Overview Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch ... · Mining, Policy support, Monitoring,...

Overview – Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch, UN Environment 5, November 2018, Geneva

Transcript of Overview Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch ... · Mining, Policy support, Monitoring,...

Page 1: Overview Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch ... · Mining, Policy support, Monitoring, Chlor-alkali, Emissions Minamata Convention •Emerging issues, policy support,

Overview – Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch, UN Environment

5, November 2018, Geneva

Page 2: Overview Key Activities by the Chemicals & Health Branch ... · Mining, Policy support, Monitoring, Chlor-alkali, Emissions Minamata Convention •Emerging issues, policy support,

The Overarching Frameworks - Mandates


UN Environment Medium-Term

Strategy (MTS) 2018 - 2021

United Nations Environment


UN Environment Programme of

Work (PoW)

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UN Environment Medium-Term Strategy

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United Nations Environment Assembly




“Towards a



Committed to work towards a pollution-free planet for the health and wellbeing of the people and the environment

Will take action to prevent, mitigate and manage pollution of air, land and soil, freshwater and oceans

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UNEA 3 Resolutions linked to Chemicals & Health


Marine Litter and


Armed ConflictsLead

(paint and batteries)



UNEA3 Resolutions

Water Pollution

Environment and



• Chemicals and Waste• Antimicrobial

Resistance• Sustainable

Consumption and Production

• Cross-cutting Environment and Health Support

• Climate Change• Biodiversity

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UN Environment Programme of Work

Programme of Work 2018-2019

Programmeof Work


1.Aligned to sustainable development goal indicators at both impact and expected accomplishment level

2. Guided by relevant resolutions that will partly or in full be delivered through the Chemicals, Waste and Air Quality programme

3. Enhanced integration between programme elements under the threes expected accomplishments on chemicals, waste and air quality

4. Updated strategy to better reflect priorities such as pollution, including of the marine environment , and respond to new mandates

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Chemicals & Health Branch Structure

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What we are doing

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Pollution Implementation Plan

Facilitate implementation of Assembly’s Ministerial

Declaration and resolutions addressing pollution

Catalyze efforts of institutions and partners to

accelerate change and increase impact to prevent, better manage and control


Increase global awareness of pollution and its consequences on

ecosystems and human health and well-being

Monitor and report on progress towards a cleaner


To respond the request of UNEA-3, a Draft of Pollution Implementation Plan with a timeframe up to 2030 is being developed, which aims to

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Lead in Paint


Overview• Lead is poisonous; a persistent neurotoxicant, and when released

does not break down.• NO known safe lead exposure levels.• Lead compounds are added to paints to improve drying time, add

color and as anti-corrosive.• Globally, lead in paint is a major source of childhood lead exposure


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Chemicals in Products

Supports Industrial and civil goals on responsible chemical use

Bolsters initiatives on chemical information access through supply chains

Establishes a collective approach for data exchange

Enable informed and educated choice





5 Brings people and information together(e.g. textiles and electronics)

Beyond 2020 process:

Presents opportunities to set global targets to reduce pollution in the value chain, triggering innovation, consistent with the SDGs.

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• 1. A report focused on environmental aspects related to AMR is being carried out considering the antimicrobial agent life cycle.

• 2. Draft Roadmap for a Global Framework for Development and Stewardship to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial Resistance


• Human antibiotic use up 36% this century; antibiotic use in livestock to grow 67% by 2030.

• Up to 75% of antibiotics used in aquaculture may be lost into the surrounding environment.

• Antimicrobial resistance one of six emerging areas of concern highlight in UN Environment Frontiers Report

Implementing Activities

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Pesticides and Fertilizers

MandateThe resolution on Environment and Health (UNEA-3/4) included, among other things, requested the Executive Director, in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other relevant organizations, to present a report on the environmental and health impacts of pesticides and fertilizers and ways to minimize them, at UNEA-5.

Objectives of the reportTowards identifying ways of minimizing the environment and health impacts of pesticides and fertilizers, within the broader context of integrated environmental and health approach in line with the Sustainable Development Goals


Joint expert panel meeting on pesticides management, October 2018

Broader consultation

meeting, July and August


Global consultative

meeting ,Sep 2019

A peer review, Oct and Nov


Final Draft, Dec 2019

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• Areas with lacking or inadequate data;• Linkages between chemicals and waste;• Assessing progress towards the 2020 goal;• Development of non-chemical alternatives;• Emerging policy issues; • Other issues where emerging evidence indicates a risk; and• Options for actions to reach relevant SDGs and targets.

Mandate for the GCO- II

Decision 27-2 of the Governing Council (2013) and Resolution 2/7 of UNEA 2 (2016) requested to address:

Global Chemicals Outlook - II

Launch early 2019!!!

