Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L...

auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx-- n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00. Internum . &mttii "flWAHAN PRINTING- - ZSTaULISSHXXT. uijjiii irj. j THIS OFFICE IS NO ft" rXiUAWK) Owncs --On Qwen Suet, in the oW TO EXEOUTE ALU ORDERS IIs Boildiaf:, Honolulu, II. L For Plain and Fancy Prating, Mil I aa -- ekttiai. V aUrtxr. it tb? Stm of KVErtY DEscnirrio.T. 04V. to wares sE eaetar--s ca VOL. TIyO. 37. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1870. 186.00 PER YEAR. wifir ne( i Txxis V ju$pa Ten BUSINIS NOTICES. ALEX. CAMPBELL, Ulcrclinnt "TxHox-- . w.n. m.MiiiniiYs. Sams AXB VKSLBSALE DEAIXE ke DIM, awai. Aks, rtro. A Ac, Mintiil Srt, LiLfcini a.. mmiK lliwhi. cvvrm a: cooia; ixpsrnss. sekekal hesokaxts, axd GTWraL AG3XTS, M sUac mc up ai la StMtN Ccarl iaaat mnii.P. WsiiS mm. KUk I"m. -- Oh. Kaa-ta-a W.twxJ U ItiwuH&k. Ja1 1W twi tli il rm asaat sata Ox tj I Kit. lICIIVItl!iOA. IXT9SXZB. AX8 DEALER IX SOOTS. SHOES Mat CMknc Tataaaiae nt, Fulaa iij. Ac.. amr Nn aa ikm Srt. Breaks. ASax Lin w ta Wx ilim Ca. OrSin nHC 4 fMK' aasateakat aliaataic aasi in la Sia isl Onli to tk kiakak. A. C BUPITJI, 31. !.. rr FHT5KIAX, ASD SBE0E9X. assTaaaafaaaiaf hammmatHat M" Sr aa , m4 s mant saazaaaa avaaaaa . win iij. taax, araass. Him. T 4 Paaaar, Osaxaa, air. ran ana- - JUII..lI. IMTV, Naftarj- - FaMat asst Caa Boisj!itr of Deeds fa aaa at i'i Ulaaai tatae a ta Rxa. af ras iOh.UaMMil(.&tiUM t4t- - iiul,i.-c:ii.v- i v co., IXPaVSIaES AXB BEALE3S IX HABDWABX, Cadi J. Bo i rwaat -- 4 CMs. xa Miami Mar- - Pa. suae Miwc. ttiaaaja xa- -i a a. p. asvms. s. e. wilmb. aikvjij .v ivii.ii:k. aptwzess and oerxissiox heechaxts, X tf.ii. Sua. aWaaUs. B I rivs II. IIACKPELU .V CO.. EX EE A I. CBXriSSIIX AGENTS. V Ma.ia cnx. aaaaatax. K L Hj ED. HQFFSCHLAEGER & CO.. ntPtrZ2S AX3 COJIISSIOX xeeckaxts, 4 Ht s Oak. t THUOUUKB c uiicck. DO'sKXES ASS C4XJUSS10N KXECKAXT. ! Miailala. ftaaa. H-- L U 1 A. SCILVXII'IJU A; CO., G0HJII5SIS JtERGHiKTS, It, BjadUia. CkUi, B. L c m. utm. j. s. MCtsy UUVSXESS AXB SEATESS IX LB1LEEE, dTajadaaaiXaaanak, lart feme. BwaaaBL JOIIA S. 31cUB'. 31. V. PHTSICIAX AXD SBEGEOX, t ai B- - L Ckwi lanatmfc Frt iuiit ALLEX & CHILLTKGWOKIH. KAWAIHAE, HAWAII, qfri JianialMiifaiiaaa rtnaaau, aaaa art Utfut ariai i t narana sa &iwai PMr& aa4 taci itaar Re al ww rin-- i hi iiatp. at ta iart Mm i aW tea ii ImM. HaawTMrf linn am JOU.-- X. WATEKUOISE. QIPdSIES AXD DEA1ES IX CEXEEAL XEECHAX2I3E. I m !M aaawcaaa. K. L W GEXEZAL CeJOIISSIOX AGEXT AXD SEOEES, wai rut ftutlJiilii4i aaCaaeaSt, Haiaia. McCOLGA .V JOIUSO.t, MERCHANT TAILORS, raat Jala. aapcittaT C Btata'a. lit XAyETACir2E2, ixpoexes AXD deale? mfaaaaii afmiyiigTfrCWic raraitw vr wBasaae fall Cm aat. ifj iilar (Wi rato-a- ( &rr Wtk l.y.l ti U nW a Ibut us. rirt. . afiMinBafciWi1alaawaatxttjrfta, tV H". BK5SKIT, SOOT AXD SE8E yXT?., tq Saat jtran. aaat to t tt Baaatatx riri tXL.T. l O A- - KI A. . .i CAEIXXT HTUTT?-- AXD CFH0L5TXZEE Oat jama. Bavtea. Jfaa-i- t Lrair Cayr ia. WL m tlJ i mltiiUmn. THliO. II. IATIKJ, 'T ATT 134. A ' DCPETE AXS C8XXISSI0X 1CEECEAXT. uoria. I1VJIA?! BKOXUEUJi, Ea3EIXES AXD 'VrHOLESAlX DEAIEES 'Wtir. BaW. Of, BaaU. ao.aad af tankana'i ranatttatc Seuai. S.' w-j- a J. I. a turn 1. C 1UU. 4 irAXUB; A: ALLEA, AXD" CTJCnigx-tiCEAXTS- , ; B. l 3j ; JL. J TOUUEItT. DEA1ES IX LBUSES. ASD ETZE.T HXD OP t SCTLBtXG X.TOTAT. I M aVnat T..rer tf a4 Trt tarHm. lit - - - - o : - SHI? CHAXDIZES ft C0JOUS3I0X KEZCEASTS QaM Sanat rTn aata. rirtMixr aaisdae pad ta li I aa at b&waia ctacac. OL.ikiir4x.Ca. ,IS Haskjila a Co, Ctt i Ca. jCiali a CDoka. aCTfatxraxa Isi. CltOG1' ifodjT. fa '.- - yrrrhir.t xri Gtxnl Artrt. ISTcrusrf Tiaa aai other CHfaia ard TtTlaca Gawd. vrkAaiVCwxUr tajBmaaa Kis'i-ff- asd Aealfcrth 'Pastna xat luarata Sarar FUatadoa. Saara jtaaaaa ftnet. Kei. Xlmg. S-- Ij GEORGE 3VILXJA31S, LICENSED SHIPPING AGENT, 0 a Ji- -'i ZgMr.tea Co'i Vkxrt Oaaataaxa she scaiEM as ale aid (taa cf tl f wfti officer, aal sii-- m iTTtatiterr ca 13: aaiffil ml tts orVi Haiaa3rssai!recssaaxct&uawtak ejest-xa- - gt. ada3eicc mdckta k eiracx !a hfaaSca. k ksr. txrrre a. jpod latSsSxctiM Ik tk fa-t- r a. it feat la tee rant. ICas GROCERIES! GSOCEJLLEb!! Quick Sales and Small Profits! --AT- RYAN'S RAILX0AD STORE Ccr. Xa-ai- isd Jail Etrrrta. Ca , BL?Sli'lS$ .NOTICES. aonrv s. ?icki:,y, 71. ( Lit. SarrMi t" 5. AraiT 1 Ou k eianiatm al kb maao m Canaada ?t. h!"r 5-- , - . Naaaaa ial Jm Su Sa J. S. DICKSU.t, House, Ship nnd Sign Painter, piMiij- .fH Kwm PBUaiilMa 1 Ok anlaiac. JSuWicc. OiMwf. fill natal uf. Pr" f3fcaaac.lc. i(cn4aa tttikflH' aHci, Njag A.a!l unmUi Wal. SMMi ivji. mvcosiu. DEXTIST Oficc. Cer. Fert ft Hotel StrreU. . c. tututo. 3.i.inat. CIIALXtAJIKI A: CO.. IKP0ETE5S AXD DK M.TRS IX WTXES. Saartw. JlKx la,Xa.S, XaBua$Ur.t,vuFMnaaat Sawrt. Maaiaaai. It-Ij- i A. S. CLKGHUia, WHOLESALE AXD SET AIL DEALES IX GEXEEAL JIERCHAXDISE, nrtaaaggiaaKaacaty H QkiW Kaaaavaaa StrWU. rKvtall featwbaiaealik f iwst5tmt, awiva t.vta M Furl ul Ikxrl ftrrtCL 14-- lr iixMi rrcx. K A. P- - CUTIS c. intmvi:i: a.- - co., SHIFPIXG AXD " 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i L 'A iiqoi.ri.u,ta. i. "AOB.TT or ibr ltottoai aba Uix;olaIn Partrt Ui.t. .(:RT-K- vr tbr MiUrr. WalluVu and liana PtaulatWft.. AGIITKijr the rurthltf ml !jilc or Itland trw1iM-.- . Lr.uica). a.jiuu. " 11. r. KIILIIKS At CO.. ' DEALERS IX DET GOODS AXD GEXEEAL KESCHAXDISE,-ra- i ni.'tCTiFl jrtrrt KVil TfVkf. Halt K-- .V I'.jkV.iS'lIAEKIlKr .rDal 3 OKSX ror. "the BK1CMKX BOAHI) of & CXMIia RITEKS Acaat a- - W Pttj Bara af raowtitm, Aaaat fcr tk. TWaaa Baart it CaaVrarttm. ... .Pn C. S. KAItXO-W- . AU CTIO N EER, iihmiiaa aa Qana. Stmt, at dMclrccail .11. S. GKIMIAIMI A CO.. tSIPOETESS AXD WHOLESALE DEALESS la raaaa h ilalmj. Hals Cif. EaM, 'u4 rrcrr taih4 ' IIMMmi irt.T rsrahkair sSnK So, la 5'f Bhwk, m slrxrt. Hgaulaki. H I. ta--. !- AFOSG A AClllX'Ii. IporKri. 'Wioleiale asd Ectul Dtileii is C(n; Sereissiise,- AaaCfciaiC.!. ta tb.lVrwsrSiv a Xaaaat Stmt, aW H yM,lv w. D. E. EnCECOCS, AOTAKY 1'L'IIJL.IC. U) MB.. Hum. Pj C. IV. AOilTOA, COOPER AND GAUGER, At tie Xev SUsd o the Esplanade. Be ft anfana ta lihwl t U wart is ku Ha a tie Sar aeil a. ta Cfera Hiica. vkerv a. caa t fwa4 at att warkaar. Itoan. He Kw o& baa4 aad for sale. Oil Cwk aa aamb a( aabeest aim. aea aa uW, wVici k H fell at aVe ntr IWaeit MarkK xUtas AU vrk 4gtt8iaa lit gfa awaapr u4 varrmatea to pre latMictMe- - AU tiaos C Camf iliat M.trul4 aaii Toots fur a!e. la 31. IICAFIEX.D, SVAGOX AD CASEIAGH SU1LDE2, 76 IClnr; treet, lloholoto. S r rL.. nr. .sJI M.t. JI&KiB- - AUa. f artiralr'aneatlra rlieaSEaCl V;Vyr to BUcka-tkat- ; aa T Oia.ii iii tbe ulaer Iiiaaa preatprlr f lfcalL tr J. NOTT & CO., A TIN" SMITHS, cake ererr COPPER T w.rk ib taetr Use. kmc! as Plsnta. tiau ar lKfcrc Tt.j alw lerp as hud a fall ar?rtaieatf - Steet Capatr, Sheet Tia. Sheet Lead. Sheet Iran, Iras Win. Cepfer Wire, Sft A Enii Solder, Pail Eart. Prejsed Backet Carer. Blaei. aad Tiaord PJreti, i . Caffex iiirea.ete. Alea s'haad. i fe care ef TUOSE SPLENDID COOKING STOVES, Recemd St tfcer irree." Carta Plant" acd "Grar Jaetetf." tagether j wieii-- a rarctj at Jafassed Ware, aod car asueies KHers. "pir Work on'Haildfer.. lack af tatter. iatj. vater-ptpe- i. Ac. .SVip-wr- k wft! emi arocrt aUectie: atXo. 9 Eia&acaaa Street. IJ-S- a JA31ES I LEWIS, COOPER AND GAUGER At the Old-S'i-- i, ccrzer Xizg ari 3fJLcl SskU. X Larre Sanrb cf Oil Sksvki ai all kiU Cbiperiar kfalerUis caelUailT js ti.iL Hi kdre kr astroxaaa ta kajani to sMrtt a oaaDaxaace ef the latnaure wksek he k kmuffiii exslojwt, aam Zjt wtich h aov Tttmrzt til tkaaks. J. II. TIIOJIPSOX, GENERAL BLACKSMITH,' Ibtu SirteZ. Earslsh Hi ceaetaattr ot haaj ul Jjr x; tie. Inal Xiiket rrttr. a rant asurraeat f tk Best jteSaed Car Irea,'as4 II Oral. 3S-- F. II. A G. $EGELKE., TIN, ZINC AND COPPER SMITHS, AND SHEET EOX "W0EEXES. Winrii llj a Lxag. tuie. Ptge. d aR?. Iran Mr. rUia iW S, Bl.5t-e-r- rl i.Ia4to laaaar BaM: sly. ialeajtkaat' 3 and Satjfc t. a k 'mva, ari tr oaMjeii. Sark-Teb-s, f jlaaaaawa Terjr Urrerat rfTis.areefererj ns: attiattaa crrea b Orders trees th ar IxUsj. wm i antmOj xuu'al tsx Tkaakfat u u Cr!leaa aT rjosaM lid tt ta- - rk!r SUn. ratraaare ia tfcepul, a. Lc by sria xasiuoc ttbcstaatacentOiitutrdinata - -- - r Hs Carriage and Sign Painting. f THE CSDEIlSIGJfED kaifez i r asxa mi fx a ccs7taat - axfksraa. s, aoa txcrar to ecx. UKti(a Iha&MCLsUaaek. aad ;I6 PALkllAO TTXfag Strtet. IiVeafalg. K. STCKOFT. E0C5E AXD EEI2 JLT7JT3E2, Ha a kui, Ea&-7a- WuerVrcti. Waxk-E- u ram aad I2S Pasia, Lead ssl f3xlTxaril Iraz Fea, . fakrTi gria. worka. Ecatkotu. Ftamkerbttke etrr. h. was late sj arii enstiitl3iaaairk- - r" . flOcx BARTLETT SALOON, T WIIXIAJX II UGH IX, . Cavaer oT Uacai aasd Fort jtmb. rpHE CHOICEST AXD BEST OF ALES. WINES JL and Spaiu a!itji to be facsd at the Bar. SlyC TT7IXDOYV GL.VSS, Aaxirted Bins, for iX K. HACEFFXD k CO. VO. X A. COOL2E K1CE ajarara ia luutat aalta-aiJE- 7 WAIXZX A AUZ5, Areata ' FOKKIGN NOTICES. H. W. SEVERANCE & CO., General Shipping & Commission JIEKCIIA.AT.S. 405 Frost Sawt, rerzer of CUy, Sa Frisdiro. s j The Australian Steam Xariration I'o's Patent Slip & Engineering Works, STDXET, Jf. S. AT. All HUM. t trnmrKitf V"ork, lroo Ci, 5k. WiiWi.ir uJ enm ir" na2n.SAl vxfoura mad rililclj rw4s uf till Ult Waaif. caa b Uln a. Clt I KED. U. TBOCTOS. Miaiir. LEAEM0NTH. DICKINSON & Co., STliyKT, X. s. v.. General Commission Agents, VTBI attmi to Um Ml. c4 S.aaidi FrulacT, uxt ama(. fur ajvaac. an aM. f nr. L GREEN'.. . Haaalsta ktm- - . 'lMACrAKlAiI!LAIKlCo.. rraaaiew U. J. UOIISKl. COMMISSION MERCHANT ASD IXSUKAXCE AGEXT. 41 asd 41 Xtkul'l Eick-- OUfdraU Sunt. Su 42 rnaeact. CaiMaraU. L&r taxless Stitn. Broa 10. ..Sa Traacixo. ilam. C. Aaalaa. ! t C fa riaaciMx. Kn. IMUh . Unrakuu &u ftaatfeoi. Mrw- - H. UaHftM 1 Cv HuJ.la. ua.i . attus. jt aiacx, ' ta;0. K. JtEYI'JES A CO., 1HP02TERS ft SfAKUFACTTOEKS OF IT ALLAN . AXD A3LEBICAX yftrijRT.ES, Maatrb. Cratn. SloaaamiU HnU . Ttaat. Wulh ttaa. Bt u4 CoitMerT-j- a, Bittmrd IVJi. I'irt Brirai. MutEC. Ac. ixSD luVtttcrt.tt(4it.Caiealk ' a. b. iusaii, bi.mu.1. WILLIAMS. BLAXCHAED & CO.. SHIFPIXG AXD COMJUSSI0X 2EECHAXTS, )r) Xa. aiCMrfwaiaSlmt.Su I'raacixo. 3 mscuui, j. cxntaiu. a. f. 7. Cxi JTCEAKEN, MERRILL & CO., FOEWAEDLXG JJiD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Portland, Oregon. Itarlac beea .arrrJ ta r fm4il V4a frr aavaras J. aaliKkat4 la a Brfrt MM. Atac. we rr ywiwi u rewiT. aa .ai p i,toa StiaWf. ivia.a.Sbiiaps.fUn.PatB. CuaW. Kil, tu aJnatae. OwtcaJMU .vwllj aaUottaa k the Oregva Market, w luci naail ateeatMa wilt W pilt. x4 caoa wkkk eua aaiaaee. will Ve aiae vtM9 repaired. Caarle. T ipo4;i . Saa FraaciM JCXarrjUiO Frri IWfir i Liaaeerer. Jaaw. Patnck t CV.- - . Wa T OoleaHB Cu mt. BJter Co AHea i Lr'rn Ftatlaaa UaaatilOa Lrvaaxa Qveea GRAifDatLflKHOTEL, Smn Francisco Cala., Johnson & Co., : : Proprietors, X.ate of tlie Ilclc Xlooje. TOHSSOX A CO.. who t rke Wt lix jean hTe area tee fj pefnuar pnjfreicrs et we -- ijct ue. wh pir.sw iafai laeir Bf ffeeadi rrahar la RwaoJala aatf the Ha- - valaui Itlaa-- x. I ..I ther k.ie left tke -- Lick Hoaee"' asd ' area- i tke 6raad Hatel.'' ahick if tke fiaest BoM ilrae-tar- e vet crcclei the Faric coast, aoa is cor sarpaAsed la beaati. ehtuce cf fcrnitEre, aad ecfirt, bj AST HoCl a Asserlca. Oct oM rauvas aad tke traTehaf; rcWic. wW ad at tk. 6nad Hotel," alt tke oM taaRfar ftres. aaa alt pnU t as. w3t be rrceiTed witk ta saw atUatian aaa coarte.T .kick m4i tb "lick Bms" fv jpecar wkea ieroaroiotrf4. Htta auaj tkaaas Uc past liTn. res?ectraUy subcxt a cooua&iac M7 tbe same. E. 31. VAS KECI, COMMISSION MERCHANT Ktniaua, Japan, Hirii tl bct tdiitM thnmt aa i&tiasAle amatctica viOi tll0 Japaae trW &r tlie ft ctfbX ;. U pre(Mrvr t trussct aaj taWscM c&trcstl to Lis care, tuIi dMpUtli. IT lj6 LA5GLEY, CE0WZLL & CO., WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS, 33 Ccr. Ei-tr- y t Clay S UvSz Frarcsco. ;m EI1VI JOAES, GROCER AND SHIP CHANDLER, ' Labalni, Maui. Mecer asd Cecralts firabhed t.' kir on the 3ot (srer-1- 9 able IrTM rlx Xa 5 Merrhast Street, ccpsite tie SiScr'i Hcce, GENERAL UPHOLSTERER, IXJ.LI ITS BBAXCHESr TTAS COSSTiXTLT 03tT JIAXD m. Tarlety XI ef E FCE5TXTRE. wkxeb be "CTrr, 1- - ) UTIBE LOtTEST MJBKET PBJC CMiaait Sets of 3EST BLACK WALXTiT PAELOE FUKX1IUKE, Sprie.Eack Laaxffs and MtrrxvS- - Hi- - rrxi Spar Mattrasses, Kbrfrw Stilts ixd k CcTert awsde ttf bTckr. Old'FarBltnre xVpured asd Ti rented, with litisfMfi.Ti wamdesL XCa3aad eta .fee mxj itock ber ittrrKxxzrr H- - wkre- - irxe Beunejilae. All cnlers fsn SMasasters aad tke-rk- er IxU.- - wIU b rrerartlj atteaJeI ta. C W. CREY & CO., Hawaiian Soap Works, At Lelea, yresfictsrtr. zsl Dealtrj Is all itcdi of Sm?. Eeef, Vntxon, and Goat TadiwWasted-OCe- c. Z Fun 5t. where erden wril he reteirel ard prosatxij Mtesded ta- - (39 PHOTOGRAPHY ! In; citrtif the Ozia cl ttt Day. COXSTKCCTZD A XEWSETLIGHtI HAVING rxrseor ather iapraretresu, I h.p na ta he aM. ta zait the taf : fattTJiaii with A Pborosrapb. of any Lxe, Fraa a CrrsLxI to a 3iatth. takes t the Beat Style cf Art, and 02 th cast reunsahlo terms. Also, for sale, Tievj of the Ii'xdj. panrxitl o! the Elei, Qex, asd ether Xsuh!ej. H. L- - CHASE. Jl-l- y Fert Street. VOLCANO HOUSE, CRATER OF KLXA0EA. HAT? AIL f& THIS ESTABMSHJIEST IS SOW .ofx o.a tsr tie reeefdoe id rUIM te li Tuum xlo, who caj- - rrtr es Soiisfcraafetle r, a pn4 uai. xal mrrjt xujixitt. Zrjtriaa fsiif li tk Cramer x!sxrs fcaod. STFAY AXD ABLfHUJt BATHS J Hones Grained asd Statled if Desirtd. CHARGES RKJLSOXABLE. Farss Tfeilixs; the Vekaao tU JUIe, caa warrxaxec u asaxe tej)ra7, tj i. IJ. SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned .Goat and Sheep Skins, COXSTAXTX.T OX XULSD and far Sale, WAISE1 T1JIEKT, C. XOTXET, IropV. SUGAK & .MOLASSES 3 HILO, II. I. "Oj, ' .Mab - Sugar and j Molasses, CROP XO' COMING IX, and for alc to roil ""Tbi'cr?. hr TTAIKER FALLEN. .pnu. 0K0MEA PLANTATION. Susar tin J IoI!r Crop ISTO COMING IX. FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES Iarciarrt. hr VALKFR A ALLEN, Afratf. PKINCEVTELE PLANTATION. Snnr anil ."IIa'f. Crop ITO COMING IN. FOR SAIaE IN QUANTITIES purchaser?. Vt WALKER ALLEN. Agtut. MAKEE PLANTATION. IXcav Crop of Supir A 3luluitr T0W COMINt) IN. AND FOR SALE IN QUAN- - ll titles la 4it pnrchr5 by 14a C. nr.EWER A "0.. Ar.nH. WAILUKU PLANTATION. VrF.r CROP NOW COMINO IN. FOR SALE X.y in quantitit ta ait purchaser? 0. BREWER A CO.. Arnti. SUGAR of SUPERIOR QUALITY, FN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS X 01 at RruoDaMi Pricrj. f"r fm't br e In F. A. SCHAKKLR A CO. COASTERS. Regular Packet for Koolaii, Qahu. THE CL1PPKK Schooner Liliu, J. WOOD, Mailer, Wilt ran rtfabrlr between llicolulu and the ran- - ous purl: vt KoUan. Oaha. Fvr freicat or paj age app'.r tu the 11 Sat TAPTAIN. n Wrd For Kcna and Kau, Hawaii. Schr. Active, r. MCLL1MI, . Maiter. Will run u a recaiar aaetct to the abore port. For freirat " t pa.ace a.4r to w I,KF.R A ALLKX. AnnK. Regular Packet for Molokai. Schr. Pauahi, BALLISTER, Mailer, Will run a; rerilar packet between Oonolnlu and Molokai, tooebisjr at Kaacakakai and Pnkbo. xr ireijni or pas!a;e apply to me Laptatn on board or I -- ED H. PRKNDBRGA5T. Acent. ' INSURANCE NOTICES. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF JS'EW FORK. Cash Assets, over. Cash Diridends in IS6S, $3,257,137.26. The Largest Life Insurance Company 7A" THE WORLD I Premiums mut be Paid Semi-Ax- is liuallj- - or Quarter!'. ADAMS & WILDER, lf-.i- 5 Azenti f-- tke Ilawaiiio Island. IJIPEEIAL FIDE IXSritAXCE C0J1PAXT .Of Loidos--Iitit3- 1803. CASH CAPITAL, SS, 000, 000 In GOLD. THE UXDtRilO.NED are rrepared to Urce joHdei en Rxski iwi& cr witkvnt tbi arerxc clxa- -. on Puatttssa Baildias aad Mxctincrj, rrirxte Dwrllmrs, IVsek. aa-- tVooden itc:f, Sierchsadise, Ojnls, Lcxi-be- r, kir la Purl, at, an tie bKst fxsyrxWe term. Lciiej Adjsxtei aad Fsii far here. "Si Tur tonicsi.ra arpir at the .Ctr ut WALKED 2 ALIXX, 22-- 1 J Arrets Isrtk Uawxixsa ltxadi. 31 E ICCII AAT Spl LT UAI. MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Of San FrancUco. ' ODEHIC.EU baTing tccn TXIIR Acau frr tlx aiwrtr CiXDF-ui- vr iejrVi 2 Lnce INettdea ca CargotB, Krelg'-- ' w- Treti-tu-- c. ViiUitvA ALL7J. Affrutt. II v4a!a. SAX rUAXCISCO . B0 ARB OF U KB liLWB. ITEBS. rjlHC r.VDERsIG.VED tiarlu,? been ap- - ntm, ooezTsmf ik? Callforula Jnturancr Companj, Merchant 3Intoal3Iarlne In. Co c In u ranee Company, California t,loyAf9 and Home Jim txal lnnrance Company. Bc leave s tmAaru JLmUtx uf Vuu ud tbe pabllc reo-ra- UvU ail Jkan U Tee! ul Crj,, isrjred bj either ef Ue aOftrr Cfeair!c. zentt if the eat and other n, at cr sear ttaadwib will faav t i Mas H. n ACKfELD k CO. CAI.IfOK.-VI- ursuRASrcE compaht. THE CaXJEHSIGSCD, A U EST si OF THE Cnpxaj. txst tsea ururizd tobsxra rJika oa Cargo, Frelgtit aad Triunri, truo Qccatslrr to 1 ecru cZ th world, asjsfce vera. is-i- e it hackitoj) a ca CALIFOIi.MA INSURANCE COMPANY. THE CXDEItSIGSED, iCEXTS of the Cndpihj, Ixtt La lnOualuZlma ljUXt sa Cargo. Krelgrit aadTrea.nre, hj Coasters, frata a ta aU porta cf LL lixwxiixa Crswp xxJ sic una. !) IX IIJLCSrELD k CO. IIAJIH ukgii-i;- k em ex EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE tTSTEKSICXEO bxrlnr been XrroU of th xLoi Cwayaay-- ar. prepared tosaearcriska azatrat Rre,a Stone xod Brlckc Build-Ing- a, aadoa Jlcrelxaiadlse itorrl tawreis, a tt Bxs srrak( term. Jar rJeaUn xrjy at the Se f 5--i j f a. scHArrm a cc Insurance Notice. THE AGEUT FOK THE BRITlSn Far- -, Vxrjne laaarue Coatiur. rliirrflrft ku rp carved tawtracduM t mtae tk ruea at Inrrrxoc i mwm aaa rorTi ta tAe raeia aaa u aow pre xxndttase tititit at the Xkuc Bala, sritii asuctal radax3scaftjctrrxsjara. ' TOKL.IL dJATira. Ir JjatBrlt. fvr. JLir. Ixu tk. UxatitJ) . X . - ... - , - - - (.From th Uattk Kxtka, Sipt. 12 DAYS LATEIl NEB FROM ERROPE ! Bv the steamer Closes Tavlor, which ai a rived veslcrtlar, nine tlavs from San Fran-cisc- o, we are in receipt of dates from there to the 12th hist., ami telegrams from Europe to the 11th Inst. Tho news is of the most important character, being no- thing less than the capture of the Emper- or of France by the Germans. He sur- rendered himself to King William Of Prussia, on the 2d inst,, at Sedan, after the severe battle which had raged for two. days, and which, resulted in a complete defeat of the French, who were shut up in fortifications in that place, being com- pletely surrounded by an overwhelming force of Germans, The Prince Imperial escaped into Bel- gium, from whence he embarked to Eng- land, where the Empress joined him. A Republic was declared in Paris, on the 5th inst., a Government formed, and up to the late&t dates, numerous provincial towns of France had given their enthusi- astic adherence to the new order of things. Important events are taking place in Italy. The Italian Government have made known its intention to remove the seat of government to Rome. The Papal authorities'being quite powerless to pre- vent such an event, will probably make but little, if 'any resistance. An earnest movement seems to be on foot among the Great Powers, not engag- ed in the present war, to bring about a peace. King William of Prussia, seems inclined to ignore the new government of France, still looking upon 2sapoleon as the head of that government. This may have the ef- fect to prolong the war, and may lead to grave complications with other powers, the end of which it is difliuult to forsee. The seiges of Strasburg and Metz still continue. The world will long lament the total destruction of the library of the former place, one of the first in Europe, and of course, the world. We give below, the most important telegrams : Lite Battles Becssels, August 311. via Lo.ndon August 31. Tbe Kin; of PrussU baa cent tlie fulloirlDg telegram to Queen Augusta : 'VuirM3, August SOtb, The Crown Frince lias been to action nitb tbe Fourth, Twelfth, and Seventeenth Corps, and tbe Fourteenth Bavarian. McMibon was beaten, and driven beyond tbe Mt use. Twelve cons, some tboufaud prisoner! and material of war were captured." Beelis, Aucuct 3Ut. Letter from a Prussian Tbe attempt to iscape from Metz was defeated. A copy of certain liietructiont of Bazjine's was found near Metz, from wliicb tbe Prussians learned tbe en- emy was to retire in I ro bodies, one by 'he bigb road to Mars-laTo- and Verdun, and the other br tbe Turnpike. Tbis plan was disconcerted by tbe Prussian attack ou I be fourteenth. TbcFrencb subsequently took tbe road via Bricy, but were again repulsed, and f- inally driven rack in the battle of tbe ISlb to tbe walls of Metz, wbere they have since been confined, tbeir only way of escaping bring to cut a passage through tbe Prussian line, wblcb tbey bare not at- tempted. LosDOrt, August 31st. Tbe sufferings of the In habitants of Strasbourg are terrible. Tbey are slarrirur, and compelled to live In cellars day and nisht to avoid tbe uncca-in- g fire of the besieger. Another fruitless sortie was made by tbe garrison on Monday. ' The Prussian sharpshooters are wltbin five hundred yards ol the glacis. Many uousea bare been burned. Tbe arsenal at one time was on lire; toe ammunition wa safely moved. Tbe fortress continues to resist Loxdox, August 3lsL Cable special to tbe fler- - eld.J An engagement took place yesterday between a strong force of Prussian cavalry and an advance guard of MrMabon's army. .After a bard contest tbe French fell back. Tbe Prussians took possession of Cariznad, on tbe Hoe of railroad from Sedan to Thionvillebatterlng tbe tails. EocnxoN, Belgium, August 31st, 9 p. v. Cable Special to tbe Jlerald. A fearful battle was fousrht ye&terday and y by the Prussian armies of the' Crown Prince and Prince Frederick Cbirlc with the forces or ManLM McMahirn. Testerday morning McMabon commenced a gen- eral movement towards MonlnJedy. Hewasattackc'd near Beaumsht, and driven back.'afleran obstisale mislatce, towards, toe BclgUn frontier, Tbe Pres-Un- s occupied I he line ol tbe road, and captured a large amomit of camp stores. Tbey drove tbeTnmch from their position, after fighting until eight coted. Jh'u raomiog the ta: tie was renewed, and con- tinued all day. During tbe night a large number of French rrgimentc came op, tot tbey failed to turn tbe scale of victory. The Prussians were also rein- forced largely, aud attacked lit overwhelming num- bers. MeMshon retreated fo Sedan with tbe remnanct of bit forces. Loxdox. Angnst31tt. Public meetings .are held an oxer Prtiieli lo f UiUlO tbe GoTerDrocnl In proft- - tempts at premature treaty. Tbe to disentangle tbe news from the seat of war, says : McMabon seeks to get back azaln towards Paris. Saturday mornlcg be was at Steely ; Eandsy. according to Freseb reports, be Voccro and BetheL Tbe Belgian ao csucts report bixn Tuesday at Sedan with tbe Prince Imperial, asd boufly expecting tbe Emperor. They had hutesed forward on lea ring tbeEciperor, wbote Uleeas prerrnted tlm from travtlitg rapidly. "Some Germans say tbe French were ra of victory at the opening ol tbe campaign that tbey made no arrangement to save their baggage lo case of retreat, aud hence tbey bare been compelled to abandun it In great quantities)." Chicago, September 1st. A Near York special eay a private despatch from B-- -Ia says that fight- ing has been goitg on Jor foe i between McMa-br- a and PrDer Charles. Boll, uiles are Working for position, and tbe confiicta have been between delscbrd Corps. Tl fighting, bower er, la said to have been despesue. The Prussians bare captured three eagles, four mUraOUtm and several thousand prisoners, while tbe French have captured thirteen pieces of artinery, Inclsdtngtbetanroui Tubingen Battery. There was a fresh engagement again this morning, about all milts from the Belgian frontier, between the command of Frottsrd and tbe Pruxxlana under Von Wardea, wblcb It U Dellered' here (Brnaael.) wmiBTolTebim'araltalBdetUlfebtiUe. A dispatch from London dated midnight, sars that McMabon lias tn uttoily routed after two days" battle, and la falling back ou Pari. LoxrioM, September 1L Cablo special to tbo A special correspondence of the 2H4nne writes from Paris, on Wedneiday, that provisions! or all kinds are already rtnchlug famine ptlcca; butter,-sal- and potatoes are double, aud meat triple the usual cost; tra'trsmcn are miueatcd to sell only In limited quantities. Preparations are bring made) on a vast scalo for the wounded; college, lyceums, schools and convents are couvcrted into hospitals, By order of the Uorcrnment, tbe Palace ol Ver- sailles, Trianon, St. Cloud, St. Germain, and are to be Imoutllitely prepared for tbe tarns tiurpose. Many private bouse hao beepgivenup; the rich offer Ibelr country souls and the poor their single room. Tbe Omnibus Company has given several departments. Sedan, Sept 1st, 3 r. u. A battle bat raged since balf-rus- S o'clock thla A. M.; our forces have ad- vanced victoriously. The Fourth, Fifth and Soy. euth Corps, and Bavarians were engaged. Tbe ene- my was almost entirely driven Into, tbe city. London, Sept, 2d, 4:S0 r. M. It la reiiorted from private sources that On Wednesday, Bazlue attemp- ted to cut his way out ol the foitlOcatlont of Metz. Tbe battle lasted all day, and in the evening, but on Thursday morning Bazine was agalu driven within the walls. Losses were extremely severe on both sides. Brussels, Sept. 2d. By Cable special to thb New Tork Hmld. About seven hundred Prussians and two thousand Freticb, were forced luto Belgium territory; they laid dowp their arma and will pass through this evening for Bruges or Lokercr. London, Sept. 2d. Cable special to tbe TVicsmr. A Trioan special dispatch from Brussels at 3 o'clock this afternoon savt: "McMahou I completely shut up In Sedan. Uno hundred French soldier souqbt reloge In Belgian territory, and were 'dis- armed." Tlie same correspondent, t.u hour later, says tbo Prussians are between the frontier and tbe North-e- rortreis, aud McMabon bat probably been cut off from tbe last road left him to Parts. Bjzine baa been completely beaten before Metzby Prince Frederick Onirics, French Fugitives are running about Brussels mad with excitement. The same correspondent a 5 o'clock, says 8,500 French iufantry, 500 cavalry, two cannons t.nd sev- eral military trains have crossed tbe Belgian fron- tier. Tbe troops laid down their arms and were sent to Ecloo. Three hundred Prussians, wounded, wbo asked an asylum, were sent to Barges. Tbe Prnseian corps engaged In Thursday's battle viz: the4tb,Stb, Uth and 12tli Guards and Bava- rians, comprises 174,000 inlantry, 17,000 cavalry, and 4S0 gnus nearly half of which belonged to the army of tbe Crown Prince of Prussia. McMabon' whole force was engaged, probably one hundred and tifly thousand of all arms; s from Paris could uot have reached him. Lo.vdox, September 2J. Special cablo to tho icr-ai- From German official accounts of the battle at Mets, it appexrTtnat Basaise was evidently acting in concert with McMabon. Tbe battle lasted a day and a night. Bataine was driven lack after a display of great valor, The loss of life on both sides was terri- fic. Tbe Fourth Landnehr fought gallantly; tbe First Army Corps was congratulated by Prince Fre- derick Chiries on their victories. MlsGoLsncw, September 2d Noon. The siege of Strasbourg continues. A sortie by the garrison was made at four o'clock in the morning. Th French o;eced with a very strong, but not fire along the whole front, when a heavy artillery fire en- sued. The lass sustained by the Prussians is not yet known, but is Considered unimportant. Loxdoj, September Id. Cable special to tbe Tri-- 6ne. A special correspondent of tbe Tribune tele- - j graphs from Berlin the following official despatch from near Metz, dated September 2d : " From the morning of tbe 31st of August until noon of September 1st, Baialne, with several corps, unin- terruptedly attempted to break from Mets in a norther- ly direction. Under tbe chief direction of Frinee Frederick Charles, Gen. ManteutTel defeated all these attempts in a glorious engagement, which may be de- signated as the battle uf Xiesieville, and tbe enem was thrown Lack into the fortress. " The First and Ninth Corps and the Sivison of KummerKn and the Landwehr and Twenty-etght- b In- fantry Brigade participated in the engagements.' The principal fights were at Serigny, Niesserille, and Our losses ara not large. The enemy's is very heavy. " General TJrich, of the garrison ef Strasbourg, made a sortie and was defeated with loss. " The defeat of McMabon is complete." New- Yore, September 3d. The despatch from King William to the Queen reads as follows : BzroaESznAX, Faascz, Friday, September 2d. 1 :30 p. u. Frost Kij William lo (ie Queen! "A capitulation, whereby the whole French army at Se- dan ara prisoners of war, has just been conelnded with Gen, Wimpfien, comrnandinginstead of Marshal MeMahon, who is wounded. ''The Emperor surrendered himself to me. As he had no' command, ha left everything to the Begeney at Paris. I shall appoint his residenco after an inter- view with him at a resdezout to be fixed immediately. '" What a course evinti, with God' guidance, have taken!" The Dorrender or tbe Emperor. Losdon, Sept. 3. fable special to the: Tribune. Tbe apeclal correspondent of the Tribune telegraphs from tbe King headquarters at Veodrea, near Se- dan, on Friday: e battle of Sedan began at tlx In tbe morning, on Sept. 1st. Two Prussian Corp were In position ou the west of Sedan, having got there by long: forced tnacbes. "To cut off tbe French retreat to Mezicre, south of Sedan, there was tbe First Bavarian Corps), and east, across tbc Mense. tbe Second Bavarian Corps. j The Saxon were on tbe northeast, wltb the Guards. " I was. wltb tbe King throughout tbe dsy, on tbe j bill above Slelnmetz, commanding a splendid view j of tbc valley and field. ; "After a tremendous battle, tbe Prussians having; completely surrounded Sedan, and tbe Bavarians having entered tbe fortifications, tbe Emperor ca- pitulated at 5:15, r. M. His letter to tbe King of Prusri said: " j! lean r.Udleattht htadqfmy army, I lay my neord at Uufett of your JIajtUy.' "Nspoleon left Sedan for tbcPrntslan headquarters at I A. It., Bept. 2d. " McMabon' whole army, comprising 100,000 sol- diers, capitulated without condition. "The Prussian tad 240,000 men esgigtd, cr la tbe reserve; the French. 120,000." The special correspondent of tho TrUmn tele graph from Arlon, on Fridiy evening ; "Every house Is filled wltb French refugees from across tbe frontier. The frpnfler villages are crowd ed, ana it is aimcull to get anything to eat." From Pari. A cable special to tbe Tribune, of tbe same date, from London, ssys : From Paris, tbe come aeconuts of tbe poverty of tbe Parisians. Tbey tre preparing for famine by expe'lllDgall foreigners not possessed of means for their support, Tha poor French ire retained, If for military service; If not, they are sent to tbe country. "Tbe Psrii fortifications sre completed. "General Trocbn is virtually Dictator, My In- formant left Paris on the 2d of September; to-d- Is tbe last day of grace?. ' 'London wltb delight over tbe PrtMtata triumph. Tbe street, for hours, were Sled with excited crowds. Englishmen congrelulfrtc each other as if there had bcc aa EsglUh. victory. 8p f pathy with the FrnMlaM never so strongly manifested. "Thenrrenderw pnbifihed here bytbeAttfy .Vesta In an extra, at half past 10 this morning; other paper soon followed. Placards were posted every, wherein the streets, and thousands of dispatches were cnt In every direction." The lh1 Mall OatetU ay the new may ba re- garded as final. If the Emperor hopes, by a tastily patched up peace, to find the means to transfer the tbrono to bla sou, It Is the last and greatest delusion of hi Ufa of delusions; ha msy find It easier to be- gin, tbsn to cud a war. Peace I by no mean yet certain: there la no Government to mako peace. Imperialism It dead; an Orleans Government or a Republic can'hardly begin by a surrender. France hat' for the first time to set; her eye are fdr the first time opened. Tbe Vrnfs; Standard says Sedan Is th. Erupem't Waterloo; tbo second Empire Ir now overthrown. The Standard deprecates exultation, and expresses heartfelt sympathy with tbe fallen sovereign. aaTba Kcho taya the Emperor laatacl doea.w-bat,- possible to redeem hi fault; tbe author of the wtj surrendered himself to tho conqueror, admitting hit own defeat, which may help to avert that of France. London, Sept, 3. A dispatch from. Sedan, via. Bouillon, Sept. 2d, midnight, ssjs: "The, die 1 cast so far a McMsbon's One army and tho fortune of war are concerned ; all I over wllh France. " I liavo already telegraphed briefly tbe battle of Tuesday and Wednesday. Each day's, fight was ter- rible ; tbo retult at the close of etch day was favor able to tbe Prussians. Thursday, at daylight, slowed tbe French reinforced, and occnpjlng a strong and elevated position from Baxlelles, extendlngdown tbe railroad to Douay, and then to Malry, on the line of tbe Mcusc. New York, Sept. 5th. Amsterdam despatches, say that tha Prince Imperial was captured with the Em- peror and 120,000 msn. Th Prince was not taktn with th Emperor. Ed. Gax.1 She Filryrua has this : "iWi, .SVpr. itb. Ths Empress has to join her husband and son, having received assurance that she will not be regarded as a Prussian prisoner. "Trochu will bo mad dictator, and Paris will ha defended to th last." A dispatch from Washington says : "Minister Washburna telegraphed to the Depart- ment of State that th Empire is ended, and that the excitement In Prl is Intense. Pants, Sept. 4th, Midnight. As th Proclamation of the Minister of War announcing the capitulation of McMahon't army and the capture of the Emperor, became known, the excitement among the people was indescribable. All tbe evening, great crowds occu- pied the Plteo da la Concorde, it being known that a stormy scene had taken place in th Corps Legislatif. Pabis, Sept. jib, & A. M. The manifestation were kept up during the entire night. Tbe crowds demanded "Decheasoe." Troehu was shouted for, and he appeared and spoke, saying that be had taken an oath, and a an honest man he eould not break it. The Chambers must answer them. At midnight, crowds assembled around the Corp Legislatif build- ing and shouted that the Emperor, having fallen Into the hand of the enemy, it was now time for th peo- ple to rise and chase oat the invaders. Tbe Corps, however, adjourned till assurances having been given that the day should not pass without some determination worthy of France. Later in the evening a large crowd assembled on the Boulevard Bonne A'ouvtlU parading and shout- ing "Decheance," and "Five (a Front I" They were charged npoc by the police, who used fire arms, and. It is reported, some persons were mortally wonnded. At this early hour In the morning great crowds are In the streets, and the journals are sought for with avidity. The popular agitation is very great and tha feeling against the invaders singularly unanimous. (.Voom.) There ia an enormous erowd about the Corps Legislatif building, where tbe deputies are to meet at 1 o'clock. Military preeauticm to preserve order hare been taken on a large scale. Though the people do not seem Inclined to rioting, tbey are. much excited and demand "decheance." Among these the members of tbe National Guard who are without arms join in tboutipg, and urge all they meet to go to the Corps Legislatif building. It is hoped that the measures taken will secure quiet. PabiSjI P. M. The mob continue to beat down tbc signs containing Imperial arms and medal. Ia some cases the peopla have climbed nptbe highest stories to erase from tbe theatres tbe word "Impe-risL'- " Extreme cars is evinced to respect the arms of all olber nations. 1:30 p st. Tbe city now present one of the raot imposing popular display ever witnessed. Ooo thousand armed citizen are marching to tbe Corp Legislatif, surrounding tbe building, amid the fren- zied hurrahs of countless misses, wblcb, art filling every avenue leading to tbe balL No symptoms of disorder yet, only a unanimous expression of tha popular wlIL Before tbe residence, of General Trochu, in the Louvre, there Is a compact. mass of people, awaiting; the return of the Governor. Around the Tnlleries is a strong military force, guarding against any poJ tibia display of popular Indignation. Hundreds of thousands of citizen are still passing towards tha Corps Legislatif The place da la Concorde Is one mass of human beings. '' ' ' Sept. 6th, 3 r. ssv It is novr impossible to reach tbe Corps Legislatif, owing to tbo enormou crowd surrounding tbe building.' It is reported that a vote of forfeiture was carried by yea is5, ot,ja none. The people are wild with' excitement, and ar rush- ing through tbe (tree's dlspjaylog placard with the. vote of the Corp Legislatif Inscribed thereon, and (bout of "Vive la Republlque," are heard on ait sides. Regiments pasting Into the city am received by tbe popnltce with, tbostt pf "Vive la LIgne," Wlra la UepubHqne." The Jfatlontl Guard teveried their arm a the regulat troop passed, as a slgoof amity, The troops ara.slnglng "Monricr ponr la. Patrle.1' Tlie scene Is one of judescribable excttctnepL Rumors of all kinds are In circulation, and It is Impossible to ascertain their foundation. But ou sentiment seems to be paramount resistance to tbo invasion. "All the Dttlon to the rescue," about tbsr pepple, aud tbe troops Join enthusiastically, Tbe, Garde Nttfonale say order must be preserved. The people evince but little desire td create trouble, aid. all seem overjoyed at the rote of ' deebesjaee.1 Lates Crowds are beginning to tsar (tows tk Imperial arms from tb front of (hops, asd taaa t're' fear that this may lead to serious' trouble," tbe National Guard I not tscBoed to perari". uay dlsorder. - There is much confolon la ti city, m4 sack crowd about tho Corps Lsllit!f' that it 1 Impossible to get, at present, firthfal eooaf eY the btslnest; tfsptacted by the t)sptt. ' It is now reported on good aatkorkf, tMt tSft tbe vote of 't.ecbencer" fforfeiture th nJorrty re- -. tired. The members of the tJutWVLefti an'd Caa-- tre Qauche (Left) remained, eonaaMtyg abdal Pro- - vlilonsAUovcromeut, sod orx)laglhefl!owlg'jer. on: yules Fsvre, Gambetta, Jules Sljaoo, iKer. try, Picard, Pelietsa, and Jules Terry; Piaisf September WiL The oe-Mo-9 ef Rows by lb- - Italian, ttods U.ptd latHatl: ; T WAfHISOTOJf, Sptub SthTU feUtrSa fS clal dispatch Is just received at the Xaawvtioa of V. .North German Union s '' Tb.'IaorXsswtaoa Mar-la- s; declared that iU aj:tliKr fsmwWr iU fraj njitUtat4es,,tJ Fswa .fli niajaat' aaiagai; rA&itimWFri .' -- cn'i Loxpoa, fiifitmUf othfCaMs smW r3-A- ! lorr..t UTil&'& grat h s sas tW baiti 0 laa aaa ttt skMarf

