Overcoming Role Explosion challenges with Attribute-Based Access Control

© 2015 Axiomatics AB 1 Webinar: May 13, 2015 Role explosion Can ABAC be the solution?

Transcript of Overcoming Role Explosion challenges with Attribute-Based Access Control

© 2015 Axiomatics AB 1

Webinar: May 13, 2015

Role explosionCan ABAC be the solution?

© 2015 Axiomatics AB 2

Agenda From where do they all come –

all these roles?

Going ABAC – small steps



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21st century business scenarios – is RBAC becoming the problem?

Can we get more dynamic with attributes?

ABAC does not replace RBAC!!!

The importance of starting small

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AuthorizationPermission to execute an action on a given information assets under certain conditions.

Governance, Risk and Compliance Management

Internal regulations for management and control within the organization.

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Aligned with primary business objectives

High-level and general

Aligned with technical infrastructure

Detailed and specific

Business perspective on authorization

Technical perspective on authorization

Common issues

Poorly documented

Very generic

Very high-level

Well documented

Many details

Very system-specific and difficult to analyze

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Business perspective on authorization

Technical perspective on authorization

Recurring driver

Jumping from




trying to avoid


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2014 2015

Every audit – same Sudoku

XK01 – Vendor management

ME21N – Creating a purchase order

Hmmm… potential fraud could come out of that

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The SoD matrix

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Split roles to cater for new SoD requirements

XK01Vendor management

ME21NCreating a PO

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The elevator pitch

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Focus on roles can hide the real danger: Instead of handling risks we handle roles

Not properly handling the risks may have some quite radically negative effects

How bad does it get?

Recent examples from clients:

Example 1: Financial institution in the APAC region7 000 wholesale customers:93 000 roles

Example 2: Large energy company50 people working full-time to continuously resolve SoD conflicts

Example 3: Financial institution in the EMEA region3000 roles in a single system causing a headache – after costly cleansing project 80% of them could be removed. (And then it starts all over…)

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What to do?


Jumping from audit to audit

Focus on roles

Focus on the technical assignment of permissions

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1. Making compliance to a continuous process

Dynamically adapt to changing needs

Focus on rules

Focus on policies to implement


2. Analyze existing RBAC model

Does the permission to edit ANYvendor exclude you from creating ANY purchase order?

Business rule: SoD rules must ensure no single user can corrupt a business-critical process

Thus: No user should be able to create a new vendor and then register a purchase order for THAT specific vendor!

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”A user who is authorized to edit master data to create a vendor should never be added to a role that gives permissions to create a purchase order”

”Whenever a user creates a purchase order, check to see if the same user was involved in the creation or modification of the vendor – if so, then DENY else PERMIT”

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3. Could you use more fine-grained authorization?

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ROLE 1: Permission X during normal business hours from within the LAN

ROLE 2: Permission X with limitations after business hours from within LAN

ROLE 3: Permission X with other limitations from mobile device

ROLE 4: Permission X with third set of limitations if channel is Y

ROLE 5: Permission X with yet moor limitations if….

PERMIT user with properties

U1, U2 , …. UN

to perform Action A with parameters

A1, A2, … ,AN

on Data of type D with properties

D1, D2, … ,DN

in the Context of

C1, C2, … ,CN

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3. Can attributes serve as modifiers?

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Change is an effortDo you have a business case to motivate change?

Costs for role explosion cleanup

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”The expense for the authorizations subproject is between 10% and 15% of the overall scope for any project.

Otherwise the costs for retroactive cleansing processes and maintenance costs are considerably higher than these costs. A poorly set up authorization concept can incur significant additional costs in an upgrade project.”*

* Volker Lehnert, Katharina Bonit, Larry Justice, Authorizations in SAP® Software, Design and Configuration

Axiomatics customer assessments

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Depending on project type and authorization complexity, the costs for authorization range between 10% and 40% of

overall project costs

The earlier a defect is detected, the lower the cost of repair. What happens when a defect is caused by regulation or policy changes?

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The ABAC shiftCan you afford not to change?

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By 2020, 70 percent of enterprises

will use ABAC as the dominant

mechanism to protect critical assets,

up from less than 5 percent today.

Gartner Predicts, March 2014

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Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)

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ABAC enables the Any-Depth Architecture



Many users in one role



Many attributes per user/resource…

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The ABAC shift

Role A

Where do we start?Well, start small….

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Use caseCustomer portal

Login for private clients, corporate clients or agents

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Best Insurance internal

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Staff member

New customer portal planned –extend existing RBAC model?

RBAC in internal systems

Role grants access to customer account


Can roles handle access in customer


Private client overview – including family members

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Authorization:Is user allowed to see overview of other family members?

Family member viewing claims

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Authorization:Is user allowed to list claims of other family members?

Corporate client

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Authorization:Is Corporate Client Acme’s HR administrator allowed to see staff members’ financial data, medical data, other PII?

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Web portal Mobile portal

API – Channel layer

Core backend systems





Best Insurance internal

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Staff member

Customer portalExtend authorization with

Attribute Based Access Control(ABAC) Keep RBAC for

internal access

Role grants access to customer account


PERMIT if• relation to subject is…• data classification is …• data subject is…• device/channel is…

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Web portal Mobile portal

API – channel layer

Core backend systems



Web application firewall

API gateway


For decades, Role Based Access Control (RBAC) has been the dominant model for authorization, but 21st century business scenarios are not well handled

Attributes and policies offer dynamic and flexible method of authorization

Yet, ABAC does not replace RBAC!!!

Use ABAC to extend your investment in roles

As with any complex IAM project, start with smaller/well scoped projects

© 2015 Axiomatics AB 40

So does ABAC help handle role explosion issues?

Fine-grained authorization policies more precisely address the targeted risks. Instead of adding roles for each and every new condition (time of day, type of mobile device you are using, authentication strength, user’s relation to data subject, etc.) you add a logical condition to the policy

Policy-driven authorization helps shift the perspective towards a focus on what really matters: the control objectives of the business rather than indirectly derived roles.

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