Our Town May 3, 1917

VOLUME III. NUMBER 30 NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 1917 PRICE TWO CENTS Betty Dllx1'er's Gossip. ROLL OF HONOR THE FIRESIDE Th e follOWing me n of N ar berth have a ns w r ed t he c al l for th e defense of ou r country: CIVlJ, WAU n:TERANS DR. B. F. BOYER WALTER C. CREmL Y GEO. W. FRALEY GEO. GARDNER THOS. G. HALL ALBERT D. HUGHES W. S. McCLELLAN THOS. MONROE GED. W. RUSSELL Sl ' A ~ I S H . A " , I E I U C A X n:TF:nANS F. V. CUNNINGHAM EDW. P. DOLD JDS. T. MAGARITY FRED. C. PATTEN BENJ. T. WHITE JIEXWAN nOIWER SlmVICF: REZO BROOKS MARION CHENEY H A L. K N UT ZE N A. C. MILLER W. LAX LEY PEEBLES NATIONAl, GUARns E A RL D I CK I E, 3rd Regt. CLAR1'JNCE HUMPHREYS. 1s t Hegt. JAMES McQUISTON. 1s t Regt. J. C. BRINTON, 3 rd R eg t. N AV AL C OA ST DEFENSE m:S};nVE JAMES COOK WALTER COWIN, l!'RANKLIN FOSTER KENNETH HAMILTON HENRY C. HOWES LESTER JEFFERIES GEORGE ,McCAIG WALTER NASH P E R RY R E D IF E R ALAN ROSE l < ~ R A N K WINNE )IAlUXE AVIATION NORMAN KRIEBEL ;UA1UNJ; UESEUVES 1<'. C. IRWIN JOSEPH LIGHT Th e foregoing is correct, so far as known-any additions or c h an g es m ay be left with Post master Haws. FOR SAI. F. .. -D]o ch twin go ·cart , similar to shore rolllnll' chnlr. !o'or children. one to three ~ · e a r g . PrncUcnlly new. Cost $23: 8e11 tor $12. A. E. "·ohlert. 217 l'rlce aven ue . Narh erth . Pa. (30) ItOOl\ltol TO Rt;XT-Near "tutlo n; pleas ant, \\"ell tu rnlR h" ll . Bo ar d optlonal . Phone. NlLrberth 333·M. (30) - - - - - - - - - . , - - - - - _ . ~ - - - - - fire drill FOR S ,\ LE -- Qun l lt y g n. r nnge . F re e fr om grense. lLnd In good condit ion. Ussd 8hort while. 311 N a r b e ~ t h avenue. Narberth . (30) JUNI OR NOTES )lncFARI,An: I,Ef,TUR}: CAN· C E J , L } ~ D As k th e JU'n1ors aoout th e last week. On Friday afternoon th e Jlmior class wa s entertained by John Allison WANTED-Disappearing bed. couch or any G "''''b I J N' Iii •• , I modern type . In good con altl on. Pho ne, Uol'i b e. 1"., e e COO ... s nephew. Narberth 662 •• 1. or P. O. BOl<, 404. (30) Fo r the cOllvenience of members of 1 l he N ar be rt h Branch of th e Needle work G u il d . whi ch is n ow d oi ng R ed Cross work. Mrs. r'. H. Hewitt. 116 I ' ~ s s e x avenue ·(S. W. c or . ' Wi nd so r a nd E ss ex avenues l. ha s kindly offer ed he r home as a center. A meeting for work will be h el d there Wednes d ay . M ay 9, at 2.30 P. M. Members w ho w is ll to do work at I h om e. m ay procure garments from 'Mrs. Hewitt. cut o ut a nd r ea dy to b : made up. It is hoped that al l mem 'bers will take part hI this work. nIUNG YOUn WU'E CHURCHES CO-OPERATE BU.YN ilIA Wi t HOSPITAL ]<'E TE TO m: Rla,1) }lAY 9 ]<'ROM 12 M. TO 10 P. M. Prominent Women in C h ar g e o f Bi g Affair With Civic Organizations Aiding BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL FETE MAY NINTH On Saturday evening Mr. an d Mrs. W i l l ia m L i v i ng s t o n e nt er ta in ed t he following at bridge: Mr. an d Mrs. G. H. Schulte Dr . an d Mrs. W. M. Cameron Mr. an d Mrs. Horace Obdyke, Mr s. C. P. Fowler and Mrs. Cox. To see "The Revolt" at the Arcade next M o n da y e v e ni n g , if you want he r to ge t a g en t le h i nt on th e proper treatment of husbands. J[lJSlCALJ: W AS A S UC CE SS ,\ WOIW 01 ' APPRECIATION SUn'UAGE )IEETING Mns. Helen B. Nag-lee D r. W. C. Meeham Mr. an d Mrs. William Myers Mrs. C ha rl es E . K el ly Miss Berth!a lanies. E. S. Haws, Posbp.aster. UNCLAUMED LETTERS AT NARBERTH POST OFFICE T he u nd er si gn ed h ea rt il y e"!tt.end t h e ir s i n ce r es t thanks to all Narberth. friends an d n ei gh bo rs f or their eX lr,emely k in d a ss is ta nc e. heartfelt sympathy an d flora.l offerings dur,ing t he i ll n es s an d d.ecease of their be loved daughter Charlotte. :!Ir. an d Mrs. N. A . V og e l, 246 lona Avenue. BASE BALL-Saturday, 3.t5 P . M.-Narberth vs. Paoli at Shand Park ANN UAL MEETI NG AN D A RARE TRE.o\T There wJ1l be drIl l in g at El m 'NEEDLEWORK GUILD ELECTION NARBERTH Hon. M. C l yd e K e ll y , th e brilliant HllIl hereafter every :nonda)' M E E T I N ~ FOR RED, yOung C o ng r es s ma n f r om P i tt s bu r gh , an d Thursda,' nights at eight U CIVIC ASSOCIATION will b,e t h e s p e ak e r a t th e union J1leet- o'clock. All those 'who h av e b ad I ~ R O S S WORK ing of the churches of Narberth to be IUIY militnry experience nr c i " e sp cc ln lI y I nv it ed to c om e ou t held in th e Presbyterian Church on Ilnd tnke purt, und usslst In th e n ~ x t Sunday e v e ni n g . May 6. This is work. th e o c c as I on o f t he a nn ua l u ni on s er - H. T. W HI T} :. vice held by tlliC churches of th e lawn _ und,er the a us pi ce s of the Per.r,syl van,ia A n ti - Sa l oo n L e ag ue , an d Mr. K el ly c om es as t he ir -representative. H.e spoke in th e Y. M. C. A. two years ag o an d to t he p er so ns wh o heard him then or have heard him elsewhere. no w or d of c om me nd at io n is neces sary. As a newspaper m an a nd a member of C on gr es s lve ha s devoted spacial attention to t he l iq uo r problem an d j,s a m em be r o f two of the most im- portant committees in Congress that An event of much intere::lt to peo-' Inf I' Shirt' t D have to d,eal with this p r o b le m ; n a m e- pie on th e Main Line is the Bryn. orma wals anee Iy. t he " Ru le s Committoo" an d th e Mawr Hospital fair, to be held in the: Wednesday Even.ong May 18 "Committe on Alcoholic Liquors." Be- B ry n M aw r Park on May 9 by the' " cause of th e nation-wide interest Social ServiCe Committee of t he B ry n aroused in prohibitlton in its re:ation Mawr Hospital. aided by th e Civic' Proceeds for th e Benefit of the to food conservation an d military Associations a n d t h e v a ri o us c h ur ch e s. Narberth Branch of th e effi cien C)'. no ma n in the c ou nt y is Mrs. William R. Philler is chairman Red Cross Society h et te r c om pe te nt to s pe ak than Mr. and the )i:;xecutive Committe includes K el lv w ho c om es with inside informa- M A 1< K 11 M Z WOk . tion' rs. . " e y, rs. -. . a -, Members of the Narberth Assembly, . . . . . ford. Mrs. E. V. Dougherty, Mrs. A.: who held the l as t d an ce of t h ei r s e r- Th e dIstmgUlshed speaker 'IS a very D. Lawrence. Mrs. J. H. Fine, Mrs. . . , . _ a ct iv e a nd h ig hl y h on or ed l ay ma n of , . ,Ies II I A pr Il . h av e d ec id ed to give an . '. Reyhurn C. SmIth. Mr::l. H. F. R ob b. : other dance a nd e xt en d the i nv it a- th e Umted PresbyterIan Church an d 1 M H T t II d Phi' '. . f rs. . a ,na an .. rs . neas tion to t hei r fri en ds to a tt en d the Will orator at a i . '. th e S o c i al U n io n of that denomination I '. . . SllIrtwalst Dance on the th)rd Thurs- The lai r w ill be open from 11 A. 1 f tl ' tl t bill t tl e to be helcl in Philadelphia on the fol- '} . ' I a) 0 ]\ S mon 1, 0 e Ie c a l lowing evening. I M: t ~ 1 l 10 .1. M .• a nd t he prIce of ad- 'usual p la ce . E lm H a ll . J l l I S S l O ~ Will be te n cents. Afternoon The committee hopes that the at- ,tea Will be served from 4 to 6 a nd t eu d au c e wi1l be Ruch that t he p ro - supper from 6 to 7 o'clock. ceeds will he s u ff i de n tl y l a r ge for _ such a worthy calise. All Narberth T he m us ic al g iv en by th e Women's ~ A R D } . R T I l 111GH SCIlOOL 'p e pI who e njov dancing should Home Missiona,ry Society of the' j'LU"'U"'I j'USI"''L'SS "'IF'ETI"'G a e - 0 I od h h f M' 'I."' i. , "'.1'. " ' , .. ('ome ou t and atte11l1 this affair. ne I M 7 1 is t Church, at t e or e a rs. I : d ol l ar a nd a half admits eouple. MIller Burkhardt. 