Our Town December 24, 1937

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Transcript of Our Town December 24, 1937

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937




    VOLUME 24, No. 12 NARBERTH, PENNSYLVANIA, DECEMBER 24, 1937 PRICE, FIVE CENTSBorough Labor WillContinue Ash and

    Trash CollectionsHuman Factor Outweighs SlightSaving Offered byContractors

    F. D. R. Signed Death Warrantof Japanese Regime,Women Hear




    i I d "

    Cdc br at ed b y N ar be rt h Juniol'sThi s Thu rs da y. N ew Year'sDance Next

    Bryn Mawr Sewing IOld Carols at AU Saints'CI d f Service on Christmas EvcProject ose o r ,

    Month WIII R I Carols wri tt en a s e ar ly a s 15HS willieopen be sung by the choir of All SaintsIChurch, 11 P. 1\1. th is Friday , at theCries of "Po li ti cs " Punctuate I church, Montgomery pike and Wynne-. Iwood avenue. They include "Lo , HowHearing of. ~ o m e n by ,a Rose E'er Blooming," by Praetor-CommIssIoners I ius ; "As Late ly We Watched," anIAustrian folk song; "The First Noel"TOWNSHIP TO SPONSOR and "God Rest You Merry Gentle- DECIDED ON WEDNESDAY

    me n" in de sc ant form; and "Ding-Lower Merion' s commissioners Dong, Merrily on High," froll1 Borough Council at a special meet-

    Wednesday last week agreed to sponsor "Branle de l'Official," by Thoinot Ar- i ng Wednesday night, postponed fromthe Bryn Mawr Sewing Project, beau. The Gloria i n Exce ls is fromllast Friday, decided to turn downclosed s ince December I, a fte r a, Gouno d' s S t. C ec el ia M as s a ls o will s l i g ~ t l y lower . b ~ d s o f con tr act or s andgroup o f women , formerly employed be sung by the choir and SOlOistS., contmue the hlrmg of Narberth laboron the project , made a stirring plea James W. Ervine is organist . er s to ha ul a shes and trash fromthat human need take p re cedence Fo ll owing the carol service there' homes h e r ~ . . .ove r r ed t ape . wi1l be Holy Communion at midnight. Factors 111 thg decIsIon:Spokesmen for the women included Christmas Day communion services 1. B o r ~ u g h laborers see.111 to haveMrs. Marion H. Adams, Walnut ave- wi1I be at 8 an d 10 A. M. ceased then' demand, made 111 October,

    ntlC, Ardmore, supervisor of th e sew- for less work an d more pay.ing room; Mrs. Esther W h i t ~ , project I l I 2. Private contractors, whose bidshead; 1\1rs. Mary Walker, Lancaster T Ie Town's Awry, Iwer e a sk ed w he n the workmen pre-avenue Bryn I1Iawr a wor ke r a nd I It's Al l You Hear, sentcd their petition, were not able1\1rs. \ViIl i ;m McAndrew, Grandview I The Legion's Party, to o ff er a saving "sufficient to justifyroad, Ardmore, Democratic eommittee- mak in g t he chang e" -e sp ec ia l1 y i nwoman from the South Ardmore dis- So L on g, O ld Y ea r! view of the f ac t t ha t outside con-trict. tractors could not be counted on forAt t I I t 't t f In comes Frank Challenger again service in emergencies.ac le( 0 I S agreemen 0 spon-. . ,I h (tl t bag v to flmg at the editori a l desk the 3. There's a human factor to beSOlS Ip Ie sponsor mus e 0-. ., ernmental agency ) was a let ter from s ~ r a w l m g scroll of the LegIOn's l l l - considered. ( ~ e e edlto1'1al.)tl t h t tl ffe t tIl t 1 No vlted guests at the New Year ' s p a rt y I And so SIX or seven NarberthlC owns Ip 0 lC e c a . .The singing o f c ar ol s by candle- project funds wou ld be provided by at the Narberth Theatre, on Thurs-Iworkmen wi1l c on ti nu e t o h av e em-

    light, and the r ea di ng o f t he Christ- the township. 2. No law govern ing d;lY, D e c e m ~ e r 30, ID37, ': and 91 ployment, t hi s Chr is tm as and heremas s to r y, "Th e G if t of the Magi," townships must be b roken i n obs er v- a clock, and If he has to prOVIde t r an s - a f te r . The report approved \Vednesar e highlights of the Christmas party ance of the sponsorship. 3. The por ta ti on for all ~ them it is mo re d ay , s ig ne d b y C ou nci lmen Kaeber,t hi s Thur sd ay n igh t by the Narberth township could recall i ts ag reemen t than one b us h e WIll need for Powers \Vood and Durbin, fol1ows:.Junior \Vomen's C lu b i n their cl ub - on 30 davs' written notice. 4. When Gou ro ud , T ommy Lou gh ra n, " Sk ip - ". . . \Ve have g iven careful conroom. That part of the Community the F e d e ~ a l government s tops financ- per" Smith, "l\1ac" Parker, Larry V ~ n - sideration to the p e t i ~ i o n for .increasedBuilding is transformed into a r ea l i ng t he p ro je ct . t he t ownsh ip s tops as c en t, e t aI, et aI, et aI, for the lIst wages and changes In workmg hoursChristmas set ting with a large deco- sponsol'. runs fa r into t h e n ight a l ~ d if it's on which wa s a d ( ~ r ~ s s e d to .Council in therated tree a nd m an y, many candles. About 40 women who must be town- t he s ta ge t he y have to SIt, s ome of f orm o f a pet It IOn by SIX o f t he BorThe Drama Committee, l\Iiss Margaret ship resident s, a r employed on t he t hem w i ~ 1 be standing, but Frank ~ a y s ough l ~ b o r e r s on October 7.. It is o ~ Kent, e!lairman, is in c 1 ~ a r g e . ~ h e y project, receive an ave ra ge of $15 there . wll1 be m a n ~ ~ o t h e r ~ standmg, conclUSIOn and recommendatIOn that 111:11:e as.slsted. by the M u s I ~ COlTI1111ttee weekly. too, If they d ~ l a y II I g:ttll.lg one o f view of the permanency of the work~ which ~ ' l I S S M a r ~ ' L o u l ~ e Glessner The project probably would reopen ~ h o s e 50-cent tIckets w ~ l I c h IS alI that and the wages which we provide, andIS t ~ e h a l r ~ a n . P a n ~ o n l l m e s repre- wi thin a da y or so, Evan L. James, IS nccpssary f.or the biggest show of t he f ac t that they ar c comparable tos pn tm g Chr is tm as g If ts folIow a township secretary said after the t h e y ear in thIS Narberth-town. those which prevail in the surround"puzzle" ~ a m e . Each g ir l is bringing Imeeting. ' The theatre management, it is I ing area for similar work, no changea small gIft a nd a . ca n o f f oo d. Mi ss Mrs. McAndrew, who, according to, stated, is throwing all i t s faci l it i es in-I should be made at the present time.Do.rothy E l w . o , ~ d IS the r e a d e ~ ' and Con ti nu ed on P age S ix Ito the a ff ai r, go ing to m ~ r k e t i a Conti nued on P a ~ e Five1\11 s. Ebba Glelst the accompulllst for I - ~ - ~ wholesale way for souvel1Jrs nOlse-)t h c . a ~ o ~ ~ i n g i ~ ~ . Mrs. T. A. Fisch:r, Narberth School is , 'makers, p a p ~ r millinery, e;c. (all Opposes Boycott Butho. p l t < l l I t ~ chanman, and hereommlt-" American-made-no Jananese wares), " "t,pe have c h ~ , r g e of the real "party re-I Chrlstnlas-Decorated and even that mellifluous organ, PredIcts U. S. In War[reshments, ' stilled these many months, is beingThe Christmas baskets and presents 11 Jr' . , , res tored for the gala evening, so eagerh av e a ll been fil led and bought and lVllSS WhI te s and MISS Dale s ar c a ll c once rned t o p ro \' id e a prowil l be distributed by 1\1rs. Glenn Wil- Rooms Termed Most Attrac- gram which will IH'o\'(' a humdinger IIiams and her Welfare Committee to tive by School Reporter in every conceivable way. Iworthy Narberth families. Cash, cash, cash, wil l a ls o be thereThe Bl anket Club winner for the DICKENS ' CAROL GIVEN , in plethora, the announcement goes on, DR . WILDES I S SPEAKERweek i s Mrs. "Marty" Cadugan. !to say, the expecta t ion being thatReservations for the New Year's Dickens' "Ch ri stma s Car ol " was :m an y a patron wi1l go home with a "Neither sanctions against J aranIo:\'e Dance ar e in, but if you have not ginn Tuesday night at the Narberth: very great (leal more than he pai d t o no)" wi thdrawal o f Americans from

