Our Town October 7, 1932

(Continued on P ag e E ig h t) (Continued on P a ~ ( ' Eight) PRICE, FIVE CENTS Boys' Club Formed in Borough Tuesday New O rg an iz a ti on , S po ns or ed by ProminentMen, toHave A t h le t ic Teams O FFICER S A RE E LE CTE D At an enthusiastic meeting in the Legion Room Tuesday e v e ni n g a Nar b er th B oy s' Club was o rg an iz ed , which is sponsored by m a ny p ro m i nent men of the Borough. The Legion Ro om wiI I b e u se d as h e ad q u ar t er s , w h er e it is planned meetings will be held once a month. 'rhe club will put football and bas ketball teams in the field and with t.he c o ac h in g of Ar t Cooke a nd L ou Young the gridiron aggregation is ex pected to give a good account of itself. Uniforms arc b e i ng o r de r ed and a m ov ie b e ne f it i s planned to help raise Cunds for the new organization. The officers of the club arc: George Burta: president; Fred Walzer, vice president; George Burgess, s e ~ r e t a : r . Y ; . Jo hn A . Mowrer, Jr., treasurer. Three of the boys, Carl Blessing, A r t D in ge r a n d TOIll Casey, arc mem uers of the B oa rd o f D ir ec to rs . l\Ien present at T u es d ay ' s m e et ing included B u rg e ss H e n ry 'A. Frye, CounciIman John R. Hall. E. C. Gris wo ld , J . J. Cabrey, Ar t Cooke, Fra t a nt o ni , Duncan, George Schroeder, J{aymolHl Cabrey, and Salisun and F re ed o f t he Narberth Theatre. It is expected that the club will en ter a basketball team in the Main Line L ea gu e a nd also p a rt i ci p at e in howling and baseball. Harry Hollar will coach the b a s k et hall t ea m a nd act as business mana of the foot.ball team. Rotary Speaker Shows Economy of Five Per Cent. Cost of Federation Welfare Overhea d Expe nse Expla ined R E N D ER MANY S ER VI CE S O v er h ea d and administration costs in the collecting a nd d is tr ib u ti ng of funds of the Welfare Federation were discussed Tuesday by Alexander F le is he r, s pe ak in g b ef or e t he B a la Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club. The speaker was introduced by Walter n. Richards. Mr. Fleisher showed that the cntire cost of the Federation's collection and s u pe rv i si on a m ou nted to about 5 pel' cent. of the total llIon ey i n vo lv e d, a igure which c o mp a re s w i th solicita tion e x pe n se s of 20 per cent. to 50 per cent. in many a g e nc i ( ,s whic h for merly collected independently. In ad dition, the savings made by t he Fed eration in c on so li da ti ng a nd super vising the 1 1 8 a g e n c ie s u nd er i ts b a n ner p r ac t ic a ll y com p en sa t e for this. The same applies to the Jewish W d fare, he said, which takes care of 30 agencies. Much of the m o ne y c l as s if i ed as o ve rh ea d in t he F ed er at io n a nd i ts agencies, he pointed out, is really ex pense for service other than t he act ual d i st r i but ion of c a sh or food 01'- "No, it's Barker. There he is; they've d ow ne d h im on the t e n- y a rd line." And so it was. With almost a Lon of flesh m as se d in t an de m f or mation the b ig t ea m w as m ar ch in g down the field to t he v er y s h ad ow of t he C he lt en ha m g oa l p os t. AnothC'r second and B ev an 's s ig n al s s ou nd and over line drives b ack H or ac e Y oun g for t he fi rs t tOUChdown of a mighty conflict. Yes, you're right. It was the stal wart Maroon team of Lower M pr io n l in ed up against th e Rlue Panthers of C he lt en ha m. A nd thus we inaugurated one of t he l on ge st schoolboy feuds in Pennsyl vania foot ball history, fo r the l o c al s c ho o l has TREAS. RUNEEL (Continued on Page Eight) (Contllluea on P a ge E i gh t ) p ro t ec ti on, sewer rental and milk in spection. T h is r ep re se nt s 30 per cent. of the whole Narberth ta x bill. Committee ex a m pl e of d up li ca ti on of effort, this money is now c ol le ct ed by the Nar b er th Tax Collector a nd t ur n ed over to the School and Borough Treas urers, respectively, who in turn pass it on to the Township Treasurer. This double handling of theitem alone costs the Borough taxpayers $1,453.27 in fees before the money reaches the Township, it is claimed. U nd er t he m er ge r, t he Committee states, the N a r be r t h taxpayer pays his ta xes direct to the Township Class Formed to Study Interna t i o n al R e l at i o ns , it Was Announced Chairmen Report at Opening Clu b Meeting Resume Activity; 700 Signers to Petition Or igina l Committee Enlarged to 51 M em be rs a t M ee ti ng Last Friday; Plan Intensive Canvass to Get Petition Before Courts Ca rd Party Opens Junior Club's Year Many P r o s pe c t iv e Members En jo y Social Evening at Mrs. Albrecht's After severa l m o nt hs of inactivity, the Narberth Citizens' Committee, ad vocating th e m erg er of t he Borough with L ow e) ' M e r io n Townshi p, came 10 life this week with the announce ment that over 700 names are now recorded as favoring the step. The movement originated last win ter at public meetings held in the Borough to consider educational prob lems. A committee was formed to in v e s ti g a te the matter and comprehen sive r ep o rt s w er e p re pa re d a nd sub mitted to the Narberth Borough Council and the Comlllisll;ollcrs (If Lower M e r i on T o w ns h i p . The original committee was enlarg ed t o i nc lu de 51 members at a meet ing held l as t F ri da y n ig ht in th(' ro.om of t he N a rb e rt h munity Building. Plans are being made for an in tensive canvass of the Borough to se c u re the necessary signatures (two t hi rd s of t he tax ab le i nh ab it an ts of Narberth) for the p e t it i o n seeking t he a nn ul me nt of the B or ou gh char-, t el ', so as to get it before the Courts I in time for action during the current I MRS. year. I M e m b ~ r s of the C ~ l l n m i t t e e s ta te d T he W om en 's C om mu ni ty Club of that wh il e n o orgamzed c a n ~ a s s of I Narberth held the first meeting of thc the B o ro u gh was made d U l ' l ~ . g th(: i season in the Girl Scout Wing of the summer months, block canvasscs were Community Building on T u es d ay af made in d if f er e nt sections to gauge ternoon, w h en Mrs. Charles J. Bru the percentage of taxpayers who fav- lIeel was elected t r ea s u re r . M rs . Leoll or the merger .. A n a ve ra ge o f 80 per Webster Melcher, c h ai r man of the re cent. o! those . b l o c ~ ~ a n v ~ s s e ( 1 cent ly organized International Rela have Signed the p e tI t IO n , It IS saId. lions Committee announced t he f or - According to the M er ge r Commit- mation of a cla;s t o s tu dy t hi s ques tee, Narberth now pays to Lower lion and a meeting will be held next Mer.i on $.57 ,100 .00 p er y e ar f or tUiti.on Monday afternoon at 2 P. M., when on ItS h I gh sch oo l enrollment, pohce the reports of the ' .. nrious interna- I tional current questions will be dis e us se d. O ne w il l be t he S t. L aw re nc e S ea wa y Treaty. Mrs. C. Arley Farmer made a plea for o u tg r ow n or discarded clothing fo r t he needy, and Mrs. Joseph H. Miller, chairman of the Fellowship Committee, announced that there' would be a series of card parties this winter, one f or t he benefit of the un TOATTENDCONVENTION employed. M rs . Bernard F. Keenan reported for t he J un io rs , a nd Mr s. T he c ar d party w h ic h o p en e d the W. J. Loughlin, c ha irm an of t he Junior Club season last week at t he A merica n Home D epa rtm ent , an home of Mrs. Conr ad Albrecht, p r o v- nounced that sewing meetings were ed a huge success. There were twen- h e in g h e ld e v e ry T h u r sd a y . ty-five members and guests present, Mrs. P. A. W al es , c ha ir ma n o f t h e all of whom gratefully acknowledg- Art Departme n t, wiII hold a meeting cd a very enjoyable evening to the on Friday afternoon, O ct o be r 1 4 , at hostesses presiding. Mrs. Conrad Al- 2 P. M., at her hOllle in Montgomery brecht, Mrs. Harold Griest and M is s s ch oo l, when Mrs. Wesley P. C a rl s on A lb er ta D av is a rr a ng e d t he e ve ni ng wiII r ea d a n a rt ic le on the D'Ascenzo and the floral decorations, t he a t- s ta in ed g la ss. On October 28th the tructive prizes a nd t he delicious tea Ar t Department will make a pilgrim and sandwiches which they provided i age to the D 'A sc en zo S tu di o. M rs . helped m ak e the h ou rs of card-Play-I Edward Heyman is in charge of the ing and conversation especially agree- t.ransportation and arrangements able. An added feature, made possible I should be made with her. thro u gh the k i nd n es s of Conrad The Ar t Department will also make Albrecht, was the d oo r p ri ze , a beau- I a p il gr im ag e to t he C hu rc h of the t i fu l p l an t , which was won by Mrs. 1 New J e ru s al e m at B ry n A th yn on Robert Tabor. . November 7. T ho se d es ir in g to go The guest s of the evening were girls will meet at the Narberth Station at who are interested in membership in 1 .30 for both pilgrimages. the Junior Club, and if th e several Mrs. W a lt er J. Odiorne, chairman (Continued on Page Eight' ) of Literat ure, announced that a meet ing of the Literature G ro up wiII be held next Tuesday a f t e rn o o n at the home of Mrs. Clifford B a te s , w he n Mrs. C. Arley Farmer would review Council to Begin Work on 1933 Budget Tonight The October m ee ti ng s o f t he N ar b e rt h B or o ug h Co un ci l wiI I b e h el d t h is e v en i ng and Monday evening in the Council Chamber, Elm Hull. I Dr. Barker , Herb Baltz and Dr. Town Helped Work on the 1933 budget will be- 0 1 h B k 0 gin at these meetings, when prelim-I Lower Menon Beat Che ten am ac In 1901 inary e st im at es f ro m v ar io us com- I mittee heads wiII be filed with coun-I By T O MM Y MACKLIN c i l m a ~ Clarence K ~ e b e r , chairman It was a pleasant October day .in t he F m an c e Committee. Thes e estl- 1901 up at C h e lt e n ha m Township, mates will be merely totals of t.he I It was a g a la d ay for many hundreds amounts each committee chairman ex- of boys and girls who were out to sec pects wiII be necessary for the opera- their favorite teams in action. There tion o f h is d ep ar tm e nt d u ri n g 1933. I was a tang of a ut um n in the air, At the November m ee ti ng t he p ru n- a nd t he leaves' w er e b ro wn a nd r ed I ing of the budget wiII begin and by I and gold, and with an occasional fu r t he t im e of the December meeting i coat to beseen along the crowd, there revised estimates will be reached and I is little doubt but that football was t he b ud ge t p as se d on first reading. in th2 blood. I t wiII hold ovel' to the January meet- The game starts. The vistors have i ng f or p as sa ge o n s ec o nd a nd t hi rd th e ball. Groansfrom the home foll ts readings. Amendment s to the b ud ge t a nd c he er s f ro m the visiting hordes. may be made at the January meet- " S i ~ n a l s ! " It's L ou ie B ev an b a rk ing. I i ng t he familial' call. "Tackles back, The committee meeting will be held I 76-21-93-hep I" t on ig ht a nd t he r e gu la r m ee ti ng on j " Wh o' s g ot t he b al l? " " Fe ll ow s! " Monday. "McCurdy!" Co n tl nu e O on Pagl' FI v e) N A R B ER T H , PENNSYLVANIA, OCTOBER 7, 1932 Borough Sch ool s Open Mergerites With 476 Enrolled R _ ave Roll Indudes 62 Ne w Pupils, Bu t Total is Less Than Last Year S C H OO L C E N SU S F IG U R ES Muliel'es to Nominate Officers on Monday The Mulieres of the Narberth Fire C om pa ny will hold the of th e seuson in Elm Hall on Mon day afternoon at 2 P. M. There will be nomination of officers f or t he pres. i de nc y a nd Executive Board. The e l ec t io n wi ll take place at the No vember meeting. The final plans for the series of dances to be held d u ri ng t he w in te r will then be m ad e. T he f irs t dance will take p la ce o n O ct ob er 28 and will b e a c os tu me d an ce . There will be a good orchestra. Bertram Harvey is the chairman, has given t he c om me mo ra ti ve touch t h ro u gh the Colonial. On Thursday night, w he n c om es t he m ai n event, t he F ed er at io n d in ne r a nd p ro gr am , the hours will turn back, and a Wash i n gt o n P a g eant, of nine episodes, giv en by n in e c lu bs , wi ll f ol lo w an ad dress by Edwin S. Parry, descendant of netsy Ross. The h i st o ry of the Flag wi ll be g iv en by t he M atin ee Musical Cl ub. M r s. Richard J. Hamilton, of Ard more, p re si de nt of t he F ed er at io n, w il l ope n the convention on Tuesday in the Bel l e vu e -S t ra t f ord ballroom, nssisted by the two vice-presidents, Mrs. J. H. Phi llips and Mrs. J. E. Riclder. SEASON'S At Virginia College (Continued on Pag e Se ven) MISS KATHRYN LUKENS n. g1'n.dllate l as t J un e of Lower Me rio n H ig h School, w ho entel'ed the Freshman class at Sweet lJriar College, Va. She is the (laughter of Mr. and 1111S. C. Morton Lukens, of 1I1edon Eark. Blond Hurler Allows Four Hits, Strikes Ou t 10 as Series Ends WAS Players Meet Tuesday T he N a rb e rt h P la ye rs will ho ld a meeting at the home of D r. a nd Mrs. LeRoy A. King, on Shirley road, next 'l'l lesda y e v e n in g . Rehearsals for the "Three Wise Fools" arc underway. The play will be produced on No vember 18. W. H. Muller is coa ch i ng t he p la y and Mrs. B. . Simpson is the director. Full d e ta i l s as to t he c ast a nd place wiII be announced later. Main Line Club Wo men to Participate in Convention of Stat e Fed er ation October 10-14 M an y of the cl ub wome n on the Main Line ar e looldng forward to the opening of the 37th annual convention of the State I ~ e d e r a l i o n of Pellnsyl vania Women to be held at the Belle vue-Stratford from O c to b er 10 until Oct ober 1 4. The theme of the con vention is "On Good Citizenship Rests t.he Future of Our Nation," a quo t at i on f r om George Washingt on, and the l ,e yn ot e is the f o rw a r d m a rc h. The s es si on o pe ns o n Tuesday, Octo ber 11. On that day Mayor J. Hamp t on M oo re and Governor Gifford Pin chot w il l address the assembly. The Governor discusses "Government Fo r Whom." This being the bicentennial year of Wnshinl'tlon's b ir th , t he convention Program Committee, o f w hi ch M r s. J. PASTOR M AK ES A PP EA L VOLUME 18, No. 52 Baptist Church Sponsoring Project to S ta rt on October 23 Series of Community I Services Are Planned A series of community s e r v ic e s w i ll be sponsored in Narberth t hi s y ea r by the Baptist C hu rc h. T he first of these s e rv i ce s , o n e of w hi c h w il l be given e a ch m o nt h, will be held on Sunday evening, October 23d, at 7.45 o'clock. The speaker will be one not ed f or h is literary skill and effective religion. There wil l a ls o be a solo ist well known in Philadelphia and to concert a u d i en c e s e l s e wh e r e . In commenting on the project, the Rev. Robert E. K ei gh to n, p as to r of t he c hu rc h, m ad e t he following state m en t: " Th e community of Narberth has always responded very enthusias tically to an attempt of the churches to present a s e rv i ce of community in terest. " As t hi s is something of an ex periment I wish the community to un derstand some of the implicatiom. Speaking for just a moment of tilt' purely f i na n ci a l s i de of the >;eries. The Baptist Church is merely spon soring the services, the community will support them. Men of reputa tion cannot be obtained unless we eX- tend t he m t he courtesy of an a ud i ence c o mm e ns u ra t e w i th t h ei r abili ties; audiences they eommalld ill other places. There is also a fcc. Let's s pe ak of that frankly! Does Nar bcrth wish to hear spcakers o f n ot c? Whatevcr is given b y i n di v id u al s or by the audiences at these meetings will be used entirely for thc expenses incurred by the mectings. A respon s i ve c o -o p erat ion will mean t he a bi l ity to continue on a high level. "Let's put it this way: Will Nar berth r e sp o nd i n t hi s a tt em p t t o pro mote adult education?" Personal Propert y Forms Distri buted Returns S ha ll be Made to ough Assessor by October 15 The Narberth Publi c Schools open ed on Monday with an enrol lment of 4 70 p up il s in t he e ig ht g ra de s and kindergarten, it was announced by Su per vi si ng P ri nc ip al W. J am es Drennen. The en r ol l m en t , w h i ch is s ma ll er ~ h a n last year by 2 5, i n cl u de s 0 2 new pupils in addition to t h e k i nd e rg a r ten. It is expected that a few more [ l up il s w il l be a dd ed to the rolls be fore long. I The enrollment by grades Is as fol lows: K in de rg ar te n, 3 7; 1 s t g ra de , uti; :!d grade, grade, 4ti; 4th I grade, 43; 5th grade, 59; 6th grade, 5l!; 7 th g ra de , 6 4; lith grade, 06. There are 18 n ew p up il s in the 1st grade, 3 in the 2d, 5 in the 4 in t he 4 th , 5 in the 5th, 5 in th e B bb H f Th O d tith, 12 in the 7 th , a nd 10 in the aero 0 Ir ltith. Wi n From Er de nhei m! In reply to i ~ q u i r i e s regarding the School Cafeteria Mr. Drennen stat- ed that every effort is being made to have all trays, d i sh e s, e t c. , scrupu l o us l y c l ea n , s c a ld i n g them in boiling water. No food is handled and sand- wiches a re w ra pp ed . W or ke rs in the FINALE cafeteria must be examined, he said, according to the State law a nd h av e medi al c e r t if i c a t es. The prices also By J OH N MULLIGAN have been cut wherever possible. Pack away the baseball equipment According to the School Census and pn'pare for thc anllual hot stove enumeration there arc 1,021 Narberth sessioJls at Davi s' s t or e , f or i t' s all boys and g i rl s a t te n di n g public, pri- over until n e xt Yl'ar. vate and parochial schools. T hi s i n- Narberth's diamond c a mp a i gn has e l u de s all f ro m t he a ge of six through come to a close, a finis wh ic h finds t he senior high school. the Boroughites not only boasting the S ix t y- l iv e N urberth pupils arc en M ai n L i ne L ea g ue championship, but rolled in private a nd p ar oc hi al also credited w i th h a \ ' i n ~ clinched R schools as follows: p ~ s t - s e a s o n five-game seri es with Er- Fri e n ds ' C e nt r al , 10; Haverford denheim, ruler of t h e N o rt h Penn cir-I'Preparatory School, 0; St. Francis, cuit. T his w as b ro ug ht ab ou t l ast 1; Overbrook Fr}ends' School, 2; Saturday when Gene Davis' p ro te g es W e st Philadelphia Catholic High chalked up their third s u cc e ss i ve v ic - S ch oo l 10; Montgomery School, 4; B tory over the Bethlehem P ik e a gg re - C ha th am H al l, Va., 1; Anderson or · gation by 10-4 figures. School, N. Y., 1; Mater Misericor- The prospective three-game s e r i t ~ H diae A c a de m y , [ /; ~ V a l d ~ o n Academy, with Glenside, cham p of the Mout- :l; Haverford FrlCnds S c ~ o ~ : , 1; gomery County loop has b ee n c an - E pi sc op al Academy, 4; a ahan NEEDN'T BE NOTARIZED c el le d, d u e t o the i n t e ~ ' f e r e n c e of King C a t h o l ~ c H i ~ h School, 1; Girls' West Football, which has crowded the dia- C at ho hc H ig h School, 1; . G e o ~ ~ e F or ms f or t he Return of Personal ll Iond Jlastime off the front page uutil School, 1; Wayne Cathohc HIgh Property for 1933 have b ee n m ai l ed some w he r e early in 1933. School, 2; St. L e ~ n a r d s , 1; H ol ma n by the Borough Assessor, Joseph P. Erdenheim b ow ed meeldy to t.he S ch oo l, 2; B al dw lI l S ch oo l, 4; St. W hi te , t o all Narberth residents and c lu b w hi ch t wi ce b ef or e had lowcred Paul's S ch oo l, N. H., 1. should be fi ll ed o ut a nd returned to its colors , yes, in fact, what the funs Age groups according to the cen- witnessed c o ul d hardly be m is t . ake ll su s a re as follows: 0 to 8 years, h im b y O ct ob er 1 5. f o r t he b ra nd of ball e x p e ct e d from 11 75 b oy s, 62 girls, total-137; 8 to T h es e f or m s, which are us ed in c h am p io n -a n d t h at goes for Nur- 14 years, 222 b oy s, 2 45 gir l s, total m a ki n g u p the 1933 C ou nt y P er so na l h er th as well. P e rh a ps t he reasoll -407; 14 to 10 years, 1 38 b oy s, 1 24 P ro p er ty T ax , s ho ul d be filled o ut , for the loose p l ay i ng turned in hy girls, total-202. T he t ot al f ro m 6 Mr. White said, whether 01' n ot t he b o th n i ne s can be blamed on the s pe ll to 16 years is SOO boys and girls. . I" d I h I t of the g r id i ro n g a me taking hold. In( IVI ua as any persona proper Y I At a n ~ ' r at e, t he game was a liStless liable to taxation. affair, with about as much life as It is not necessary to have the one fin ds in an u n i d en t i f i ed v i c t im lit. forms n ot ar iz ed , M r. White said. They may be m ai le d t o h im or left at his house, 113 Essex avenue, and he will t ak e c ar e o f them. While it is the duty of the Assessor by law to furnish copies of these b la nk s to e v e r ~ r taxable person, he points out that it is being d on e a l so as a matter of protection to residents and a means of a vo i di n g future trou ble and penalti es. As an example, Mr. White said if s om e o ne d ie s without f il i ng a report on p erso na l p ro pe rt y w it h t he As sessor, the County Board of Assess m en ts may legally c ol l ec t a t ax f or five years prior to his death. "I t is an easy matter," he said, "for the County authorities t o c he ck up on personal property through the mortgages listed in the Recorder's of· fice at N or ri st ow n a nd t hr ou gh t he income ta x statements." Many bond i s su e s, Mr. Whi te stat ed, are liable for the P e n ns y l va n i a 4-mill personal property tax, but this is refunded the issuing corpora tion. These must be entered on the return, however. He advis ed c o n su l t ing a broker where there is any doubt. Mr. White also stated that where there is any c ha ng e in holdings up to the first of the year, he should be notified and e x e mp t io n can be claim ed. The Act states that the r e tu r n on personal p r o p e rt y does not apply to Building and Loan Associations. NARBERTH COMMUNITY LIBRARY W'IilDSOR AVE, IlARBERTH, PA.