100 Maple a ve nu e. , T he A lu mn i Association of th.e Nar on Thll'1'S'day evening last. wa s a great I b er th H ig h School w il l h ol d its an success. Notwithstanding th e incle- I],ual business meeting on Tuesday ment weather, there wa s a l ar ge a t- even,!ng. May 8. at th e school. at which tenda-nre, an d t h os e p r es e nt w e re w el l t i m e o f fi c er s fo r th e coming year wil1 Th e Alumni Assooiation of th e Nar- repaid by the v. er y pleasing ~ u , ~ i c be elected. . berth High School lIas been compelled an d ,the interestmg recitations WIth Th4s annual business me.etmg wa s I to c a n ce l the lect ure to have been which they were favored. As a result formerly held in June on th e &aIDe' given by Dr. Charles T . ' M ac F a r! a n e. of the e n te r ta i nm e n t, a s U b s t a n t i a ~ evenIng on ~ h i c h th e June entertain- of Columbia U n iv er s it y, on M ay 4. at su m will be sent to th e J ? e a c o n e ~ s m en t w as gIven, but as this crowded th e school auditorium. Thds wa s Home, 611. Vine street, PllIllllJdelplua. too. m uc h i nt o on e e v ~ n i n g . it w as , necessary on account of t he r e- ar to ?e appI.led to th e fund to provide d.eClded to hold this bUSilness meeting I rangement of D r. G re en o f hi s lecture outmgs for, poor children, during" the on a separate night, an d th e second I which was postponed f ro m A pr il 6 to coming summer. Tuesday e V e ~ 4 n g of each May wa s se t May 1. du e to a deatll in hi s family. apart for thIS purpose. It w as n ex t t o . i m p os s i b le fo r Dr . Mac- : Farlane t o s et a l at e- r datE.' than May A l \ r n U I , A ~ C F : IXJURES WOJUX ,4 an d ather t ha l1 t ak .e a c lm n( ;e of : h ~ v i n g two s l im a u di e nc e s (which Mrs. H. B. Painter wa s s e v e r e l ~ ' in-' would probab}.y o cc ur in h av in g two jur,ed last Wednesday n ig ht wh en an 'lectures so close as Ma y 1 an d 4) for auto in which sh e wa s 'I"iding at Mont· lecturers who ar e accustomed to full g om er y and N a rb e rt h avenues. N ar· a nd crowded hous-es. it wa s deemed berth, collided with an a m bu l an c e best to cancel the last lecture. from th e Hahnemann Hospital. T hi s is a great ( i i s ap p o i nt m e n t. we I Wllliam Pound;er. 20 57 St . Albans know. as Dr. MacFarlane i s o ne of th e s t re et , P hi la de lp hi a, d r iv e r of th e finest s p e a ke r s o b t a i na b l e an d would ambUlance. w as a rr e st e d on a c ha rg e h av e t ol d us' things wor,th knowing, Of operating an auto while .under the bu t we ar e sure those holding cours.e influence of liquor. Mns. Painter is tickets will apprecia.te th e sltua.tion All cleaned up. th e wife of H. B. Painter. an Ard:nor.e lIind be lenient in this matter. Have yOll seen Bub Hagar's ne w attorney. An entertainment would be planned car? .. b)' th e association to take tb.e place No one need be ou t of w or k t he se of this lecture. bu t thoe assooiation ap- days. preoiates the fact that th e weather is Ar e you r.eserving Ma)o' 9 for th e groWling warmer an d people do not Bryn Mawr Hospital Fete? with to stay indoors an y longer thaD Mr. an d Mrs. Roy E. spent A m is ce ll an eo us t ab le selHng necessary. th e week-end in Harrdisburg. articles ranging in pr.ree from 25 cents Executive Committee of Narberth Rigli ; Hobert L ac ey is III at th e home of to $1, will be in 'Charge of ,the Women's SchOOl Alumni Assocfntlon. his aunt. Mrs. Carroll Downes. Community 01u,b of Na·rberth at th e I On W e dn es da y Mrs. C. T. Moor e B ry n M aw r H o sp it al F et e. to be held BRIDG}: PARTY I entertained th e Fortnightly "500." May 9.. . i : Come along to the Bryn Mawr Hos- Cons1dering that thIS hosPital: On Tu.esday afternoon. Mrs. Carrolll pita I Fete. Good t im e f or e v e r y b o d ~ . is only institution o f i ts k in d im- I Downes gave a bridge pa.rty. The: I f y ou d id no t go up to the circus medIately s e rv i n g t h is s e ct i on . YOu.M·e I decorations were s w ee t peas and' at th e scbool o n F ri d ay evening. you urged <to send some kind of contrlbu- American f ia gs . M rs . Downes w as a s- missed a r e al t r ea t . Too much credit tion to an y of th e follOWing commIttee: 15isted by Miss Jane Laird an d Miss cannot b e g iv en Mr. E m me t t f or th e Mrs. T. D u M ar ai s, Mrs. Odell, Mr s. iVirginia Downes. Tllat M r s. D o w n es is e x ce ll e nt w o r k h e produced W. LiVilnlg ston , Mrs. L. Moore,' Mrs. C' I a. ch8J1'Ill1.ng hoste9s. th e follO'.ving (Continued on Second Page) P. Fowler, M r s. M a tt i so n . Mrs. R. ladLes will vouch for: Mrs. William Clark. Mrs. H. J ac ob s. Your e ff or ts , S. Maddox, Mrs. Fletcher W. S ti te s. C LA SS IF IE D A DV ER TI SE ME NT S wlll be much apprecialted, ! Mrs. F. D. Walker, Mrs. R. C. Horr- Two cents pe r word each InflerUon. cash man, Mrs. C. T. Moore. Mrs. Jack In advance. No adver tiseme nt accepted Un- Cllurchila, Mrs. H. G. Polhemus, Mrs. le ss cash acco mp anie s copy. Frederick G. Woodworth. Mrs. John B. W Ul da ms , Mr s. A. K. S il er and Mrs. I. F . H ep le r. Mrs. ~ a c k C h ur c hl l 1. of Connecticut. was t he h on or guest. Last T h ur sd a y e ve ni ng t il e C iv ic Association held i ts a nn ua l m ee ti ng an d e le ct io n. T he officers a n d d i re ct or s elected were th e Kame as officiat ed last year. w it h t he e xc ep ti on or Mr. George M. ColeslVorthy. who wa s elected s e c r e ta r y - t re a s u r e r, r e p l ac i n g Mr. Frank J. Wisse, who resigned last lall. Mr. Horace C. Obrl)'ke was elect ed to f il l M r. Coh;eworthy's place in the directorate. Miss Malzle Simpson's report as c as h ie r f or O ur TowlI was interesting. in that it showed that very many of ou r c i ti z en s w h o r e ce iv e the paper, dO n ot p ay t he s ma ll allllllal subscription. '('his Is rather s u rp r is i ng , in view of 1 he firm p lace t ha t l it tl e p ap er es lablished in th e e st ee m of Narberth people. A p p a r e n U ~ · . m a n ~ ' do n ot re alize th at it takes very close figuring to meet th e w e e k l ~ ' e x p en s e bill . an d lhat money ha s been b or r ow e d t o keep th e paper g oi ng . o wi ng t o t h e n e gl e ct of manywho could well a'lTord it . to pay th e subscription price. A committee of fonr was appointed 10 a ss is t t he manal\",ement of Our T ow n to devise m ea ns to place it on a firm f i na n ci a l b a si s . A vote of thanks wa s given Editor Harry A. .Jacobs for h is w or k d ur in g th e past ~ " e a r . Mr. Fletcher W. Stites. In hi s short ll\lt very eloquent address. paid a trib ut e to those who devote themselves 10 civic u pl ift in the community. th e State an d n at io n. He traced the guid i n g p r in ci p le in the lives of m en l ik e Washington, L i n c o ln . Cromwell, Luth er. Savonarola. St. Paul and J oh n t he Baptist. back to J e su s. w h o f i rs t clear Iv enunciated the great p ri nc ip le or r'eciprocity among men. and establish ed th e highest ideals of s erv ice fo r it s own sake. rather'than f or s or di d. personal gain. Mr. S t it e s. h i ms e lf a fine e xa mp le of t hi s i de al . is h ope fully optimistic as to t he f ut ur e of ou r oplitical s y s te m , a nd s ee s the "sil ve r lining" 'behind t. he clouds that at times s e em h op e le ss l y d a rk . After th e address. there was a gen eral discussion on m at te rs of local interest. Mrs. H. n. Cook. Jr. . an nounced that s he w ou ld supervise a lHunber of school children wh o were to c ul ti va te a vacant lot. Mr. Stites .... olunteered to pay th e expense of pre paring th e ground for t h is p u rp o se . About fifty m em be rs a tt en de d t he meeting. an d m an )' t oo k part in th e 11Iscussions. . DRING YOUR HUSBAND To t he A rc ad e Theatre next Mon day eveningj-so that he ma y learn if you are t re a ti ng him as a husband shOUld be treated. On next l < ~ r i d a y . Ma y 4. the regular monthly meeting of th e Narberth Branch wlll be h el d at th e borne of M rs . W. M. Cameron. 112 Essex ave nu e at 3 o·clock. An o ut li ne the w or k w hi ch w as accomplished in the conference at Harrisburg wl1l be giv.en. so is rather: important for tIle FIRE members to be present, and as it On Monday evening th e alarm' would be as interesting to o u ts i de r s of fire was sent in by a neigh-I al l ar e cordially dnvited to attend. b or w ho discovered th e l a rg e p r iv a te ! glllrag.e on th e Estate of Cbarles i 1HtA WN I ' OR J U l lY DUTY R og er s. of Wynnewood avenue near I - - - Montgomery avenue. on fire. Th e bUild- Among those drawn for jUry U'1lty i ng w as C<JIIJlpletely burned down. an d fo r next m o n th ' s s e ss i o n o f Civil ':'ourt th e glare cou1.d.be seen for many ar e th e following from Lower M e r io n : miLes. Ralph All.en, G e or g e P . B al tz , W ll 1i a m: H u nd r ed s o f r es id en ts of th e sur- R. F ry e r, E no s Hart, Alfred G. Hare. I rounddlng c ou nt ry j um pe d i nt o their Cas'per Halberstadt, Hugh, O'Donnell. m ac hi ne s a nd hUl"rled to th e place, George Taylor. George T an ne r, J o hn w.h1le th e f ir e c o mp a ni e s w e re b ei ng T. Worrell, Winfield Broadhead. Wil s um mo ne d. W he n tb e Narberth Fire Ham Brownback. B. C. Betn.er, Edward Company arrived, in charge of Chief B o k. G e o rg e F . C ur we n, J o hn Moa.rity. Charles B. Noel, th e machines were 1. M. Soorey, Horace W. Smedley and blocked some dist8lnce from th e ,urn- Charles R. Smith. in g building, 8Jnd th e p r oc e ss o f mak ing-room fo r t he f ir e e ng: ioo s still further 'blocked th e roads, so that th e Ardmore Company, arriving a few mInutes later, ha d 'difficulty in getting through. By ,the time a wa y ha d been opened fo r th e Ardmo r .e e n g in e s , t he B ry n Mawr Company arrived with it s motor a pp w ra t us . A l th ou gl l th e ArdI!lore Compwny could g et i n. th e scores of n l ac h in e s b l oc k ed i t s w a y t o f i r ep l u gs . Chdef Noel sharp I)' criticised th e motorists fo r t h ei r t ho ug h tl es sn es s. Th e loss of th e building will be more ,th8lIl $10.0 00.