    made ~ ' o u r reservations yet p erhaps School before a wel l entertained audi-! get in, which doesn ' t s eem to mak e h er terr i to l 'y can keep America fromif you c all Bunny Minnick (Nar. ence, by the Glee Club and seventh: sense, b ut i t' s t he way theat r icals are being catapulted soon with t he r es t of2872) she can make arrangements and eighth grade boys. The orchestra I done nowadays and probably has Ithe wor ld i nt o wa r whi ch wil l a ri se .for you. It promises to be a gala played. something to do wit h b re ad on the I"rom the Far Easte rn situation," de-night at the Brookline Country Club. The d re ss rehearsal was g iven De- waters. clared Dr. Harry Emerson Wi ldes,

    (B y 1\1. K. H.) cember 20, at two o'clock, at which all Will Lawr ence , t he l \ linst rcl Man. au th or a nd aut ho ri ty on world eco-t he s tu dent s of the school were wil l b e the Master of Ceremonies and nomics, before the fifty member s o fIpresent. it's wel1 known that h e is the histrion Ithe gToup on Li te r at ur e and In te rnaNames o f t he c as t were publ i shed, for such a task, none bet te r, and the I ional Relations of the \Vomen'slast week. The o rc he st ra h as lsi screen show will include George Arliss' Communi ty Club of Narberth Tuesdaymembers: Mary Jo Dunnington, Elea- in "Dr. Syn," an d several spectacular at the h om e o f M rs . R al ph Heath,nor Haywood , Reba Hutton, Dickie side pieces, special1y selected as log- "President Rooseve lt d emanded1\Iarriot, L il li an And er so n, C ar lo i ca l c on comi ta nt s (says Frank) of a that J apan s t at e h er conception of theMarianna, Edna Andrew, Claire De- rousing New Year 's par ty , to be held Ir ig ht s o f Americans in Chi na andHar t, 'Var r en Vincent , Tom Butler, on the eve of the eve so that you Iwhat Japan seeks in China, and whenHen ry F ry e, Tom Henry, Eleanor can go to your own private I)al"ty on j,J apan answers, a s s he has never doneStam, Jimmy l\leQuiston, Fred Kueb- the eve itself, thus l eavi ng u s f la t of ' before, I am convinced that Englandler, WiIliam Thompson, Dick Whiting excuse for being absent on this wel1- and t he United States wil l lose theirand George Woodrow. They are un- planned and merry celebration of the reluctance to go to war against herdel' the di rec tion of Joseph Barone. general community. and then we shal1 wade th rough tears .1\Ir. Kno ll i s t o be complimented on Tickets may be h ad a t the Narherth, But I sec no way to avert it " saidthe fine l igh ti ng . The cos tumes we re T he at re o r f ro m a ny membe r o f the Dr. \ViIdes.planned by Miss Tay lo r a nd t he p ar - American Legion. Our P re si de nt signed t he d ea thents are to be thanked f or t he ir help sentence of the present Japanese gov-in this lin e. M is s Gassner h as done W. C. Club Sends Plants ernment when he c ro ss ed "suggested"a splendid j ob wi th t he s cene ry . Mrs. and Christmas Baskets f)"om his note to t he Emp er or a nd\Vesley P. Dunnington has been ver y substituted "requested." It meanskind in assisting at the piano in the Eight mo re h av e signed applica- that the old mili taris t group now inabsence of Mr. Drennen. tions for membership to the Wom- power wi ll be forced to state its po-There is a big tree in the lower sition and will 'thereby lose face. Thaten's COlllmunity Club of Narherthh al l o f th e upper school building. It will gi\'e the modern Industrialistand wil l be voted upon at the meetingwas trimmed by the boys o f t he school of the Board of Directors at the home group the chance to rise. Japan can-patrol, assisted by Miss Fratantoni of the president, 1\1rs. E. W. Hey- not back down without a revolution.and Mr. Weathera l l. This Thursday mann , next Tuesday, at 10.30 A. M. Dr. Wil de s feels that a boyco tt o fmorning the s t ud en t body assembles .Japanese goods would not be of muchFifty new members have already beenin the hal1 around the tree t o s in g t ak en in the club, and Mrs. E. B. Hos - hel p, that if we refuse to seI I JapanChristmas carols. cotton she will ge t it from China andkins, cha irman o f t he New Member-School closes December 23, an d op- I' C 't t I t I I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937


    .1 I .,,:


    . , . .


    ~ - - I I

    like- - ,.,December 24, 1937


    You'll .our servIce

    - - - - - - - - ...................... 1$ ' ... -

    Mrs. Norman Jefferies

    NarberthBeauty Shoppe231 Haverford (Second Floor)Phone: Narberth 2565

    233 Haverford Ave.

    We sell potted plants-poinsett ia, peppers , cyclamen, begonias, etc., from 50c. Gladto take care o f y ou r o rd er fo rCOR SAG E S and CUTFLOWERS.S ec o ur interesting gifts-pottery, glassware, w omen 's l in .gerie, negligee an d hosiery, etc.

    . a complete hairdress~ n cu lt ur e. S pec ia li z ingInPERMANENTS - SPIRAL,CROQUIGNOLE ORCOMBINAnO NHAIRCUTTING

    Mollday-Tucsday-Wedllesday:3 s p e c i a , ~ ~ for $1

    FLOWERSfor Christmas...


    You've got to sec these cars to appreciate them-and drive them tounderstand what good buys they arc.Come on over!

    under auspices ofAMER ICAN LEG ION

    Dec. 24-25

    NARBERTH THEATEROn th e Ev e of th e Ev e

    Thursday, December 30, 1937



    So Long, Old Year!Welcome 1938!

    Please Apply Not Later Than Monday EveningDecember 27, 1937NARBERTH'S COMMUNITY CELEBRAnO N

    Will Lawrence. Minstrl'l ManMasler of Cerel/lolliesSouveni rs - Song-Fes t - Cash G if ts - H ip ,H ip H il ar it y!

    On the Screen:George Arlis s in "Dr. S yn " S pect acul ar Si de ShowsShows - - 7 and 9 50wo

    '35 CHEVROLET SEDAN-Newbrakcs; moto r and body i n excellentcondition. Upholstery like new.T ir cs g oo d. Worth over $450.Special , $385. Will finance.

    '29 PACKARD SEDAN-Perfectrunn ing o rde r . Tires , uphols tery,motor an d body in good condition.Ha s gone 56 ,000 miles an d is goodf or 1 00 ,0 00 mor e. A sk the man whoowns one! Sale pr ice, $75.

    '37 STUDEBAKER DICTATORSEDAN-with t runk and over-drive.Used as demonstrator. Perfect cond it io n. $ 735. Will finance.

    After you bu y o ne o f t he se used ca rs f rom me, i f t h ere' s anytiling mechani cal ly wrong , I 'l l make it right. That guaranteeisn't forever, of course-but it protects y ou a nd emphasizes myclaim that t hes e ca rs ar e well worth your seeing.

    Young lad ies volun teering their services should be able to provide Carmencostumes or equivalent. Their compensation will come in the extra p leasurethey afford those present at the biggest event of its kind ever held inNarberth. Noth ing rough nor t ough , but o f fun thl 'r e' li b e e nough. Hos ,tesses will have no ticke ts to sel l, as the whole town has a lready dl' cided toattend. If you have the r ight kind of gay spirit, and get a kick out ofhelping to make a successful and happy occasion, phone Frank Challlngcr,Chairman. Narberth 3638W, who will t el l you the few things you nel 'd toknow.


