Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement



Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement. Appendix 2 for the IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement Version 1.1; Released by ENTSO-E RGCE TF API 10. November 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement

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Page 2: Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement

Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and SettlementAppendix 2 for the IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement

Version 1.1; Released by ENTSO-E RGCE TF API 10. November


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1. Provided documents2. Overview ENTSO-E Accounting and Settlement process3. Meter Measurement Data synchronization4. Matching of Accounting Point Data5. ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report

Overview of IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting

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Provided documents

Phases covered by the IG ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement:

The Implementation Guide ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement covers the following 3 phases:

Establishment of Accounting Point Relevant dataMatching of Accounting Point DataIssuing of ENTSO-E Settlement results

Each of these phases is managed by a different document as following:

1. For the establishment of Accounting Point Relevant data– ”Measurement Value Document” (MVD)

2. For the matching of Accounting Point data– ”Energy Account Report” (EAR)

3. For issue of ENTSO-E Settlement results– ”ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report” (ESR)

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Description of documents

The ENTSO-E Accounting and Settlement process is based on the following documents

1. Measurement Value Document (MVD)

used for the verification of Accounting Point Relevant data on meter data level: message types SOMA and (SOVM: only for internal use, no data exchange with neighboring TS0)

Identification of Accounting Point Relevant data by EIC T-Code for tie-lines, (identification of optional additional meter data by local EIC Z-Code for meters)

2. Energy Account Report (EAR)

used for the matching of the Accounting Point data on accounting data level:message type SOAM for matching between TSO and SOVA for agreed values for exchange via Publication Framework (since EPF is not in work SOVA has to be send to the responsible Control Area, Control Block and Coordination Centre)

Identification of Accounting Point data by official EIC Z-Code for accounting point

3. ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report (ESR)

used for the information of the ENTSO-E Parties about the Settlement results:message types are daily and weekly CBSR and CASR

Identification of Accounting Point data by official EIC Z-Code for accounting point

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The ENTSO-E RGCE Accounting and Settlement pyramid

EAR doc

MVD doc ESR doc

ENTSO-E Accounting and Settlement pyramid

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Meter Measurement Data synchronisation

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Establishment of Accounting Point Relevant data


The neighbouring TSO agree on the Accounting Point per Tie-Line (Accounting point located in a Substation or on the border)

If the accounting point is on the border both TSO have to agree on the direct resistance per Tie-Line to later calculate the flow on the border by help of a given formula

Also they agree on the Meter Measurement Data set be exchanged and validated in the Accounting Point Relevant Data synchronization process

Then the TSO exchange the set of Meter Measurement Data by help of the SOMA file. Once both TSO have received a positive Ack. the data are synchronized and provided in file SOVM.

SOMA and SOVM files are ”Measurement Value Document” (MVD) documents

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Use of Meter Measurement data in MVD document

Possible uses of time series within a document

Identified by an EIC T CodeIdentified by a local EIC Z Code

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Meter Measurement value document information model

Provides general information about the document, sender, receiver etc.

Provides the start and end date and time of period being reported in UTC and resolution of time series

Provides the quality and quantity of the time series

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

Provides the time series and identification of measurement point etc.

Seperate time series for import / export

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

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UCTE Accounting process overview diagram

ENTSO-E RGCE process overview with electronic document identification

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Matching of UCTE Accounting Point Data


Once the SOVM document, containing the synchronized Accounting Point Relevant Data is received, the TSO calculate (consideration of tie-line losses) the Accounting Point Data by help of the previous mentioned formula.

As next the designated TSO prepares the EAR based SOAM document and send it to the neighbouring TSO who will release a positive ACK if the Accounting Point Data matches with his data he calculated for him self.

Than the Accounting Point Data are made available on the ENSTO-E Publication Framework (EPF) by both TSO by delivery of the EAR based SOVA document. (since EPF is not in work SOVA has to be send to the responsible Control Area, Control Block and Coordination Centre)

The final step is the verification of the Accounting Point Data by the concerned ENTSO-E body (Control Area, Control Block and Coordination Centre). There for they download the data from the (EPF) and check if they are consistent. (since EPF is not in work SOVA has to be send to the responsible Control Area, Control Block and Coordination Centre)

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Energy Account Report information model

Provides general information about the document, sender, receiver etc.

Provides the start and end date and time of period being reported in UTC and resolution of time series

Provides the Tariff Type and Import / Export per interval

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

Provides the time series and identification of accounting point etc.

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

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Sequence diagram ENTSO-E Accounting process

The ENTSO-E Publication Framework is a concept taht serves as an intermediary between all ENTSO-E process

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement ReportProcess:

Once the Accounting Point data are agreed the ENTSO-E Settlement is performed and the results are made available on the ENTSO-E Publication Framework. ( at the moment only available by the responsible CC)

The ENTSO-E Settlement Process goes from top of ENTSO-E Pyramid to its bottom.

As first the Settlement is performed for the coordination Centres and when agreed the calculation for the control blocks is executed. The result are provided to the control blocks by help of the ENTSO-E Publication Framework. (at the moment via EH or email)

Then the control block operator calculates by help of the ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement reports, provided by the CC’s, the ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Reports for the Control Area and provide them also by the ENTSO-E Publication Framework. (at the moment via EH or email)

There’s a distinguish between “daily” and “weekly” Settlement Report. Depending on this the content of the ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report is different.

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report daily – XML

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report daily – TariffSum View

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report daily – ResolutionView

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report weekly – XML

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report weekly – TariffSum View

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report – weekly ResolutionView

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Report sequence flow

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Overview daily ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement for Wednesday

The period for daily settlement reporting

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Overview weekly ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement

The period for weekly settlement reporting

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ENTSO-E RGCE Settlement Document information model

Provides the Status of the account for unintentional deviation per tariff

Provides the Tariff Type and Import / Export per interval

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

Nature of the time series(Schedule, Energy Flow, compensation program within reporting period, unintentional deviation, compensation program for new period – only in CBSRw)

For businesscodes have a look at the ENTSO-E general codelist for data interchange

Provides the start and end date and time of period being reported in UTC and resolution of time series

Provides general information about the document, sender, receiver etc.