Transcript of Our Town May 3, 1917

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Betty Dllx1'er's Gossip.



Th e follOWing men of N arberth have a nswer ed t he c al lfor th e defense of ou r country:









1<'. C. IRWINJOSEPH LIGHTThe foregoing is correct, sofar as known-any additions orchanges may be l ef t w ith Postmaster Haws.

FOR SAI.F...-D]och twin go·cart, similar toshore rolllnll' chnlr. !o'or children. one to

three ~ · e a r g . PrncUcnlly new. Cost $23: 8e11tor $12. A. E. "·ohlert. 217 l'rlce avenue.Narherth. Pa. (30)

ItOOl\ltol TO Rt;XT-Near "tutlon; pleasant,\\"ell turnlRh"ll. Board optlonal. Phone.

NlLrberth 333·M. (30)- - - - - - - - - . , - - - - - _ . ~ - - - - -

fire drill FOR S,\LE--Qunllty gn. rnnge. Free fromgrense. lLnd In good condition. Ussd 8hort

while. 311 N a r b e ~ t h avenue. Narberth. (30)


)lncFARI,An: I,Ef,TUR}: CAN·C E J , L } ~ D

As k th e JU'n1ors aoout th elast week.On Friday afternoon th e Jlmior

class wa s entertained by John Allison WANTED-Disappearing bed. couch or any

G"'' ' 'b I J N' Iii •• , I modern type. In good conaltlon. Phone,Uol'i b e. 1"., e e COO... s nephew. Narberth 662 ••1. or P. O. BOl<, 404. (30)

For the cOllvenience of members of1 l he Narbe rth Branch of the Needle

work Guild. which is n ow d oi ng R ed

Cross work. Mrs. r'. H. Hewitt. 116I ' ~ s s e x avenue ·(S. W. cor . 'Wind so r

a nd E ss ex avenues l. ha s kindly offered he r h om e a s a center. A meeting

for work will be h el d there Wednesd ay . May 9, at 2.30 P. M.Members who wis ll to do work at

I home. may procure garments from

'Mrs. Hewitt. cut out a nd r ea dy to be:made up. It is hoped that al l mem'bers will take part hI this work.



BU.YN ilIAWi t HOSPITAL ]<'ETE TOm: Rla,1) }lAY 9 ]<'ROM

12 M. TO 10 P. M.

Prominent Women in Charge ofBig Affair With Civic

Organizations Aiding



On Saturday evening Mr. an d Mrs.William Livingston e nt er ta in ed t he

following at bridge: Mr. and Mrs. G.

H. Schulte Dr . and Mrs. W. M.Cameron Mr. an d Mrs. Horace Obdyke,Mr s. C. P. Fowle r and Mrs. Cox.

To see "The Revolt" a t the Arcadenext Monday evening, if you want he rto ge t a gen t le h int on th e proper

treatment of husbands.




Mns. Helen B. Nag-leeD r. W. C. MeehamMr. an d Mrs. William Myers

Mrs. Cha rl es E . Kel ly

Miss Berth!a lanies.E. S. Haws, Posbp.aster.



The und er si gn ed h ea rt il y e"!tt.endthe ir s inceres t thanks to all Narberth.friends an d neighbo rs f or their eXlr,emely k in d a ss is ta nc e. heartfelt

sympathy and flora.l offerings dur,ing

t he i ll nes s and d.ecease of their beloved daughter Charlotte.

:!Ir. an d Mrs. N. A. Vogel,246 lona Avenue.

BASE BALL-Saturday, 3.t5 P. M.-Narberth vs. Paoli at Shand Park

ANNUAL MEETING AND A RARE TRE.o\T There wJ1l be dr Il l ing at Elm 'NEEDLEWORK GUILDELECTION NARBERTH Hon. M. Clyde Kelly , th e brilliant HllIl hereafter every :nonda)' I M E E T I N ~ FOR RED,

yOung Congressman f rom Pittsburgh, an d Thursda, ' nights at eight U

CIVIC ASSOCIATIONwill b,e the speaker a t th e union J1leet- o'clock. All those 'who h av e b ad I ~ R O S S WORKing of the chu rche s o f Narbe rth to be IUIY militnry experience nrc i "

e sp cc ln lI y Inv it ed t o come ou th el d i n th e Presbyterian Church on Ilnd tnke purt, und usslst In th en ~ x t Sunday evening. May 6. This is work.th e occasIon of t he a nn ua l u ni on s er - H. T . WHIT} :.vice h el d by tlliC churches of th e lawn _und,er t h e auspi ce s of the Per.r,syl

van,ia Anti -Saloon League, and Mr.Kel ly comes a s t he ir -representative.H.e spoke in th e Y. M. C. A. two yearsago an d to t he p er so ns who heard

him then or have heard him elsewhere.no word o f commendat io n is neces

sary.As a newspaper m an a nd a member

o f Congr es s lve ha s devoted spacialattention to t he l iq uo r problem andj,s a membe r o f two o f the m ost im -

portant committees in Congress that An event of much intere::lt to peo-' Inf I'Shirt' t Dhave to d,eal with this problem; name- pie on th e Main Line i s the Bryn. orma wals aneeIy. t he "Ru le s Committoo" an d th e Mawr Hospital fair, to b e h el d i n t he :

Wednesday Even.ong May 18"Committee on Alcoholic Liquors." Be- B ryn Maw r Park on May 9 by the' "cause of th e nation-wide interest Social ServiCe Committee of t he B ry naroused in prohibitlton in its re:ation Mawr Hospital. aided by th e Civic' Proceeds for the Benefit o f th eto food conservation an d military Associations and the various churches. Narberth Branch of theefficienC)' . no man in th e county i s Mrs. William R. Philler is chairman Red Cross Societyh et te r c ompe te nt t o s pe ak than Mr. and th e )i:;xecutive Committe includesKel lv who comes with inside informa- M A 1< K 11 M Z WOk • .tion' rs. . " e y, rs. -. . a -, Members of the Narberth Assembly,

. . . . . ford. Mrs. E. V. Dougherty, Mrs. A.: who held the l as t dance of t h ei r s e r-Th e dIstmgUlshed speaker 'IS a very D. Lawrence. Mrs. J. H. Fine, Mrs. . . , ._

a ct ive and h ighly honor ed l ayman of , . ,Ies II I Apr Il . h av e d ec id ed t o g iv e an. ' . Reyhurn C. SmIth. Mr::l. H. F . Robb. : other dance a nd e xt en d t h e inv it a-

th e Umted PresbyterIan Church an d 1M H T t II d ~ ' Phi ' ' .. f rs. . a ,na an .. rs . neas tion to t hei r fri en ds t o a tt en d theWill be the orator at t he banquet a Prouty i. . '.th e Social Union of that denomination I '. . . SllIrtwalst Dance on the th)rd Thurs-

The lai r w ill be open from 11 A. 1 • f tl ' tl t bill t tl eto be helcl in Philadelphia on the fol- '} . ' I a) 0 ]\ S mon 1, 0 e Ie c a llowing evening. IM: t ~ 1 l 10 .1. M.• a nd t he prIce o f ad - 'usual p lace . E lm Hall .

J l l I S S l O ~ Will be te n cents. Afternoon The committee hopes that the at-, tea Will be served from 4 to 6 and t eudauc e wi1l be Ruch that t he p ro -supper from 6 to 7 o'clock. ceeds will he suff idently la rge for

_ • such a worthy calise. All NarberthThe mus ic al g iven by th e Women's ~ A R D } . R T I l 111GH SCIlOOL 'p e pI who e njov dancing should

Home Missiona,ry Society of the ' j'LU"'U"'I j'USI"''L'SS "'IF'ETI"'G a e - 0I od h h

f M' ' I."' i. , "'.1'. " ' , .. ('ome ou t and atte11l1 this affair. ne IM7 1 is t Church, at t e orne a rs. I : dol l ar a nd a half admits eouple.MIller Burkhardt. 100 Maple a ve nu e. , T he A lumn i Association of th.e Naron Thll'1'S'day evening last. wa s a great I b er th H ig h School w il l h ol d its an success. Notwithstanding th e incle- I],ual business meeting on Tuesday

ment weather, there wa s a l ar ge a t- even,!ng. May 8. at th e school. at whichtenda-nre, an d t hose p r esent we re wel l t ime officers fo r th e coming year wil1 The Alumni Assooiation of th e Nar-

repaid by the v.er y pleasing ~ u , ~ i c be elected. . berth High School lIas been compelledan d ,the interestmg recitations WIth Th4s annual business me.etmg was I to can cel th e lect ure to have beenwhich they were favored. As a result formerly held in June on th e &aIDe' given by Dr. Charles T. 'MacFar!ane.of the ente r ta inment, a s U b s t a n t i a ~ evenIng on ~ h i c h th e June entertain- of Columbia Univers ity, on May 4. atsum will be sent to th e J ? e a c o n e ~ s men t was gIven, b ut a s this crowded th e school auditorium. Thds was

Home, 611. Vine street, PllIllllJdelplua. too. muc h i nt o on e e v ~ n i n g . it w as, necessary on account of t he r e- ar to ?e appI.led to th e fund to provide d.eClded to hold this bUSilness meeting I rangement of Dr. G re en o f hi s lectureoutmgs for, poor children, during" the on a separate night, an d th e second Iwhich wa s postponed f rom Apr il 6 to

coming summer. Tuesday e V e ~ 4 n g of each May was se t May 1. due to a deatll in hi s family.apart for thIS purpose. It was n ex t to .impossible fo r Dr . Mac-

:Farlane t o s et a late- r datE.' than MayA l \ r n U I , A ~ C F : IXJURES WOJUX ,4 an d rather t ha l1 t ak .e a c lmn( ;e of

: h ~ v i n g two s l im audiences (whichMrs. H. B. Painter was s e v e r e l ~ ' in-' would probab}.y o cc ur i n h av in g two

jur,ed last Wednesday n ig ht wh en an ' l ectures so close as May 1 an d 4) for

auto in which sh e wa s 'I"iding at Mont· lecturers who ar e accustomed to fullgomery and Na rbe rth avenues. N ar· a nd crowded hous-es. it was deemedberth, collided with an ambulance best to cancel the last lecture.from th e Hahnemann Hospital. T hi s i s a great (i isappointment. we I

Wllliam Pound;er. 2057 St . Albans know. as Dr. MacFarlane i s o ne of th es t re et , Phi la de lphi a, d r ive r of th e finest speakers obtainable an d wouldambUlance. was a rr e st e d on a c ha rg e h av e t ol d us' things wor,th knowing,

Of operating an auto while .under the bu t we ar e sur e those holding cours.einfluence of liquor. Mns. Painter is tickets will apprecia.te th e sltua.tion All cleaned up.th e wife of H. B. Painter. an Ard:nor.e lIind be lenient in this matter. Have yOll seen Bub Hagar's newattorney. An entertainment would be planned car? ..

b)' th e association t o t ak e tb.e place No one need be ou t of work the seof this lecture. bu t thoe assooiation ap- days.preoiates the f ac t that th e weather is Ar e you r.eserving Ma)o' 9 for th egroWling warmer an d people do not Bryn Mawr Hospital Fete?with to stay indoors any longer thaD Mr. an d Mrs. Roy E. Clark spent

A m is ce ll an eo us t ab le selHng necessary. the week-end in Harrdisburg.art icles ranging in pr.ree from 25 cents Executive Committee of Narberth Rigli ; Hobert L ac ey i s III at th e home ofto $1, will be in 'Charge of ,the Women's SchOOl Alumni Assocfntlon. his aunt. Mrs. Carroll Downes.Community 01u,b of Na·rberth at th e I On Wednesday Mrs. C. T. Moor e

Bryn Mawr Hosp it al F et e. to b e h el d BRIDG}: PARTY I entertained th e Fortnightly "500."May 9.. . i : Come along to the Bryn Mawr Hos-Cons1dering that thIS hosPital: On Tu.esday afternoon. Mrs. Carrolll pitaI Fete. Good t ime f or e v e r y b o d ~ .

is ~ only institution o f i ts k in d im - IDownes gave a bridge pa.rty. The: I f you d id no t go up to the circusmedIately se rving this sect ion. YOu.M·e Idecorat ions were sw eet peas a n d' a t th e scbool on F riday evening. youurged <to s en d s om e k in d of contrlbu- American f iags . Mrs . Downes was a s- missed a real t rea t . Too much credi ttion to an y of th e follOWing commIttee: 15isted by Miss Jane Laird an d Miss cannot b e g iv en Mr. Emme t t f or th eMrs. T. D u M ar ai s, Mrs. Odell, Mr s. iVirginia Downes. Tllat Mrs. Downes is exce llent work he producedW. LiVilnlgston, Mrs. L. Moore,' Mrs. C'


a. ch8J1'Ill1.ng hoste9s. th e follO'.ving (Continued on Second Page)P. Fowler, Mrs. Matt i son . Mrs. R. ladLes will vouch for: Mrs. WilliamClark. Mrs. H. J ac ob s. You r e ff or ts ,S. Maddox, Mrs. Fletcher W. S ti te s. CLASSIF IED ADVERTISEMENTS

wlll be much apprecialted, !Mrs. F. D. Walker, Mrs. R. C. Horr- Two cents pe r word each InflerUon. cashman, Mrs. C. T. Moore. Mrs. Jack In advance. No advertisement accepted Un-Cllurchila, Mrs. H. G. Polhemus, Mrs. less cash accompanies copy.

