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Foot lever milk bottle washing station

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Foot lever milk bottle washing station

Or put a bucket below to catch water to

douse campfire.

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Waste disposal:

Plan ahead and bring bags/tubs to separate rubbish for recycling.

Grease trap

Try to catch all food debris as it will attract rodents if left on ground.

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Burnables box

All card, paper, wood can be burned. Toxic fumes from inks are no longer a

problem as inks are friendlier now.

Consider if some should be kept to help light the next fire.

Plastic should never be burned – it can release toxic fumes.

If wood has nails in, wait until fire is cold and remove nails from ash to

protect wildlife and future campfire users.

Ash (once absolutely cold) can be spread into undergrowth.

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HygieneSoap and water is effective way to clean

hands. Keep water supply refreshed regularly.

Have separate hand washing and pot washing areas.

Have somewhere for tea towels hand towels to hang, so they dry as much as possible and don’t end up on the ground. If windy, pegs

may be needed!

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Charcoal makingUse secateurs to cut short sticks of green (living) wood. The sticks need to be able to fit in the tin. Use a potato peeler to remove the bark. Sit with

knees apart and elbows resting on knees, working with the peeler in the safe space between your

knees. Keep a “blood bubble” safety space around you. No-one should come within the space

of your extended arm with knife. Put the stripped bark into the tin. Place the tin in the fire

until smoke stops coming out of the holes. Remove the tin from the fire and LEAVE IT TO

COOL COMPLETELY. (Taking off the lid before it cools will let in too much oxygen and ignite the

charcoal). Once cool the tin can be opened and the charcoal used to draw on paper or bark.

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Lighting matches

Lighting a match is something a lot of children have not done. Scented candles used in homes have become very popular. Bar-be-ques are

popular. Children benefit from respecting fire.

Can they light a match and count to five while holding it?

Can they gently tilt the match head down to see the flame grow stronger?

Can they gently tilt the match head up and make the flame go out?

Can they light a candle using a match?

Can they tell you about match safety? (Not keeping matches in pocket; not putting dead matches back in the box; keep

away from hanging hair/necklaces/scarves).

Can they put out a candle flame by blowing and snuffing?

Can they tell/show you how to treat a burn?

Can they tell you what to do if a fire gets out of control?

Can they resist peer pressure to “play with matches”?

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Sprite Fires

Big fires can be overwhelming for young children and they enduce a special sort of anxiety for parents.

Fairy/Sprite/Troll fires are much more manageable. The child can be totally invested in and able to collect,

carry and break small sticks, dried stalks, leaves and stones needed to get started. Sprite fires are small enough that the child can see what’s going on. They

ask questions and learn by doing things and watching how the fire behaves. The heat coming off a Sprite fire

is not intense.

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1. Choose a safe space.

2. If you are interested in setting the scene, talk about how you are creating a fire out for the Sprites to enjoy.

For this part you can set up little pieces of bark for “benches” and mini marshmallows on small sticks for

the Sprites to roast and eat later.

3. Use the rocks/marbles to create a fire ring about 30cm (1 foot) in diameter.

4. Make a small tee-pee using the smallest sticks and bit of kindling. This is a great time talk about things like

the structure, materials, method and fire safety.

5. Use matches or fire striker and cotton wool to start the fire.

6. Tend to the fire and spend some time around it together. Have fun keeping it going and playing in the


7. When the Sprites have to leave, douse the fire with cups of water from a bucket. These fires are so small they usually go out on their own quickly, but it’s good

safety practice for the child.

Source: Woman Gone Wild, via Pinterest.

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Tin can stove candle cooking

Use a fire-proof base. Tea-lights are ideal because they are affordable, easily available and stand safely.

Squat tins are generally better than tall tins, but experimenting can be part of the fun if a specific baked

result is not needed.

Use wire cutters to cut slits around the bottom of the tin. Wearing protective gloves, bend alternate flaps over to the inside of the tin can, creating air vents at

the base of the tin can stove.

