Over view of disabilities

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  • 1. Disabilities......An over view.Dr Saim Ali Soomro Deputy Director.I. Definition II. History III. Classification VI. Etiology. V. Society as a cause of disability

2. P o p u la t io n & D is a b ilit y E s t im a t e s W H O W o r ld w iid e F ig u r e o f P W D s = 1 0 % o f P o p u la tio n( U N IC E F & U N E S C O F ig u r e u p to 1 7 % ) L a h o re P a k is t a n T o ta l p o p u la tio n L ah ore7 0 la c s ( 7 m illio n )P a k is ta n 1 6 c r o re s ( 1 6 0 m illio n ) R a t io o f c h ild r e n o f s c h o o l g o in g2 1 la c s ( 2 .1 m illio n )4 .8 c r o r e s ( 4 8 m illio n ) a g e ( 4 - 1 5 y e a rs ) , 3 0 % o f to ta l p o p u la tio n P W D s : 1 0 % o f to ta l p o p u la tio n 7 la c s ( 0 .7 m illio n )1 .6 c r o r e s ( 1 6 m illio n ) C h ild r e n o f s c h o o l g o in g a g e w ith 2 .1 la c s ( 0 .2 1 m illio n ) 4 8 la c s ( 4 .8 m illio n ) d is a b ilit ie s :O n ly 4 % o f c h ild r e n w it h d is a b ilit y g o in g t o s p e c ia l e d u c a t io n s c h o o ls / c e n t r e s .W hatabout 96%?T h e s o lu t io n is : IN C L U S IV E E D U C A T IO N .S p e c ia l E d u c a t io n P o lic y o f G o v t . o f P a k is t a n : T o t a l In c lu s iv e E d u c a t io nin a ll m a in s tr e a m s c h o o ls b y e a r 2 0 2 5W H O : W o r ld H e a lt h O r g a n iz a t io nP W D : P e o p l e w it h D i s a b il i t ie s 3. WHO covers impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions.An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitationis a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; whilea participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual ininvolvement in life situations. Thus disability is a complex phenomenon,reflecting an interaction between features of a persons body and features ofthe society in which he or she lives." 4. Definition (pope & Tarlov) A disability is "the expression of a physical or mental limitation in asocial context - the gap between a persons capabilities and thedemands of the environment." . Disability is not a single condition but a continuum which stretchesfrom mild to severe and profound. According to the AmericanCommittee on a National Agenda for the Prevention of Disabilities(Pope & Tarlov, 1991), this continuum starts with a pathology. Thisprofessionally diagnosed condition may weaken or damage thepatients structures or functions, and result in an impairment. If thisimpairment limits a persons ability to perform a normal activity, there isa functional limitation. A functional limitation, combined with acommunity situation that restricts the persons ability to live a normallife,. According to Pope (1992), "disability in this model, then, correspondsto what has often been referred to as handicap. however, when used,it is considered to be synonymous with "disability". 5. History: First prosthesis was to warrior queen 2500 BC...(Rag ved). Blind Sahaba (Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum was a cousin ofKhadijah bint Khuwaylid. ) 1400Ad church describes disabled, crippled , idiots,imbeciles. 1500Ad: they are out cast in society, Mental asylums in Paris. 1700 : Stephan Hopkins 1784: school for blind in Paris. 18001805: first Medical classification of Mental disorders. textfor documentation & RX. Dr Benjamin Rush (F/o modernAm.Psychiatry). 1809: Birth of Louise Braille invented braille in 1824... 6. Development up to present: WWI & WWII brought lot of changes due to war verterns. Reverend Thomas Hopkins Gallaude in 1817, started firstschool of deaf & Mute in Connecticut..its university for HI..now! Racial & Civil rights movements, UNO and other Human rightsbodies has developed many models & equality campaignssince than. 1983-1992 decade of disability. From decades ,years to Inclusion now..its a long way to equality. In c lu s io n In c lu s io n T h e t im e t o e n d s e g r e g a t io n is N O W .W h a t is in c lu s io n ? A ll p e o p le d e s e r v e t o b e v a lu e d a s In c lu s io n m e a n s a ll in d iv id u a ls w it h a n d c o n tr ib u tin g c o m m u n it y m e m b e r s .w ith o u t d is a b ilitie s liv e , le a r n , w o r k , p la ya n d p a r tic ip a t e t o g e t h e r in a ll lifee x p e r ie n c e s .N O W is t h e tim e f o r in c lu s io n . S u p p o r ts a r e p r o v id e d to m e e t in d iv id u a ln e e d s , a n d e v e r y o n e is a c c e p t e d a n dr e g a r d e d a s a v a lu e d m e m b e r o f s o c ie ty .F lo r id a D e v e lo p m e n ta l D is a b ilitie s C o u n c il F lo r id a D e v e lo p m e n ta l D is a b ilitie s C o u n c il 7. A C iv il R ig h ts M o v e m e n t D is a b ilit y R ig h t s M o v e m e n t ( 1 9 7 0 s t o d a y ) State the alternative strategiesList S t r u g g lando consdofs eachestrategy the pros e t e ne g r g a t io n Give a forecast of costs S o u r c e : ( a b o v e a n d r ig h t ) S m it h s o n ia n N a t io n a l M u s e u m o f A m e r ic a n H is t o r y h t t p : / / a m e r ic a n h is t o r y . s i. e d u / d is a b ilit y r ig h t s / e x h ib it _ m e n u . h t m l F lo r id a D e v e lo p m e n ta l D is a b ilitie s C o u n c il 8. Causes: PRE-Natal (Genetics, infections, Nutrition etc.) Natal : infection, injuries, genetic, Medication..etc. Post Natal: infections, accidents, metabolic, pre term, etc. Early & late child hood factors: Adolescence, adult hood & late adult hood disabilities Diagnosis: pre term, during pregnancy, immediately fetalperiod. Early detection & interventions. International & local scenario. Pakistans Situation. 9. Major Forms of Disabilities Recognized Forms of Disabilities MentalPhysical Visual Hearing Retardation DisabilityDisability ImpairmentCerebral PalsyAutismLearning Disabilities 10. Physical disabilities 11. Cerebral PalsyCerebral palsy is a static encephalopathyEncephalopathy = Brain Injury that is non-progressive disorderof posture and movementVariable aetiologiesOften associated with epilepsy, speech problems, visioncompromise, & cognitive dysfunction 12. Intellectual & Developmental disabilities: 13. There are also : Visual Impairment, Hearing impairmentand major or minor disabilities.Age & chronic diseases causing impairmentsBut Major stigma is our society, where disabilities aretaken as curse, hidden, chained at home or thrown tomazars, peers dargahs and made out casts.A burden of shame is on our society is where normalchildren are born with mutilated or under developedGenitalia..there can be termed male or female, byGenetic testing, by plastic surgery and brought up asMan or women ...not to disown by family and relatives ifproper awareness is given by us.These children are on our streets as beggars, sexworkers and doing unethical jobs and seen by us a outcasts.Dr Saim Ali Soomro