Frederick G. Woodworth. Mrs. John B.WUldams , Mrs. A. K. S il er and Mrs.I. F . Hep le r. Mrs. ~ a c k Churchll1. ofConnecticut. was t he h onor guest.

Last Thur sday evening t il e C iv ic

Association held i ts a nn ua l m ee ti ngand e le ct io n. The officers and d i re ct or s elected were the Kame as officiated last year. w it h t he e xc ep ti on or

Mr. George M. ColeslVorthy. who wa selected secretary-treasurer, replacing

Mr. Frank J. Wisse, who resigned lastlall. Mr. Horace C. Obrl)'ke was e lec ted to f il l Mr. Coh;eworthy's place inthe directorate.

Miss Malzle Simpson's report asc ash ie r f or Our TowlI was interesting.in that it showed that very many of

ou r ci ti zens who receive the paper , dOnot p ay t he sma ll allllllal subscription.'('his Is rather surpr is ing, in view of

1he firm p lace t ha t l it tl e p ap er es

lablished in th e e st eem of Narberth

people. A p p a r e n U ~ · . m a n ~ ' do n ot r ealize th at i t takes very close figuringto meet th e w e e k l ~ ' expense bill. andlhat money ha s been borrowed to keepth e paper goi ng . owing t o the neglect

of many who could well a'lTord it . to pay

th e subscription price.A committee of fonr was appointed

10 a ss is t t he manal\",ement of OurT ow n t o devise m ea ns t o place it ona firm f inancia l basi s . A vote ofthanks was given Editor Harry A..Jacobs for h is wor k d ur in g th e past

~ " e a r .Mr. Fletcher W. Stites. In hi s short

ll\lt very eloquent address. paid a tribut e to those who devote themselves

10 civic u pl ift i n t he community. th eState and n at io n. H e t ra ced the guiding pr inciple in the lives of men l ik eWashington, Lincoln. Cromwell, Luth

er. Savonarola. St. Paul and J oh n t heBaptist. back to Jesus. who fi rs t clear

Iv enunciated the great p ri nc ip le o rr'eciprocity among men. and establ ish

ed th e highest ideals o f s erv ice fo rit s own sake. rather'than f or s ordi d.personal gain. Mr. Stites. h imse lf afine examp le o f t hi s i deal . i s h ope

fully optimistic as to t he f ut ur e ofou r oplit ical system, and see s the "s il ve r lining" 'behind t.he clouds that attimes seem hopeless ly dark .After th e address. t her e wa s a gen

eral discussion on mat te rs o f local

interest. Mrs. H. n. Cook. Jr. . an nounced that s he wou ld supervise alHunber of school children who wereto cul ti va te a vacant lot. Mr. Stites....olunteered to pay th e expense o f p re paring th e ground for th is purpose .About fifty membe rs a tt en de d t he

meeting. and man )' t oo k part in th e



To t he Arc ade Theatre next Monday eveningj- so that he may learn if

you a re t rea ti ng him as a husbandshOUld be treated.

On next l < ~ r i d a y . May 4. the regularmonthly meeting of th e NarberthBranch wlll b e h el d at th e borne ofMrs . W. M. Cameron. 112 Essex avenue at 3 o·clock. An out li ne o thewor k whi ch was accomplished in theconference at Harrisburg wl1l be

giv.en. so ~ is rather: important for tIleFIRE members to be present, and as it

On Monday evening th e alarm' would be as interesting to outs ide rs,

of fire was sent in by a neigh-I al l ar e cordially dnvited to attend.b or w ho discovered th e la rge pr iva te !

glllrag.e on th e Estate of Cbarles i 1HtAWN I 'OR JUllY DUTYRoger s. o f Wynnewood avenue near I ---Montgomery avenue. on fire. Th e bUild- Among those drawn for jUry U'1ltyi ng w as C<JIIJlpletely burned down. an d fo r next month ' s sess ion of Civil ':'ourtth e glare cou1.d.be seen for many ar e th e following from Lower Merion:miLes. Ralph All.en, George P. Bal tz , Wll1iam:Hundr eds o f r es iden ts of th e sur- R. F rye r, Enos Hart, Alfred G. Hare. I

rounddlng c ou nt ry j umpe d i nt o their Cas'per Halberstadt, Hugh, O'Donnell.machine s and hUl"rled to th e place, George Taylor. George Tanne r, Johnw.h1le th e f ire companies were being T. Worrell, Winfield Broadhead. Wilsummoned. When tb e Narberth Fire Ham Brownback. B. C. Betn.er, EdwardCompany arrived, in charge of Chief Bok. George F . Curwen, John Moa.rity.Charles B. Noel, th e machines were 1. M. Soorey, Horace W. Smedley andblocked some dist8lnce from th e ,urn- Charles R. Smith.in g building, 8Jnd th e process of making-room fo r t he f ir e eng: ioo s stillfurther 'blocked th e roads, so that th eArdmore Company, arriving a fewmInutes later, had 'difficulty in gettingthrough.By ,the time a way had been opened

fo r th e Ardmor.e engines, t he B ry n

Mawr Company arrived with it s motorappwratus . Al thougl l th e ArdI!lore

Compwny could g et i n. th e scores ofnlachines blocked i ts way to fireplugs.

Chdef Noel sharp I)' criticised th emotorists fo r t h ei r t hough tl es snes s.

Th e loss of th e building will b e mor e

,th8lIl $10.000.

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NAHllERTH, l>A.-OUn T O W N - - ~ l A Y 3. IH17


Of course, wedeliver - anyp I a ce - any


Title & Trust Co.




Dow Does Your tiarden 6row?Not much imagina tion requi red to prognos ti ca te the chief

burden of t ra in conversat ion hereabouts a month or two hence. .IS there? The Main Line Fishing Club sure will hav e a com-petitor-a husky one, too! And what food for the Cub's thoughts!

Sti ll a choice array of seeds left down here-the very bes t and

most dependable selection we could find after a wide search

priced nex t to nothing-and if they don't make good-if they

don't pu t you in the forefront of production and conversation-it

will be because you didn't sow them! Howard wants to help!


2% Interest Paid on Checking Accounts~ Interest on Savings Accounts


The Merion

NARBERTH OFFICE, ARCADE BUILDINGOpen f rom 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays Until Noon. .

Friday Evenings from 7 Until 9 o'Clock.



OUR TOWNof $6945.87 ove r t ll at o f M ar ch 1, bu td'Oes not r epre sen t an i nc reas e of re -ceipts over disbu,rsements during --

An Experiment I n C o. op er at lv e Mar ch , in ,that in th e receip ts for t he Th e local Board of Health. has re-

Joul'lIal1sm-No Paid Workers. I mon th i s th e licens.e money of $36,450.1 c.eived a communication f rom the S ta te

Owned and Published every T h While th e t ot al r ec ei pt s t o tM use IHealth DepaJrlment, Wllich points out.

day b t he Narbe rt h Civic Associa.-: of th e county, through various chan- th e need ?f an energetic clean I1P Intlon. y nels and from tIle several depal"t-I al l 1 0 c a l i t 1 ~ , in oroer to aB,llist in tile----------------1 ments dUJ'llng March, were $11,371.68, c on tr ol li ng o f a ny possible epidemic

NAltBERTU CIVIC ASSOCIATION. Ith e disbursements. for county an:l de- of infanti le paralyl>!s t ha t m ay occurPresident, A. J. Loos. partment purposes , were $40,875.!l1. Ithis s umme r. T he re wer e 2000 cases

Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B.I Of th e receipts for the month Iin Pennsylvania between July I, 1916,Williams, James Artman. ,$2430.49 was for taxes; $837.99 to- an d th e end o f t he y ea r, w it h 500Sec re ta ry and tr:>asurer, Frank J. iwards t he m ai nt en an ce o f supporte(1 delliths. The fatalities might have been

Wisse. I nsane patients; $312 the eounty'e divi- much greater had n ot t he citizens

Directors, Frederick L. Rose, George dend o n i'ts stock in tIw Norr istown adopted th e measures suggested by the

M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, GeorgeM.I Insurance and Water Company ; $249.- State autIlorities and it is urged that

Colesworthy, Mrs. Wi ll i am S. Horner, 94 represents prison cash for s ah 's o f , no effort be spared to repeat, or ntherA. E. Wohle r t, Mrs. George M. Henry, prOducts there; $446.56 represents. ro6double, those measures this season.

Fletcher W. S ti te s, E . A. :Muschamp, Almshouse easll, for farm and d airy i Space does no t allow us to printH. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. products sold. a nd the ba la nc e r el at es th e full text of the Harrisburg comHaws, .Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les - to m isce ll aneous ·ill.ems and receipts municatlon, but the following extracts

te r W. Nickerson, William D. Smed- from t he various oopartments of the' s ho ul d b e c ar ef ul ly noted by everyley. ICourt House. : resident of th e borough an d fo;l/)wecl

Of th e disbursements, th e eXOoendi-' t o t he l et te r. 'fhe Board of Health istures for county purposes wa; $30,- - instructed to enforce these rules:878.07. of which $9478.08 went to c har-' S tn bl es -jn ' 1 ~ l ) l \ ' 1 I 8 J l n d VJlIngcs The Brightest Spot in Narberthi t ab l e and penal i n s t i t ~ t i o n s ; $45G8.20: Manure must not be allowed to ae -Ad' h

Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos for th e eondllcting of the courts;: cumulate in open piles. The daily rug store In t elmost modern sense of the tern:.Mrs. Roy E . Clark Henry Rose $4568.28 for b ri dg e wo rk . T he Alms- contents should b.e placed in pits o r · - - -- - - -- -- - -. - - - - - ----

Earl F. Smith W. T. Melchior house expenses were $2811.10 an d th e bi ns t ig htl y covered or thoroughly fly face d,rainage should be cleaned and'- .G. M. Henry p . $2037 1? TI j S( r ~ 1ft" something or donate anv, thing, el'tller

rIson expenses, , . ~ . Ie mao r : I "". ~ r . e a t C ( 1 with ull'slaked lime.Associate Editors" I t f tI i ' l' b t i It must Ired n k for charitable, war or other purposes.