Transcript of Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L...

Page 1: Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00."flWAHAN Internum. &mttii uijjiii irj. PRINTING--ZSTaULISSHXXT.j

auraiian Outfit,ETerv 'Wednesday Morning',

AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2LFaretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00.

Internum . &mttii


THIS OFFICE IS NO ft" rXiUAWK)Owncs --On Qwen Suet, in the oW TO EXEOUTE ALU ORDERSIIs Boildiaf:, Honolulu, II. L

For Plain and Fancy Prating,Mil I aa -- ekttiai. V aUrtxr. it tb? Stm of KVErtY DEscnirrio.T.04V. to wares sE eaetar--s ca

VOL. TIyO. 37. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1870. 186.00 PER YEAR. wifir ne( i Txxis Vju$pa Ten


ALEX. CAMPBELL,Ulcrclinnt "TxHox--.

w.n. m.MiiiniiYs.Sams AXB VKSLBSALE DEAIXE

ke DIM, awai. Aks, rtro. A Ac, Mintiil Srt,

LiLfcini a.. mmiK lliwhi.cvvrm a: cooia;

ixpsrnss. sekekal hesokaxts, axdGTWraL AG3XTS,

M sUac mc up ai la StMtN Ccarl

iaaat mnii.P.WsiiS mm. KUk I"m.

--Oh. Kaa-ta-a W.twxJ U ItiwuH&k.

Ja1 1W twi tli il rm asaat sata Ox tj


Mat CMknc Tataaaiae nt, Fulaa iij. Ac.. amrNn aa ikm Srt. Breaks.

ASax Lin w ta Wx ilim Ca. OrSin nHC4 fMK'aasateakat aliaataic aasi in la Sia isl Onli to tkkiakak.


assTaaaafaaaiaf hammmatHat M" Sraa , m4 s mant saazaaaa avaaaaa . win iij.

taax, araass. Him. T4 Paaaar, Osaxaa,air. ran ana- -

JUII..lI. IMTV,Naftarj- - FaMat asst Caa Boisj!itr of Deeds

fa aaa at i'i Ulaaai tatae a ta Rxa. af rasiOh.UaMMil(.&tiUM t4t--

iiul,i.-c:ii.v- i v co.,IXPaVSIaES AXB BEALE3S IX HABDWABX,

Cadi J. Bo i rwaat --4 CMs. xa Miami Mar- -Pa. suae Miwc. ttiaaaja xa- -i a

a. p. asvms. s. e. wilmb.aikvjij .v ivii.ii:k.

aptwzess and oerxissiox heechaxts,X tf.ii. Sua. aWaaUs. B I rivs


V Ma.ia cnx. aaaaatax. K L Hj


4 Ht s Oak. t


! Miailala. ftaaa. H-- L U


It, BjadUia. CkUi, B. L

c m. utm. j. s. MCtsy

UUVSXESS AXB SEATESS IX LB1LEEE,dTajadaaaiXaaanak, lart feme. BwaaaBL


t ai B-- L Ckwi lanatmfc Frt iuiit

ALLEX & CHILLTKGWOKIH.KAWAIHAE, HAWAII,qfri JianialMiifaiiaaa rtnaaau, aaaa

art Utfut ariai i t narana sa&iwai PMr& aa4 taci itaar Re

al ww rin-- i hi iiatp. at ta iart Mmi aW tea ii ImM. HaawTMrf linn am


XEECHAX2I3E.I m !M aaawcaaa. K. L W

GEXEZAL CeJOIISSIOX AGEXT AXD SEOEES,wai rut ftutlJiilii4i aaCaaeaSt, Haiaia.


raat Jala. aapcittaT C Btata'a. lit

XAyETACir2E2, ixpoexes AXD deale?mfaaaaii afmiyiigTfrCWic raraitw vr wBasaaefall Cm aat. ifj iilar (Wi rato-a- ( &rr Wtkl.y.l ti U nW a Ibut us. rirt. .

afiMinBafciWi1alaawaatxttjrfta, tV


tq Saat jtran. aaat to t tt Baaatatx riri


Oat jama. Bavtea. Jfaa-i- t Lrair Cayr ia. WLm tlJ i mltiiUmn.

THliO. II. IATIKJ,'T ATT 134. A '




'Wtir. BaW. Of, BaaU. ao.aadaf tankana'i ranatttatc Seuai. S.'w-j- a

J. I. a turn 1. C 1UU.4 irAXUB; A: ALLEA,



B. l 3j ;



M aVnat T..rer tf a4 Trt tarHm. lit- - -- o : -

SHI? CHAXDIZES ft C0JOUS3I0X KEZCEASTSQaM Sanat rTn aata. rirtMixr aaisdae pad ta li

I aa at b&waia ctacac.

OL.ikiir4x.Ca. ,IS Haskjila a Co,Ctt i Ca. jCiali a CDoka.aCTfatxraxa Isi.

CltOG1' ifodjT.fa '.-- yrrrhir.t xri Gtxnl Artrt.

ISTcrusrf Tiaa aai other CHfaia ard TtTlaca Gawd.vrkAaiVCwxUr tajBmaaa Kis'i-ff- asd Aealfcrth

'Pastna xat luarata Sarar FUatadoa.Saara jtaaaaa ftnet. Kei. Xlmg. S-- Ij


0 a Ji- -'i ZgMr.tea Co'i VkxrtOaaataaxa she scaiEM as ale aid (taa cf tl f wfti

officer, aal sii-- m iTTtatiterr ca 13: aaiffil ml ttsorVi Haiaa3rssai!recssaaxct&uawtak ejest-xa-

- gt. ada3eicc mdckta k eiracx!a hfaaSca. k ksr. txrrre a. jpod latSsSxctiM Ik tk fa-t- r

a. it feat la tee rant. ICas


Quick Sales and Small Profits!


RYAN'S RAILX0AD STORECcr. Xa-ai- isd Jail Etrrrta. Ca ,


aonrv s. ?icki:,y, 71.( Lit. SarrMi t" 5. AraiT 1

Ou k eianiatm al kb maao m Canaada ?t. h!"r5-- , - . Naaaaa ial Jm Su Sa

J. S. DICKSU.t,House, Ship nnd Sign Painter,

piMiij- .fH Kwm PBUaiilMa 1 Ok

anlaiac. JSuWicc. OiMwf. fill natal uf. Pr"f3fcaaac.lc. i(cn4aa tttikflH' aHci,Njag A.a!l unmUi Wal. SMMi

ivji. mvcosiu.DEXTIST

Oficc. Cer. Fert ft Hotel StrreU.

. c. tututo. 3.i.inat.CIIALXtAJIKI A: CO..

IKP0ETE5S AXD DK M.TRS IX WTXES.Saartw. JlKx la,Xa.S, XaBua$Ur.t,vuFMnaaat

Sawrt. Maaiaaai. It-Ij-i


GEXEEAL JIERCHAXDISE,nrtaaaggiaaKaacaty H QkiW Kaaaavaaa StrWU.

rKvtall featwbaiaealik f iwst5tmt, awiva t.vtaM Furl ul Ikxrl ftrrtCL 14-- lr

iixMi rrcx. K A. P- - CUTISc. intmvi:i: a.-- co.,


" 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iL 'A iiqoi.ri.u,ta. i."AOB.TT or ibr ltottoai aba Uix;olaIn Partrt

Ui.t..(:RT-K- vr tbr MiUrr. WalluVu and liana

PtaulatWft..AGIITKijr the rurthltf ml !jilc or Itland

trw1iM-.- .

Lr.uica). a.jiuu." 11. r. KIILIIKS At CO.. '


ni.'tCTiFl jrtrrt KVil TfVkf. Halt K--

.V I'.jkV.iS'lIAEKIlKr .rDal 3OKSX ror. "the BK1CMKX BOAHI) of

& CXMIia RITEKSAcaat a- - W Pttj Bara af raowtitm,Aaaat fcr tk. TWaaa Baart it CaaVrarttm.... .Pn

C. S. KAItXO-W-.

AU CTIO N EER,iihmiiaa aa Qana. Stmt, at dMclrccail


la raaaa h ilalmj. Hals Cif. EaM, 'u4rrcrr taih4 ' IIMMmi irt.T rsrahkair sSnKSo, la 5'f Bhwk, m slrxrt. Hgaulaki. H I.

ta--. !-

AFOSG A AClllX'Ii.IporKri. 'Wioleiale asd Ectul Dtileii is

C(n; Sereissiise,-AaaCfciaiC.!. ta tb.lVrwsrSiv a Xaaaat Stmt,aW H yM,lv w.


U) MB.. Hum. Pj

C. IV. AOilTOA,COOPER AND GAUGER,At tie Xev SUsd o the Esplanade.

Be ft anfana ta lihwl t U wart is ku Ha a tie Saraeil a. ta Cfera Hiica. vkerv a. caa t fwa4 at attwarkaar. Itoan. He Kw o& baa4 aad for sale. Oil Cwkaa aamb a( aabeest aim. aea aa uW, wVici k Hfell at aVe ntr IWaeit MarkK xUtas AU vrk 4gtt8iaalit gfa awaapr u4 varrmatea to pre latMictMe- - AUtiaos C Camf iliat M.trul4 aaii Toots fur a!e. la


76 IClnr; treet, lloholoto.S r rL.. nr. .sJI M.t.

JI&KiB- - AUa. fartiralr'aneatlra rlieaSEaClV;Vyr to BUcka-tkat- ; aa T

Oia.ii iii tbe ulaer Iiiaaa preatprlr f lfcalL tr

J. NOTT & CO.,

A TIN" SMITHS, cake ererrCOPPER T w.rk ib taetr Use. kmc! as Plsnta.tiau ar lKfcrc Tt.j alw lerp as hud a fallar?rtaieatf -

Steet Capatr, Sheet Tia.Sheet Lead. Sheet Iran,

Iras Win. Cepfer Wire,Sft A Enii Solder, Pail Eart.

Prejsed Backet Carer.Blaei. aad Tiaord PJreti,

i . Caffex iiirea.ete.Alea s'haad. i fe care ef


Carta Plant" acd "Grar Jaetetf." tagether j

wieii-- a rarctj at Jafassed Ware, aod car asueiesKHers. "pir Work on'Haildfer..

lack af tatter. iatj. vater-ptpe- i. Ac. .SVip-wr- k

wft! emi arocrt aUectie: atXo. 9 Eia&acaaaStreet. IJ-S- a


At the Old-S'i--i, ccrzer Xizg ari 3fJLcl SskU.

X Larre Sanrb cf Oil Sksvki ai all kiU CbiperiarkfalerUis caelUailT js ti.iL Hi kdre kr astroxaaa takajani to sMrtt a oaaDaxaace ef the latnaure wksek hek kmuffiii exslojwt, aam Zjt wtich h aov Tttmrzt tiltkaaks.


Ibtu SirteZ. EarslshHi ceaetaattr ot haaj ul Jjr x; tie. Inal Xiiket

rrttr. a rant asurraeat f tk Best jteSaed Car Irea,'as4II Oral. 3S--



Winrii llj a Lxag. tuie. Ptge. d

aR?. Iran Mr. rUia iW S, Bl.5t-e-r- rl i.Ia4tolaaaar BaM: sly. ialeajtkaat' 3 andSatjfc t. a k 'mva, ari tr oaMjeii. Sark-Teb-s,f jlaaaaawa Terjr Urrerat rfTis.areefererj

ns: attiattaa crrea b Orders trees thar IxUsj. wm i antmOj xuu'al tsxTkaakfat u u Cr!leaa aT rjosaM lid tt

ta-- rk!r SUn. ratraaare ia tfcepul, a. Lc bysria xasiuoc ttbcstaatacentOiitutrdinata- - - - r Hs

Carriage and Sign Painting. f


r asxa mi fx a ccs7taat- axfksraa. s, aoa txcrar to ecx.UKti(a Iha&MCLsUaaek. aad ;I6 PALkllAO

TTXfag Strtet. IiVeafalg.


Ha a kui, Ea&-7a- WuerVrcti. Waxk-E- uram aad I2S Pasia, Lead ssl f3xlTxaril Iraz Fea,

. fakrTi gria. worka. Ecatkotu. Ftamkerbttkeetrr. h. was late sj arii enstiitl3iaaairk- -

r" . flOcx


WIIXIAJX II UGHIX,. Cavaer oT Uacai aasd Fort jtmb.

rpHE CHOICEST AXD BEST OF ALES. WINESJL and Spaiu a!itji to be facsd at the Bar. SlyCTT7IXDOYV GL.VSS, Aaxirted Bins, for


VO. X A. COOL2E K1CE ajarara ia luutataalta-aiJE-7

WAIXZX A AUZ5, Areata '



General Shipping & CommissionJIEKCIIA.AT.S.

405 Frost Sawt, rerzer of CUy, Sa Frisdiro.s jThe Australian Steam Xariration I'o's

Patent Slip & Engineering Works,STDXET, Jf. S. AT.

All HUM. t trnmrKitf V"ork, lroo Ci,5k. WiiWi.ir uJ enm ir" na2n.SAlvxfoura mad rililclj rw4s uf tillUlt Waaif. caa b Uln a.Clt I KED. U. TBOCTOS. Miaiir.


General Commission Agents,VTBI attmi to Um Ml. c4 S.aaidi FrulacT, uxt

ama(. fur ajvaac. an aM.

f nr. L GREEN'.. . Haaalstaktm- - . 'lMACrAKlAiI!LAIKlCo.. rraaaiew


ASD IXSUKAXCE AGEXT.41 asd 41 Xtkul'l Eick-- OUfdraU Sunt. Su

42 rnaeact. CaiMaraU.L&r taxless

Stitn. Broa 10. ..Sa Traacixo.ilam. C. Aaalaa. ! t C fa riaaciMx.Kn. IMUh . Unrakuu &u ftaatfeoi.Mrw- - H. UaHftM 1 Cv HuJ.la.

ua.i . attus. jt aiacx,' ta;0. K. JtEYI'JES A CO.,


Maatrb. Cratn. SloaaamiU HnU . Ttaat. Wulhttaa. Bt u4 CoitMerT-j- a, Bittmrd IVJi. I'irt Brirai.MutEC. Ac. ixSD luVtttcrt.tt(4it.Caiealk


a. b. iusaii, bi.mu.1.WILLIAMS. BLAXCHAED & CO..

SHIFPIXG AXD COMJUSSI0X 2EECHAXTS,)r) Xa. aiCMrfwaiaSlmt.Su I'raacixo. 3

mscuui, j. cxntaiu.a. f. 7. Cxi




Itarlac beea .arrrJ ta r fm4il V4a frr aavarasJ. aaliKkat4 la a Brfrt MM.Atac. we rr ywiwi u rewiT. aa .ai p i,toa StiaWf.ivia.a.Sbiiaps.fUn.PatB. CuaW. Kil, tu aJnatae.OwtcaJMU .vwllj aaUottaa k the Oregva Market, w

luci naail ateeatMa wilt W pilt. x4 caoa wkkk euaaaiaaee. will Ve aiae vtM9 repaired.

Caarle. T ipo4;i . Saa FraaciMJCXarrjUiOFrriIWfir i Liaaeerer.Jaaw. Patnck t CV.- - .Wa T OoleaHB Cu

mt. BJter CoAHea i Lr'rn FtatlaaaUaaatilOaLrvaaxa Qveea

GRAifDatLflKHOTEL,Smn Francisco Cala.,

Johnson & Co., : : Proprietors,X.ate of tlie Ilclc Xlooje.

TOHSSOX A CO.. who t rke Wt lix jean hTe area teefj pefnuar pnjfreicrs et we -- ijct ue. wh pir.swiafai laeir Bf ffeeadi rrahar la RwaoJala aatf the Ha- -valaui Itlaa-- x. I ..I ther k.ie left tke -- Lick Hoaee"' asd '

area- i tke 6raad Hatel.'' ahick if tke fiaest BoM ilrae-tar- evet crcclei the Faric coast, aoa is cor sarpaAsed la

beaati. ehtuce cf fcrnitEre, aad ecfirt, bjAST HoCl a Asserlca.

