Outstanding Turkish artists (English version)


Transcript of Outstanding Turkish artists (English version)

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PAINTERSOSMAN HAMD BEY(30 December 1842 24 February 1910) was anOttomanadministrator, intellectual, art expert and also a prominent and pioneering painter. He was also an accomplishedarchaeologist, and is regarded as the pioneer of themuseum curator's profession inTurkey. He was the founder ofIstanbul Archaeology Museumsand ofIstanbul Academy of Fine Arts(Sanayi-i Nefise MektebiinTurkish), known today as theMimar Sinan University of Fine Arts.


Abidin Dino(March 23, 1913 December 7, 1993) was aTurkishartistand a well-knownpainter. Abidin Dino was interested in everything that was alive, skillfully capturing images with his brush, pencil and camera. He had two favorite themes: hands and flowers. In a book of small drawings, which he did for his wife Guzin published on the tenth anniversary of his death, glimpses of the love and sense of solidarity are seen, which were his inspiration. Entitled "Guzin's Abidins", this book consists of drawings and essays by Abidin Dino.One may come across his name in numerous art galleries andmuseumsaround the world, in apoem, thelyricsof a song, or a book. Not only is he one of the pioneers of modern Turkish painting, but produced masterful works in such disparate fields ascaricature, sculpture,ceramics, cinema, and literature.Dino died on December 7, 1993 at theVillejuifHospital in Paris. He was laid to rest in the Aiyan Cemetery in Istanbul.


Fikret Muall Sayg(1904 inKadky,Istanbul,Turkey July 20, 1967 inReillanne,France) was a 20th-centuryavant-gardepainter ofTurkishdescent. His work reflects influences fromExpressionismandFauvism, with subject matter focusing onParisstreet life, social gatherings such as cafs and circuses.

Bedri Rahmi EYBOLUwas born 1911 inGreleon theBlack Sea. He was the second child of a family with five. His elder brother,Sabahattin Eyuboglu, was a well-known writer and his younger sister,Mualla Eybolu, was one of the first architects working in restoration. She is well known for her work at theHaremsection ofTopkap PalaceinIstanbul.Due to his father's position as a Governor, he lived in various parts of Turkey before attending high school inTrabzon. He moved in 1929 to Istanbul to enter theAcademy of Fine Arts in Istanbul.[1]He left the Academy temporarily in 1931 to study inFrancewith his brother. He learned French inDijonand later inLyon. Bedri Rahmi studied then at theAndre Lohtestudio inParis, where he met his future wife, Ernestine Letoni.Back in Turkey, he completed his studies and obtained his diploma in 1936. In 1937, he entered the Academy as an assistant and translator ofLeopold Levy. Eypolu remained at the Academy until his death in 1975.


SCULPTERERSAL TEOMAN GERMANERHe was born in 1934 in Istanbul. He studied at iDGSADepartment of Sculpture between1949-1954. He also studied art at art workshops of Rudolf Belling,Zht MridoluandAli Hadi Bara.

Ali Hadi Bara was born inTehranbut moved with his family to Turkey when he was young. From 1923 to 1927 he studied at the Fine Arts Academy in [Istanbul]. Following this he went toParisand studied sculpture withHenri BouchardandCharles Despiau. In 1930 he returned to Istanbul and the Fine Arts Academy to become an assistant teacher.He visited Paris between 1949 and 1950, after which he ceased to create figural works and instead turned to creating non-figural sculpture. From 1950 until his death in 1971 he worked at the Academy in Istanbul.


ARTCHITECTUREGreat SinanMimar Koca Sinan, the "Great Architect Sinan", was born in Anatolia in a small town called Arnas near the city of Kayseri, Turkey in 1489.His Works:Selimiye MosqueAtik Valide Sultan MosqueSultan Suleyman BridgeBarbaros Hayrettin Pasha

Emre Arolatis a Turkish architect, and a winner of architecture awards such as the Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture, and the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. He holds the International Academy of Architecture title of Professor of the Academy.

Authors and PoetsFerit Orhan Pamuk(generally known simply asOrhan Pamuk; born 7 June 1952) is aTurkishnovelist, screenwriter, academic and recipient of the 2006Nobel Prize in Literature. One of Turkey's most prominent novelists,his work has sold over thirteen million books in sixty-three languages,making him the country's best-selling writer

Nazim Hikmet He was born on January 15, 1902 where his father served in the Foreign Service. He was exposed to poetry at an early age through his artist mother and poet grandfather, and had his first poems published when he was seventeen. Many of his works have been translated into English, includingHuman Landscapes from My Country: An Epic Novel in Verse(2009),Things I Didnt Know I Loved(1975),The Day Before Tomorrow(1972),The Moscow Symphony(1970), andSelected Poems(1967). In 1936 he publishedSeyh Bedreddin destani(The Epic of Shaykh Bedreddin) andMemleketimden insan manzaralari(Portraits of People from My Land).


Fazl Say (Composer and Pianist)He was born in 1970. He was a child prodigy, who was able to do basic arithmetic with 4-digit numbers at the age of two. His father, having found out that he was playing the melody of "Daha Dn Annemizin" (Turkish version ofAh! vous dirai-je, maman) on a makeshift flute with no prior training, enlisted the help of Ali Kemal Kaya, an oboe artist and a family friend. At the age of three, Say started his piano lessons under the tutelage of pianist Mithat Fenmen.

dil Biret(born 21 November 1941 inAnkara, Turkey) is a Turkish concertpianist, renowned for her interpretations of the Romantic repertoire.

Actors and ActressesAfife Jale(1902 July 24, 1941)She was aTurkishstage actress, best known as the firstMuslimtheatre actress in Turkey.She was studying at the Girls Industry School in Istanbul; however, she wanted to be an actress. In theOttoman Empire, Muslim Turkish women were not allowed to play on stage by a decree of the Ministry of the Interior. Only non-Muslim women ofGreek,Armenian, orJewishminorities were eligible for being cast.Afife's father was against a theatre career of her because he considered it unsound. For this reason, she ran away from her parent's house. She entered as a trainee the theatre of the newly established city conservatory (Ottoman Turkish:Darlbedayi).The Conservatory had opened up a course to train Muslim women actresses with the rationale to play for women audience only.

HALUK BLGNERHe was born 5 June 1954 .After graduating from Ankara State Conservatory, he went to England (1977) and acted in various British plays and shows (My Fair Lady, Macbeth, Pal Joey, Belami, Phantom of the Opera) and also TV series (Eastenders, Glory Boys, Murder of a Moderate Man, Bergerac, Memories of Midnight, The Bill) between the year 1980-1993. He, then, founded his own theater in Ankara. He has won 2 awards in Antalya. Lately he has been acting in 'Other death of Jeanne d Arc'.
