Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's ...€¦ · - Juan Pablo ([email protected])...

Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's international robot week For schools & organisations, parents and participating students Dwengo is organising its first International Robot Week in October. We will bring 50 teenagers with different backgrounds from all over the world together to build ArtBots: robots that produce art. We start at October 23th and close with an ArtBots exposition on Monday October 27th around lunch time. Goal With our international robot week we want to achieve three goals: - To provide technical skills and robot building experience to high-school students, - To cause a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and experiences, - To train technology ambassadors who stimulate friends and other students to get involved in technology. We believe that building (Artistic) robots is not only a fun way of experimenting with Science and Technology, but can also be a way to engage students into a multi-cultural collaboration. Our team of volunteers is ready to make this week an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience! The team This international robot week could never be organised without the help of many. A team of many volunteers led by Francis, Peter and Juan Pablo includes an organisational team (Leen, Claire, Marc & Cristina) and a technical team (Jorge, Cesar, Kristof, Geraldine, Willem, Sam, Rohan & Jelle). The technical team will be guided by two enthusiastic artists Anneleen and Jan! Accomodation The International Robot Week takes place at the inspiring domain of Verbeke Foundation: http://www.verbekefoundation.com/en Verbeke Foundation can be found in Stekene (Kemzeke), a half hour drive from Ghent. Participants can come to Ghent (Gent-Sint-Pieters train station) which is easy to reach by train from Brussels National Airport. A car pooling system or specially organised bus will bring you to Verbeke Foundation. For those coming by car, directions can be found on the following map: http://goo.gl/ssgILf

Transcript of Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's ...€¦ · - Juan Pablo ([email protected])...

Page 1: Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's ...€¦ · - Juan Pablo (JuanPi@dwengo.org) +32(0)487 302 114 (Spanish, English) Schedule The following schedule gives insight


Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's international robot week For schools & organisations, parents and participating students

Dwengo is organising its first International Robot Week in October. We will bring 50 teenagers with different backgrounds from all over the world together to build ArtBots: robots that produce art. We start at October 23th and close with an ArtBots exposition on Monday October 27th around lunch time.

Goal With our international robot week we want to achieve three goals: - To provide technical skills and robot building experience to high-school students, - To cause a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and experiences, - To train technology ambassadors who stimulate friends and other students to get involved in technology. We believe that building (Artistic) robots is not only a fun way of experimenting with Science and Technology, but can also be a way to engage students into a multi-cultural collaboration. Our team of volunteers is ready to make this week an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience!

The team This international robot week could never be organised without the help of many. A team of many volunteers led by Francis, Peter and Juan Pablo includes an organisational team (Leen, Claire, Marc & Cristina) and a technical team (Jorge, Cesar, Kristof, Geraldine, Willem, Sam, Rohan & Jelle). The technical team will be guided by two enthusiastic artists Anneleen and Jan!

Accomodation The International Robot Week takes place at the inspiring domain of Verbeke Foundation: http://www.verbekefoundation.com/en Verbeke Foundation can be found in Stekene (Kemzeke), a half hour drive from Ghent. Participants can come to Ghent (Gent-Sint-Pieters train station) which is easy to reach by train from Brussels National Airport. A car pooling system or specially organised bus will bring you to Verbeke Foundation. For those coming by car, directions can be found on the following map: http://goo.gl/ssgILf

Page 2: Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's ...€¦ · - Juan Pablo (JuanPi@dwengo.org) +32(0)487 302 114 (Spanish, English) Schedule The following schedule gives insight


Who to contact In case of any problems please contact one of the main organisers: - Francis ([email protected]) +32(0)473 300 729 (English, Dutch, French) - Peter ([email protected]) +32(0)474 874 095 (English, Dutch, French) - Juan Pablo ([email protected]) +32(0)487 302 114 (Spanish, English)

Schedule The following schedule gives insight into the programme. Some minor changes may occur.  

Time  Thursday  Oct. 23th 

Friday Oct. 24th 

Saturday Oct. 25th 

Sunday Oct. 26th 

Monday  Oct. 27th 

7:30    wake up & breakfast 

wake up & breakfast 

wake up & breakfast 

wake up & breakfast 

9:00*    robot basics  building ArtBot 

building ArtBot 

building ArtBot 

12:30    lunch and siesta 

lunch and siesta 

lunch and siesta 

lunch with exposition 

14:00  arrival  robot basics  Social activity ­ visit Ghent 

building ArtBot 

ArtBot exposition and farewell 

16:00*  arrival  brainstorm about your ArtBot 

visit Ghent  building ArtBot 


18:00  unpacking, refreshing,... 

your ArtBot  visit Ghent  building ArtBot 


19:00  dinner  dinner  dinner  dinner   

20:00  social activity  daily rap up: how was your day? 

daily rap up: how was your day? 

building ArtBot 


22:00  tour at Verbeke 

free  free  daily rap up   

23:00  bed time  bed time  bed time  bed time   

*During the morning and afternoon session, there will be short breaks with fruit & drinks 

Page 3: Overview, practical information & schedule Dwengo's ...€¦ · - Juan Pablo (JuanPi@dwengo.org) +32(0)487 302 114 (Spanish, English) Schedule The following schedule gives insight


Camp rules The camp rules of conduct can be found in the appendix. 