Oct oM rauvas aad tke traTehaf; rcWic. wW ad at tk.6nad Hotel," alt tke oM taaRfar ftres. aaa alt pnU

t as. w3t be rrceiTed witk ta saw atUatianaaa coarte.T .kick m4i tb "lick Bms" fv jpecar wkea

ieroaroiotrf4. Htta auaj tkaaas Uc past liTn.res?ectraUy subcxt a cooua&iac M7 tbe same.


Ktniaua, Japan,Hirii tl bct tdiitM thnmt aa i&tiasAle amatctica

viOi tll0 Japaae trW &r tlie ft ctfbX ;. U pre(Mrvrt trussct aaj taWscM c&trcstl to Lis care, tuIi dMpUtli.

IT lj6


WHOLESALE DEUGGISTS,33 Ccr. Ei-tr- y tClay S UvSz Frarcsco. ;m


Mecer asd Cecralts firabhed t.' kir on the 3ot (srer-1- 9

able IrTM rlx

Xa 5 Merrhast Street, ccpsite tie SiScr'i Hcce,


TTAS COSSTiXTLT 03tT JIAXD m. TarletyXI ef E FCE5TXTRE. wkxeb be "CTrr, 1- -


Hi- - rrxi Spar Mattrasses, Kbrfrw Stilts ixd kCcTert awsde ttf bTckr.

Old'FarBltnrexVpured asd Ti rented, with litisfMfi.Ti wamdesL

XCa3aad eta .fee mxj itock ber ittrrKxxzrr H- -wkre- -

irxe Beunejilae. All cnlers fsn SMasasters aadtke-rk- er IxU.-- wIU b rrerartlj atteaJeI ta.

C W. CREY & CO.,Hawaiian Soap Works,

At Lelea, yresfictsrtr. zsl DealtrjIs all itcdi of Sm?. Eeef, Vntxon, and Goat

TadiwWasted-OCe- c.

Z Fun 5t. where erden wril he reteirelard prosatxij Mtesded ta- - (39


In; citrtif the Ozia cl ttt Day.

COXSTKCCTZD A XEWSETLIGHtIHAVING rxrseor ather iapraretresu, I h.pna ta he aM. ta zait the taf : fattTJiaii with

A Pborosrapb. of any Lxe,Fraa a CrrsLxI to a 3iatth. takes t the BeatStyle cf Art, and 02 th cast reunsahlo terms.

Also, for sale, Tievj of the Ii'xdj. panrxitl o!the Elei, Qex, asd ether Xsuh!ej.

H. L-- CHASE.Jl-l-y Fert Street.


f& THIS ESTABMSHJIEST IS SOW .ofxo.a tsr tie reeefdoe id rUIM te li Tuumxlo, who caj-- rrtr es Soiisfcraafetle r, a pn4uai. xal mrrjt xujixitt. Zrjtriaa fsiif li tkCramer x!sxrs fcaod.


Hones Grained asd Statled if Desirtd.CHARGES RKJLSOXABLE.

Farss Tfeilixs; the Vekaao tU JUIe, caawarrxaxec u asaxe tej)ra7, tj i. IJ.

SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned .Goat and Sheep Skins,COXSTAXTX.T OX XULSD and far Sale,




HILO, II. I. "Oj,'.Mab -

Sugar and j Molasses,CROP XO' COMING IX, and for alc

to roil ""Tbi'cr?. hrTTAIKER FALLEN. .pnu.


Susar tinJ IoI!r Crop ISTO





purchaser?. VtWALKER ALLEN. Agtut.


ll titles la 4it pnrchr5 by14a C. nr.EWER A "0.. Ar.nH.


VrF.r CROP NOW COMINO IN. FOR SALEX.y in quantitit ta ait purchaser?

0. BREWER A CO.. Arnti.




Regular Packet for Koolaii, Qahu.


Schooner Liliu,J. WOOD, Mailer,

Wilt ran rtfabrlr between llicolulu and the ran- -

ous purl: vt KoUan. Oaha.Fvr freicat or paj age app'.r tu the11 Sat TAPTAIN. n Wrd

For Kcna and Kau, Hawaii.

Schr. Active,r. MCLL1MI, . Maiter.

Will run u a recaiar aaetct to the abore port.For freirat" t pa.ace a.4r to


Regular Packet for Molokai.

Schr. Pauahi,BALLISTER, Mailer,

Will run a ; rerilar packet between Oonolnluand Molokai, tooebisjr at Kaacakakai and Pnkbo.

xr ireijni or pas!a;e apply to me Laptatn onboard or

I --ED H. PRKNDBRGA5T. Acent. '




Cash Assets, over.

Cash Diridends in IS6S, $3,257,137.26.

The Largest Life Insurance Company


Premiums mut be Paid Semi-Ax- is

liuallj-- or Quarter!'.ADAMS & WILDER,

lf-.i- 5 Azenti f-- tke Ilawaiiio Island.

IJIPEEIAL FIDE IXSritAXCE C0J1PAXT.Of Loidos--Iitit3- 1803.


THE UXDtRilO.NED are rrepared to Urce joHdei enRxski iwi& cr witkvnt tbi arerxc clxa- -. on

Puatttssa Baildias aad Mxctincrj, rrirxte Dwrllmrs,IVsek. aa-- tVooden itc:f, Sierchsadise, Ojnls, Lcxi-be- r,

kir la Purl, at, an tie bKst fxsyrxWe term.Lciiej Adjsxtei aad Fsii far here. "Si

Tur tonicsi.ra arpir at the .Ctr utWALKED 2 ALIXX,

22-- 1 J Arrets Isrtk Uawxixsa ltxadi.


Of San FrancUco.'ODEHIC.EU baTing tccnTXIIR Acau frr tlx aiwrtr CiXDF-ui- vr iejrVi

2 Lnce INettdea ca CargotB, Krelg'-- ' w- Treti-tu-- c.ViiUitvA ALL7J.

Affrutt. II v4a!a.


rjlHC r.VDERsIG.VED tiarlu,? been ap- -ntm, ooezTsmf ik?

Callforula Jnturancr Companj,Merchant 3Intoal3Iarlne In. Co

c In uranee Company,California t,loyAf9 andHome Jim txal lnnrance Company.

Bc leave s tmAaru JLmUtx uf Vuu ud tbe pabllc reo-ra-

UvU ail Jkan U Tee! ul Crj,, isrjred bj eitheref Ue aOftrr Cfeair!c. zentt if the eat andother n, at cr sear ttaadwib will faav t i

Mas H. nACKfELD k CO.



Cnpxaj. txst tsea ururizd tobsxra rJikaoa Cargo, Frelgtit aad Triunri, truo Qccatslrrto 1 ecru cZ th world, asjsfce vera.

is-i- e it hackitoj) a ca


THE CXDEItSIGSED, iCEXTS of theCndpihj, Ixtt La lnOualuZlma ljUXt

sa Cargo. Krelgrit aadTrea.nre, hj Coasters,frata a ta aU porta cf LL lixwxiixa Crswp xxJ sicuna.



THE tTSTEKSICXEO bxrlnr beenXrroU of th xLoi Cwayaay-- ar. prepared

tosaearcriska azatrat Rre,a Stone xod Brlckc Build-Ing- a,

aadoa Jlcrelxaiadlse itorrl tawreis, a ttBxs srrak( term. Jar rJeaUn xrjy at the Se f

5--i j f a. scHArrm a cc

Insurance Notice.THE AGEUT FOK THE BRITlSn Far- -,

Vxrjne laaarue Coatiur. rliirrflrft ku rpcarved tawtracduM t mtae tk ruea at Inrrrxoc imwm aaa rorTi ta tAe raeia aaa u aow prexxndttase tititit at the Xkuc Bala, sritii asuctalradax3scaftjctrrxsjara. '

TOKL.IL dJATira.Ir JjatBrlt. fvr. JLir. Ixu tk. UxatitJ). X . - ... -, - - -

(.From th Uattk Kxtka, Sipt.


Bv the steamer Closes Tavlor, which aia

rived veslcrtlar, nine tlavs from San Fran-cisc- o,

we are in receipt of dates from thereto the 12th hist., ami telegrams from

Europe to the 11th Inst. Tho news is ofthe most important character, being no-

thing less than the capture of the Emper-or of France by the Germans. He sur-

rendered himself to King William Of

Prussia, on the 2d inst,, at Sedan, afterthe severe battle which had raged for two.days, and which, resulted in a completedefeat of the French, who were shut upin fortifications in that place, being com-

pletely surrounded by an overwhelmingforce of Germans,

The Prince Imperial escaped into Bel-

gium, from whence he embarked to Eng-land, where the Empress joined him.

A Republic was declared in Paris, onthe 5th inst., a Government formed, andup to the late&t dates, numerous provincialtowns of France had given their enthusi-astic adherence to the new order of things.

Important events are taking place inItaly. The Italian Government havemade known its intention to remove theseat of government to Rome. The Papalauthorities'being quite powerless to pre-

vent such an event, will probably makebut little, if 'any resistance.

An earnest movement seems to be onfoot among the Great Powers, not engag-ed in the present war, to bring about apeace.

King William of Prussia, seems inclinedto ignore the new government of France,still looking upon 2sapoleon as the head ofthat government. This may have the ef-

fect to prolong the war, and may lead tograve complications with other powers,the end of which it is difliuult to forsee.

The seiges of Strasburg and Metz stillcontinue. The world will long lamentthe total destruction of the library of theformer place, one of the first in Europe,and of course, the world.

We give below, the most importanttelegrams :

Lite BattlesBecssels, August 311. via Lo.ndon August 31.

Tbe Kin; of PrussU baa cent tlie fulloirlDg telegramto Queen Augusta :

'VuirM3, August SOtb, The Crown Frincelias been to action nitb tbe Fourth, Twelfth, andSeventeenth Corps, and tbe Fourteenth Bavarian.McMibon was beaten, and driven beyond tbe Mt use.Twelve cons, some tboufaud prisoner! and materialof war were captured."

Beelis, Aucuct 3Ut. Letter from a PrussianTbe attempt to iscape from Metz was defeated. A

copy of certain liietructiont of Bazjine's was foundnear Metz, from wliicb tbe Prussians learned tbe en-

emy was to retire in I ro bodies, one by 'he bigbroad to Mars-laTo- and Verdun, and the other brtbe Turnpike.

Tbis plan was disconcerted by tbe Prussian attackou I be fourteenth. TbcFrencb subsequently tooktbe road via Bricy, but were again repulsed, and f-

inally driven rack in the battle of tbe ISlb to tbewalls of Metz, wbere they have since been confined,tbeir only way of escaping bring to cut a passagethrough tbe Prussian line, wblcb tbey bare not at-

tempted.LosDOrt, August 31st. Tbe sufferings of the In

habitants of Strasbourg are terrible. Tbey areslarrirur, and compelled to live In cellars day andnisht to avoid tbe uncca-in- g fire of the besieger.Another fruitless sortie was made by tbe garrison onMonday. ' The Prussian sharpshooters are wltbinfive hundred yards ol the glacis. Many uousea barebeen burned. Tbe arsenal at one time was on lire;toe ammunition wa safely moved. Tbe fortresscontinues to resist

Loxdox, August 3lsL Cable special to tbe fler- -

eld.J An engagement took place yesterday betweena strong force of Prussian cavalry and an advanceguard of MrMabon's army. .After a bard contest tbeFrench fell back. Tbe Prussians took possession ofCariznad, on tbe Hoe of railroad from Sedan toThionvillebatterlng tbe tails.

EocnxoN, Belgium, August 31st, 9 p. v. CableSpecial to tbe Jlerald. A fearful battle was fousrhtye&terday and y by the Prussian armies of the'Crown Prince and Prince Frederick Cbirlc with theforces or ManLM McMahirn.

Testerday morning McMabon commenced a gen-

eral movement towards MonlnJedy. Hewasattackc'dnear Beaumsht, and driven back.'afleran obstisalemislatce, towards, toe BclgUn frontier,

Tbe Pres-Un- s occupied I he line ol tbe road, andcaptured a large amomit of camp stores.

Tbey drove tbeTnmch from their position, afterfighting until eight coted.

Jh'u raomiog the ta: tie was renewed, and con-

tinued all day. During tbe night a large number ofFrench rrgimentc came op, tot tbey failed to turntbe scale of victory. The Prussians were also rein-forced largely, aud attacked lit overwhelming num-bers.

MeMshon retreated fo Sedan with tbe remnanct ofbit forces.

Loxdox. Angnst31tt. Public meetings .are heldan oxer Prtiieli lo f UiUlO tbe GoTerDrocnl In proft- -

tempts at premature treaty.Tbe to disentangle tbe news from

the seat of war, says : McMabon seeks to get backazaln towards Paris. Saturday mornlcg be was atSteely ; Eandsy. according to Freseb reports, be

Voccro and BetheL Tbe Belgian aocsucts report bixn Tuesday at Sedan with tbe PrinceImperial, asd boufly expecting tbe Emperor. Theyhad hutesed forward on lea ring tbeEciperor, wboteUleeas prerrnted tlm from travtlitg rapidly.

"Some Germans say tbe French were ra ofvictory at the opening ol tbe campaign that tbeymade no arrangement to save their baggage lo caseof retreat, aud hence tbey bare been compelled toabandun it In great quantities)."

Chicago, September 1st. A Near York specialeay a private despatch from B-- -Ia says that fight-ing has been goitg on Jor foe i between McMa-br- a

and PrDer Charles. Boll, uiles are Workingfor position, and tbe confiicta have been betweendelscbrd Corps. Tl fighting, bower er, la said tohave been despesue. The Prussians bare capturedthree eagles, four mUraOUtm and several thousandprisoners, while tbe French have captured thirteenpieces of artinery, Inclsdtngtbetanroui TubingenBattery.

There was a fresh engagement again this morning,about all milts from the Belgian frontier, betweenthe command of Frottsrd and tbe Pruxxlana underVon Wardea, wblcb It U Dellered' here (Brnaael.)wmiBTolTebim'araltalBdetUlfebtiUe.

A dispatch from London dated midnight, sarsthat McMabon lias tn uttoily routed after twodays" battle, and la falling back ou Pari.

LoxrioM, September 1L Cablo special to tboA special correspondence of the 2H4nne

writes from Paris, on Wedneiday, that provisions! orall kinds are already rtnchlug famine ptlcca; butter,-sal-

and potatoes are double, aud meat triple theusual cost; tra'trsmcn are miueatcd to sell only Inlimited quantities. Preparations are bring made) ona vast scalo for the wounded; college, lyceums,schools and convents are couvcrted into hospitals,

By order of the Uorcrnment, tbe Palace ol Ver-

sailles, Trianon, St. Cloud, St. Germain, andare to be Imoutllitely prepared for tbe tarns

tiurpose. Many private bouse hao beepgivenup;the rich offer Ibelr country souls and the poor theirsingle room. Tbe Omnibus Company has givenseveral departments.

Sedan, Sept 1st, 3 r. u. A battle bat raged sincebalf-rus- S o'clock thla A. M.; our forces have ad-

vanced victoriously. The Fourth, Fifth and Soy.euth Corps, and Bavarians were engaged. Tbe ene-

my was almost entirely driven Into, tbe city.London, Sept, 2d, 4:S0 r. M. It la reiiorted from

private sources that On Wednesday, Bazlue attemp-ted to cut his way out ol the foitlOcatlont of Metz.Tbe battle lasted all day, and in the evening, but onThursday morning Bazine was agalu driven withinthe walls. Losses were extremely severe on bothsides.

Brussels, Sept. 2d. By Cable special to thbNew Tork Hmld. About seven hundred Prussiansand two thousand Freticb, were forced luto Belgiumterritory; they laid dowp their arma and will passthrough this evening for Bruges or Lokercr.

London, Sept. 2d. Cable special to tbe TVicsmr.

A Trioan special dispatch from Brussels at 3 o'clockthis afternoon savt: "McMahou I completelyshut up In Sedan. Uno hundred French soldiersouqbt reloge In Belgian territory, and were 'dis-

armed."Tlie same correspondent, t.u hour later, says tbo

Prussians are between the frontier and tbe North-e-

rortreis, aud McMabon bat probably been cutoff from tbe last road left him to Parts.

Bjzine baa been completely beaten before MetzbyPrince Frederick Onirics,

French Fugitives are running about Brussels madwith excitement.

The same correspondent a 5 o'clock, says 8,500

French iufantry, 500 cavalry, two cannons t.nd sev-

eral military trains have crossed tbe Belgian fron-

tier. Tbe troops laid down their arms and weresent to Ecloo. Three hundred Prussians, wounded,wbo asked an asylum, were sent to Barges.

Tbe Prnseian corps engaged In Thursday's battleviz: the4tb,Stb, Uth and 12tli Guards and Bava-

rians, comprises 174,000 inlantry, 17,000 cavalry, and4S0 gnus nearly half of which belonged to the armyof tbe Crown Prince of Prussia.

McMabon' whole force was engaged, probablyone hundred and tifly thousand of all arms; s

from Paris could uot have reached him.Lo.vdox, September 2J. Special cablo to tho icr-ai-

From German official accounts of the battle atMets, it appexrTtnat Basaise was evidently acting inconcert with McMabon. Tbe battle lasted a day anda night. Bataine was driven lack after a display ofgreat valor, The loss of life on both sides was terri-

fic. Tbe Fourth Landnehr fought gallantly; tbeFirst Army Corps was congratulated by Prince Fre-

derick Chiries on their victories.MlsGoLsncw, September 2d Noon. The siege of

Strasbourg continues. A sortie by the garrison wasmade at four o'clock in the morning. Th Frencho;eced with a very strong, but not firealong the whole front, when a heavy artillery fire en-

sued. The lass sustained by the Prussians is not yetknown, but is Considered unimportant.

Loxdoj, September Id. Cable special to tbe Tri--6ne. A special correspondent of tbe Tribune tele- - jgraphs from Berlin the following official despatch from

near Metz, dated September 2d :" From the morning of tbe 31st of August until noonof September 1st, Baialne, with several corps, unin-terruptedly attempted to break from Mets in a norther-

ly direction. Under tbe chief direction of FrineeFrederick Charles, Gen. ManteutTel defeated all theseattempts in a glorious engagement, which may be de-

signated as the battle uf Xiesieville, and tbe enem

was thrown Lack into the fortress." The First and Ninth Corps and the Sivison of

KummerKn and the Landwehr and Twenty-etght- b In-

fantry Brigade participated in the engagements.' Theprincipal fights were at Serigny, Niesserille, and

Our losses ara not large. The enemy's isvery heavy.

" General TJrich, of the garrison ef Strasbourg,made a sortie and was defeated with loss.

" The defeat of McMabon is complete."New- Yore, September 3d. The despatch from

King William to the Queen reads as follows :BzroaESznAX, Faascz, Friday, September 2d.

1 :30 p. u. Frost Kij William lo (ie Queen! "Acapitulation, whereby the whole French army at Se-

dan ara prisoners of war, has just been conelndedwith Gen, Wimpfien, comrnandinginstead of MarshalMeMahon, who is wounded.

''The Emperor surrendered himself to me. As hehad no' command, ha left everything to the Begeneyat Paris. I shall appoint his residenco after an inter-view with him at a resdezout to be fixed immediately.

'" What a course evinti, with God' guidance, havetaken!"

The Dorrender or tbe Emperor.Losdon, Sept. 3. fable special to the: Tribune.

Tbe apeclal correspondent of the Tribune telegraphsfrom tbe King headquarters at Veodrea, near Se-

dan, on Friday:e battle of Sedan began at tlx In tbe morning,

on Sept. 1st. Two Prussian Corp were In positionou the west of Sedan, having got there by long:forced tnacbes.

"To cut off tbe French retreat to Mezicre, southof Sedan, there was tbe First Bavarian Corps), andeast, across tbc Mense. tbe Second Bavarian Corps.


The Saxon were on tbe northeast, wltb the Guards." I was. wltb tbe King throughout tbe dsy, on tbe


bill above Slelnmetz, commanding a splendid view j

of tbc valley and field. ;

"After a tremendous battle, tbe Prussians having;completely surrounded Sedan, and tbe Bavarianshaving entered tbe fortifications, tbe Emperor ca-

pitulated at 5:15, r. M. His letter to tbe King ofPrusri said:

" j! lean r.Udleattht htadqfmy army, I lay myneord at Uufett of your JIajtUy.'

"Nspoleon left Sedan for tbcPrntslan headquartersat I A. It., Bept. 2d.

" McMabon' whole army, comprising 100,000 sol-

diers, capitulated without condition."The Prussian tad 240,000 men esgigtd, cr la

tbe reserve; the French. 120,000."The special correspondent of tho TrUmn tele

graph from Arlon, on Fridiy evening ;"Every house Is filled wltb French refugees from

across tbe frontier. The frpnfler villages are crowded, ana it is aimcull to get anything to eat."

From Pari.A cable special to tbe Tribune, of tbe same date,

from London, ssys : From Paris, tbe come aeconutsof tbe poverty of tbe Parisians. Tbey tre preparingfor famine by expe'lllDgall foreigners not possessedof means for their support, Tha poor French ireretained, If for military service; If not,they are sent to tbe country.

"Tbe Psrii fortifications sre completed."General Trocbn is virtually Dictator, My In-

formant left Paris on the 2d of September; to-d-

Is tbe last day of grace?. ''London wltb delight over tbe PrtMtata

triumph. Tbe street, for hours, were Sled withexcited crowds. Englishmen congrelulfrtc eachother as if there had bcc aa EsglUh. victory. 8p f

pathy with the FrnMlaM never so stronglymanifested.

"Thenrrenderw pnbifihed here bytbeAttfy.Vesta In an extra, at half past 10 this morning; otherpaper soon followed. Placards were posted every,wherein the streets, and thousands of dispatcheswere cnt In every direction."

The lh1 Mall OatetU ay the new may ba re-garded as final. If the Emperor hopes, by a tastilypatched up peace, to find the means to transfer thetbrono to bla sou, It Is the last and greatest delusionof hi Ufa of delusions; ha msy find It easier to be-

gin, tbsn to cud a war.Peace I by no mean yet certain: there la no

Government to mako peace. Imperialism It dead;an Orleans Government or a Republic can'hardlybegin by a surrender. France hat' for the first timeto set; her eye are fdr the first time opened.

Tbe Vrnfs; Standard says Sedan Is th. Erupem'tWaterloo; tbo second Empire Ir now overthrown.

The Standard deprecates exultation, and expressesheartfelt sympathy with tbe fallen sovereign.aaTba Kcho taya the Emperor laatacl doea.w-bat,-

possible to redeem hi fault; tbe author of the wtjsurrendered himself to tho conqueror, admittinghit own defeat, which may help to avert that ofFrance.

London, Sept, 3. A dispatch from. Sedan, via.Bouillon, Sept. 2d, midnight, ssjs: "The, die 1

cast so far a McMsbon's One army and tho fortuneof war are concerned ; all I over wllh France.

" I liavo already telegraphed briefly tbe battle ofTuesday and Wednesday. Each day's, fight was ter-rible ; tbo retult at the close of etch day was favorable to tbe Prussians. Thursday, at daylight, slowedtbe French reinforced, and occnpjlng a strong andelevated position from Baxlelles, extendlngdowntbe railroad to Douay, and then to Malry, on theline of tbe Mcusc.

New York, Sept. 5th. Amsterdam despatches, saythat tha Prince Imperial was captured with the Em-

peror and 120,000 msn. Th Prince was not taktnwith th Emperor. Ed. Gax.1

She Filryrua has this :

"iWi, .SVpr. itb. Ths Empress has to

join her husband and son, having received assurancethat she will not be regarded as a Prussian prisoner.

"Trochu will bo mad dictator, and Paris will hadefended to th last."

A dispatch from Washington says :"Minister Washburna telegraphed to the Depart-

ment of State that th Empire is ended, and that theexcitement In Prl is Intense.

Pants, Sept. 4th, Midnight. As th Proclamationof the Minister of War announcing the capitulationof McMahon't army and the capture of the Emperor,became known, the excitement among the people wasindescribable. All tbe evening, great crowds occu-

pied the Plteo da la Concorde, it being known that astormy scene had taken place in th Corps Legislatif.

Pabis, Sept. jib, & A. M. The manifestationwere kept up during the entire night. Tbe crowdsdemanded "Decheasoe." Troehu was shouted for,and he appeared and spoke, saying that be had takenan oath, and a an honest man he eould not break it.The Chambers must answer them. At midnight,crowds assembled around the Corp Legislatif build-ing and shouted that the Emperor, having fallen Intothe hand of the enemy, it was now time for th peo-

ple to rise and chase oat the invaders. Tbe Corps,however, adjourned till assurances havingbeen given that the day should not pass without somedetermination worthy of France.

Later in the evening a large crowd assembled onthe Boulevard Bonne A'ouvtlU parading and shout-ing "Decheance," and "Five (a Front I" Theywere charged npoc by the police, who used fire arms,and. It is reported, some persons were mortallywonnded.

At this early hour In the morning great crowds areIn the streets, and the journals are sought for withavidity. The popular agitation is very great and thafeeling against the invaders singularly unanimous.

(.Voom.) There ia an enormous erowd about theCorps Legislatif building, where tbe deputies are tomeet at 1 o'clock. Military preeauticm to preserveorder hare been taken on a large scale. Though thepeople do not seem Inclined to rioting, tbey are. muchexcited and demand "decheance."

Among these the members of tbe National Guardwho are without arms join in tboutipg, and urge allthey meet to go to the Corps Legislatif building. Itis hoped that the measures taken will secure quiet.

PabiSjI P. M. The mob continue to beat downtbc signs containing Imperial arms and medal. Iasome cases the peopla have climbed nptbe higheststories to erase from tbe theatres tbe word "Impe-risL'- "

Extreme cars is evinced to respect the armsof all olber nations.

1:30 p st. Tbe city now present one of the raotimposing popular display ever witnessed. Ooothousand armed citizen are marching to tbe CorpLegislatif, surrounding tbe building, amid the fren-zied hurrahs of countless misses, wblcb, art fillingevery avenue leading to tbe balL No symptoms ofdisorder yet, only a unanimous expression of thapopular wlIL

Before tbe residence, of General Trochu, in theLouvre, there Is a compact. mass of people, awaiting;the return of the Governor. Around the Tnlleriesis a strong military force, guarding against any poJtibia display of popular Indignation. Hundreds ofthousands of citizen are still passing towards thaCorps Legislatif The place da la Concorde Is onemass of human beings. '' ' '

Sept. 6th, 3 r. ssv It is novr impossible to reachtbe Corps Legislatif, owing to tbo enormou crowdsurrounding tbe building.' It is reported that a voteof forfeiture was carried by yea is5, ot,ja none.The people are wild with' excitement, and ar rush-ing through tbe (tree's dlspjaylog placard with the.vote of the Corp Legislatif Inscribed thereon, and(bout of "Vive la Republlque," are heard on aitsides.

Regiments pasting Into the city am received bytbe popnltce with, tbostt pf "Vive la LIgne," Wlrala UepubHqne." The Jfatlontl Guard teveried theirarm a the regulat troop passed, as a slgoof amity,The troops ara.slnglng "Monricr ponr la. Patrle.1'Tlie scene Is one of judescribable excttctnepL

Rumors of all kinds are In circulation, and It isImpossible to ascertain their foundation. But ousentiment seems to be paramount resistance to tboinvasion. "All the Dttlon to the rescue," about tbsrpepple, aud tbe troops Join enthusiastically, Tbe,Garde Nttfonale say order must be preserved. Thepeople evince but little desire td create trouble, aid.all seem overjoyed at the rote of ' deebesjaee.1

Lates Crowds are beginning to tsar (tows tkImperial arms from tb front of (hops, asd taaat're' fear that this may lead to serious' trouble,"tbe National Guard I not tscBoed to perari". uaydlsorder. -

There is much confolon la ti city, m4 sackcrowd about tho Corps Lsllit!f' that it 1

Impossible to get, at present, firthfal eooafeYthe btslnest; tfsptacted by the t)sptt. '

It is now reported on good aatkorkf, tMt tSfttbe vote of 't.ecbencer" fforfeiture th nJorrty re- -.

tired. The members of the tJutWVLefti an'd Caa--tre Qauche (Left) remained, eonaaMtyg abdal Pro--vlilonsAUovcromeut, sod orx)laglhefl!owlg'jer.on: yules Fsvre, Gambetta, Jules Sljaoo, iKer.

try, Picard, Pelietsa, and Jules Terry;Piaisf September WiL The oe-Mo-9 ef Rows

by lb- - Italian, ttods U.ptd latHatl: ; T

WAfHISOTOJf, Sptub SthTU feUtrSa fSclal dispatch Is just received at the Xaawvtioa ofV..North German Union s '' Tb.'IaorXsswtaoa Mar-la- s;

declared that iU aj:tliKr fsmwWr iU frajnjitUtat4es,,tJ Fswa .fli niajaat' aaiagai;

rA&itimWFri .' -- cn'iLoxpoa, fiifitmUf othfCaMs smW

r3-A-! lorr..t UTil&'&grat h s sas tW baiti 0 laa aaa ttt skMarf

Page 2: Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00."flWAHAN Internum. &mttii uijjiii irj. PRINTING--ZSTaULISSHXXT.j




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aaaaaai .Twaaa Ktwfir aar aW 6iw tiaawet IVoad atSaaiaaita. MNaeC afSaaak Kaaa. Iiauw: tt BivaB.3 Jtr tt W. E. TTjijit. nfxd.