Transcript of Our Town October 7, 1932

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(Continued on Page Eight)

(Continued on P a ~ ( ' Eight)


Boys' Club Formedin Borough Tuesday

New O rg an iz a ti on , S po ns or ed

by P r omin en t Men , t o H av e

At h le t ic Teams


At an enthusiastic meeting in the

Legion Room Tuesday evening a Nar

b er th Boy s' Club was o rgan iz ed ,

which is sponsored by many p romi

nent men o f t he Borough.

The Legion Room wiI I b e u se d as

headquar t er s , where it is planned

meetings will be held once a month.

'rhe club will put football and bas

ketball teams in the field and with

t.he coaching of Ar t Cooke a nd Lou

Young the gridiron aggregation is ex

pected to give a good account of


Uniforms arc being ordered and a

movie benefit is planned to help raise

Cunds for the new organization.

The officers of the club arc: George

Burta: president; Fred Walzer, vicepresident; George Burgess, s e ~ r e t a : r . Y ;. John A. Mowrer, Jr., treasurer.

Three of the boys, Carl Blessing,

Ar t Dinge r and TOIll Casey, arc mem

uer s o f t he Boa rd o f Dir ec to rs .

l\Ien present at Tuesday ' s meet

ing included Burgess Henry 'A. Frye,

CounciIman John R. Hall. E. C. Gris

wold , J . •J. Cabrey, Ar t Cooke, Fra

t antoni , Duncan, George Schroeder,

J{aymolHl Cabrey, and Salisun and

F re ed o f t he Narberth Theatre.

It is expected that the club wil l en

ter a basketball team in the Main

Line League and also part i cipate in

howling and baseball.

Harry Hollar will coach the baskethall t eam and act as business mana

~ c of the foot.ball team.

Rotary Speaker Shows Economy

of Five P e r C e nt . C os t

of Federat ion

Welfare OverheadExpense Explained


Overhead and administration costs

in the collecting and d is tr ibu ti ng o f

funds of the Welfare Federa tion were

discussed Tuesday by Alexander

F le is he r, s pe ak ing bef or e t he Ba la

Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club. The

speaker was introduced by Walter n.Richards.

Mr. Fleisher showed that the cntirecost of the Federa tion' s collection and

supervi sion amounted to about 5 p el 'cent. of the total l lIoney involved, afigure which compares wi th solicita

tion expenses of 20 per cent. to 50per c en t. i n many agenci(,s which formerly collected independently. In ad

dition, t he savings made by t he Fed

eration i n con so li da ti ng and super

vising the 118 agencies under i ts b anner prac t ica lly compensa te for this.

The same applies to the Jewish Wdfare, he said, which t akes care of 30agencies.

Much of the money classif ied as

o ve rh ea d i n t he F ed er at io n a nd i ts

agencies, he pointed out, is real ly expense for service other than t he a c tual di st r ibution of cash or food 01'-

"No, it 's Barker. There he is;

they've downed h im on t he ten-yard


And so it was. With almost aLon of flesh mas se d i n t an dem f or

mation the b ig t eam was mar ch in g

down the field to t he ver y shadow of

t he Che lt enham goa l pos t. AnothC'rsecond and Bevan 's s ignal s s ound

again and over the line drives Full

b ack H or ac e Y oun g for t he fi rs t

tOUChdown of a mighty conflict.Yes, you 're r ight . It was the stal

wart Maroon team of Lower

Mpr ion l ined up against th e R lu e

Panthers of Che lt enham. And thus

we inaugurated one of t he l onge st

schoolboy feuds in Pennsylvania football history, fo r the local school has


(Continued on Page Eight)

(Contllluea on Page Eight)

protec tion , sewer renta l and mi lk inspection. Th is r ep re sent s 30 per

cent. o f t he whole Narberth ta x bill.

Th e Committee p oi nt s o ut , a s a n exampl e o f dup li ca ti on of effort, thismoney i s n ow col le ct ed b y the Nar

ber th Tax Collector and t ur n ed over

to the School and Borough Treas

urers, respectively, who in turn pass

it on to the Township Treasurer.

This double handling of t he i t em alone

costs t he Borough taxpayers $1,453.27in fees before the money reaches the

Township, it is claimed.

Und er t he mer ge r, t he Committee

states, the Narber th taxpayer pays

his ta xes direct to the Township

Class Formed to Study In t erna

t i onal Re lat ions , it Was


Chairmen Report at

Opening Club Meeting

Resume Activity;

700 Signers to Petition

Original Committee Enlarged to 51 Members at MeetingLast Friday; Plan Intensive Canvass to Get

Petition Before Courts

Card Party OpensJunior Club's Year

Many Prospec t ive Members En

jo y Social Evening at

Mrs. Albrecht 's

After severa l months of inac t iv i ty ,

the Narberth Citizens' Committee, ad

vocating th e m erg er of t he Borough

with Lowe)' Merion Township, came

10 life this week with the announce

ment that ove r 700 names are nowrecorded as favor ing the s t ep .

The movement originated last win

ter at public meetings held in the

Borough to consider educational prob

lems. A committee was formed to investigate the matter and comprehen

sive r epo rt s wer e p repa re d and submitted to the Narberth Borough

Council and the Comlllisll;ollcrs (If

Lower Merion Township.

The original committee was enlarg

ed t o i nc lu de 51 members at a meet

ing held l as t F ri da y n ig ht i n th('

Legion ro.om of t he Na rbe rt h Community Building.

Plans are being made for an intensive canvass of the Borough to secure the necessary s igna tures (two

t hi rd s o f t he t ax ab le i nh ab it an ts o f

Narberth) for the petit ion seeking

t he annulment o f t he Bor ough char-,

tel ', so as to get it before t he Cour t s Iin time for action during the current IMRS .year. I

M e m b ~ r s of the C ~ l l n m i t t e e s ta te d T he Women 's Communi ty Club of

that wh il e n o orgamzed c a n ~ a s s of I Narberth held the f i rs t meet ing of thc

the Borough was made d U l ' l ~ . g th(: iseason in t he Gi rl Scout Win g o f t he

summer months, block canvasscs were Communi ty Build ing on Tuesday af

made i n d if ferent sections to gauge ternoon, when Mrs. Char l es J. Bru

the percentage of taxpayers who fav- lIeel was elected t r easurer . Mrs . Leoll

o r t he me rger.. An ave rage o f 80 per Webster Melcher, chai rman of the recent. o! those In t h . b l o c ~ ~ a n v ~ s s e ( 1 cently organized International Rela

have Signed the petItIOn, It IS saId. lions Committee announced t he f or -

According t o t he M er ge r Commit- mation of a cla;s t o s tudy t hi s questee, Narberth now pays to Lower lion and a meeting wil l be held nextMer.ion $.57,100.00 per y e ar f or tUiti.on Monday afternoon at 2 P. M., when

on ItS hIgh school enrollment, pohce the reports of the '..nrious interna-

Itional current questions w il l b e dise us se d. O ne o f t he s ub je ct s w il l be

t he S t. L aw re nc e S eawa y Treaty.

Mrs. C. Arley Farmer made a plea

for outgrown or discarded clothingfo r t he needy, and Mrs. Joseph H.Miller, chairman of the Fellowship

Committee, announced that there'woul d b e a series of card par ti es th is

winter, one f or t he benefit o f t he unTOATTENDCONVENT ION employed. Mrs . Bernard F. Keenan

reported for t he J un io rs , a nd Mr s.

T he c ar d party which opened the W. J. Loughlin, c ha irm an o f t he

Junior Club season last week at t he America n H om e D epa rtm ent , a n

home of Mrs. Conrad Albrecht, prov- nounced that sewing meetings were

ed a huge success. There were twen- heing held every Thursday.

ty-five members and guests present, Mrs. P. A. Wal es , c ha irman o f t h e

all of whom gratefully acknowledg- Art Depar tment, wi II h old a meeting

cd a very enjoyable evening to the on Friday afternoon, October 14, at

hostesses presiding. Mrs. Conrad Al- 2 P. M., at her hOllle in Montgomerybrecht, Mrs. Harold Gr ies t and Miss school, when Mrs. Wesley P. Carl son

Alber ta Dav is a rr a nged t he eveni ng wiII r ea d an a rt ic le on the D'Ascenzo

and the floral decorations, t he a t- s ta in ed g la ss . On October 28th the

tructive prizes a nd t he delicious tea Ar t Department will make a pilgrimand sandwiches which they provided i age to the D 'A sc en zo S tu di o. M rs .

helped mak e t he h ou rs o f c ar d- Pl ay -I E dwar d Heyma n i s i n c ha rg e o f the

ing and conversation especially agree- t.ransportation and arrangements

able. An added feature, made possible I should be made wi th her.

t h rough the kindness of ~ r Conrad The Ar t Department will also makeAlbrecht, was the door p ri ze , a beau- I a p il gr image t o t he Chu rch o f the

t i fu l p lant , which was won b y M rs . 1New Jerusalem at B ry n A th yn onRobert Tabor. .November 7. Those des ir ing t o goThe guests of the evening were girls will meet at the Narberth Station at

who are interested in membership i n 1 .30 for both pilgrimages.

the Junior Club, and if th e several Mrs. Walt er J . Odiorne, chairman

(Continued on Page Eight') of Literature, announced that a meeting of the Literature Group w iI I beheld next Tuesday afternoon at the

home of Mrs. Clifford Bates , when

Mrs. C. Arley Farmer would review

Council to Begin Work

on 1933 Budget Tonight

The October mee ti ng s o f t he Narberth Borough Coun ci l wiI I b e h el dt h is evening and Monday evening in

the Council Chamber, Elm Hull. IDr. Barker, Herb Baltz and Dr. Town HelpedWork on the 1933 budget will be- 0 1 h B k 0

gin at these meetings, when prelim-ILower Menon Beat Che ten am ac In 1901inary e st imat es f rom var ious com- I

mittee heads wiII be filed with coun-I By TOMMY MACKL IN

c i l m a ~ Clarence K ~ e b e r , chairman ~ It was a pleasant October day .int he Fmance Committee. These estl- 1901 up at Cheltenham Township,

mates wil l b e merely totals of t.he IIt was a ga la d ay for many hundredsamounts each committee chairman ex- of boys and gi rl s who were out t o secpects wiII be necessary for the opera- their favorite teams in action. There

tion o f h is d epar tment du ri ng 1933. Iwas a tang o f a ut umn in the air,

At the November mee ti ng t he p ru n- a nd t he leaves' wer e b rown a nd r edI

in g o f t he budget wiII begin and by Iand gold, and wit h an occasional fu rt he t ime of the December meeting i coat t o b e s e en a long the crowd, thererevised estimates wil l be reached and Iis l i tt l e doubt but that football was

t he budge t pas sed on first reading. in th2 blood.

I t wiII hold ovel' t o t he January meet- The game starts. The vistors have

i ng f or p as sage on second a nd t hi rd th e ball. Groansf rom the home folltsreadings . Amendments to the budge t a nd che er s f rom the visiting hordes.

may be made at the January meet- " S i ~ n a l s ! " It 's Lou ie Bevan ba rk

ing. I i ng t he familial' call. "Tackles back,

The committee meeting wil l be held I76-21-93-hep I"

t on ight a nd t he r e gu la r mee ti ng on j "Who' s g ot t he b al l? " " Fe ll ow s! "

Monday. "McCurdy!"ContlnueO on Pagl' FIve)


Borough Schools OpenMergeritesWith 476 Enrolled R

_ aveRoll Indudes 62 Ne w Pupils ,

Bu t Tota l is Less Than

La st Y e a r


Muliel 'es to Nominate

Officers o n Mo nd a y

The Mulieres o f t he Na rbe rt h FireCompany w il l hold the first meeting

of th e seuson in Elm Hall on Mon

day afternoon at 2 P. M. There willbe nomination of officers f or t he pres.i de nc y a nd Executive Board. The

elect ion wil l take place at the No

vember meeting.The final plans for the series of

dances to be held du ri ng t he win te r

will then be mad e. T he f irs t dance

will take p lace on October 28 and willbe a cos tume dance . There wi ll be a

good orchestra.

Bertram Harvey is t he chai rman, has

given t he commemora ti ve toucht h rough the Colonial. On Thursday

night, when comes t he mai n event,

t he Feder at ion d inne r and p rogr am,

the hours will turn back, and a Washington Pageant, of n ine episodes, giv

e n by n in e c lu bs , wi ll f ol low a n ad

dress by Edwin S. Parry, descendant

of netsy Ross. The hi story of theFlag wi ll b e g iv en b y t he M at in ee

Musical Club.

Mrs. Richard J. Hamilton, of Ard

more, p re si dent o f t he Feder at ion,

wil l open the convention on Tuesday

in the Bell evue-St ra t ford ballroom,nssisted by the two vice-presidents,Mrs. J. H. Phil l ips and Mrs. J. E.Riclder.


At Virginia College

(Continued on Page Seven)


n. g1'n.dllate l as t June of Lower

Me rio n H ig h School, who h a . ~entel'ed the Freshman class at

SweetlJriar College, Va. She is

the (laughter of Mr. and 1111S. C.

Morton Lukens, of 1I1edon Eark.

Blond Hurler Allows Four Hi ts,

Strikes Out 10 as

Series Ends


Players Meet Tuesday

The Na rbe rt h P la ye rs will ho ld ameeting at the home of Dr. a nd Mrs.LeRoy A. King, on Shirley road, next' l ' llesday evening. Rehearsa ls for the

"Three Wise Fools" arc underway.

The play will be produced on November 18. W. H. Muller i s coachi ng t he p la y a nd Mrs. B. G. Simpsonis the director. Ful l de ta i ls as tot he c as t a nd place wiII be announcedlater.

Main Line Club Women to Participate inConvention of State Federation October 10-14

Many o f the cl ub wome n on the

Main Line ar e looldng forward to theopening of t he 37th annual conventiono f t he State I ~ e d e r a l i o n of Pellnsyl

vania Women t o b e h el d at the Bellevue-Stratford from October 10 untilOctober 14. The theme o f t he convent ion is "On Good Citizenship Rests

t.he Future of Our Nation," a quo

t at ion f rom George Washington, andthe l ,eynot e i s the forward march.

The ses si on opens on Tuesday, October 11. On that day Mayor J. Hamp

ton Moore and Governor Gifford Pin

chot wil l address the assembly. The

Governor discusses "Government Fo rWhom."

This being the bicentennial y e ar o f

Wnshinl'tlon's b ir th , t he conventionProgram Committee, o f whi ch Mrs. J.


VOLUME 18, No. 52

Bapt ist Chu rch Sponsoring

Project t o S ta rt on

October 23

Series of Community IServices Are Planned

A series of community services willbe sponsored in Narberth t hi s y ea r

by the Baptist C hu rc h. T he first ofthese services, one of which wil l begiven each month, will be held onSunday evening, October 23d, at 7.45o'clock. The speaker wil l be one noted f or h is literary skill and effectivereligion. There wil l a ls o be a soloist wel l known in Philadelphia and toconcert audiences elsewhere.In commenting on the project, the

Rev. Rob er t E . K ei gh to n, p as to r o f

t he chu rch, made t he following statem en t: " Th e community of Narber th

has a lways responded very enthusiastically to a n attempt of the churches

to present a service of community interest.

"As t hi s is something of an experiment I wish the community t o understand some of the implicatiom.

Speaking for just a moment of tilt'purely f inancial s ide of the >;eries.

The Baptist Church is merely sponsoring the services, the communitywill support them. Men of reputation cannot be obtained unless we eX-

tend t hem t he courtesy of a n a ud i

ence commensura te wi th thei r abilities; audiences they eommalld ill other

places. There is also a fcc. Let's

s pe ak o f that frankly! Does Nar

bcrth wish to hear spcakers of not c?Whatevcr is given by individuals orby the audiences at these meetings

wil l be used enti r ely for thc expensesincurred by the mectings. A responsive co-operation wil l mean t he abi lity to continue on a high level.

"Let's p ut i t t hi s way: Will Narberth respond in t hi s a tt emp t t o promote adult education?"

Personal PropertyForms Distributed

Returns S ha ll b e Made to

ough Assessor by

October 15

The Narber th Publ ic Schools open

ed on Monday with an enrollment of

470 pup il s in t he e ig ht g ra de s and

kindergarten, it was announced bySu per vi si ng P ri nc ip al W. J am es


The enrollment, which i s sma ll er

~ h a n last year by 25, includes 02 newpupils in addition to t he kindergar

ten. It is expected that a few more

[ lupils wil l be a dd ed t o t he rolls be

fore long.

IThe enrollment by grades Is as fol

lows: Kinde rg ar te n, 37; 1 s t g ra de ,

uti; :!d grade, 5 ~ ~ grade, 4ti; 4th

Igrade, 43; 5th grade , 59; 6th grade ,

5l!; 7 th g ra de , 6 4; lith grade, 06.

There are 18 new pup il s in the

1s t grade , 3 in the 2d, 5 i n th e ~ d 4 in t he 4 th , 5 in the 5th, 5 in th e

B bb H f ThO d tith, 12 in the 7 th , a nd 10 in the

aero 0 Ir ltith.Win From Erdenheim! In reply to i ~ q u i r i e s regard ing the

School Cafeteria Mr. Drennen stat-

ed that every effort is being made tohave all trays, dishes, etc. , scrupulously clean, scalding them in boil ing

water. No f oo d i s handled and sand-wiches a re wrapped . Worke rs in the

FINALE cafeteria must be examined, he sa id ,

according to the State l aw a nd h av e

medical certificates. The prices alsoB y J OH N MULLIGANhave been cut wherever possible.

P ac k awa y t he baseball equipmentAccording to the School Census

and pn'pare for thc anllual hot stoveenumeration there arc 1,021 Narberth

sessioJls at Davis ' store, f or i t' s all boys and gi rl s a t tending public, pri-

over unti l next Yl'ar. vate and parochial schools. Thi s i n-

Narberth's diamond campaign has eludes all f rom t he age of six through

come to a close, a finis wh ic h finds t he senior high school.

the Boroughites not only boasting the Sixty- l ive Nurberth pupils arc en

Main L ine League championship, but rolled in private a nd p ar oc hi al

also credited with h a \ ' i n ~ clinched R schools as follows:

p ~ s t - s e a s o n five-game series with Er- Fr iends ' Cent ral , 10; Haverford

denheim, ruler of t he North Penn ci r- I 'Preparatory School, 0; St. Francis,

cuit. T his w as b ro ug ht ab ou t l ast 1; Overbrook Fr}ends' School, 2;

Saturday when Gene Davis' pro teges West Philadelphia Catholic High

chalked up t hei r th ird successive vic- School, 10; Montgomery School, 4;B tory over the Bethlehem P ik e a gg re - Cha th am Hal l, Va., 1; Anderson

or · gation by 10-4 figures. School, N. Y., 1; Mater Misericor-

The prospective three-game s e r i t ~ H diae Academy, [/; ~ V a l d ~ o n Academy,

with Glenside, cham p of the Mout- :l; Haverford FrlCnds S c ~ o ~ : , 1;

gomery County loop has been can - Epi scopal Academy, 4; a ahan

NEEDN 'T BE NOTARIZED cel led, due to the i n t e ~ ' f e r e n c e of King C a t h o l ~ c H i ~ h School, 1 ; Gir ls ' We st

Football, which has crowded the dia- Cat hohc High School, 1; . G e o ~ ~ eF orms f or t he R et ur n o f P er so na l llIond Jlastime off the front page uutil School, 1; Wayne Cathohc HIgh

Property for 1933 have been mailed somewhere early in 1933. School, 2; St. L e ~ n a r d s , 1 ; Holman

by the Borough Assessor, Joseph P. Erdenheim bowed meeldy to t.he Schoo l, 2 ; B aldw lI l S choo l, 4; St.

