Outside In - Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

Copyright © 2013, AgileFAQs. All Rights Reserved. Behavior Driven Development Naresh Jain [email protected] @nashjain http://nareshjain.com


The BDD Workshop offers a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to behavior driven development via an interactive-demo. Over the past decade, eXtreme Programming practices like Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) have fundamentally changed software development processes and inherently how engineers work. Practitioners claim that it has helped them significantly improve their collaboration with business, development speed, design & code quality and responsiveness to changing requirements. Software professionals across the board, from Internet startups to medical device companies to space research organizations, today have embraced these practices. This workshop explores the foundations of TDD & BDD with the help of various patterns, strategies, tools and techniques.

Transcript of Outside In - Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

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Behavior Driven Development

Naresh [email protected]

@nashjain http://nareshjain.com

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Pick one scenario and in relation to your scenario, what are the specific observable results that will tell you that the activity has been successfully completed?

Going out for Movie (THX sound and Digital projection)

Going out for meal (one veg.)

Going shopping ($50)[5 Minutes]

Present back to the group your findings. [3 minutes per group]

Warmup Scenarios

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Commercial Break!

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Tech Talks!

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Elevator Pitch

Business Goals



User Goals

Day in Life of each Persona

Scenarios &



Activity Map

Task MapInteraction DesignUI Sketch

Story Mapping

PrioritizationGrouping by ThemesReiterating


User Stories


User Story Authoring

Product  Discovery  -­‐  Overview

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Elevator Pitch

Business Goals



User Goals

Day in Life of each Persona

Scenarios & Narratives


Activity Map

Task MapInteraction DesignUI Sketch

Story Mapping

PrioritizationGrouping by ThemesReiterating


User StoriesAcceptanceCriteria

User Story Authoring

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What are we really trying to build?

User Stories

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Story is a smallest piece of functionality that add business value

Stories should follow Ron Jeffries’ 3 Cs

Card – Placeholder for conversation

Conversation – Actual discussion between dev team and user

Confirmation – Acceptance criteria to determine when the story is finished

What is a Story?

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In order to... <user goal/business justification>

As a .. <user who requires this feature>

I need .. <do something>

Typical Story Format

Story Title - Actor Action Context

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Title: Keen Reader subscribes to a blog

In order to stay up-to-date with new posts

As a keen reader of your blog

I need to subscribe to your blog

Story Example

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Title: Social Networking Enthusiast uploads profile picture

In order for my friends to see how I look and recognize me

As a Social Networking Enthusiast

I need to upload my profile picture

Another Story Example

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As a ____, I want to be able to ____ so

that ____

Product Backlog

Might have an initial estimate (perhaps for both analysis and development),

and an expression of technical and business

confidence that this is real and achievable

As a ____, I want to be able to ____ so

that ____

I will know this is done when _______

Release Backlog

More detailed estimate, and a specific acceptance test – low confidence stories might

be “spiked” or prototyped

As a ____, I want to be able to ____ so

that ____

I will know this is done when _______

To do this I must:1) _____2) _____

Sprint Backlog

Possible automation of the acceptance


Development team breaks out the detail of work

needed to pass test

Release planning Iteration planning

Business Goals


Stories are fundamental unit of activity

User Goals

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Stories should follow the INVEST principle:







What makes a good Story?

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ScenariosAcceptance Criteria

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Is a set of conditions that the Story must meet for it to be accepted as complete

Is typically provided by the customer or product owner.

Is not a replacement for conversation.

Is the results of the conversation

Scenarios are NOT tests


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Scenario should contain:




To accommodate pre-conditions scenarios can be expressed as

Given [Precondition]

When [Actor + Action]

Then [Observable Result]

Writing Scenarios

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Given the user has a valid facebook account and a digital picture on her computer,

When she uploads a picture in facebook,

Then her the picture should be visible to all her friends in her network.

Given an user is trying to find a friend on facebook,

When the user searches for a person using their name,

Then their profile picture should be displayed along with other details.

In order to keep facebook's reputation intact and stay out of legal hassles

As owner of facebook,

I need users to upload authentic, personal profile picture

Social Networking Enthusiast uploads profile picture

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Cucumber Style BDDFeature: Login In order to access secure content As a registered user I need to authenticate myself Scenario: Login with valid credentials Given I am not logged in When I try to login with "test" and "secret" Then I should be logged in Scenario: Login with invalid credentials Given I am not logged in When I try to login with "test" and "wrongpassword" Then I should not be logged in And I should be shown error message "Invalid username or password"

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Step Definition

Given /^I am not logged in$/ do browser.navigate_to("http://your_url.com")end

When /^I try to login with "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |username, password| browser.textbox("user").value = username browser.password("password").value = password browser.submit("Login").clickend

Then /^I should be logged in$/ do if !browser.button("Logout").exists? raise "Not logged in" endend

Then /^I should be shown error message "([^\"]*)"$/ do |msg| value = browser.div("errorMessage").text if value != msg raise "Incorrect message: #{value}" endend

Then /^I should not be logged in$/ do if !browser.submit("Login").exists? raise "Logged in" endend

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Acceptance TestsAcceptance Criteria & Tests: Definition

Acceptance Criteria

Examples (data + scenarios)

Acceptance Tests


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Scenarios =

Executable Tests

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To accomplish this story:

we start off with a simple upload and image display

restrict user to only upload certain image types (gif, jpg and png)

figure out where to store the image. (performant and fault-tolerant)

scale down (size, resolution, etc.) of the image

and so on...

Team members further break down each story into tasks that needto be completed to meet the acceptance criteria for the story.

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Key Questions

Are we building the right product?

Are we building the product right?

Business Facing

Technology/Implementation Facing

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Brian Marick’s Test Categorization

Business Facing

Technology/Implementation Facing







ritique product

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It Helps to Think of Tests this way...

Business Facing

Technology/Implementation Facing






t Critique productUnit Testing

Acceptance Testing Low-fi prototypes

Exploratory TestingUI and Usability Testing

Performance TestingSystem Tests

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Inverting the Testing Pyramid

Unit Tests


End-to-EndGUI Tests 80-90%



Typical testing strategies lead to an inverted testing pyramid...

Manual Checking

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Inverting the Testing Pyramid

Unit Tests

Biz Logic Acceptance Tests

Integration Test

Workflow Tests

End to End Flow Tests










This is the need of the hours...

One Layer Below GUI

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TDD Rhythm - Test, Code, Refactor

Add a Test

Run the Test

Make a little change

Run the Test






Test Driven Development

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Behavior Driven Development


Automated Acceptance Tests

AutomatedAcceptance Tests





Automated UI Tests



Automated Unit Test

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Benefits of BDD

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Better Commitment and Buy-inFocus on Business Value

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Ubiquitous Domain Language

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Right focus

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Evolutionary Design

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Breaking the Knowledge Silos in Distributed Team

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Greater ROI

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Predictability & Confidence

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Thank you

Naresh [email protected]