R. A. In at . .

Sana. Sft. C. .

k tows, te ask ters of'jj

battles aroaad Metx, tke 14tkk kariagaa Sxre kt

a. ie matewestward, aad


was bbti betweeax she two '


ocpe The ?e3th, aad coatnuted days 3Tc-

v J - - i .t I ,

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eotitest, acros BcfewsbSi 1

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IfZ was- - riTfe break2orwas TKrwratai

tack of 2ST to tke

Erertr, Snis CVimwcno. Thefort rr of Lao va captttrvd oa tkrAt pace at winch was "taoviac, it trss fsxpected to ;le in pcvsruon

srwai a TCeviaoIay, Sept. th

IV saecess of tlte PrwasMidtcale tSif Fware can not ofirr any? eWtce to stay victoru3rh, Hk- - sserilsrwn, kiilk5 a k is

by sMirs urillVvI to its use? for twatyvear 'past, sad taasrhl to nts itia.tWkcx.oftbe eoeiiv. kas provedthe BKts: t'2eacios fire-an-a that bas Weshandled hy modem armies. Thisisfip-parea- t

from the isetfeod by vhica Pras-sk- a

repel a cavalry charse.heUair sqaare b bo leaser necessaryvrbeH a litie of iafastry can dtjKvej- - sevendeadly roMeys ir oae minute, upoB thecharsiji?lMtafioBsaf The PreachUwrassiers aeked its fire asthe Ar:Hsb horse ) 156S. They-rer- e

MWiUe to the this lie ofthne:h the livifr re that Uared iafrvvil. the battle of 'terth, ae

Marshal IcIahoa: " Wbe.--v arethe Cairassiersr u The Crasirs he

i rephed, - there are aose of thera left!"The resak of the charge on the hilt ofSageveaBe, at same

tie ritS straight fer the t"o Si-f-

pieces, before they had got vichin tvohwadred yards of geas the l'msi-ian- s

Ivrwed a fine as if on parade, aad vaitedtill fvriott French horse had ridden

to a poiat aoc fifty yards an ay, aadtfaea Sred. The. cceated t us teetapty saddks of atatot whole ofthe French saadraa, aad dead so

stewrcd the groaad as toof foMonniag saadrw. aad dese be--

fere tfcea the direet aad daageroas road' atut t follow. Their dash at the

b? to a hak. wha oace thts kteSort- - of Freaeh horse had beea madesad had ftOcd, thoagh pvhed gallantlya. u ua ad go.7

wierfal feure ia this

is ok law?) is speed 'nith trhichirm?siaas hart pashed SooranL War

ws ok the lath of Jaly; theiraatier tras crossed oa the-tt- of Aagast ;

araiy vill be saassed aroaadSat. 1 4 th Sxty-oa- e days. "We refer oarxvaders t the t4egraBts fir the

graviag' oat of the oaes.A ReaahBe was declared ia Paris oa the4ah of Sapc. aad the great EaropeaaPoirors, k is said, ar aor Senag to me-

diate Sir peace. We shall expet to hearby aext ma arrival that

The Profits vrpiantlnjr.

e paoMsa ut Maowia? iroai aa

hich is evideatly writtea by oneaho is wU ported, at least, so tar as themast of oar Istaad saar has beeafoatnatJ. Ov plaaters, aad, ia Act,

oa trho has aa iateret ia theil 3rricaitaril htteres: of this coaatry,

hare reasoa to thaak the BvM&a tor theiBtintioB to h Saa Fraatisco Mid-aa'.- s

taat it trtmii h EalaQr tu aVrol toa fittfe assists kt vv of

Weaiar oa the safes ot oarIt was aadoabtediT at oae date

da-- case, that oar plaatets were aaore or 'less aadtr aSctatioa of the rwmaa sioa

f Saa Fraaosea, aad wereBhatgtd to sabesk tc aay charges psedby like all other iafant eater- -

pne&. the iaaaagaratioa of saear




icaarges (.as taey saqaes--

tioanhar oaskt to do) iron the Saa Fraa- -iekats, k i2 be a

,feaai ao: ibr cfcarky.Tsz rwa safe af a hrze izii; ate ae

tke Oaaaaa fctinij. for Its kaV iu for-a-I

was, apai. S vmfaiM--i )

lie aliataiu: kiauuti taese. anaajn a

i- It k crae that a lew roan aga the Vitary af

aftarnianT tfcere aaarkt. with E r excepdaw.c iimiiai aa m. a saajcar I

kc enedtuaas,

. drf 'aSSns. a. sadia .

facstcuss. kt?w. is ussstst. camita fur :uea a ra creucr sutiti ;

.- o --e ku-- t

ue ejae- -f

ta " itnie U lUr f-- -.

if aC at x fow yesrj a Z2fiuui tke' aiiai"t aa aki kss itf i Cr- -

--aj. of teafc. hare cre--pii fcataaras aad aad LAe w tin. Iz-- '

cue - be rcririii tmSyaa iapei--s ecasa tkrra-daeae- . e4 let ti tit isle-- i

m, tiis cjaatry has hod its daacakies sadTlae War. f drawtaeks : soaae of those who eathorked

Thes of the ar hewrht by the --heir capital aad ener in k? proatotioa

2ises Taylor, detailed ia oar ekuacSs ' hveahfeed toaccaaib ta eresat-fxw- a

teieszaaa! ia paper, to of ethe sariags of a Be--

daeaaahaccawner. Thecaaka- - ap ia their vai. toladoa of ,M He of the arair ras their ora weakh aad that ofof Marshal 3IeMaW at the dose" of tke , H3a --r ibe cakare of sagar. Every

battfc acoaad aad ia Sedaa aad the rhv theia&aey of sagargrowiag,peror NafNtleoa saxreaderiasr hiaaself as a abaril tawveapkal aad kfeor ia thatprisaaer war xo KharWifcav are afierwards aiet wkh

that a--ast hare exceeded the a-- rererses, straggled aatafany for the sec-tIj- L.

titLu. - at v Ir vharh ther ricUr deserved. This rs

was t Kerea ol tke heaiaaarMB of B0,a"-- W"e" 1&J kaSerer

Khar AarMg Tksrsdays battle, ' T 'he eabarrassawats ofoare Eaeror was at Sedaa, or that he . r"115! ahomt by eitravagaaee

woexpehkase to risk of cap- - eiperieaee, or ea.-e-s, we are

tare bv reAahaker kt the iknress. The r0" 7 thaxthey are bow iadepeBd-tc- tShot he was there kecaaKlwaoaiy .

eaAaf fiarea aid, theyhxTe aore raarkets

tnrj rds tS t rL thaa aad if they ever a more res- -

tie fhr sar--

Tae cobso the of Aagast. resalted ia j

skatsaKT V---I BszaaietWt tatyT,the arxty uawa

ks aasreh kv

inaa atisery

saaeorthag .L..C.Freaci

anay hottie v


rras-ia- s

'-,- wwicxrEc.ipa. j.

escapedfivkder, down theirarais,

the was aKTtst Se-- icade sorde

thxBSgiaS-- 1

ra2 tt sttuesSag


the array



iafaatry The


reach ia&ntry


Sedax, repeastd




bicok the path


horses eoahi




potkiealevtktS BfeStary






theat.growiag- -



af peaces.



corps ot JStiLasoSjSK-afcfeoos- s 5,9C6sf FJ--r raw arasu w tsrxPFretiridir3imTfcid beensenttoi - aai a

tkeissaacr of the Priace, the! Ss

Prcsisns forces aboci-3Ie- ti Yr... " .att . . . - asaft cases tie raSol bast Sty ta a too

tSe.fetacatxfis. . taai9CB? .rfSoBia5er thehtle ef Sedan, ( gf pcs sole me

Pififcii'aiaraiy renewed ET Vpoa real rttarai. to taaayta tfeee cotgjn, en tie rcatis fha icirras wah'ffaar cata? t!tggtd to tarry ca

a W--p- hc4r which toer r twt N toIn a socw&Atl s.or. and so r erujfcej

beneath aa rer acccmuUti&i; harden cvf

In otner cjw lk bad did not prora to b sawH ati--5e- i f,v jcsr wjj cpr"J. Tee

soil ra too xWn, too rocky, tt reSeie-otl-r docwpo-- J asvd rip tcwhivatWo. or ti taccb.

a1i irvea k sea dama-- tt srar waiies: quaK

n. and so crups cwdd a caacrl th Ur

aatlar.- Bat oe.--t tls cfesate is tarecaW as rrsret- -

fcrJea fcvo jkvvstot. "bere the Wad is

4 !" wattt" x - pxx3 farWr. a, oahas cieat capital ta gvt H aadoc r ai'.t

I pot Krro"r. : i qsile pesfiWe-- hk a fairrrrt of --aaaaT, I taake a pna&utite.

Ej rcal eaaaoKaMt. hs cijswif tkvehaorvsiauB; brp caay be k-- ft aitkia nuouaVbaaaas. aad if these ce lW batk ot tke xpe- -

sa Ure orurpa prcit wuaal sxa earirh

ihkt rroieat Atater e the IsVhmIs.

IW csackliw fijyrx- - aitr taisajcarKreair he the sarkrt. saak it iWSeall for savafhr thaa a pvrvKiTt aal itjjtitatiaa t ptosp4r. WkM M b arisiaal cot vtKwhttwa are Jtte4 oast tt rMttaiars. f

ta th Urtu&v:at to otrtap--

aaa tkere. Itetscat tace ta aaFraacisca. with deltas. cartax. ia-- nr

aace. bcvkvnse aad aseat's cBiaiyiaas kentVe Bursts ef t9&t$ last a vaab&tas

Xot aM to aH tkb a erakiu baniB afiatcrest, wkkk sttWr c" ao:kt aad dir.jrriaiwy tke kppritVifat flaater as rear$slrt? aiy aaal crssb? aad suxWi ta caae. til o:h- -iar bat Jskeless traih is telUaad itrvqiHre gvxxl

stuaMasaip ta'kvyy rivau of tke"Aad ret the caii of atafki saecess sha

that. aedr fiverabk cirraaijtaacei. vitk careaad eivaeaT. ffakatiar ea the lad is Ttrr pev-ab- l.

tVitk a war vokaaic sm( and a cttteateia kkh ssnraiawkst talk? ita, tk Ike ad.vaaojces of cka(i UUx--. Mk tickt tiiH oadra lacfcaed ta Citt tke fAfc-rc-itr

BMtt reward tke preaVat. The fcvbteaa i?

sot to est dt epeasej that tke asrtrt" otsadt iteeu ef savisg: but- bri siMie proSt tatke paiater.

We jcaswst tkat ssetkas exybl be gaioed

br ciax tirr caataiacrs. so patii- - op aadeteiisf E3ce ta each fackage itk aacerrcpietiavf iacnose f Ptt-sM- r tkepcweat-'4z- e efssjrirkvTS as estabfisbed with

ta twatvaiucctf for packia? oa ovsles

j tke caatps. If so. ibis rwoo for thesize aad weiskt. bo leader

balds, twee tke tiaaspirtalwa is bow- - byether caeTeraBce to a diSreat atarket. Tke

j New Orfues solars saie vaach br teia? pickedia Ltrz coataiaers. SoaietkiazOBgkttobegaia- -

ed ia redaced expe&ses at Utwaiisia. where tkeapeat is for Ike atost part a sere skipper, ranitraw risks ia tke psimatcr? ef sales As tke bas-ia-es

avitsres. aad te pUatatieas are keai brXfneacd aad carefot owaers who are aaacktl-h- r

. jaad. tke rates af iaterest eaost becwoe ea-

sier, aad aa sauM aaaaaat wat be sired ia tkUAad k is for the oaiari joa

af tats ettr ta ceaidVr bow BMck later

cut keaw aW ta yroanaaT oa the nrioasilas af ejaase at this ita. Tke bp amtnmliaiaresis af the feuiers aad awais are ndnaliciiIt aerer vas zood aoher to fcifi or b&dlr seare

j the xoase that krs Ike goMti . Aad --heluutiiat bard that lay that sort af aa oa the

aadwKfc Iaads. is acUbiir jweUr aor pfoStdaW

ika t serMiatf hvek-Hi- .'

1 Tbe sews hy the 3Ios Taylor, fromthe seat of war, is of the mostcharacter. The motioned aad complete

of Getmtm araties is aot, how-- iever, to be wondered at whea we consider

i the iauaease forces with which thev hareenlho i--

r " TT:' " ?iect Eaintarr svsteai wiueB eaabies theGoveraateat of to call oat evervable-bodie- d ataa to participate kt the war.This has eaabied Geraasey to iatothe aehi forces, which, al--

thoegh atet at every paiat bywkh ataaost bravery, dispatiag ktohby kath every advance, tke as, faHyas brave, aad raaeh atore aaaterocs, hareBiet with BBtaterrapted saeeess.

After the great battle at Sedan, whichresaked ia the eaptare theEatperor and the whole of ATeALiboEri

amy, the German amy, nader KiagWBEua aad the Crown Priace, haremarched steadily towards hariagoa the Sth icst. reached a ll

town 75 roiies to northward of thatcity, withoct material opposition. Itseems that the French, at- the presenttide, are eoarlmag their esorts and ex- -

ertiag all their eaergies to the ofthe Capital; and jsdging from what they

the preparatioas to staad ath captcre of Paris will be a most din-- ;cak task for the Germaas to perform,although, with victory as theyare, should peace sot he declared beforethey reach the waifs of a series ofbattles wiB nadoebtedlr ensue, in coa--jparisos to those which heretoforebees fosght wdi be ibsignfleaat. Theoriy hope of aroidiag a mos:

vr t,..,.l... .v., ,i

ris tmsar;. bet rataen frrw tneJ FrfC'wtaaaage of those who have recestJjtakes coarse of azaks, every saericesat he TBade to prevent the eatraaee of!the Prauiaris. Le: as " tkat beforethe be peace taay laterTese aad prereat the dnstdfalaad Hi-cr-y wjach-raas- t eesne if the Cap- -

hi of h aUicktd br tie Gersaajjjjg

ta a Treae miit9B, taklar theBaxH Tsxmj aeeana. a naaa Sl Jrarf aTszx BiaV-- XO ija. warkat S iir . witd ySI)nt

aztsm! elf J tr. a nttar TficiaVJdiji. He-a- s ITjECO pod) at knl.15.07 cwii "ftf cxf. ti577 pneaia of n nulai.ezr u--I I-i-i. ltd rx--i T0.rl54f 6trf. riz. :

wrier. ewSre; tea. brrr, mime Sue. aKts ulri --..v- Lanf sao ..r--feet auz&es. aei tijnr fc--t deep, cs milch a tstaSateaakoat tcxricitc

Szcccw rides ca toor; ssppJe ii aed rescaf wfs. bat wft&est a znffl' tt g serrr rawlt&rca. Wort U tie Wrtyoo af feaaat, irrf icwr4 Ucl tbe mrspmt iB ertr trtaerpfe.

Tizz Pirtlxa ATrrTiwrr axtf taat thfti-- jrr wi lie Aaotircii-fea- , w t Ici sujaepcKiitfcrtie"5jTTsdorcf aeu eftke rar ren. "

tie re Sroot oryiciiaoB s corps, cmtimt a, y--j eky thaa to see it bowborded aad ssser

posted oa the as. At the liat, irirfcafpepr ItefoeJaW dag iacahralable whkh acst enscetie corps of Ae Priace Koyal was aaored j aae w a pinacwii.-- ta.te daria? a hw? aad blood v siese. Indica-westwa- rd

aetfi k esate wkkkt .i 3a af U,awlrieaay j tioas do sot sire aar Treat nBds forJietitm. tL Sba tacf. .-- V. mM m -- J J. I...car



dars' thevieje'jfcex

aai asecttr escaaedfeairie

dsk,'Bzae Jittx,ZO the

tsss- -












the has



pna-ri- a

reader tke









Crown toretSaiq,.ocwereaileto1

feFthe g. ipnaa ejdsarxsxrt

starch usasstiixiis Is ci-Pa-ra





rahsse HoaoMa.




rTtraiseet paiaters.


rfifceacefor raaaiagtradrtiani







the Freschthe


of French




say of siege,







hopetrial-ca- n mode,










The AMwtratlnn Stenra Line.Hy New Zealand papers, kuully funiish

m! us by J. IL Wtalehose, Esq., II. li.iL's Coramissioncr and Consul-Gtnera- l,

and the Captain of the City of Jclbounu'',Ave leant that the Government of NewZealand, projose to take hold of theSteam line betw(en that Colony andSan Francisco, A proportionhas been made iu the Lgislaturo of NewZealand to pay i 0,000 jkt year for a suita-

ble mail service between the- - principalports of !X- - Zealand and S n Francisco.In the diseussiou on the subject, it ivas

by some of the members, thatXe- - Zealand ought to loofc out for her-

self in the matter, without reference tothe other Australian Colonies.

We understand that hereafter the prob-

ability is that larger vessels trill be ed

in the service. To make theprer-ea- t route as popular and deserving ofthe public iairbhage as it "should be,vessels ought to lie employed which areeajable of making the passage from Auck-

land to this port injrom fourteen to fifteen

days. With such steamers, mails fromEngland can be delivered in the Colonies

several days in advance of those by theSuer route.

Supreme Cuuri, at Chambers,--jcroacxr. resTtciuimrtu, srrr. 14. 1ST0.

Tiettas Sika r. P. D. D'Aeila.Motion tu approve jodctaeot in appealed case,

the appeal not hatiuir beeo perfected.S- - H. I'oiHipi and &. B. Dole for tke notion.II. Thaoipsoa. cunira.Tke outioa wis argued, and the Court rfserrrd

deisietr. Sept. 16, tke Court rendered theopinion :

Ptr Curiam ; The motion i. that a jodzmentel the of Wars may be aErmed,

and certiiscate issoed to them to that effect. Therecords show a bond fed by the defendant May

5. 1ST0. recttin? that he appeals from an adrersedect ion of tha Commissioners to the SapremeCocrt in banco, also plaintiff s sahpeena of s.

taken oat- - July 25. .Thw Joanul shows

that the July Term was adjourned from July 4.

the day fixed by statute, to July IS; that the Cal-

endar. caHed at the lat named day. does not con-

tain this case, and that no motion concerning itwas made during the Term. The appeal notkariac been rwrfected. whether by the appellant'sfailure to rive proper notice aad pay costs, or by

the Commissioners' failure to send up a record

of tke case, the appeal was not before th Court,aad nader these circumstances I know ef nothing

to arrest or affect the original division. Rat I

hare bo power at Chambers to affirm that de-

rision, as the cas was not appealed to me. aBd I

bar bo jarisdictioa over it. The motion is ac- -

csrdiajrlv dtiied.


Xrw Toes. September 5th. Late Mexican re

hoi that tbe saaKtroabte walck baTeantatm! Mrxiea for jcars pait are jast aiais at

as ctct. Gcaerat ilirllail U tllll at larpe, atta kca.1 af aa ar, asd is nsiUas cvssidcriMearoen ia la Stales taroa waieb &e Is raj rent-

e--. Is other parts ot lae RepoaHc read GcwraUate also xanHmz twesisrtm fak. Gorrraateat U

fwfcs. erMcatlj. ta star tke progress af thecfeOow;. aad the press of the cuaatrT, iastea af

to aBs&cajkc Gorcraatcat aad people tothe aet?sllj ef attioa, U frrttiw itself onr otherBMUtrs ia a BMr rlaarahMs aaaaor.

lac Tcaaaaicacc Ctaal cuschaa is also oa thelaais azaia. The prwtrst ot as)tsh Uaaibatdera

lrcthr with M!L-tc- r Pamcrwefa reelr U pahfiih--

"tv Yoke, Septtatherath. Tbe Wmwias bodc-ta-rr

article coatatas theluaWaiwz: The Vaaderbiltpartin arairiatfeepniBt to ctitt k that theirmetwBI itnate'f ram W ta 15 percent, and that

IkXcTwt Ccatrai aa Ha4suo Kiicr riwds rcrjaaaa- a- to$ Inhu, aad that the VmIlS elasiwrla a lew aa js for the fber prr ML dlrMesd, readerthe stack aaw scrip Siic tu parehasets. Ia pbiateras tbe ejatac hated to comeeace aext week a

ifcaroes halt cuspilrn. r tTcwmwi froea all the prieeipal cities of tbe

Uaited Stales aay. the K! at the tumcodrr ofaad tbe etptore of jcMibow's aiaar caswd

iatease nciicateet asm: tbe Genaaas, aad theerect wasteTeorated tirSrir palates; rleeier Delia,

rocrssiooi aad other nuBifrstaUsas at jo;.Chicago, September 5th. The lo?es br tbe fire

last afcrht are cow arurai to lrrjite iiT0,CO.Tab. howcTer. U oairan elimate Whileter tbeUlri, the iaiaraaee prabaM; rovers two-lfcir- of it.The of Una leat u stiU uakaoara, hot thereaeeau a ad eerfaistj- - that a least twelve to fineensea aad bor penssed is the Same. Oae of thecsptares la TarweH A Co.' ttore, wto as enraieid"a tulzs with a package of Taluble atiawlauoais tboclders, au ftrack bj bricts from tbe fj!Hawafii. He report tlut from Sttces ta tweat; menaad bOTf arere behind bim aad ssaMe to eteape.The- - ticiteoeat a o creat, bowerer, tbat maajexasreratrd iUtcmeai In resird ta tbe Vss ot fifewere made, asd tLU Deal be Uiea aa at least ratherdosbUU.

Tbe aorder piper jrire a Hit of 15 person In-

jured aad (ixperaosa BiiiKT, wfco wrreksown tohare been cszaed in reoerisz rood from tbeterete- - baUdlsr Kcrer. perhap, la tbe bi.torjef the dty of Cbkaro. ha there been o oseh

over a Src The blaci. bursed w In

poUt of nefcKcrtc.nl beautj peitapa tbe fint la tbecUji asd K toUl dettrsetioa b IIm eaate at UdlTi-da-

resrtt. A lUted lat uixtt,"tbe 2re U

to hare onsated ia the tpoataseoca com

bcatioc af ad rar is tbe upper itorr of LaSaEratsert & Co.' paper wircbosae, bat Ihi U notjet eertain. Tbe Mauaard roof JermlBj tbe txtbJorj of tie baSdiar Is beli reapoeaiHe for tbe

rapid pread ef the 3rr, wbkb tbruszb-e-at

haSed ererj ert of tbe Cre departcest.The iatcM beat damaged tbe itorr and toek

rU zaodaec tbe oputiie tide of Wi haab Atcccc tothe eztrct ef abocl f I9.WJJ Tbe aazietr ef thepeepte to fcae a detafled zcrncat of the Sre. eoa-pr- d

wHfc tbe carerses toe farther aaraew, easaedaa saprteedeated rss eathe aewtpaprraSm. aad

br;S a. TC. isata eopj-- of tbe Jvnct or Tnbszterxjld be bad tbctr:, ta Ibeaewi de4 oralthe aeccf ,tbe pjcr. tbesaclvea. .So extra cdvtlaai bowerer rrr tiasedL--

tJ.rri Cp ta xMi tdsr, 5:37 a. a-- , so honebaTeeesrrrarered from tbe roisa. A painfsl

aSoxt that C&trtes, a Jar ton of Clarlrsri j.tkt!j traces to tssrarxztsimxmmswaa aererKeaaxala. Jots B. rarwefl, tbe tesioraesnerrf hja fira U aatest es tbe piain, atlesd-ie- r

10 bu ds(V a fbdraa Coasitaiacer. ' "

A CuuTXasisWaeiiaxt9co3atj,Xc,driTiazxfir a loaeJt raad. erettooft a OvOBtrjfaaa oaleaf,arhtraa be iarited tf rtie. After the-en-- bat! beew

dirrmni itai.cierieal fxUUzzl akrd U fvaaa.u'am U tr waa prrpared Ja die," aiafrsgafi..heeasawr ri- - "leaped froa Ike "nvffm lad Hi ta ajnxr mi afrt;. omaaderisr taia c,atrfae 1 fjaoe-r4JJfU- b


5nKUJSBCU trairmtte booorot teirrthtkrtl Istestsr at notrica hits. Tie CHaete, areraixbssdred jtw is iWf coaorriol Inter-rwert-

cade w ooles Lj cs icb, b--in j: cxrr crtarJrS'fcsi& and fsuted. 'rendered tt tspotbteto detect ttecbral rzeep by tbe cae tA a hslfe.

A poSte pbatojfbra- aace tlit tni a lad;, who tadtees jfcsSiT ta r pirtj lor. as tour, tty tiling:

jtra tare artafrd azz tiss cbaxsislT.'



VPiT. STKAM KNOIJtKS, Swaar Mill".i4 Ul(

Machinery of Every Doscrlptlon,

Fartitular attaatioa paid to SMp'i Blaekimttklnr.IJ-l- j


Commission Merchants,JIM) AH EMS Or


Arr4 I fwrl.li Kit! a4 Bum SWt ta nr

--tarat -MmnltttVfJtCn. llmolala.Sliwi It IthtfMd A CO Hpwlola.M4M Cl a tlMutu.Mm WaitM 1 Alln Uilala.

UKKICKlSo. I0!t Caltfurnlit'stirtt, San FraiKlco.

Rimmel's Choice Perfumeryy Pattuamd by all th World!;

IlltASO-IHUAK- VAX DA. HEX- -I")IMMKLS Clab. Vrnnjiiraae, aad other lr-f- m

uf 4iiutite frftxrmoce.KIM MEL'S Latesdar Wattr. distilled from lilt-tha- n

tlm.KiainjrI's Toiltt Alac;ar. (ttttratrd fir itj Olf ftlaad (aailarr pri-rtis-


Kiaiur Extract of Limt Juic and Uljcrriof, tbeil pnfratin for the hair, j11It la wurm til.uatr.

KimtHrrj Duconp Oil Svap, pcifnmrd with Anstra-ha- o

Eaeilvrtttf.Rimmrl'i Ultcerlae, llflner, Wimlior aad othrr

ToPttKiiDlntl's Rum Water. Clom and Floral Crick-rr-

xttr isiiu; for balli aal pitlJ.Rinmtl' Vilt. Kvr-lra- f. Rm, and other Toilet

Powdm.A Kbcral allowance to thiprrj.

EC0E.NE RIMMEL.Irfotnr to It R II th rriMM of Wlr, . Strl.

IS. Kft trt, aa . C.itill. UikIwi;U. BUTnX XutUnt, rarlt, wJ T6, Kins'

- SM lij all rwfti-- i try TfnJ.yt. fg-tt- )



CIRCULAflNGLIBRftRY!Merchnnt Street, Honolulu,

Black A AulJ'a lata Stand.

TH& ADVERTISER barior purchased tbeintereitof Mum. BLACK A ACLD in tbe Stationer;, Newand Periodical Easiness, will eontinne tbe sme and


Such xi FMIeip. Lgl-cap- , Letter,Note avnd UUlet, d HrperT KnTlop,

JLcctfuat-carre- ni Bill Paiper,Cleth-linc- VeHam. White. Dice,

Buff aad Canary Entelttpea,BUk. Gepjinf and Wririoy, Vulet, Blue,

Carmtae ami Sjmpathetn IoV. Peas sodHaider?. Inkstands X Pencil in raritty.

File cap and letter ise. Letter Clips.Paper Faiteaerj. Robter. Erasers. Raters,

Fennel. Red Tape. Rubber Binds,seating Wax. Notarial Seals, ie.

Itlnnk Uook. Irder?a. Journals,Day, Caih. Keard and MeoiraB(.aci Boes.,

Scrap. Leg1. Reeeif t and Nute Btoks.Pena's Letter Boks. with ink.

Pros Ctapying Bvks.Drawisg Paper, Blottin Paper and

Briitvl BtMrdt, Wter C- - Utj. Dnminees,Cheii and Baekaimun Baarls,

Star Medicated Paerr le.T the abre, with a large Sapply


will shortly be expected, a fall and complete ass't of

TABLE & POCKET CUTLERYce ebrated makers-Tli-

Cir CTxizxtia s XjilorzxxysJ Wil.cvt.tatn Stao trd iethun, and

New Bwk will be added by every Sreeoier.J. F. Smith's. Dwkeas'. Baiwerg DTfraeli's,Eazeae Sue', Wukie Colha. ilirrjalt'sMies braddon's. Mrs. Deary Wnds,3tr. TlUa WtwJVpMtssMoibaeh's.Tliaekaray'i.Mrs. Grey's Vwtr Ilsgo. T. S. Arthor's,Pferee Kenan's, and others are ow ao baml.

ES BT THE NEXT STEAMER will be addedAnthaay Tr ltfers Aeaelu B. Edwards',Annie Tb-m- ii. Mrs. OUpbaat's. Re. Eltiat'?,3Ir Stepbes Chi. Lever's. Mis. Maltfek'fCkas. Read's, and Mrs. worth's, togetherwith all the LatetvNiTeb.'


Thaakfal for fast faTn. the adrertiser hr-es- . bystrict aUeotwrQ t Voiiss aai the wants of his pat-r- u.

to meet with a ectmace if the same.Alt ortlerT fnna the Country anH tbe tber

Iitands. pr4xptiy attended t aMoe twvt rates.Mooolala. ept Z7tn. Ib.s-.- 6 m


THE FRENCH llesiilentj of llonolnln,a recast co'eetioV. bare rejred tu .pen. at

the SUre if Jlcisri. OH ALLA11KL t CO.. Km. S

Xawaaa Sireet, a Ssbseriptasa Lilt fur lie relief ftbe uf the killed and wacsJed ia tbe presentwar af tbeir eeaatr;.

Ererr Frescboan if htrtted to coca and giee hisOhns. lare of tall. It if .pen aloKfor eeer;nneelfe b wubu to eactrisste ta tbe list Chriitiaumi hssuse object. 36-t- f

ATIS.---. Lei Francais. resident n

oae deerie dan leor reocion d'aoerir onee de foateriptus ebea Metin. CIIALL.t JIEL 4

CIE-- . a llacoiala pasr tesir era aide aoa fjoillede Swliatf Traceal mart on blee pendant?larcerre actselle. Tost Fraseai ctt iovhe a apporttra srytr oo Obole graade a petite.

La Hit et aoTerte aasri poor tote perrcace qnldcftrerait eantribaer aa taeae bot dfbasanite. Z$

Australaisan Steam lavgiation Co

THE UMDEItSIG.VED batinc--- been apceiafe'I the Arent ef tbe AUS- -

TKALASIAS ETEAll SAVIGATI05Co. at Ilonalola. tbe Ceapan; will cot be respaaalblefur xzj debt eactraeted an aceoast of tbeir itittli,tbe"Wnra Woera."or " Cit;f Myboerae," whb-- et

Uieir Trriuas aotborit;. -U-I- o C. BREWER A Co.

. -- "f


SMART. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. OneA wh ic aeqoaiarej wnh tae bsiisesf. and i will-i-

t. esake hisuelf atefai to- bia eaipU;ers.Iaaaire af (3Mt) B0LLE5 A CO.

International HoieI Notice 1.

THE bereo&.ra eaitiag leJaaU C. llaaaiaa asd Paraa Fzaaaat

ea. nader tbe itfie of II ! a Co., i tbi dtfdtaUad b; aiBtaal easiest. AH aeawset af tieM Fins fH tracefC. (NrrtW. who

U aatbnized ta M ib aaae af tbe Srm is liquid-ate, aad who wid hmatter earrj nr tie leniaee aftbe lalersaiXLCal Hotel spaa bif awe

J. C. JlaKioir.Flirt FzeiaiBct.

Haaolala. Sept. 1. 1ST. Zi--

Lisences Expiring fnSepfemtaer; 1870.

OA Hn.?nd Jobs 5B.thH.lE.IETAIL. 7ti Mt Arte.' tth H. T. DiesseH, SthAh Ma Ai, Sib ISrinAaam a Ct.. lfU Cantan a BilItti G, C. McLean. Sth Ah Sana, Utb II. Bird,13rd Ah Lw, 9th Ah PaL Isti Ab e. I,t T.MM-taaaAS- JLta.;a Ab ate.

M0L0EAI Kaarrakahai, Ifhh . O. Foa tU!.'K1CAI Waroea',th, fe?P: Haildebett;HACaAII-Ilasa- kaa, Jad C. It. Cb9a.triiolefale. 0A11D-- 7lh T. C. Heoek, 2Ht

A-- . tnejhsra.Betall Rplrits.--OiHrJ- et Js-f- b K,, Jth

Hs;Ee a Dsase. 27ad G, W. Hw;t tailing.Turfs.allitj'r-ijAilC-t- fl Aai tidC 'Cai'Si,

I'tb.Jtrs.iiBririaoti. " . . ! ' i - iUBteher.-.OAHITljrip- .p parfd,, IjJh

Horse-CUIf- C It fc. p. Ward, So. in.




ftaw'h Bark R.C. WYLIE,

Ilnltetmann,. S : . Matter,

Now In.e

rpe- -




cossuTixa or




Silk, Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods, I

Clothing; and Hosier;.Broad and Brilliant Cloths,

Snddlerj-- , Groceries,

laluts and Oils,

lVull Paper,


qts a pt Dectjen A SchrooJer'a Star brand,

Dcst Trench Clarets and Craudy,

Rhine Wine, Genuine Holland Gin,

in ease and ia bulk,..aa v

SjiiirkHn- IIucU, In q'carts and pints,

- s 'Port lVIne, llolT's Malt Extract,

Ladies' and Gents'-.Eoot- s & Shoes,

' it tha leit cuke and msnnfaetaie.

2 Splendid Rosewood Cottage Pianos,

of the newest pattern, and unsurpassed in"

mt tace.

Three Large Burglar andire-proo-f IronSafei,-- .. "''T :. i .1 .


A Variety of Other . Articles;

Too Ncmeroai to Mention,

Suitable for Town and" Country Trade,

For Sal on the most Reasonable Terms.


' tic-- , ti... t " t, STl 1 X3 Trslnnt,

Ftesh Oftters,So. 1 Hawaiian Eke. Best Island Padd;,

ifan3 Rop li,2 and 3 iccbe'l.

' ''Harana Cigars tbe best In the' market;

.Swiss, CaliforoU and Limburg Chteae.

Boac Salad Oil; Center; A Fore it, RoseTobaeeo,

Sw Stjlts of Ladies' Trimmed Hats, --jGents' Farnisbiag Goods. American, Ae, Ae,

For Male Cheap,at tbe Store of


Fort Street.Holc!a, Sept. " "


EALiL. TJSADE 18WBest A S HaWaiian



. m o Ks.&p-- i r, a aThe store Beef 4 packed by an experienced

Tark' Islaud Salt ' tb Utt VTerrnee ran tgiren. Far sale ia quantities to fait bj .

TJIEpp, C.Jli:r;CK(lTesdalB,Eept.Illb, l7-is!- o, ,

" j


Arbrtb Plsg CanrU. fifor rle bj on. BOU.Bfl a cnr

BIAtKSMltfl' 'coaK. """ '

PJPilCLAY. tit f.fc



twUPHKMK COURT oriha Hawaiian lelanfta,iO In to miler rf In Klit tt Her tat UajMrf 4a.IX)Cr, II. K. KapatDlilll,-tlb- ra Mr. JMUraVIUeaua.Ih rrvhat. . ?

On rradlfta- n,l Allot tha patttlrw ef C17ARLCS KAKAIXA,lha ww at H 'I H ileceiifed itlait lateail to. Iloaotataon lhaili ); ,f gtptwntor, A. t IStO, auj ptaji.e tintCku. r JuM bmjt U apHUft AJmlnUtraloe or wit batata.