Whi te , to all Narberth residents and c lub which twice befor e had lowcred Paul's School, N. H., 1.

should be filled o ut a nd r et ur ne d t o its colors, yes, in fact, what the funs Age groups according to the cen-witnessed could hardly be mist.akell su s a re as follows: 0 to 8 years,

h im by October 15. f o r t he b rand of ball expected from 11 75 boys, 62 girls, total-137; 8 to

These forms, which are us ed i n ch amp ion -and th at goes for Nur- 14 years, 222 boy s, 2 45 gir l s, t o ta l

making up the 1933 Count y Per sona l h er th a s well. Pe rhaps t he reasoll -407; 14 to 10 years, 138 boys, 124

Proper ty Tax , s ho ul d be filled o ut , for the loose playing turned in hy girls, total-202. The t ot al f rom 6

Mr. White said, whether 01' not t he both nines c an be blamed on the s pe ll t o 16 years is SOO boys and gi rl s .

. I" d IhIt of the gr id i ron game taking hold.In( IVI ua as any persona proper Y I At a n ~ ' r at e, t he game was a liStless

liable to taxation. affair, with about as much life as

It is not necessary to have the one finds in an unidentified victim lit.

forms not ar iz ed , Mr. White said.

They may be m ai le d t o h im or left at

his house, 113 Essex avenue, and he

will t ak e c ar e o f them.

While it is t he dut y o f t he Assessor

by law to furnish copies of these

b la nk s t o e v e r ~ r taxable person, he

points out that it is being done also

as a matter of protection to residents

and a means of avoiding future trou

ble and penalt ies.

As an example, Mr. White sa id ifsome one d ie s without f il ing a reporto n p er so na l p ro pe rt y w it h t he Assessor, the County Board of Assessmen ts may legally col lect a t ax f or

five years pr ior to hi s death .

"I t is an easy matter," he said,

"for t he County authori t ies t o checkup on persona l property through the

mortgages l i sted in the Recorder's of·fice at Nor ri st own and t hr ough t he

income ta x statements."

Many bond issues, Mr. White stated, are liable for the Pennsylvania

4-mill personal property tax, but th isis refunded b ~ the issuing corpora

tion. These must be entered on thereturn, however. He advised consulting a broker where there is any doubt.Mr. White also stated that where

there is any change i n holdings up

to t he f ir st o f t he y ea r, he should benotified and exempt ion can be claimed.

The Act s t at es that t he re turn on

personal property does not apply to

Building and Loan Associations.



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_ u

October 7. 1932

H. B. WALLPlumbing : Heating

100 Forest Avenue,

Phone: Nllrberth J612


Ralpl/ s. DUlll le, Ow"er


Telephone Narber th 2430 -2431

With school days really begun, a sense of

win te r' s n ea rnes s is fi na ll y with us. This

means that coal-time is here, and we suggest

that you choose Jeddo-Highland f or a s ea son

of warmth without worry.


Nue/ulollJlt! '

~ ~ ~ ; ; .


SPECIAL PRICES o n foo d to be t a ken ou t with five minutes'

Notice. These prices cannot be duplicated regardless of qua li ty

or service.

Phone Narberth 3799, and (we milllites later they'll be ready lor

yOllr call, at 239 Haverford AVCllltc.

6 f r ied Oyst er s i n a box 30c

3 f r ied Oyst er s a nd Ch icken Sa la d box, 50c

3 FI'icd Oysters a:ld Po ta t o Sa la d box, 30c

Oys te r S tew, i n cont ai n er 0 30c

Cream Stew, in conta iner . o .40c

P ri me Raw Oys te rs 0. 0 0dozen, 30c

Largc s teaming Chl1ls each, 5c

Creamed Devil ed Crabs each, 25c

Chicken Croquettes each, Wc

Sirloin Steak, 2 fresh v egetables 50c

2 l l ro i led Lamb Chops , 2 fresh vegctables 0 50c

Al l kind of Sandwiches 10c to 45c each

h i . ~ Chicken, 2 fresh vegetables 50c




The Arcadia Restaurantof Narberth is Offering

Narberth Coal Company

The Forum

Praises Hoover Speech

T o t he Editor of "01' Town:"

Since the Democratic s ide of th.'

argument has IlOL as yet replied to

our lettLI' on A u ~ u : i l ' 5th, We a l ' ~ prcsenting ou r imprL:.;sions o f P r es i den t

l Ioover ' s Des l \ l o ; n ~ : i uddrcs.i of October ,tth.

The p la in , straightforward stat,,

ment o f ac tua l fact s in rclation t.o thl'present deprtssion, its undl'rlying

l 'a us es and t he r e al ly cons t ruc ti v e ef

forts in buiill:ng t h l ~ foundations of :

r(,covery.Herbert Hoover is not a silvl'ry

tongued o r at o r, bu t t al k s like a man

with a heart of gold. No t a profes

s iona l pol it ic ian, bu t a real citizen,

w it h t he interests o f h is f el lowman

fOJ'emo>ll beyond personal ambition. iThe speech is a matter of record; I

it was p robabl y hea rd by both Dem-

IIl'1'a ts and Republicans. It should . \ i ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ihelp materially to decide as t o whi ch Il'andidates an d which party has serv

,'d, and will serve, our count ry best.

Herbert Hoover. American, Gen

tleman, Executive, Statesman an d

Citizen Extraordinary.

T o vo te f or H er be rt Hoover for

President of the United t r. :a tes i s in,

" ,' cd an oppo r tun it y .


cott, for all her famous books about

girls, did not like girls."" Samuel

Johllson wrote "Rasse las" for $!i00 to

pay for his grandmother 's funeral .

the poet Young composed hi s "Night

T h o u ~ h t s " with a sku ll b e fo re him.

a nd i f that failed to induce inspira

bon, he st rol led among the stones of

a graveyard.

Bram Stoker' s "Dracula" was wr it

ten on a bet as to whet he r S toke r o r

Ambrose Bierce could wr it e t he more

horrible story. Amazingly enough,

"Dracula" lost, for Bierce ' s effor t was

100 horrifying to be published. (It:

was only publ is hed after h is d ea th ,

some fifteen years ago.)


7.45 P.



Th e United Lutheran Church COll-

"l'lIt:ion wi ll begin wi th t he Commun

ion Service, next Wednesday lligoht.,and cont inue through to October 19.

The business sefs ions are held at L11l

B('Iljamin Franklin Hotel, Ninth :l1H1

C:hestnut s t ree ts , and are open to till'


Holy Trit/ity Lutherall ChurchHev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor

Saturday, 3.00 P. M.-Men's Quoit

Tournament on the Playgrounds.

Sunday, October Il, ID32:

D.30 A. rvI.-Bible School in all de

partments. Get ready for Ra ll y Day

on October 16.

11.00 A. l\I.-The Morning Service.

Theme: "Making Light of t he King





Ma ter i al s fo r andFree I nstructlon In



W. P. MIESENCarpenter .: . Builder .: . Jobbing832 MONTGOMERY AYE.

Phones:Day-Narberth 3973·MNight-Narberth 4044

m.IZABETH DUrWIN231 N. Narberth Ave" Narberth


O r de r s t ak e n f or K ni tt ed Suits,

R ug s a nd other finished work

Costume Jewelry. Novel t ies, elc.

Narberth-Menon-Penn Valley

Local &ReliableService



The wa te r we s upp ly y ou w it h,comes from country streams, that

ripple their way through miles of

sunshine and cool shadows in faraway hills and valleys.

This water i s then stored in great

reservoirs from which it goes intothe"settling"or coagulating basins.Here in these great masonry receptacles it is "settled".. . so that silt

and other foreign malter s in ks t othe bottom .. . in just the sameway that coffee grounds are settled

in your cof fee. All th is i s done '0

that we nuy safely say to you


IVB • • • c.n • ; . fif_varda • • • body of .ueL"sa of muscle, heart 01oak. go tearing byl • • •brain and brawn arefunctioning in uniJon.u. all • matter of ~ o n ·ditioning • • • r •• u 1. rpractice and .yatematicbuilding withGOWEN GUERNSEY


nature'. perfect food andbodyfu.l.

. , J Goldon Gu...... ,. Mi lk c om../) ONLyo f rom Guomoo, cattl.

and earri.. the official Gold_GuemMY trado", .. k.

Visit the Dairy Bungalow

~ - ; ; ~Your




from Pedigreed Streams"


Guernsey DairiesWest Lancaster Ave., Wayne

'Phone-Wayne 1121

"A Complete, Dependable DairySen/ice"

I ! New Committee Woman IL.M.. N a r b e r t h C o u n c i l l ! ~ ~ : ; : : : : : : : : ; : ~ ~ : ; : ; : : ; ; ; : : : ~ ~ ~ = ~ ' ~'ill Church Notes '1\;" 1 L ch Talks I CHAS. S. EBERTIP ans un eon l Jobbing Cllrpenter


200 Woodbine Ave. Narb . 4058 I ISpeakers of Distinction to Ad. 237 lona Avenue~ ; ; = ~ ~ ~ = = = ~ ~ : : = : : ; Baptist Church of the E...angel 'I dress Republican Women

IRobert E. Kelghton, Minister at Whitehall

Art Classes ,Stul l l t lY T. Reiff, Organist an d Ii g"OJIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIJllIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIICMIIIIIIIIII0 IllSresumed. Priva te lessons or I Music Director The }<'all p ro gr am o f t he Lower :: Personal TAX RETURNS §cl as s wo rk f or c hi ld re n and i :)ullllay, OctoberIl:, iMerion-Narberth Council of Republi - j§adults, day and evening. Rates i 9.45 A. l\iI.-The Reopening Day o f; Ican Women is now complete and, § Notarized, in your home, i f you prefe r, and at no extra costreasonable. ' IC

ll.he Church School. Th e School meetH I I promises a s e ason o f unusual activity - J. B ~ ; " d Caldwellklargery D. Cowin I ill the Audi tor ium for Worsh ip l ind : i and interest. I§ GA L

206 Merion Ave., Narberth t he p romot ion o f c la ss es . I I A series of luncheon talks , begin-I§ Notary Pllblic:. Real E:tate, Iruuratlc:e

NARBERTH 2764 ] 1.00 A. M.-Morning Worship.: i l Ii ng on October 25th, has been ar-I'a 205 Haverford AvenueSermon: "The Poetry of Heligion." I : d h ft' k f = 'I range , eac ea urmg a spea er 0 ': : Phone Narberth 4033 (Home Phone, Narb . 3987) _The rela t ion of two gross ly misllndel'- i distindion i n his o r h er own special I:: lJI,;tood sut.J·ects. • Id f t"t Th t Ik . I:;111I011111111I1110111111111I110111I11I11111011111111I11101111I111I111011111111I11I011I11111I111011111111111101t,·

u r lie 0 ac IVI y. esc a s arc 1l1- I

I7.45 P. ~ 1 . - E v e n i n g Worship. Ser- tended t o g i ve to t he membe rs o f t he1r;::::================================iI

ilion: "Good Ta:,;t!; in R · ~ l i g i o n . " A Council an d t o s uc h others as may

. plea f or t he observance in Religion attend, certain background which the Pre sc r ip t ion slof that which we demand in human intelligent voter and thoughtful crti-

I relations. >:(11 must have .

I Wednesday, October 12: i Among the programs a1'l'anged arc CarefullyI 8.00 P. M.-The Mid-Week Meet- i an a dd re ss b y Alice F. Liveright,

I i n ~ . Continuing' our discussion of th e i M ~ S S MARGARET O. BENADE ! Sta te Secre ta ry of Welfare on th e C d dj<1'ay,'rs o f J e su s , we study what th e I of 45!i Slatl '/ '(uul" CYllw!fd, who I"Administration of Re lief in th e ompoun eCltul'l:h has called "Thc Lord's i h"N /1('(,1/ (l1'llOill/ l 'd cOII/mit/,"'- iCounties, a v is it b y the Counc il t o

I ' rayer." WOl/lf lll for the Cynwyd election Ith e 133 Legislature, and a talk by Shea's Drug StoreS"e t ltc n'eWs column f i l l ' our special ' r l i ~ l l ' i t : t , ["OWeI" Medon Township, IFrankl in Spenc ,r Edmonds on "Par-

<IIIJd,unt'ement. I jilling the 1Jacancy created by the it y P ol it ic s a nd P ri nc ip le s. " D et ai ls At the Narberth Station Phone, Narberth 2838

1'ecrnl death of her mot/!lw, M1·S. lof these a nd o th er meetings will be: I!===============================::!IThe Presbyterian Church i 7'hcorlore E. Benade. Iannounced later.

It"v.• John Van Ness, D.D., l\1inbleJ" At t h e f i rs t l uncheon talk on Oc-

Meetings for October !l: Itober 25, Mrs. Hannah M. Durham,

D,45 A. l\L-Bible School. It is very The Literary Inquest member o f the Board o f Di re c to r s of

gratifying to have all departillelll,; ). t h e Pennsyl van i a Council of Repub-

/ lwei again after t he l on g cnfo!'c,,<! l ican Women, an d a s p eaker o f IIn-Conducted by Ia l J s e n c ~ . There will be a sllecialhearl'l' I b'I't OIl b h !R h d P 11 usua a 11 y, WI etc guest 0

:;earching lesson for Mothers in thei . IC ar owe hnllor. Mrs. Durham will give Ill'rWomen's Bib le C la ss , to wh ich alii' Vicente Blasco-Ibanez has changed Ih'st hand impress ions of the Conven-

womell are cord iallv invited . his style c onsid erably since he wrote, I . d h dOdJ I t io n, t Ie campaign an t e can 1 ates

1l.OO A. r .I .-Morning Worsltip. "Th e F ou r Horsemen o f th e Apo ca - o f t he R ep ub li ca n Party. As this

Communion Medi ta ti on i n t he Su ff e r- Iypse," and not enti r ely for the better. meeting comes but two weeks be for ..

i ng S ac ri fi ce S er vi ce and Salvation IHis Latin fire that roared h ot ly whe n t he Presidential election, Council of-

of~ h

CI·OSS.' There WI11be a llu


I I',.· its fuel was war, anti that seared like . Ith '

'11 to f Iu licla s expect at It WI ue 0 a)reception of new membel 's fo llowed acid when he was i nve igh ing against sorbing interest.

hy t he Cel eb r at ion o f t he L:n'd's Sup the female sex in "Wom an Trium- The luncheon t al ks a r ra nged b ~ pel'. phant," flickers d im ly i n h is present t h e Counc il w il l be held at 1 o 'c lock

! I G.·15 P. 1\1.-All three Chrisliall EII- effort, "The Three Roses" (E. P . Dut - at the Whitehall Hotel , Haverford.

dea VOl' Societies will mee t. T he J Ull- ton. $ ~ . 5 0 . Pub. Sept?mber . 1) . He AII f ri en ds o f the Counc il w il l be


iors wi ll b e directed by l \ 1 b ~ Flor-' has trICd to throttle hl.s genIUs down ".'I·y welcome to attend. Th e IIl'icl'

ence Firber, and the Intermediates ~ t l ~ e SlOW, pace o f busllle8s and f a ~ l - of the luncheon, which is fifty cents,

hy Miss Margaret Demps te r . The liy hfe. S U ~ h . a story \ ~ o u . l d .be S U l ~ - including the addr es s , hn s been kept

, l eade r o f t h e Seni or meet i ng will II" ed to the sabl' lca l , materia l is t ic GalliC l.xtremely low as a concession to till'

IMiss Faith McAuliffe. w r i t e ~ ' or to the o r e s t ~ a i n e d E ~ l g l i s h flattened pur se s o f t he day. The omI 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. TIJiH novchst, bu t SpanLh fire c o o l ~ I? th.e eers feel that many will want to

1 is the last of the special mel:lingH hundred small a v ~ n u e : ; of thiS mtl 'l - a va il t hems el ve s o f so exceptional

Ithat have been he ld all this past weel, cate theme. 0 an opportunity .

with sO much benefit to all who havc Dona l\1anuPla had marrICd a man Mrs. John Y. Huber, Jr. , of llllvcr-

Iattended. The subj e ct of th e sermon \ ~ h o m she ~ o n s i d ~ r e d beneath her. so- Cord, is the new cha irman o f the 1 1 ~ ! ! ! ! ! i i ! ~ e ; ! ! i ! ! ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! 5 ! ! ! ! ! i i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ 1t oni ght shou ld be o f speci al interest: clal dass, m a Jealous r ag e agams t Council, s uc ce ed in g Mrs . H . Tatnall

I"What Will I Be Doi ng Whe n Jesus her w ~ s t r e l ofoa. lover. ~ h e n .her h U s ~ Brown, Jr. , a ls o o f Haverford .

IRet ur ns ?" L et u s e ac h do our part bands e s t a b l l s m l l : n t - , h ~ l io u: ;e o f

in making this the best mee ti ng o f T he Three Roses-prospered, she

I the series. seized t he chance to climb in Valen

Next Tuesday even i ng t he Commun- c ian society. T he d ea th o f her hus

ity Bible Class will have its opening band left her free to marr y he r for

meeting of t he s ea so n. M is s Harri- mer l over and to live in glittering

son is the teacher. ostentation. H(;r mise r ly b rot her ,

Next Wednesday Evening _ Th e Juan, croaks warnings and wa tches

Prayer Meeting. Subject: "What saturninely a s r ui n cre::ps up on Dona

Have I Gotten Out of the Special Manuela an d her children.

!Meetings?" Excepting this brother Juan, none

I Next Thursday Evening At the of the centra l charac te r s arc vigor

Church-The regular monthly meet- ously drawn. Dona Manue la i s cosing o f the Westminster Circle. TIll' 1lI0politnn a l ~ d tr;te in her snobbi' h

hostesses w il l b e Mrs . K ee na n, Mn; . ness. H" r two daughters arc uninter

"orten b ac he r, M rs . 'Veaver, Mrs. esting' because the delicate shading

Taylor , Miss Vandling and Mrs . W il - o f t he ado le sc en t f cma le character es

SO l i . ..apes Blasco-IbaneZ' bluntness. Con\ ' e r s e l ~ ' , the gaunt figur;; of Juan is

arrestingly pow erful, a nd m an y o f

t he m in or characters p ul se w it h arugged, truly Spanish life. Hi s pic

turc o f t he V al en ci a o f thirty years

ago would make the reputation of an

unknown writer. One can sec it, smell

it and hear it, and one would be qu it e

content to roam t hr ou gh i t t hu s if

there were no bor ing interrupt ion ' s

by Dona Manue la and her children.

Throughout "The Thr ee Roses" is

M.-The Vesper Service. a strong flavor of Balzac. Juan

"Careless C hu rc h M em - m ig ht h av e s te pp ed f ro m a ny of adozen short stories by th e great

Frenchman; the background is as viv

idly Rpanish as t ho se o f B al za c are

French. There is one difference: BaJ>:lIC would have wr it te n "The Three

Roses" in twen ty t housand word s i n ·

s te ad o f i ts present hundred thousand.

One has no right t o d em an d s uc h

('lipped discrimination fl'om Blasco

Ibanez, but one does h av e t he right

Methodist Episcopal Chllrch to expect a theme that exhibits hi!!Rev. Samue l MacAdams , Mini s te r fiery s impl ici ty to better advantage.

Sunday, October 9: Hcarsay Evidcnce

9.45 A. M.-Ral ly Day Serv ic e in How many times d oe s o ne hear,

the Sunday Sehool. The address will "No th in g o f imp or ta nc e is written

he d el iv er ed b y Mr. G eo rg e Elliott, inowadays?" The explanation ~ a ?e

superintendent of t h e Ca lva ry M. F:.I that most m o d e r ~ authors wrIt e 1Il

Sunday School, Phi ladelphia. Po. 'I haste and repent II I ~ e n t h o u s e s . Gus

11.00 A. M. _ Morning Worship. , tayc Flaubert, who could never. h ~ v cSermon theme-"Why I Bel ieve i ll ' afforded much more than a bed-slttlllg

the Church." Iroom from his writing revenue, took

G.45 P. M.-Epworth L e a ~ l l ( ) De-I :.;even years to write one short story,

votional Meeting. : "Madam Bova ry. " Cr it i cs call it till'

i 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worsllip.; g'rt'atest nove.1 in literature.

' Song Service . Sermon theme: "Chris!.: James Fenimore Cooper could on ly

Triumphant." i write when he was chewing gum- Among t he out st anding e ve nt s o f

: Tuesday, October 11: idrops." Maurice Jokai h ad t o h av e N ov em be r w il l be t he "Debutantes'

i 8.00 P. M.-Meeting- of the Ladies" violet ink., . Dean F ~ r r a r w ro te h is B al l, " t o b e g iv en at The Warwick,

IAid Society in t he Chur ch Parlor. books .standmg .: , , D l c k e l l ~ needed on Friday evening, November 4, for


R.OO P. M.-Meeting o f t he Y o u n ~ the nOise of a C it y. , , , , LoUI sa M . AI-, the benefit of the Children's Heart

Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society IHospital, of Bala. The patronesses

I (formerly Standard Bearer s) at the which gives an in te res t ing p i ct u re o f are Mrs. John Tyson, Mrs . Galloway

I hom? of Miss Katherine Heydler, 105 Chinese life. ,I C. Morr i s, Mr s. Lewis H . V an Deu-

IMenon avenue. All young l adi es over Friday, October J.l: sen, M rs . W. L og an MacCoy, Mrs.

l?ol nl'C cordially invited. This meet- ! l.00 A. l\L-The Woman's ITonw IE. Florence Rivinus , Mrs . John Clark 2 :30 P. M. Walton Field

I ing ' wil l , in trOduce t he s tu dy book, ~ f i s s i l ) n a r y wil l h ol ll n BaI t!! Rai l! on j Sims, Mrs . Isaac W. Jeanes and Mrs. I ~ ~ : : ; : : ; = = = : : ; = = = : : ; = = = = : : ; : : ; = = = = : : ; = = = : : ; : : ; : : ; = ~ ~t"LadY F ou rt h Dau gh te r o f Chi na ," [HaVerford avenue. Frederick C. Schaeffer. I.

