Our Town August 17, 1916

O. A. E 2 0 0 11 0 0 S 0 0 :) 0 0 1 1 ] 0 (j 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 ')"":" 1:! 2 O. A, E 4 0 2 5 0 0 4 1 U 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 4 2 0 7 0 0 1 2 ] 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 27 11 3 S en d Y ou r MagazineJil I o th e Y. M. C. A. for th e Soldiers Intr(l(lllc ing- J[I'. IhnlIllIlll. PRICE TW O CENTS Totals . . . , ..... 2 ~ l I l ' h e l ' t l l Scures 'I'hell' J . lI s t nu n ill the :Fifth. AUTOCAR. R. H. I ~ ~ i t z n H l i e l " , 1f., lh .. . 1 2 Sweet, 2h, .. " , .. ,, 0 0 Kimmerle, 1b" If. ,. 1 0 Barker, d, , 0 1 llobinson. ss, , .. 0 0 Curry, ss 0 2 H. Simpson, c , .. 0 0 Henzy, c 0 0 Shock, 3h. ., 0 1 Gilmore, rr., p, 0 0 Black, p, .... , 0 0 , Halberstadt, rf. ,0 1 SUBSCRIBER. Mail a l l Remittances to P. O. B ox "B, Narberth. To the Editor 0/ Our Town: May I suggest that announcement he made in Ou r Town, promillwtly, just to whom s ub sc ri pt io ns f or t he p ap er s ho ul J be p ai d. S ev er al p er so ns recently have told me they did not know to whom the sUbscriptions should be sent. 1 w ould do this in no unmistakable form. Yours truly, i!l' l\oolls I\nocks HOllIe Hnn. NARBERTH DE FE AT S AUTOCAR, 4-2 Ha v il a nd P i t ch e s G oo d Game N ig . Koo ns K no ck s H om er i n Fil'st Inning-Gilmore Re lieves Black for the Auto c ar T ea m 11}:'\I/I'1[ n:U1'IFJ('ATJo:S. ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT The e i gh t ie t h birthdar anniversarr of Mr. A. S. Edl<lr will be celebrated I on s a tu r d ay , August 19, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George B, Shel-j don of Elmwoo d a v en u e. Mr. Edler's in N. J., hu t h.e pars p er io di ca l v is it s to N a rb e rt h, w h er e I he was born a nd r ai se d on the old Price f ar m, n ow o cc up ie d b y John A, Morel', Montgomery an d Woodbine avenues. In spite of h is a dv an ce d ag e Mr, Edler is hale an d hearty. r. E d le r w as s er ge an t in Company B, First P e n n s ~ ' l v a n i a Reserves, which w as o rg an iz ed a nd l ef t t hi s p la ce fifty five years ago for Harrisburg, the m o b il i za t io n c a m p, from w h ic h p la c e t he y w er e sent to W ashington. As far as is kn ow n Mr. EdLer is th e o l de st man living Who was i(lentified w it h t hi s c om m un it y. NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY. AUGUST 17 , 1916 Mr. Wm. D. Smedley ha s appointed Miss Dorothy Lichtenwahler to the p os it io n o( b oo Rk ee pe r and stenog rapher, f or m er ly h e ld by Mr. Samuel T. A t iL e rh o lt . !l'lr, and Mrs, l ~ r a n k H. P re sc ot t, l\lb:; H ut h P re sc ot t, Mr. and :Mrs. M. I, French have started on an ex tensive trip through th e :southern states by automObile. Wh r no t have t he g ra ss ( ra th er w,eeds) cu t a wa y f ro m the pavement opposite th e S im pso n r esid enc e on E ss ex a ve nu e, It is verr bad, especially on a rainy day. The 1'\arberth team scored t h ei r l a st ru n of the game when Koons was p as se d, S ti te s w as a ls o passed. Fleck w as h it in t h e r ib s. Exit Mr. Black. Enter MI'. Gilmore ( Or ig in al B oh ). Bob had a verr discouraging, situation to face-three men on and no one out. Bill S im p so n t he n l ai d d ow n a beauti ful hunt, scoring Koons. Humphries then f an ne r! . M el l on was t h en p a ss ed aIllI H a vi la n d w a s t hr o wn out by Gil- In one of the most bitterly f ou gh t m or e, battles of th e s ea so n. t he B or ou gh it es , T he A ut oc ar t ea m s co re d their last Interest in o ur a nn ua l t ou rn am en t m an ag ed by l ~ r e d W a lz e r, d e fe a te d ru n in th e n in th i nn in g w he n Kem i n c ~ e a s e s e ve ry d ay en:ries the Autocar team on their grounds. merle was safe on Vernon 1"leck's er - varIOus events are pourll1g 111 : Y h I ~ h Th e g a me w a s W it ne ss ed b y a large 1'01'. Barker t h en f an ne d a nd C ur ry goes to show ou r memberslllp IS . . then pushed ou t his second single, ad - I · . T ,'".,. n" '''_ 1 ~ , , ' c ro wd a nd w er e kept on theil' leet all ' I " ,n e ?ne. he pllze<. ,uJ\\ va U l ~ p , " . , 'the time by spectacular plays anll v a nc l l 1g \ . I m me r l e t.o t hi rd , w ho then 111 F i e dl e r 's drug store are the lmest I la\'el's of the home team b ei ng i n- s co