3 Hands-on exercises

(1-L-4) Primary Standards of Gamm-ray Air Kerma and Beta-ray Absorbed Dose to ICRU Tissue

(1-L-5) Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray Absorbed Dose Lectures

(2-H-3/4) Hands-on Session for Lecture 4-5 Hands-on exercises

(DAY 5, Fri-Sat)

Sept 4 -5Technical visit to KINS (* Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) overnight in Seoul (* to be confirmed)

IR-02 Radioactivity (Module -2) Sept 7 (Mon) - 8 (Tue)

(1-L-1) Activity Standards and Traceability

(1-L-2) Liquid Scintillation Counting System Lectures

(1-L-3) Gamma-ray Spectrometry

(1-H-2/3) Hands-on Session for Lecture 2-3 Hands-on exercises

(1-L-4) Gamma-ray Ionization Chamber

(1-L-5) Activity Measurement of Matrix Samples Lectures

(1-H-4/5) Hands-on Session for Lecture 3-5 Hands-on exercises

IR-03 Neutron Measurement and Calibration (Module -3) Sept 9 (Wed)

(3-L-1) Neutron Standards and Traceability

(3-L-2) Radiaction Protection for Neutron Lectures

(3-L-3) Calibration for Neutron Dose-Equivalent Meters

(3-H-2/3) Hands-on Session for Lecture 2-3 Hands-on exercises

IR WRAP-UP session Sept 10 (Thu)

(DAY 9, Thu

Sept 10

AM: Evaluation Test, Invidual visits to laboratories of further interest,

PM: Presentation of Action plans

(DAY 10, Fri)

Sept 11Evaluation and Closing Sept 11 (Fri)

Sept 12 (Sat) Departure from Korea (depending on the flight itinerary) departure: Sept 11 (Fri) - 12 (Sat)

(DAY 3, Wed)

Sept 2 (Wed)

(DAY 4, Thu)

Sept 3 (Thu)

(DAY 6, Mon)

Sept 7

(DAY 7, Tue)

Sept 8

(DAY 8, Wed)

Sept 9

* ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

(DAY 1, Mon)

Aug 31

(DAY 2, Tue)

Sept 1

Course Modules

Global Metrology Academy Group Course (GMA-GT-2015-04-IR)


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Aug 28 (Fri) Arrival at Daejeon, check-in at the Hotel Graytone in Daejeon recommended date of arrival at Daejeon, Korea

Aug 29 (Sat) Orientation & Brief tour in and around Daejeon city10:00-16:00


Aug 30 (Sun) Free

Aug 31 (Mon) Opening & Metrology in General (MiG)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:30-10:00 Greetings and Introduction to KRISS and the GMA Course 2015-04-IR

10:00-10:30 Opening ceremony Conference room (Admin. Bldg. 2nd floor)

10:30-12:00 [MiG-1] National Standards System in Korea - quality infrastructure Dr. Gun-Woong BAHNG

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00[MiG-2] QMS (1) : why and for what - management requirements

with ISO/IEC 17025Dr. Jongseon PARK

15:00-15:30 Tea break

15:30-17:00[MiG-3] QMS (2): why and for what - technical requirements

with ISO/IEC 17025Dr. Hun-Young SO

Sept 1 (Tue) Metrology in General (MiG)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:30-10:30 [MiG-4] KC-CMC-Traceability Dr. Jong Oh CHOI

10:30-11:00 Tea break

11:00-12:00 [MiG-5] Uncertainty in measurement Dr. Jong Oh CHOI

12:00-13:30 Lunch

13:30-17:00 [MiG-5] Uncertainty in measurement (continued) Dr. Jong Oh CHOI

Sept 2 (Wed) Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Standards and Calibration (Module -1)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:00-10:00[IR-1-L-1] Lecture