Light the candle, place tin can over the candle and cook on the flat surface. Try pancakes, or mico-burgers.

(Very finely chopped piece of onion, very small burger shaped from minced beef/pork/quorn put into very

small pitta bread burger bun).

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Tinder tins

This could be given to a Guide or Brownie to celebrate their first camp cooking for themselves outdoors. They

can use it for the rest of their life.

Go for a walk with your tin on a dry day. Collect dry dead plant stalks, willow/alder “fluff” seeds, silver

birch “paper” bark, very thin twigs, pieces of pine cone, dry holly leaves, brown bracken…

To give as a gift you could add a fire strike, cotton wool balls and Vaseline tin.

(See through plastic boxes or zip-lock bags do not work well as items will sweat in the sunlight if not

completely dry).

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Cork boats and rafts

Race across a washing up bowl, or visit “ports” around the edge of a paddling pool using straws to blow.

Can you make a raft from corks, lollipop sticks and string/rubber bands to float a potato?

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Marble race

Split group into two teams. Team members sit on chairs close together side-by-side, one team facing the other.

Each player has a washing up bowl with water at their feet, and takes off their shoes and socks.

At the end of each team’s line there is an extra bowl of water (without a team member).

The first person in each team has 10 marbles in their bowl.

When the starter says “Go!” player one uses her feet to move the marbles into player two’s bowl. Player two can start to move the marbles to player three as soon as they

arrive in her bowl. Player three moves them to player four, and so on.

The winning team is the first to get all their marbles to the end bowl. (There needs to be an extra bowl so that the last

team member gets to take part).

Make it harder: blindfold players.

Alternative: Individual race to be the first person to get all their marbles out of their bowl onto towel. (You need more

marbles for this version, but it’s quicker).

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Squirt gun races

Guiding members can use “guns” if not aiming at a human or animal form, eith

er real or representation. Alternatives are available for water

games – washing-up liquid bottles, ketchup type bottles, foam pump squirters.

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I think the picture explains enough how to set this up and what to do! Source: Pinterest

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Obstacle course

While carrying water in a spill-able vessel complete an obstacle course. Simples.


Time trail individual race.

Time limited team race to move water from one bowl to another. Winning team is the one that moves the most


Seeing partner leads blindfolded partner who’s carrying the water.

Seeing team use verbal only instructions to blindfolded team member who’s carrying the water.

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Gutter run

Team members hold short lengths of guttering in position to move water from one bucket to another. Winning team is the

one that spills the least/has the most in the end bucket.


Team members hold short lengths of guttering in position to float a boat from one end of a length of guttering to the

other. Teams can refill the guttering with water when the boat is stranded, but only if they managed to collect the

water that spilled! Winning team is the first to float their boat off the end of the guttering, or the team to get their

boat the farthest along the guttering before running out of water.

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Bottle cap fishing

Make a head band from pipe cleaners. Attach a “fishing rod” of pipe cleaners to the front of the headband three pipe cleaners long. Bend the end of the rod to hold a magnet

securely. The bowl has water and bottle caps floating.

Go fishing!

Some preparation ahead of time may be needed. If you wish to disguise the bottle tops they can be painted with enamel model makers paint or car body spray paint. A hot glue gun is good for fixing magnets if they are not a suitable shape for

tying – you therefore need time for the glue to dry.

Caps could be colour coded or numbered to represent points worth, or to indicate an action/forfeit to complete.

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Cup and plate stack

Build a tower alternating unbreakable plates and unbreakable cups filled with water.

Cup ping pong

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Tin foil river

Roll out the foil. Create the scene. Tell the story. Flow the water.

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Giant Bubbles

1 gallon distilled water

12 oz washing-up liquid

3 tablespoons baking powder

1 cup cornflour

2oz glycerin

Big bucket.

Add ingredients to bucket in the order above. Stir GENTLY to avoid foam. Best if made 24 hours in advance.