________________ pa r 0 Ie r ema mng e IS ursemen s ' 1e emov 0 ee a wee l<'oodstufl's exposed fo r sale m u ~ t be I am anx io u t k .were for th e maintenance of th e I"ari- f rom t he first day of May un ti l t he p ro te ct ed from flies, dirt and dome-sUe' Narberth s 0 now If anybody illous depar tments , salaries o f a tt ac he s l as t day of ~ o v e m b c r . a n i m ~ l s , a nd whe re exposed fo r sale perience. ha s ever had a similar ex-and misceIJaneous items. Stahles must be dcansed doaily. on SIdewalks they must he ele"ated I

___.______ Garbage ahoy.e I he pavement at least 24·H. C. GARA, 'I'D t.he l ~ d : \ t o r of Our 'fown: Garbage when kept must be p laced inches.

Advertising MallagEr. Is th e "cuh" really as young as he in covered containers. The conta'n.ers It would be well during the coming nUt : A L A n ~ [ HREAKS UP

Send a ll l et te rs a nd news i tem t o wi sh es us 10 beJi,eve h e is? I would n.lUst be scrubbed clean with the s ummer that chi ld re n unde r s ix te e' l l I o ~ n ; n E J o ' E N S J o ~ DRn,I.P. O. Box 404. II n(}t l ~ surprised if I ~ is o ne o f I h o ~ e Ih b f ~ t l ~ 1 use o f s oa p Rnd water bt'fore years of age shOUld no t be a l lowed to -

Send al l advertising copy to P. O.0 1 ~ 1

rossils. with t hm . s tr aggl y hall',. reI

mg. . congrega te unnecessa ri ly in PJblic At about 8 p. M. Monday eveningBox 820 t h ic k l ens g l as se s an d a squint; still. It must be collected at least three places. when a la rge number of Narberth m e J ~: Make ' a ll remi t tances to P. O. Box' mayha p not . f or he a lways wri te s s o t im es a week from Ma.y 1 ulltll Novem- Samuel G Dixon ,were about to beg in d ri l li ng the fire118. k ind ly o f t.!le children. Does he: use be r 1; th e balance of the year it m u ~ t I Commissiou.er ~ Health bell clanged and there was a rush for, Onr Town is on sale at t he d epo t Ihe school l ib ra ry ? He s eems ·to \mow be r e m o v ~ , ofte.n ellough t o p ermI t . the fire, even Cap ta in Whi te was a t-~ e w s s t a n d an d at t he s lo re of H s o muc h of ~ h ha.rdships o f bei'lg a th e contalllerbemg kept closed,' iCUB'S tracled by the bright glow frol1l t ) h ~Davis ' • E . s ch oo l prinCIpal. Uubblsh lind Ashes WEEKLY LETTER iburning of th e Rogers stable anel

E n t ~ r e d DS second-class matter, Oc- Or. is lie ashe,? If so. of course I .n.ubbish, au d ashes mix.ed witn rllh- :garage on Wynnewood avenue. Next

tobe r 15, 191', at th e Post Office at th e abov,e descriptIon , , ~ o u l d be entire- b ~ , s h , Dlust be collected regularlY and - - - .drill ,vU} be Thursday evenring ,vhen

.. I f I W' d d f In Itt ' fo t he Edi to r of Our TO\\·II.· a full attend f INarberth Pennsylvania under tbe y ou t 0 p ace. on t you plea$(! re - lSpose 0 suc I a way as no 0 ' ance 0 t lose interpste'!Act of M ~ r c h 3, 1879. ' lieve t he anxi et y to know of one of Icause a nuisance. There is a rumor eur rent t ha t th e is exp.ected. -

your three thousand readers? 1I01lse Cleaning Ash Can Trust is in eollusion withTHURSDAY, MAY 3, 1917 ' lWader No. norn. AIJ vermin. such as l i ce , bedbugs , cu r loca l ash colJeclor, hut thi s is n ot Be sure t o s ee E1Iis Parker Butler's

_, __ _ roaches, flies, mosquitoes. rats and generally eredlted. However, it is Isereaming farce. "The Revolt ; or , Ihe

EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 'I'IIE }']JU';SIDt: mice should be exterminated. easy to understand why such a story Sehoo l for Instruction in t he P rope rFire 350. Kennels, boxes a nd c ag es u se d by ' should l'ireulate and he believed hy Treatment of Husbands," to be pre-

Police 1250. (Continued from 7irst Page) IhousehOld pets should be frequently I those 01' UR who haven·t more Ihan sen l ed b y t he e 1e ve re st girls in Nar-_ ~ o e\'crybody et bus in th e cleansed and disinfected, including t h r ~ e week.s' supply of ash cans in OUr berlh. Proceeds fo r c ha ri ty . T he en-

PROPOSALS 1 gardens g! Ifloors, carpets, etc., u,sed by them. (ell'lrs.. II the ashes ar e no t collect- tertainments previously g iven by these

IThe e'ar.ly b ir d m ak es a great deal . Cellars .should be kept clean at all ed unul Doomsday, they can't, force yonng; l ad ie s h av e attracted crowds.

; Sealed proposals will be received by of noise befor.c breakfa t' r d Itimes; tins includes th e lloors, wa ll s me to buy an y more cans, that s c er - S ecur e you r tickets ear ly-at Howard'sih e Borough of Na:rberth up to 8 P'


Don't forget BrYn M a ~ r s H: ; ; i a l amI ceil ings . Cel lars should be ~ e p t I t ai u. Down with the Trusts! or Fiedler's, or from any member at

lor. May 14, 1917, for paving Haver- I Fete. Wednesday, May 9. d ~ Cellars should have. th e will'..ows I -_ - t he Junio r King's Daughters-35c aneltord avenu,e b et wee n N arb ert h a nd 1\1' l\'la a S d I b tl t as well as a ll o ther opemng-s for ven- I notice that those guys who ar e 50c. B ri ng t he whole family and 11


. ISS Y u 0 las een Ie gues t" Ii ' 'k ' b h . "

Montgomery avenues, with cemenL COll- of Mrs. A. K. S il er f or th e pas t f ew , 1I'AJaltlloln , e tc ., flYh-scrldcned. 1 1 1


lU g bal ou.t t ebcost of \lving and assured· of an evening of innocentcrete; approxJimate lengtll 2400 feet. days . louses s ou b.e t \Oroug lly a ways owmg a ou t the farm they fun.

WIth thls work is also included th e F i ~ a l mee ting o f th e 1917 term of . s c r e e n e d k b Y t t 1 ~ e endod'of A P d ~ t l , and th.el

i n t e ~ t d IbUYikn.g "otnle.of these days" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

l ay Ing o f 12, 15 an-d 24-inch vitrified the Women's ConlDlunity ClUb of Nar- screens ep In go ~ O l l I. 1 . 0 ~ uub aren Jrea lUg lC l r hacks plowing ---

p ipe sewer s. manhoLes, catch )Jasins berth. cold w ~ . t h e r , or ~ h e n msect hf e haa up th e back yard. The E ~ g l e Tal-Iorl-ng Co_a nd o th er a p p u r ~ e n a n ~ work. A muf f i s at t he p os t office wa;ting eOO.f',ed Its activities. - - -

P lans and speClficatlons m a ~ ' b e o b- identi'ficatlon' also a colored silk um- Gcneral . 'fwo local fishermen triell their luck 234 WOODBINE Ata ined f rom th e engineers, Albright & brel la ' I Surface drrainage &f ki tchen, laun- 111 a J er se y l ak e t he o th er day. Bill VEeMebus, 907 Land Ti tl e Building, l lpon We ' a re al l glad t se Mr I F Id ry a nd bath waste water should no t whisperecl to Charley, "Let's fool t he P hone 1203-J. NARBERTH, PA.th e payment of te n dollars_ which sum Hepler and hi s f a m i ~ beck i' N be permitted unless dt is sprinkled ~ S a ~ make believe we ar e no t flsh- Ladlcs' and Gents ' Ta iloringwi ll be r ef unded when said plans a nd b er th a n ar lover a large surface. wl1Cre it wil l n ot I11g at all, but t ea ch ing the worms to <?Ieaning, Pressing, Dyeing and Re-s'pecifications ar e returned to th e Su, ;per w il l be ser ved in th gr u d 1 each a stream, a,nd never to s uc h a n swim." Char ley agreed and then both paIring. P ri ce s Rea sonabl e. Work

engineers. at th e Bryn Mawr Fete at : n o ' : n i ~ a ~ extent as to 6'Ou·r the ground.. . ~ loue! voices p re le nd ed t o b e talk-, called for and delivered.

All proposals must be sea led, ad- charge. II Whe re n o sewer syStem IS avail- mg t o t hei r b ait s. But Slickers were REDUCE -- _.-.d1r.essed to H . D. N a r ~ i g a n , cbairman of I Mrs. Harriet L. Grey and Miss Ethel a bl e, s ep a. ra te c es s p oo ls had bet te r 5caree in that lake. THEthe Highway Committee, Borou!;h of IGregg ar e s pen di ng s om e t im e .in be built to receive this waste watQr. I --- ICOST OF LIVI~ a r b e r t l l , lJ.nd accompanLed by a cer-I Plainfield. N. J. S t r: ams must not b e u se d for the I Do you think yon know right from NGhfied che ck f or flve hundred dollars. I Dorotll" Moor f M . d'umpll1g of sewage, garbage, ashes or left? Of cou rs e, you think you dolB'Bo C

. ' e, 0, erlon avenue,. . . yPlantl gS II F 'tr ou gh o un cl l r es erv es t he r ig ht h as been visi t ing Catherine Caldwell rnbbls'h of an y kmd. Go around ~ E lm H al l Monday and n rna rUI

t o r ej ec t a ny or al l bids a nd awa rd Of Atlantic City , Pools of SJl:agnant water OJ an y mos- Thursday mghts ancl watch the d ri ll ,lth e coo tract ,a.'l it may deem to th e I Read, Ou T w· f t' d' quito br.eod. ing places should be or. hetter still, go i nto the game vour IRed Currallts, 10 plants for , $I/)Ob t ' t ts tl b h ron or no Ices an 111- d . d . - Gooseberrics 10 I t f . . . .$ 'es 10 eres ,0, ' Ie oroug'. f orma ti on c on ce rn in g t he Home De- rame '. Iself and find out h ow few of u s k now I ' p an s or . . . . • 2.00By orclJer of Borough Council. fense organization. I Water barrels, cisterns. etc., ShO,Uld o ur r ig ht hand from the left. . Grape V J ~ e s , strong roots, 10 for $2.00,

Charleli E. lIumpllrey,.;, I be covered 01 ' .screened. or ....c cachoPres'ioent. I Mr. a n Mrs. William S. Maddox ar e A1\ highways . h Id b t t d so 11;0 use worrying about tIle Raspberr ies and BIl lckber rles , ten for

____________________" entertainlllg Mr. Maddox's father from I s ou e re a e Pe rpet- $1-DeUve rcd.-- ------ I Lou'isville Kentucky Ias t o k ee p d own dust. lIa! Motion p robl em any mor e. Bert Cash wJtI1 order or Co 0 DCOUNTY IN FIN'E I Mr and Mrs N' J R d St reet gutters should be frequently Eyre ha s solved it with h is Vict rola . I • •J o ' I N A ~ C I A J , SHAPE aga il ; o c c u p y i ~ l g their o ~ ~ ~ e a : Iflushed .out an d kept free from ac- - - - A E WOHLERT. I'\Vvnnewood avenue Narberth cumulatIOns of rubbish. Peculiar thing happened to me l a s t ' • •

l Ias Over $287.000 on Ev c of l teceldng Ch erry , p lum a nd other t ~ e e s a-re , Ground where manure or garbage week. Fo r one whole day nobody ask- Tb e Garden Nurser ies

Taxcs for Tills Year-Statls- showing their colors as usual for t he l .a s stood or where made fou l by sur- cd me 10 blW t icke ts , subscr ibe for NARBERTH, PA .