re ll w he n H av il an ll uncorked a the club h as e ve r put up for com-, p ' . , wild pitch. Henzy, who took Harry petition an d we f,eel the majoritv of I j u re d" H ob l ns o n, ~ u t o c , a r s shortstop, S im p so n' s p la c e as catcher for the , b .1 l' 't I was torced to retIre m th e secolHl ou r me m ers are goou Ive, spor s" , ' Autocar t ea m, was t hr ow n o ut b y Bill Several of the l oc al merchants have all(l "'1'11 "'ant to tr\' to \"111 one 01': lIl,nlll!,; whe.n he was hurt hy.a ,ta, 11. .. . . . Simpson, Xarherth's shortstop. Shock P rovided ftv nets for their horses. Tl I b I ' t alter cat.chmg W a lt e r H u m p h ne s 111-, J more, Ie cu Ja S pu up more, . ' enrled the game hy heing t hr ow n out These faithful animals that work for 1" tl f tl 1 .1 ' tended r e x as l e ag u er In the seconrl " p Izes I an e ve r or Ie auIes, so we , ' " ,h y Mellon, thu s e nding one of th e their feed 'lJHl l od gi ng d es er ve c on - I t1 'II 11 t II1nIJ1£:, Currv t he n h ll ed Hohll1son s I lOpe !,9Y WI a en er. i'" til' ( tl harllest games of the season. sideration an d protection. I ,,:. ,f.. Kirlllltrh'k S p{ 'I ." ta l" '. : p la l "! ill, fine s lavll1g two 0 Ie , J Aut(>{'[\I'S seven hits, George I-lowes an d I ~ l i c k S t it e s m a d e Lefty Blacl" Autocar's star p it c he r , s o me startling catches in the outfield, BUY:\, JL \ Wi t {'oJ,),}:n}: w a" r il te ll against H av il a nl l f or ? \ ar - While the whole Xarberth infield play- ASKS HOrSES 'j'AX l'Uln:. hert:l, It was evident that Blacl, was ed startling go od b al l. Narberth's i going to prove no tenor for Xarberth, rlouhle play in the seventh i nn in g c ut To be relie ved of t h e p a ym e nt o( : as t h e ~ ' were hitting him, and then he llown what l ooke d t o be a rallr. While t he A ut oe ar t ea m pUlled off a douhle county an d t ow ns hi p t ax es , Bryn i wa" ,"cr y Wild, p as si ng t hr ee a nd h it - I p l a ~ ' in t he n in th i1l1ling" bu t it waR Mr. an d Mrs. Hohert S ny de r , o f :n:l M aw r C ol le ge on T h u r sd a y i n s ti t u te d i t in g t hr ee m en during his stay on t Ie th en too late for an yth in g of th is Woo dsi(le av,enue, Ila\ 'e r ~ t u r i l e l l 1'1'0111 equity a ct io n a ga in st tl.le county of I mou'I,'I, Wh.ich. lasterl f ou r . a nd . p ar t, o f " sort, as . ' ; ar b e rt h h a d a good lead. Galen H al l W er ne rs vi ll e P a, a ud on M on tg om e ry and t ow ns ll lP of L o we r t he fIlth m nI ng , B ob Gi lmol e, \\ ho HaviialHI pitched a good g am e fo r the :!8th or month l'eave for! Merion, d ec la ri ng t ha t e ig ht pitl'1lell l'\arherth the championship Xarherth, not issuing a pass and fan l·'orest Inn, Eagles Mere Pa" where assessed at $65,000, should, as in the last )' ca r, t he n t oo k up the I J l t C h t ~ l g n in g s e\' en, w hil e B la ck was Wil,l, t he y w il l r em a in for two' we.':)I,s. 'college, be c o ns id e re d as c ha ri ta hl e d ll ty f or the Autocar Club an d willie in that they house instructors of the, he wa s hit f a i r l ~ ' h ar d, y et o nl y o ne passing three, hitting three an d strUCk I ,out only four. Gilmore did much het- Mr , Geo. R us "e l L yo n a nd d au g h- , Main Line e d u c at i on a l institution for i run \\'as "corell all' his delIver)', women. ' Ha Vi la nd. who pitched for ?\arherth, t e l' w or l" fanning seven, bu t iSSUing tel', Miss I ~ l o r e n G e L ~ ' o n , motored from In hill in eqnitv, it is allegell l lw Jl ot !rive a semblance ot' a two passes, Springfield, Mass., to visit Mr.' Th a score: Lyon's daughter, Mrs. Clement Booth. that while the e x pe n s es of the c ol le ge t il the f ou rt h i nn in g, w he n Barl,er They m ad e t he t ri p (252 m il es ) i n o ne last y ear were close to $385,000, th e p ol cd a d on bl e t o left lield, which the day. Some driVing, i nc o me f ro m s tu de nt s w as hut $290,- ump'rt; called a foul, h u t r ev er se d h ts 000, an d as the i nc om e f ro m i nv es t- rlcr'j!'ion. While t he y s ec ur ed three m en ts w as b ut $83,000, t he re r em ai n- h it s il' the fifth inning, y et t he y did ed a considerable deficit in the run- not fl are. ning expenses which ha s to he made np from voluntary contributions, al l going to show that the c ol le ge is in n ee d of relief f r om taxat i on . George Starr Hose is spending the month at h is u n cl e 's farm, Goshen, y, George r e ve rs es the u su al o r de r of things, inasmUch as he finds it necessary to take a vacation so as to avoid an ~ x c e s s of good health which continuaily t hr .e at en s h im an d is so embarrassing at times. Mrs, Henry C, Howes an d Mr. Henrr C. H ow es , J r. , l ea ve the 19th of this month for Forest Inn, Eagles M er e, P a" to remain u n t il a f te r Labor D a ~ ' . Mrs. R. ,E. Plank an d Miss Burd J, Hoberts, ot' Forrest avenue, are at Ashury Park, Miss Ethel B, Planl, is spending a p or ti on of he r vacation at : Cumberland, Md. Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron. ' Financial Manager-Mrs. William Curtls Pollock, Jr . . L l b r a r ~ ' Manager-Miss Fanny Loos. House Manager-Mrs. James F. Donnelly. Social Manager-Mrs. C. P . F o wl er . Members1J1p Manag,er-Mr. Harry Hartley. Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth. On Monday orning While hurning ,hrush n ea l' t he garage of Fletcher \V, Stites, the h ig h w in d carried some sparks to the roof, setting it on fire. Prompt a ct io n by s ev er al w or km en n e a r b ~ ' prevented th e spread of the flames. The ?\arlJerth Fire Company were quickly on the job bu t theil' servic.es w e r ~ n ot n ee de d: Ilettr BuxfJ<,I"s Gossill. I n o rd er t ha t t he V ol un te er F ir em en m ay b ec om e accustomed to the sound of Whistle recently installed on the rire House, The whistle will be blown at P. M. the LASr 1UESDAY OF E A CH M O NT H which is the date for regular monthly meeting of the members. CHAS. V. NOEL, Cllief. THE FIRESIDE VOLUME II. NUMBER 45 BASEBALL I PAOLI VS. NARBERTH AT NARBETH, SAT. :-==============:==7i' EIGHTI ETH BI RT HDAY N e w Fire Whistle ANNIVERSARY Mr. and !III'S, Wm. Livingston spent the weel'-('11(1 at ~ t o n e Harbor. Mr. and :\Irs, A, A, Chall,er ar e spending t wo w ee l, s i n :"i,ew England, Mrs, Xorman J,e(fries has gon e to 1'IynlOUl II. X. H. Mr. W. J. KirklJatrick an d family h;ive returned frol1l Williams Grove, Pa. Mr, Allan HOse. of Iona a v en u e, is spending his vication at Ocean Cit)·. Mr. A. H, Wilson s p e nt S u n d ay with the boys who ar e camping at Camp IJelmollt, Mrs, E, A, : .\ I us ch am p is s ll e lH li ng a week at Ocean City, Mr. anti :\Irs, Chas. Humphreys are planning a t ri p t hr o ug h l'\ew England in their car. Mi ss : \I il tl rc d S, Smith, of Elm Terrace, has returned fr om a Visit to Ocean Cit)" Mrs, \Y, '1', C ov er t a n d f a mi ly have returned from an extended steamer trip a lo ng t he Xorthern coasts, MI'. L ~ S l e r W, Xickerson is spend ing two wee ks with his family in CotUit, ;\Ia:,s, Mr. and : \ Ir s, C l if f or d T , an d Miss Dorothy :\Ioore, have returned [ 10 m O c ea n C it ro Mrs. Frank 1', E)'re h as r et ur n ed to ? \a r be r th a f te r a n extended stay in 1;loomsburg, Pa. Mr. and : \I rs , H. W. D .e rby and Mr. Winthrop Derby. of ] ~ s s e x avenue, haY(: retul'lWll f r om C o nn e c t icut. Secretary of th e Y. :\1. C, A., O. L, I:\,UJo:J I'S ITY l'OIl, 1''\ H ' I' U J, U A J[ · Hampton an d Mrs. H am pt on a re A( i}; TO lU;mS'n;lU:U, l ~ S U n E U spending their vacation at Honey- A ~ l l ('. O. n. JUIL. b ro ok , P a , Mr. \Y, J, Peebles, of lana avenue, ha s left );arberth t o j oi n M rs . P ee bl es and their daughter, Miss Mary Peebles. in California. ?\AHBERTH. H. H. Howes, cf. 0 1 Wallace, 1h 0 1 Koons, C, •• • ', •• ,2 1 With two out in t he v er y first in- Stites, rf. , 0 :! ning, K o on s poled ou t a homer to left Fl c!" If. , 0 0 field w hi ch l od ge d somC\\;here in a W, Simpson, ss, 0 1 I tree. Ha d it not h it t he tree, it w ou ld H u mp h ri e s, 2h, '" ,1 1 i have h ee n g oo d for ( ou r s ac ks a n) '- I1 \1 el lo n, :lh, , ,1 0 P l Ir l 'u t s W l Iu t to ' l' lI kl ' Chil( l l 'e u on w a ~ · . Haviland, p , 0 0 "I1Cllt/OIl 'I'I'IIIS. One of t he s lr an g e t hi ng s of b as e I ,hall ha pp ene d in t he t hi rd i nn in g Totals.. . ..... 