    Roy Kessinger - Sunshine Garagelona Avenue below Montgomery-Narberth 2235

    I Sell Old Cars . . .I Repair Cars Too.


    Montgomery Ave,-Ardmore


    - ADDED-UNCLE DON and ALLSTARHOLLYWOOD KIDDIE REVUEContinuous PerformanceChristmas Day from 1.00 P. M,


    A, ! you've go tsomething here!



    THURS., FRI. Dec. 23, 24A New and Delightfu lGEORGE ARLISSas "Dr . Syn"in a Swashbuckling TaleReminiscent of "Treasure Island"

    New arId BealltifulSUBURBAN

    O UR T OW N

    This Saturday and NextMonday and Tuesday

    Matinee Saturday 2 .30,Next Week at 2 P. M. Daily

    Ideallyca,t...glor;ou,Iyplayed... the"Heidi" ":"'y J t h ~ farno"s Ilor)'o 0""0 p)'"you hoped ,orne

    de to ,ee' " , DARRYl f lANU CKY In Chorg. of Prod"'CI.on

    '.;:e ';,IJ.'1 ~ o v e ~ by m i l i ~ o n sthe whole world over .. .NOW A PICTURE TO HOLDFOREVE R IN YOUR HEART!



    Mon., Dec. 27 11 A M\'Vcd., Dec. 29, at A carefully selected full.length Ju.venile program will be presented.ickets may be secured NOW,Party Reservations Accepted,



    Friday, December 24, 1937

    Telephone: Narberth 4100

    "GIOI',\' 10 {;od in th I' h ig -hes t,alld 011 eal'th

    p l ' a ( ' ( ~ to IIII'll 01 g'ood will."

    '1'hal hOl'ollgoh as h alit] Il'ash ( '01lpdol's \\'ill t'olltillul' to h(' el ll plo,\'ed, a l ld that t hf'y 1'('lIIain loyalthoug-Ii t Iwil' Iwti t i01l 1'01' nlore pa,\'alH] IPss hOlll's was lIot gol'alltl'(l-isa e rt 'd it t o tlie IIlldel'stallt]illg' alldhllllwllil," of ('01Il11'il. alld l'speeiall,\'of II igolma,\' ('liail'mall Hollert Fl'llo\\'s ,Vood, who this I l l0 l lth eOIl( 'Iudes his thil'd tel'lIl as ('olllleil111a 11, II is \ \ 'o l 'k l ins l ie I' ll so ulloht rusiw ill its tt'lieil'lll',\', lhal his\\'al'lIIhl'al'l('tllll'SS. hi s gol'('at ('Oll-,sidl'l'al iOIl 1'01' i'l'llo\\'-\\'ot'k('I's alltli'ot' 1 '1IIplo,\' (' ('s, usuall,\" pass 1I1l-!llotil'l'd 11,\ 111( jl II iiI ie, Hilt i t \ \" ashi s quipl i l l s i s t e I H ~ t ' 011 goi\'ilig' \ 'al 'ht'l'(h Pill plo,\' ('es a lH'tt1'1' 1lin 11 ('\'1'11ehalll'(' 10 l'l '1a i ll t hl'i I' johs, tlIatwillS hilll t]lt'ir IJ[l'ssillgo this ('hl'ist-,lIlas, . , . \11l] his IIl1sellish IOllg'j illll',sl'l'\'it'l' to thl' ('OIllIiJ UII it)' has'carll cd th t ' towll'S ap pJ'teia1iOIl a lid:bcst wishes fOl' a \\,('II-t]l's('1'\'I'I] \'aleatioll f ro m h is ( ' i "ie dut il 'S.

    A, EI\\"ooo, E,litor 8.: l'uhli"here J\!on;an Hoberts, Social Editor

    '1'0 tliI' 1( ,1111"; of ( Iil'i,.;ll1ln,.; (t]itlint lia\'(' 1)('('11 pllldi,.;hed

    Ill'\I',.;pn IWI ; h('g',III, (ll'n To\\':'\'1101 ad d i1,.; post ";('I'i pt, H"ad

    e elll\l'(' li Ilot i('('s alll] elljoy the' i(,(' ,.; t liis "( 'hl'isl :\1 ass," ~ Il l]

    wi11i IIiIPP'\' h('nl'ls alHI \'oi(ts,ehoil'''; tllal 1'01' lIt'nl'l,\' tW('1I1y

    hn\'(' Sllllg':

    11\1 ickey Mouse a nd O ur Gang,

    There wil l b e only one performanceIl'ach afternoon, commencing at 2.15- - - - - - P. 1\1. This is an exclusive showingShirley Temple Makes lor "Snow White and the Seven

    "Heidi " a Memorable Film Dwarfs," and wiII no t be shown at an yIother theatet' this year,l \ l i l l i o n ~ ha, '( ' b ee n enthralled by' "Conquest" at Egyptianthl' \\ 'al'mth, t e n d e r n e ~ s anll charming Laid in the spectacular regime of

    beauty of .Johanna SpYl'i's beloved the Napoleonic period, "Conquest"~ t o r y (If I!('idi a nd t he colorful folk which is p l a ~ ' i n g at the Egyptian thisiwho lil"l'd and laughed hi gh up i n the Fl'iday and S a t u l ' d a ~ ' , unfolds the love

    I, S w i ~ s Alps, j l l ~ t beneath the stars, s lo l'y of Napoleon anc l the glamorous'l'ranslatl'd into a ll lang' IIages and Countess Marie Walewska.Irc'ad en'rywhere, it is a universally Ronald Colman has a dual role iniappeal ing story that is made all t he " Th e Prisonel' o f Z enda " which isi nhll'l' memorable on the SCl'een. playing at the Egyptian Wednesday! Shir ley Temple is more glor ious and T h u r s d a ~ ' , December 2B-30. Mai than I'veI' before in "Heidi, " playing deleine Carroll, r eg al a nd lovely, cola t Nal'berth Saturday, l\1onday and "lars with Ronald Colman in thisITue sd ay , T he story t el ls o f an em- I hrilling' and exciting' story.I hiUl'l'('d mountain-toil exile, brilliantlyi portrayed by Jean Hersholt, reclaimed


    11'1'0111 his fiel'ce hatred of the world , ofa young ' girl who finds the strengthand courage to wal k a ga in , a nd of__________ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I the little heroine who brings everyone Fri.-Sat.

    The Day Before Christmas .O ld T im es o n t he Main Line Inew zest for life.It is with wear ied satisfaction that a s F il 's t Run P ic t ur e s Re tu r ni Two ,lances provide charming inter -

    people r each t he day before Cht'istll1as.: ilu

    o rd w i th lhl' Illal'eh of prog'l't'sS, i always o\\'e to t h ~ i r fe llow-men, es- I Thursday-the "Eve of t he E ve ,"l \ l(J/ ' l' "s s lal iOIl is 110 hal'g-aill, I pecially to those who ar c unfortul,1Ute, To Youngsters From 6 to 60 i till: American Legion a n ~ 1 public WiIlI r ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~. tl . t ,t t 'I' '-," II' ,I, t i l ' .:\1111'11 I f it ever could ha\'e been adl1l lt te d l \I ick e. \' ! \l ou se and His Pals will' enJoy, among other thlllgs, George I01 1,1. IIld t, , ~ e , l , I I \' , "D S ". 1 I I I t 't that there wa s a ny welg lt to t lat anive on the !\lain Line Chris tmas Ar ISS III r. yn.suhur l al l s lOW jJ aee t HI I 'I I E I' I 1 1'1- 'k E" I argument of \\,ear1l1ess, and t la t t J ere week, and will appeal' at t he Subur- ' III 1I1g t le 10 Ie .1Y \\ ec:, 11 0de,.;el'\'es lH'tter, was any time when people c ou ld bun Thea te r , A rdmore ; Seville Thea- F lynn and .Joan Blondell Will appearAn d the Penllsyl \ 'ania Hailroad l be relieved of their humane responsi- tel', B r ~ ' n :\law1', a nd t he A nt ho ny in "The Perfect Specimen."hettel', ' l 'here is ground bilities, Di ck en s n ev er could or \Vayne Thea t er , Wayne, at specialr s ymp a th y 1'01' it s lille ol1icials, WOUld" ha,ve w ~ ' i t t e n , h is "Chr is tmas morn ing perfol'mances on Mon da y, "Snow White" Marionet tes ilI ' I I' t . Carol WIth T1I1Y 1'1111 port rayed as December 2 i and Wednesda\ ', Decem- A re C onling to E gyp tian ' ,0' It 1Il" mallY Jallt leaps 0 nJalU- II h b ' .", ... , , ' . . . he 'was. The wor ld wou ( ave e en b el ' 2B, at 11 o'clock.m the1l' IlIIe s g r ea tnes s and Its that much 1100111 I 'II "t' 't' 1'1 lIt d, " l' Jey WI partlclpa e In a glgan Ie Eg-yptian leater HIS se ec e a:lid ra l (', An d whell SOl\le 01\ The sent iment a l g'low with which Cartoon Carnival featuring a care- J l l e a s i n ~ holiday p ro gr am f or thee se mel1 I 'e t lI I' n from \'HeatiOlls t Dickens c lothed his narrative has be- fulIy selected fulI-length juvenile pro- matinee performances next Monday