­ Dosimetry standards and traceabilityDr. Chul-Young Yi

10:00-10:15 Tea break

10:15-11:15[IR-1-L-2] Lecture

­ Ionizing current measurement techniquesDr. Kook-Jin Chun

11:15-11:30 Tea Break

11:30-12:30[IR-1-L-3] Lecture

­ Primary standards of medium- and low-energy x-ray air kermaDr. Joong-Hyun Kim

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 [IR-1-H-1] Hands-on Exercises : for Lectures 1-2-3Dr. Chul-Young Yi & Dr. Kook-Jin Chun

(in two groups)

Sept 3 (Thu) Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Standards and Calibration (Module -1)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)


[IR-1-L-4] Lecture

­ Primary standards of gamm-ray air kerma and beta-ray absorbed dose to

ICRU tissue

Dr. Byoung-Chul Kim

10:30-10:45 Tea break

10:45-12:30[IR-1-L-5] Lecture

­ Primary standard of LINAC high energy x-ray absorbed doseDr. In-Jung Kim

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 [IR-1-H-4/5] Hands-on Exercises : for Lectures 4-5Dr. Byoung-Chul Kim & Dr. In-Jung Kim

(in two groups)

Sept 4 (Fri) Technical Visits Daejeon & Suwon city

10:00-11:00 Visit to KINS (* to be confirmed)

10:30-11:00 Tea break

11:00-13:20 Move to Suwon (by bus)

13:20-14:30 Lunch (VIPS)

14:30-15:00 Arrival at SAMSUNG Electronics (by bus)

15:00-16:00 Visit to SAMSUNG Innovatoin Museum (SIM * to be confirmed)

16:00-17:30 Move to Seoul, Check-in at a Hotel

Sept 5 (Sat) Cultural Experience in Seoul Seoul

10:00-17:00 Insa-dong, Gyeong-Bok Palace, Myeong-dong 10:00-17:00 (provisional)

17:00-19:00 From Myeong-dong to the Hotel Graytone

Sept 6 (Sun) Free

Provisional Daily Program (* subject to modification)

Global Metrology Academy Group Course (GMA-GT-2015-04-IR)


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Sept 7 (Mon) Radioactivity Standards and Calibration (Module-2)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:00-10:15[IR-2-L-1] Lecture

­ Radioactivity standards, uncertainty and traceabilityDr. K. B. LEE

10:15-10:30 Tea break

10:30-11:30[IR-2-L-2] Lecture

­ Gamma-ray Spectrometry in generalDr. Jong-Man Lee

11:30-11:45 Tea break

11:45-12:30[IR-2-L-3] Lecture

­ Uncertainty in Gamma-ray SpectrometryDr. K. B. LEE

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 [IR-2-L-4] Tour of Radioactivity labs Dr. K. B. LEE


[IR-2-H-2/3] Hands-on Exercises: for Lectures 1-2-3

Group I : Calibration in Gamma-ray Spectrometry

Group II : Coincidence summing correction in Gamma-ray Spectrometry

Dr. K. B. LEE & Dr. Jong-Man Lee

(in two groups)

Sept 8 (Tue) Radioactivity Standards and Calibration (Module-2)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:00-10:00[IR-2-L-4] Lecture

­ Liquid scintillation countingDr. K. B. LEE

10:00-10:15 Tea break

10:15-11:15[IR-2-L-5] Lecture

- Gamma-ray Ionization ChamberDr. Jong-Man Lee

11:15-11:30 Tea break

11:30-12:30 [IR-2-L-6] Radioassay of Matrix samples Dr. Sang-Han Lee

12:30-14:00 Lunch


[IR-2-H-4/5] Hands-on Exercises: for lectures 4-5-6

Group I : Activity measurements in Gamma-ray Spectrometry

Group II : Self-absorption correction in Gamma-ray Spectrometry

Dr. K. B. LEE & Dr. Jong-Man Lee

(in two groups)

Sept 9 (Wed) Neutron Measurement and Calibration (Module-3)Seminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:00-10:00[IR-3-L-1] Lecture