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We Deliver

October 7, 1932

Chipso .. . .Ig. box, 16c

I n e ~ p e n s i v e

Sugar.cured RegUlar Ham . . . . 180

String ends of Ham,4·lb. average ,., 0" 0" . o. "lb., 12c

Hamburg, freshly ground 20c

Smoked Beef Tongues.,., 25c

Neck of I..amb, 10c

Our dell .. lous BREAKFAST BACON, whole piece, l8c &. 20c a lb.

Sliced, lb., 25c

Villanova Plays Gettysburg

In the Villanova Stadium tomor

ruw afternoon at 2,30 o'clocl{, CoachL1arl'y Stuhldreher 's Wildcats willmeet the Bullets f rom Gettysburg in

u game which pra'mises lo be e ve nmore t h ri ll i ng than last Saturday's

with South Carolina University.

Fresh-killt:d nearby CHICKENS

Stewing • • • • • . • • • • • • • lb., 25 c

Frying or Broiling • • • • • • • • 27 c

Young's Pearl Borax Soap Chips, 3 lb., 25e

Wheatena .. , .pkg., 21e

Astor Orange Pekoe Tea • • • • • l b. t in , 3 9c

Short Ribs of Beef. • • • • • • • • • • • • lb., 28 c

Rorden Evaporated Milk3 tall cans, 17c; 6 sOlI., 19 c

I VO R Y S OA P • . • • • • • med. , 5c ; 19., 15 c

Shoulder city-dressed Pork ••••••.••• 15 c

••• Sturdy,

Sizes 8% to 3

Call Narberth 2852




One-strap Pumps of black

patent leather trimmed

with cutouts at the sides.

Excellen t l ines of these shoe s

full, comp l et e and we believe

t he re a re n o b el le r li ne s a ny

where - no be t te r mode l s fo r growing feet, no better

l eat h er s and wo rkman ship fo r lasting, sturdy shoe8.

Oxfords of tan elkskin; tipsof sharkskin; full welted

soles an d rubber heels.

Meat is a VITAL AID


STRAWDRIDG( [3ite MAIM ('IOT111'-Ri'NESmRE n I :

Rump Roast or Rump Steak" 35c

Rib Roast (thick end)", 0 ,Ib" 22c

-and t he b es t q ua l! ty mea ts a reobtainable at Bradley'S, Philadelp hi a' s o ld es t and mos t r el iab lemeat house . Pr l:es a re a ll reason.able-such as these:

SUZANNE BEAUTY SALON216 Dudley Ave. Ph . Narb . 2324

Croquinole Permanent-thc pcrfcel wa"cfor clJildrell

Have your hair dressed suitably for your face andfigure: your eye!lro"·s. If nN ::rchedo well cleanedand shape ly , and If n e c e s s ~ r y , t inted. - Tintingbrings out t 'le color of the eye a"d tones up thewhole expressIon, With your manlrure, have yourhands and arms massaged, -AI\ these l it tl e per ·sonal details bring out the h ~ s t In all of u s, Ourspecials are most Interesting.

Always Attractive;s the Well-Groomed Woman

full 5/ 8

bas. only

. . . . . lb., 5c

21b. for 25c


228 Haverford Avenue


Re d Ripe

Fresh Trout

or Porgies

t o d ea l at Carro l l Brothers is that t he y c an g et sea

f ood he re that is r ea ll y f re sh . Oys te rs an d clams

arC' opened t o your order , whil e you wait. Received

fresh daily, t he y a re sold at very modera te prices.

F ro m B os to n w e receive fresh daily, O'Donnell 's

noted fish of the first quali ty, including scallops,

mackerel, a nd t he economical, convenient and practi

cally boneless Filets of Lemon Sole a nd o f Haddock.

In our fruit an d vegetable depar tment you will find

such fresh delicacies as broccoli, and California Brus

sels-sprouts, cauliflower an d raspberries.

Note t he se p ri ce s t o next Tuesday night:

Tokay Grapes



This column s ho ul d h av e ended iwith the last li ne o f t he Carman' s Iquotation. To draw the reader' s mind

from h is p ic tu re s a nd h is music to Ithis pedestrian prose is as incongru

ous as to l e t the s tage-hands appear Iafter the final curt a in has been rung I

down, but it would have been worse Ito have wri tt en "The Vagrant" im-Imediately after Carman's verses.

Rence these few lines are added to

t ak e c ar e o f t he amenities and mere

ly t o i n te rpos e some th i ng between

Carman and ITHE VAGRANT.II i dl e noon, a bubbling spring,

is it their s logan, plaint ive and


As t hey beat on the corslets, valiantstill?)

Friday, October 7, 1932

Page I-'our

OUR TO"WN 1 Shreds & Patches - ~ - h - e - L - i t - e - r a - r - y - l - n - q - u - e s - ; - BUSINESS BITS ~ : : : s O : s I i ~ : e b : a ~ : e t ~ : \ t ~ ~ c e : ~ t ~ e ~ :- - - was 10,000, of which 65 per cent . oc-

A .Co-operative Community : N e w s P I I ~ ~ . Conducted by Something new i n h ea ti ng devices Icurred in dwellings. "Cut t he loss iJlJounded in 1914 by the 1Xllrberth CII1IC October 1 " 1 h' , F'"-SOCI'Att'on, And published ev-'" Pridll" h h Richard Powell is t he a t tr act ive Arvin Electric Room Ihn f is .the S ogan of t IS year s . Ireru ~ " ' . I .I On a morning, w en t er e w as P t W k 1 b t d tat Narberth. PI1_.__ much to be done within , The Vagrant Hilaire Belloc carries one of lhl! Heater, in a choice of pleasing colors, lrlevOentlobn g e1e5' ce e ra e nn IOn-

heaviest armaments of cr i tic ism and . d . d th M . ti ' a y coe r - .Philip Atlee Livingston, PUblisher stepped out in to his garden and found ., now bemg a vertIse at e aJes c

Robert l\{oOle Cameron, Editor October t he re . B ri ll ia nt b lu e s ky , llppraisal in Enghlish hterary Clrlctlesl· Electric Shop, Haverford avenue. It - -- . _ . ~ : _ ; ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; _ : : : = = ~ = " =

Anne MOI"I;an Hobcl'tS, Social Edi to r . l ' When he turns t ese weapons 0 a - __ ~ - Thomas A. Elwood, Advertising Manager dancmg breeze, warm s antmg SUIl f b' is app roved by Good Housel,eeping _ Q § ~ = - -

- - - obliquely touching up t he colors of the ent f or a moment a wa y ro m l o g r a - " , I M k ~ Office-258 Haverford Ave., Narberth still blooming zinnias and asters, anI! Iphy-writing to aim at m o ~ e r n I : ~ l i - Institute for Its safety, economy and!1 ~ ~ 1 , Y ar et C O I ~ ~

T e , e p h o n e - N ~ ~ ~ ~ : r : 5 : ~ J o If no answer, lhe smell of leaves being burned bY! tic:, the result is worth seemg: Ihe appearance. Just t he t hi ng to warm l"e J C . ~ l . t l- - - some industrious neighbor. Thus it! Ship of S t ~ t e e ~ e r g e s f r o ~ hiS bar-I a chi ll y r oom. Bta l . ran t;

SUbscription price $2 per year In advance befell that what he had intended to bp.I r ag e o f sabre With masts ~ I l t e d . Ill: II , f I The Fmest Meats / '- - - 'u t 1 nce utside just time enough l ! Junken angle , ho les yawnmg In It ll l '. • I!

Ent el'p,l as "Cl'unrl-cla"" mutter octo-, J sa g a 0 " h Ibravely gilt sides and i ts s ai ls droop- I Old shoes of light color need no, 1ber 13, l nl l, a t thc Po st Ofl!.'c at Nar- for a breath of fresh all', as t e say-, 0 • • be re l ac ed b new om's accordingberth. I' ll .. unrlcr the A d of March 3, i ng i s, was grea t ly prolonged. Many mg like the tail of a whipped pUPJlY· p Y ,. f .

1879, things beckoned t o b e l ooked at and Ifhere is no ~ c n t a l r e s e . r v ~ t i o n in o t ~ r to B, G. Cons tan ti n e, o f t h e Gool!-,I b p k d at here and there in that recommendation of Hilane Belloc II wear Shoe Repair Shop, Haverford ,Io e 0 e "T h P G I" (r' . ,. 0~ m a l l enclosure, and there was also a e os1master- cnera .IP\lIll- a ve nu e. S ho es o f l ig ht shades, he

bl b h h If ' I cotto $2. Pub. September 18) with its ,very comforta e ellc, a In t i l! . ' says can b e d ye d t o match any color

If ' 'h h d h mal'lterly caricatures by G. K. CheR-' .o G t ' L t SUlI and ha III t e s a ow, were of fall d re ss a nd repa i red for COIll-, ,n e t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ' lone could surrender himself t o t hl ' terton. , . i fortable, l o ~ g - w e a r i l l g , economical Ifh e tUlle of ~ e d l hels drlHed ,Jay and be warmed and relaxed men- III 1960 the Soclalisb. under MrR.1

wheu it p a ~ ' s t o g et lost, f or h e who. tally and physically. Then when Bou lg er had displaced t ?e Anarchi s t usc. )-

wanders from the. \\ ,en-knOWI1!lhc.re came the uninvited and trou?le- Party led.by Lady Caroline B ~ l c o m b s Smart dresses and hals in lhe new ipaths will battle his \ \ ' a ~ ' h ac k t o s ~ m e though,t of the stU?y desk lllled I ~ b Y . previous a r r a n g e m ~ n t ~ m g O , ~ - fal l mode arc available in a variety ,he f ami l ia r h aun t s of civilization With a week s accumula tIOn of l e t t e r ~ Il.rmng England, and Wllrrlll Halll, · Lo suit the r ange o f any purse, lUloge 210S·03 Market Street Sign.." . ,

, , , lind bills of checl{bool, to be balanc-I ton was selected as Postmaster-Gcn- 11 t th F lap per Shop 21:1 1'"or EFFICIENT SERVICE of th ethroll"h Juntrlcs of Ill'llh'lI1th' col-' l ' h C b' t Th or sma, a e , • d PROMPT DELIVERY Best

" . , . . ' '. ed, if possible, some urgent e x c u ~ l ' Iera In tea me . ere arose II Haverford avenue. They include au "

ored lcaves, waste l a n d ~ of ~ ( ) I d e n hecame necessary to prolong lhe idh. decision as to which of two c.0J.Tlpanics fetching sports dres: :; es . Also occu- 1 1 1 ! ! ! i ! ! i ! ! ! i C ~ a ~ I ~ I ~ R ~ i ~ t t ~ e ~ n ~ h ~ 0 ~ t l ! ! s ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 0 3 7 ~ 0 ~ ! ! ! i ! i ~ 3 ! ! ! i ! ! i ! ! ~ : ! l M ! ! ! ! i ! e : ! l a ! i t e ! ! s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! i ! i ! ! i ! ! i i i i ! ~ ~ ' 1October fields an d al'lllles of har-: l.ime outside. There was that wasp:,;' Ishould get, t h valuable televIsIOn.con-I Jlying part of t he F lowe r Shop al ," . ,

vested corn and wheat. lIest, of course. It should be loo l,cd I~ r a c t . Wilf1'1d Ralterton, a vacillat- t h at a dd re ss is Miss Lois Delen ll I

TI :\ia' L' n d velieI' be he a lit. from a safe distance to determine mg man , allowed the offer of a ~ f : y - I Smith who gives inslruction in lC1lit- IIe. IIll Ie." whether it was still as flourishing a I thousand-dollar a year posltlOnjling ~ n sells yarns and hund-IC1Iit.- i

lover of t Ie purrJllg molor ca r or hefore The exact hole i n t h e g ro un d s li gh tl y t o influence his choice. A t d' t w r t io I f 1 f'· ' . e spor s ea , e C.

a n amat eu r of t l e g ra ce u ar t 0 marking its entrance, s houl d b e not ed l es se r man t ha n Benoc might have I )- Iwa Iking ', wi ll find it much to his IIgllin and remembered, f or th ere hinted that this was a bribe? where ll sI At P. J. Duffy's Gulf Service Sta

adva l .l t agc to d es er t t he o r d e r l ~ ' would be the point where the spadl! e v e ~ y o n e u n d e r s ~ o o d that It w as II Ition, Brookhu rs t a nd Montgomery, I 1'1 f xt r ' nat l' on hou ld be th"ust I bUSiness deal whIch would have been ,. 'IIH'ocesslOns of the wc I -p avet p i {es 0 e e ml s • t ., , pike, a full hne of Goodyear tires aliI

1 I 1 . n If '11 a I ll az e of all after a s ha rp f ro st h ad quieted Uw crlmmal to neglec t. Perhaps I t wall t ub es has been installed in additiollane ose lJJ sc I . - , . t 'fl th' 1 f th h I f tl "

. Illmates. All of those thmgs wer l! a 11 e une Ica or e Ca l 0 Ie ta t ae essories Goodyear tirestumn scenery winch o n l ~ ' eastern Iione t ho rough ly and meditatively favored company to steal t he wr it t en M

OuDOff fC 1 't h b t t' v '1

. ff ' , , . r. u y ee s, are e es Ire a-Penns) ' lvama can oc r . and much t ime was consumed thereat . guarantee he had given to th e Post- ues, a nd t he y have been se lec ted in

] ~ e t the motorist, then, forsake Forced L abors muster-General, an d f or the Secre- order that motorists may have a nlUl'l!the concretc an d follow the com- La Vag rant e, however, was ulsn ~ a . r Y ~ ~ t a t ~ . for H o ~ e Affairs t pur; Icomplete service at the Gulf statioll.

pa ss D ri ve f o r e x amp le to Yal - awa re o f that desk i n t he s tudy IIml tOhmt lot, .t I s setcre t afgrcemthenfi' alll I \;'Iat tires will be f ixed as part of thl!0'

" ,• e e eVl sl on con rac rom e nan-I ' ff d b M r J hn

ley Forgc , t a r r) "ing long enough to ' that it was t he time f or h er discus, c ie r, But at t he wors t it would have s er vic e 0 ere y anage . 0

admire the hri ll iant red foliaO'e of ~ i o n of the family budget, whi ch s he p as se d as sharp business had not Ihat Duffy. .'" , .. t ' t' 1 I ' . ' "Nearly 250,000 deaths In ten

the dogwoods a n d t he ir wonderful n p e r ~ e slo C O d l ~ s c l e n 10US y aliI sh lone crusadmg : m e m b ~ o f P ar li a- years" is t he heading of an articlt'l ' "'1 ,convmcIng y Iscusses once eac Illlent, Reginald Butler loosed his in- ' . . ,

crop of l o ) . ~ 2 b e r r J C ~ , 'I len tm n I lIon lh with a repentant Vagrant d' 'R ' 1 Iconcernmg automobile aCCidents thaty ou r c ar wes t a lo ng the Ycl10w l I l ! n ~ e with deep- la id s ch eme sh( : t ~ g ~ a ~ : vOice.b de ;hou d h ~ ~ e I m ~ w l I heads last month ' s issue o f "The Saf -

SI))'iJllrs road until YOIl come t o t h e called' him in for lunch and' wily' a tl

wa,sh a t orm. diS bSU dSle- er Way," an insurance bulle tin pub-

",. . , I!uen pums men was un ou e y . '1' H D b' d W'loc tagon schoolhouse ; tUl'n right woman that she is, trapped h im by des er ved. Still it caused Wilfrid l ~ s h e d b yW I ham . ur m an I -

, . . th t h Id h 't 'I ' ham S. Howard, 31 N. Narberth ave-and cross Diamond Rock Inll. Now saymg a s e wou ave I sel 'vel Halterton to exper ience a bitter mo- , , ., th t d NIl' 1 I nue. "Funny thmgs do happen' IS an-

YOU a re in strange c ou nt ry . F ol - IJIhthe s.u Yd , ow unc 11 . ~ s h 1I11C II ment when that official (as a matter other head' and another is "When

iow a wester ly course until you weer m m m ro.om.. n c en Ill' of form) ~ a to asser t h i s innocence there's no ti 'me to think." The month-~ t l l d y , a m ea l w hi ch It IS frequently lof any gam from the cont rac t t o t he ,.. ,ar e completely confused, a n d t he n more convenient to bring t o T he Va H f C 'th 1 f Iy publicatIOn IS sent all who are rn-follow t h e t ru st y compass to t he gr ant than to bring him to it B U 1.ouse 0 °tmmons-Ilsmhce

lleftossh.o t e re st ed enough to ask for it. Its

. • ' . . us guaran ee rea y ae e 1m . H dlsouth. Soon ~ ' o u will cross familiar why f il l in the details? The budgl!\. without reward. sponsors, Durbm and oward, han e

. . . follow d lun h th b'll d 'I '1 real estate mortgages, and all theroads, bu t (and tillS IS Important) e c , en I s an c ICC ,. Right triumphs in the end how-, . .' " . '

book served l ik e c ou rs es and in . .', usual kmds o f msur ance . reSIdence,be sure to cross them, 't ' f h' If Th V ' , ever, With Halterton bemg saved from i burglary automobile and fire. I

lPI e 0 Imse, e agrant gOll . th h 'd S ' , f ''l 'he rolliJlO' lands of Chester an d Ih h h' thl _ t k I 1 rUln rough teal of a emillc' , J.

'" , ' roug . IS mon,:\i as s, anI t lell f ina ncie r. Th e onl flaw in Belloc'lI , . ' , :Delawarc Counties ar e now onIturned hIS attention to thIs column.. ,y , . Lendmg POint to any advertIsement I, . Itechmque creeps m at thiS pomt f' d f fi ot ctive de- ;every side :\. course t o th e cast A\ that pomt La Vagr ant left hllll h h t th' f' dl '! 0 msurance an 0 re pr e

• • ' .. I W en e presen s IS ne n y mag- Iwill bring you homeward. All this to ~ I own deVices which were s can ty , nat e in a non-farc ical mann( 'r . This .

lJlust b c d on e o n d ir t o r macadam o wmg t o forced labors alrea?y p er - c ha ng e o f tone can be attributed to cd that the forms should be m a m t ~ i n - i

formed. Had he b ee n permitted tit th th ' d' 1'1 f t' S 't ' l'd at all times, and therefore a t tI r edr o a d If acel't lellt brl 'II"" "Ollr ,. . e au · or s IS I,e 0 an 1- enll Ism '.", " ' ' ' . I 'emam In t he gar den thIS column , " I' I f ' . g d s wh neve r he. d I . d 'but however praiseworthy for Its tol- lImse m evemn re s e

course to a mam roa , s lun It an would have been a very different '1 . intended t o wr it e." , crance, I t sows the pace o f t he boole.

seek the lesser ro ute to o ne HIde, /lereed tillS week. He had been thmk· A ' , , Thomas Chatterton, who is now, , ' f t I l ' b t h' . tin acquamtance With English pol - , , .Had you failed t o t ur n r l" h t a t the IlIg 0 e mg more a ou IS m erest- " , . recogmzed as an emment figure III

<> I'll r c " t' 'th th W d " Iltlcs IS no more necessary for enJoy- l' I' h' b 't 'schoolhouse YOUI continued course I g onversa Ion WI e an eung . En g Ish lterary Istory, egan wrl _,o , . , . °d o J I ~ W , previously introduced and n ev er men t of "T he Postmltster-General" ing at the age of twelve. Fearful

o n t he Yellow SprJIlg's I'oad woul ( ~ l \ n p l e t e d , Also there were sonIl! than it is in order to appreciate "Pin- t ha t h ' effor ts would be scorned if

have brought ~ · o u t o b ea ut if ulIthoughts d e v e l o ~ i n g around "The a fo r e" , and "The ~ H ~ a d ~ . " Illdeed, his a g e l ~ e r e known, he palmed off hisl;hal'lestown Village an d Chester (;ood Earth," whi ch h e had read as l h ~ r e IS a great slmlla.rlty betwcen! work as t he w or k of a long-dead

Spriugs-country which you will II lIovel and seen as a play dul'ing the I thiS book an d t he comic operas ofImonk. This dC'ception was discover-

r · 't k d th ht th I Gilbert and Sul li van. Both r id icul e dwant to sec next ay, pas wee, an oug e p ny I" . "1 'cd when h e w as seventeen an as a

, . . . , J,\'reater than the book. A ls o, worthy 1 ~ l I g l l s h pomposIty and self -sa t l sl ac- result Chatterton committed suicide.Or p ic k a s a startlllg pomt N ew - o f mention, was an in te res t ing le tt e r lion, both present a gallery o f g lo ri - A le xa nd er P op e was another infant

town ~ q l l a r e : Take the sou ther ly fro m a man who reads th is cOlumn,1 o U ~ l y b u r l ~ s q u e ~ figures and both ~ r I prodigy, beginning his sonnet writing

road Immedia te ly to the west of and who, k nowi ng n ot T he Vagrant ~ m v e r s a l II I t ~ e l r h u m o ~ . The satire, at the age o f f o ur te en . A s an oppo

t h e main highway f rom 'Vest Ches- per sona ll y, wro te h is interesting de- IS .not the rapier t h r ~ s t m g of Vo.I-1 s i te example , Goethe wro te t he see

t el ' p ik e t o l \I ed ia and follow it for llllctions regarding him and showed t a I r ~ or the b l u d g e o m ~ g of a S m c l ~ l r I ond part of Faust when he wasI h· t Th V t h d I ) I' LeWIS, bu t a resoundmg s lap dehv- / ' ha mile or so. On the \Va'" YOU will a e agran a revea el 1lI11' , • • clg ty.

