Our Trip to Exmouth (uk)


Transcript of Our Trip to Exmouth (uk)

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sundaysundayOn Sunday we had to get up early for the travel.

At the end of the day we saw our families and were more calm.

Rafa and me when we got home took a shower and we slept because we were very tired

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mondaymondayIt was our first day in England the women of our family took us by car to the square where this school.

We met our teachers and visited all places of Exmouth.

Rafa and I lost bus but at the end we came home to give us a shower and sleep.

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tuesdaytuesdayO n Tuesday we went to visit exeter in train.

We saw the Cathedral, a Museum and a shopping center where we had time to buy souvenirs and clothes.

In the afternoon Rafa and I went to a park near our House for playing football with our new friends

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wednesdaywednesdayWednesday was a special day after school we had been given two very fun swimming in a pool for an hour and then dance.

He was a little tired but had fun at the end of the day we were very tired

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thursdaythursdayThursday after school we were with friends in the manor gardens.

In the evening we went to a disco with some German people also were in exmouth

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fridayfridayon Friday we went to exeter in train.

We had more time to buy clothes, souvenirs and many things like ice cream.

in our free time, my friends and I went to see the street more closely in the world was awesome

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saturdaysaturdayWe were all nervous about the trip to London this was by bus and we had to get up early.

There we visited all the places best known for London and took a boat ride was amazing.

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This was our last day in London and they had to return home.

We went to Camden market by train was fascinating and we buy many things is like a small town when it comes to return there sad but when comes to Spain all change

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