­ Neutron Standards and TraceabilityDr. Hyeon-Seo Park

10:00-10:15 Tea break

10:15-11:15[IR-3-L-2] Lecture

­ Radiation Protection for NeutronDr. Jung-Ho KIM

11:15-11:30 Tea break

11:30-12:30[IR-3-L-3] Lecture

­ Calibration for Neutron Dose-Equivalent MetersDr. Jung-Ho KIM

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-17:00 [IR-3-H-2/3] Hands-on Exercises: for Lectures 1-2-3Dr. Hyeon-Seo Park & Dr. Jung-Ho KIM

(in two groups)

18:30-20:30 Farewell dinner (* to be confirmed) Restaurant "La Fiesta" (* to be confirmed)

Sept 10 (Thu) Wrap-up discussion (by individual lab visits), Action Plan PresentationSeminar room (#1)

Technology Service Bldg (1st Fl)

09:30-11:00 [Evaluation Test] Dr. Sang-Han Lee


[Individual visits to laboratories]

[Q&A] on matters of further interest to participants

[Q&A] on Action Plans drafted by each participant that might be refined and

developed with advice of lecturers

Participants will be divided into different groups by the

subject of individual interest.

12:30-13:30 Lunch KRISS cafeteria (2nd floor)

13:30-14:30 Elaboration of individual Action Plans

14:30-16:30 Presentation of Action Plans of selected participants

16:30-17:00 Introduction of programs of UST (University of Science and Technology) UST & participants

Sept 11 (Fri) Evaluation & ClosingConference room

(Admin. Bldg. 2nd floor)

09:30-11:30 Evaluaton of the course (written & oral) GMA

11:30-12:00 Closing ceremony (certificate awarding)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

P.M. Departure depending the flight itinerary of participants

Sept 12 (Sat) Departure depending the flight itinerary of participants

* Ride to the bus stop near the hotel will be provided by the Hotel Graytone in cooperation with GMA, KRISS.

Provisional Daily Program (* subject to modification)

Global Metrology Academy Group Course (GMA-GT-2015-04-IR)


Page 6: Overview - sim-metrologia.org.br outlime... · ... Primary Standard of LINAC High Energy X-ray Absorbed Dose Lectures ... Gamma-ray Spectrometry ... Coincidence summing correction

3. Airline


4. Local


⑨ The KRISS travel agent will pick up the participants upon their arrival at the Incheon (ICN) international airport of Seoul.

☞ Participants are requested to advise the course coordinator of their flight itinerary to and from Koreas AS SOON AS Possible.

⑩ The KRISS travel agent will help the participants to take the airport limousine bus bound for Daejeon.

☞ The bus tickets (around US$23 one way) are to be bought by the participants.

☞ Upon your arrival at the bus stop in Daejeon ("Government Complex-Daejeon"), the staff of the Hotel Graytone will be meeting you

to take you to the hotel.

⑧ Participants and their employers are responsible for purchasing the airline tickets for the participants.

q Number of participants: each course will be operated with up to 10 participants.

Financial Arrangements

q Participants and their employers are responsible for paying all expenses of the tuition fees, airline tickets, accommodations and

meals, etc. required for the participants' travel to and stay in Korea.

q Lunches for ten (10) working days are offered free to ALL participants.

q Subject to the availability of fund, additional financial assistance might be discussed for a limited number of people from

developing countries.

1. Tuition fees




① Amount: US$500/US$1,000 per person

☞ Two different categories of the tuition fees are applicable according to the economic performance of the applicant's country.

☞ Please contact the coordinator, BEFORE making applications, to get confirmed of the tuition fee category applicable for you.

② Applicants are supposed to remit the tuition fees by bank transfer to the official bank account of KRISS.

☞ Payment should be made by July 31, 2015 which will make the application complete.

☞ Please make sure that all the handling and banking charges raised both to the remitter and beneficiary should be

paid by the remitter, so that the net amount of tuition fees (US$500 or US$1,000) could be received by KRISS .

③ Official bank account of KRISS

- Bank name: Kook-Min Bank (Branch: Yuseong Branch) - Swift code: CZNBKRSE

- Account number: 461-01-0184-494

- Account holder's name: Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)

- Bank address: 1F, #468-3, Bongmyeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

☞ invoices will not be issued separately if otherwise requested. (* Receipts might be issued upon the participant's arrival at KRISS.)