With $ 2 8 7 ' 3 ~ : R a : : : : : I :t at this time'll : : E ~ · n ; ~ ~ r e ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ l ; ~ : ~ ~ ~ : l ~ n ~ ~ ~ CaPitat $150,000 ..-Surplus, 1l'115-",-00--0 '-- --- - ~ '. _.f or c ou nt y PUl'lposoo. on th e eye of occupying their new home in Stenton. d) 6 Undivided 'Profits, $100,000r.eceivin.g taxes fo r 1917, the county is. Man)" of Narber th ' s prettiest and 'tc :day ,l n an excellent condition, finan- brightest girls will be in t he p la v at · Y "II f· d" " dcmIly, to carry ou t ,the contemplated th e Arcade Theat re next MoneIav 'eve- on WI In It convenient to 0 your banking at homeporogram of t he p re se nt Board of ning .County Commissioners to replace th e Ve'ep F id a J tl 8tl f Open an account WI"thR d C h h

. '" r y, une Ie 1, open oroyersford an ons 0 oeken brIdges llie annll I t b .. ti 1 i• II S raw errv ,e s va g ven

WIth substantIal concrete structures by Ihe Ladies' Aid of th MIdi tto l l1Cet th e demands of present-day Church. e et 10 straffic and also permanentlY improve G FI k6'Ome of th e much-traveled ·high-.vays. eo rge ' ec left Narberth onTh e total amount, fo r al l pur po se s Tue sd ay f or t he Naval School at New

of th e county in th e hands of County por t, R. I., w I ~ e r e h e h as enlis ted for ITrea.surer ~ M. Ander s. Apr il 1. four years.according

toth e monthly repa!'t

of Mr.anll

Mrs. Howard Hagar ,of

Controller W. D. Heebner to th e ~ o r t h Narberth avenue. ar e entertain

County Commis&ioners. was $367.- mg. Mr. H ~ g a r ' s mother from W est

642.14. of whi ch t he $287.378 is crel l- Ph lladelpluR.tfed' to th e count)" funds account an d America .must prepare to feed no tappl,fcable to th e general needs, while only America. bu t a great portion of

difference is credited to s pec ia l a c- th e rest o f t il e wo:rld. Get bu sy and

counm, th e chie f accounts of which p la nt t ha t l ot now.a.re th e dog ta x account totaling ;15,1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Frit sch .753.49 (belonging to th e school d is - M is s Mabel F r. it sc ll an d Master Calvin

tr.iots) an d th e liquor licel1se amount. Fritch. were th e guests of Ha.rrisburg

totaling $36,450 ( be long ing to th e fri,ends over Sunday.

.borough townshilps and th e S ~ a t e . ) T he po st office wil l r ec eive c redi t

Th e bal a nc e on hand is an i n c r e a s ~ (Continued on Third Page)

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N A n B ~ R T H . PA. -OUR TOWN-MAY 3. 1917

(Continued from Last Week)



A n l b r a ~ i l e CoalWOOD AND


c. P. COOK

Narberth, Pa.




Miesen's BakeryNARB E RT H A RCAD E


Bread. Cake, Rolls. Pies.Candy , Ice Cream


v .

Rousingrganized at



Unprofitable P ~ t l i e yn

WM. F. J. FIEDLER:The Busiest Corner in Narberth


& Music Store., 32 East Laaealltel ' Avenue



Automobiles to hire at all hours of d'ayand night.

SABlE (ENSORE Pboae 1289 or 62 5• NA.RBERTH.PA., .

Artistic Hairdressing, Elect r ica l Trea tment ,. . . .rlcan W!lV,· lIIanlcurlng

A. M. CASEScal p Tr ea tmen t , Facial Massage , Dyei ng,Bleaching, Clipping, Singeing, Shampooing.

242 Haverford Ave., NarberthPhone. Narberth 302-3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ALL SAIN' l' S' P . E . CllunClI.

}fe,·. Andrew S. Burke, Pastor.

ST. MARGARET'S ClIURCH.Early Mass on Sunda.y f ;'om April1 st t o October 31st at C.JO A. M. FromNO\'ember 1s t to MarCil 31st at 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the

year. Masses on holydays, 6.:l0 and

NtW1i of tilt C!I.1urdlra HOllor noll_ I The fol lowing young, men of the:

MEIUON MEETING HOUSE. 'congregation I.lave enlisted In their iMerion Meeting House Is opened for ' country's s er vI ce. We ar e p r ~ u d or j

I . FI t d t 11 A them. Let us remember them 111 our Iwors liP every rs - ay a " , U S iM V' It di II I r ,r ayer s. S tanel ) ' M. Lukens, . S. .,

• IS lors arbe ckorl


YtWfe co1

mlet' rs ,Tacoma; Earl Dickie, Third Regiment, I

A reg stry 00 s ep or vso") . , C ;All I' asked to re i s te r thei r names. : :'\. G. I. ; Lester Jerre:les, l'\aval oast I

a e g 'Reserves; Joseph Light, U. S. Ma-rines; Russell N. Lukens. Second Reg- i

iment Pennsylvania l"ield Artlilery.

'rllt; I'UESH¥'1'EJUAN ClIUUClI.

Ue,'. John "all Ness, ~ I 1 l 1 l s t e r


Packing, CraUng, Shipping

FURN I TUREUpholstering nod Repairing

Phone, 641-W.


Good Old.Fashloned, Home.Made}'udge. The Kind TJlat ]IotlJer Used

to Make

H. C. FRITSCHProperUes For Rent and Sal.

Fire Ins1Il'8DeeBell Phone W W.

Wall BuIldIng. Narberth, Pa.

A ma n that whispers (lown a well,About the g oo ds h e ha s to 8ellCan't reap so m n n ~ ' go lden do ll a rs ,A s' o ne w ho climbs a t ree I1nd holler••

The L it tl e Church on the 1lI1i.

Rev. C. G. Koppel, Pastor.Before Purchasing

AnythingSoImportant asaHome


George B. SupleeSteam & HotWaterHeating

PlumbingBell Telepbone.



Hi&h Grade ButterT e l e p b o n e - N a r ~ e r t h ,644 A.

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E V E N I N G ,

Tickets, 35c and

Perhaps AllHusbands NeedNot I,Be Treated Like This

- - - - - ~; p - ~But every gir l and everymarried woman-yes, andevery man. too--should knowsomething about the propertreatment of husbands. Besure to secure t icke ts forEllis Parker But ler' s play,

"THE REVOLT"to be presented by the Jun io r

King's Daughters, at theArcade Theatre




TilE }'UU':SIlH:



n. J. I W S E ~ I U R G Y , Proprietor

Prime Meals

Notice is hereby given thatby resolution of the Board of

Directors of the NarberthBuilding & Loan Association,a specia l meeting of Stockholders will be held on Thursday, May 3, 1917, at 9 o'clockP. M ., at the general meetingplace of the Association, ElmHall, Narberth, Pennsylvania,to take action on the approvalor disapproval of a proposedincrease of capital stock from$1,000,000 to $2,000,000.

THOMAS C. TROTTER, Jr .•Secretary,




Added ,\Uracll ..nH~ .. ndR", Tu""du)· .u,d W e " " e ~ , " ' ) ' - : \ I , " .

'"ernon ( 'UNt ie in ul- . \.THIA." ~ o 14

'J'hurl!Klll)' . J l ~ d l l ~ ' 11Inl SIl 'turdO)"-Xrw(:Imph'r ..f UitllU.. ·• J,h'hall' n ....k of :Saturl'.~ I A I N I ' R O } ) U ( ; T I ( ) ~ - ( " ' : X C " I , t Suturdaysand lIolld",·.) IStllrtH 10.15 .\. 111.. 12.UO.

2 .0 0 , 3 .4 5 , GAOl 7,45, D.45 1-. 1\1.l'lATUR})AYll A ~ } ) 1I0I.1}),\1'8-1U, 11 •15A. JlI .. I,3U. 3.15, ii, 6.40, H.2U ami lU 1'. JI[.

Furniture Moved

J o : ~ T l I U ; WJo;Jo;I{ OF AI'IUI. 30TII) l u ~ t I ·opular ~ t u r on Shl&,C or Scret·o

J)()l1GI,AS }o'.\IRlIJ\:SKIS111 InllluJ J'res"ntutl,m of IIIH lIeHI

crpfl I · h : t u r ~

Express Packages Carried, TrunksPassenger Automobiles


Home Dressed Poultry. Butter. E::gs and Game.Fancv frUit and Ve!:et,1l>h's. "A STORE FORPARtiCULAR PEOPLE"

Te,ephon,·. N A R B E R T H . P A ..

F· h H '1 dI a n w al k stralg.J1ter a nd t hi nk c le ar retg t au e er. This Is no t a wa r o f o ne hundred

thousand sOldiers; no t a war of One

Called for and Delivered mlllion soldiers; it Is a war of one

Teaming hund re d a nd th ir te en millions of peo-

PHONE pie.NBJ'bertb 672 " Th is n at io n h as a great heritage,

:::::=::=::::::=::=:::::::=::=::=:::::::::::=::::::::::::=::::::::=:::::::=::::::::=:::::::=::::::::::::=::=::::::::::::=:::::= th Is flag a great past; bu t we cannot IDO IT NOW Pbone,Ardmore 39 live w it h t he past a nd su re ly ou r na '

R 'CHARD F. DENV:ER t lon w il l n ot b e found wanting In thisl ' crisis. England Is giving he r sold-

D II P I Ii P H il er s a nd s ai lo rs a longer p er io d o f

eeora ve a n no: : aper ang ng training now than sh e did at th e be -

AR C ADE BUILDING, NAR B E R T H ginning of th e wor.

Paper H d ~ : : i n r : representeJ h ~ 21 LANCASTER AVE., ARDMORE "A new c iv il iz at ion I s s t ruggl ing toPhilip L.Gall"!:"'" b e b or n. A new period Is dawning

... - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - ..- '-'---- Ye t shall we find some wi thou t v ls -

HARRY B. WALL CHAPLAIN GLAD JUSTICE 1 0 ~ ~ V : ~ : : : : n W c ~ ~ ~ ~ ? all be Red Cross

Plumbing, Gas Fitting HA S BEEN AROUSED nurses. bu t you al l c an b elo ng t o th eand Heating Red Cros S oc ie ty a nd h el p In this

great service.