    husilless tr ips in thl' \Y I 'S t, come tarnished a nd fa ded w ith the g ra m. Tickets may be secured now and Tuesday.~ a FI'Hneiseo's an d Los ~ \ I 1 - p as sa ge o f 100 Christmas s ea sons for an y of the performances at the l\Iain attraction on t he s ta ge , is

    I . . I' I I I J . t.l since i t w as wri tt en . T he re is a bet- theuters, and purtv reservations will nobby Se lIe rs ' Marionette production('s Itt e sU mr lS \11\'1' a J'ae- " , .' , . tel' SOCIal conscIOusness now-a lec- be accepted. of "Snow White and the SevenstatIOns, t.he nostalgIa of their ognition that pove r ty and disease are Dwarfs," the story. of the l i tt l e pr in- I"-"tJIIII'II!!: 1IlIISt he deadened at cha ll enges t o the intelliO"ence, even ( ss \\110 \"as despI'sed by her cruel i" " L' ,.., It has to be regret fully admi t ted 'e , , Iof a-hallrloned Ci\'il ' \ 'Hr more than to the sentiment , of m ~ d - by the committee in charge of thc stepmother an d who after escaping

    Ilre and makl 'shift TOOller- ern people who have, comfortable CIl'- s al e o f Christmas Seals f or t he Low- her excutioner was befriended by the I, cumstances. It beg1l1s t o look as 1\1 ' d N be th a rea that the se\'l'n gnomes. The surrounding pro-Tl'ollcy statl?l1s,) 0,11 t h,e though the time might come when ~ ~ n t l ~ ~ : : ~ O ~ ~ to ~ : t e I ~ r e fall ing shor t I g-ram is s e l ~ c t e d from Walt, D,isney'sl'elll1sylnulla hatlroatl s there would be no l on ge r a ny \ 'e ry f I h' h lt I'butc I: I'epertoire of car toons and wIII mclude, , b to t le sums W IC were COl l' ( i , '. I ka II I Lme, dch p er so ns n o r v er y poor ones, u last y ea r. Th is is a serious matter Isuch favoiltes .IS Dona d Duc .

    This edilorial is 011'el'etl COl1struc- that will not settle a lI s oc ia l p ro h- because last y ea r t he local work wasivch'. Hesid(nts of Bala allli ( 'YI1- lems no r r e l i ~ v e c O l n f ~ r t a b l e people expanded on t he b as is o f t he l ar gl 'r :. " I 1 ' o f t he n ec ess it y o f bell1g eoncernl'd d I I" I ' Iwyd, tired o f l h la pl t a te l s ta tI on s, reg-arding those who ar c un comfort- r evenue an t le c IJ1ICS w lIC 1 wcrchave hat] recol\l'S!' to two-cal' goa- able, conducted in public schools as a 1'1'suIt of that expansion had indicat!'flrages. wh ill' tl'ain t rartie has D ea th a nd disease will still stalk. more c lear ly t han was previously real-languished. T It e : \I ain L in e' s b us Iabroad in ~ h a t new 100 per cent mid - i ze d how essential tuberculosis prell'atlie "rows, :\101'1' moto r t r al l ie dIe-class tl1ne, the same as they do vention work is, even inside the limits... I :\1 ' I ' i today, a nd all th e b es t Imowledge of11 'I'llI' ~ ' \ " I I I ' 'lill 1111' of tIll'S' unusuall" !lrOS!)('rous town-ows, . " ""., i medical science and a ll t he expe rt ne ss >is at a turn ing p oi nt . ' ri te }'elln-1of social sen'ice w il l be required to ship.\ ]. I I.syl\'allia Raill'oatl, wille 1 l IIat C It, I combat them, just as is emphatically:!eall conI inue to Itt it s statiol1s go! the case now when the poor arc stillf I] t t I , t I' " with us a nd t he r ic h w al k humbly androm Jat 0 Worsl" or I ea n l's 0 , ,, pa y big taxes .a tOi le t ha t IS sadl,\' ncedcrl In spite o f all that is being ' donl'l'estOl'e its own self-rcspt'c1 by government r el ie f a nd by char-compete at least with Delaware, i table foundations, it is just as necl'S-County's trolleys . lise mod- \ sary now, as it was when Dic kcns

    : , ' Iwrote fo r people of good will t o ex-1111 IIIcrchanthsLlW t ee hl ll e t o at- ' . , '... : tend their Chl'lstmas sentIments he-t raet an d plt'asl' eustomers yond the circle of their own familiestear down old stations that ar c eye- ~ n friends, Fortunately, hetterS ( ) I ' l ~ S , an d huill] attraeti\ 'e new methods ar c now ava il ab le f or t lw IOIlCS that will ellCOILl'agoe eOl\lmutl'l's r el ie f o f s uf fe re rs a nd t he one which

    I tl :\1' I' 11 ' h is particularlv connected with Chris t-to ma ,(' It. al1l .1lI1' 1111 Oll ie , mas is t h e 'Tuberculosis Chr is tmasantI thl' : \ lain Line thcir roat!. Seal. I f those Seals were not inc1udelJ among you r C hr is tm as PUl,-

    chases, your list was not completl'because, whether yo u k no w i t or not,there ar c on y ou r l is t m an y u nf or tunate people who are ac tual o rthreatened vict ims of tuberculosis, andwho look to you for a n a nnua l ass ur an ce o f that safeg-uard and pr ot('ction which modern medical Imowledge and trained socia l se rv ice a lonecan give,

    a RccoIH1-class matter O ~ t o h e r19 14 at t he Pos t OtliCf' at Narherth,u,;der the Act of ;o,Tarch 3 , 1 Si !l ,cription rate, $2 per ye3r In advance

    i ce - 209 Haver fo rd Ave ., Narberth

    UR TOWNjrative Comlllunit1/ Newspaper,in 1.'111, 1111 tile NarlJc,rthiA , ~ " o c i a t i { ) n , (Lud 7 1l IJ/ishedFrida1/ at Nfl/'berth, Pa. I


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937


    December 24, 1937 OUR TOWNPage Three

    Bros.Narb. 2602

    Cynwyd 928


    Adelizzi102 Fores t Ave .228 BaJa Ave.

    Ti lE :-1EQu l I ' l 't : n 'V ITH LAIIYRINTI lTall 'l .>: RAND>: - $175.00


    hailed as the j:rrcatesttonal advancesince th., IIchent of radio. \V., arenow showing thc ncw 1938 Stromh.'rj!-Carlsons.

    Battery &:Electric




    43 N. Narberth Avenue - Narberth 4077Established sillce 1924


    Our Wish at Christmas-tide

    clothes cleanednicely - at theTo

    Narbe.etl i l lal id Laulldry107 N. Narberth Avenue - Narberth 2266

    Let's make a NewYear's Resolution

    We are exclusive agents for Stromberg.Carlsons-and with RichardTimm, the best radio expert on th e Main Line, to give you realservice-you'll find it pays to v is it our new showroom.

    away, an d all cares nicely CLEANED up for a l ong t imeto come. We a rc even willing to DYE for you.