~ ' ~ f ~ r e f u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : L ~ ~ a t e ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ l l l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nind the lllodernesque blllldmg and. "J f th R d" I.lull's anatomy. It i s t h e hones t, mo-k . , ,'TC l' oys 0 e oa ,s y-piCrcIllg tower of "A J I s not all this writ ing futile? Why tlvated type of farce that has been dwhich has recently heen drowning Hhquld The Vagrant burden paper so ~ e g l e ~ t e d since t he a dv en t o f the

ou t n ear l y ev ery th i ng o n y om ' ra - with his thoughts when every subjed faCile wise-crack. One reason peohle likedio) an d then the uppcr reaches has alre.ady been written o ve r a nd i Hearsay Eviden<;e rof the Springton Reservoir, tlwt ( : ~ e l ' a g a l ~ b Y , ~ b l e r men. who ~ r m ~ r l ! I 'fhe elder Dumas set some kind of Ib 'f 1 1 k I' Ilk' dl I:;lrted WrIter::;. What IS thele worth record for economy when he finished Ieautl u a' e w nc I las so ' I ll) ' ,'t ' b t d 'h t I 'I

WI I mg a ou to ay, except ta g or- w rit in g " Th e T hr ee Musketeers."been added to ou r seel l er , ' h , · the iUlIS October out there in the garden" r l ' d' th t h' ) t I' d d . I'" • , • • • , • L m Ing a IS as Ine en e InPl ll ladelp lua Suburban \\ a t e r Surely, thiS IS a new day , a n ew Oc- the mi ddl e of a page he started l'ue-

Company. Cont inue on yonI ' way,I,nbcI'; though one were nearly m ~ t c fully at the space a b ~ u t to be w ~ s t e d , IwRlldering off on smal l r o ad s , and he should be able to say S o n t e t h l l l ~ drew a l ine across and began at once Iyon ar c sure to get lost. ,!lew about that! Ah, y es , p e ~ ~ a p s ; 11.0 wri te "The Count of Monte Cristo.",!

• I hut better than any man befo re . fhat\ Disr ae li Lord Beaconsfield believ-'l"or ollly by l osmg yourse l f , an d I ill impossible, for Bliss Carman,him-' , I

steering by the s un o r compass, can HeIf not r at ed among t he grea t , hall . .. t . t d t' h h The sea i n t he pme - tops murmurl /l g ,you discover the hundreds of I'll m 0 wor s a vagran s t oug ts I

beauty spots surroundinO' the Main of October fa r bett e r and more truly 0' f., " ', t ha n c an e ve r be done by him who I he racy smell of t he o re st loam,

Lme. They ar e here ~ v e r ~ ' d ~ ~ ' m now signs himself "Vagrant" with a I When the stealthy sad-heart leaves go'

the year, bn t October IS the climax III'esumptuous "The" in f ro nt o f it. I home;

of the show. No wonde r the IlIost Listen to t he se f ew selections from

confi rmed Cal iforniac comes ba ck Carman 's "The Joys of the Road": (0 leaves, 0 l ea ve s, I am one with

Iy ~ I

t o t he l\Iaili Line from time t o t ime A ' ' . or the mould and the SUn and the ito walk o r d r iv e these roads again, vagrant s mornmg Wide. and blue I ,

'In early fal l when t he wmd walks,' wind and t he dew!) ,

. I tooAttend E a r ~ a r t Dmner . I

Among the preSidents o f t he Mam 1\ shadowy highway cool and brow

Line Clubs who attended t he dinner AIlllring up and entic ing do n n,on Wednesday g iven at Gimbel's in w .

hono r o f Miss Amel ia Earhart wer e ' \' he crickets mourning th 'r com-Mrs. Dudley Bartlett, president of the el

rades lost,Woman's Club of Ardmore; Mrs.' III the night's retreat from the ga lh-James H. Egan, p re si de nt o f t he i ng f ros t.Woman's Club of Bryn Mawr ; Mrs.

David N. Patterson, president of the (Or

Woman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd; Mrs,

Joseph A. Rongler, president of tht!Women's Communi ty Club o f N ar

berth, and Mrs. Arthur C. Goldsmith,of Wynnewood,

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" ...

, ..., ...-.".1,:.·· .·1. . : -'



For the Month ly RatescaU or inquire at the


or ask any Bell employee


You can have a telephone

in your home for lessthan10 cents a day!


...............Beauty Shop


Phone: Narberth 3932

103 Essex Avenue--ROSE R IC K L IN

DURBIN &. HOWARD31 N . Narberth Ave.-Narber th 2500


Our usual excellent quality work






Hot OilTreatment. . . . .


Your First Thought in Time of F i r e -

ttDo I Have Enough Insurance?"Na ti ona l F ir e Prevention Week reo

mind s u s tha t fires a re t oo numerous

an d fire insurance is usually insuffi

cient fo r f in an ci al p ro te ct io n. L et

Durbin & Howard s how how a little

money will sa fegua rd the investment

made in y ou r h om e an d it s furnish


By the way, "The Safer Way," an interestingmonthly publication concerning insurance, willbe mai led you on request : I ts purpose is toremind you that we are interested not only inreal estate and mortgages, but also in servingyou with adequate insurance--residence, burglary, automobile and fire.

Just write us, or phone Narberth 2500 for ourmost recent issue of "The Safer Way."


fo r Parents • • •

Gi sick ehlUat nlrJhtlarlzatan

emerfJenclj to fa a



in Ijour Iwme I


Philadelphia School of Design for WomenOld•• t ~ . A ! L ! P p ~ .!2.JIld...!!I..l!- Am.rig=f8t!a y..,


E nr ol l N ow

Day, E"en;ng and SaturdayPract ical Couro. . III aU hranch.. of De.lp, PalJltInw, Teacbar Tralallll' J.1(tlrr .Craft., eta. Lectur. Cour. . . In Art, Sc l. nce , Llt.r.tur., Hlator)', cllM't16i1l11P.ycholowr. Laap.w••, Europe... Fellow.blp, for Po.t-Graduata Study.

S.nd for Cotolo.

Re.ld.llc. Ho..... Oil Parkwar for Out-ol·ToWll Stu•• t.


Media, Pa.

Monday. . . . 2.30 P. M. Wednesday and Saturday. . . . 2 .00 P . M.Rain or Shine

Nationally known horses entered in flat. steeplechaseand cross-country races

Boxes or Parking Spaces

including Six Admissions and Car, ~ 2 ADMISS ION $2.00 GRAND STAND $1.00


P ho ne : M e di a 1 47

Varicose or SwollenVeins-Bunches


You poor sufferers f rom bad legs! IWhat misery you have endured! Whatcrippling discomfort! I

But here at l as t i s help for you! No'operations nor injections. No enforcedIr e st no r t ime off from wo rk. A simple horne t reatment with Emerald Oil Iheals your sores l ike magic , reducesswelling, ends pain, and makes yourlegs as good as new-while you goabout your daily routine as usual.Follow the easy directions and you

a r e su re to be helped. Your druggistwon't keep your money unless you are.(Advt.)

Narberth Church Sends

Delega tes to Convent ion

Four delegates from Holy Trinity

Lutheran Church, Narberth, at tend

ed the b ienn ia l convent ion o f the

Women's Missionary Society of the

United Lutheran Church o f Ame r

i ca held in Baltimore, Md., from October 1 to 5.

Rangers P lay McCour t' s i

Stars at Playground sa t . ,

The Narbe rt h Range rs were gl'lIl ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; ~ ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ = l 1 Ii ron victors Wednesday of last weell IIwhen t hey def ea ted Thomas McCourt's t eam, 7-0. Next game willbe played 10 A. M. this Saturday, between t he R ange rs a nd Jaclt Kane'HStars, from Overbroolt, at the Nnl'

herth Playground.

Line-up of the Rangers this SaLul'day: 1. e., Walter Case: r. e., Felix

Daley: 1. g., Patrick Doy le ; r . ~ . Bud McDevitt; tackles, Walter O'Sul

livan and Thomas Civitello: center, IIBud Leahy; halfbacks, Joseph Demedio a nd H en ry S mi th ; f. b. , B il lLeahy: quarterback, Bill Finan.

con between sessions, at which Kin

lIurd Wedgewood is the speaker . The

afternoon wil l be given to conferenceslI [ all departments and the arOfl!mentioned Federation wil l b e hel d in

the evening. IThe Juniors of Montgomery Coun

ty Federated Clubs are engaged i n

a work both inspirational and helpful.The y h av e t ak en a s a special project

a scholarship fund o f $900 in the

Royer-Greaves School for Blind Children at King of Pruss ia .



Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100

,Col.tlnued trom rage One)

R t 10 c en ts a l in e In each paper: 25 c en ts a li ne In Id' three,a eS-Mlnlmum charge. SSc In one paper; 75 cents In all three AV-

p.rage ot t lve words to the line, No blacktaced type used,

Deadline for Insertions- Classilled arlvertu,emenls willbe accellted u p t o Wednesday. 6

o'clock tor OUR. TOWN or a ll three papers: Thursday. 1 o·c lock. tor THEMAIN LINER: Thursday. 5 o'clock tor NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD,

Gene" al Notl'ce- Cla88Uled Advertisements will be charged onlyto r es id en ts o t t he Main Line whose names

appear Inthe

telephone directory; to persons maintaining an account withus. or to regUlar subscribers to either THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN, orNEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

perlence on radio and In Episcopal and IMain Liners. Prel. and adv. Instr. tromother church choirs and Quartets, desire!' the model & still life, In 011, waler colorengagement, not necessarily as soloist. and black & White; by welI-known art-\\rell recommended. Narberth 2545 or 1st and Instructor. For Information, Ph.write T. A. Elwood. Narberth. omblO-8 Narberth 2469-W. ombl0-7COLORED woman desires day's work, MATHEMA'l'lCS TUTORlaundry. cooking or serving dinners. Phone Narberth 2433 omb10-21

Good refs. Ph. Ard. 1936. omb-tf F I ~ E N C H , native teacher. experienced,DAY·S WORK Thurs" FrI .. Sa t.. clean- advanced or beginners, Ph. Narb. 2433.Ing. laundry. Can serve dinners. CalI ombl0-21

hetwep.n !lnd 7. evenings. Ard. 4640.omb-tf jSIGHT SINGING CLASS IN NAR-IGRADUATE NURSE wl1l toke par t time BERTH: Mrs. Hurold S. J{oup, Director,

or tulI time position. Can take charge Learn to sing by note McDonough-Cheveot Doctor's office or wllI t aks one or two Method taught. First class meeting, Oct.Ipatients In her home. Wri te "R. " Main 18. 1932. Personal application must be.LIner or ca lI Ardmore 3100. omb-tf made at 1059 Montgomery ave.. Narberth,

f rom 1 P. M. to 7.30 P. 111. daily. exceptRooms and Boarding Sunday. om10-7COMFORTABLE turnlshed rooms In prl-

Forate home, Quiet residential section, yet Saleconvenient to s ta tion. With or without TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repalr-breakfast or fuII board. Phone Narberth ed, I·eas. office supplies. Suburban4161. omb-tf Typewriter Co,. Times Medical Bldg. Ph.

A fJartments for Rent Ard. 1378. omb-tt

:NARBERTH-1st" floor, 4or 6 rooms. fur-Wantedlshed or unturnlshed; porch InclUded:

gas, electrIcity, hot water, garage. $50 INSTRUCTION desired In PItman-How-a month. 1 mInu te to s ta ti on . Phone ard syStem ot shorthand at home. Ph.Narberth 2614. ombl0-7 Narberth 3601·W. 010-7

Main Line Club Women

to Part ic ipate in Convent ionTHE FIRESIDE

Welcomes FreshmenDr. Wil l iam A. Pearson, of Nar

berth, D ea n o f Hahnemann College,was one of the speakers who wel comed the class of 149 first year menat the College on Monday night.

Editor's Notc: We hol d The Spectator c apab le o f defending himself,

:but would assume that he was refer - Babe Bowes, Wanamake r

ring to the commandment, "Thou Win Cynwyd Tournaments;shalt not commit adultery," which is 'Situations Wanted At Your Ser"icet he 6 th in the Douai version used The tennis season at the Cynwyd II ;\IA::-: A:o:D " ' I 1 < ~ E . colored, tqgether or PIANO TUNING and repairing In your. R C h r Ch h d . sepamte, wish position as cook. house- town cos t much less: Send pos ta l. Q.m the oman at OlC urc an Club wound up l as t week-cnd, as fa r mlln; cun drive CUI'. Experienced. Phone Uberti, 223 Williams avenue, Narberth.,the 7th in t he K in g J ames version. as t ou rnamen t p lay goes, w it h t he IArdmore 1327-R, omblO-21 ob-tt

Also that the somewhat ambiguous completion of th e Women's a nd t he I COLORED WOMAN desires days work or U P H O L S T J ~ I U N G and rep.; springs ot 3-II;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i . i i i . i i i i i i i i i . i i i i i i i i i . i i i ; ~ 'manner i n whi ch t he 7 th command- Closed tournaments. I l la rt t ime for Mon. Wed, Thurs , and piece sui tes repai red. $10; Chair recov-j!ment in t he K ing James version w.as Cecile "Babe" Bowes won the wom-IFri. Refs. Call aft er 7 In eve. Ard. 3836. ered, $5. Go anywhere. CalI Lewis,

b S (ombl0-7 Wayne 1496. omb-tt

referred to y T he p ec ta to r VIZ.: Ien's championship on Saturday b ~ de-_. 'b f I \'lOMA:o\ desires housewol'!< or cooking, GOT'l'LIEB ESSLINGER, carpenter. job-KlDg J ~ m e s VII) ;-vas r ~ s p o n s l Ie or reat ing Betty Vanneman in the finals I R e t ~ . Ph. MerIon 1224 ombIO-21 bing, alterations; 122 Conway avenue,Subscnber Mason s bel Ief t ~ a t ~ h 16-1, 9-7. The first s et w as a wal k- iCOLORED WOMAN desires housework, Call Narbel'th aH8-R. 010·28Spectator had muddled hIs tor ical away for Babe as the score indicates, I l a u n d r ~ ' , o r cooking, Refs. Ph, Mrs. U I U ~ S S l \ I A K I N G - l ~ l I z a b e t h Pearsoll, 215(Doua i) a s well as religious matters. I!Jut the second set produced some ex- I Brown, Ard. 3322-R. or Greenwood 4039. Dudley avenue, Narberth. Phone Nar-!


cellent tennis wit h l ong rall ies and omb10-7 berth 3727-J, ott I• . M' d 1 Itt d ,COLORED WOMAN WISHES part-time

Winners In en s an c o se y con es e games. I five mornings, $5. Phone Ardmore Real Estate lor RentWomen's Tourne s Announced In the Closed tournament, Wells 494-W. oml0-7 CYNWYD-Attrac. 6 rm. house. 2 c ar Iy Wanamaker, of Narberth, emerged IHOUSEWORH:, either full or !lart t ime; garage, beautlfuily i1ituated; 345 Trevor,

. t ' b . t f h' 1 f ' 11 A I 90 I lane. Phone, lIlrs. II. Ledsham, AtlanticIWinne rs i n the open duplicate VIC onous y VIr ue 0 IS as mg cleaning or waS1 ng, pp Y 8 ona City 2-1934 o r wrIt e 3 N. Hanover ave,.

bridge tournament sponsored by the powers and abi li ty t o play steady! ave" or ~ h o n e Chrletlne. Narberth 2514


Margale, N. J. omb10-28

t . h H d f t d Ibetween " and 8 P. M, 010-28N b th B 'd CI bIt M nda" enms w en necessary. e e ea 'ear er rl ge u as 0 .' • • HIGH SCHOOL BOY wishes part-time For Sale or Rent II~ v e n l ' n g in the club rooms in Elm H. G. Turner, of Cynwyd, In the fin- worl< of an" kind at reasonable wages I. ' I ' . F OR SALE OR RENT-8 rm. seml-de-Hall were N. and S., J. H. Baker a ls by the weird score of 6-2, 16-14. ,Outdoors or Indoors . Phone Narberth tachedhouse. on Quiet street, 4 sQ. trom I

and Dr. Mar k Mor ga n; E . llnd W ., But h contestants appeared to be I 4161. omb-tt IWayne s ta .. gar ., a ll conv. Ph. WayneAllan Shuber t and Clifford K. Good- greatly rel ieved when the 30-game IEXPERIENCED BOOKKBEPER \\11111761. omb-tt

second s et was ended. I keep set bool<s for doctor. Individual •win. or store, In spare time. Phone Ardmore lnstruct'on-Schools

The next open tournament will be . .. 3100, omb-tf DRAWING & PAINTING classes, Sat-h el d on Monday, Oct ober 17. S I gh t Smgmg Classes to IBASS SOLOIST, 29. wIth 12 years' ex- uJ'day mornIngs, tormlng tor cony. ot

The Women's Divis ion of the Club be Taught b y M rs . K ou p

hel d a cl os ed duplicate bridge tour- - - -

nament l as t F r iday af ternoon. The Mrs. Harold S. Koup, formerly

winners were N. an d S., Mrs. E. C. Miss Katherine Hal l, who for the

Griswold and Mrs. J. H. B ak er ; E . p as t two years was music supervisor

and W., Mrs . Frederick Moyer and of the Huntingdon Valley Schools and

Mrs. C. Alfred Peeney. , conductor of the High School 01'-

This Friday afternoon the Wom- c he st ra a nd t he Glee Club, wil l d ien's Division will hold an open dupli-I reet sight-singing classes in Nar

eate tournament for the members and berth.their guests. Refreshments wil l b e ' I' he McDonough -Cheve Met hod wil lserved at one o'clock a nd c ar ds at be t aught , t raining persons to si ng

2 P. M. Fo r reservations call Mrs. by note, to sing songs correctly, and

C. A. Stoudt, Narberth 2328-J. with expression, and to sing theirA c lo sed duplicate cont ract tour- part against other voices i n p re pa

nament wil l b e hel d b y t he Women's ration for choir and choral work.Division on Friday, October 14. The only requis i te for member-

ship is the ability to sing a scalecorrectly. Personal application must

be m ad e at 1059 Montgomery avenue, Narbe rt h, whe re t he class willmeet for s tudy beg inni ng Tuesday

eveni ng , Oct ober 18, 1932, at 7.45P. M.

(Continued trom Page Three) Among the departments reporting

Mr. and Mrs. Percival Roberts, Jr., .J/I '!'uct;day is th e conservation and

have been spending some t ime i ll "Modern Conceptions o f t he lIalural rel:lources group, Mrs. Abram

ada, have returned to Pennshurst Universe" is 7t h Reading List Bunn m>ss , of Cynwyd, chairman.l ~ i v e district luncheon conferences

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. R. Evans, o f "Mode rn Con ce pti on s of the Uni- come at recess. The Juniors hold a

h d th ' t er d' l' t conference on the work for the blind.i ce a ve nu e, a as ell' gucs ov verse" is the seventh rca mg IS pre- ., . .week-end Miss Angela C. Gray, I ared by the Library for the benefit ~ h d e ~ a r t m e n ~ of l e ~ s l a b o n , ~ r s .

Philadelphia. P . S. Blall ' LuckIe, cha Irman, b rmgs. E R th M' . k d ght er o f those patrons who may WIsh to Governor Pinchot as a speaker in the

MISS rma u lmc , au I . . d' I P bl" Mf M d M J L M

'· k of s ys tema tI ze theIr rea mg. afternoon. Press and u lC lt y, rs.r. an rs . . . IIllC, .' 1 '" N

· d hr· turned from While such a 11st contams books I!.. K Mellick and Mrs. eal Ander-m sor avenue, woe hI' 1 t' . dvi si t to Cleveland, Ohio, last Sat- which arc n ot a s easy reading as the IHo.n, follows t e eg'lS a ~ o peno ,

H t

. . h With Dr. D. M. MelchIor as the

left on Wednesday for un - latest novel It IS felt that t e re a rePa., where s he wil l s tay for Ienough s e r i ~ u s minded pa tr ons o f t he speaker. . Id .

eral da s. I . . ' There WIll be a $5.00 go pIecey . " LIbrary to warrant Its selectlOn. awarded to the club having the most

Mr. and Mrs. Mmlcks other daugh.\ The list follows' I t b k d blu r'bbon. M h M" k h ' Ie ' . comp ee scrap 00 , an e 1

MISS ar t a ~ D l C d ~ a ;t I 1. "The Nature of th e Physical awards will be made fo r t he best year

over t ~ wee :e n ISS. eLy iWor ld ," . by A. S. Eddington. A Imolt, as well as to the poster depict

o Phtladelphla, and MISS e-IIUCid explanation of the relat ivi ty ing t.he club activit ies for the year .