N A R B E R . T H , PA Strong Appeal to Narberth Citi- "We have a great flag" we have a

zens for Service-Overflow great history, bu t It Is no t g oi ng t oC t' Th'I1 d b M'l' amount to a ny th in g u nl es s w e come -ongrega Ion rl e y , I I, f o rwa rd t o 110 ou r part. hit, balked, forced In a ru n an d th en IThe y h av e a strong l in e-up. Morgp .n ,

tary Processional and Flag "This Is no t a t im e f or 'business,struck o ut t he side. II le ad ing pi tche r o f D el aw ar e C ou nt y

Presentation _ Imp r e s sive as usual,' this Is no t a t im e f or p le as - A Phllly scout w as o n th e job. He L ea gu e, Is s la te d t o o pp ose G ib so n.C e r e m o n ~ e s - S i n g i n g of the ure, this Is a t ime f O service, fo r effi- tried to ge t Gibson and Durb i n fo r th e I This wl1l b e o ne o f t he season treats.ciency and co-operatIon." Phlls. ' Humphries pleased t he f an s with a

Star-Spangled Banner-Fer- Among th e yarlous branches of Durbin had his ey e o n t he o ld onion, i t lmel: b in gle to right, scoring th e

vent Speeches Aroused Pat -I t he nat ion 's military service In th e made t hr ee c le an hits. This pleased iwlnlllng ru n for l ' \arberth.

riotic Emotions in the Metlto- processional were the blue jackets, the scout. i Hobey L igh t, Penn's clean-up hlt-• S pr ag ue , A nd re ws , H ob so n, Hess, Senator Stites, WIth hi s usual Har-: ter, ha s s igned w it h Manager WalzerdlSt Church Last Sunday Benedict, from t h e Bat tl es hi p Wls- ., ' fo r th e season.

E. g r isburg style, Illt t he p il i to th e pike. i Sim a

venm c on sl n; n ew ly e nl is te d men f rom the He batted 750 f or t he day. Some rec-: .. ps n n ~ u ~ t h av e been tllr tln g

cong,regatlon and community In th e o rd. We expect 1000 fo r t he ba la n ce . wlthtth e Pluls scout. He plaYed a

Fo r th e first time in the recollec- various d iv is io ns o f the army and of the season. Igrea game.

t lo n o f old res idents people were turn- n avy ; member s of th e G. A. R. and Jim Robinson looked good In Fleck's ' --------I ed away from a c hu rc h s er vi ce l a st v et e ra n s of th e Spanish-Amer ican garden. Hi t t he s ph er e h ar d on the : For th e f ir st t im e i n t he h is to ry o f

ISunday night, altllOugh n ea rl y t hr ee War ; Boy S co ut s o f N ar bl er th ; m em - trade mark, h ut n ot to a safe place. Narberth a church was 80 full

hundred seats had been p rovi ded for bers of t h e Sunday schoo onA new grandstand w il l b e e re ct ed Sunday evening people had to beth e P a tr io t ic Service In t he " Li tt le Souvenirs of the service were at - I. this week with ample seating capacity turned away. The Methodist ChurchChurch on the HilL" Every avallale tractive leaflets with t he o rd e r of ser- fo r evervbodl' 'foot of sp ac e w as occupied. Cha ir s v ic e p r in t ed In th e national colors an d Paoli ~ v i l l 'be was the one that a.ttracted so manywere placed In th e vestibule and many flags fo r th e children. Th e churcll here next Saturday. on account o f I ts pa tr io t ic program.

men s to od t hr ou gh ou t th e serVIce. ! wa s tastefully decorated by Miss ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Mr. M. I. l<'rench, In a few weill Ward with flags, spring blossoms an d Ir


chosen word s assisted by th e veter-

Ielectrical effects In red, white and N b hR·

an s from th e Civil and Spanl sh-Amer- blue. are r t eg 1ste rI can W ar s, a blue jacket from th e I The mus ic al parts In th e servIce


Battleship Wiscons in and a member were also greatly appreciated. Miss 7i L ' 10 .lO mes, c pe r Issue; Sc foreach additional line

of th e Boy S ca u ts , presented th e P re s co t t n ever s ang mo re bea ut if ul ly I . : ; ; ; : ; ; ; : : : ; : : ; : ; ; ; : : ; : ; : : : ; : ; ; ; : ; : ; ; : = ~ : ; ; ; : : : ; : : ; : : ; : : ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; : ; : : ; ~ = = : : ; : ; ; ; : = = : : ; : ; ; ; : : ; ; ; : = = : : ; : ; ; ; : ! Jchurch with a large American flag, In singing he r solo, "The Lortl Is My A C C O U ~ . ' · T A ! " T S~ " Crist, "'rank Phone. 644-WThe congregation san g the S tar- Streng th." Mr. P at te n c ar ri ed man y Gr""ne, ADllrew Se" display advertisement In thlll 188ue.

Spangle(l Banner while th e flag w as b ack to b ye g on e days with hi s cor- K ; I ~ , h e l s [ ~ n C ~ ave. Phone, G17-M. Ualmbach, A. P h o : : ~ L c ~ n W Y d 766-Wunfurled and placed in th e pulpit. ne t solo, "Tenting To- ni gh t o n th e 202 Dudley a '·e. . Address, Narberth P. O. BOll: 415:Th e Han . F . W. Stites, In hi s lilimlt- Old Camp Ground. " During the Span - Col .., W. A r t h ~ : ) \ : ~ ~ ~ : , S [ ~ ~ . R . S c ~ t t - P o w ..11 Dairies. Phone, Preston 2398.

bl. h See display advertisement In tbla Issue.

a e manner. received th e emb lICm Is -American Wa r he was Bandmaste r Ideas, Plans, Copy, Art. Typography. MORTGAGESwith a br ief addres s In which re said : o f th e First Regiment of Illinois and ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Simpson, James C. 232 Essex ave.Koronskl and Cameron. Phone, 63G. or 1420 Chestnut st."r bel ie ve I t will become th e g if t o fIplayed this song on t h e bat tl ef ie ld o f 107 Chestnut ave. PhOne, 608. MUSICth e United S ta te s t o lead th e na t ions Santi ago. Ccnsore. S a b l : U : o O ~ ? - ' : I L E S Az!",U's lIlllslc Store, Ardmore. PhOne 1072-JInto greater ideals of democrac\ .' , bu t See dlsnlay advertl-ement In this Issue. See dl spl ny adve rt is ement In tb ls Issue'

n Cowin, T. Stuart. Plano Teacher .

tbls w. il l no t co.me .untll we ar e worthy, INARBERTH CAPTURES n ~ ' ; f : t " x . \ \ ~ · r b ~ ~ t ~ ' J ~ ~ ~ . m ~ b ~ ~ e ~ : , 664. I 206 ~ I e r l o n ave. Phone, Narbe;th 347-R.t II A d till ,oos• .,anny 11. Pin no Teacher and ACCODl-no t I merlca IS re a )', no t i ~ l c C l e l l a l l . W. S•• •J. I'. Acknowledgements ~ a n l s t . 417 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-J

Pennsy.lvania Is ready, no t ti n Nar-I FIRST LEAGUE GAMEand ntlldavlts, automobile licenses. Office Studio. NO.6 Arcade Bldg., Narber th. .hrs" 1 to rand aft"r 5 P. M. NOTARY PUBLIC

berth IS ready." There wa s a hearty: BAKERS ,J..Jrerl"s, .J. H. II I Narberth ave."Arne " 'n tl I t f' 1I1l"."n, I'. Phone, 352-J. Phone. 666·M.

n I Ie lear a e ve ry w ar -I See dlspl,) ' advertisement In this Is.ue. OPTICIAJ\oSshipper when he close( l with th e words I r\arberth, Pa. , Ap ri l 28.-The Nar- BANKS F"nton, Carl F. 506 Essell: ave. Pbone. 638-W.of a bystander In Pekin watching the" berth Champions won a close an d In - IIlerlon TItle & Tru.t Co, Phone, Ardmore 3. Phlln. address. 1806 Chestnut stSee display advertisement In thl. Issue. PACK .hays of th e Dnited States o f Ame ri ca I te re s t lng game In th e opening of th e BARBERS Hartman. W m ~ ~ ~ : , IIIOVING, I!:TC.

passing by In t he p ar ad e ca rr yi ng IMain Line League season here to-day s u : : : r : i a , ~ ~ ~ : r d ave. See display advertlsem"nt In this Issue.t he S ta rs an d Stripes: "They carried t ra m t he Vi ll anova team, represented IU,ACKSIIIITJlS Col ... Jam"s R. PAINTERSMy Flag." I by th e l<'ourth Street Club, making Its SUI.er, F. A. ,246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1225·J.

\ t728 Montgomery ave. Phone, 328. " G C P

, r . Introrluein.1!' th e ehaplaill, th e p as- bow In th e league. T he s co re w as 3 IlUIJ.OER8 •. ,umm ..r. hone. 1 ~ ' 6 2 W.10 Elmwood nv .... Narberth.tor. Hev. C. G. Koppel. made a stlr-l to 2. Sm"dle,', Wrn. O. Phone. 600. D"nver. Richard F. Phone, Ardmore 39.

ISe e d i sp l ay atlvertlsenlcnt in this tA8ue. S dl I d

ring appeal in b eh al f o f support fo r I Gibson lost control 111 tile eighth, CANDY, ETC. W.J:er, s : & r : ~ . a vertlsement In this Issue.

I H j• d tid t h l ' b t Da"ls, II . )0:. Phone, 1254-W. 11 7 W I

o ur a rm y an( navy. e re erre 0 I ,oweve r, an wo r un s c as e( In, u See display " d" er tl sement In this Issue. nsor ave. Phone. 1247-,J.

tw o o utstan din g, e ve nts o f t he past be fanned th e s id e w it h th ree s t r and- CARPt:STERS AND BUILDERS Witte. Geo. r ~ ~ ~ R J ~ ~ ? n ~ R ~ v e .week. Th e wonderful serv.ice in saint 1ed on bases. The vet er an F li ck S ti t es J"nklns, C I " , ~ . I.. Phone. 1203-W. First-class work103 Dudle)' a,·e. Phone, 382-1II. I'A .Paul's eathedral last li'inlay. T he a nd D ur bi n's hitting featured. CO,\L. ":TC. Foster. Saml. \ ~ ~ ~ ~ l I t ~ X J r E e ~ S . 1011 Chest-E 11Itt I I Cook. C. I '. Phone. 302-W. t•ng s I governmen s e apart t la t ( ay I See display all\'..rtlsement In thIs Issue. nu st. 131 Merion ave. Phone. 1233-J.as the " cl ay of th e United States of NARBERTH CONTRACTORS Arcad... T h " a t : ; ~ I C ~ ~ ~ b : ~ ~ ' I ~ Y SAmeriea." Setting forth from the rho a e Shand. A. C. Jr. Commercial Trust Bl dg" See dlsplny a d v e r t l s e m e ~ t In this I ·-ueI Phlla. Phone. Spruce 5263; Narberth 1214-.1 "A d l " - .Hou se o f P ar li am en t, th e proces sion Durbin, cf. . 1 :1 1 0 00 ICam"ron. Or. W ~ ) ~ t T ~ ~ ~ ~ 395-W. :: : ' 1 ~ ~ p l a ; 6 t ~ d ' ~ ~ ~ l s ~ ~ : ~ ~ n f ~ : ~ ~ ~ I ~ s t ; : ~ ~move d to t he g r ea t c at h ed ra l of St. Wallace , 1b 0 0 ;; 0 Orr , J )r. A. 1,.101 Elmwood avo Pbone. 393-W. PLUMBING. ETC.Paul'!>. 'fhe king and queen, th e Turner , SS. . 1 1 ; ~ 1 1

1Phi l Phone , F ilbert 4252, K e l ~ b Bldg. s u ~ ~ : e ' d : ; ; ; f ~ / I ~ d ~ ~ ~ n : ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ' In thh. IMue.