    The function of radio is accurater' _ __ ' >' _ ' 'e! . - . - ' . I I\1rs. Haynes F. Darnes, of Gray-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ling avenue, spent s ever al days inPittsburgh this week. Her daughter,;',Jiss Betty !\Iae Darnes, and MissDorothy Nonemaker, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. H. A. N'onemalwr, of Grayl in g a ve nu e, w ill l ea ve Mon da y forPittsburg, t o s pe nd s ev er al d ay s a st he guest o f Mis s Darnes' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turner.Anita Goodrich, daughter of Mr.Clarence O. Goodr ich, of 211 Hampden aVl'nue, is home from NorthfieldSeminary, East Northfield, Mass.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence .J. Brengle,of Bryn Mawr avenue, P enn Valley,gave a cocktai l party Sunday afternoon in h on or of Miss Hop e A ld enMeade, daughter of Mr. and I\1rs.(;eorge Gordon Meade, of Sunnybank,

    I Ambler, and Mr. Bernhard W. F ox ,son of Mr. Caleb F. Fox, Jr., of Elkins P ar k, a nd Mrs. Fitz EugeneDixo n, als o o f Elkins Park, whosemarriage will take place January 4 inSt. Thomas Church, Whitemarsh.Friends of Mr. 'V. J. Drennan,p ri nc ip al o f the Narberth PublicSchool, will be glad to hear that heis reco\'ering from a sudden seriousillness.The 1933 Class of Lower Mer ionHigh School wil l hold a reunion Tuesday at the Covered 'Vagon.ContlnueCl on Pal: 'e Four

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937



    December 24, 1937


    S a Io n


    on Na rbe rth AvenueTelephone: 4072

    Specialty - Miss Erma Norr i s


    Tree L ig ht s a s lo w as 39c(Outdoor, as low as 95c)

    NORRISBeau t y

    t o w arm y ou r c ar a nd you.We're selling them, ~ 1 2 . 9 5 up.Lubrica tion for winter - Let's!


    Emergency Road Service for batteries

    Sunshine GarageMontgomery-NARBERTH 2235-Roy

    A superlativc ncw bcauty servicc

    an d Radio Company, 109 Narberth AvenueWalter G. CaseNarberth 4182

    258 Haverford - Entrance(Second Floor)

    Permanent Waving a

    KADETTE RADIOS: 10-tube $19.95Others as low as ~ 9 . 9 5

    Girls' an d Boys' Bicycles-new one s, a s l ow a s $ 24 .9 5


    Iona below

    TheNarberth Electric

    As much as

    Christmas SpecialA l i tt l e radio fo r the bedroom or children's room A radio withdynamic speaker, an d lo ng w av e reception an d a ls o p ol ic ecalls ~ 1 4 . 9 5

    on y ou r o ld set, w he n you bu y a new PHILCO, SPARTON orRCA RADIO. -You can b uy o n the Budge t P lan , t oo !


    Mcrry Christmas

    Open every evening


    an d h op es y ou w il l f il l,h er e a nd now, your last-

    wishes yo u a very


    The NarberthMen's Shop

    Theatre Build ing-Narb . 2772

    Christmas Party GivenEmployes at St . Mary 's

    Enter ta in 100 Chi ldrenat All Saints Church

    St. Mary's Laundry gave its annualChristmas party for its employesWednesday night at the Aubrey avenue, Ardmore, plant.Plenty of ea ts and en te r ta i nmentwere enjoyed by all.I n i ts p er so nn el policy S t. Mary' salso carries group insurance for allworkers including medical service, andg iv es p er iod ic al bonuses wheneverpossible.


    One hundred chi ld ren f rom hereabou t s wer e gues ts of t he men of AllSaints' Church, \Vynnewood, at theirs even th Chr is tmas party, Mondaynight. They sang carols, heard stories by J. O. HacIH>nburg, enjoyed aP un ch a nd Judy show, saw films>,el'eened by F I' ed A. Healy, and received g i ft s f rom Sant a Claus. Chairman of the affai r was Char les C. Rees.Alt hough t he pa rt ie s s t ar t ed as men'safl'airs, th e wives proved so helpful inmaking purchases and espec ia l ly inwrapping them, that this year the"good fellows" in attendance were ofboth sexes.\Vednesday evening, the congregat i on h eld i ts a nn ua l i nf orma l p ar ty ,starting w it h s uppe r in t he p ar is hhouse and continuing in th e church,

    where the Chr is tmas decorat ions werepu t up.

    . ..


    Go to Church

    ,'. " ' ~ . _ . ; . ~

    ANNABELLAthe glamorous French star , as sheappears in "Dinne1' at the Ritz,"playing Saturday and Sunday atthe Subll1'ban and TVayne Theatres.

    Baptist Church 0/ the EvangelRober t E . Keighton, MinisterSunday, December 26:11 A. M. Morning Worship. Ser

    mon: "Bethlehem's Al ternative." TheOrdinance of Bap ti sm . V io li n soloist, Harold Micklin.5 P. 1\1. Vesper Service. The youngpeople will present a modern mysteryplay "Fiat Lux."\Vednesday, December 29:8 P. M. Mid-weck mee ti ng of the

    Chu rc h. Top ic : "The Basic Rules ofMorality.Saturday, January 1:S A. M. A New Year's Service.Friends of the Church are invited toworship wi th us on this first day ofIB38.

    Holy T ..;nity L t l t h ~ r a n ChurchRev. Cletu!5 A. Senft, PastorMiss Margaret Squier, Organist

    Christmas Mor ni ng, 6.30 A. M.Candle-light Dawn S er vi ce wi thChristmas music by the brass quartette, organist, senior a nd ju nio rchoirs. Sermon theme: "ChristmasAI'ound the \Vorld."Sunday, December 26, 1937:!l.45 A. M. Bible School for everydepartment and age group. I11 A. M. The :Mo rn ing Servi cewith Christmas music. Theme: "Sonsby Adoption."Sunday, January 2, the Holy Communion w il l b e administered at bothLlle 11 and 7.45 services.

    Library, Closed forRcdccorating, GivcsThanks for Gifts



    Narberth 2861

    PotteryDressesLingerieNegligeeHosierySweatersOdds a nd E nd s




    If you're going to moveIf you need an additionallistingIf you're g oi ng t o ordera telephoneCALL OR VISITOURBUSINESSOFFICENOW!



    - at grcatlyrcdllccd priccs.

    - bcgi, lt ling Monday, oj:

    LIberal Trade-In Allowance Easy Terms

    A N EW WOR LD fo r you and yourfamilY with a new Royal GrandPiano.New p leas u r es , new interests forthe whole family, and new beautyfor your home.


    Clearance Sale

    is now associated withFidel i ty Investment Ass'n

    "Fidelity Income Plan"1 Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095-J

    Mrs. Norman Jefferies233 Haverford Ave.

    Two g i f t ~ recently rece ived by the.Narberth Community Library d e ~ e r v e~ p e c i a l mention.First is t he Shr ine of the Constitution of the United States, given byt hr ee o rgani za ti ons: The Ameri canLegion, the Daughters of t he Ameri can Revolution, and the I talian-Ameri -Ican C i t i z e n ~ ' Club. The Shr ine stands Iin the corner near the fireplace. ItIholds a l ar ge and very r eadab le copylof the Constitution a nd p ic tu re s o f1the s igners of that historic document.Secondly, the For tnightly Club, inIaddition to the annual subscriptionsto Etude Magazine and Ar t Digest,has given a m uch neede d referencevolume: Burt on Egbe rt S tevenson 's---------,, ! "Home Book of Shakespeare Quotations."This s eems t o be a good time to recall that friendly s pi ri t o f co-operation which exists between local organ-Iizations and t he Narbe rt h L ib r ar y .I t may n ot be generally known,--!/ b ut, t he following organizat ions inaddition to those already mentionedhave a regular part in the work of thelibrary:Daughters of the American Revolut ion: Annual subscription to "NationalI-Iistorical Magazine" ( f 0 l' mer I y"Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine").Girl Scouts of Narberth: Annualbook gifts in memory of Juliette Low,

