Overview of strategy and tactics

New Tactics in Human Rights – www.newtactics.org A Project of the Center for Victims of Torture



Transcript of Overview of strategy and tactics

New Tactics in Human Rights – www.newtactics.org

A Project of the Center for Victims of Torture

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

Foundations forstrategic & tactical thinking

Strategy without tactics is the slowest

route to victory.

Tactics without strategy is the noise

before defeat.

Sun Tzu (over 2,000 years ago)

In other words…

Planning without action is futile.

Action without planning is fatal.


Know YourOpponent

Know theTerrain

From Sun Tzu—the Art of War

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

Know Yourself

• What do you think this means?

• How does this match your own experience?


Know Yourself



Strengths and limits

Which tactics we know

Which tactics we can successfully implement


Know your opponent

What do you think this means?

How does this match your own experience?

Know YourOpponent

Know your opponent

Goals Strategy Tactics

A key component of its strategy Knowledge of such tactics aids us in

counteracting them Strengths and weaknesses

Know YourOpponent

Know the Terrain

• What do you think this means?

• How does this match your own experience?

Know theTerrain

Know the Terrain

• Where a “battle” will be fought…

• Two tools will be introduced

– “Tactical map tool”

– “Spectrum of Allies tool”

Know theTerrain

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

for understanding this course


Create a “multiple choice” quick quiz

Strategy entails many decisions

An outline of key steps and approaches in accomplishing the goal. Strategy defines what is important to do – including:

Selection of key objectives Appropriate targets Understanding of needed constituencies Resources Decisions on which tactics to use and when


Create a “multiple choice” quick quiz

Tactic – a specific action

Action taken to implement a strategy. Tactics are the levers or mechanisms to carry out a strategy.

– Tactics are one of the key building blocks of strategy.

– Tactics are about “the how,” while strategies are about “the what.”

– A tactic is a specific action or systematic combination of actions taken to affect a given situation.


Create a “select all that apply” quick quiz


Represents the series of actions taken and issues highlighted to change the “what is” into a “what should be”, considering that this “what should be” is a more decent and a more just society.


Create a “multiple choice” quick quiz


A source of inspiration which focuses on how the world can be in the future.

A vision provides decision-making criteria.


The aim or purpose toward which an effort is directed.

A vision becomes a goal when action steps are taken for achieving it.


Create a “multiple choice” quick quiz


The person or group, place or segment of society where your tactical action is directed.

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

Why the need for

When your only tool is a hammer,

New Tactics in Human Rights – www.newtactics.org

every problem looks like

a nail.

New Tactics in Human Rights – www.newtactics.org

1. Identify theProblem

New Tactics – 5 Stepsto Tactical Innovation

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

1. Identify theProblem

New Tactics – 5 Stepsto Tactical Innovation

2. Build a Common Vision

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

1. Identify theProblem

New Tactics – 5 Stepsto Tactical Innovation

2. Build a Common Vision

3. Define the TerrainUsing “Tactical Map” &

“Spectrum of Allies” tools

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

1. Identify theProblem

New Tactics – 5 Stepsto Tactical Innovation

2. Build a Common Vision

3. Define the TerrainUsing “Tactical Map” &

“Spectrum of Allies” tools

4. Explore & Select Tactics

Using participants’ experiences & NT resources

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project

1. Identify theProblem

5. Develop aplan of action for implementation

New Tactics – 5 Stepsto Tactical Innovation

2. Build a Common Vision

3. Define the TerrainUsing “Tactical Map” &

“Spectrum of Allies” tools

4. Explore & Select Tactics

Using participants’ experiences & NT resources

The Center for Victims of Torture—New Tactics in Human Rights Project


Identify the following before our next session:

A problem to work on during this course Your vision for resolving that problem

• Questions• Discussion