☞ The statement of bank transfer should be sent to KRISS either by Email ([email protected]) or FAX (+82-42-868-5565)

with attention to the course coordinator.

2. Living


④ Participants are responsible for paying living expenses in Korea including accommodations and meals.

⑤ For selected participants from the developing world, KRISS might provide free accommodations, subject to its financial availability.

☞ Lunches for ten (10) working days will be offered free to ALL participants.

⑥ Please note that expenses for all other meals shall be paid by the participants.

☞ Participants are advised to bring some pocket money of their own for incidental expenses.

⑦ It is likely that participants will stay at the Hotel Graytone, Dunsn in Daejeon. (http://www.graytone.co.kr/)

☞ The room rate (around US$55 per night per room) includes breakfast, tax, and service charge.

5. Plan of sharing the results of his/her study in the GMA course for their institution and the natio.n

1. The applicant should be officially nominated by the employer, whose official seal and signature should be put on the application/nomination form.

2. The applicant should be an employee of the national metrology institute (NMI) or measurement service laboratory at the time of application.

3. The applicant should be engaged in R&D and services in the areas of ionizing radiation (IR).

4. The applicant should be a university/college graduate or have equivalent educational/professional experiences and knowledge on theme of the course.

5. For the sake of effectiveness, the applicant is required to have a good command of English.

6. The applicant should be healthy both physically and mentally enough to go through the whole programs of the course.

q Requirements: applications are valid to be submitted to KRISS by July 10, 2015, together with the following requirements.

1. An official nomination by the employer with the official seal and the signature of the top management of the employer;

2. A copy of the curriculum vitae of the applicant, describing the academic background and professional experience in detail;

3. A copy of passport as valid for more than one year as of the expected date of arrival at Korea (around August 28, 2015);

4. Laboratory report and Action Plan: Selected participants are supposed to submit their laboratory reports and action plans according to

the template to be provided later on; and

q Qualification

Qualification and Requirementsfor Applications


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Sangwook SEO (Mr) [email protected]; [email protected];

Senior Project Manager, Global Metrology Academy (GMA), KRISS Fax + 82-42-868-5565

Dr. Gyeong-Hee NAM [email protected]

Head, Global Metrology Academy (GMA), KRISS

Contact PointsFor further information about participation in the GMA course, please contact:

8. Participants shall assume responsibility for any personal expenses incurred regardless of implementation of the course; and

9. Participants are required to strictly observe the course schedule and abide by the rules and regulations stipulated by the KRISS and their sponsors, and the laws of the Republic of Korea.

10. Any form of harassment or insult, including but not limited to misconduct arising out of racial/ethnic, gender or class discrimination,

whether it be physical or verbal, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea and the rules and regulations of KRISS.

11. Especially, sexual harassment, defined as a form of behavior characterized by sexually connotative words, acts or gestures that could undermine individual dignity and by which the victim takes offense, is regarded as a serious misconduct and will be dealt with accordingly.

12. Offenders who fail to comply with the above Rules and Regulations laws shall be subject to punishment in accordance with the laws of

the Republic of Korea and the regulations of KRISS, which include sending an official letter of complaint to the offender’s employer and government and instant deportation with ban of the offender’s participation in the future GMA programs.

7. Participants shall not be accompanied by any member of their family;

Every applicant and participant should commit to read, strictly abide by, and respect the following rules and regulations

as specified below that GMA endorses in implementing the group course:

1. Participants shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner compatible with their status as participants in the subject GMA course;

2. Participants shall attend, to the best of their abilities, all sessions of the GMA group and/or individual courses they are participating in;

3. Participants shall refrain from engaging in political activity or any form of employment for profit or gain;

4. Participants shall return to their home country upon completion of the subject course of GMA and resume work in their country;

5. Participants shall not extend the length of stay in Korea for personal convenience;

6. Participants whose flights are supported by GMA and other donor organizations are not permitted to change their flights for their

personal convenience;

Rules and Regulations

Global Metrology Academy, KRISS