    Ifounder of the Girl S cout Movement.Narberth Parent-Teachers' Association: Annual subscription to "National Parent-Teachers" Magazine.Additions to t he Mothe rs '. CouncilCollection which belongs to the association, but i s p la ce d in t he l ib r ar yfor circulation to residents wi th theregular library collection. Annualgift of awards f o r t he members of

    Ithe Library's Travel Club.Penn Valley Garden Club: Annualgifts of books on gardening.'Voman's Community Club: Annualmembership fo r th e l ib ra ry in the

    Philadelphia Art Alliance PictureCirculating Club, enabling the libraryto display a new painting each monthof the year.I Ques tions concern ing the localclubs are sometimes asked in the library. To meet this demand, the library with t he a ss is tance of Mrs.Robert Fellows Wood has p r epa red Narberth Methodist Episcopala card file of the organizations an d Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Ministertheir o ~ c e r s in order that interested ".45 A. 1\1. Church School. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~persons can be referred to t he p roper 11 A. M. Morning Wors hip. S er -a ut ho ri ti es . T he library staff at - Illoll: "After Christmas, What?" it e m p t ~ t o k ee p t hi s m e up-to-date by (j.45 P. 1\1. Epworth League.r e f ( . ~ r l ' l n g to local n e w s ~ ) a p e r s , . b u t .the 7..l5 P. 1\1. White Gift Pageant:, fPIlassls:ance of.the clUbS.1I1. s ~ n d l l 1 g lists I "The Lig'ht Stil l Sh ines." Iof new officels .to the liblary would be Tuesday, December 28: Igreatly appreciated. 7.:30 P. 1\1. Church Christmas. T l ~ e lib.rary is c l o s e ~ fo.r redecorat - Par ty. Carols. Magic. Surprises. ~ l I ~ g . at I l l e s e n ~ , bu t Will leopen Mon- W e d n e s d a ~ ' , December 29:c 1 a ~ , Decembel 27. P. 1\1. Sunshine Bib le C la ss ~

    CiJristm.as. Party at the home o f Mrs .The Fireside A. J . RI \\ ( len.Friday Decemher31: .l \ l i > ' s c I : I ~ l n l ~ ~ ~ k f l ~ ~ ~ ~ , P ~ t ' s l ~ i ; . l i ~ ~ road, s e ! : ' ~ : l i ~ f ' r . I . Watch Night Social anc] i i TheReal C h r l ~ cettnace S p l ( J r l ~ t !

    will en te r ta in t he Fort n igh tl y Club ."at a Christmas party next Wednesday. r h P r ~ s b y U r i a n Church1\11'. and 1\Irs. Harry Hol la r a nd Rcv. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas-UH'ir daughter, Betty, of Forest ave- tor. No mor e var ied exper iences of business good an d ill, commercial profit an dn ul ', w il l l ea ve next \\"ednesday to 9 .45 A . M.-Bible School. i ' ~ ~ loss, ment a l p l ea su r e an d p ai n, p er so na l e as e an d care, national strength an dslwnc] i 'ew Years i n Miami , Florida. 11 A. 1\1.-Morning Worsh ip. Ser- weakness, human greatness an d greed-eould be crowded into twelve months than WJHome for the holidays from Peddie mo

    lnl IAlY. t 1 \ ~ e . _ I ) T a s l l t e o r . J : u n l . o r . cllur'cll, COll- i th e combination of events that have transpired in t h e year just closing. Yet w i tha lSchool, Hightstown, N. J., are Rob- L we believe, as individuals an d as a people, we have steadily advanced toward theert Eo lIaig'h, :3I!J N. Narberth; ducted by Mrs. Digby. goal o f t he h ig h calling of the destiny o f t he race.

    Donald Lloyd Edgerton, 107 Chestnut; 11A . l\L-Children's nursery, under iEdwin Town, 200 N. Narberth; a nd t he s up er vi si on of Miss Tibben. Th e custom of exchanging Christmas greetings, unbroken for hund reds o fRobert G. Carroll, Wynnewood. Clair 6.45 P. 1 \L-The th re e Christian I years, is bu t an addition t o t he general consciousness o f d u ty to others, and a reali-Richardson, S. Narberth avenue, is Endeu\'or groups. : zation that th e highest happiness is in a iding o the rs to live better an d happier lives. ! home from college at nJoomington, In- 7 .45 P. M.-N arbel'th's Happy Biblediana; Bill Watson, Merion avenue, Hour. Sermon by the Ilastor. i It is a great privilege to make an d keep fr iends. Th e acquisition of wealth,from North Carolina. and Dan Hess, 1'llgWednesday: 8 P. l \ i . -Prayer meet- i th e attainment of fame, th e securing of position-these are as no th ing i f in the irice avenue, from State College. meantime their possessor has failed to a tt ra ct a n d h ol d friends.1\11. and Mrs. Al len B. Dot y, of N.

    Narberth avenue, will have a s t he ir Merlon Notes f 6 d Inl y a t el ' one n s i n a no t leI', qualities to a rouse r espect , l ove or admira-guests Chris tmas Day, the Frank i d h b' I . h f f dion, an ex i Us t lose quahties imsel, can r ien sh ip , a mutual condition, beBart>" of Philadelphia. MI'. and 1\Ir;;. Francis R. Straw- d !enerate.hridge, Jr., of Haverford , are receiv-W d Notes ing congratulations upon the birthynnewoo of a son, Francis R. Strawbridge, 3d, Th e l i gh t t hat shines t h rough the windows is a wel come to f ri ends an d aOil Decemuer 14. Mrs. Strawbridge i sign of f ri end l y i n te r es t i n a l l human it y , on t he d a y that h as b ee n mad e s ac re d byMrs. F lo yd E . Keene, of Wister is t he f orme r Miss Elizabeth Ann Him who sacrificed all that th e spirit of brotherly love might exist o n e ar th , an d

    road, \Vynnewood, wiII entertain at a Schwarz, daughter of Mr. an d Mrs. that there be one anniver sa ry when s el f is disregarded an d ou r sole endeavor isluncheon on the 31st in honor of her William Tefft Schwarz, of Merion. th e dissemination of happiness. !daughter, Miss Martha J. Keene. The Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Smith, ofguests wil l be members o f t he schoo) Woodley road, will entertain at a Pleasant retrospection of past busi nes s r e la ti ons , an d hopeful antiCipationset. dance at their home on Tuesday eve- of future oppor tuni t ies to s er ve , a r e ming l ed together t o s uc h a degr ee o f finenessMr. and Mrs. Earl Baruch, of Med- ning, in honor of thei r daughter , Miss an d fitness that we arc determined to me ri t mor c f ul ly than ever , t he conf idence

    ford road, are receiving congratula- Phyl l is Smith, who has a s h er g ue st an d trust y ou h av e p l aced i n us. !tions upon th e b ir th o f a son, Ri ch- for the holidays Miss Terry Luther, iard Fernand Baruch, on Saturday, De- of Pottsville. - Sincerity a nd g ra ti tu de p romp t us to express th e h op e th at o ur m ut ua l ccember 11. Mrs. Baruch is the former Mr. Richard Reinhar t , who is at- interests may b e even more closely allied, and t ha t the coming of another hol idayMiss Phy ll i s Fox , daughter of Mr. t ending Frankl in and Marshall Col- season may s ee y our prosperity and happiness multiplied many fold. ~ and Mrs. William Richard Fox, of lege, arrived home Saturday to spendC y n w ~ ' d . the Chr is tmas vacation w it h h is pa- iMrs. Scott Clark, of Spring I-louse, rents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rein- Il Sincerely and gra tefully yours, !will en te r ta in t h is Sunday in honor hart, o f H ea th road.of Mis s Helen Win slow 'Vil l iams , of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. \Vilson,New Y or k. Mr. and Mrs. John Wes- o f Baird road, will give a c ocktai l Cotler's Marketley Cullen , of East Orange, w il l be party N ew Y ea rs Da y in honor of Howard F. Cotlerguests of Mrs. Clark for th e holidavs. thei r daughter , Miss Katrina C. Wil- ~ Mrs. Cullen is the former Miss Bettv son, who returned the 17th from Hol- e ! ~ , ~Scott Clark. . I in s C ol le ge, V a. , f or t he holidays. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ge Fou r

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937



    24, 1937 OUR TOWN P ag e F iv e

    The adyert i sers in t hi s p ap er a reyour friends and neighbors. Patronizpthem.