4 7 More than fifty residents o( various' w he n t he lirst five men up for Nar towns in Lower' Merion township herth r ea ch ed f ir st b as e, b ut not a have appealed to t he township Health o ne of them s co re d. H ow es , the first Board w it hi n t he l as t fe w d ay s for ma n up, wa s hi t in t he r ih s, . h ut w as e e rt if ic a te s o f h e al th that will permit ou t stealing. Wallace then slllgierl, to them to go to o t he r S t at e s w it h their' cen tel' and stole ~ e c o n d .. t he u mp ir e children in accordance with th e in- ealling h im s af e , af,ter y r l l c h the AI'lI fantile p a ra l ys i s q u a ra n ti n e r e qu i re - more players kIcked, an d Wallace ments. started for tillI'd, hu t was I ~ a h b e d M os t of t he a pp li ca nt s w er e ll1eDl- a q Ui ck throw Black. ~ \ . o o n s wa s bel'S of f am ili es w ho ha d planned th en p as se d. S tI te s t h e ~ slllgied an n i Heretofore t he p ay m en t of i nd em - V a c at i o n V i si t s to M ai ne r e so r ts a nd Fle<:k ' ~ ' a s passed,. bn t SImpsou e 1 ~ d e d t b tl P t om D t t tl 1 t tl ' t' .1 g d the 1llnlllg IIY fanmng. Strange thlllgs K n oc k in g ) 'o ur c o mp e ti to r or o p- : no r y 1e os Ice epar me n Ie seaslore a lIS Ime, an u a 00 1 t tl t t p on e nt i s not c o n si d e re d t h e most suc- : ha s been restricted to irreparably m an y o th er s h av e foregone plans to h ap pe n, hut t Ja wa s Ie s ranges, c e ss f ul wav to c on vi nc e t he p ub li c of , damaged a r ti c le s or parts o f a rt ic le s, le av e i n fear of t h e i n fa n ti l e p a r al y - r 'Slll'bet.th Scores 'I'wo J[OI'(,. one's s u p e ~ i o r claims. 'Under the amended regulations issned sis plague. by Postmaster General B u r le s o n, ef· Every possible precaution is being I Amid g,reat excitement, t h e l ' \a r b er t h fectlve August 8, 1916, P ay me nt s w il l a do pt ed by th e L o we r M e ri on Board hoys scored two more. Walter be made in c as es w h er e a r ti c le s are of H ea lt h a nd o th er h ea lt h bodies in H um ph ri es led off with a single, w as N ar he rt h 10021000 0 -4 n o t r e nd e re d w o rt h le s s f or t he a ct u al , the Main L i ne s u bu r b an s ec ti on to a dv an ce d t o s ec on d on a passed ball Autocar , .. 00010000 1 -2 usual, d ir ec t a nd n ec es sa ry c os t of : p r ev e nt t h e o c cu r re n ce of any infan- an d Mellen wa s safe on Fitzmaier's repairs required to place them in a ' tile paralysis epidemic in the terri-I' error, Humphries going to th,ird. Wal- Two-base hits-Barker. Earned serviceabl c o nd i ti o n. tory. Only one, case, that ot a child tel' t h en s c or e d o n Havtland's sacrifice runs-Narberth, 3; Autocar, 1. Home at Cynwyd, exists now, an d this child, hit. H owe s then fanned an d Mellon (Continued on Second Page) Scott G e hr i ng e r" is r e po r te d a s d Oi ng ' s c or e d w h en Fitzmaler made his sec- BOARn OF ,l'rANAGERS wei!. ond error o f t he I nn in g w he n W al la ce OF THE COmmNITY CLUB wa s safe. Wallace t h en e n de d th e in- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS rNCI,AUIEn LETTERS AT nlng by being t hr ow n out at second Two cen ts per word In advance; min Imu m N A RB E UT I I P O S T O}'Jo'ICJo: trying t o s te a l. teo wo rd s. T h e A ut o ca r t e am s co r ed ,their first FOR SALE-Rich top soli, fr om ol d garden, R. L. Craig, Miss L. Denton, Mr. H. run of t he g am e In tlIe fourth Inning /iOc pe r l oad on premIses. F. 1>L JusUes, B. Da Vi s, M is s Mary D e vl i n, Jas. V. w h en F lt zm al er w as h it by a pitched 616 Montgomery avenUe. ElI Ison, Mr. Friel, Miss K. Fritz, M rs . b al l. S we et t he n sacrificed Fltz to WAST Im-A r en ne d c ol or ed girl for g en W.' Keane, Miss S a l ll e Lincoln, M rs . s e co nd , an d on Barker's double down erlll h o us e work . A p pl y 216 I"orr;est ""e- GUY A. Senburg. W. J. McLoughlin, tlIe left field foul line , Fitzmaler "_u_e_. _ Miss K. Ross.' I scored. Curry ended the Inn ing by J . 8T -A lit tle gr ey and black .trl pel l 1 ,l lt y wltlt a s tub tltll. Plense r et urn to 102 Ed"'ard S. Hows, Postmaster. fanning. ~ I e r l o l l ll\'enue, Mr, J. E, :\1. Nldecker, youngest son of Dr, J, E, N id ec ke r , of W oo ds id e avenue, was married to Miss Dorothea C. Homann, of Philadelphia. E d wa r d S ca n la n , son of Mr. and M rs . J ol In S c an lo n , was burledtrom th e residence of his 'parents on Brookhurst avenue, SaturdaY, August 12. Th e work o n W y nn e wo o d r oa d w as lle ld up a ll last week on account of a broken concrete mixer. A new and larg,':!r one is now on the job. j