2 dowls/sticks/canes

String and scissors

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Nail polish marbling

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Walk the plank

Before you start, select two (or more) teams with 15 people. Select 7 pairs who will function as the moving plank and one person (the smallest person!) to be the person to walk the plank.Each pair of holders will be on the end of their board (see pic above). Once you say “go,” the walker of the plank will step on each board to navigate the plank. Once the walker has stepped on a pair’s board, that pair will need to move from the beginning to the end of the row. Teams repeat this action until they have crossed the finish line. To stabilize themselves, encourage the person walking the plank to put their hands on the heads of the holders as they move along the planks.

If you would like to extend the game, have them go all the way down to a specified location and then back. If you don’t have enough participants, shorten the course and use less boards.

Whatever way you choose, the first team to have someone walk the plank is your victor!

Note: Take extra precaution during this game to ensure the safety of the participants.Photo Credit: Tyler Hart

BONUS TIPS1. We strongly recommend having additional people to help support the person walking the plank. They can also assist in helping the walker up onto the plank.

2. Make sure that the holders are standing close enough together so that the walker does not fall between.

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Sponge launching

Invent a game using yoga bands and wet sponges. Two people hold the band taught for a third person to catapult

their sponge.

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Sock Bubbles

Secure a sock over the end of a water bottle. Soak the sock into bubble mixture and blow. Bubble mixture made from a

strong washing-up liquid mix with a little glycerine added.

Try painting the s

Sock and making a rainbow sock bubble.

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Wash The Plank

A difficult challenge. The winner is the first to get their bar of soap over the top end of the plank. Good fundraiser!

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Glass Jar Magnifiers

Take a walk and collect some interesting objects. Bring them back and place into a jar of water. Weight with modelling

clay. Really look at the contents and notice the details. Draw a picture of your object, or draw part of your object.

Take your magnifying jar with you on a walk and use it to look closely at nature.

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Natural Dyes

Pre-boiling the cloth in 1:40 solution of white vinegar and water then rinsing should fix the dye.

Experiment with different ratios of water to dye, or how long to soak for, or how long to boil for.

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Peach Mallows

1 peach, mini marshmallows, butter (optional), cinnamon, berries/chocolate chips/coconut/peanuts etc, tin foil

Slice peach in half and fill with butter and marshmallows, and then sprinkle both halves with cinnamon. Wrap peaches in

tin foil and cook over campfire for 5 minutes.

Unwrap carefully (mind the steam!) and dig in!

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Egg and bacon breakfast in a bag

2 strips of fatty bacon, 1egg, salt and pepper, 1 lunch bag, one green stick

1. Cut both bacon strips in half, giving you 4 pieces. Line the bottom of the paper lunch bag with the bacon to make a

nice, fatty nest for the egg.

2. Crack the egg into the nest.

3. Fold the top of the paper bag down carefully 2 times and poke a hole through the thick part with the stick. (Use a

knife or scissors to make the hole first.)

4. Carefully hold the bag over the fire (but not in the flames) so that the bacon cooks slowly and the fat melts. Keep

cooking until the egg is done.

5. Eat it out of the bag, but put the bag on a plate to avoid greasy stain on your trousers.

6. Add salt and pepper if desired. Enjoy!

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Wild Garlic Pesto with puff pastry crackers

Crush a handful of wild garlic in a pestle and mortar. Add olive oil and pine nuts/sunflower seeds. Add parmesan. Taste test and add more of an ingredient until you are

satisfied with the result.

Roll out puff pastry. Cut into crackers, and bake on hot griddle for a few minutes until each side is crispy.

Spread with the pesto. Close eyes, lie back and drift off…..