    Midll i te Shows New Yea r' s EveGala Xew Y ea r's Ev e midnites hows wi ll be given "t the Suburban

    Thea te r , A rdmore; Seville Theater,Bryn Mawr, a nd An tho ny \VayneTheater, Wayne.

    J ac ob J . S ta le yJacob J. Staley, who had lived inNarberth w it h h is son, Dr. R. M.

    Staley, died las t Thursday in Jefferson Hospital, after an illness o f tw omonths. H e w as 83, a nd w as a publ i sher unt il he retired.In a dd iti on to h is Narberth son,his wife, Katharine ; another s on , A lbert W. Staley, Penficld, and twodaughters, Mrs. Edward Heinz, Germant own , and Mrs . Gav in Scherrer,Rose Valley, survive.

    old age of 85. The Rev. Archer Anderson, of the Narberth PresbyterianChurch, conducted services at 11 A . M.Monday, at 1820 Chestnut street, anrlintel'ment was in !VIt. Mori ah . M r..Johnston died thrce years ago. SUJ '-viving are a daughter, Miss LidaJohns ton , and son, Rober t Johnston,.Jr., and his childrcn, Louise and KathI'i ne, Narberth; and daugh te r , I\T rs.\Valter H. Brown, and granddaughter, Mrs. William 1\1. Hal l, o f Brooklyn.

    son of Mrs. Henry J.of Philadelphia.

    Mrs. Annie E. JohnstonMrs . J oh n R. Johnston, who hadlived at 30!l Grayling avenue for 27

    years, died l as t F r id ay at the rip!'

    Ade la id e N . C oo kThe fune r al of Mrs. Adelaide N.Cook, 525 Homewood avenue, who died

    Wednesday of last \ \' pe k, took p la ceSaturday afternoon at 1820 Chestnuts tr ee t , P hi lade lph ia . Mrs. Cook,who was 35, i s Rurvive d by he r husband. I -l ar ry O. C ook, own er o f aprinting business in th e city. Intermen t w as i n F er nwood C emet er y.

    Mrs. Leonard Bishton-Botfield, ofMerion, announces the engagement ofh er d au gh te r, Miss Amy BiRhtonBotfield and Mr. Thoma s P ie rc e

    1\11'. an d Mrs. Anthony Waterer, ofMerion and Homebrush Farm, \VestChester, announce th e engag'ement oftheir daughtel', Miss Mary Elsie Waterer , to MI'. William Philip Schaefer,.TI., son of Mr. and !\IrR. WilliamPhil ip Schaefer , of Philadelphia.l\tiRs \Vaterer is a graduate ofFriend's Central School and at tendedBradford ,Junior College. Mr. Schaefer is a graduate o f C he st nu t H il lAcademy and at tended Franklin an dMarshall College.

    Engagements ISchreyer,Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pr ice Griffith, Schreyer,

    of Heath road, Merion, have an- - - - - - - - -The Republican \Vomen o f Pe nn -nounced the e ng ag eme nt of their sylnl11ia will present Georgc E. So-daughter, Miss Mar y P ri ce Griffith, l ( ( l l s l , ~ at a lunchcon meeting- .Tanuto MI' . Thomas Louis Lueders, 3d, son al'Y :1 in the Ri tz-CarIton ball room.of MI'. and Mrs. Kenneth Self r idge A reception for the guest o f h onorLueders, of Linden lane, l\Ierion. will b e h el d at 12.00. Reservationss hould be made at once at Hannah

    Penn House.

    . Continued from Pal!A On..

    If you have an opinion, write OurTown a letter.

    Narber th School isChristmas-Decorated

    IUI\ '(' pasted snow on the windows, atl eas t i t looks l ike snow.All the other rooms ar c decorated

    v e r ~ ' pJ'Cttily and it all helps t o g iv ethe school an a tmospher e t yp ical o fChristmas..Jnnuary 7, the W. P. A. Theaterwill give a play, sponsored by ther. T. A.Thc orchestra and glee c lu b, i n

    charge of Mi ss Fricke, will give al' llncert in assembly January 14."The Wise Prince," a puppet show,will be given January 21. Teacherin charge i s M is" Taylor.Last Friday of t he mon th , Mr.Knoll will have a program, "Pennsyl vania. Our Keystone State."

    ELEANOR HAYWOOD,St.w/ent Reporter.

    Business Bits I S i t - I t - I t ~ h . . . . .A Narberth nClghbor who placcd- - - too much confidence in his maid 's dis-

    Christmas music along Haver-I crimination, had a bad t ime of it oneavcnue is from amplifiers rig-g-ed nig-ht lately. He had her mix a highby \Valter G. Case, 011 t he Arca- I ball for him, a nd s he mistook turpens r oo f .. . Dur bi n amI Howar d, at ' t ine f o r another ingredient that comess ta ti on , h av e in their window a in bottles-with the result that he hadfarm, complet.. to t lw smallest recourse to a s tomach pump.mill a far remove f rom Beth- Someone or t wo w it h a peculiarthat is attracting considerable sense of humor called up the seven.. . OU! Town regrets that stores that sel l icc c ream in Narberth,

    usticc was ( lo ne in "Sh-h-h" last a nd d ir ec tp d ea ch o f t hem t o mi x u ppk to Francis Shea, whosc Oyster var ious flavors of ice cream in a quartdocs not tolerate rowdyism. . . container and make delivery to onehat Neon sign on t he we st see- certain household on t he S ou th side.-floor winflow of the Narberth A good time was not had by all.building betolwns a new beau tyn -l \I is s Non is '. The young

    has ten. yeal'S experience inb es t beauty s hops t o her credit,

    d an attractively appointed salonwhich to giye indi\'idual serviced is ti nc ti on . The Neoned windowl l hea !' f ramed number s each week,which e re l ong you wil l s ce furannouncement.


    Continued from Pal: '8 One

    for the


    New Year

    NarberthCoal Company

    Greetings& Best Wishes

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;:''', ," :,:. ,,".~ ~ / . , . ; , ;i Christmas Cheer Throughout the Year. i

    i The undersigned extend all good wishes for a Ii !I Merry Christmas I~ . " , with the hope that amollg OIlY New Year's resol,ltions, you will include the resolyc to make Ollr r el at io ns m u tl la l ly h elp f ul , t h at o ur community may

    be a b et te rp la ce i n w hi ch to l iy e.ii Adelizzi Brothers Harvey Roof ing Co . Nepi Brothers !arvey J. Cook, Manager General Contracting, Landscaping, Furances Cared For29 N. Narberth Avenue-Narberth 29994040 245 Hampden Avenue-Narberth 3848MAlbrecht ' s Flowers J~ ' O :q'", Montgomery Avenue and Meeting House Lanebe a slight saving in turning Narberth 4020 W . H . Haws -Hardware Newton ' s 5 & ID c to $1 Store

    matters ove r t o a private con- i !41 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 4134that saving would no t be suf- N II American Stores Co. orris B ea ut y S a o nc ient to justify making t he changr i !enry Vance, Manager Charles HewI't Over the Narberth Coa l Officeit would depr ive the Borough 227 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 2775 Narberth 4072men and u l tima t el y o f equ ipment , 103 Narberth Avenue Cleaning and Dyeingare cons tan tl y used i n t he ser v- Howard Price, Manager 234 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 3854 Pa t r ic i a E l i zabe th Shopof the people of Narberth, eSlle- Narberth Theatre Bldg.-Narberth 2898in emergencies. F. A. Bartlett T r ee E xp er t Co . Hobson & Co.-Decorators Women's and Children's Wear

    "We therefore recommend that all 152 Montgomery Avenue, Bala.Cynwyd 105 N. Narberth Avenue-Narberth 2340the b id s b e rejected; that the cer- i Phone : Cynwyd 3200 Our Town -Tom Elwood !ed checks be returned t o e ac h bid- Rober t Hood & So nwith a l e tt e r f rom the s ec re ta ry i James R. Cole-Pain t ing Landscape Gardeners Rickl in ' s -Hardware !this decision an d thanking 100 Chestnut Avenue-Narberth 3639.W 105 Conway Avenue-Narberth 4027.W 203 Haverferd Avenue-Narberth 2555b idde r for his good faith."