Transcript of Our Town August 17, 1916

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27 11 3

Send Your MagazineJil Io the Y. M. C. A. for

th e Soldiers

Intr(l(lllcing- J[I'. IhnlIllIlll.


Totals . . . , . . . . . 2

~ l I l ' h e l ' t l l Scures 'I 'hell' J.lIst nu n illthe :Fifth.


I ~ ~ i t z n H l i e l " , 1f., lh .. . 1 2

Sweet, 2h, .. " , .. ,, 0 0Kimmerle, 1b" If. ,. 1 0Barker, d, , 0 1llobinson. ss, , .. 0 0Curry, ss 0 2H. Simpson, c , .. 0 0Henzy, c 0 0Shock, 3h. ., 0 1Gilmore, rr., p, 0 0Black, p, . . . . , 0 0, Halberstadt, rf. ,0 1


Mai l a ll R e m it ta n ce s t o P. O. Box

"B, N a r b e r t h .

To the Editor 0/ Our Town:May I suggest that announcement he made in Our Town,

promillwtly, just to whom subscript ions for the paper shoulJ bepaid. Several persons recently have told me they did not know

to whom the sUbscriptions should be sent. 1 w ould do this in

no unmistakable form. Yours truly,

i!l' l\oolls I\nocks HOllIe Hnn.



Haviland Pitches Good GameNig. Koons Knocks Homer inFil'st Inning-Gilmore Relieves Black for the Auto

car Team

11}:'\I/I'1[ n:U1'IFJ('ATJo:S.



The e ight ie th bi r thdar anniversarr

of Mr. A. S. Edl<lr will be celebratedIon sa turday, August 19, at the home

of his daughter, Mrs. George B, Shel-jdon of Elmwood avenue. Mr. Edler'shon{e is in Millville, N. J., hu t h.e pars

p er io di ca l v is it s t o Narberth, where Ihe was born and r ai sed on the old

Price f arm, n ow o ccup ied b y John A,Morel', Montgomery an d Woodbine

avenues. In spite of h is adv an ced

age Mr, Edler is hale and hearty.

Mr. Ed le r was s er ge an t in Company

B, First P e n n s ~ ' l v a n i a Reserves, whichwas o rg an iz ed and l ef t t hi s p la ce fiftyfive years ago for Harrisburg, the

mobil izat ion camp, from which p lace

t he y wer e sent to W ashington. As

far as is kn ow n Mr. EdLer is th e

oldest man living Who was i(lentifiedwith t hi s commun it y.


Mr. Wm. D. Smedley ha s appointed

Miss Dorothy Lichtenwahler to the

pos it ion o ( booRkeeper and stenog

rapher, former ly held by Mr. SamuelT. AtiLerholt.

!l'lr, and Mrs, l ~ r a n k H. P re scot t,

l\lb:; Hut h P re scot t, Mr. and :Mrs.M. I, French have started on an ex

tensive trip through th e :southern

states by automObile.

Wh r no t have t he g ra ss ( ra th er

w,eeds) cu t away f rom the pavement

opposite th e S im pso n r esid enc e on

E ss ex a ve nu e, It is verr bad,

especially on a rainy day.

The 1'\arberth team scored t hei r l a st

run of the game when Koons wasp as sed, S ti te s was a ls o passed. Fleck

w as h it in t h e r ib s. Exit Mr. Black.Enter MI'. Gilmore (Or ig in al Boh ).

Bob had a verr discouraging, situationto face-three men on and no one out.Bill Simpson then l ai d down a beautiful hunt, scoring Koons. Humphries

then fanner! . Mellon was t hen passed

aIllI Havi land was t hrown out by Gil -

In one of the most bitterly f ou gh t mor e,battles of th e s ea so n. t he B or ou gh it es , T he A ut oc ar t eam s co re d their last

Interest in our annua l t ou rnamen t managed by l ~ r e d Walzer, defea ted run in th e n in th i nn in g w he n Kem

i n c ~ e a s e s eve ry d ay a n en:ries ~ o the Autocar t eam o n their grounds. merle was safe on Vernon 1"leck's er -varIOus events are pourll1g 111 : Y h I ~ h The game was Witnessed by a large 1'01'. Barker t h en fanned a nd C ur rygoes to show ou r memberslllp IS .. then pushed ou t his second single, ad -I · . T , '".,. n " ' ' '_ 1 ~ , , ' c rowd and wer e kept on theil' leet all 'I ",n e ?ne. he pllze<. ,uJ\\ va U l ~ p , " . , ' the time by spectacular plays anll vancll1g \.Immerle t.o t hi rd , who then

111 Fiedler 's drug store are the lmest I la\'el's of the home team b ei ng i n- s co re ll w he n H av il an ll uncorked athe club h as e ve r put up for com-, p '. , wild pitch. Henzy, who took Harrypetition and we f,eel the majoritv of I jured" Hoblnson, ~ u t o c , a r s shortstop, Simpson' s p lace as catcher for the

, b .1 l' ' t I was torced to retIre m th e secolHlou r mem ers are goou Ive, spor s " , ' Autocar t eam, was t hr own out by Bill

Several o f t he l oc al merchants have all(l "'1'11 "'ant to tr\' to \"111 one 01' : lIl,nlll!,; whe.n he was hurt hy.a ,ta,11... ... Simpson, Xarherth's shortstop. ShockProvided ftv nets for their horses. Tl I b I ' t alter cat.chmg Walte r Humphnes 111-,

J more, Ie c u Ja S pu up mor e , . ' enrled the game hy heing t hr own ou tThese faithful animals that work for 1" tl f tl 1 .1 ' tended rexas leaguer In the seconrl" p Izes I an eve r or Ie auI es , s o we , ' " ,h y Mellon, thu s e nding one of th etheir feed 'lJHl l od gi ng d es er ve con - I t1 'II 11 t II1nIJ1£:, Currv t hen h ll ed Hohll1son s

• I lOpe !,9Y WI a en er. i'" til' ( tl harllest games of the season.sideration and protection. I ,,:. ,f.. Kirlllltrh'k Sp{'I ." tal" '. : p lal"! ill, fi ne s y ~ lavll1g two 0 Ie