Ill bot.TNTlrT.I, thai Thuila lb lath da; oTCVtiiberWW, b nixit' IbthMilaai-- r MM palliloa. at 1 o'clocka. H . txf-- tb lion. II. A. Ukl'imaa, Jaallr. aa ateeaaalat lit (Votl tba C1IT hf ll.wcloln. aad Ikat naau.eatt lK.n. (U maJ tie at ll tkre arrra.lt. ami, lath. llw.mo.tia aaa Aa Utoa, nawtpapara pablukadIn M Uoaulula, pratluoa ta Mil fcnu In.

II. A. WrDIMANX.Aamlal Jiutica ?pcn CoarkS' AltMt: WAITER Jt SEAT; Dtnutj Cltii.

IVtrd at Honolulu IhteSTttt daj of Jpl. A. P. IT9. ST.

Conrt or the Hawaiian laUntta.STJPItr.r.lK In th maiur of III btata of AMBKKOII0()KtU)LK KAFAAKEA, caaak Bafcra 11 r.jttkllca VHnna, la Cbwanee.

On raadlng and Allng tb. patttloa of John O. Ifefatala, Ad.ntlalftraUe of tlko Satale of Ana KtohoohaUil Rapaahaa,rfaraated. tnat hi final account aa ocb Atmlnhrrtor ma;bo allwad. and tbat b. mar t itltcbartt.1 frvni oald tratL

It I. ,alrtHl tJ lha CWt. tht TIlf USDAT, tb Oh da;ft Octotr. l. a, IW at 10 o'clock In lha tftitftti, b aadIlia Mala ttttaar t apsvtntrd lr ttaarlnt tae M petition tf ra the MhWnittce at bit Cbatnbai In llooolola, atwblchtint. att plac all peiaotia Interacted mmy appaar and ah.wcauta. If anjr tbft hate, wnj tba aama anoakl not ba araatad.ami that notice thereof be aitan br paUtcatloo of lata ordarIn tba M 0i0 aad lliwaiua Uixcm neatpaper, foe tbeecontecutiTa artki pratama to aakl baartaa.

II. A. UIDKAIANX.Aittelata Jottlca tt tba baprvena pjart.

Attfftl TV. R. Nil, IVpoIt Clark.Datt.1 !lonlnt. si t. IX IS70. t.

TOTICK.--I- u lha matter af th SatatafUt.OEUEi:BKKTS.Jacaaad.

The undraln,l Katlne been aipdntd AdmlnUtrator oftba alwf a folate, all peratHl ar. nerabr notified to prteeotthtir rWlma. at the office of tba wadertigned, U Hilo. trltblnIhre niuntM ftom the pubtieatWa of Ihla Icai and altpra,mt In ptMawfon . f pniertr totoof la to aaM batata aravtlaed toaccoaot tor ilia same wlth-- ai dataj.

J. II. C0.NKT, Administrator.lllbv Jnljr IS. 1ST0. 3n

T t:cj i, otick.. la tba matter of tba CataleotJLi THOMAS !II1U.

Prop? appltcatkn batint; baan made to tba llcnerabla A,3. Laatenca. Clrcnlt Jndea rf tba 5eeind Jadicial Orcnlr, byHenry tlcMnMi, Scn'r. for LattaA tf AdmlnUtfatriNt spunth. E.tale of Tbxnaa Skttl, late die tat id lalntata, nolle Uhereof itltan to all abtan It may enncetn. tbat M)(DATVtba tllll day of October. ISM. at 10 .. cluck In IbetiraBoon.It a day ami boar aptwdatKt by nie te barlaa tb aBolka- -tlou for Letter of AdrulaUtratl,'a atrraald aM alt otjeclioaethat may b ctfered thereto, at the Coort lliaa In the townof Labaloa, MuL II. I.

A. J lAWRKSCS.Clrrnlt Jwlra of &d Jedlclal Circait, It. I.

Labalna. luL Anttut Mb. IHa at-ll-t

"XTOTICK-- ln the matter or the Katate ofX S l KUKO. drcea.ed, lata vT North Hawaii.rnfe application baTlaf: beau ttaa tu tba aadrisnd

by William Meraebutich, for hit dUcharea from tbadattta aadratpunttbllltlea at at;mlnftrtor to tb abuT named Eatata.thertfore. notice la hereby irlTf n to all wlnan It may concern,tbat AVedutaJay. October Mtn. at 10 ockk a. w.. la the dayand hnr appointed th bearing In tba aaM matter, aad ofany oljectkms that may bemad toaald diacbarsa balnsgras.ted,at Panbne, Sortn Konala. llaaalL

Charles TRtarniCK hast.S. Kona Hawaii, Sept. 7 1ST0. ST Clrcnlt Jadcja, 3d J. D.

"WrOTICIS-I- n the matter of the Kital or01UMM.M0.N8.

Protwr application batlne been made to tb nndereltrned byJ. A. ifnmont, tor letter f administration op, tba EstatectOILISlMMO.N'8. deceased, ht.ofll matoa l.lanj llaaaU.Notice I bervhe rlten to all whom Itmaycoocrn, laat Mon-day, tXtaber Snt. IJ70, at D o'clock a. ta tba day andboor appointed for bearlne the eeid tnalter, and alt ebjectioaethat may be made to rranttatr aald Ictttra of admlnhitratxfn,at tba Court Hons, In Walmee, Sontb Kobala. Hawaii;

CHARLES FRKDCR1CK HART.S. Kona, Hawaii, Sept. T, 1570. IT Circait Judie. 3d J. D.

IX HKl.3IAX.the M.tter of th. Eatat. or VREDItICK

Proper application batla; been mad to tba andaralfnad,by FRANCIS SPE.NCER, for hi dUcbari; from tb reapoo-iblliti-

a administrate to tba atana named Katate; ta.r-for- a.

notlca It hereby ntf.fi lo all whom II may concern, thatM0NDAT, October Slat. 1570. at 10 o'clock 1. St., I tba dayand hoor appointed for the bearlne In tbe aald matter, and efany objection tbat mae be made to aaM discharge belocgranted, at tba Conrt Hoot In Uelmea, S. Kobala, Uaasil

CHARLES FREDERICK HART,Ctr. Jndre. 3d Jed. Ctrrait.

S. Kona, Hawaii, Sept. 8th. 1S70. C7-- lt

IX the flutter of the application for thproof f Iba Will of Jl allALO (k).

I'roper application baring been made to tbe nndcrslgned,by II. CHRISTIANSEN, tbat a day b appointed for th pro,log cf tbe Will of Kamalamaitalo (k) daceased. Ula of Fna.kra, Kobala, Hawaii; natice I hereby given to all a been ttmay concern, tbat WEDNESDAY, October Wth. 1S7. St 10o'ebek a w.. I the day asd boor appointed for tbe bearingcf tbe proof of aald W ill, and all objection tbat may be of-fered thereto, at Pnnbae, N. Kohala, Hawaii.

CHARLES TKEDERICK HART.Or Judge, 3d Jnd. Clrcnlt.

S. Kona, Hawaii, Sept. 7th, 1S70. 37-- 1


ALL persons hnring nnjr claim againstEstate of tha late John Watton. am reqae-te- d

to present tbe sam ta tb nndcrsigned. and allpertons indebted to tba said Estate will male imme-diate payment to

W. C. PARKE.Attorney la fact for tb Hairs

Hnnolnln. Sept. 8th. 1S70


it 7rCourier,Martell's and Henejy'a Pala Brandy n eaalte.Duff tlnrdod and Yrlarte' Sup'r Pale Sherrr,Cafe Orange Bitters. Case Angostura Bitters,Care uf Qntnio tVine Bitters.Bass's Ale Is pints and quarts,Jeffrey's Ale and Porter, in pint and quarts.


Ex Other Late Arrivals,. '

Hennet,;'s, and Marttll's Best Pale. Brand; Inqoarter easVi I Vri

Martsll's and tber brands af Brand; io ease.Pile Sfcerrj In ewe. Knlnsrt. per et til, andHeidriek's Cbampagne.d'iue Qlaret.-SaiXern-

Mutcat. JIochhein,er. Liebfrausiilcb,Johasnisberger, Port and different

Varieties of Cala. Wines,Hoslttter's, Drake'a'Plantatloa, Forest Win,Leslin's and other Bittr, Maraschino, DoprttKum:ncll, Genera In eases and Baskets,

Ind Coop Pale Ale,Tennant's, Brass', Barclay A Perkins, aadOuioness' Porter. Vermouth, Es. ofGTngvr,Efienc of Pepperuilut.'Abtiiitbe. Bourbon,Scotch and Irish Whisk;, Jamaica Runs, Ac


Dally Expects per lark " R. C. Wylie,"

N01V DUE.- ' ' H t i

Due de Montebadlo'a Champagne, In pints aadquarts.

Clarets "of rari'.us qualities.Red and tVhite Burgusd;, pints and quarts.Rudesbcimer, Mareobruoaer, Johannuberg. qts.

Sparkling Hock ami Moselle, in Pints.

Trench Sherry and Port.Cases of Irish and Scotch .Whisk;, Coraeao.Orang Bitten. Ausfoitufa'BiUerr, Anisette.Scryaa, Port, Pal Brand;,

Casks old Madeira.' !

- field and PU Sherry.Jamaica and otber'daacription of Kaa.Case India Pal Ala, plntrand quarts.--Sparkliog Ale in Jugs. . . ,

Barela; A Perkins's Porter, pints And, quart.

Cases, of Glii.Seltxer WtOar, ,

'Very eriy tb. whole ef-th- aberawiuuaait aviAaar direct; fmu, A jeaU hand; can t) sfcr;"reea-mcnda- l.

and wilt be sold at rrj low r'aus jO0DPKEY RHODES.

-- I0ST!On MaaaTar-aaaraia- ; last, a lae siaci.fTirr lam Cansrf bird. It ia n.irlldark apou on th back cf lb sack and on (aeaipa tfwinrS. Adt trson reternine She '.' .v.T..(t 0O. will U Hbtrall; rewarded. , j- -

JFwc-Eisv- t or JUae; . .

TIHT Vt'BV n..l..f.l.o ta- 'v.sssso-s-Hj I0J AtOjunStre!. Apple al f:'Aa. JAJsr.3 e. t,tiaujf.

T4arKRrC SALT Ir- -

iTjVl!.nl., and lor sal. byCO.

a cm...JftlM. fMri7l by'


Page 3: Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00."flWAHAN Internum. &mttii uijjiii irj. PRINTING--ZSTaULISSHXXT.j

M .r, Tli i.



II . I, j

aW drear aaaM

a--t aWaaajV


.h-m- S?rBaVa"SbVMC a. 93aWt aBBBftdaaWVfeBtal

atst MaaaM. 2"atini aar bmbm

alatBaaaBt bmhjmvC


2V Si rntr Jaaws lasear aeaeraiar. .BajK aaa Sa H" a"aa,i;

A . J

Aiau at iA. I

- VT MB BB V BBBX.. t'.J L

yt t m4i!hi, f woafewaaa; faaaasaaaa

,!n r - timbObi u4 36w ImM aaa a iM m ;

awaa ' aa- - "i. 'i S J " '

aaaat a aa aaafiia ii, I


,t;.m1.aha B bx

-- - 11 ii teaw MMMl f aBaBar llMM Ml1 etna,'!,aaa 13t ?. at Bi OS Mt aaa-- aaa I i i L Bar

MM aaa- - ,. m U. rcaW awa aaaaaaB. aaaa Baa a lYiaaarn ,


aaa hm hi a ii a ui mi, Oar ara m


la mTPi XiiiIibIiI mill- - r1-- "

mk ata?. 'Bdk Baa- - bbt waT bi a eaaar f

A. T- - Jbbbml i iji f j

Mf 4ga Jwml i I

TV. K C. all lllf bbbibi-1b- -

bbb BaBafjaB Haa (

aaaa;BBBiafaaBBBBaB C i 1

. . .aa. as asaata "n aay aa " i

r. il Ca-- --- aal at 3a a II In- -CB a C H'l t Ci . aai riL ton ftitial bbV



aaa-- Baililii.lH LB a, a--frfy;

i. lvaa. !


illiaMia. wSaBlaaaJttL.'jaua

aa a a r kiaMaaa.Jaaayjaar. .




aa a iat tan i tmrnm f T fl ia ial iBi aT fa ay C Oaaa. J a i. x. IBa. alaaMr.

aaaaata --H mmt 1 i.f hbaatytJaa.

'r'tOaXwl rBaaa. 1 1 inrif Iaa,


aaa aaaaiaaf aaaaaaf BaaBjr aT XaaEK. SajBV


a ii .in laBKBWiraL aiPiiiiniBi i ,. x ,

aaa. a aaa a i aa a tnai mm aaaaaaa aaa BaaBaat aat ajaaav

itxpoirrjs.Wm t a t i.aaaTl Sa ZZ

OH a. iiil a. KcaMj aBi a - mjaaata atw


XMPOilTS.' a!

IOaaaa. ia avrhaiaj-Ba- t t jaraa. -glllBBiUmaaLara'" araaaaaa Naa a . tat aij or at

lieaa. BBaijIl i ili.aa-fgocan-

ak aajUaaMiasa .aaa r if in iib . ii Oai ia. iWm.

I m Baa . ajfaaailiy a "

11 1 aa lun t. 3as.5la Si2t .

-aa a i.i aBlBwT.. .

Tin ii fl TtiNriTraL. all .. 2' .a tr" atia 't frenvaaruaaa C. "Brta Saa. Vna j -

aaajajaa . aaaaareaa. fcaa. plariao aa 'a. . e taaLtfa y

.B. fchapv. WaI. uaaa . . aBftama BitT, atpu. a

. Aa taarrTi itr mitar't -

acre alonrz a sera tfaaW ez-- . d

: cBatt aTTanara Sarfac. ie-- r arr HGmaac

aTaaeiaaKae'owasStjraahtSx ITar ajjiae aaa ssatitt vt

g aryaT-.t- .. fa- - ' Tin xail !

Ba eaaat a jaw asSo. r ?

3Cr Taexm &aasisie xz xa i

liB mini ijl nirf riUV irfiT I'nirT firagstjbr ia nvtmJa aaUL ale.

aBBi aaw an m.sewn xtarrjeara a'jea aie rtxSjya fata. Sr a ttoJ a of

rjbat rai!. xaay aw atait maSasie Inrficxi .At ,11a.1t. tag- - jSesta war--- ta tar '

baaBTaaacC 5acnifc fccssaataraiS3sa J

"!" "





2ixn i tit Krci c Sejsasxics. in?ST say. Sams. MS.

." x fa$e ja , ,ja arSe t.lM !'f Istts ss?r: tyjiimji,


MfW btm. bW Vik Ska JiBml i 4

B tBr Ira Warta,, rt Mj.

Biral-- 3 iBllIBrglBlBt'-Ct- l B

rnrBwr W--r. bk

bj bVjbJU fwf oVc am hiiiiIiii tBnfair fara.IBT FBBT ft tVW HkMBB. Sml

Uf 1 MM . H.i .Mil i it it WW


4tr9 C BrI fWiu Bar bV .

QaaBi: Tar Tt SWk 3e Ml ten-- Wtw rfc Mnd far 1 biii. sr--

kart. star ii te Wtktet. jilBiaa nfcg. nigi .at il IfM i twraifc

tes buh. jbmmuW, Mmctpx'jwnrwr. "BBHavi,B bk fBfin mmwfek UJ far Mil Ib. uttirt j iW

ICc mb( &W aaWr mtsKt. afOMV Mi al bbmBji J

trt4g liilTWtttr SanasirT

aarairVBI--iMf cqnct as. asil


far,tanjQK jmmi mM W raa axa ttMflr

Ol XaaaMt. Bar iiln i rcaTlaf uraovaat at an eh

liir? TaratBt aiiMiiii v

." aanrt: laat S- -

Xa. SataV f ii a wfa i iiaVd VrSrbr4far tt M tLlSlB. Wf jar aaai n t

SaC taw gaitwaiiB Bin Oi'ii biiiiIbTi iHai

lllfaa?iBtaf auawSlnaan iaa .upBihai.aj

X aaiij ar Iris5- - 3te. JL X. VlfeaqraaHaaV n iBiai f ac tarar ajaiiai Svdfeaal r

wt tat Want, , ... ....

r aaaar. aat aillltia Liwta At tarrt i

rtiatcaBa8aat arsaar sac mm frriaV i.

aai 3f aauraeaTf. af aVc LaSo.

aJB Saaaaax. a fe UfillU Hat tike 3ajr at SeiX j

Bajtaas u ibT i BBj jaBvc faggiLBU aHit afaaajj laa C SaBSaanrai ht. auir V3aa snfCaif j

aa aaiaT aat ibbbbh. Obt tiaaain VjbBaal nay aaat awgaat B t ciagaC aat kafaWaawaBtizaDatwac t

sOnda tat hu tea- aw. iBntt ktraVaat BBBBar: t aaam-jBi- M3t ilha- ilaj f cae

: at her tBhi a, iaa rtaaJn- -laliaaB ibi at ttum rnmm aniaic Savaaaan '

Ma af Ma- - Sfc kaA, aai2 Bam- -

: arr hanaf aat aj laaa. anr tacrwaatnw Tat Bli lbbj.i if aat aaerlMBiBia Man i

awatat a aaaa. Sat otthwAafaa acaa, acaay f

to aatara BB aaa aart. t

iraaal Wr Jhaftm. 5aaatB.aaBatr at Xi- -

Sbwaca tat Baat a atia.t- -

tmr Hmw nat f

aaa AecaBaVj a '

af latayfiau taar Mat ttmA ISaa r

Cam BaVaaCXairBaaaaBav. jj

tka ar ajaafc.ai. af oa-- SaaL Tura g iianm. J

af li at flaaji- aataia- -

llmt ataraetaa aawae taea--a i ai lutali it Iai. aar ma afa tjqa Bat

y aaf innl Bf Jfa j tar xaaerr; cat Itnr '

aaat aa Baa Hataa naain acalaat

OfiaocjaTClZJSauaBsL hrCnwaaac iaC. BB Sat aaafc af a tl mt-ttej- anawattata. Baa jar hat af riatt IibjiIbubbibl-

taf aat aat jaaaaam i 3 1 1, Ilfflrf f Wftfe ,

ana l iii tBa.la, is.i rt-- '3SA aaal anVrr. Jt nfe? rTKnr O.

Saak u ijra It ifcfcwffl r

atja"t at- SnW!Fai VarUtfaa

Mags, aaf fe tw aaayatihii to alx-ni-r atat a hurt t

af a aJaaitirlai aaac xanAK, fcr ISulaan n'ua aair .i ajkijki .pfr irn. aar u

CcJfci-- t aUi tar arfcaoe hf tfta Crt3iu lavStaBeaa aw C Vn

BH sat tzxoj ti 4tr a liJ)iaJL xrri-Hf- Sx. Bkr3aae TaijaK. Otaaa; it aat xatat, hs St

4fe te esshc Be Bts tost' Ski hot'wmiith sa aUKfatlctaC jacann C fjan. Ctaxr ,

avhtaMaaauaptnaiatelaaBix anUJt. i

sl Bar a trr oar, at i

SatfW Sam. iar waiel: xc iaa aata txrmti Bar I

af Utf exav x. txad f

Xtri a a exatiasBt -

fBHB fBin ,i In 3BiMer axe aaraEiaaawe af XnCam iiia i IT Hi "iiffl aTaf II Ir'f i Hi rt iff fit r

BiaiiriWf Da: Ta aa ie aaf. warn, af Bae wxf.aittuaat ajaaaaLUIIiL ftaaf af aae- ywafa-- af Btrt I

SSraaa aVia-j- . Tiie tBate t!aar & BiLr a !

CnaHiia! wtask if taiac tar a. ate Irec '

anaatacr af ta fanatf it Ok rlhmwtrt af Xtr)eaaSarJ8.; d - 7iitjafSi!iaiaht sa.

afSs Ojiumi1 Ju iairirf satxriT St& we-

Kara Oof Vhtt faf itr la Tr3 iaiih-- i f 5t fttlavr ;mai,iiiai; i ic -- laat ir. iuluaaa lka Seii soatlpiSDtaCat' TrBar jaat TaVi- -r eexrt its ItS-- t 2jatc usit sersatr

ai jBuBmaai,.

juam mar I

t$fiti-te"- x pasjCaaei Balyjjt: w4

u aectaasx. am .- - xkc !thc xkbV

mf sgjeri rfta- J,wrZ-r-- fcr Be yas Sfwytxrv;oul uuluatu: iiea. tas terBig fetaiy ggrgr.fracr mc a ssac u ectxdfc Sj mil eat se dir--

xiaa AJH) faanx waajeftf Tt H mac arei airmring B

esetafe. aaaeaaaoraa are a. ttus x werr Jaer xayai-- 4

.iwfiffe MtSt ctmiaji. ga. ete fea- -

Uaa.i .xiaajteiaef fa Ota ;;cr H SaSi5Ec2ttwtiEaaeaie. 0a oxr'fsnic, acaot a: but ifiiiyl

iwia iQj aawef B xaxt axe cSr af ia-rt-r entrapaat .inj oonoxirrasoi aM. asit --t, uatjt seesumwd aaea9iaoidRi,idhiiiiM(

ib Bm eitiiaTftag ' " , fiaor Baf esaaarml ftiSea,aa 1&t; BEtSra; aaufi he haa dtaw Scs 5nyBssiejnate Kay Sir cKnxarrur ;raiG!-ra- s, 12,1. sixr tflea esiecx. boitlr-- " anif easesnie Af- -. ce heiCeaga. H"Jrit: 'it X&L, ge tob- - fvLjtArrefT'aie

Xar2ar beaiKftMEii: sneSaso ;rakrv a3reiEassirs en e2yCTKse 2 toomatea?-- ' fo!d nitlaw tjsncxjaaraS nzacem wlati 5aiaae3ar -iesrti O Jf9j a anr ha ramt tm

a5ptaai' ape3r3eBEMS5eaCii(rirfair- -

taiai trrrbt eSttriC CeaESaaC. 15 w3S arirr-- 1

Txrr Ixvni-- Aurit;-- TVS tiT-- j J trsrtrs--1

tiw. "new W It l&i yntr. iwrei t Sr '

to tf tS sIxeMtaiet!y. arwevrt--

i is. T5 SiSiw. k tit rr t nUe i

f Mitt & hiMrti! kkM&it irw'rvJl jobs Irrrh, ll2 kmc urf

Anpi iimWiti-Mttti-

J-- sm jrl x kir x Bk 41 kc iUfcHWllll is

tcW ilii Wkt bIhocKoJ in5t tM W tisBrtlVli t Ifcit

c mwmiJI titfrt. eirxM xmt y, a.1 wi. iJL -- aat SV? &-:-

aval ti matMTttf an imbVt ei. A sw '

T"bWH swifcrrmU. Cite- - rr-c- wJ M

I Mar Suhmt T TriBfcrrf. 'To jiaVjg. Bfr r

Itmi rri'rtm. ta-- Mtavi xatva,"' Icrt a f tfeefcgimi ti ttVtac arc MaMrniasire twat to aj wnarnaV a inMj, M k luntr w wed

. W a.-- XBa- - il iii Mm. Iniwmnaln Kt SmumcIr; a.njruah

! --f featp laaaf ate. Jl i,lw-- . a. iSCSinM a, IttB aa itt JUjaas.ml WJBM.J tW tail Sfb-- on (uimmcw at aH

a tkC, axt aa ttcwcttWa,

rf Tnaatrtaf UKrQKxaVBiraB4i. atm-



THE yCAKTEKLV JIEKTLXC rf &t Tvef JW Qws wail valjl at tft OMJtt-jMiu- ?raaiit.

F. JL. iXAS?23L

T. v p. A.

THE aitUr iMti5cif tie AvciaU.hi hM aa tLcemf Sin . 5iaWc Bast

wx Tiativ caoa a& Mas; o.

SsIcGi C&6Bi3Skl IC8fliJ, H0S6fefe

THE REV. C. cI.V hwra ft aaiXMaeJL Eucha:iV 9 . T. sacs tut i5Mf a

SlesaMlitf Mr. &araV. smc 3Tlw ijssia. or sa--r emacm . aat aa fiw iATKr asatM is tl Bunt . waxzaz. Kwa, aadnnvxr n 1 ill 1 n I II TllPI-rn- r aa ariaaM mii asmji. ta ahawt th uzul 1 hzwarx hf the saacaf VELOKA. ataiaU;

Tfl! 1 I Hrfi taMMi.7 idn. aftucitiaicH.1IHHMUM1I IHUMllll. rtiae jjiVA, f ft, Jr,. afci af iiis C. S. BAETOW, Aart'r.aajirt. aa aasfirBi. at iaf S at lie earer r

Saturday, October 1, 1870,

7a asiaaraaixtt af ti Xoisnat Zrt2si2 aar


Trim. &t TutuItt ja ,2Ed&ux,

aanCaf i wzan if esir5asaaixu toviaQizj k?

SELECT SCENES and RECITALSnam siussats io kjhi fCPitii jancas.

Ai Biaf aajBt laaotjj; Vr. Sytri aj. u5 t

. -- i ' - :

.fc.ICSbAATaiBrfr3.jjKh. tloxvalltxu


efAdmwi.n ;

TBDiffauesitinfwluUab. j


la. 74, S"ccasa St, Honolulu-- 'DEALER IN

American and EuropeanCroceries,


Za;, ii. Ci ty Seei.Altf a fial uvucOMat ff


E CaHlTmla tT.aVj caav, CaixaaJA

C&earr A narap a nfitrnl aj--


jtrri'iTrar i SEitntfttn. xrex a ut jiiri at axis iuit" al.lfa.inf Iiu.- ;rciM LniC hmcar.

'I. Trxac SareeC.


New and Desirable Goods !

i.T cx;uci 4j" htar

Axif nxw o. xxxii.


Eigtrt Card Matches, 4tc,jFI SALX 21



A TWO HwTt-Paa-i- T, CJari'r Pxseas.ar frui mrtaxc arSec Sana txxzizg vr"

Co TSiiaistjr Vurt 2"tc Susier jariiaSaa ;

?? ito J. T. I

To Be Sclc A Bargain!

TJaiWexi. T Othcn. ir rxxS ef C9?ALL STSyifi. eaa naaibex wxi c xamaaaJLarewtaivd!nid.wHuL ao, xax'aiBf freeS,-n- i oaJw sxnec cT txas n'mjaaaaf realty nr wrrfctw, ya,Baaaia toaiCatgtfc. TxeMS&ioi9 it he u ac a. 27aa oarxaaa cur casarea. pS-c- l JAMX . TrvaT

FOR SALE.Two Wetzsl Pans!

AW r S-- jgACZFFi ri- - A Ca.


SITS 7 XTLI KAtSXiS tf tStiTSTZatEU E Taiaerr-- f 1


Will Lcate Honolulu I

On Msadsj, Oct. IQlb, at 4:30 P. M.,

aid llatpa.

Bftwfmk ti Am wixia t Kra- -

Wk2 BWuASSV-Wrdbft- t t

Tor Sals or Charter.THS IRON r.VMLS

ijD --Vha IatoroiiJixbtk aiwwtic. r4

wk 5 StBCTftFahr& l UNiuxii2MS iaulN

T criarM-- , TttsitMAXASERH.ST- -


TI1E UNDEESIG.VED bear to aetifr tetefct ti. ti iSs-ia"-

aj fuea&tr 2I alvav V

ajx aswgmtujt C t--Best "Wines, LTquars and Ales, (

c 3i.i t a5w. aaii ete-'u- atT V

k&& St wat iii ax rxTtntrofi frarCirsff. as2 .

rj an9aK br r THnS-- ?-

Mr. ANDREW J. CAH1LL.aV xsitr ax ttt ai r f ua cslbiiMBmriit

aoi4ra JTr af . v a rpsavc ai'irfafx u!m; Sua 3H3Zrjfca mv.'is 13 vcai2(--aav. f

Kt BaCart Sroca. ir 6i UrfJ asi cnxHt.: i

ax sir ciAtf, cwoAaiu f


4l alii ti LiAi IamnsHtli.j-- c. ctosr.j "?rtKotice! "

T E it to all tjcs. liat I. WAllI- -

arattaV W rit,: TW UaiTrf ifaix. aI f

Mascaas at J'!'fawi af Vr u. r stT aoJwai Butt almauaf ratJaac ttaJLanMav4 aintali ByjgSte erT. aj Iha aat saf ar & ai m& Bfru. TirT-fcr- x

lir r!THa; va-a- B at raw af tawmcraiiif " a rttcrri t XQratsft ETaatu- -Ut.


2T?dce to Greditors.uaata f BAIEL jffiClSOX&ST. m.L.

"vrwncs is BEayar ctvssr sr the cx--ama. AtnaftranK- aS W aU Kas.l

-- lkeex.

Xotice!TTTHEREAS, lie 2ifrir3cJ talis;

I 1 leex iwaUKt ay as SSas- - . B

I Aaauiairiai t zh Sffiatr tt 6. a. Sae, th jaf aaaair ln"uailf jiiii. atnuw! : Tinaw. aS

Kjff?r- - a evr w afc. are rraatrdl B

sah a?fcLfi aajaMaa W n at aaxhau. asi alllenau iirin clian. ijrvnsz tial au 'vat ;rzC


X- - a'aaair. ftaC itx. lilm ' Aiaisuitzauo. IsScgar Plantation for Lease ! I


Ar Ilonoipn. District of Eohala, f


i T a rfluiillr yric--r aadtcrsf. Fiftr i

A uai laian wfti nai, t,arf ihmj ia mraj a Jfal. CartJe CtrSf . Sraraw-aos- . ant t

cc TlbfitaB Bf Jerrfit r ir atr? Far ptr--Barrfi-- T asatf B K H.u ap i. r t

TEJA5 BTATEEHOCSE.S is - tfaaaiti.



Hawaiiu Bark R. C. WYLIE.

Ilallemaaa. . - Tfaaler-- , ,f


3TOW DUSProm Bremen,


CHOICE goods:Carefbli7 Selected




English, German & French


ClGtfiEg, Hosiery, tiaimtt,


KJtljaar Wlae-- . Freae Wlae--,

hlirrTX aad Port,'war aww A-- KaJlaaJ Cia- "Uaal ttlaTj


RtfSsis 2t He Mst REasM3ftie tltfis

Te Let!A. BflCSE is Xanaasa TaJiarr-- ei- - a 1



Br&S. ll.VUTOW.

.THIS DAY"Wednesday, September 28th,


VIU. t CUi3


Dry Goods and Other Merchandise !

Irtt, Fbikj- - IJtt!, Ory Goal. Ladlrs


Ribbons, Hats and Caps,

Bg bT FmMt, Car r CXuuaps, Cat T

C. S. BAKTDW, Aacfr.

Tuesday, October 4th, at IOA.M.at Salesroom,




C. S-- BAKTOTT. Atr.


Br rir if i. L DOLE. Gaardiaa f th

""" " rI sill S1I st Pcblic Acctica at SaltSTOCia,

cs FILED AY, Oct. 14. at 12 ncoa,


-- or-

The Large and Profitable


OjX SATURDAY,Oclolxrx- - IStli. ni J- - o'clock, .toon,

Near the Old Custom House,TO he Sfii a: Pxhlas A&etiic

Four Tubniar Boilers,Tiitx x: aTti firaser KIUUEA lesjti IS ftinches, iia2tr fiaar feet.

One Old !Oont and One l,

A LiKaf aM I.--n. a LH ( Briel.Xiti, Ceh. Balu K;.

Lit af aaM Pn. Kuli. Bx, le.ALSO

The 31 eta 1 tnlfen off" xbe IJotlom oftlie Steamej- - lailaura.



-i-a--t Auction.Ej arler f tie Exeexttn af ti Eta! f JXUZS

LOCZABA. deeeaevi. tie sxdertirae-- aB leil

02S SATURDAY,October 29th, on the Premises,

At IS o'clock oon,

The Lot and Buildings,;SITUATED 05 THE

Ccrzer cf Berttaiia & Bzzebbswl Streeti, j

mxA a! (reseict f!d j ilr- - . X. CARTER. ,

axe ffcf it xccajaatTr airaated fara peicaie revaieKfe. hearg- hit a ihartttzxx trra tie &xna part et LierfT. ee ieealerl a t reeaiee the ;

fkJI Imtrmmt mM T Ll, i T i rp. .J i

caif iigf ae ..irjr Xe&ff Hcse. ami three LireEoa. wiar4; aaaj he ared aa two Pari. rf, wishDixtr Raw;: two larje Eedrresf ; ere DreffistrKzz ; Bedewtim; axi reraada ia frvrtant of tie baiap.