ColIe, of Bethayres, PII. theory, tracing the effec t of mod er n On Wed ne sd ay the convention will

~ m o n g the g t l e s ~ s who attended tl,lC Iconcepts in science on ~ h age-old IIpen with club ins ti tutes under Mrs.Imdge party which Mr. and M . l S ~ Iconliict between Free WIll and De- A. A. Crooks, and a breakfas t wi th

M. S lu ss , o f Ardmore, gave last Iterminism. Mrs. John A. Frick, speaking for 'theFriday evening, were Mr. and Mrs . 2. "The Universe Around Us,"" Gil" Scouts. The convention will takeWilliam Hagenbuch, Mr. an d M rs . !Jy Si r J am es J ea ns . An exploration up "Educat ion in Depar tmental Pro

Fortenbacher, Mr. a nd Mrs.j of our present knowledge o f t he uni- ~ r a m , T ax at io n a nd the PublicH. G. Reevs, Mr. and Mrs. James c.1 V("'se ext.ending from the microcosm Schools," being discussed by Franklin

Keenan, Mr. and Mrs . R . C. Kennedy Iof the atom t o t he macrocosm o f t he Spencer Edmonds.

Mr. and M r ~ . Frank H. Kennedy. I R'lIlaxy. The departments of the American

Th e m an y f rI en ds o f Mr. :. E." 3. "The Universe in t he L ig ht o f Home and of internat ional relat ions

Laughlin, of Dudley a v ~ n u e , WIll. be Modern Physics,"· by Max Plank. A and count y federation are on this day,,glad to learn that he I recoverlllg simple account of the ideas which Iwithreportson finance and revision of

:Cr.om a n a tt ac k o f t y p h ~ l d f eve : and! have revolutionized physics. d.uring the by-laws claiming business per iods . AWIll r e tu r n f rom the Br: ;n Mawl Hos- I last 30 years, by t he o rl gmat or o f I literature luncheon wil l be i n cha rge

,pital this week. I lhe quantum theory. IOf Mrs. Lewis R. Dick. The interna-

Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Mellor and I 4. "Stars i n T he ir Cours es ," by l ion relat ions hour , wi th the chair

family, who have been at their cot- Jeans. An introduction to modern Iman Mrs . Frank Miles Day will prett.age in Stone Harbor, N. J., since astronomy wri tt en i n s imple, non-I sent' Rabbi William Fi;eshreiber,

June 7, have r e tu rned t o t he ir horne technical language. whose topic is "Pa tr i ot ism and t he

.on Chestnut avenue. 5. " Lif e in t he S ta rs ," b y S ir I nt er nat io na l Mind." In the Amer-

On September 16, Mr. Barnard S. Francis Younghusband. The popu- ican Home per iod, "Family Relation

Mellor, Jr., accompanied by his par- Ilarity of this volume testifies to man'l:l ships" will be discussed by D r. Mar y

.ents, left Stone Harbor f o r SevernaIinterest in other than purely terres- McConaghey, whilie the CitizenshipPark, Md., where Mr. Mel lor entered trial affairs. Idepa rtment p re sen ts a s a speaker,

the Severn School. i 6. "Creative Chemistry," by E. E.. George Soule, on "Economic Citizen-________________ 1 Slosson. An exposition of t he m ar -! s hi p in Dep re ss io n. " Wednesday

Ivels of ch emist ry, un obs cur ed by night the General Federation presi

In the Mailban It e c h ~ i c a l i t i e s , Which. i as absorbing dent is the speaker and the Curtis______________0:.-__ readmg a s a ny t hr ll lmg romance. Institute gives an elaborate musical." " 'I 7. "Biology," by Patrick Geddes program.'To th e E dIt or o f O ur T ow n: and J . A r thu r Thompson. Indicates .

Friend Roma n Co un tr yma n! \ ., d t f b' l' The report of the State chan'man,, , • th e m am al ms a n ques SO lO Ogl- C 1 M C t F d

I end me your column! I come t o 1 h d '11 th . Mrs. har es usser, on oun y e -• ., ca t ought a n 1 ustrates ell' re- . E' '11 t k 1:bury Caesa r no t t o p ra is e hnn. Cae-' erat Ionsand xtenslon WI a e p nce

f 11\ sults. thO d;sal' hath fallen and how.great a a 8. "Why the Weather?" by Charles on IS. ay.that is. Lo ng have I waI te d t o catch IF kl' B k Th h d h Pub11c wel fa re a nd t he fine arts

ran m roo s. e ows an w ys 1 h'The Spectator in error . Now I have. f h . h th th h departments have a p a ce on t e pro-succeeded ' 0 c anges m t e ~ e fer throul

g- gram on Thursday, with an ar t luneh-.. out the seasons, written or e ay-

Last week he to ld of gathering a man, but with the scientists' regard ~ ~ ~ ~crowd of boys together to discuss the, for accuracy.

Sixth Commandr,nent. . Shades ~ I 9. "Number of Things," by Slosson·1Bluebeard, Captam Kldd and JeSSIe A chemist discusses in a personal IJames! Why discuss murder? light vein a great variety of SCien_\

And then-he surely meant i t f or tific, literary and sociologica l sub

a joke-he quo te s h is aut ho r it y a s jeets.James VII. 10. "The Electron," by R. A. Mil-

ls The Spec ta to r out o f his f ie ld in \lika n. An account of the experi

.both Biblical and historical matters? ments leading to an exact evaluation

Very gratefully yours, l of t he e lement ar y cha rge by t he man iALFRED MASON. Iwho received the Nobel prize for his I

Merion, Pa. Iwork i n that field. I·Recommended in a Yale Graduate

Reading List.

7, 1932

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• ,,, ' . ; - , , ' >, " ! ~ ~ ~ " " "' :" ', . ,. '

PageSix OUR TOWN October 7, 1932:-

- a n d also auto accessories-

W'c Specialize in Greasing

Modera te Rate


Goodyear Tires and Tubes

Locat ed on Belmont Avenue above City LineiAdj ac en t t o t he Bala-Cynwyd Section. accessiblefrom all point s. The Wes tmin st er l andscape hasall the charm of a pic turesque rural countryside .

Goodwear Shoe Repair252 Haverford Avenue-B. G. CONSTANT INE

Mrs. Georgene Sickels Van

Court, of Beechwood, widely known

as an author and teacher in the field

of Contract Bridge, will conduct the

colum,n. An article will appear each

week explaining in logical form the

Culbertson system of bidding and


at Brookhu r s t and Montgo:l lery Pike, Narber th

First-Oass Lubrication Servicc

Spr ings Spraycd Free




Many a l i gh t -colored shoe i s t hrown away a long towards

t he e nd of summer, either because it h as b ecome stained

or the soles and heels h av e w or n ou t. Own er s of light

shoes ca n do without buying new shoes of a darker color,

by ha ving us dye them and pu t them back into good,

serviceable condition.

For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone

Post Office Address: ,Station I. Philadelphia



When in

N ee d o f

wa tc h f or t hi s ad

in th e n ew Bell

Telephone Dit'ec


.4 full l ine of

Let Us Dye Your ShoesTo Match Your Fall Dress

; 11--,.;-__II_t_B_t_llt_l_ll_B_tt_t_·_QI_t_llt_t_t_tt_·Y_-...-

~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ' ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ . , '~ \~ ~~ :


Series of instructive articles

the Culbertson System .",ill

be· published beginning




, ~ ' ""






· c·

The Coal


SatisfiesR A : IT E



You'll Find

Get Out the

Party Dress!

102 Forest Ave., Narb. 2602238 Bala Ave., Cyn. 928

Bal a. Ave. below Union


Arvin Electric

Room Heatern a ti o na l ly a d ve r ti se d

as a t tr ac ti ve and eco

nomical, now on dis.

play at the MAJES


SHOP,250 Haverford

A ven ue . P riced at

~ 6 . 9 5 , we' re s el li ng

them fo r o nly ~ 6 . 5 0Other heaters from $2

up .

PHONE, NARBERTH 2348We sdl and repair anything

that's electric

,I n All Its Branches

•G e t o ur ' prices

.on storage, .Goodyear

Speedway and

Pathfinder Tires

•American an dAmoco Ga s

Washing and Greasing

Da"is' is the place to make

'Your choice of a large, moder

a te ly priced assortmen t of

School SuppliesPencil Cases, lOc up: F a ~ e rPencils, Erasers; Parker Pen

cils an d Founta in Pens ; In

gersoll Watches, Loose-leaf

Boo ks , C ompo si ti on P ad s,

Brief Cases, etc., at

h ow g re at ly t yp cs of coal

and service vary, when you

switch to Thompson's cl.ean,

hard anthracite an d dean,

courteous drivers.


Bridge G ~ r ~ g e .Narberth Avenue at the Bridge


Bala-Cynwyd : : Cynwyd 280

L. M. Thompson

And if it needs cleaning or

dyeing, have it done Right,


.Adelizzi Bros.


IHess to be'Host to

Bridge! Republicans the 15th

11!==f=o=.,=t=h=e= 1=n=s=tr=u=ct=io=n=a=n=d=e=t=e=rt=a=in=:U IJohnson, D it te r a nd Peters to Iment of readers inurestedin Contract I Attend Annual Corn Boil

IBridge, we will present in these col· ; GI dumns a series of lessons, based on the I at a wyne I

, Culbertson system, prepared by Mrs. i -When will we get the first frost?! Georgene Sic/Vis Van Cour t, of I On Saturday afternoon, Octobcr 15,

)- I Bachwood. associate teacher of the P et er C . Hess, Township TreasurerCulbe.,tson National Studios. and pres ident o f t he Republican As. I

: ;omc time in October-usually. I In this senes Mrs, Van Court will

S)- sociation of Lower Mer io n, wi ll be I

D A V I ' ' endeavor to build up a simple andLily-of-the-valleymay be forced in· comprehensive picture of bidding pro' host at t he annual corn b;lil at Glad-

O ld es t S to re i n Narberth doors in a bou t twenty days. Bulb I c adure. ' fh e articles will be based wyne.to a larl'e extent upon her boo/{let All Republi cans of Lo\vcr Merion

NG d OLD f ib re i s best to plant them in. An "An Outline of the Culbertson S,w d N b h hSUPPLIES for YOU an ..rnumental bowl w il l a nswe r. ' I' he ' um", which has enjoyed a wide an a r er t , wether or not they

spread use among bridge players. ar e members of th e Republican As-224 HAVERFORD AVE. pips must be from cold storage and Readers are inviud to submit ques' soc iat ion , ar e cordially invited to at-

Narberth 4035 should be started immediately, as they tions, sendinl' them in care of this tend.

• • • ~ will not keep long. About 25 pips paper. Among the guest s and speakers at

wi ll m ak e a n ice display-and a fra-


ILESSON 1 the affair w il l be the Hon. Charles I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ = = . . . . , , ~ = = - ~ = = =

grant one. Suit Bids of On e .Tohnson, Montgomery County leader; I

)- As two div isions o f a n army signal J. William Ditter, Congressional can_,lt'FJiiiiiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iil

The s ame p repa re d bulb fib re and It o e ac h other across a w id e expanse (Hdnte for the County; Fred C. Pet

ornamcntal bowls may be used fo1' IOf battlefield about t he ir position, e rs , o f Ardmo re , c andi da te for re-I

forcing t ul ips , hyac inths and nards- :;trength .and re inforcement s t o be e lc ct io n fr om t he First Legislativl',

s i. ' 1'hese ar e ver y much slower to ' used agamst the e nemy, s o d o two Dis tr i ct in the State Legislature; and I!mat ur e and w il l be n ic e in January Ipartncrs in a Contract Br idge game pos sibly a speaker o f n at iona l 1(!-11

-when snow is on the ground-or tlash across the b ri dge t ab le , i n the nown whose name has not yet beenr ai n, o r wha te ve r t he wea th erma n ~ o d e of conventional bids, definite in- divulged. ,

sends us at that time. Will it be a formation about the strength of their Viands wil l i nc lu de boi le d corll'll

cold w in te r? Our w in te rs are usu- hands to be used in their bat tle with baked ham, pota to sa lad , hot dogs and Inlly much colder t han our summers, the opponents. coffee.

hut o ther t han t h at it is rather diffi-, What information doe s a b id of one A mee ti ng o f the Republican As-!

cult til p redi ct , f rom t he behav io r Of' c lub, one diamond, one hea r t, o r onc s oc ia ti on w il l be h el d in the Glad- J

squirrels, the t hi ckne ss o f c or n husks s pade by a player g iv e h is partner? wyne Communi ty Hal l at 2.30, pre

o r o th er s ig ns a nd s up er st it io ns a s T he most important message convey- ceding the picnic. The supper will

to just how cold or how snowy the Icd i s that he has a certain number of be served at 4.30.

eomillg wintcr will be. sure tricks, a c ar d o r a combination

J. !of cards that will t ak e t ri ck s whe th er T he se are t he f our mes sage s con-The Garden As Part of Our Life., t he hand is played by the deale r, h is v ey ed to partner by t he dea le r o r by

Would we miss it? Likely yes! That Ipa rt nc r, o r even by the opponents. second hand. After two passes third

picture of the garden at its height in These sure t r icks ar e called defensive o r f ou rt h hand does not open the

e ar ly J une. The p le as ing sight of :l! honor tricks. And i n e ve ry deal it bidding unless he holds3 honor tricks.

ranel or sweep of lcvel green lawn. w il l be f ou nd that t he h on or c ar ds And if t he b idde r i s vul ne ra bl e heThose flowers for the table. The will f al l i n s uc h combinations as to should in each case have a que en in

maj es ty o f great tr ee s to m ak e Ug form between 8 and 8% honor tricks. Iaddit ion or a longer trump suit.

feci that we are not so wonderfui af - These are the defensive honor tricks:: The next article will deal with rais-

lc r all. The bril liant color of autumn I A-K-2 H. T. I ing partner 's su i t bid of one.foliage and frui t . The bi rds that our A-Q-l% H. T.

trccs and shrubs bring to our gar6cns.! A-J-10-l% H. T.

~ l of t hcse and more are a part of, K-Q-10-l% H. T.the garden' . A -l H. T. ESTATE OF ELLA M. NEYLON, late ofWould we b e deprived of the pleas- K-Q-l H . T . Narberth, Montgomery County, de.

ceased-Lettel's Testamental'Y on theure of setting l i ti le brown bulbs in to K-J-x-l H. T. above Estate, having been granted to thet heground and dreaming of their col-I K-x, Q-x- l H. T. undersigned, all I,ersons Indebted to saido r i n e ar ly spring Who would give K-x-% H. T. Estate are requested to malte payment,up the thrill of planting seeds and I Q-J-x-% H. T. and those ha\'ing- elaims to present the

same without delay towatching them mature in to flowering I Q-X, J -x-% H. '1'. ELIZABETH V. :-;EYLONplants? , i Nevercan more than two defensive 536 Dudley Avenue

What a l cs son in faith to plant a Itricks be counted in a suit. Xarberth, Pa.L. b . k d d k Th d I t h b'dd' t Or to her attorney:"arc rown StlC an root an now-l e ea er 0 open te l mg mus , D E S ~ 1 0 X D J '::\1 TIGHE EsquIreing t ha t i t will in time break forth I havc 2% defensive honor tricks. A I . " 319 s w ~ ( ~ e Stre:;

i nt o a glorious bus h o f ros es . It is I good playcr never disregards this l'e- ' Xorrlstown. Pa.not that we want mor e a nd b et te r Iquirement, so. t ha t i f t he opponents (010-14)

flowers than o ur n ei gh bo r. T he love II obtain the final cont rac t and hi s part-I'===============o f g re en g rowi ng t hi ng s i s i ns ti nc t I ner makes a penalty double, he ca n ESTATE NOTICE. ' . ESTATE OF CORA V. KEMPTON latem us all; It takes many forms , trecs I depend on the dealer for 2 1h sure of L w MIT hi M t'. I'.. . 0 er er on owns P. on gom-o r t urmp s, .cannas or cabbages, trIcks . ThIS IS t he f i rs t message con ery County, deceased-Letters of Admln-

n t o s s ~ s or muskmelons, hardy plants Iveyed to partner by a bid of one suit 1st ratIon of the above estate havIng beenand tender plants -but t he y must be Iby dealer. So that if dealer holds granted to the undersigned, all personsplants. They are a part of our lives I Spades-A-K-9-6-3-2 Indebted to said esta te a re requested to.. I make Immediate ]layment, and those hav--- a part o f b ea ut If ul h ve s. T o try Hearts-8-6 Ing- legal claims to p re se nt the s ameto l ive without flowers and plants: Diam onds- J-9-3 without delay toabout us, c lo se to u s, wou ld be merc- ; Clubs-10-9 HORTEXSE K. JUSTICEIy exi s ting . Whether or not we plant Ihe passes. But if he holds Wynnewood, PennsY!\'anla

, 01' her attorneYthem a nd t en d them t he y mus t be i Spades-A-Q-9-6 ,,;. R U S ~ I ~ L L GREE:-I. ESQ.t he re . T ho se who plant not and I Hearts-8-6-3 46 8. Airy Streetn ei th cr do thcy tend are missing- I Diamonds-A-9-6-3 Xorrlstown, Pennsylvaniamuch. I Clubs-10-9 (010-7-32)

The m y s ~ r y of the tiny seed, thl ' ,he Nds one ~ p a d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,secrets of the soil, the pa r t that rain I The second message conveyed by a

plays, a nd t he effect of the sun 011 ibid of one in a ~ u i t , is that t he player

plan ts. Sciencc has taught us mudll'holds a biddable suit, whi ch i s a suit

but we have so much mor e t o l ea rn . o f at least 4 cards, headed by 1% H.

I We know that plants eat , drink, sleep, IT ., o r, if of 5 cards headed by % H'I

Iperspire, inhale, exhale, increase IT.,o r, any 6-card suit is biddable pro

thcir k ind, s to re food for reserve.! viding that there is a t ot al o f 21h IPlants h ave f ri ends and enemies Ihonor tricks in the hand, of course. Iamong insects, birds and animals-I The third message conveyed is that

a nd amo ng themselves. And the n It he deale r holds 4 playing tricks (4 iIt he re i s man who understands plantsiexpected tricks if he plays the hand I

Ilittle and appreciates them less-prob-: at his b id). He bids one with only

ably their worst enemy. ' four tricks because he counts on his'


Let us know the plant s, their needs, partner t o h ave his equal d ivis ion of II

their friends, their enemies a nd t heI

the remaining 9 tricks, or 3 tricks, ii part that we c an p la y to hel p t hem g iv ing t hem a total of 7 tricks be-I

to add t o t he sweetness of our lives. tween them. Playing tricks consist of '!honor t ri ck s counted at their full

Announces New Bridge Series I'value ( i. e., A -K -Q , 3 t r icks, e t c.) ,

Mrs. Georgene Sicke ls Van Cour t, and low c ar d t ri ck s i n t he trump suit

of 708 Beechwood drive, Beechwood l\l1d in side suits o f f ou r o r mor e. AlII

Park, announces two new ser ie s o f ' ~ a r d s in excess of three in the t rump II!:==============JIduplicate contract bridge on Tuesday ,;uit are valued at one playing trick

evenings and Friday afternoons. The each, a nd a ll c ar ds i n excess of three Imeetings, which will be held i n Mrs .Iin side suits are valued at one-half IVan Court's studio, will be preceded trick each, so that bidding one spade

Iby 5-minute talks on t he l a te s t d e- Io n t he fol lowing hand, he would IIvelopments in t he bridge world. eount 6 playing tricks. I

IThe w in ne rs i n t hi s w ee k' s dupli- Spades-K-9-6-5-3

cate contract games at Mrs . V an I Hearts-A-K-Q

I Court 's home on Wednesday evening, I Diamonds-K-4-2

were: North and South pair: Miss Clubs-5-4

Louise Johnson, of Merion, and Mr. I He would have two more tricks than:

George Johnston, of Philadelphia; h is bi d o f o ne sh ow s. Therefore heIEast a nd Wes t pair: Mr. a nd Mrs. would have a r e- bid of t wo, so that,

IWalter Campbell, of Merwood Parlt. if his partner r ai se d h im to two I I

In the Friday a ft er noon games S pa de s, h e wou ld bi d four Spades.

those reaching h ig h s co re s were: I The fourth message conveyed is INort.h and Sou th pair: Mrs. Wm. when t he dealc r has the opportunity ILemmon, of Ardmore, and Mrs. Rob- 10 bid two suits. When holding two

ert Gick: of L.ansdowne; E a ~ t and I S t ~ i t s of e q ~ a l lc ng th, h c bid s t he IWest paIr: MISS Dorothy KImmey, I higher mnkmg first, but when he iof Cynwyd, and Mrs. V. Vurden, of holds a 5- l ln d a 4 -c ard s ui t o r a 6-1

Overbrook. and a 4 -c ard suit, he bids the longer I

first, even though it be a minor suit.'