Teriyaki chicken foil dinner for one

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1 chicken breast cut in to strips/handful of soya diced chicken

bottle Teriyaki marinade2 pineapple sliceshalf bell pepperhalf small onion

half a small courgette 3-4 florettes of broccoli

single portion cooked rice

1. Prepare a square of foil, large enough to be a bowl to marinade and later to fold up to a parcel to cook in.

2. Marinade the chicken/Quorn in the Teriyaki marinade. 3. Cook the rice.

4. Chop the veggies in to bite size pieces.5. Layer the chicken, then pineapple, then veggies, then rice onto the foil. (You may need to drain off excess marinade before layering, or tilt foil after layering and spoon excess

over the rice.)6. Fold up the foil parcel and place directly on coals/embers and cook for 15-30 minutes until chicken is cooked. Take

care not to scorch in flames.

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Omellete in a bag

Heat a pan of water over the fire. Mix ingredients in a zip-lock bag. Immerse in water and cook. Empty from bag. Eat.

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Cinnamon Rolls on a stick

Grilled Tandoori ChickenServings: 4


1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/2 lemon (juice) 1/2 small onion (grated) 1 tablespoon garlic (grated) 1 tablespoon ginger (grated) 1 tablespoon garam masala 1 tablespoon paprika (I used hot smoked)

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1 teaspoon cumin (toasted and ground) 1 teaspoon coriander (toasted and ground) 1/2 teaspoon ceyenne pepper (or to taste) salt to taste 1 pound chicken (boneless and skinless, but into 1 inch pieces)


1. Mix all of the ingredients save the chicken.2. Place the chicken in a freezer bag along with the marinade and marinate

in the fridge for at least an hour, preferably several hours to overnight.3. Pull the chicken from the fridge and let it come to room temperature.4. Remove the chicken from the marinade and skewer it.5. Grill the chicken until cooked, about 3-5 minutes per side.

Easy no-yeast NaanYield: 4 Naans (6'' x 9'')

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1 ¼ cup all purpose flour (5.65 oz / 160 g) ½ teaspoon baking powder 1/3 teaspoon granulated sugar ½ teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon milk (50 ml) 2 tablespoons butter (1 oz / 27 g) ¼ cup plain, creamy yoghurt (2 1/3 oz / 65 g) Optional: melted butter for brushing (Butter-Naan), 2

cloves of garlic, cut lengthwise (Garlic-Naan)Instructions

1. Mix flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl.2. In a small saucepan heat milk together with butter (in

small pieces), until butter has melted. You can also do this in a microwave. Let the milk cool down slightly.

3. In a big bowl add yoghurt and stir in warm (not hot!) milk until smooth.

4. Gradually, add the dry ingredients and stir with a spoon, until the ingredients come together.

5. With your hands, knead to a smooth dough. It’s best to first knead in the bowl and later on a lightly floured

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surface. If the dough is still sticky, add a little more flour.

6. Let the dough rest for at least ½ hour on a lightly-floured surface and put the empty bowl upside-down on top of it. Alternatively, let it rest in the bowl, covered with a kitchen towel. The longer the dough rests, the softer it gets and the easier it will roll out.

7. Split dough in 4 equal parts (it's best to use a kitchen scale), form each of them into a ball and roll out.

8. Rotate the dough-disk while rolling, and flip it over occasionally. Sprinkle with flour every now and then, so it will not stick to your rolling pin or surface. When finished, the Naan should have an oval shape, 6’’ x 9’’ large and about 1/8 inch thick.

9. Preheat skillet or pan to medium high heat – but don’t add any oil.

10. Pick up the Naan, remove excess flour by slapping the dough between your hands and put it into the pan. Cook until bubbles have formed on top and the bottom side gets lightly colored. Then flip, and cook until done, about 1 minute.

11. Wrap the ready Naans in a (non detergent smelling) kitchen towel while baking the rest. That will make them really soft.

12. For Butter-Naan, brush bread with melted butter, for Garlic-Butter-Naan rub bread with garlic halves first and then brush it with butter.Notes

You can prepare the dough in advance, just put it in the refrigerator instead of letting it rest for ½ hour. Before using, bring it back to room-temperature (½ hour will do).