Oae bxc &tcilgae. eTr-f- r g Wood-ir- Cooit-h-iw-

aa Star-r-at- .

0a Oeraz. arstaixisr tw Bedraasj.Oa ar Hacse. oxtatxsr; tw ixil rocss;

Carruxe khs. Bene Stall. tXx.. etc.Ft- txrxer partacxiar. sasre cf E. H. Sta&lej,

C. S. 3AET0W,J5c


Earteatiae "Jant 1. Falkioaerg!"ASD F0E SALE ET

CASTLE & COOKE:OH.6MBIA BITER SALMOy,Jj Banele Saeu aVintTUa Ber caZara-- ,

Ef BtcnZ. Cttzshn. Biter Salaua, -. Ef Barrel utxn BeKea31-t- f SiU ala.a BeSet.

Just Received ex kilani,Br-yaaa-'a Eigfat Card



for Sale!

THE LAST) OF ACArET 30EIH EG5A,b a3a. tie larja

LaxA af Eariltt HS HaraA AU aa exUzarrCatzie Raxes aa Hawasa. Fr panieaian appjr to

A,eSa. 1KB 15-t- f. L GEE3.


XL Pa. Lf&et x i x3 ft. AxifrtoAxa2td,It7 IxVt H .L.GEEE5.

7r Sale!


Marshal's Sale;



Oart t Uv and Hit,T t t) llawalua Irian i IntaTraf t- -r aT awr4 conplalaant jioH J. W.

KMtiaeSil as4 IVsad KAIk hi wife. iicfQl-at- .Sfr m f JCa Hendrcvl anl Kigly-i- i

(JiJl) dMa aad awtaatiac t th turn of0c UatJrtJ aaj Thut,T-tb- r iUn a4 (wnlr--i

t craU. I iaU xtv at I'aVlw A ucticn au thrwt t IlMt m THVR5PAY. Ibf tVt! dajf faVtr jl. l$r. at i:chrVBoa,iaU th

Hft tilt oJ ialtrt t th uM J. W. Kfarrbuaa-ta- !aU Iiaaa. hit aif ia ami to all aa i singular

U wrtj$J ftrcaiwj t frti aad dNTibl ia thWr1rir f Ik cnatplaiaut ia thUcaaf filrd. aadthtrrta dwriVd a) blk t ;

AH that crtaia pitw f laad with hoai asJthrrB taald ia Kaahrpoa, lvalala.

Itiaad 4j OaV. ia Laad Cmmiiswa Award JiSflaad Rra! TatiBt Uil JtKnW aad baadrd aftVTf. KkwciV asaaka I hihi ahaa nautapiK aaa i Ktaea a s ho he Kaahihi. holo thaiu hthaaaaa. pili pa k Keaahihi. a malaila a ahihi h hihi aia o ha halc muV. a malailaaha Ditt haa ihe a ha ha!Ztpo htla Uai a hihi ma-- 1

hiht ahaa tw Kaaialu. ma ia haaaaa at Kamao--

ht pa aaa a hihi I hah! hapalaa I tltKiia boKahah bu aaa aah! paei iho. t laho o hia aina

hw& aaa i hahi hsaaaa c ohl aai aaa ttal ahaoai a i hita haaaa I aiahU ta. ho! aaa atla aaa pifi a h Kahah a a Walhaat a hihi i hahihi Bihisa aaaha t fltt aaa Ktaaa a a VTai

haa. Ota ha aiaa i oJfUiama htiapalapala. tcRrth-r- iii

all th Ri;hta priT8$ appar:aaaca andhaiWiap t th aaa Vispa):. Al a crtaiaWJta lUnw siiaatcd ia Kihthale. Honolnlu. Oaha,asd ntd npa th laad of Kaaaha.

Ua'i th aid dtcn mtt f ait and mj fcj andeaiU4MB V prttwa;W aatiif d.

tr. C Pakex.ManhaL

ADAMS Jl WILDER, Aaefrt.--Varsial 05j. Aa. IS. 1ST0. SJ-4-t.



ON FRIDAY,Sept SO, at 10 A. M. at Salesroom,





JDztrsr Goods,jMerristae, Pa .haltan aad Maathejter Dcsiisi,lleaaj Bro.a aad Biae Drillias,Bttraitv'a aad R.thiorhata Brawn CatUo,Xasuha. Las;dB aad Foresidale CUci,Gief haa. Cliia ti Cabcvr. C.ttaa Thread.Al'ea. Oriental. AoerieaQ arj Ccehec Printi.ADea Prfata porpl aad bcf. llwharj Ehiru,Oreralli. Sprjae Priatj parple aad ereea,Otacbua Tieha. 3Iarehiur Cotton Flannel,Surh SXHLf Shirt in? asd Drifliaj,MBfard and Ccian Deaicu,

GB.OCSH.IES,Gh.riir;, Sage, Sararx. Pepper Saaee.

Eiteatea. Dai'j Salt, Soap. Lemoa Sjrap,FictaU.Cutia, Cheese, Brwami,

Wood and Willow Ware,Palsied Paili aad Toil, Fire Galkn Kejt.Washboard. Heps, Birch B roerat. Oah Baiheti,Ctathu Buheu, Iodiaa BajheU, Setrej,Ratlaa JlaU . Barrel aad Ke; Cotert,Field Cast, lioe liandlei. Wood lianei.

AGRICULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS,Berae Carti. Scjth.j. Bar Rahet, Ox Tahel,

Hale Cam. Spade asd I1m i!aod!e,Ilacoisis Spadet, Warrea't Axel, Ar.

An Invoice of Glassware,Clocks, Lantens, &c.


XerU Shipi Trcahf . Palo Leaf Ilatt,Tahaen, Boata. Rcbter Hue, Saddle,Bridle aad Whip,, Safetj Fbm, Bariapt ,CcnET Bajrt, Beaiiae. Shoe Blacking;,Cider, Expre? I Wagaai , etc- - tie.- Terms at Solo.

ADAMS 4 WILDER. Antt'rt.


October 1st, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,OS THE PREMISES.

At the Residence of Capt. C. W. Celett,Ia Xoa.ua VaJUj wiU be Sold,

Sup r Household Furniture & Effects.Partkslari hj PmKti.


CORAL STONES!Suitable for Buildings,


OctV lf, at 1 P. Jl. at Salea-roosa- ,

Writ be Ofertd


WeB dried asd eaatxed aad perfectlj free tnmSalt, Tier are rearlj all iqaare, asd are rea-- j forrrrre-l- f me.



OX WEDXESDAY,Oct. S, at 10 A M at Mraicaroom.

WflJ be SHA Genera! Assoflrnent of Dry Ms,


Downer's Kerosene Oil,American Clocks, c. afce.


Diasolution of CopartnersMp.

THE PABTXEKKUIP aeretefore exiittetweea II. V. HEVEKA5CE aad CBAS.

K. CLARE, rsder (be itm caae ef EEVEBASC2,CLARK A CO., it thia ixj diaaolred by tiarUatioa.Fiihrr part wO njuia liaaidatipa.


5. Frvat Strttt,' a FraSc, Aagaat US, tt1$.

Sefrrrisg t tl air axtics tf ditioletias, tbaaaderrigxeid wzM (afrs hi Itiasd frieadr, that hoBaa reread the Oeaerxl Ebupplaf aai CeaaMaaEatfaeu, at X, Front tint, ewraer f Clw,cxarr tie asaveaf M, W. SSYKtUSCK A CO.

H. 1T. SCTMtAjTCZ.Saa Trtaiii, CaL, Ag. 14, Uff-K-- la





Oct. I7th. at 1 .Sooa at SRlesrea,T wl oSrt at PaM3c Aactlon

At an upset price of $40 per Aere,

JMfc That Valuable PiecefP op


OoTarumeat Road, aad near th Bncartyof L. MeCally Kq

OOSTAI.MNO A?f AREA OF 3S ACRRS.jfifr Tht Metcalf Road to ilanua tsu on th

northern bcandarj. SaSeient atoa for faaeiac eaab had from th raanka of th lacJ,asd a BTr4aU-Ib- C

tapplj of water frora walla.

JST Tho eonttintlj iacrraiins tbIbb of Real Ra-

tal ia th Tleinltj- of Ilooolala. rendera this a goadopportunity for partiu detiriac a proSUbl iaroat.meat.




For San Francisco.Th Fin Clipper Bark

O OMET, tMFCLLEH, .... Maatrr,

Will be laid on the root ahoot Sept. Nth, ta loadwith diipatch for Saa Fraacbeo. Freighta wQl brecetTed on th wharf or at th warehoan of th

Liberal adTaneea road on znerchandlr.a BREWER A CO., Agent,,

S3 Market Wharf.


For San Francisco.The A 1 Pachet Bark

jil d. c. Murray,j JT. T. BEXJTKTT, .... Xaatcr.

Will ba dno on or abont the Sth nf Oetabee. andwill tail Tor the aboro port on or about the

QOxix of Ootobor.For freight passage, haein; aaperior accoamo

datint for cabin and steerage paatencert, appljr to37 WALKER A ALLEN, Agnti.


ytXi'jmfSi TIe Callrornla, Strr Zajanat,r3tT2 ff3 and Anatrallan. 3Sall Llna of

Tf Steam Packet.Th Splendid Stcamthipf

WONCA WONCA,1430 ton. ....... ..Stewart, Com'r,

CITY of MELBOURNE,1300 ton T. Grainger, Com'r,

WQl ran rejralarlj between Honolalaand the aboraport?, eonnectios at Honololn with the Xorth PaioTrantportation Coa Steatsen.

ASE5TS ATHojotCLc- - .....W. L. GREEN.Arcxuxo CRCICKSITANK. SMART I CO.Sroxar H. H. HALL, U. S. Contnl.

14 3m


For New Bedford.Th following Vet rob will learethlt Fall for

New Bedford:

3H io:HOPES, . - Maatar,FOLLOWED BT

The American Clipper Ship


Th American Clipper Bark


a BREWER i CO., Agent,,33 Market Wharf.

Tfae Tortb Pacific XraBaportalleaComBaBj'

SAN FRANCISCO & HDrffliULU IKfThe Companj'j Splendid SUamihlp

MOSES TAYLOR,R. S. FLO VD, ... Commander,

1V1II aVeare Maa jFrauclacoOn or aboat... ..0eUber Itta

Will IaTe HoaolalaOn or atont . October 2Ita

Frelrht for Saa Frasciico will be reeeirai at tAeEteaocr'i Warehosa, aad reeeipta for the aana,jiren bj the Baderiijrsed. So eharja for itoranor Fir Riaki la Warthooi, not talis bythe Companj.

Liberal AdraaccaMade on all MpBaeata per Ntcaaifr,

Inrarince purasteed st Lower Bates this bj ctaD-i- n;

Veiteli. Partiealar ear taken of ShipmstifFrait.

All order MGooit in b parefcue4 is Eaa Fraa-eit- eo

will be reeetred, aad filled by ritora of EteaaavirSbipfnecU frect Earop and the United Slatoi.

intended for there Inland, win be received bj th 9Cospao ia Ean Fraeeiteo, If eosrigsed to thern.'asd'be forwarded br their Steaaers to Uosolala. Faat'or Cataca, except actsal ootiaj.

rPaaaengen are renaeatcd to take theft AleknUtefor 12 o'clock on the day of tailing, aad to pre--,care their Par rporU.

fSrfM. Bill agaimt th Sttamer aait be tej

before two o'clock oa th day of raBlag, orthe wtH hare to lar orer till th rctora f tasStarrer for taUlemcst.

Vim U. HACKFELD a CO.. iaati.G0TT MIT UXS.

D1 ACF BE5 BAXDWICK IXfjaXITaawweadrB DaUch wrda '"'-ri rmut

riehtigt date ia Kcaialat dtBasdaa Lbtea st Beitraejta fotr die Tuiliaaai,Terwandtter sad far Uoleritoetsicr oar Vutaaand Waiies geEaBeser deaUcher Kriefor, tmr Zelek-saa- g

aflgt tied.Ceter deBUebea Breeder la der Haiaiah epnra

(ret end Btet tar Vertteiiiraf TateriaaaewcaawBodrsiasddestacherfhr! Allen tlaifta dewUcbaiPatriotea wird hlerdarth ebesfalli 6Hfaa4t aaf.bea (br Syafathie face Deotaeilaaa giriihli (Sradarrh di That 10 bekraefUgea,

Iteift raach sad aath KraafUa,Ilooolala, It Agfa at, 187. Sl-t- t

TTAVISC jaawle awaasaanaU tW 1

XX apf.Ce ef the rerj hart naalMy af Fmntfrom Mxwali asd Kacal, arc r the JaaM fat aaa laoaantitw,, aa4 at Brio ta an,aay .

24-l- a BOWiHrTT A CO.- ;


7araafjra7--Za- ? E-- EACXIXLTrat CO. . --'0X5 E.i?A3T. Jai ' M, XACmL A V.

- M&imtijpmift

Page 4: Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00."flWAHAN Internum. &mttii uijjiii irj. PRINTING--ZSTaULISSHXXT.j





Late Saropesa. ITeics.- - Mawifan xr rWn)

558 Sl5 Tptz-- ax airaxaTxj-ijii- x tires sraoe

: 5lrQxrsi, lie i g t3

, Ti dexxxxi xt ScTcTggcz riB be SixlXirerad

iiwIk rMxrrl luy. xx-- d tl-x-l Itxjy ,VaIltj Tffe?tf?


ceysenreesW: rws " tfaaat JexxCSesnvseaoer Sat-M- trrt Uw b.xxatxxxxxl af y xxetixx wfc.Xxxaie.x- - xt t$ AwtjrflSe'ct ilSI

I hfcSxTWr-a- . xw- -- Cxxx ax w'Kwtxe. Rrralc

tjxrecgi'&eraxxti af etcr ejy xmas-- Seixs.iui1il taitfiiaiaKy ix axareet ixxxrixe.

T Vit. jwaacs&cg fx. ceaVn esTibe

l(i'iin.l iiiim1.eA.a art-get-

Tim. ttstrtlK PraViT. JxxWTer--

. dm. PSeari 2 Xxrne.

vfk J5. sad i aii i u i i LUtii..Sam ai.,-?-! Hurt i ti A -- ?m3ri m Fuit



1 3

boi(zirtp&rt, t


gr, e



rtstJli suUni

alil.V.$M.r. rfTritei 0rfcW fart.


. J fcM5cVll. Tit lL crffsr Kk A pcral wrrwprai-- i .lm.tMhnenct toil, W rcxir xttTiinl 6TCTea. afet &u4U Pxu,. 54. hi. Aiit Mnr fciesacl: fmWatu.n&idtmCte: r&r u EiFxrrr. TrrTj. j. ,.,rt Stniw, 5.if liti:T

JaWr Faewft Join Trt. Tdx rlU.iTtoHd.n!iulf JaatiM. OtwEX: Xaimer f the li-- WtIt TV xrt Wi.! liarnf Takfir kKreeBitrw Arwtir lxtlijt litrr--

"i ViaHrafCair:. V.pt:auiuaiat af Jfc- - A ! It Cnp

tf Jtxm. Ifcwrx Hizm-J- i tTxi. M Pi . w 4frfIaaiMiiT.UilirroiKtrflfaOm.,6, Xfcrfc. 7Wmuxxrt


Vaamaf W



lit rnrfxi. ftintnc etacaaai tiate in rrSxn- -Jato Fire, Xante, latinii iU ?x--i-

i. fctrkn.SW liA


TWm af tat

in lt af Ttxsec Frxttet i4iW ia!

i 3 r J a Wi rraxr4 BtV PaM.aBf TraIJf V XT

tar Saat. xi sanaaf y,uxi latxaWrx rt ianc. at a

af lax SaateEa WL aa

rit r.ix 4ta. 1V xx Ik Cixri-- I, 3ffe

lakaW&arfmrslrt lm

a rh titttgr-- J

fall . fayinil rrxAri Jovtaa that



XaartrUJ UnclaKtf.

Ma aoanlaf tat Chasaar:

aaltLf Hi I. aa thgiiatt aft sat ez- -

Jaffcat. aWf ifwlin. Tit P.oaxifak. fftrfi tVe niaf

aa aaCaaaattaz. Tat fxax-- j taxrixfr tf

a4 Sar lit tmiM ij ' .

Se x HWL kaac he v4t asaic a ataaaararj tlxj.

tamu Spa. S&W (Jaciatrd IVrOaMe.-Tf- ce

Aftaaer. aaa!rtrx af Aifxt aa Mlai- f-

. aalii Laaa aai Tryfjjtou- - iugtjhL.fiTi three Ottrpx erAnaesaraai

kaVctiaiiaM aVtatann. tot liheaaa.tathc hi ian. Jtaihe

The il l mill' at ia the '

asof xtXSa; af Idt Sothd xaat .

lii'iTiWe. ThIsrraare revraf e"Okei? ihaiiitof Sain was. Tb-r- r-

tart Til dr.te jtSer- -

dtf W xhfe Oai J."l aha In" in 1 ii Mlawlxc

rir&rxt, tsxc Rofrrtf thePa-JiDexJ- tt ,

"The,ratx?j it oe Paris at OaxTw 'tTArBee. aa hat aaares1 at SJiiact as '

the af Aatac The mrd of

trrxf asUaf

iather. 5irti) Cucxrrra.FAXStr&rfC-S- . JOliiltr 'xTLaiirrrse, xi

r with Jslea. . v

am; aixB







ted the lUxMaV of xK Ceraxat CTaSoed la PrisoilThe Cam's una eafaeaaexV a'

xni is--di w5ri paexof &x Axxrx-!ltiLS-i-

'rtimrt an aarsaixat nuj esracr. Ose de- -

cfcrex that 'R'aihha.ai teat rose at as.Xrraj2t.thetxa4T1rxxssb

iitx brc--x


baS are ecwrtse,rtS2h Stjitr

TT- -in csesics

ri thhVkw a xa--S The ettltxaer. of

east--! is efer csterac of Parittt ex- - TxH, jirrorrwlwrs were eJffri. ererarjcjrr; tieerrwsSscreiry aTtic Fmax acVxx xter wita

A assA&xSHfc'2i&kr xVs j

TeiM eerxxt uhiM Jirr-rea- rmdiwtu' u"" Jjr, !. titc ,fm-- Xaxrj cairsnae. j, taxi ExrUx.1 ion! r rniWr- -

Tiaaxiaa3M! tif sxrdBery is Hbrfcfiserwe.

Stetr rtMtrfjj; that me-lt sd. Aa xt a4 rra to

Ht eSarsi Eeere.


! tX cf tbt

i ca kiffK Sv Pnsrc mi' Tbe Inter cntteies iter miCe tf

j Si;

u GcmuT ui ct frees

. - - JlMHU.! ilt XiHttOr. lfecaf 5irl iilrtj ta tz IWrLBirTt.

Batiwl Ajh- - artJtfc. Gxrttx.

!TVtaiui usri

3Saai; uinaii Tmm IW- - xr.4Twaj 5af- - ia.Txl W rtyrf. we.

Mil laaiiat Met Saw : tmLc-t- e inclwi4fxHi nj ferVxfa ,

rrr4tt-u- W Kt auV A

xx pte.

tit: aW




.Caalnuiii iOaait



arKrr Xadaf't





iffx-r- d iW


tfawrlaaal srtaer

xsS- -





tr rxiAs,


'xf4?x rale Ijr Crx. CaMe

P it ti iifa 1 TI.Ta 7b



i i at af



In ifJt







Px5. jr ,firtrfimTnaairiwbhrrlSb ixi4taa: Pari,x xa-- TVPT.TTrPTrScxr,Tr,rrJ Irwr-x-x.

lit- - Mm ocFxxi?. Ksaf Vt xr lB tit Hfcmsr




Vrr.Jxt- -




ixtj--r fcerr Tb, Pt-i- 4 iT.

fUra aaavi fciri iifafi of K.!W2b- - BZTTelBMtanuutittx: AT nir xat iexr iain:

A rrtru. U Tat rnpar iMr tkracrtaraawate twraiiiii. aa Ac hunt irsritasit! Ttr Taai lii

frJ-- - Bxia feart W The saar the

il ihci &t SmiaMtt. xc sat- - toHiertxjarxt rata lr inc Xicrjtixxp I Ike Xaxftrar Jix3

ao har aa ll.raaadaa'e.asaKaaBey. a uaitaij feat fix barnt Ibe

avet Taut 1U ar aai Itxx Erj- - 344 the parlraairifPiewj peta thevuhuaf tie Pnaia Esferis art tit tad Sara to

the peojie."STr 02 to ix-- tbe titix.tiiMfu af de Late. Sarie ass

Sarae XahBe. SMhW xseiu coxatas the Sum atLpass asc io--t xrxrt-- x xxi xxx--teeieeahr xrixt.

--Tr.aat a4 xrrirea lra Xe-- Jl itirrt axl are ex the Atom

trftj ian left iVx tbe frrat.--It bat It i'raiti ta lie Bess it

aa tbe aarefU af 5c. as St-- Grxxxxixt.taaa af pwrtfaext can it i








"It taxi Xtxifxrx x3ia aejatxaSatj.' tejegxatii

iiri afieialSamaarr.fWc1xk.a-- i anar, xadtheiVe&aav. trxrre areetc sit

"The ttirard r.TXri itx iirtftBtr;ha rxxxt ttxxaf mi x.TM.ix Exwix. It ti:

that oarta ha ia.inir.nf Laos. wxr shau tu tLr r t:CrliTi Kshlr. the wxt ttCix fnrea,aSxitikaaaV are 'wi- -t tit lpw tsthettxrrrrArirfof

XLOy ar.i x ixxflrxiK i, xtcxr-x-rrleianTrfei. Mxaj xrr saw the



PrctalaxEr-rx'a'baa.t- r mZm pxxro ;





retxrs W st-ia- teat the tiitt taaciTrri-r-T Wxxftt! ksxTJtafcteij t tit Kirp Prxs-si- a.

if he oat txrrire is hacr, tbe cxt ilpe raj tB taetstnaxrdaattbatohtais xxr tbe war. rus-axxi- h

xrxxxf .tit u iiiwaiwn txrrrSQer.The oSeer roie hade wfcfe lie

he w oet of ear-tha- t, tzasxans wst'DottesxKxswtL At hxif ft tlx, amxe

e--7 taws---th- e of KWr't 5lxltx7 t,

-.f- -sr Iwru; lbt citat --HxiTxh."

TTr expp. thx- - t

ErJ!Ttatxx!i xTix--

Aatt.pr.ph tr--aa ,h..j, WfJtxerye if iaoAtr af traa,., xot rtirxr wh xT -- xfIpesprxte or ff:x: fcE fcsi la Krr fwx. it,: ,Le tbeaatxyatriwxxxx. fa

Xfafctrrht waaaaext, fcxSrt.x,.! Ja rrrre Grxt--xi iirS, oSeer,txaAr At of rat toon learned, a the of aaxtfrapo letxtxxt lrortlxx-prixxl- -txSrojaa the Saiperor Xxpoitos to IaxSU ioeiari xrxttxx, xix--x, Tii Ei-t-xw --rxt

Tie ?iXzS- -k ixTx xd cxt of --vetfta bsrx: Pxx Btr Xoerow xaorhtr UI Tbt SJ.--F EnxtTw-- - t.x3t ntx--x.

thexMxxaacAxur-aalMstolttti- I "Or. rtre! thfa act xtioxirJiix Ictttr. tttxraUM txg tfet the s.

wxi, hrief caosot-atir- a hrt-r- e the Zisz. theTlxrr is trrxi l i.-r- af tie ef jy..,, j,. fcadcaa-- t oxer bta hit htttoaaaierx:tl-e- x xxiUxixxx.- -, Ittrr isof the sMheax ix of trxw CxtGeaeWfeToa Eara. Atttr fcVLxjtov. Strt Slt.-C- xUe srrrixl raaitxraio,: Exw- -; stt dowx i rxxi--

Taxi: Vra3d- -A PtA. Sea i,- - xrfcisir, wraxe a rwrxeiririxexxAcr at. tdsefsht, the drr .oascfese heH ta the Esn"- -cxixx, ii xxtrxLi. t, w e txjjSrex xtr. itxrrifr ira t. exr fxix -- xSr,; z. tixajrx arcbexaMS. Prffr.', Htx.xxlm V.d,rx.-hrTOx- xl

tkw.be. fxrirt! ii--T ft txiipeice, ae-rttB-i; oKdon lu af the Iructlx--irtry trrxrjx, H jtrfrxr-ac- e totxi trpitrj Car-uli- -

tpjttrlaCKT ra af tfep-- . Lwti-p- t. Sreteslcr 1 !tt. Jfesixl t tie 1

3"rfrxii tnrxdl5. Trx.-rxitj;- Ftrxr i Tit Isvvi. xx-t- lj itx Xx4

1teaTtoiai7&r wxxJi the crd Idt-- Tie rrkSj-- prjilxx dnxt-xlM-3-r wixri tvi:SHOQtww w exsxx--r iacrx-fo-, rlior xtxr dv ix tit rrrxxi"ljxix"

OFtxTiixrteixt:re lix-xl-iratTOstxxTOartir ttuse aal'sirWl.'Ti ie- -

txi4,E ww ittjeriew. ay cxeij- - xx;it-xxir- we.--r ia rrnltx. tit a Hrif Part,xxd tit t X.-- T JX.-- Jdecitxt Cxi IxiTr

lEal YrViiipc't oenzxsl CxxleS wxt hy ,. - .llje Exxpex-or- 't cetera, vhs rtfiixiicu; ,

JTSfltxrxxrtixic--- !

S telt5er.ojrBty "wraS- -i

T'J '.T'.rTrrTrTxa'isxaJt.t cht.


rSm,iJt-or- .,
















xxxdt a rrccatit xxi

x tit Qx-xc-t. tial the waiErr; ef rcxrri Parxt far atrrrxm

cf tit xlt-- Frrxvxi -- triataf Axxtrjcx aoi zasd

IXCT. &-- ;: rxxbrr Rix Caiie rprriij to tie tristaeraey rxt-t- be

At rcJocfc tiie tbe he-- 1 F'er- - 1 Qtxx. wb. dretrit ber---rt,- xi xirj te xxiietix: Six--; cf rVxixiH xt Eirix-- a

Ttx axxrt exrwx-- r os Park n Tit xxxxt tf lit wxf rrtsrr3 Lrwt.Txie "IS txtr ySxet .. TTiti theee rabnceL awaieatleewd

Catai JraaClaapcixxf!S Zfwnsaj.



Grtr-.trt-- !.

ftrirr-rir-s Eeriife- -




cx?Ii- - Txxrt rrrxts f--t tit Pricre .( w"xrrerpvae was nxa-trx- and rxfxxxe- -

wtajrr-irrte- j Cx., :lw . Crrr?. The arpect tfce at tbe tsae waa really Iti

x"xgxxotjt Pxrii axid 2erx os tse '

Ix tie ai Si. Jxxxe., wi'i wxsIVt ct-i-w tasrc ya axrprSacy tcS&Sj, ptrxrf kssier tiaM tie rxWif t B

fas. I


I f Tress 2i-4-l li ErBi StTBratzt i iittfTr

tJt ui i tij Frrai S hawTr tire yt. cwrc f xfw

At ixsr troraelf laser. oif irc

TfivwJ v irnt Trrrrc infill isitfxex.

I Truest 3i-- i: Pf it fctfxlitxt i n rri j

' xt ifl rrdrt x CuitS x .

vxoi li IlxSxrf thrSr3z.Ver Dti. Aaatrxl liRsn bxVm

j li Jafc Trpm Si aUrxiizf j

lit xx-- r irwrfl Cyxryj vtt iz; Vfixri xije Ci,f.TxiTT a xi--t j

ererr&sxjr .x ctx ritr ua jxxhx IrixJ j

lit Txvc tu satoerxtxi-- r ixif rxinri x rrrxl fT-- Iititaile

' rm lit Vrrfjr lit Ctfftux xxxljtr frra' uerr X xfcxrXof L Ivks. It rtcxrt-- i lixj jit, e trtr itr t cx. iwff rxxxW itirr

iti lit x!rr:xt- - Crxx3. xx SxKr.jL.' wir fit wxi xwrxxr fcS xMrrx--

Jnt-- f wrrt rvscsri. imc lit xiijlitii p xitir Jrtixr- -

""A ireft-xr- cxrt x ixXca al z. Titwcoj trcslcxt xxJ a jrxJe ffrrrp rp.

; Oxr txt lit Cxyxir w cm acrxiflit txrxii. 5Xfxxxsxr xrx3r rxtxixr x

; 1x15 tit tit Txists akxA, asa Irtii rtrtc 2xri-- KiVtxa

isit au-- wm xx2 Titiih, aftr. i.xi. xixxilit rxix"jit irx

"AI ftut xixf f lit tx trr a it im axfl; lit (areata xxx-ix- Tie k ?rxlxtrrs t' itxrri; far itx frxrxstijtt af lit l kt

rot miiwa it 4iscrerrCj L3J.tfCtTxix Sri.x litlit vere sarri f Cxft Titj

af ffk iraj fWi xx--i'

xxi xl n'xxri lm.Ii;cellaaeBs.

LSiiJ,Sl4.S. A prcMrrpc3et)tf IkeIriru a 7Vut- - atrt! ThrCcrf' ftu a carcdar aatihriitr B Gorxx- -

tratler tfce Cort-aaat- M Soaat Wfcer the tmi af FOR &5teaaer. 'hMMlt tmaciafsf fer lainaallr.

atiD cxsk afwd Hie a UmaVrhah.ggaaain. the aaitre dvrsatrd. i

t axSracii this trsnaait arnr tit xrxav as, Ac frasrJec; x aj Fnare Kaaaarae f?tfsieA

JI xxirr !; pto,oaaetaf eaM i. At riUe.I lajli. ate xxxrar.; a j r '

rtr x xfxxalr f ' 1

asUMltj. X, a

'Paris af iCiMi txaxicfUsxx,

Mai apt. it j- - xW rxtixafcerr tfctrr xrr crit -- "wit 1115IttfEe.' 5i3t. i arotn Ut

aitxlx Tra;ritx. faTi tjxaf is-- m ill ; ir . ia nafiiiiii.

if aa aSoae Garde sha tnhalu TaenrK Ifrraah u hart the im the crj 'Tire Kr--

xxxaaf hBaae! fx Smut of tornarmaria FraaeeV ix tit Tx4jerfSaMtez It l here Sfxxxxrii I EtKX triaaa K

sat Lvxxxat. tie ' ae TIBe; the Eafrar isditri itfx,i - thraaTi of vabioa--,

(ameia. aJat--The rxtfti ixrr Vt , rit:-- f- - -Ax iXrrrt-if- ,

(Mar were

troatatxt li-i- x

retxerEaj ! - ' . "


Chwd as

satrs ef a htTe brraIbtr ef

Pr--.r said ttxsfar

w irar tit Axr j 1mi, S Tie ccx

it iti tit Jtxrt"Tat

at i Wl xxr lerrct efrew ert 5 it a j isxs xi; tkt ij ij --it


mata."' ' ntxtBrtrJlm

txr--c i!


fd ra

ttw ire. Tan

x i ill

rset&efe. TheshMrty

errrerly aoetahoT the

t x.Be

ex i

wa xxaoVfcr fe-- we iin e da, a. KSnr;

Prefix. Thatewt-o- we as hearer asWilExsL

a, fuelo. , -

lirxr ? 'of

rx MB ex. ars oxfe--T-


U aitxxxixj: ia. aaC ,arrreiri to 'be

tbeKear lextert-r-a,

Mei at a taWe or twoEix

c xtla

ox jxctirT: i--rBS

ti rxxxdxVe

tir fx.tr -- fas

j,wrTec to; Tt---.,. .v . - . ,tie


eixrjit j: i1j sas.

tie t xtlrx

j titf-T-xt-- 2 recs-fxix-e

Errfetser - f IxadS

xaxxertrt ja j a

aixxxace j J

sc ' fu ax ; ai saSsf.

' xxrxxxit;


mv)t :

'ut if

it i



k xt Gxxjitfexi xt

Li3. i

t wnsiaKi r j

I xifr f xfxiix f: sx

xx xx iftrxwx. Icecscxr xl xx-- r


StrtlTWqr- -

; faHr.I at 6irxxlra

11 r.! Sxrrat-it-

;xx X

2rCx-ix- x. xf rr1 II rx ftv- I

tt--l i ex f



crrCaxrS-eis- . rr


Irvn: lxx :


tMr' J xmtt

Ttonare !