, J Aut(>{'[\I'S seven hits, George I-lowes an d I ~ l i c k Stites madeLefty Blacl" Autocar's star p it cher , some startling catches in the outfield,

BUY:\, JL \Wi t {'oJ,),}:n}: wa" r il te ll against Hav il anl l for ? \ ar - While the whole Xarberth infield play-ASKS HOrSES 'j'AX l'Uln:. hert:l, It was evident that Blacl, was ed startling go od b al l. Narberth's

i going to prove no tenor for Xarberth, rlouhle play in the seventh i nn ing cutTo be relie ved of t he payment o( : as t h e ~ ' were hitting him, a nd t he n h e llown what l ooke d t o be a rallr. While

t he Aut oear t eam pUl led o ff a douhlecounty and t ownshi p t ax es , Bryn iwa" ,"cry Wild, pas si ng t hr ee and h it -

I p l a ~ ' in t he n in th i1l1ling" bu t it waRMr. and Mrs. Hohert Snyder , o f :n:l Mawr Col lege o n Thursday insti tuted i t in g t hr ee men during his stay on t Ie th en too late for an yth in g o f th is

Woodsi(le av,enue, Ila\'er ~ t u r i l e l l

1'1'0111 equity a ct ion aga in st tl.le county of Imou'I,'I, Wh.ich. lasterl fou r .and .par t, o f "sort, as . ' ; arberth had a go od lead.Galen Hal l Wer ne rs vi ll e P a, a ud on Mon tgomery and t owns ll lP o f Lower t he fIlth mnI ng , B ob Gi lmol e, \\ ho HaviialHI pitched a good g am e fo rthe :!8th or this month ' ~ I ' l l l'eave for! Merion, dec la ri ng t ha t e ight houses, pitl'1lell l'\arherth to the championship

Xarherth, not issuing a pass and f an l·'orest Inn, Eagles Mere Pa" where assessed at $65,000, should, as in the last )' ca r, t he n t oo k u p the I J l t C h t ~ l g n in g s e\' en, w hil e B la ck was Wil,l,t hey w il l r ema in for two' we.':)I,s. 'college, be cons idered a s cha ri ta hl e d ll ty for t he Autocar Club an d willie

in that they house instructors of the , he was hit f a i r l ~ ' hard, yet onl y o ne passing three, hit ting three an d strUCkI ,out only four. Gilmore did much het-

Mr , Geo. Rus "e l Lyon and daugh- , Main Line educat ional institution for i run \ \'as "corell all ' his delIver)',women. ' HaVi la nd. who pi tched for ?\arherth, tel' wor l" fanning seven, bu t iSSUing

tel', Miss I ~ l o r e n G e L ~ ' o n , motored from In the hill i n eqnitv, it is allegell l lw Jl ot !rive a semblance ot' a h it un- two passes,Springfield, Mass., to visit Mr.' Th a score:Lyon's daughter, Mrs. Clement Booth. that while the expenses of the col le ge t il the f ou rt h i nn in g, when Barl,er

They made t he t ri p (252 mil es ) i n o ne last y ear were close to $385,000, th e p ol cd a donbl e t o left lield, which theday. Some driVing, i ncome f rom s tudent s was hu t $290,- ump'rt; called a foul, hu t r ever se d h ts

000, an d as the i ncome f rom i nv es t- rlcr'j!'ion. While t he y s ecur ed three

men ts w as b ut $83,000, t he re r emai n- h it s il' the fifth inning, yet t he y dided a considerable deficit in the run- not fl are.

ning expenses which ha s to he made

np f rom voluntary contributions, al l

going to show that the col lege i s inn ee d o f relief from taxat ion.

George Starr Hose is spending the

month at h is uncl e 's farm, Goshen, ~ y, George reverses the u sual o r de r

of things, inasmUch as he finds it

necessary to take a vacation so as toavoid an ~ x c e s s of good health which

continuaily t hr .eat ens h im and is so

embarrassing at times.

I Mrs, Henry C, Howes an d Mr.Henrr C. Howes , J r. , l eave the 19th

o f t hi s month for Forest Inn, Eagles

Mere, Pa" t o r emain unt il a f te r Labor

D a ~ ' .

Mrs. R. ,E. Plank and Miss Burd J,Hoberts, ot' Forrest avenue, are at

Ashury Park, Miss Ethel B, Pl an l , i s

spending a por ti on o f he r vacation at

:Cumberland, Md.

Chairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron. 'Financial Manager-Mrs. William

Curtls Pollock, Jr . .L l b r a r ~ ' Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.House Manager-Mrs. James F.


Social Manager-Mrs. C. P . Fowler .Members1J1p Manag,er-Mr. Harry


Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth.

On Monday morning While hurning,hrush neal' t he garage of Fletcher \V,

Stites, the h ig h w in d carried some

sparks to theroof,

setting it onfire.Prompt act io n b y s ever al workmen

n e a r b ~ ' prevented th e spread of the

flames. The ?\arlJerth Fire Company

were quickly on the job bu t theil'servic.es w e r ~ not n eeded:

Ilettr BuxfJ<,I"s Gossill.

In order that the Volunteer Firemen may becomeaccustomed to the sound of Whistle recently installedon the rire House,

The whistle will be blown at 7.30 P. M. on the

L A S r 1 U E S D A Y OF E A CH M O NT H

which i s the da te for regular month ly meet ing of themembers. CHAS. V. NOEL, Cllief.




:-==============:==7i'EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY


Mr. and !III'S, Wm. Livingston spentthe weel'-('11(1 at ~ t o n e Harbor.