(Cont inued f rom ' l' hh d Page) American ambassador, th e l eading S t it e s, rf. 0 : ~ 0 0 0 Jo.,,,,II,,r's. P h o n e ~ ~ ~ ? G I S T S " '; 11 . I I . B' Phone, 319-J.charming man ne r a nd w.ell merlte,l is t at esmen, admi ral s , generals, we re Koons , c. . 1 0 16 2 0 See dlspla)' adver tl spment In this Is.ue. ee display adve rt iseme nt In th1& Issue.

I I I 1 J[oWRr,I's. Phone. 1267. C REAL ESTATEthe en thus ia s t ic applause which sh e assembled n t Ie cathel ra l where some Robinson, If. . 0 0 1 0 See display ad"ertlsement In this I.. ue. aldwell & Co. Phone, 1271-W.r ec ei ve d f rom the large aUdience, of England's nob le st men lie In the' Simpson, 3b, 0 1 0 1 0 ELECTR[CIANS F ~ ~ hdlSPlay advertisement In this Issue.0 1rUlth, l'erl 225 lana ave. r Be , II. C. Phone, 252-W.wl1ich crowded the auditorium. repose of death, and there joined In Humphries, 2b. . 0 1 1 0 I Nar. Phone. ,650-'V. Ard. Phone . 163.,J. See dI sp lay adver ti sement Ir tbls Issue."What i s twi ce s ha ll b e thrice." A th e sacred pledge of a n h un dr ed a nd Gibson, p. . 0 0 0 1 0 F[SI[ AND OYSTERS G 0 1 ~ ? e \ V O ~ ' : J ' : . d . , n · a v e . Phone. 686·W.

fire occurred on Conway avenue Mon- t i f t ~ . ' millions of Amerlean a nd B ri t- Imperial G r o c e r ~ ' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 606.- - - See dlspl,)' advertisement In this Issue. M

R d. I I Tl t t l Ttl .J 9 ')7 C ., GR' oney for First and Second Mortgages.

day af te rnoon, followed by th e a -,18 I peop e. Ie wo coun r e s o nc e 0 a s " , .) - ,A DNERS Yost. Wm. E. 209 Chestnut ave. Phone. Nar.gers' fire at 8 P. M. Before midnight Keparated by war w er e u ni te d hence- V O l ' ~ r l l c : . , ~ ~ ~ ~ r ave. Phone. 334.J. 1285-W. with Harbert & Claghorn. Main(11.30 P. M. to be exact) a fire occur- : forth in th e purpose to secure liberty, VILLA;I10VA GARDEN NURSERIES Line Real Estate. 204 BaileY l:Udg.• Phlla.

red in th e rear o f t he Miss PoseY' jus tice and peace, no t for themselves r Ii 0 a e Wohlert, A. E. Phone. 696. Gara-McGlnl.. : ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ : f 5 8 _ W .I b f 11 h tl I

See displaY advertisement In this I.. ue. See display adve rt iseme nt In tbls .. .ueho me o n Essex avenue. Several of a on e ut or a te na on s of t l e Me rr it t, 3b. . 1 1 1 2 1 GROCERS !II Iller, John A. 243 lona ave. PhOne. 661:Jth e school teachers who reside there earth. He then spoke of t he obliga- Smiley, ss 0 1 4 4 0 I Imsperlal GrocerYd Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Shop, 246 Havertord ave. Phone, 1226-J:. F' I ee display a vertlsement In this Issue. SCHOOI.S. ETC.and who have had p r ~ v l i o u s experience HonR we owe rance ro r le r genera l, Ze ig ler , If. 0 0 0 0 0 HAULING. ETC. Wetherill. ~ 1 I . s MaUde E.fighting fires, were arouse( l and not ' he r admiral, he r s ol di er s, he r ships Garrett, lb 0 () 6 0 0 W ~ ~ ~ ° ' : I I ~ ; I ' : : ; ; ~ ~ : : t l s ~ ~ ~ n t In this Issue. 200 Dudley a'·e. Phone. 1260-R.

wishing to alarm th e tired flremen,' and he r money. Lafayette fought Deacon, 2b 0 0 4 6 1 UEATING, STEAM Al'.'D WATER J)r r. lI"nry A. ~ ~ ~ . ? S w a l n u t 974. Phil..

fought th e fire successfully. Large side by side wltli Was hi ng to n a nd Hart, cr 0 0 ;{ 0 0 Ualre. GeD. A. See dlspln)' ndv"rtlsement In this Issue.311 N. Narberth ave. Phone. 699-J. SHOEMAquantities o f d ri ed b ru sh a nd g ra ss h ur led hi s l<'rench s ol di er b oy s s id e Wal sh , rf. 1 2 0 0 0 INSURANCE Tarn"t. Harry KERSwere burned a nd t he fire w as r apid ly by side with o ur h ero es In Pennsyl- Magee·, C. ••••••••••... 0 1 ti ::; 0 Bowman, Samuel P. (Life.) 246 Woodbine ave.. "J d '71 I I I 116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 653-W. GOOll \\'"ar Shoe Repair Shop.a pp ro ac hing th e f rame building In vallla, "e w e rs ey a n • rg, n a. n McLaughlin, p 0 0 0 2 0 Burl,hardt, IIl1l1er Phone, 659-lIr. P. O. Box, C o n ~ t a n t l n " . B. G. Y. III. C. A. Bldg.rear of hous e when t h e p lu cky teach- I't-turn to-day we must send he r sold- - - - J o I ; ; e ~ ~ ~ l ' ; a : : l r R ' . Accident. Health, Auto. e tc.) STUDIO 81101'.

er s appeared. lers, sailors, guns, food, a billion or Totals •........... , 2 ::; 24 1 : 2 403 N. Na rhe rt h a ve. Phone, 696.W. Gard"n Studio Shop. 212 GraYling aVII .See display advertlsement In tbls "sue.

Miss Caroline C. Lockhart, of Cody, more money. Every consi de ra ti on Jones, Wm, oJ. 103 S. Narherth ave. Phone. TAILORS

I F f680-J. Phlla.. .ddress. Penn lIIutual Bldg. FAltle Tallorln.r Co. Pbone, 1203·J.

Wyoming, Is again a welcome vIsitor urges us to p edge rance ou r ortune, Villanova 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 -2 Snyder, Robt. See display advertisement In this Issue.to Narberth. She is t he g ue st o f Miss ou r lives an d ou r s ac re d hono r . Narberth 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 x -3 313 Woodside ave. Phone, 383. Schwartz. Charles Home Town Tailor.Trotter Bros. (Fire, etc.) q34 H t dMabel Howard Seymore, 107 Woodside Chaplain Lewis made a splendid 209 Woodside ave. PhOne. 1262-R. - aver ° T y : ~ , v . r I ' T ~ i i s 1254-,J.avenue. Miss Lockhart ha s been impression as n. fine t yp e o f n av al of- Two-base hits-St i tes . Sacrifice hi t l.AWYERS 1I0dltt'!. E. G. 602 Essex ave.Gilroy. John 211 Essex ave. Phone. 1245'R' Ph N b h 6s pend ing pa l' t of tIle w in te r i n New fleer and forceful speaker. He said he I-Simpson. Stolen bases -Turner , 2; Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg. one. ar ert 38-1.1.York City, where slle h as b ee n com- was glad for th e privileg,e of being a Koons, Walsh. Struck out-By Gibson, Henry, Geo. M. 107 Chestnut ave. l'bone, 608. Tbe above department . hould b" ot thePhlla. address. Finance B ldg. r t t t h

pl......ng he.r f if .th book an d s tudyi ng Met hod is t a nd s er vi ng a s a cha.plaln 16', McLaughlin, 1. Balk-Gibson . Hi t ScheU, Horace !II. 01: ea es use 0 t e community. the JIst con-... talns the name at every prote....lonal man.

Spani sh i n p re pa ra ti on f or a trip to in th e n a V ~ · . He t he n mad e a strong by p it ched bali-Zeigler. Wild pitch S t f ~ , s a ; : ~ t c h a e v r e . ~ ~ o n 4 e j / 2 H 4 6 ~ ~ e ~ t o r d ave. tradesman, mecbonlc. shopkeeper. etc.• who

h tI . tl 11 t tf" does or can In any way serve his tel low-

GUl8ltemala next w,lnter. Miss Lock ar P en. fo r le en s men a every ma n M c L a u g ~ . l l n . Passed balls-Magee, 2. Phone. 372-W Phil.. address, Crozer Bldlr. townsman, and who Is progressive enoulrbs ay s sh e is n ot yet ready to go back anl! woman In the ir country 's service. Umpire-Watson. McDonald L J ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r b ~ T p U ' : ~ ~ , 1288. to add n ame to l is t of Regi ster.

h h I 1 d i I"I I d" I Id " tha t j tice As It Is diffiCUlt tor those contributlDI'

to ear t e coyotes lOW an pr a r e am g a, le sa , us 1533 Cbest.. . t.• Phlla. Phone. Spruce S138. their time and elforts to the production ofdOgs cha tte r and will indulge I n s ome ha s heen awakened. I am glad that Pick-Ups Case. A. ! II . : : . ~ ~ ~ : ; . ETC. "Our Town" to personally eIther know or

I I k f di I tl k h be klndl d i to a Interview all SUCh. It would be moISt belp-

spec a newspaper 'Wor or vers on Ie spar as e n e n See displaY advertl.ement III tb ls luue. ful It tho se not now tound In the pl'1ntedfo r a few weeks . Miss Lockhart ,'Was flame. With a clear-cut message preS-I Gibson had a bad e igh th d oi ng e v- Bo:rII!tI'. P l i o n e ~ ~ ~ S ' ETC. list would send In a memo ot tbelr DamN.former ly known as "Suzette" of "The I d en t Wil son ha s b rough t u s into this erything possib le for a pitcher to do. See display advertisement In tbls l_ulI. ~ ~ : ; : : " ~ ' o : " b ; : : 1 I ~ ~ ~ : ' ~ ~ b l : n ~ n ~ U : ~ : ' : · t o ~ ~Evening Bulletin." struggle. S ur el y Ame ri ca ns to -d ay W al ke d o ne , hi t a man, a ll owed on e C o = r ' d ~ t : " Y ~ d ~ ~ r r . : : ~ : ; ' t 1 2 l n 9 8 · t b l s luue. lows: 10 cents eacb Il18ue tor :l IInu; , cent.-.. for eacb additional IIns.

ARCADIACHESTNUT,Bel.16tb StFinest PbotolJlay The-atre 01 It . SIze In tb e, EntireWorld.

Pboloplays-Contlnuous 10 A..M. to 11.30P.M.

Phl1a. , P e .