! if i:u

rxxx.-tx- t.


S r. SaBavxx ;

if is axf U i

x xxr rf

tiiaiaa Sanarxj it


ciitrrfxltaatisfe- - ia


. saarthcltf Trre Usited "TiTe

ItJorxTxaliaa wxf i Venn, Jrjitrx- -; of Setee at xaiVf Paris,


traicS exxxxrter aerewtd to' xVxfc. titjt-c-x paxx, Srxhz Cai.aettf ,

. LsBOa. It Ss QaersTMaarix Lf xppralcd to Qseea Arrxxtx ,

rxxtrtrd StxXexxitx LcxdxxJa itV retwssest

! hrrtzsi. exrftt. iEraperar . iirrxra--

Caio- - beiaexlaf terriT. wiici tieAJtrr Wsttei KtxtiSxxxi








rxxxx-r-r- T



IrtaaEereirT lj









Grretxavea; wiB ejoxsext tw pay alarxr anexxrJry. tolit xrexxirr fart-esse- ax.d rrdaxe

tie Kxl-ci- artsy. Xre txrra liis. I xxx xrrtxt--i iatie irjiej jtarxen. wiH r-- t it caseeiei. If Pixs- -.

rja sbaald ixiifx as tie eersia af Altaee xxd Lr--'xxi xt eres Xrxt aad tie war w9 as--'rtxxe new aad rr.au terrjbW cbxraeter. Gtxtraly.tie fct-L- in Lit 3a is that Gcrxxaay has tic eiB- -tary ririt t deoaai tie iytaex.t af tie rxttxtt-- of

ther-- it sosseof Us tryirc to ccher , with rxxrxxe--s fr herfctxrete- -




d-i- rt



; J I,n-xtt-t

Xohir. Vo

frtTy ITarh;



- 'xrxxtxi.'mxrxi wixb










: -

' t





' roitr. hcttiat fit l-- j rr. Hrit u xxtcxxK tdrr-r- t it


baxrwuV Fraaee. It is ftJte reriaxn if sLe From 'i iari to iaei.j tt tiit. tie will It xxri hy oe cf tie i 154 CotTs RaxEae. Jfatiise. HeatEae, Woraeise.I twar-rja- erer frxt-l- . aad '

Two-Tar- n Tbrte-yar- n Seixicf,j xw xxaa exa tie erae of tie ewl-cs.- " Lvg Liaet. Flag Etc. EicTie.. xcssox, i. ioe Jntnat t t-- tor--

xl Iri-jm-;.i fxvcj TiauTtEt ti.it morxirj;i tixl tbr two butta fox-r- Twteriar were txy 3

it !et34re. Tlxj becv at 5 ia lie sorr-te-c. xrdj itlrIl3ixxb--x:tcxxc-- l. Xc3akt watrtpaWd. I

j The Prxxf-tlx- rsaie tbe xttactz, trier; ixr-txtl-lj j

. aad farielw-al- oa4 X. abra-Sri- in.. i.-t--b !

was strtTcxt lie ilrxjt, ra iCifurSeaan.

The terrraitT of XeXeboa St antrssA byxxi t t.s;brraf Gtxxxxx-t- .

Tbe exiexsy i. hi farce satxr the fmaier.Two wa-xti- eSrrra of tbe. ISrhlb iVriraest ef

tbe Use. U xrrierd at FiorcxTiltc ia tbe eresicj-- .j z.icailtiXriUtKrsft rrtrtxt,t kxtw xxrxtirr;tf; the nxrrf-dx-x at Sras.; PxExf, SrpL 3. The Jerac Qfiod thU DCrxv- -'

istf; itfjottJi, e&rxxrroctir. erery crest cf thecaxBt-ei- ri at a tserct ef tfcr F ptiu;.

SnrjJS, Seje. i Afitxalch, jstt recdred. hasBtnirrf; tat

eotxeit to oespe to tbe aorti, bst was alwaystrated by Geoerxl XziArvSd, Circclxxl by priatx

i Frederick CSxt!-.- ''

! Xrw Taxi. SrxXtxt-br- r lllix A Pari f;tcxl Ust, aijr tx;s li rxrrrrxorrxTorxtii-- -! Asctria xxri barerasMxitcr! to strWJxte wrtht GeTxriatjT, atJiltaTe b ir on aa trraxt--! tice. The Eexoy.cf 2-tj- x

in tte zxzfnlfowirf tojxvtettsxraiatS xxr xxuteaj-erxaex-

it of . xxd if iater-Teati-

of xAtilltjeB.-tx- atteaptarsB at otaee he rsxge to aajsm tie terrat of prace.

Siaaxxrci: xsj Tos Bes: are iahnt Sixsarrt iataitlt aa prriirrtr.tfT to tbe amrxre-xaexc-

that tirre PrssMxa Artsy Corpt tlaJI beailbia twt-st- y tsaVt 4 Paris, at txtUtactirs

to tbe psbSe eptsiosrcf Certsairy.There Si srrcat ixidisxialiaawl Paria xt Earl Gras--i

Hit's reftxeaf to Z lepexce rjrjrxxIio--f- . Hitextsrte It to be istpxrEsI by tie Qseez, who

Eitf 'KtHara'a rrrx-rx.t- of Xappkoxt aEc pcror axd jhie to raahe a ErTWcIx-po-tiM- e.

5xtxx. Sept. rib. r Loadttx. Sept Ilti. Feialerrerfaaiest ef Trxocae-- ' writes from Sedan on tberib text 5 Frecch eaxsoa. xadsdtar sear 114

Lara tees eaptzre--i at Sedan. tbcnVasd Frexci3"jrxMtrf are seat aaSy ta

ax tbexce by ra3 to Gernaasy.Lnor, Seiit. lltat-Spre- 'ial U tie Timet.

Three etrzexie tlerpateier hare pxt tkromgk fivzz

Tasixcrxts ra BfrTr?. aa xgxiui (Lt carriers tee oft&jrxc.



3Xax3cet V liar-f- l




Ha"raiian Ship MIolani,"

American Ship "Ceylon,"

American Bark "Habob."

CARGOES consist of the csualrpHESEAtortiatst of


Oak Timber,

Cumberland Coal,i

Paints, &c.i


1 j TiTTTTRr. GLASSWARE,!liawpmfM,

Bricks, Cement,


Lamps, &c.




rixxjtrxxrirt-fxi-r- x




aeiircaeiMixtk-e- .


Sngar Xe Shoots,

Oil Cask Shooks,

Hoop Iron, Fence Wire,

Bar Iron. "Woodenware.

Burlaps. Bagging.



Daily Expected!Per marks

R. Wyllie Sc. A. J. Pope,FEOK ETEOPE,

SOO BarrelsBest Xxgiiti

Portland Cement.Hussia Hemp Rigging,

xxi tixl !

xowlliat rredirt Lxses,









Chain Cables.Sxxet, frs3 xveb to 1 iseiu

Iron-Sto- ck Anchors,jit, froxx lt9 &s. to ."sf3 Du, wixb certilcate

Also .Barrets aad ialf Bxrrrii SucUkcb Tar.' ' I

Coal Tar, Pxtei. etc. etc..A3 wbxxi all told attielowtst taxttet triefx


3 "v - S t .

Just Received !



cf be


Pa-- JLxtie ArrtTxila,.y - ' ' 'cdttbn lHicis.-- ;

. i

l"ra tie Lxwxtoxe Bead or Dsty I

Paid, lf.W4 Txrds Beat Cotton Saefc of tiit eeie-- j

iatedfcttarafactare. axxrxed axxxitrj : Reeeitedper "iiZizi." cimg fraa: Eoton.Fcrtala-byr-- j. , H"


Fire Ea!et best P)xx Caarat, cnaibers;1 ' Trzanxacxare of

Dsrrid Corsar xxad JSobjs Arbnoath7(. Kjz letter in ; Counlry I

Can be od Uw, ir. Stod, or ixty paid, by4 BOLLE3 A Co.

as encaxt 3f e : BeeT," nod : , Tf s,' !A Axuriexa PEIKE PORE,La Urtl. Toxfaleby -

li . ,. B0LLE3 A CO.

Tt f .eefebxateli ExxxhBOrtTWTcTrRS.1 ili-- Ia Oxexc4TwPwtVCaax. t .' FtraxUJ .. EOLLES A So.





FORT. STREET STORE,Csrstr tl Ten s HeUl StrMts,


Cerer ef Kn.x:-i- -s lii Quea Strrtts,


VERY REASONABLE RATES!Xisest aa exterttrt asKrtnht.

Arpacat, ulk i awl. Uxxi. eol'j, tg'i a ilxxxpei,DxxxxV. Cus. laaea xai VTaoira,

IlrctiM. Ctxrt. Bbtsei. T.Bt. ae..Edpiair. Iaxruto. Uasisrit Jt Bk MatEn.

Sbettiac. Catwa A Lisea. 6S ta 11! isca.Priru tie itril atrtBeat ia UDIala.

Bs.lixj:. Mama xxJ Balte.Itl, Vsetirtia. BUip ai Qaeea't,Ixxrtrxxl. arj aai aaj Rctsta Daeaf,

Tvxliec. 11 icierj aad Iadia Slrirt,Eccrirh trrxJcth. IWaVia. it.,

Lattisj Uaek. brain, rreea aaj Mae.Tars Jt Etrtia Wool, in larje taritlr.

wet4 Delaice. Gisciaat, Baratieat,Aljxxx Ckxiixf. Sxl, ia clrt,

Inila Jl .ifs Booi Jlojlin,ferlqnxIitiJ.TaSet TaUe aai Rasa Carers,

Idfxru.a Cutloat JL FlDea Liaen.Srai and Daek Satu.

- - - ."UTJnirrHx.'. Faiualt. Fast. Hair Xelt. TkreaJ.Tea Jaelett, CoaU. Vet. Pxaxi. Shoes, HaU,

OUx. PDatao. rerfatsetj, JLc,Xeeite. Pint. Taiabtea. Seuaora.

Briaxxstx, Ptotet,Tactii. ilbftt'. LaJin i Genti' Hasjerr.

in freat Tariety.Cottrat HeeTrrit arxl rttrr irasdt. ecttiar; law.

Oriestal aad Late Bibbtct a ipirnirj ti ,Xmst tie it! ttieeUvo ia tie city,

Fari, Bek.. Braerr, Cards, Laces.xtx qcaliiT f Flaacels.Tweis Tcikith. Ilaeaakaet and Crash,

ratriered RoVet, faitu. le-- ,Sxtiixii rereral tites and qaalities,

TaikeT Bed and B)e Calient.Shawlt dachfe a&d ttcrle, rXC and fane.

Aatericas Tranks. Cxrrtt Baft. Jtc,Liatac. SiSetiat. Jaeeaets. Tipt Cieeki,

Xttfxct ast't f Laaiex' X GeeU Kid G lores.SBkf aai CixKej, fiared aad plain,Hlkia. Drill. Tweeds and Caitiaeres.

XnjeiVie?. 2fete aad Letter Pafr.Sew Gavds bj ererr arriral, aad

A General Assordicnl of Goods


NEW GOODS!j arus-- t Received.Per North-Germa- n Ship "Solo,"


Hawaiian Bark "E. W. Wood,"



j ARTICLES ! batiiiag tubs teak-wo-


Spaayarn. Spcsyarz,




Xests Cxxxf ior Trnnls, Manila Rote, di't suet

Asserted tVkite aad Colored llxtiisg,Manga Cifars, Cct Tebaceo,

Baxes Flee Oilong Tea, ia. Xga'ctie Tea.

BexeaPeeoeTeaTooxefSaaebon's; d.JBoxes ixnrar Candy, boxes Arrowroot, .x n ;i " i'.xSaiU TTiite SHi Pajanxat , do. Skin Silk d..Ssits Cottsa Pajaafss Piece Blaek Satin.

Pieces Wbrte Grxts-ekl- best quality.

Pieces Bine Gratt-cjot- do. Wtite Pongee Silk

Assarted Jewele'y. Fancy "Jewel Boxes,

Stoce Ga:e-pst- Briekt,

Ckiaa-warea- Farnitore. 31- -t


ITJolq CargoOF THE


Shortly Expected from Bremen,Cor. rift Lag in part, of Assorted Stylet of

Fancy English and French Prints!

Engfitb aad Freaeb Matliep. Tieteria Lawns,lleary Site Denims, Blae and Brown Cotbm Drills,Wbwe. BI.e aad Brawn Cttns. Hickory Strijts,Ticirtr. Fixe tThite Iaes, teetcb Gmgbaos,

WoJtn fcixakeu,.iej, le-- . f: yy n '."iCorsprxexcg a Fall Attortsent of

Hew and Desirable Drj and Fancy Geeds,

and A Fixe Attortnieat of


' Fence tre, Galeaelted Iron Pip.,' ' "Gslrxnixed B.xketx ,Txsrjaoeef-an,'.as- CotlerT ?"fr3



F!x$lpd Qils. lVniii9isuCriiRotsag Slates, Wall Paper.

Ale and Porter, Heliaxxdti-Gfja- ,

Rsrifll'i Brandy, Hlsl'x DapptlkatxanseltFtn.tlRT PEKE . FILg' CHAXPAC3TS

in pints and quarts.Steam Coax. Blaci.cxithUCoaL. Fir Briels,Batb Brieks. Xrw Oil Ctis. to Fbovks,Coarse ?xJt; Stasis Rf. AeKrtad liitsPartland Cement, Ac, le. j."



Oak. For Sale byIH H. HACKFELD k CO.,


and' Celiforcia Meata and Soaps,For sale by . (It).. EOLLES, A. CO.


cf2-t- Family Carringr.

ZClf rtX. BtjtFKLD. King Et,

TTEMP CAJiVAS and, XJUCK,jljl ror cxx. ty



Cheap for Cash! Cheap for Cash!



Entire Hardware Stock !


J. W. WIDDIFIELD,tVanld Oil the Attention of




For tbt Wants of Ike Islaod Trade.


TO GlVJi: ME A CALL!Before Purchasing Elsewhere





Agricultural and Other Implements,Cortilng? from the Knt.

Tbe Tsoal Discount 3Iadt lo the Trade!Orders from the other Islands resptctfullr

tafieited. prompUT attended to aad filled with care.

t37 Xo CosSKtJea vitb. the lira across the War- -

Set 14

u Pro Bono Publico!"

--BCfXAro on TTmrica.AXD IX TRAXSIT,

Direct ImportationsFROM


Xlte ltrct andBest Ass't of Ready Made Clothin


Coctisting to Part of, rlt the Celebrated

G- - 3S3 JST XTI jNT jE3


Cashmere, Cloth &. Drill Garments,in all rarieties.

Complete Black Dress and Walking Salts,

Boys' While Linen Cashmere

and Cloth


Gents' Furnishing Goods,Saratoga and Genu' Leather Trucks,


Celebrated Patent White Shirts,Styled Daries t Jones, in all grades.

OTeralilrta! OTcrstlsIrfa! O Ternltlrtin Grey Flaanel, Diagonal,


Printed and Crimean.



Hats! Hats! Hats!Hosiery! Hosiery! Hosiery!

For Gents'. Ladies and Boys.



"y jxulcee Notions !

lOcsotjs cfc Snoea I

Boots & Shoes!Boots & Shoes!


At taeVe-rj- - I.oxret Posalble Price I

By the Original Package,

'fecial attention to Canatry Orders, andtair mtrxin to the trade, Thaaking oar patrons forpatt far,rs, wa retpeetfally solicit a share of theirpeiressgt. -

M. S. CRINBAUM & CO.,.Make.'. Block


' has Jast Vece'iredHAMBDBG, "

Direct from the ICaniifactTirers !



.By KeceRt Arrltals,The Fmest Assortment af CigaVs

Ewer Imported Into this Market,


HK OFFERS AT KEAJOJABLE ritesW-- Alio CoDfantly on Hand''tea.

Superior Asaorttneait of ,,

Tobacco and iPiepm!T7rh, ealla Special Attearfoa af

riu powers of the 'Weed'. ''H;. I. HOLTIi







-- BY-

A. S. GLEGHORN,Wharf Store.




By Steamers from Sydney,

QUARTER CASKS Jfartcll'a BraBdy.

Quarter Cocks Hcnnctty'a Brandy,Quarter Casks Soyerac BraBdy,Qr. Casks United Vineyard Brandy,Qr. Casks Jalcs Robin Brandy,Cases Uighlnnd Whiskey,

0, Casks Bottled Ale,haaaWl Worthlngton'a and Attxea'a. Jaaaab


!5loitly Expected,Ilofrsbcndi. Jntuaicrx Kura,

Qnarler Calw Skerry,Australian Wine. Jcc

X B. The nndersignexl baring made arrangemeats with Importers of the Lie it Brand of Liquors,in San Francisco. Victoria. B. C-- . and Srdoir, X. S.W.t will keep a supply of such in the Cm torn llonaestores, and Is alsu prepared ta order front either theabore ports or Enxlacd. by which a considerabletaring may bo effected. Fall information girca xjto prices in the different markets. fi

--SlOt XV. I GRElgt.

mem mmmm-- AXD



..lade ArraH'tBents wi(b Sydner Firns,If Prepared ta Execata Orders

For Merchandise of Every Description,On the Most Advantageous Terms.

J&f Sydney, being one of the Largest aad Cheap-est Markets in the Pacific, offers nnnsnal adrantagesto Purchasers of Goods for this Market, the Dutiesthere being low, and drawbacks allowed, to thatalmost any article of European manufacture can behad ii quantities to within Sixty Days from thedate Oi forwarding the order.

10t W. Xj. GKEE.X.


-- BT-

CASTI.E & Cooke,Consisting in Part of

Finest White all Wool ft Flannel.Rnest White all Wool A Aneola White Flannels.Good Grey and White all WoolFlannels, ltxf Bleached Sheeting,Thompson'. Giote-Fittin- g Corsets,Amoskeag Denims, Jeaas, Drills andBleached and Unbleached Cottons.

A Sup'r ass't of Stationery,

Water Lined Xote Paper,White Rnled Xote Paper.White Ruled Laid Leaf, Letter sad BLR Paper,White, Cuff and Amber and Letter aad Xote

Eneelope.Payson't Indelible, and Carter's Copying Ink,Artists' i Flexible Balers,Smith A Wesson's Pistols a Cartridges,Hair Girths, Stirrups a Leathers.Spanish Trees, Croupe rs and Bridles,Oak Belting, Street Brooms,Wood Fsneets, Lamp Black,

I till Ian Packing Lace leather.

Paints, Oils, &c.White Zins it Lead, In 1.2 m Ii lb containers,Paris aad Chrome Green,Chrome Yellow. Umber. Sienner,Patent Dryer, Vermillion,Waiting;' Prossixn. Bine, Bladder:

. . ; . . i

Carriage and Coach Varnish,



Bright, Copst and Furniture Varnish,Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine,Mason's Blacking, Coffee Mills,Axe. Pick. Sic I r.. Ads. Hoe, Oo,Hammer A Chisel Handles. - . .

Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Troakr,

Coopers' Tools,Croters, Vowels, sad Cbampcring Enires,

Carpenter's Planes,- Fort, Smooth, Jack A Jointers,

Cat .Vails, 3,4, 0,6.10. 1I.:0, 20,. S.iO sadcOd, Boar SaiU, I, I, 1, a 2 inch.Pressed Kails, 2 4 2, Inch.Cooper's ItiteU, f. 7 a 8 tts, "

Copper Bieels a Burs; . ,I j inch. Gimp lacks,Iron i Copper Tacks of all site. ,(

Beit Robber Hose. i.Jil.H aSlseh,CestrifagaL Varnish. Faint. Whit. Washsa4 Scrub Ural bet, Cor'd Tin PaUi,i, 1 , 2, 3, i. fi. 8, It A 12 quarts,Corered Slop Palls, Dippers,Dtih and Milk Pans,Jennlag'tbitx.toldtriag irons. This res, steels.Hammers, Gauges, Squares, Chbels,Augers, sieres. Lime Squeexers,

- Yard StikiRaftf;fa'jlart.Axat,.Sborels, Spades, Out," Lanterns,Eagle Horse. A and 0 Plewr aad

' Points, Paris Plows, extra beary a4 ttroae.ProtoxMaef Iron JPainKBer.Poland's WIte Pise Compound,Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Etc., Etc. '

BotVRer'sr KereseeieiFrom the 'Boston Xoate.

And Many-Otbs- Artictea

J. fotsaleibt .,(

J Per tale by U


fiel a i tan--i .

Page 5: Outfit, uijjiii irj. · auraiian Outfit, ETerv 'Wednesday Morning', AT SZX DOLLARS PER AXXU2L Faretx--n Btcrlwr, SS.00 16 110.00."flWAHAN Internum. &mttii uijjiii irj. PRINTING--ZSTaULISSHXXT.j

Paris Correspondence.

FjCtas, July 25th, 1870.

3n Editor Wbea I wrote yon last. I nift; fm asftkipaucr, that the cloudy tspoct of

the fMa! nrUtMM between France, and I'ru-ti- s

M aiswn.-- , in a sbrt time, deciderthmteaim; appearance. It is unfortunately too

Inc. that betsre a few days ore over, a terriblework ef de(raeUes wiB bare taken place

"Jiba jacat est" Caver fcaki before creasing

the RwWee; bat is the present csetMt, if the

duttwiu iWTwHeJ are net lea tatportasl, more

Ui.Wi will cectataty be the W eoceualer of

t tm( saw powerful people baring at their

jkpt.A the aeir04jvr arent of war invented

hh gears tiece tbe days of the Roma


Bel swce war is a necessary era, jt

dm seblanary wrW as too: as it

iwiwli u. awd iiwIbt the et oircerailance.

M at wt be ayieel. it M jut as welt that

b Vm ifcMc aswigwawt' -- bare it tit," am

i posjKJe. tbe uistarbed coa- -

af tteeaya. the beaeSts of a d arable sad

2Vw. Mc Bw. I perceive that my duties as

laa'istl Sac Jw estieaabk GAicrrc are

assssaesr satawr fc ir for the reason that

IiMtMSf --r trie ads bet gisg K both m- -

i ea the ta-- WmI. l4r a

I aaaV ase LaUe le the sccesatHW

( awsttaSty to ay eeeairy. I witl tarnttjw SaaMi eauucle by ateteiawc trass aay

iisisa-a- l ea


. ami ttariac abeve aa--

. I fB cie yo. day by day. the

I Mr be able la gather bete.

H wt be tbe Mk risk W jtiesfiew.

I rt I casts' BkewUe traasoat to yas tbe

fcass her s4. bat the Mal coamra-aeoatae- a

balwaa the ta oowlries is very dtGi-M-

aa the teSwrrafk vires hare already been

pat aC by liJ.t af the Prussian GorerataenU--fji C in Oamsfaadeat flt probably 6It op

the Mak Mt by yaar Paris Oarrespsaaeat. aad

hf that wu,n wall arrive at a eeaeta.-io- a ofLmosjc wt f lB y?efl Ine re--

tasK af antac oooctesiens decid- -

lac a it M the rich ai who is hi the wrong.

I pew-- iala the aetaSs af the salject, aad am

fjafcfef ih the rt af a (aitbtal traasktar ef

!! irl" aSeeaflr priateJ sad oaQBtersigaed.

The aaafre af the war, (Freaeh paiat ef view)

k efcariy axavessed ia the fifdnawtie areolar efX. k Dae ac Graawat. H. I. .M s .Miatster af

i Afiars, the traafktiaa af which reads



- Task, Jaly 21st. 1ST.

5ar Ts are akeady acawialed vith the ae-- n

j i af (us that hare led la the diragreesealm4ah ISajiia. The ecinawaicaUoa thai the

af the Baferur has breacbt. ea the 1Mb

gt ahk anath. at the tribaae of the rival bodies

af the date, aad the text of hieh 1 hare seatyaacauaxpased la Fraace aad Harape. the rapid


lara af a ataunian. ia bich. while ce vere '

eanaacr sans ai araer m preserve peace.

vkabadI the seerat desicas af aa adrersaryap his aaad lo reader it if05.-i--

Me. Whatbar the Cahkwt af Bertta bare deeea-e-iChat ar vas aacn.ary ta carry oat projects

aaaaMd luac Ware ha ad. ac iast the toaoayaf tke tSetaaa States; whather aat sati:liedvath kniac ia the eealre of Earope.a aaMary paver taai M iceaaic aaageroaj le i

la al ru aaithWr? they aat to profit by theaat i1 L a aaaer ta dlcpkee. Ibr their ;

the eaaoriaai tbta dwar as the awst iadspea;-a- -

fcr oar recarily as vol as lor oarthe atatest is

That has beta, vfthaat a daabt. the pkaaaiaa4 as. Aa aadtrAiaaiac. a MenuaJr

by mckc asaats. voabi. if hght hod

ataaiitafcdr oa their scboatvs. here

f iar. that the caaa1date?aip of aPikai ta the &a of Seaia. voeM

Woe baa uMiary dkelosed to the

fam A aoe tabaa br sarprise. vitaoat gtr-a- c

ia ta af tai'h popte tiae rvSectioa.

vaaal bee patiAaaii a. as vas I'nnee Leo-j-

aV Hahiat'ia. a hear la the seepTe of. V. Thoc Eaiape oaM have beeo ta




af aa --iteiPpK had hct, aadoar Car the cmt priadpte

af aataraataiaal sareagaty. Ibey ipected that. ia (file af a dtspkasare. voaldAre she acliaajbly ezpreesed vifl of a

, tar vhaaa aar of frieadjbip are





speca-a- a




As eoaa as thy Vaev of this perX. the Ger-Lua- al

of tbe Saatetar has aat helhated to ae

it to the Reareseatatires of the Coaatry,as va as ta at the Fanhga Cabiaeu. gaiasttha i tchiaies. the jodgateat of pobiie opi mod

vs ta hioaait their aaoft legttiawte aaiHbry.The baa fial aaaas vere aavbere deccired aboat

lae trae fitaataoa of thiags : they hare easily

that d ve vere puaMj aSaeted toce that Sftua vas ta be aude for tbe exciesire

bli it of aa aaibitku dyaasty. ta pky a partaa aavortbr of that kral aad chirah-oe-s natsea.

fa ittte ia caafcraaty viih the iastiacts aadof frieadship. by vbieh it is Batted with

as ve coaN aot eatertaia the idea to belie oar

toirriiat respect ibr the iedrpeadeace of iU aa--

Tfee ha fek that the Beserspofocs pokey of

th Pratstas GorerMseat had aot to do ia ibis j

aSahr. It is aadeed that goreraaeat. vbo. sot f

geeaaac thesseirrs bosad by comeoa kv. aad

I m aia, the rates ta vbieh the most poverfdli

Mtves. have aMen-pte-d te impose upon deceived

Hail i a aaareraas exleashm of their iafioence.

takes ia hand the canse of all the j

Lilaia that are threatened by tbe disproportioa- -r i - ) - !

ate eaiaifriuiiai ot r bvssc js so una,was Prase acting ineassUteatly. as they bare

fcJ te haskMtle. with ber ova ssaxim ? Asfsredk; aot

Hvery aatiaa we like to proclaim it is free

to manage fc s lairs. This principle, of ir

by Fraace, has becace oae of tbe fend

Ttatal kwa of sdera poktics. Bat tbe rightef each Bibuc aa vtdl as of each individual, isBoated by the right of others, it is forbidden

that a eaiioa. atxJer tbe preteee of exercisingks awa sovereignty, shook! asesace the existencearthe secanty of a neighboring cation. It is. iathe saa sense, that de Lacsaruce said iaK-J-I. tkC vbeoevtr a Sovereign is to be selec-

ted, a raveraaeet has never tbe right of layieg ackfaa for. bat always the right of excluding a can--!

didale. That doctrise has been adaittd by all

the GahlaeU under drcsmstaaces aBalcgoos tothose is which ve baie been piacevl bj ti,e caoddalrsifp at the IVioce of Iloheszotlem, parlico-ksi-y

ia 1631 ia the Bdgua qoestioo. aad ia 1630

ia the IleKesie oce.In the Belgian aiiin. tbe voice of Errope it-

self vu heard, for tbe fire great powers imposed

their derisions.

cfgeseral had acrred beforehand cot toaccept the thrcce of Greece for any Prince oftie? respective Erases.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT.The Cabinets of London, Fans, Vienna, I?er--

Iin and St. I'elerthorg, when assembled in theconference of London, appropriated that exampleto themselves, and made it a nil of conduct forall. ia a negotiation where the peace of tbe worldwas at stake, and they thes rendered a solemnhomage to that great law of the pondrronsness ofthe forces, which is the basis of the Enropeanpolitical system.

Vainly did tbe national Congress of Belgiumpersist, notwithstanding the resolution, in elect-

ing tbe Dnke de Xemoors. France compliedwith tbe encagement it bad taken, and refusedthe crown brought to I'ari? by the Belgian Depu-

ties. Bat, at tbe same time, enforced the exrin- -

HH) of tbe claims of tbe Duke or Lenchtenbcrg.which had been opposed lo those of the FrenchFiiace.

throne, tbe Gorrmment of the Emperor wa ad

rere to the candidalesbip of Frince Alfred ofEngland, and at the same time, to that of anotherDake of Lenchtenbcrg.

1b Greece at tbe time of the btt vacancy of theEngland recwgnixiBg the aathjrity of tbe con-

siderations inrakeO by us, declared that tbeQaeea weald not anlhonxe her Son to accept tbecrown of Greece. Russia made a similar declara

lion for tbe Date of Ieuchtenberg, althouch. byreasoe or his birth, that Frince was not absolutelycoastdeted as a member of tbe Imperial Family.

ABd lastly, the Emperor Xapoleoa has ly

applied tbe same principles in a notepetdfeh-- d in the Mmiteur" of September 1st,1SS0. disowBisg the cadidatnre ef Frince Maratto tbe throne of Naples.

PrSfsia, which we have not failed to remind ofthose precedents, seemeil far oee moment, toyieW to oor just cempkints. Prince Leopolddesisted from his candidature, and one couldthiak that peace would not be broken. But thathope has soon given way to new apprehensiaLS,and finally to the certainty that Prussia, withoutseriously wildrawing any of its pretensions, wasonly trying to gain time. The language, at firsthesitating, and then decided and hacchtr of tbeChief ol tbe Hoaseof Ilobenxllern, bis refusalto bind himself to maintain the fallowing day

promised tbe day before, tietreatment inflicted on oar ambassador, to whsma verbal message interdicted any new communi-cation on the object of his mission, and at lengthtbe publicity given to this unwonted treatmentby the Prussian newspapers, and by the notiSca.tioa ef tbe same transmitted to the Foreign Cab-

inets, AH these successive symptions of arxres-sio- a

do not leave any doubt in tbe minds of tbemost prejudiced people. Is any illusion to be in.dalged in. when a Sovereign, comma ruling onecriHion of soldiers, declares, his hand on tbe hiltof bis sword, that be will take advice of Himselfand of tbe circumstances? We were brought tothat extreme Kmit, when a nation, ecsible orher own dignity, cannot compound any lonjrerwith ber honor.

If the last incidents of this painful debate werenot throwing a vivid lieht on the pmject3

by the Cabinet or Berlin, there is onedreams Lance, less known to this day which givesto their conduct a decisive signification.

The idea of the accession of a Prince of II o--beazoDera to the throne of Spain was not a newone. Already, ia the month of March 1S69. ithad been dtscioseJ by our Ambassador at Berlin,who was at once directed to let Count de Bis-re- k

koow hoc tbe French Government wonldlook upon saeh a coatiwgeory. Coaol Beneditti,oar Ambassador, ia several coaversatioss that hebad oa the subject both with the Chancellor ortbe North Genaaa Confederation and with tbe

Minister of Foreign -- A flairs, didsot coecea from tbeat that we should not admitthat a Prussian Prince came to reign on theother side of tbe Pyrenees.