Mr. and :\Irs, A, A, Chall,er ar e

spending two wee l, s i n :"i,ew England,

Mrs, Xorman J,e(fries has gon e to

1'IynlOUlII. X. H.

Mr. W. J. KirklJatrick an d family

h;ive returned frol1l Williams Grove,Pa.

Mr, Allan HOse. of Iona avenue, i s

spending his vication at Ocean Cit)·.

Mr. A. H, Wilson spent Sunday withthe b oy s who ar e camping at Camp


Mrs , E , A, : .\Iuschamp is sllelHling aweek at Ocean City,

Mr. anti :\Irs, Chas. Humphreys areplanning a t rip through l'\ew England

in their car.

Miss : \I il tl rc d S, Smith, of Elm

Terrace, has returned fr om a Visit toOcean Cit)"

Mrs, \Y, '1', Cover t and fami ly have

returned from an extended steamer

trip a lo ng t he Xorthern coasts,

MI'. L ~ S l e r W, Xickerson is spend

ing two wee ks with his family in

CotUit, ;\Ia:,s,

Mr. and : \Irs, Clif ford T, Moore an dMiss Dorothy :\Ioore, have returned

[10m Ocean Citro

Mrs. Frank 1', E)'re has r et ur ned

to ? \a rbe r th a f te r an extended stay in1;loomsburg, Pa.

Mr. and : \I rs , H. W. D .erby and Mr.Winthrop Derby. of ] ~ s s e x avenue,

haY(: retul'lWll from Connecticut .

Secretary of th e Y. :\1. C, A., O. L, I:\,UJo:JI'SITY l'OIl, 1''\ H'I'UJ, UAJ[ ·

Hampton an d Mrs. Hampt on a re A( i}; TO lU;mS'n;lU:U, l ~ S U n E Uspending their vacation at Honey- A ~ l l ('. O. n. JUIL.b rook , Pa ,

Mr. \Y, J, Peebles, of lana avenue,ha s left );arberth t o j oi n Mrs . P eebl es

and their daughter, Miss Mary

Peebles. in California.


H. H.Howes, cf. 0 1Wallace, 1h 0 1Koons, C, •• • ', • •• ,2 1

With two out in t he v er y first in- Stites, rf. , 0 :!

ning, Koons poled ou t a homer t o l ef t Flec!" If. , 0 0field which lodged somC\\;here in a W, Simpson, ss, 0 1

I tree. Had it not h it t he tree, it wou ld Humphri es, 2h, '" ,1 1ihave heen good for ( ou r s acks an) '- I1 \1 el lo n, :lh, , ,1 0

PlIr l 'u ts WlIut to ' l' lIkl ' Chil(ll 'eu on w a ~ · . Haviland, p , 0 0"I1Cllt/OIl 'I'I'IIIS. One of t he s lr ange t hi ng s of b as e I

,hall ha pp ene d in t he t hi rd i nn in g Totals . . . . . . . . 4 7

More than fifty residents o( various' whe n t he lirst five men up for Nartowns in Lower' Merion township herth r ea ch ed f ir st b as e, b ut not ahave appealed to t he township Health o ne of them s co red. Howes , the first

Board w it hi n t he l as t few d ay s for man up, wa s hi t in t he r ih s, . hut was

eert if ica tes o f heal th that will permit ou t stealing. Wallace then slllgierl, tothem to go to other S tat es with their ' cen tel' and stole ~ e c o n d .. t he ump ir e

children in accordance with the in- ealling h im safe , af,ter ~ y r l l c h the AI'lIfantile para lys i s quarantine requi re - more players ~ l kIcked, and Wallacements. started for tillI'd, hu t was I ~ a h b e d b ~ Mos t o f t he app li ca nt s wer e ll1eDl- a qUi ck throw h ~ Black. ~ \ . o o n s was

bel'S o f f am ili es w ho had planned th en p as se d. S tI te s t h e ~ slllgied an n

i Heretofore t he paymen t o f i nd em- Vacation Visits t o Mai ne r e so r ts a nd Fle<:k ' ~ ' a s passed,. bn t SImpsou e 1 ~ d e dt b tl P t om D t t tl 1 t tl ' t' .1 g d the 1llnlllg IIY fanmng. Strange thlllgs

Knock ing ) 'our competi to r o r o p- : no r y 1e os Ice epar men Ie seaslore a lIS Ime, anu a 00 • 1 t tl t tponent i s not considered the most suc- :ha s been restricted to irreparably man y o th er s h av e foregone plans t o h ap pe n, hut t Ja was Ie s ranges,

cess ful wav to convince t he pub li c of , damaged ar ti c les or parts o f a rt ic le s, le av e i n fear of t he infanti l e pa raly- r 'Slll'bet.th Scores 'I'wo J[OI'(,.one's s u p e ~ i o r claims. 'Under the amended regulations issned s i s p l ague.

by Postmaster General Burleson, ef· Every possible precaution is being I Amid g,reat excitement, the l ' \arberthfectlve August 8, 1916, Payment s w il l a do pt ed b y th e Lower Meri on Board hoys scored two more. Walter

be made i n c as es where a r ti c les are of Hea lt h and o ther hea lt h bodies i n Humphri es led off with a single, was Narhe rt h 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0-4

not rendered worth les s f or t he actual , the Main Line suburban s ec ti on t o a dv an ce d t o s ec on d on a passed ball Autocar , .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -2

usual, d ir ec t a nd n ec es sa ry c os t of : prevent the occurrence of any infan- and Mellen was safe on Fitzmaier's

repairs required to place them in a ' tile paralysis ep idemic i n the terri-I' error, Humphries going to th,ird. Wal- Two-base hits-Barker. Earned

serviceable condi tion. tory. Only one, case, that ot a child tel' t h en scored on Havtland's sacrifice runs-Narberth, 3; Autocar, 1. Home

at Cynwyd, exists now, an d this child, hit. H owe s then fanned and Mellon (Continued on Second Page)Scott Gehringer" is repor ted as dOing ' scored when Fi tzmale r made hi s sec-