Mr. and Mrs . Rober t B. Rei nh ar t, T he re fo re , w it h t he following hand II (If Heath road , and family, returned Spades-A-K-J-10 I

last Sunday f rom Cape May, whct·.. Hearts-6-5-3

I.hey, , h ~ " e spent the past th ree weelcR Diamonds-K-9-6-5-3

,,,I; their s umme r c ot ta ge . M r. anel Clubs-K I

IMrs. Rein?art will spend next weelc, he p ids first o ~ diamond a nd o n t he I

'- end at their cottage. second round b!ds the spade suit . I

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can, 15c


Cynwyd 662

By The Day

Ask for FreeEstimate

Borden's EvaporatedMllk 3 t al l c an s, 17c

Horse Shoe Red Salmon,

2· lb. Jar Harting's Straw-berry Preserves ..

Swans Down Cake Flour,

R E N T :

The Link Between Forest and Horne

Opcn 8 A. M. daily for your convenience,

and also Friday evcnings from 7 Jo 9

All Our Suburban Storesor see your Plumber or Heating Contractor

As low as $264 installed

is completelyautomatic;Whynot let us make asurvevand give you an estimate on the cost o( heating

your home wi th gas? You will incur no obligation.

Your neighbors whohea t w it h gas, about this timeo f t he year, stroll downstairs and touch a matchto a t iny pi lot in their furnaces. That is their soleI:Ontributlon to the task Qf heat ing t he house.

To keep your possessions whcre they will be safe from

this crafty worker-to place them where his hand hesi

tates to go-where his brain is no t keen enough to

direct. Ou r Safe Deposit Vaults will hold all the

valuables you wish to store, a nd a re a safe, re l iable,

inexpensive insurance against burglary.


Remember! The t ime you are away from home is

the Burglar's working time--and your silverware

is the bright object of his temptat ion. Better leave

it safe in one of our vaults t han to find it gone to

parts unknown-never to come back.

Let the furnace fire itself!



Bas:>, Monthl:>, Terms


When Winter Comes

Note These Prices-Taste the Quality


Shull Lumber Company

It's The Burglar's Job

To discover th e secret hiding places i n your home that

yo u thought such safc l o c ~ t i O l 1 for your cho i ce possessions. O nc e h e gains en tr ance , t h e da rke st recess

is not safe enough c ov er f ro m h is penetrating eye.

I t' s Our Job


Narberth National BankMember Federal Reser'Ve S,'stem

JosephJ. Whiteside237 HAVERFORD AVENUE-We Deli:'er

Phones: Narberth 3669 and 2446

Haye You a Safe Deposit Vault?

-tl'en staTt gelling real ' l'alue for

your food dol lar, at Whiteside's.

He re are just a few of the p r ; c e ~to next Wednesday night:

29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd

Fresh.kllied BroilingChickens Ib., 29c

Legs Spring Lamb , 27c

ShOUlders of Lamb 17c

The CLARKE SANDING MACHINE for refinishing your floors.t o ope ra te , l ight wei gh t. P lug i n at any light socket .

Other Accessories: Varnish Removcrs and Cleaners

Othcr Neccssities: Fillers, Varnish, Shellac, Wax

Haseltine R. Le\'er, Rhe,'lrr.


WBn"ESDAY, O C T O B l ~ R 26, 19:12

Down Money $200.00Sheriff's Office, Norristown. Penna.September 27, 1932.

By "lJ·tue of a wl"it of Fier i Fae la liIssued out of the Cour tof Common Pleas I

of J l ( o n t ~ o m e I ' Y Count y. Penna ., t o me.llJ·ected, will be sold 11t Public Salc all

Down Jl(oney $200.00Sherlff's Offiee, Korrlstown, Penllll.

September 27,1 9 3 ~ .


Seized and taken In execution as the() property of Daniel .1. McGarl'y and Mary() G. McGarry. his wife, and t o h e sohl hy()




BEGINNING S. E. s ide Sabine Ave .,123.14', N. 0 0° 34 ' E. from Intersectlol l Ii:l. E . s id e Sab ine Ave. with N. E . s id eIConway Ave" thence N. 00° 34' E., 30 ft.,t hence S. 29° 26' E., 86 f t. , t hence i:l.,69" 34' Woo 30 ft., N . 20° 20' W., 86 Ct',10 beginning.

The Improvements thereon are a: I:1 Story Plastered House, 20 f ee t f ront I

I" hy 48 feet deep. 4 Rooms & 1 Bath on•. l'lrst Floor, 4 Rooms and 1 Bath on Sec II o ll d F loor . 4 Rooms a nd 1 Bath on 'l'hl...1Ii 1,1001, cellar . gas . e lectr ic l ights, spring-I,1 Ilehl water , hot water heat, porch frol1t.








A •.









Seized and taken In execution as theproperty of Danie l J . McGar ry and MaryWEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1932 jO. McGarry, his wife, and to be s old by

at 1:00 o'clock P. M., In Court Room "C'" Haseltine S. Lever, Sheriff.at the Court House, In the Boroul:'h IlrNorrlslown. said County, the followln!\,IDown Money $200.00llescrlbed Real Estate: Sheriff's Office, Norristown, Penna.

September 27. 1932.ALL THAT CERTAIN lot In Narherth.1 '

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. I(0-10-14)

'l'hus ou r s eason s t epped behind the

. : ur t ai n o f time, to emerge again Jill

d uu bt a s powerful as ever , and wit.h

a r eco rd whi ch g ive s t hose represent-

I iug us ~ o m e t h i n g t o s ho ot at ill 11 ...

i wuy o f p r es t ige .TOO MANY BEANS!

' " ' ' ' ~ . ' .

C an s o f p or k a nd beans , and N A R l l ~ U ' l ' l 1boxes of dry cereal ar e fa r in R. H.

l ea d among th e various types I ' "we ll , I f 2 2

of food contributed to the bar- ["rancis, rf 2 1

rels of the Main Line EmeI'- MacGregor, HS ., 0 2

g en cy C ommi tt ee . T he w om - Gilfillan, 3b 0 0

e n' s g ro up , i n l oo ki ng o ve r the IL'I ht flO" illig" er, c . . . .growing food supply, discovered IWall,cr, Ib .. 1 0this week that it is lopsides. Brt'l1l1an, 2b "I 1.

"We don' t want d ry cereals", i King,ellthey say, " for t h e families to be IBahb, p 2 3

helped de, no t have milk an d 1Can'oll, Ib . , . , ._0 0c re am . An d w e h av e too big a

proport ion of baked beans" . : Tt l 10 10 27The need is fo r canned fruits, i o a s ,. , .. ".

I ERDENHEIMsoups and vegetables; potatoes , . I"

jelJies, flour, cocoa, rice, coffee. I R. H. O. A. ,.Wit h t he d ro pp in g off o f f re sh I Kane, If . 1 0 0 II II

vegetables, the need i s b ec om - IVa..ndergrlft, ss .. 0 2 1. 2 II

ing even more acute. lO t .., 2b 0 0 2 :1 II: l3aumer, rf 1. II 2 () 0' f - - - h - - - h - - - f - - l - t - - t h - - ~ ILewis, cf 1. 2 :J () :l

or t e purc ase 0 coa, e c., e pay- S 0 0 7 0 0ment of rent, a nd o the r purposes fo r I ' K ~ g t e r 3 ~ '" 1. 0 2 2 ()

which only money w il l s e rve. " I piS tt 1.b ' · · · · · · 0 () 7 () ]

The Ba rr el Campa ign was started', J):a , th····'· 0 0 0 a 0 at 1:00 P. M. o'clock In Cour t Room "C'd ur in g t he s umme r by a separate ICsenro ,p ., . at t he Cour t House , In the B o r o u ~ h of

]l;"orrlsto\\'n, said County. the followingcommittee, sponsored b y th e various Totals . . . . . . .. 4 4 24 1.0 4 descI'lhed a c c o r d l n ~ to a p lan and survey

service clubs of th e Main ~ i n e . Green E r d e n h ~ i m . 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 .- 4jlhereOf made as follows:-barrels h av e b ee n p la ce d III most of 0 0 0 4 10th t f th M ' L' f th Narberth .. . 0 5 1. 0 x - O:-<E THEREOF on the Northwesterly

e .s ores 0 .am .me or e I Two-base hit-King. Three-base sid: of a n ~ road laid out hy F . M ill-r e ce i pt o f cont r ibu tIOns .m the form hit-Lewis. Home run-Lewis, Stol- wood, Just ice . from l ~ s R e x Ave nue toof staple foods an d clothmg. Th e re- b SI ht D bI I I \ f o n t ~ o m e r y Avenue and known as Stcp-

. : cn ases - au g er. ou e p a y s - l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ~ 'uIts t o d at e have greatly aIded the J( ' Ott t P tt B ball ney Place, COMMENCING at a poi nt 45 cC " . 1st to 0 ra . ases ' on s reet :-<ortheastwardly from the North-

Emergency ommIt t ee In conservmg Off Babb l' off Diesenroth 5 wes te rly corne r of Esscx Avenue :Lnll theits cash resources. --:-' , .' .~ t r u c k out -By B abb, 1 0; b y D l e s ~ l l - s ai d S te pney P la ce , a c or ne r o f J; round

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , roth, 6. Hi t by pitcher-Slaughter. of Clarence S. Tay; thence extendlnJ; hysaid Tay's ~ " o u n d North 45 degs. 37 mlns

D· . Offi' I' d S . H' h I Wild pitches - Diesenro th . Pa ss ed West 107.83 f ee t; t hence North 12 deg-slstrlct cia s an enlor Ig ba l l-Sager . Ump ir es -Bu r ton and ~ mlns. East 62 f ee t t o a poi nt ; t he nc e

U Admin' . B ildin \'r t It h y t he rear l ine of lot s ma rked 1. 2, andto se Istratlon U g "e s e rve . ., ' \nd homestead on s ai d p la n Sou th 62= , . . . , , ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = degs. 27 mlns. East 188.39 f ee t t o theN or thwe st er ly aide o f S te pn ey P la ceaforesaid; then".. a l o n ~ the latter South I

74 dellS, 46 mlns. Wes t 9.86 feet ; thencest il l a long said Rlrlc of Stepney Place hya cu rv e t o t he left. (wi th a r ad iu s of 273f ee t) a di st ance of 105.14 f ee t t o the f ir stmentioned point alld plac'c or heJ;lnning.

The new Admin is t ra t ion Bu il d ing I completeness o f de ta i l an d the uP-to-1 SHERIFF'S SALE

of the Lower Merion School District t h e-m inu te i dea s i nco rpo r at ed by the . f I f T"I I F I.. B ~ \'Irtue 0 a wr t 0 ., er 'ac as

. I t fi . hed and befo re t he mid- School Board and t ho se m or e mtJ- issued out o f t he Cou rt of Common PleasIS amos ms , I' d' I' d

mate y associate In the p amn g a n u f Mon tgomer y Count y. Penna ., t o medie of Octouer should be completed, construct ion of this new uni t for boys dir ec ted, wil l be sold at PubUc Sal e on

even to t he b r igh tl y polished n1lmbers I ~ n g i rl s o f Lower Mer i on Township.

above the classroom doors, an d the! WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1932 AND THE O'rHF.:R THBREOF Begin-ning at a stake at the Intersection of the!

dignified, blue-blooded evergreens! Babb Hero of Th ird lLt 1:00 o'clock P. M., In Court Room "c " rear l in e o f Lot No. 13. property now 01 Iwhich wi\) rise above the hedges of the I at the Court House. In the Bor ough o f l at e o f L inda J. Warner and Lot No. 1_'1


Win From Erdenheim Norristown, said County. the fol lowing property now or la te of Brcnton G. Walstone-walJed, sunken gardens at the described Real Estate: lace and Frederic G. ' ' 'arner as laid out I

. t <Colltillued from Pa!l:e Onel Ion the said plall (said stake being at thelUam en ranee. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot In the Dor- dis tance of 188.39 feet North 6 degs. 27 iT hi s ne west o f s ub ur ba n schOolll.he ci ty morgue. uugh o f Karberth, on Essex ave. 199.87' mlns. West from a s ta ke s et In the I'

.buildings embodies all th e latest ideas! G' B bb b' r bl d I ,I N. W. of Intersection of Essex and Price N o r t h w e s t e r l ~ ' side of S tep ney Place. . I eorge a , Ig 011 e IOIlIC IlL\·es., Cont. 43.2' on Ess ex a ve . and ex- I hit tl d t k i t tl dlin constructIOn and equipment f o r t he d ..ht hander, threw t h em ac ru s s tIll: I terldl'llg 111 depth, 1 0 7 . 1 ~ ' . Known w llc as· men one sa e sale s-

o - as 407 tance of 9.86 feet North 74 degs. 46 mlnR.jfurthering o f s ec on da ry e du ca ti on , platter an d seemed to enjoy working I ~ s s e x ave. l<:ast a long the said Une of Stepney Place I·and the instructors who wi\) rule su- in the cool atmosphere, f or h e ha d a fr om a poi nt s ai d poi nt bei ng 105.14 feet I

. h"t II h y The Improvements thereon a re a : Nit dJ I Id Id f St Ipreme Wit III I S wa s a ve e ve r - line day ou t on the hill. Only foul' ort l eas w ar y a o ng sa s eo , e 1-.12% Story Frame and Plastered Building, PI th f' 1 I I

thing they could des i re f o r t he fulfill- l'l't' could the VI'sl'tors get 0'" III" "ey ace on e arc 0 a CII'C e lav n au u u III feet front by 52 f ee t deep. 3 Rooms 011 radiUS of 273 f ee t from a s tal te In the

ment of their obligations and plans. , .; ha rp hook and' speed, two each for [ i' lr st Floor , 3 Rooms and Bath on Sec - "'Lid s id e o f S tep ne y P la ce s ai d s ta lt eThe adminis t rat ion offices of t h e en - !Uu tchy Vande rg r if t a nd Andy Lew- and Floor, attic. c el la r, g as , e le ct ri c bei ng at t he di st ance of 45 feet No,·th 521

I lI"hts, Springfield water, hot water heat, d 42 IT." t 1 tl Id 'd Itire district wi ll v cc up y t he front is, while 10 f el l on s t ri kes . 01&\Y one " egs. III ns. L',as a o n Ie sa Sl e

porch f ront. of Stepney Place from Its Intersectloll Iwin g o f th e m ain f loor. Off ic es for reached first as a gift, a tribute to with the Nor thea st er ly s id e o f Ess ex Ithe Superintendent of Schools , S. Ed - <I pitcher who usuaUy i s 011 th e lo s- Seized and taken In execution as the Avenue) A:-<D extending South 62 degs.

.ga r Downs, and his new assistant, ing end in a n a rg um en t with hill 11I'operty of James ",T. Barnett and DOI'- 27 mlns. ] < ~ a s t 3·\ feet to a stake place.l iOtll" Barnett , his wife. and t o be s ol d by t I I t tl f tl II f L t IFrank A. DuBoi s; t he office of' Miss control . ' a t le n ersec on 0 le rear ne a 0 IXo. 1 a nd Lot No. 2 as laid out on the

McCabe, the Secretary of th e School Opposing th e Narberth funny-ll1uII Haseltine S. Lever , She ri ff . s ai d p la n; t he nc e NOJ·th 21 d e ~ s . 32 millSBoard; clerical offices; and a Board was Guy D ie sen rot h , Bartram-Arti- I ~ a s t 1.5 f ee t t o II Rtake: thence NOJ·th

room will t ak e u p m os t of this space. IHans' p it ch er , w ho w as u nd er C on ni e Sl)huwnlff,MOonfficy $ 2 ~ . 0 . 0 0 1 t 65 degs. 0 m ln s. Wcs t 33.9 feet to t hek . f . er s ce, .,01'1' s own, P enna. IIrst mentioned point and place of he-

A fireproof vault for th e -eepmg 0 I Mack's tu tor ing for a couple of years. Septembel' 27, 1932. ~ I n n l n g .permanent school records has beell May we suggest that the b ra nd o fI U]I;"DER A XD SUBJ EC 'l ' to c er ta in'completed on t he m ai n floor near t he p it ch in g a s e xh ib it ed hy young Mr. (0-10-14) hulldlng restrictions. Iadministrative offices, and rooms for l>iescnroth was anyt hi ng bu t what I

IThe Improvements the"eon are n: I

the l;upplies fo r the e l ement a ry one would expect from a prospective :! Story Frame House, 38 feet front by 211111!:'schools are ready for use. major leaguer. SHERIFF'S SALE reet deep, with a 1 S tory Frame adlll-

One o f the outs tanding features of The Davismen go t his numbel' fo r 1.I0n, 10 feet by 12 fect, 3 Rooms on I?i1'stthis new bui lding is the fine gymnas- live runs 'in the second, nu l' til II By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias 1?loor, 3 Rooms a nd Bath on Second

Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas 1"luor, cellar , gas , e lectric l ights, Sprlng'.ium with i ts thir ty-f ive-foot ce il ing , I t race o f w al ks , a passed balI, two "r M o n t g o m e l ' ~ ' Count y. Penna .. t o me lIeld wat er . hot wate r hea t, s ide porch,its beaut iful hardwood block f loors , hits, ulld a b ru ce o f errorH. After directed, will be sold at Publ ic Sa le on :! StOlT Plastered Garage, 26 fcct hy 2/i,

an d its seating capacity for fifteen that he was in trouble aplenty anti reet. 'h . d ) If ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1932

hundred people. Thi s h ug e g at e r- worrle t l U Imat e wmne r nOlle at Seized and take,; In execution " ' , t he

in g place wiJI b e a center of i nt e re st a n , unless thp.y feanu being stJ'llI'lt '"-t 1:00 o'clock P. :\f., In Court Room "c" 11I'operty of Thomas e. Hch"e!< a,IO "'1. fo r bo th young and old, as it w il l b e with his w;!rl ClltlC!::W;. at the Court House, In t :l e Dorough of I '; thel Schock, and tu bc so ld b ~ Ithe scene of al lhome basketbal lgames I Guy g av e t ic ke ts to both Barney Nor ri st own, s aid County. the following-as welI as a l l socia l gatherings o f t he . , Iu ug ht er a nd Dud Wall,er, after described Real Estate: Haseltine S. Le\'cr, Rhcrlff.

school yea r . Th is gymnasi um i s equip-! which Johnny Brennan l ai d down a ALL THAT CERTAIN lot In Narberth,ped with comfortable seats , an d an I perfect bunt along the third base line I Montgomery County, Penna.

e le ct ri c s co re bo ar d, w hi ch w as p re -I which went for a h i t, l oading thebags ,, . ., BEG IN NIN G W . s id e o f Essex Ave.,

sented by l as tyear s graduating class. lind Slaughter scored on Harry KlI1g 11 t50 ft. S. from S. s ide 'Vlndsor Ave . (0-10-14)I t is ad ja cen t t o l ocke r and shOWerj'tly-out to right soon after. 'l'he in- CONTAINING 50 ft. on Essex Ave. all ll

rooms , wh ich ar e supe r io r t o any in varlers m ig h t h av e killed th e l 'n ll y a depth at right angles, 125 f t. K nownthe suburban dis tr ic t. there, for B ab b l if te d a no th er o ne l iS 112 Essex Ave.

. I h

bitb Pt' 'I SHERIFF'S SALEhe swimmmg poo area· as een to t Ie same spo, ut rat · m J ~ 1 : l l ' 1 The ImpI".wemellts thereon are a:

walled for that p ur po se a nd w he n t he l .ewi s' r el ay to f i rs t i n an a tt el ll il ted I a Stn ~ . Htolle nnd F"ame House, :12 feel I By v ir tu e o f a writ of F ie ri l " I l " h I l ~people o f t he Tow ns hi p decide they tlouble play, setting th e stage fu r IrlOnt. h ~ · l feet deep, with a 1 Rtor'y '''''lied Ollt of the Court of Common P)ea ..ar e ready for one, it wiII be a simple t he p ri ze w ei rd p la y o f t he day. 1?"alllO' addition, 12 feet by 12 fce t. 6 of M on tg om ery Co unty , P en na ., to m e

. h d . I \lloOIl,J and Bath on Ftr's t Floor , 6 Roollls directed wl1l be sold at Publ ic Sal c on:matter to add thiS feature to t e Howdy Powel l pasle a ::I l l ig" I" 'llId Bath on Sec ond F loor . 6 Room>! allll •

building. clmler, which s li pped th rough Lew iN Bat h on Third Floor , c el la r, ga s. e le l' t, ·I .. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1932There will be ample classroom s pa ce f or u rank error and two 1I101·., 1'\111I' l ights, Springfield wat er , s te am heat.'

i n t he building to take' c ar e o f b ot h scored bringing up Mite Harry 1""1111 )larch frollt. 1 SIOl'y Frame Garag", ;14 at J :00 o'clock P. M., In Court' Room "c ". ' . rcet by 16 reet. at t he Court House , In the Borough of

senior and junior high school demands ds . On the fourth ball Chick SUJ,Cel Norristown, said County, the followinguntil t he t im e comes for a new jun- muffed the p it ch , f ai le d t o filld it. Seized a lld t al ten In "xecutlon as the t les"r lbed Real Eslate:ior high school to be bu il t, when the lind li'rancis, l ik e t he Broadway Lim- 11I·ol.erty of Helen Ba ird Caldwel l, Mort - I ALL THAT CERTAIN lot in Na rbe rth ,entire structure will be t aken over for il.ed, roared a ro un d t he bllses UJIII gagor and Heal Owner. and to be so ld loy Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

s en io r h ig h w or k. The departments taIlied ru n number five a s t he l:I111ull Haseltine S. Lever, Shel'l IT. I BEGINNING S. E . s id e S ab in e Ave .•of Science, Art, Vocal and Inst rumen- l!1"owd cheered an d also mocl ted thl !I !13.14, N. 69° 34' l ~ . from Intersectionta l Music and Mechanical Drawing o f t er ri bl e p la y o f a team which h ue! D ow n Money $ ~ f 1 0 . ( J ( ) S. Eo s ide Sabine Ave. I lnd N. E. side

h S . H' h S h I '11 bdl' h d t ISheriff's Office, NOl'I'lstown. PCIIIII.. Conway Ave., thence N. 69° 34' E., 30 ft .t e emor Ig C 00 WI e move c me e a pennan . Septembel' 27, 1 ~ 3 : ! .t o t he new building this fal l. It will Lew is gave Erdenheim i t s f i rs t run thenee S. 20° 26' E., 86 f t. . S. 69° 34' W..