Coaol de Hisawrck. os the other hand, haddeclared that we should set be preoccupied abouta sehetae that be bimsvtf deemed impossible, anddariag the absence of the Chancellor Federal, ina nan m oat nheo Mr. was sbowinc biraseif iacredatoBS and pressing. Mr. de Tbite badpledged his rd of honor that the Prince ofHaaeozotlern was aot. and wooid sever be allow-

ed to be a candidate for tbe throne of Spain.If we were to suspect the sincerity or official

assaraneej, as positive as tbose. diplomatic com-araa- ir

liens woeld cease to be a token or Eu-

ropean peace ; Ibey wonld be Dotbiog but snoresaad danger. And. although oar Ambassadortnosautted those declarations:, with reservations,tbe Goveraateot of the Emperor bad welcomedtheat with satiskctioa, and refused to doubt theirsieeerHy. when, all at once, the scheme that wasa signal negation or the same, was disclosed.While unexpectedly retracting the word she badgiven cs. without even trying to make an appli-cation to be relieved from it. Pru&i was. in fact.setting cs at defiance. From that lime, we trere I

coascioas of the value to be attacked to tbe mostformal protestations of the Prussian statesmen,aad we resolved to preserve, for tie fature, ourloyalty from mistakes, by an explicit warranty.It was, therefore, our duty to insist, as we havedose, ia order to arrive at the certainty that areasncktion that had alwavs been surrounded bysubtile distinctions, shoaM, this time, be definiteand serious.

It is just that the Court of Berlin have,before history, tbe responsibility of the war thatit has been seeking. Aad, under what circum-staar-cs

has it sought it? It is when, far tbe Ustfew years France, giving it be proofs of a con-stant moderation, abstained, with somewhatexaggerated scrcples. from invoking against itthe Treaties concluded through the very medium

bare had the wisdom ta sebaat thexn- - j f tbe Kmperor;


Fraaee has







the willful forrelrsloes ofwhich is made apparent by ah tbe acts of a Government which thought to get rid oT them at tbevery time that it subscribed to them.

Esrope has witnessed oar conduct, and hasbeen enabled to compare it with that or Prussiadariag tbe course of this period. Let Europepranance on tbe justice or our cause. Whatevercay be the fcto of battles, we await, with con-fidence, the jaiign eat of our contemporaries, asweM as that ef posterity.

(Signed.) Gejocoxt.This important document will show yoa what

are the coosideratiocf (frota a Freueh pointof view) that have brought about thethe deadly that is soon to take plicabetween France and Prussia. It may be thatthe canfiict might have been postponed far somelime, and sou-- say that the reouacialion of tbePrince of HoheflzoHern rcght to have been con-sidered by the Emperor as a sufficient atonementrr the fears entertained by the French Govern-taT- it

; vhiR others contend that tbe fact of tl.epreteosiuas of Prince Leopold to tbe throne ofSpain, datieg back for many Dostbs. vas aa in-

dication of the bad intentions of the PrussianPremier against the peace of France, and that itwas necessary to iasure the fature against therecurrence of socfa troubles by a solemn declaratioa of tbe Kir.g oi Prussia. Not ooly did herefuse to csale it, (rat he rendered war inevitable

The three Courts, that had takeo at heart the 1 br refusing to receive the French Ambassador,veKart sJ Grce. actjeg cccer a coicoo ttucgtt ivoest besedetu. and lettirg him know, by aa



Atdeie-eua- p that any farther discussion on thesubject was csekss. To impartial minds acdI Caller nyself thtt I bosg to the eiprejadictd

category. it is evident that war was desired by

both parties, and tbe documents lately publishedfrom the English the requestor sev

eral members of Parliament, plainlr shuw ibat thepeaceable mediation of England, which endeav

ored to appease the excitement, was absolutely

declined bv each or the parties concerned. Warwill decide, not perhaps who is right, but whichor the two belligerents has the best and quickestmod. of destruction. It is a match between theimproved rifles Chassepot vs. Needlegun. However, the enthusiasm here is akin ta fanaticism.In less than fifteen days, 150,000 young menhave enlisted as volunteers for tbe period or thewar. and some or them belong to the richest andmost aristocratic families of the country. Severalmillions or francs have been collected by privateparties, to be devoted to tbe assistance of thewounded, and tbe probable victims or tbe bloodystrife. The other day, at Bordeaux, more than30.000 citizens foltowad the soldiers who lelt forthe seat or war, and cheered them, singing themighty - Marseillaise' until thev were out orsight. Five hundred thousand men are alrcaeyon the frontier of the East, and the Emperor hastaken tbe supreme command of the seven "Corpsd'Armew." At the present moment, with theadditional help of tbe " Garde Mobile," 1.CO0.000

men are under arms, ai.d each regiment isfurnished with four " metrailleuses." a new engineufdeath, discovered, as they say by Napoleon himself. I have heard, from an of theterrible effects of that new revolving cannon, andit nukes.oneshu.der to tbink that men shouldresort against each other to such means forshortening the limited term of life. At 1.S00yards, a " mitrailleuse" killed and scattered toatoms 500 inoffensive horses iu less than threeminutes. II L give yoa all these details, it is toprove to you, (as you will see by the proclamation of the Emperor to the army.) that France isconscious or the worth and strength of Prussia,that she takes all kinds or precautions againsther powerful antagonist. In tbe Navy Department, they are not inactive, and lately, being inCherbourg, (my native place.) I fair in the roadstead or that noble sea-por- t, an iron clad fleet oreighteea ruen-o- f. war. seven of which have alfeadvleft for the Baltic Sea. after having been visitedand inspected by no less a personasre than theEmpress herself, who came from Paris on Sunday, the 24th tnsu, to read to the French tarsthe proclamation or the Emperor, who could notcome to see them, being on the eve or bis departure for the camp, with his son, the PrinceImperial, who, for the occasion, has for tbe firsttime put on the unirorra or

Since war must take place, it is to be hoped.in order that it may arrive at a speedy termination, no other nation will take part in it. Declarations of tbe strictest neutiality have alreadyOeen made by fcagland. Russia, Italv. SpainDenmark, Sweden and Norwav. Bekium and theNetherlands, and unless some unforeseen compli-cation should arise, it is very likely that neutrality will be observed throughout the war.

I will here give yoa a translation of an articlein tbe Journal Chficid, showing how eager bothparties are to propitiate the terrible power ofthe great goddess of oar civilized times, I mean,t uWic Opinion. Tbe article reads as follows :

" It has been objected that France bad carriedoa the negotiations at Ems. instead of pursninzthem at Berlin, through the ordinary channeL Itis the Representative of England in Prussia,Lord Loftus, who will give the wanting explanation, tie declares, in. fact, by a dispatch datedthe 6th or July, that the Cabinet or Berlin, diowning all interest in the question, and claimingthat it was a matter concerning the royal familyor Prussia, had declined all responsibility in thecandidature of the Prince of Hoheazollern. Itwas,' quoting the expression used by Mr. deTode.' a matter that did not exist Tor the Prussian Government,' Being unabla to act at Berlinwe were then under the necessity or carryinsonthe negotiation at hois, near the King himself,who had an interview with our Ambassador.

" It has been also asserted that, in the courseof the debate. France had modified and increasedber pretensions.

" The English documents establish, on tbe contrary, that from the first our diplomacy 'alwaysplace I itseir on the same ground.' The first dis-

patch addressed by the Duke de Gramont toCount Benedetto, terminates with this sentence :' In order that the renunciation shall be effective,it is necessary that tbe King tbould give yon theassurance that he will not authorize the candi-dature on any other occasion.'

" It has been affirmed that Fraace. in makingthat request or the King or Prussia, had made arequest contrary to the dignity or the mocarch.The bast proof that such is not the case is. thatLord Granville 'urged the King of Prussia togrant s what we desired.

"To the Prussian newspapers which assert thatFrance wanted war al any cost, we answer byreferring them to the dispatch of Lord Lyons,under date or July I3th. Tbe English Ambas-sador antes to Lord Granville that France hadbat one wish that or obtaining froa the- - Kingof Prussia the engagement that he would preventtee Pnnce of HohenzoIIern from accepting tbetbroce of Spain. Lord Lyons adds in tbe samedispatch, that he asked the Duke de Gramont toauthorize bin to transmit that declaration totier Majesty's Government. The French Minister took a sheet of paper, which he placed in tbeAmbassador's band, after having written on it tbefoBowibg staleotest : We request or tbe Kingir Prussia that he forbid the Prince of Ilobeszol- -lem to recall his word. If be does it, tbetrouble is over.'".

But, as I was saying above, or opinion is thatwar might have been averted for a wbHe if eitherparty had desired it, and yet, as it would havebeen at tbe expense of tbe pride, or dignity, assome may term it, or either or the two defiantToes, peace could not be durable, and where ar-

guments are vain, force aast prevail.In tbe midst of thee feverish expectations or

excited hurcpe, I can cot help remembering tbequiet aad undisturbed life or the shores or Hawaiishores that win never witness horriblescenes of deflation aad destruction, bat winever be the seat of prosperity aad tappiaess.Such is jhe earnest wish of

Yours, truly.

Hostility to tie Cbiaese.BT WILLI AX IXOTD GSK8ISOX.

A short time since, a shoe maaufacturpr inNorth Adams, Massachusetts, needing moreworkmen than he could obtain ia his locality atfair wages, owing to a dictatorial combination,sent to San FraocUco for "leveaty-Sr- e steady,active and intelligent Chinamen, such as arequick to learn a trade," and entered into a satis-factory contract with them for three years'services. Forthwith, he was fiercely denouncedaad menaced, and for a time evidently ia creatpersonal danger. The most inflammatory ap-peals were made to the working dasAes generallyto resist, as for their lives, the in trodaction orthis kind of labor, as calculated to materiallylessen their wage, if not utterly to deprive themof employment- - Political demagogues essayedto Bake it a tavorahfc occaaoa to brisg grat to

their mill. The icfection entered Congress'which body disgraccrully proceeded to amend, orrather to keep in operation the old pro slaverynaturalization law, to that no Chinaman, whetherhere or coming among us, can ever becomebono-Jtd- e citizen of the United States, howeverdesirous of doing to, and no matter what his in

telligence, pecuniary condition, useloiness, or

patriotism a law which liberty execrates and

justice repels as violative of the equal rights ofhuman brotherhood. Even the pulpit, as well asthe press, in some instances, give indul-

gence to unseemly and certainly most unchristiandenunciation of the Chinese as a barbarous andidolatrous race, whose presence among ns, in anyconsiderable numbers, is to be regarded with dis-

gust and alarm, as imperiling all that we hold

dear, even tbe stability of our holy religion itselflWith this aroused selfishness was mingled no

small measure or cant and hypocracy about thehorrible Coolie traffic; as if that traffic had anything to do with all this outcry, which began with

the .North Adams experiment, and which means

ntter hostility to all Chinese immigration to thiscountry, however intelligent and voluntary.

Now, if there was ever an illustration of atempest in a tea-po- t, or of a mole-hil- l magnified

to the dimensions or a first-clas- s mountain, it is

seen in this instance. Mr. Sampson, the NorthAdams contractor, simply asserted his unques-

tionable right as an employer, as against a brow-

beating and exacting combination, to obtain la-

borers as best he could in the broad fields or in-

dustrial wants. For doing this in so lair and

quiet a manner he deserves credit, and will in theend be sure to receive it. Be it observed thatbo did not send to China to induce the needed

wotkmen lo come over and engage in his service,

though he might have done so without giving anyjust occasion Tor complaint; lor thousands ofGermans, Scandinavians, Englishmen, Irishmen,etc, have been contracted for on their nativesoil, before reaching these shores, and no valid

reason can be given why Chinamen should notbe as freely induced to add their skill and labcrto our capital stock, to tbo development of ourunlimited resources, and the consequent expansion and prosperity or the republic The labor-

ers be engaged were residents or San Francisco,quietly pursuing whatever employment ihey bad

been able to find. Offering them better'wagesthan they were then getting, they evinced theirgood sense and thrifty disposition by acceptinghis overtures ; and to this hour both parties areabundantly satisfied. Certainly, the contractconcerns none but themselves. It was made ata common risk, in tbe. usual manner, and underlawful conditions; aad it is equally abs-ir- and

impertinent for any to inveigb against it.

The peculiarity of the excitement created hy

this movement is, it rages most intensely amougthose who are themselves foreigners ; who have

no better right to residence or employment hero

than the Cbinese; who would be summarily

ejected from the land if their own proscriptive

policy toward this class were enforced in accord

ance with their wishes; who brought with them

an amount of destitution, ignorance and degrada

tion, as a mass, sufficient to make out a case for

their expulsion, if any such couid be found ; andwhose enlightmeot is no easy matter to achieve,

Especially is this true of tbe Irish, who seemedto regard two countries as entirely their ownnamely, tbe oce from which they came, and tbeoce to which they have come. They went in acuss against negro emancipation, on the ground

that the liberated bondmen would Sock lo theNorth, acd successfully compete with them in

tbe labor market; just as they are now arrayedagainst Chinese Immigration for a similar reason.Bnt even they have seen tbe roily of their selfishfears in regard to the Southern freedmcn ; and itis no less signal in tbe present instance.

A fair field to capital and labor, and no favor!Our national domains are ample to receive tiepopulation of tbe globe. We bavo cot ten people to tbe square mile ; Belgium cas fire hun-

dred, and flourishes. Our ports are open to allcomers, so far as legitimate and voluntary immi

gration is concerned. Like charity, tbe act istwice blessed ; for in tbe sequel, in spite or at-

tending drawbacks acd temporary perils, tbegeneral welfare is thereby enlarged and secured.

We call ourselves Americans ; but we are rastbe- -

coming cosmopolitan, not to our disadvantage,but to tbe gain oi mackicd. 'What constitutesour real glory is cot simply what it is possiblefor us to become, bat what we have already done,

AH tbe cations of tbe earth are more or less

strongly represented on our soil, acd we are stillattracting their oppressed acd laboring millions

by an irresistible magnetic power. Still let tbemcome, to tbe welcoming or all, to the exclusionor cone ; or, if preference be shown to any, let itbs to the class of races most needing to be raisedin the scale of civilization acd Christianity. Herethere is an abundance or rood ; here scope for in

dustry, enterprise, and invention to any extent ;here almost every' variety of climate, from thearctic to tbe tropical ; here are millions uponmillions of acres to be cultivated ; here inexhaus-tible mineral riches to be extracted ; here mechanics! and manufacturing possibilities beyondcomputation ; here the means of popular enlight-enment on the broadest foundation ; and here tbefreest institutions to be found in the world.What a change has been effected in the condi-

tion of the millions who hare sought these shoresin quest or rood for the body, light for the mind,and equal rights, before tbe laws ! They harethus saved a vast amount of foreign missionarylabor acd expense, acd enabled our nation to betbe educational school of the world.

True, such a continual influx of foreign destitu-tion acd ignorance presents a formidable aspect,and occasionally gives rise to serious apprehen-sions, even in thoughtful minds, lest the bcrdenbe heavier than we can bear, and tbe strain great-

er than our constitutional safeguards can resist ;

but it affords cs alike tbe opportunity and tbe in-

centive to make our educational facilities equal toevery emergency, and is a constant appeal to ourmoral and philanthropic activities in behalf ofthose who ceed all possible assistance. Let us

have faith in universal liberty acd impartial jus-

tice, come what may. Let cs be true to the .

princplee we profess in respect to tbe rights and

of hsmu catcre, asd we need cot fear theresdt. 'We have nothing to fear bat our own

cowardice, selfiibness, and recreancy to duty.Giving ourselves nobly to the task of making ofthis nation one people in all that relates to vir

tuous liberty, acd abolishing all caste distinctions,we (ball cot only be safely carried through everytrial, but abundantly favored of heaven.

To the craven plea that tbe Chinese are idola.ters, end therefore must not be allowed to settleamong os to the peril of Christianity, no otherreply need be made than that it presents an excellent reason for extending to them the largestmeasure of hospitality that is, if it is tbe mis-

sion of Christianity to overthrow idolatry ; for

cannot the work be far better dome on oar own

than on a distant shore I What shall be mid ofthe religions kith of those who raise this outcry ?

What is it better than sounding bras or a tinklingcymbal? Why seed taksioaaries to tbe esds of

tie earth to convert idoklon, if lie chance are

that it is the former, who will become proselytesto the latter.

Whether tha Chinese are idolaters or not theyare not lo bo denied their share or liberty andequality under tho Constitution or tbe UnitedStates on that account. They must take theirchance with the rest, where free thought andfree inquiry and freo speech and the right or con-science are accorded to all. One thing is certain,they cannot be converted by persecution, but bypersuasion. They are said to bo remarkably do-cile, imitative, teachable ; and, ir we deal fairlyacd justly with them, we may reasonably hope toseo them gradually assimilating to our own viewsof religious raittt and practice. Thus for their in- -

offensive behaviour has put their Inducers to theblush. Let them lie Hilly protected.

Sleep An An Inwlitutlon.

One of tlic pleasantest places .in theworld in which sleep can visit us is a summer, meadow, when the grass is iu flower.You nestle down among the tall, pliantgreen stalks, with a canopy of great whiteoxdaisies noddmg over your head. Youlaaly watch the big " bumble" bee, in hisvelvet suit of black and oranjre, bustlinj- -

abotit from clover-to-p to clover-to- p afretful lover, or a testy honey-merchan- t,

whichever hemay be, for he will reply tono questions, rreseutly he will comebouncing at you, as if you were an interloper whom he at once hated and despised ;and then lie will make ofFin a sudden rage,as hot and hery as Blue Beard. Verysoon all sorts of quaint-shape- d creatureswill one by one appear, and climb up intothe golden dishes of the buttercup flowers,or on to the bending-grasse- s to look at vou ;

little demure beetles will nod their headsand move their antennae suspiciously;then will follow dainty ladybirds iu theirgny shells, and stealthy timid insects, whowill keep down low in the grass, and peepout at the intruder into their dominion,and pugnacious red ants, who fear no-

thing. A grasshopper is safe lo vault overj you acrobatically. A moment after, a

white butterfly will career near you,for the hidden fairies ; and

little blue dragon-flies- , with bodies likemere threads of sapphire, will skim pastwith their gauzv wiugs, wondering who

dragoman, our twoyou are you ; mJ"

will soonjec, drove baggage horsewhich is the poetrv of motion. Gusts ofwild-ros- e leaves will scitter over you fromthe neighboring hedges. All at once, asyou lie half asleep, you will rememberwhat it is you like. Why, of course, youare like Bottom, the transformed weaverof Athens, waited on the fairies. Thelark above, almost out ofsight in the warmblue air, is, no doubt, Titania herself,singing to you before she descends at twi-

light and changes her shape, and trans-forms the creatures that surround vou into Peas-blosso- Cobweb and the rest.They will dance around you, and then,kneeling, offer you refreshments, dew iuaconi-cup- s and honey in rose-leave- s. Theywill but gradually the air gets stiller, abalmy calmness benumbs you, a sumptu-

--j ous repose you are asleep. Probably if

you are a family man, the clamor of manychildren will awake you, and a rompingcluster of urchins falling on you, will dragyou in to tea ; or if you are newly marriedeven a pleaanter form of awakening mayarouse you, and two soft little red lipsmay yours, and tell " lazy, lazyfellow," in half a dozen kisses, that supperis ready.

I have often thought how pleasant itwould be to go to sleep in the centre of acorn-fiel- d a corn-fiel- d where acres ofgoldern spears swaying to and froiu the wind, and every breeze ploughedmomentary furrows that close the instanttbe breath bad passed. Ti.at delicioussimmering sound would promote slumber;so also would that ceaseless crackling asof a fire running through straw, whichshows that the grain is ripe, and that thedry husks are already parting. The languid poppies would be pleasant droopingover one's head, and fair wonld flutter thedelicious blue of the corn-flowe- r. Butthen mother earth is hard, and moreoverFarmer Giles might strongly object.

I once slept in a tree that was delicions. I was a boy then, fond of reading.and to get time to myself I used to climbup a big sycamore at the of our gar

with my book, Pope's Odyssey, or theArabian Xights, to find a green tent whereI could enjoy ray dream-worl- d all alone.

With the delight ofI nsed to climb climb till I could find,

out a snug combination of boughs, whereI could either sit or sleep. The thrushessang to me as I lay there listening to therustling of the sunny, transparent leaves,or, with book half clrsed, wondering howAladdin would ever escape from the cavein which the cruel magician, his prouduncle, had just immured him. Then throw-

ing my round a bongh, with a deli-

cious fear and a full knowledge that Imight break my neck if Uet go my hold,I nsed to snatch a moment or two of sleep.I had precedent for it, too, for some Ethiopian nation, I bad heard of from Herodotus, nsed to live in trees.

There is something supremely delightful in the first night of a country visit.Everything is so quiet. One's ignoranceof the place rouses the imagination, andsends it wondering. The sheets are towhite, the air so pure ; you open the lat-

tice to swell the honeysuckle, and a mothputs out the candle. In the morning thebirds greet you with a pleasant welcome;as yon paddle across the floor with barefeet, and look out and find the windowsurrounded with white and crimson roses,a breath of paradise wafts in, rendering

early shaving an exquisite enjoy-ment.

Brave cbaaUclecr doIit din,Eeattcra the rear of darkaeta thin.

The pompoBg turkey-coc- k oa an adjacentfarmyard breaks into hysterical laoghterin his pharisaical pride at having got Bpearlier than his master. The geese gabble

fussily as they betake themselves to theirfashionable watering place in the nearestmeadow, that pond crusted with grceuweed not unlike mint sauce. On tho freshdewy lawn, nil in a grey bloom, thrushesarc pulling and hauling at reluctantworms, who, refusing to come up out ofthe hold, resist and wriggle like detectedstowaways.- - Dishwashers, most gracefuland coquettish of birds, are pacing about,flirtiug their tails over the grass just under the big Portugal laurel ; and every nowand then Scudding after flics, who, intenton ascertaining if their heads are screwedon firmly for the day, do not observe theirpursuers till they are swallowed by them.

the house begins to awake,some one shuffles unwillingly down-stair-

a broom drops with ostentatious clatter.The next thing is the jolting open of awindow-shutte- r; soon after that the kitch-en fire begins to crackle, while some onemoves chairs about and sings a snatch ofsome country melody. Presently there isa clatter of youtig voices, a cry and clamorof children; a bell riugs sharply andchidingly. The house is getting up ; thenthere comes the splash of a bath beingfilled, and the next moment comes a rapat your door, and a rough country voicesays in pure Doric:

"If you please, zur, it is past zeven,and here's some warm water."

Eastern travelers, who have spent anytime in the Desert, say that on their returnto civilization and s, there is,for a period, a feeling of constraint andoppression at night that renders sleepalmost impossible. They miss the starrycanopy and the great airy roof of night'sblack palace. I can well believe this for

have myself felt similar transition.Some years ago rode for ten days or sothrough part of Greece: every day'sbivouac was an immortal spot. Thebes orThermopyla;, Leuctra orPIatea, Delphi orLepanto. was literally riding throughThncvdides Plutarch. Sometimesspent the night at houses ol priests orold officers of the "War of Independence;oftcner slept out iu the open air. and

on earth what want. horses, and mySwallows ilnrtlir;tlinfnrvMlfli,ri1i who tne


press the














(such a horse. I wondered sometimes hedid not ccme to pieces on those bridletracks of white marble round the roots ofParnassus), shifted as best we could. Aday's journey or so from Delphi we werebenighted in a wood close to the Gulf ofCorinth : it was a- wood of tamarish andmyrtle, myrtle twelve and fourteen feethigh, the leaves green and glossy.

Wo rode on and on through the wood(within sound of the music ofthe sea washing upon the deserted shore),like travelers in a fairy story, until, led bythe faint ray of the first star, we becameaware of a little water-mil- l, at the dust'door of which sat a stolid old Greek,white with age, Cut still more with flour,who received us with the immovable,wonderless gravity of the Turk. He slewgrimly a thin and muscular fowl whichhe roughly aroused from his first sleep;he roasted the bird with gravity; he boiled ns water; he brought us bread, then,with the servile shyness of a serf, he satapart under a myrtle tree, getting ourcoffee ready, affecting to take no notice,but watching everything as I supped onthe edge of mv camii-bed- . A meditativepipe followed, and then I went to bed inthe open air under tlic shade of a hospitable sycamore. There I lay looking up atthe sky. The mountains of the Morcawere to the right of me, " the sentinelstars kept their watch in the sky," andgentle influences came to me from heaven.A cloud was my counterpane, clouds weremy the roof of my bedchamber was the Pleiadestucked me up. I consigned myself to theprotection of God and then fell asleep,with a passing thought an to whetherthere were any wolves htill left in thatpart of Greece. I never slept so soundly,or awoke so refreshed. I was sorry thenext night to exchange that spacious andinexpensive for a dirty roomat feverish ilissolonghi. All the YearRound.

The Mitksillzcsc The mention of this weaponbeing frequently made In tbe wardpalcbrt of thaday, It will be uf Interest to our reader to knowwbat sort of a thing it Ii. We give a aburt description ol tbe gun taken from La Propagation Indna- -trlelle.

In a socket, al tbe upward-curve- rear end of thisframe, fit tbe team of a revolving ttrel cjllnder.ThU has four ceta of cliambtia fur tbe cartridge.Each Kt conelstt of five chambers, correspondingto the five bvrrctt of Ibe gun. Theae chamberswhen brought in succcrtloo ti tbe lower part of tliicjllnder, are aligned with the (ear ends of tbe boresof tbe barrel, and when at the top, are In line withtbe surface of a loading table, which baa grovea InIt o that Ibe cartridges may be eatlly pushed Intothe cbamoert.

ine Darren, suuiiea in a nonzonui plane, arefive In number, and are not parallel but a little further apart at Ibe muzzle than at tbe breech. Theobject of this Is to irlve a ecatterlng lire. There la

system of moccanUm which we have not thepace lo explain In detail, by which tbe barrela may

be adjusted In any desired plane, or placed at differ-ent an;lcw!tn each other, wlialn certain limits.Tbe change of angle la for tho purpose of enablingthe gunners to sweep a wider or narrower area.When tbe chambers are brought Into line wltb tbebarrels, a acrle of needles or strikers arc driven in-

to the rear of the chamber! and agatuat tbe fulmi-nate of tbo cartridges, tbca discharging tbe piece,by meaca of a bir which works automatically.

When It Is dlslred to transport tbe gun from oneplace to another, Ibe four lees of the support arebrought Into a horizontal position, parallel with thebarrels, and two men can carry tbe apparatus withease. Hence it can be transported wbitberlt wouldbe Impossible to take a wheeled carriage.

Tbe special advantages claimed for tbe mltraltleusaare tta eate of loading and firing and transportation,Ita power of throwing cootlnuoua valleys in divergent directions, and tbefacillly ol varjingtlic direction of tbe Hoe of fire. In tbe method of loading,however, other device seem to be Ita superior. If iano otber reaped.

Evrar French soldier eame a piece of canraaaabout five feet long by foar broad, and a stick;wbea two of theae pieces of eaavau are joined together tbey form a shelter; whes tlx are balK nfthey coeatitate a tent eloted at both cads. TheFrench soldier Is tbas for bis hoete sccosffi64a! lea,Independent of baggag e aataui.

The Iron Crowi' ef FramttM.In March, 1811, Frederick William HI,

of Prussia, father of tho present sovereign, instituted tho Order of tho IronCross, for peculiar military or civil distinction in the war then carried on againstBonaparte. Just at that time Prussia,long depressed, had taken a place in thevan, and her troops were part of the greatGerman Army of Liberation. The ed

"Confederation of the Rhine," ofwhich Bonaparte had been the head, hadbeen dissolved. Frederick's motto was" Honor and our Country," and this wasalso adopted by Alexander of Russia.Frederick William had invited his sub-

jects to pour their gold and silver orna-ments into the public treasury, whencethey would receive iron ones, fashioned inthe same forms to preserve in their fami-

lies indicating past wealth and presentpatriotism and the call had been noblyresponded to. Bracelets, necklaces, rings,broaches, crosses, solitaires, earrings ofgold, and jewels were taken to the treas-

ury, and then exchanged for similar bijoux, beautifully worked in bronze, andinscribed, "I gave gold for iron, 1813."

From that time until the war was ended,golden ornaments were never worn, andhence arose the beautiful Berlin bronzeomaments, so well known and so highlyprized throughout Europe, as well as theorder of the Iron Cross of Prussia.

The present King of Prussia has reviv-ed this, the most honorable national deco-ration, conferred only for services andhigh merit during tho war of liberationin 1813 and 1 315. No otiier rank will behandicapped for the chase of this rewardof courage exhibited on the field of battle,or in shielding the household gods athome, but that of merit. The soldier ofPrussia has now before him two classesand a grand cross. The first-clas- s ribbonis to be worn the instant he wins it, onthe left breast, where his heart beats, thesecond-clas- s in the button-hol- e, where ofall places should bo supported the flowerof valor ; the third; a double-size-d medal,to dangle round his neck as a cross roundthe throat of a crusader. But to possessthe second he must make good his title tothe first. Tho Grand Cross will be no-

thing less than signal victory accomplish-ed, the conquest of an important positionor place, or the brave defense of a fortress. The iron cross was the glory ofglories during the wars of liberation.Even when you had won it, it yet remain-ed to be won ; for the number of theseprecious badges were limited, and its re-

cipient had not only lo distinguish himselfagainst the foe, but to wait till one of hisfortunate fellow-countrym- possessing itdied. Ho might, however, have handledit down to his son as an heir-loo- Here,then, a bit of cast iron, whose inlriusic va-

lue would be magnificently paid for by afew cents, becomes more valuable, to abrave man, than the S:tncy diamond orthe Ivohiuoor could possibly be, for it isthe perpetual testimony of valor, honor,love of freedom, and the fatherland.Louis Xapoleon may distribute basketsfull of the insignia of his uncle's celebra-ted order, but what is their value compar-ed with that of the simple iron cross ofPrussia, iu itself a trophy and a history 1

It has been revived, KingAVilliamdeclar-es- tto his German friends and subjects,

" in consideration of the serious situationin which the country is now placed, andin memory of the heroic actions of ourfathers duriug the War of Liberation."

IIIaraarck'M Policy.

Tbe Fnt'eian army ia steadily marching to-

wards Paris, and will not probably meet with us

obstacles until it has reached the fortifica-

tions or the French Capital. A telegram atateda day or two ago, that Jules Favre. In bis capac

ity r.f Minister or Foreign Affairs, hail tent aspecial messenger to the King or Prussia. Thtileaders or the French Republic are desirous ofknowing what terms King William aeeki to im-

pose on tbe country which ho has invaded, lisexpected interview has probably not yet takenplace, but it is reported that Count Bismarck demands the cession of Lorraine and Alsace toGermany, the surrender of tbe French fleet noin the Baltic, and the payment of an immensesum as an indemnity for war expenses. Thesedemands are exorbitant, but in all the recentstatements which refer to peace, no mention itmade or tbe installation or a Bourbon Pnnce onthe throne of France. It it not impossible thattbe shrewd Chancellor uf the North GermanConfederation considers a weak Republic at tbeborder of tbe German Kmpire preferable to aprotracted war. Popular at King William is atthe present time among the people of tt? Fatherland, he is by no means aecurc from falling in tbeestimation of bit. people. Had Bismarck coerced

tbe South German States into a nnion with tbeNorth when the Auatro-Prussia- n war was over in18CC. Bavaria. Wnrtemberg and tbe other minorStales, would not hare been as t.evoleiln theirallegiance to Prussia as tbey bare proved to bein tbit war. But Bismarck humored tbe prideor these petty government, and bit diplomacybaa proved of great benest to all Germany. Remay now be willing to tolerate a Sepubbc iaFrance, asd hope perhaps that this form of gov.emmunt will not be of long darattca. s

bare never yet bees bailt oa a S0I4I basis iaFrance, sad if KUmarsk preposs ta estabuah aroyal In Paris, he can tneoip'ieh that ch--ect inoru easily by a series of aiplamstic move

ments tbas by coercion. He may believe him

self able to effect bis purpose before repabBesjFrance shall le able, morally or physically, to influence tbe subjects of tbe other Karopean Pow

ers. 11 open resistssce is oaerea oy sung tvii-Ha- m

to tbe political views of the Frtech people,tbe spirit of revolution will tooa neite Itself felt,even among IBS ueraaas inessseirs, sesoagwhom are many repablieeas. The King wcs!4be praised for his msgaanieiky by seek an act ;aad this is whet BtMsarck probacy shakes. Heparssed a similar cows in 18$, sad it Is notlikely that he will Bee force bow.wWs the ssmeobject can gradually be' rsaessw by diplomatic

jsdfrsaewt, tattwewaneofsetaM ciaeataiHoa waeaked by a pro4eor: "Pray. Jar. ., Sow woswyo discovers fool t" "By the asaatks be woeldsale," ssM Xr. X.