Outline of Second Thessalonians_2

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Transcript of Outline of Second Thessalonians_2

  • 7/31/2019 Outline of Second Thessalonians_2


  • 7/31/2019 Outline of Second Thessalonians_2


    A. How Not to Fear that the Day of the Lord Has Already Come (2:1-3)

    1. The Basis of the Explanation (1)

    2. The Purpose of the Explanation (2)

    3. The Certainty of the Explanation (3)

    B. How the Man of Lawlessness Appears (2:4,9-10)

    1. Having an Opposing Stance With Respect to the Godhead (4a)

    2. Having a Deceptive Outward Appearance (4b)

    3. Having Been Energized by Satan (9a)

    4. Having Been Energized to Perform Deceptive Miracles (9b)

    5. Having Been Energized to Promote Unrighteousness (10)

    C. How The Apostle Previously Taught the Thessalonians About the Day of

    the Lord (5)

    D. How the Restrainer Appears (2:6-7)

    1. Restraining (6a)

    2. Revealing (6b)

    3. Removing (7)

    E. How the Son of God Appears (2:8, 11-12)

    1. The Executor of Destruction (8a)

    2. The Mode of Destruction the Executor Executes (8b)

    3. The Righteous Judge (11)

    4. The Result of Judgment (12)

    F. How the Godhead Should Appear Out From the Believer (2:13-17)

    1. The Reason for their Thankful Appearance (13-14)

    a. Because They are Beloved by the Lord (13a)

    b. Because They are Chosen by the Lord (13b)

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  • 7/31/2019 Outline of Second Thessalonians_2


    c. Because They Have Been Called to Obtain Glory (14)

    2. The Reason for their Firm Appearance (15)

    a. From Standing Firm (15a)

    b. From to the Apostles Tradition (15b)

    3. The Reason for their Comforted Appearance (16-17)

    a. Being Beloved (16a)

    b. Being Given Eternal Encouragement and Hope (16b)

    c. Being Established (17)



    A. The Request for Communication with God (3:1-2)

    1. The Request for the Word Rapidly Spreading (1)

    2. The Request for the Safety of the Apostles (2)

    B. The Confidence to Follow the Lords Directing (3:3-5)

    1. The Character of the Lord as Faithful (3)

    2. The Confidence in the Thessalonians to Follow the Lords Leading (4)

    3. The Course of the Lords Directing (5)

    C. The Requisite to Discipline Disorderly Brothers (3:6-15)

    1. The Penalty for the Unruly (6)

    2. The Pattern for the Unruly: Paul (7-9)

    3. The Prescription for Unruly Behavior (10)

    4. The Picture of and Cure for Believers Not Working (11-12)

    5. The Practice of Productive Saints (13-15)

    a. Concerning Continued Well-Doing (13)

    b. Concerning Practice Towards Those Not Obeying (14)

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    c. Concerning Proper Discipline (15)

    BENEDICTION (3:16-18)

    A. Pauls Prayer for Continual Peace (16)

    B. Pauls Personalized Greeting (17)

    C. Pauls Prayer for Grace (18)

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