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Global Mercury Partnership





Governments IGO NGO Others

• Benefits of membership: • Access to a network

of experts, policymakers and donors

• Assistance coordinating global and regional projects

• Ability to share and receive relevant information and data

Mandate: to deliver immediate actionsOverall Goal: to protect human health and the global environment from the release of mercury

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ASGM Artisanal and Small-scale

Gold Mining


Up to 20% of

world’s gold

Main source of


emissions to

the atmosphere

Occurs in more

than 70 countries

15 millions people

Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining

Global Opportunities for the Long-term Development of the ASGM sector(GEF GOLD)

• 8 countries involved

• 4 GEF agencies – lead by UN Environment

•US$ 45.5 mil GEF grant

•US$ 136.2 mil co-financing

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Minamata National Action Plans

UN Environment supports 24 countriesin the development of their NAPs

NAP Implementing agency:

UN Environment



Products/outputs:Go to our website for details on our products and types of technical support we provide to countries:https://web.unep.org/globalmercurypartnership/nap-starter-kit

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MobilityFocus on

• Low and middle income countries

• Global initiatives and partnerships

• Support to country projects

• Main focus on Technology & Policy (+infrastructure & finance)


• Reducing emissions from transport through clean fuels and vehicles

• Promoting vehicle fuel economy through fuel efficient vehicles and electric mobility

• Promoting walking and cycling Infrastructure

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Improving Air Quality Measurement and Management

Development of a UN Environment

Air Quality Programme

Strengthened collaboration and


Capacity development

Climate and Clean Air Coalition to

reduce short-lived climate pollutants


Sand and Dust Storms


- African and Asia Pacific Countries

- 132 partners, 11 sector initiatives- Asia-Pacific Air Pollution Science Based Solutions Report

– UN coalition established– work plans being developed

- 10 more countries signed up

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Waste Management

The International Environmental Technology Centre’s vision is for countries to implement sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, with focus on holistic waste management.

Many cities and countries are working with IETC to improve Waste Management Governance

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Waste Management - Publications and Tools

Waste management Outlooks and Thematic Assessments

Global Waste Outlook ,Asia Waste Outlook, Central Asia Outlook ,Mountain Waste Outlook, Mercury Waste in the ASEAN Countries, Global Mercury Waste Assessment, Africa Waste Management Outlook

Guidelines and Tools

Guidelines for National Waste Management Strategies

•Guidelines for Framework Legislation for Integrated Waste Management

•Compendium of Technologies for the Recovery of Materials from E-Waste

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Global Environment Facility

Comparative advantages in the Focal Area

• Enabling activities, Policy support, Monitoring, PCB&DDT elimination

Stockholm Convention

• Enabling activities, Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining, Policy support, Monitoring, Chlor-alkali, Emissions

Minamata Convention

• Emerging issues, policy support, lead-in-paint, chemicals in products

Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

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Global Environment Facility

GEF intervention structure

Focal area portfolio regional distribution

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Global Environment Facility

• Mercury mining and trade

- Asia and Latin America

• Waste management in SIDS

- Caribbean, Pacific

• Atmospheric emissions of mercury

• Enabling activities under Stockholm and Minamata

• Chemicals in consumer products

- Electronics and Textile Industry

• Mercury in the health sector

• Scale up of work on artisanal gold mining

• POPs management in Eastern Europe

GEF 7 : Pipeline

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• Established under UNEA, Resolution 1/5, the Special Programme aims to support institutional strengthening at the national level for implementation of

Special Programme

• All signatories and Parties to the Conventions and other Governments with the capacity to do so are encouraged to contribute to the Special Programme Trust Fund

Greatest appreciation to our Donors!

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Second round approved projects:Afghanistan, Belarus, Brazil, China, Ecuador, FYR of Macedonia, The Gambia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Uganda, Vietnam

Decision-making body

The Executive Board

Trust Fund

US$ 24 millions,including pledges

Application rounds

1 round: April – July 2016

2 round:February – May 2017

3 round:February – June 2018

First round approved projects:Argentina, Benin, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Kyrgyz Republic, Tanzania, Ukraine

Special Programme – Updates


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• SAICM aims to coordinate, catalyse and facilitate• SAICM is multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral

The Strategic Approach for International Chemicals Management - SAICM -is a unique voluntary global policy framework to achieve the 2020 goal that chemicals should be produced and used in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.

What is SAICM?

Quick Start Programme (QSP) -184 projects,108 countries, 36 millions-31 December 2019 Final closure date of the QSP

Full-size project: ‘Global Best Practices on Emerging Chemical Policy Issues of Concern under SAICM’

- 8.19 million USD project approved- To be implemented in over 40 countries over a 4 year periodlead in paint, chemicals in products, and strategic planning and knowledge management

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Road to ICCM5 in 2020

Interim Independent

Evaluation Report

SAICM Independent Evaluation

SAICM Progress Report, 2014-2016

Global Chemicals Outlook II

SAICM Progress Report,

2017-2019 (tbc by OEWG3)

2017 2018 2019 2020



7-9 February

SAICM regional

meetings, Jan-




13-15 March

OEWG3, 2-4 April



October *

SAICM Regional


2019 or 2020*




ICCM5 Decision

on Beyond

2020, October*








*Dates to be confirmed

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