    S an ta 's o n t he R oo f Robert Compton Mrs . Norman Jefferies Frank Shea 's Oyster BarPlumbing and H eating 233 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 2861 242 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 2897Santa Clau s is v er y m uch in evi- i F N b Iright now at 12 East Newfield 109 orest Avenue- ar ert 1 2485 Dresses, Sportswear, Flowers, Gifts Shea ' s P ha rn l ac y

    Cynwyd, where C la rence .J. At the Station-Narberth 2838has invited and arranged for i Arthur L. Cooke Charles L. JenkinsPlastering and Stucco 93 Windsor Avenue-Narberth 3984 Shull L umb er C o .m to r ema in temporarily on the roof 207 Lantwyn Lane-Narberth 2754 C B 'Id J bb'his home. He is there in his i arpenter, 111 ing, 0 mg The Link Between Forest and Home29 Bala Avenue-Cynwyd 662

    jovial mood, w it h h is f ul l line- How ar d F . Cottero f r ei nd ee r a nd lots of presents . Chester G. JOl1c: : - lce N ESdi ' L k SIi W db N b I me ey s oc lOp !e will b e r ea dy, t o l ea vc at a mo- 200 00 ine Avenue- ar ert 1 4058 Keys Made-Lawn Mowers Repairednotice .. . Better t ak e t he chil- Davis ' Store 104 Dudley Avenue-Narberth 2966e n t o see h im be fo re it's too late, I Kathlene Beauty Shoppeo f t he se Yul et id e n ig ht s. East Durbin & Howard Wm. D . an d H . T . Smed le y , I n c.

    Way is just off Conshohocken i Insurance and Real Estate K i rs c h Chev ro l et Co . 29 N . Narbe rth Avenue-Narberth 2999 !about a square ast of the ncw One Station Circle-Narberth 2500 214 Bala Avenue-Cynwyd 81 Building Contractorsa-Cynwyd Post Office. Your Chevrolet Dealer-Parts and Service MThe desirrn and a rr anr r ement wer e i E . Th argaret Squier !., ,., gypt lan eatrcducts of Shul l Lumber Company. i Joseph Conway Magui re Bro the rs Thompson Fuel ServiceForest and Haverford-Narberth 2440 145 Montgomery Avenue-Cynwyd 280Essex K an dy K o un te r Mobilgas, Lubrication, Washingi Austin Hartzell T h e T hr ee Sisters Beauty Salon. 107 Essex Avenue-Narberth 3971 Max ' s Quality Marke t 240 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 4177235 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 3750 rsfJ1

    Nicholas E. Finoia James P. TierneyExpert Haircu tt ing for thc Entire Family Merion Press Roofing and Heatingi 100 Narberth Avenue 108 Forest Avenue-Narberth 3665R or 2361 Ihilip Atlee Livingstoni United Shoe Repai r &: Hat Cleaning ! ' William J. Foote Walte r P . M ie se n Mcrry Christmas and Happy New YearScasoned Wood Cut to Fit Your Fireplace 832 Montgomery Avenue-Narberth 4044 Louis Evangclos305 Parsons Avenue, Cynwyd-Cynwyd 984 Carpenter, Jobbing, Builder Harry B. Wal lJames Fratantoni & Sons J. A . M il le r Plumbing and Heating ~ ." Plastering and Stucco Work I 100 Forest Avenue-Narbcrth 3652Roofing and Sheet Meta237239 Hampdcn Avellue, Narbcrth II I Forest Avenue-Narberth 2920i Phones: Narberth 2807.J and 4166 J. J . Wh it es id e !" Complete Line of Qua li ty FoodsNarber th C oa l C o. 237 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 3668H . C. Fritsch, Jr . R I h S DR" , E"". ond t"u"," Narbe"h E : : n o ~ > y u ~ : O d Market W U n d e r y ~ a ~ ; ~ i : Electric Servke ~ # ~ : c ~ Ii ~ : . : ~ ; : , , / ~ b : > . Suzanne JOl'et Gill N . E. Co r. H ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l a ~ g 9 6 o r e s t Avenues -:.... _ ~ S ~ : : p e \ ~ . : : " ' ~ ~ ' : b : ~ : "i /; .cI.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 24, 1937


    , " ~ ' . '1;. '

    Narberth 2324

    December 24, 1937

    Orchids - Gardeni as - Viol et s- DELIVERY-Fine Poinset tia P lants75c to $5.00ALICE S. KANEXmas Gardens - Wall B racket sPottery - Candles

    " I I, HOME MOVIESlRM.M, Ii." ,u.'. Film I'rl ., 110. IJp

    .. (1j .. - POIWYI-. Uett, Hllon. UonaJ h r i c ; ; ; ' ; ' ~ = : ; . . . : . : - ~ = = : : . : ; ; : : . . : . , : - ~ : : . ;o f h ow to gaiT! posscssion of thc bac {- Factions Must be Welded UPHbLSTF. :lUNG and rep . S pr ings o fboard. They bring' the ball a k il li ng pac e f or l on g periods of 3-piece suites repaired. $10; Cha ir r e-time, or else h av e mor e p la ye rs on Together covered, $5. Go rnywhere. Call Lewis,Up the floor fast instead of in the 227 E. Lancaster &.ve, Wayn e H ~ 6 .. hand of varsity calibre for substitu-deliberate, slow manner famil Iar ((I CAHPENTEH - B U ~ L D E H - Eetlmatestion pur!)oses. "Strong State le ad er sh ip is th ethose who have seen other fives per- cheerfUlly furnished. Jobbing promptlyform, Beautiful cutting, ac- The specd that is necessary at times need of the Republican party today," attended to, Leander Wickman, 306 Con-. t . 1 tl t ttl 'd Id 1\< H b t B t P way ave. Narberth 3888. (ttlcuraic passing and razzle-dazzle shoot- IS s aggerIllg )0 1 a spec'a ors alH ec are !lS. um er or on ow-i ng f rom all anglcs make t he t eam p la yc rs , a nd frequent rest periods are ell, president of t he S ta t e Council ofone that wi ll be l Ia rd t o beal. neeessarv fOJ' boys like Griffis and Republi can 'Vomen. "We need a man'Hook, wilD ar c bu'ilt along frail lincs lik e P en ro se w ho c an a nd is strongrather than t h c b r awny type. enough to weld together all factionsNarberth's sons play an important It w il l b e interesting t o w at ch th(' in the par ty ."role in this "ncw" team's doing". . . NOTICE OFvar ious s ty le s o f offense dcvelop this Mrs. Powell was guest of honor STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGBil l Hook and Dave Duncan, both ,.ix scason which will makc the gamc marc I a nd s pe ak er at a tea given Dec. 7 OFfooters, arc the on l. \' b it ! bo. \'s ant : THE NATIONAL BANK OF NA I> spectacular than it h as bc en f or sev- by the Lower Merion-Narberth Coun- RBERTHt hey share ccnte r chores. . . . L a l ' J ' ~ The annual meeting- of the. eral years. cil of Rcpublican Women, at the home R t o e k h o l < l e r ~ ofDavis ha::< shown marked illJprovl' I A mixture of the slow offense with of the pres ident, Mrs . John Y. Hu- T im NATION,\l, HANK O l ~ : ' o 1 A n B l . ~ n T Hment over last year ant! }1(lld" a fur f For the elcet ion of nil 'ectors . anel to

    d b I I Ii 1 t f .occa"ional fast breaks will mak e t hc 1bel', Jr. , of Haver ord. vote on the follt '\\" '"g' l'csolutlOII.'wa r ert 1 letng u nl' S]() ron. .' . . .. -I ' A I C game more Illterestlllg and less mo- Mrs. Edna Carrol, vIce chaIrman n e ~ o l v e < 1 :ong rangt:, .. : ." IH I ~ l r e n l " notonous. A fixed ~ f f c n s e will he of the Philadelphia County Commit- " : I " ~ t til