30 ft., N. 20° 26' W" 86 f t. to beginning.be unnecessary f or t he J un io r High ill the f ou r th wi th a long tr iple , af . (0-10-11)

School t o u se any o f t he r ooms t hi s te r Baumer had bingled, and ufter The Improvements thereon are a:year fo r any purpose except the in- Narberth tabbed one on its account. 3 Story Plastered House, 20 f ee t f ront by

48 f ee t deep, 4 Rooms anl l Bath on Firststrumental music. in the same frame, added two more SHERIFF'S SALE Floor,4 Rooms and Bath on Second Floor,An interes t ing fea ture of the music i n t he f if th . Lewi s was credited with '/ Rooms and Rath on Third Floor, cel lar ,

rooms, is the trick ceiling for the ab- t he f ina l one i n t he ninth, a home 11111 By Virtue of a writ o f F ie ri 1,all"1< I;"as, electric lights, Sllrlngfleld water, hotso rp t ion o f sound. The entire ceil- 10 left center. ISRned out o f t he Cou rt of Common Plen" wa te r heat, porch front.

of M o n t ~ o m e r y County, Penna.. to til"

i ng is made of speei al ly cons t ruc ted However , it wa s futile, fo r Nul'- 'Ilrected, wl1l be sold at Publ ic Sa le onmaterial, which i s honeycombed wit h b er th p r ev ious ly had rung th e bl!1I

literally thousands of tiny holes. The with four in its eighth and thus 011

shower rooms f or t he g ir ls a re a r- ished th e season with two hono r s,

ranged uniquely, with each student chan:lpion and mas te r o f another .

having a shower, dressing room and Babb attended to the greuteHt

locker combined as a unit. nmount of hitt ing fo r Narberth with

These ar e a f ew o f t he m an y f ea t- t hr ee , whi le Powe l l and MacGregor

ures of the bui lding, which show the each ha d two.

On the success o f t he Barrel Cam

may depend the ab il i ty o f the

Ma in L in e Eme rg en cy R el ie f t o go

r ough the coming winter with suf

ficient f un ds t o perform its essent ial

work. it w as r ev ea le d t hi s week by

E. W. Ehmann, chairman.Mr. Ehmann, i n showing the need

of this supp l ement a ry fo rm of public

contributions, point ed t o t he numbe r

of families who need r e li e f, an d to

t he compa ra t ive ly l im it ed amoun t o f

money a . ailable f or t he purpose.

"I t h ink i t is safe to say that there

ar e at least 600 f a l l 1 i 1 i ~ s now in needo f r e li e f, " he s ai d. "I f we set a mini

m um o f $20 pe r mon th per f ami l y t o

sustain life, we find that the require

ments a re a t least $12,000 pe r month.

"The various local relief agencies

with which we ar e working wiJI re

ceive f ro m t he T al bo t Fund about

per month, which means that

some $7000 per month must be secur

ed from other sources.

"The Main Line Emergency Re li ef

has on hand abou t $20,000, which will

provide $4000 per month f or t he n ex tfive m on th s, T he difference between

ou r minimum needs an d th e to tal

funds in sight, as you see, i s a bo ut$3000 per mon th . T hi s must be made

up by material gifts.

" Th e g re at er t he contributions in

the form of food an d clothing, the

greater t h e amoun t which t he Em er

gency Committee will have available

nuance of ~ c B a r r e l Campaign" Necessaryfor Success of Main Line Emergency Relief

7, 1932

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Page EightOUR·TOWN October 7, 1931

Scout Meet ing MondaySeason' s f i rs t meet ing o f Narb ert h

Boy Scout Troop, No.1, wil l be heldat the P ar is h Hal l o f the Narberth

M. E. Church, 7.30 P. M., nex t Mon


P. M.The speaker. of t he afternoon will

be Don Rose, Philadelphia newspaper.columnist, whose topic will be "The

(':<litorial Page."


Most of ou r customer8 have

been with us many years.They

ar e ou r friends. And as ou r

friends it is ou r constant desire

to give them satisfaction with

Newton Coal and Newton Ser

vice tha t cannot be equalled


Newton customers share ou r

pride in the fact that we have

never sacrificed quality for th e

sake of profit.


Saturday, October 8th2,.30 P. M.

A game that promises to be even moreof a thriller than last Saturdalls greatcontest.


. f _ VLLANOVA.. .. ~ .5) (WUdcats)




Genel'al Admission 55c Reserved Seats $1.10INCLUDING TAX

FREE TRANSPORTATIONReserved seat s are on sale at all Phlla. & Western Stations, In·eluding transportation di rect to s tadium lftld return-No ExtraCharge.


vlllanova College GymnasIum A. G. SpaldIng & Bro.. 113 S. 16thst . , Phila., Pa.; Gimbel Bros., 9th and Chestnut Sts.; E. C. LynchTicket Agency, 69th St. Terminal ; Davis Drug Store. Airy &DeKalb Sls., Norristown.

(Continued from Page One)

"The Fountain," by Charles Morgan. Ethel F. JonesAnother meeting of the same group B. S. In Mus . E d.

wil1 be h el d on Tuesday af ternoon. PIANO TEACHEROctober 25, at the home of Mrs. Hen- L.essons In stUdio or homery W. Dotzenroth, 8 Cleveland ave- GREENWOOD 8608

lI ue . Mrs . Walter J. Odiorne will re- 724 N. 64th St., Phlla.view Vicki Baums' "Secret Sentence." I~ ; ; ; ; : ; ; : : ; ; ~ ~ : : : ~ ~ : ~

M i ~ s Sophie Bliven was the speak-

er of the af ternoon and her topic was I'--T-H-E-N-A-T--IO-N-A-L-S-C-H-O-O-L--'

"The Family Pocket Book." Tea was of Elocution and Oratorys er ved. Hos te ss es , the Hospitality 58th ~ · e a r . Public Speaking, English,

Committee, Mrs. V. O. Krauskop, g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s . P l a ~ : a c i ~ d s ' r e c ~ ~ f ~ ' s e l ' : ichairman. School Theatre. Day, evening, pri

vate or class.The reciprocity luncheon will be Graduating courses

g iv en b y the Club at t he Bap ti st c a ~ ; : ~ g A ADEL.E S H O E M ~ ~ . E ~ 2 9Church on Tuesday, October 18, at 1 1821 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Chairmen Report at

Open in g C l u b Me e ti n g

good which comes of such contact andprograms as t he Jun io rs h ave to of

fer. Mr s. H ar ol d G ri es t, o f Merion avenue, Narberth, is membershipchairman of t h e Narb ert h Jun io rs ,

/ lnd would welcome any inqui ri es on

t he s ub je ct of membership.J. G. M.



Saturday, October 8

Saturday, October 15

and His Orchestra


Columbia Broadcasting

Company Presents

Dancing 8.30 to 12AdmissIon, 75c (tax Included)

(ConthlUAd from Page One)

TOMMY CHRISTIANilnd Hi s Columbia Broadcast

ing Orchestra

V<! mlie east of Pottstown

Located on Wm. Pc,,, , Highway

ROllte 422


n eve r has ,." ",and neve r

will"'" eu t

qual i ty



No more t r ips to the ce l la r %Now Newton offers completely automatic coalbeating. Just as automatic as auy oil or gas burn

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today an d ask th e Engineering Department

or drop us a line I

w ~ n . The coa.ching .must.have some- Mergerites Resume Activi ty; Card Party Opens

l1ung to do With thiS busmess. Have 700 Petition Signers Junior Club's Year... . ...Time Out.)

•29 Bala Avenue, Bala.Cynwyd

The Link Between Forest and Home


You r lING DOWpatronage of our I N TO.little A rt S ho p ha s en- I ARTcouraged US to move i t i nt o a mor e 1 _convenient room where there are NO steps to bother you. We have tried

to create a quiet , homey shop where you will feel comfortable to select

whatever medium your ta lent requi res. Several new i tems have been

added, such as Drawing Instruments, T·Squares, Angles:lnd Circ!es. All

the old favorites are here in Block, Rembrandt, Winsor and Newton and

Rich Art paints, as well as Papers, Pencils, Canvas and a NEW AND

IMPROVED STRETCHER FRAME. Do stop in and sec this attrac·

• t ive r oom , as well as our renovated House Paint Department, carrying

the Benj. Moore &: Co.'s line of Paints, Enamels and Vamis..'tes. We

are open Saturdays unt il 3 P . M.

Shull Lumber Company

moral victory over Yale l a st Satur - Touchdowns II I those days countedd ay , Yal e without Lassiter in the Ifive poi nt s i ns te ad o f six, hence thel ine-up is not Yale at her best. Bates ~ t r a n g e score of sixteen points whenis Adam' s Alma Mat er . And, inc i- ; the boys scored three touchdowns and

dently, Mrs . Adam's , too. II a point after.• • • I f football helps t o m ak e t he s am e

Hun te r L ot t h as matriculated at i I:ype of men today t h at i t did in thoseNorth Carolina University at Chap- ancient t imes , then long live the Au-

el Hill. I:lImnal King.• >10 • ·Note: Ram se y' s two boys are I

Tulane, Tennessee, Vanderbilt and' now at Lower Merion; Bill , the elder, 1Alnh:lm1 : Ir e t hf ' c re am of the South who plays on the varsity basketball IL h i ~ ~ ~ a ~ u n as in the } J a ~ t . Ceorgia team, and Dave. Iwill not do 11S well a in the past fewye81,'. Y. P. I . won f rom them last Fish Distribution Iweek, 7 t o 6. Anuiher w('t'k and you The Fish Commission distributedwill bl.: abl e t o p ick 1111' hc:,t of that 116,200 black bass and 233,626 trout I

foursome. ubove the legal s ix-inch s ize, to foul' I>10 >10 • hundred streams in Pennsylvania last

Tulane got a new coach and won month. Fish Commissioner Oliverlast week. Wiscons in , with Tulane 's M. Deibler announced Wednesday.Cormer coach, won, and P ri nc et on 's Dis tr ibut ion was made t o fifty-sevenrevamped team u nd er t he di rect ion count ies by trucks from the State'Rof Fritz Cris ler f rom Wisconsin also hatcheries.

Many people ar e crying that Har-I' ,Continued from Page One)By TOMMY MACKL.IN . lIlan doesn 't have much at Penn. One . .

Acknowledgements to Dr. Frank P. I th ing you may be sure o f: Harman T re as ur er , who wil l col lect and d ls - who attended the party carry out thei r

K. Barker for many fact s concerning Iwill t ake nothing in the way o f m a- I b ur se t he entire local tax bill for anticipation of joining, it is certain

athletics at Lower Mer ion in past terial and go a long way along the $750.00, whereas t he t ot al t ax collec- that the c lu b will b e augmented by

years. Ivictory trail wit h i t. tion and di sbursement bill is 1I0W a number of very worth-while mem-

... ... • ... ... ... $4,700.00. Narberth's seven council-II bers. Everyone }Jrcsent signified herA research into t he newspaper .Pennsylvania may be defeated, but

liles shows that Cheltenham has o nly you w ill s ee up and up football at men, it says, whose duties are alii intention o f a tt en din g th e supper

beaten Lower Merion once i n t he last Franklin Field th is year . duplicate effort , cost the Borough tax- planned for Thursday, Oct ober 0 , s oten years, and so fa r as we can find ... ... ... payers $5 300.00 per year. it would seem that introduction to

(llIt, that is the onl y t ime i n the his- L d I k d d . I t' th ' t f th II the club's activities and purposes hadans owne 00 e goo agamst IS e aggrega e 0 ese numer-. .lory of their relations dating back for Darby on Monday, winning 20 to o. Iproved It worthy of further acquamt-ous i tems, according t o t he Commit- ance.thirty-one years that the Blue Pan- Playing against the bigger schoolsthers have been abl e t o come out on t hey wil l not do so well. tee, that a c c o u ~ t s for the total $ 5 ~ ' - 1 The we ek of Oct ober 10 wil l bl!

Lup. Quite a r ecor d for victories. ... ... • 500.00 ne t s a v m ~ t he Mer ge r Will Ia busy one in the life of the Jun-• >10 > Place the sheckle on Vil lanova to- effec t, even assummg that the Cour ts iors for the Convention o f th e State

In 1!l26 Leon Whittock, t he b es t morrow. levy a special4%. mill extra ta x on F e d ~ r a t i o n of Women's Clubs is meet-qua rt er ba ck o f t he season i n Ph il a- >10 • • t ~ ~ o r o u g h area to carry and r e- i ng at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel,

dclphia Suburban ranks , wore Chel- The h ug e bouquet o f dah li as on tire Its debts. with a large part of the activities

tenham's colors and ran the ball for a Principal Gilberts' desk ar e b ea ut i- T he p er so nn el o f the enlargcd Mer- planned in the Juniors ' in teres t . Miss20 to 0 defeat for Lower Merion. The ful, but upon inquiry we learned that ger Committee is as follows: Alberta Davis is being sen t as a dele-following year the Maroon won 7 to he purchased them at a f lower shop. Arthur W. Burns , Louis A. Young, ~ a t e from the Club, and many other6, when Peter's touchdown and extra Ral ph L. Rankin, Herbert L. Woeh- o f t he membe rs expect to attend the

point topped McCorckle 's run with Dr . Ba rke r , Herb Baltz an d l ing, Cha s. C. Mason , A . E. Wohler t; functions presented by th e Program

an intercepted pass for a touchdown. James J. Duffy, Mrs . J. P. Miller, Committee.> > >I Dr . TownHe l p ed L. M. Win M. W. Texter, Lulu W. McCartney, It is in teres t ing and instructive

Those ar e the only four touchdowns - - - John A. Mowrer, Jr., Dr. Max Stru- Lo a tt end t he sessions and meet fel-(Cont inued f rem Page One;

scored by Cheltenham in the past ten mia, Mrs. E. C. Town, Harriet P ie r- l ow .J un io rs f rom a ll parts of the

years, while the local l ads have run played the Blue for thirty-one years s?n, Joseph Magar ity , M. D. Jen- State, and it is delightfully sociableup 180 points. and tomorrow's game marks the th ir- mngs, Harvey Harman, C. V. Hems- and more than fun to be guests at

• >10 '" ty-second. ley, H. V. Whitney, Jos. P. White, the luncheons teas and dinners which

Last y ear Harvey Buck an d Mike Th e l ine-up facing Cheltenham that John ~ Williams, Archie.G. Sparks, the four da;s' convention p lans i n-

Iocavelli scored touchdowns against Iafternoon is an in terest ing one from Fredenck A. Egmore, LOUise V. Cock- elude. Each yea r t hi s convention isthe Blue for a v ic to ry of 13 to O. a l oc al v iewpoi nt . The fact that eril!, H. C. Stu. rm, D. Warren held, and it is through contact withMike kicked a dropkick for the ex- the Maroon team won 16 t o 0 becau se Wright, L. 1\1. Keirn, F re d J . Hip- the officers and members of the Statetra poi nt . Tomor row Buck wil l b e o f two t ouchdownsby Horace Young 's kiss, Wm. Ballingall , Mrs. H. B. Weld, organization that one rea l izes the

abs en t f rom t he l ine-up due to scho- plunging abili ty and another by Dave C?as. J. B e c k ~ r , I sa a c E . Leech, Ed- definite part which Juniors p la y i n

lastic difficulties, but Albe rt Adam Ramsey, the speed merchant , p lus a wm T. Wolf, Clarence A. Speakman, the who le b ig s cheme o f things and

will h ave a c apab le substitute in h is goa l after touchdown by the same F. W. B. Humes, Patrick McSor- a { ~ c o r d i J l g l y makes a Junior me:nber- Iplace i n t he person of Ryan. Dave, is n ~ the most i ~ t e r e s t i n g feat- ley, Robert M. Wilson, Geo. W. C?ok, ship seemmore valuable and purpose-


>10 ure. The Impor tant thmg, we repeat, Percy F. Hord, Mrs. J. T. Darhng- Cui than before.In 1925 when L. M. was s topped was the line-up. ton, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, John I There arc many gi rl s in this com-

after 29 consecutive victories over a There's Doctor E. C. Town, of Nar- Alb re ch t, Mrs . J os . B. Lenz, Max M. munity who would both gain and con-Iperiod of more than t hr ee yea rs , berth, at left end. Dr. Frank P. K'


Hebrank, Frank X. Purcell, R. W'

Itribute muc h in assuming member

the Chel tenham game was the 29th Barker, Township Commissioner, at Phill ipps, H. J. S iege l, G. H. Heim, ship in their local b ra nc h o f this Iand the score was 27 to O. left ~ a c k l e . T h e r e ' ~ C la re nc e L aw , D. P . ~ e a r d s l e y , Edward C. Worrell, I widespread organization, and Nar-

• >10 01< noW 1Il ~ r e g o n , sharmg honors at left John Gilroy. berth invi t es them cordially into its I

Last week at Franklin Field it was guar d With Herbert Baltz, member of fold to s ee and experience the great

Lower Merion vs. L ow er Merion. the Lower Merion School Board and Ove rh e ad o f We lf a re '

John Pennypacker, loyal son of the owner of St. Mary ' s Laundry. Center Wk' E I ' .J I..• •••••••••••••_ or IS xp alDen 'Main Line, wore Pennsylvania's Red is being wel l t a l, en care of b ~ Hor- SUNNYBROOKand Blue jersey No. 33 in hi s first ace Shelmire, Insurance Broker fro· m' (Continued from P a ~ e Onel Icollege varsity g am e a nd lined up Philadelphia. E. H. Wimpf eimc r, .. .. , I BALL ROOMagainst Captain "Lard" Cunningham, famous Broadway actor, who starred del'S. Free hospital s e r v ~ c e , vlsltmg!

of the Lancaster F. and M. Roses, in "Iollg with Mrs . Minni e Maddern nurse work, e tc ., were given as eX-Ia hard-fought football game. While Fiske , i s at the right guard posit ion. amples of e x p e n s ~ s which do n o fa!1

Cunningham p la ye d a s te ady game Lawrence Fel lows , famous artist, I~ n ~ . e r t he head ot actua l cash <hstr.-\

at tackle, his opportunities for bril- whose magazine covers you a ll h ave JU IOn..liance were few, f or t he Penn team s een on many a national magazine, I The I ~ e a of m ~ n y . welfare worlwrs,ran most of the scoring plays through is the dr iv ing right tackle. H. H. I Mr. Fleisher said, IS that mor e andthe other side of the line. When Arnold, Maj!<>r in Av1at ion, U. S.I not l ~ s s sh?uld. be s.pent for overheadPenny teamed up aga ins t "Lard, " Army, a nd Wes t Point graduate, is and m v e s t ~ g ~ t l O n , III order that the"e noticed that the b ig b oy from the fleet-footed right e nd . L ou is Be- funds a d ~ u m s t e r e d may r ea ch thoseLancas te r wa s t aken out of t he p lay van, the Philadelphia business man, ~ v h o .n:ed It a.nd n o be wasted throughevery time. is barldng s igna ls . Hal fb acks are ~ n a b l h t y . to mves t lga te e ~ c h case. Il

• >10 • J. W. McCurdy, of Atlantic City, and IS. also Important, . he sa id , that ~ d This week it wil l be another Low- D. M. Ramsey, who d ied a f ew years v ls ?r y h el p be g iv en t ho se n ee dmger Merion day at Franklin Field. This ago. Horace L. You ng , Whitman a s s ~ s t a n c e so as t get t ~ e m bacl, on

time it will be Pennypacker for Penn, Candy representative in Cali fornia , i s the ll ·. f ee t. All thiS requires expense

and Turner fo r Swa rt hmor e. They at the fullback post. c l ~ ~ s l f i e d as overh.ead.will not line up against each other There they are. And the Blue When we conSider t h a ~ 30-35 per

though for T h b ' tch Pan th er s o f Che lt enham had r ea son cent. of the dol lar we give a mer-, urner as een SWI - , h . f h' " dl'

cd from the tackle post to end , and to fear them, f or w it h t he f am ou s e adnt IS 'do.r

Isthservle: I I ~ , hhall mg

the boys wil l not come into direct t ackles back, and guards back p la ys a n pro,;1 mg e arhc e, e concontact with each other in the p lays . o f t ho se day s, the hefty l ine , whic h clud ed, we can see that the 5 per

• >10 >10 averaged wel l over 180 pounds, work- cent: e ~ p e n s e .of t h ~ , Welfare Fed-

While Bates deserves credit for its cd havoc with their opponents. C}'ahon IS low mdeed.