BOARn OF ,l'rANAGERS wei!. ond error o f t he I nn ing when Wal la ceOF THE COmmNITY CLUB was safe. Wallace t hen ended th e in- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

rNCI,AUIEn LETTERS AT nlng b y being t hr own ou t at secondTwo cents per word In advance; minImum

NARBEUTII POST O}'Jo'ICJo: trying t o s tea l. teo words.

The Autocar t eam scored ,their first FOR SALE-Rich top soli, from old garden,R. L. Craig, Miss L . Denton, Mr. H. run of t he game In tlIe fourth Inning /iOc per load on premIses. F. 1>L JusUes,

B. DaVi s, M is s Mary Devl in, Jas. V. when F lt zmal er was h it by a pitched 616 Montgomery avenUe.

ElIIson, Mr. Friel, Miss K . Fritz, Mrs . b al l. Sweet t hen sacrificed Fltz to WAST Im -A renned colored girl for genW.' Keane, Miss Sal lle Lincoln, Mrs . second , an d on Barker's double down erlll housework. Apply 216 I"orr;est ""e-GUY A. Senburg. W. J. McLoughlin, tlIe left field foul line , Fitzmaler "_u_e_. _Miss K. Ross. ' Iscored. Curry ended the Inn ing by J .08T -A little grey and black .trlpell 1,llty

wltlt a s tub tltll. Plense r et urn to 102Ed"'ard S. Hows, Postmaster. fanning. ~ I e r l o l l ll\'enue,

Mr, J. E, :\1. Nldecker, youngest sonof Dr, J, E, Nidecker , o f Woods ideavenue, was married to Miss Dorothea

C. Homann, of Philadelphia.

Edward Scanlan , son of Mr. and

Mrs . Jol In Scan lon , was burledtromth e residence of his 'parents on

Brookhurst avenue, SaturdaY, August


The work on Wynnewood r oad was

lle ld u p a ll last w ee k o n account of

a broken concrete mixer. A new and

larg,':!r one is now on the job.


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N A H B E B T l I ~ PA,-VUH r . r O W N - - A U G U S 1 . · 1 7 ~ lu i6c : : : : : : = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = =OUR TOWN MEN-VACATION

Owned, and Published every Tburs

day by the Narbertb Civic Assocla



A. J. LoosHenry Rose

W. T. MelchiorO. L. Hampton

Mrs. C. R. Blackall

Mrs. C. T. MooreMrs. E. C. StokesEarl l!'. Smith

G. :1\1. Henry

Associate Edit()rs.

Arlll'rous' UEPOUT OF


: \ arber th, Ju ly 25, 1916.

ltiEltID£ltS 01" TilE NARBER'fllSClIOOL nOAUD.

President-C. Howard McCarter.

Vlce-Presldent-Carroll Downes.Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.Thellwell, R. Coggeshall.Robert H. Dothard.

Don't forget that tlafs Is a com.mnnlty of home makers and homekeepers and that one of YOUR

MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES fs tokeep It so.Yon can aid mater ially' by do.

fng your shopping and marketingwith the advertisers fn this paper.

--..-------It's a woman's natural faith that

enables he r to believe only the things

she wants to when she k nows s he


"Yes," said the olll mat!lematlclan,with a gleam In his eyes, " I' ve a l

ways looked at it that way. Mar-riage is addit ion; when the l it tl e ones Ir-------------- . - ,

c om e It 's multiplication; when dis- BUILD UP YOUR TOWNension comes u p t o cloud the horizon

of their happiness i t' s division; andwhen the final parting comes i t' s sub-

t r ~ ~ ~ : , ' ~ o w about divorce?" asked Build Up Your Homoth e listener.

"Oh, that would come under the

denomination of fractions!"urse-proud Man-Look at me, Is ta rt ed i n a, grocer's shop at fifteen,and when I was twenty I was worth

$2500.The Other C ha p-A h, bu t you

couldn't do that nowadays, when everyshopkeeper uses cash registers .

Total with Merio:} T. T.Co $4683.79

Wm. E. Yost,

L. H. Trotter ,Auditors.

Deficit. $1423.97.Sinking Fnnd Acconnt.

On hand a t l as t AuJIt. " . .. $4047.22Interest .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . 116.57Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700.00

8/7/2019 Our Town August 17, 1916

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-17-1916 3/4

~ A R B E R T H , PA.-OUR TOWN-AUGUST 17.1916




c. P. COOK

President-Chas. E. Kreamer.Secretary-A. P. Redifer .Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fair ies .

T. B. Du Marias, Carden Warner andChas. V. Noel.

Citrate MagnesiaFresh Daily at


OUR TOWN will gladly printan f news Item about any subjectthat Is of Interes t to Narberthfolks, but In ord er to meetthe printing sch«l'1.uIe, aU "copy"-manuscripts-must r ea ch t heedItor by 6 P. M. Monday each



President, A. J. Loos.Vice-president, A. C. Shand , J . B.

Wllliams, James Artman.Secre tary and treasurer, Frank J.


Dlrcetors, Frederick L. Rose, George In the lobby of the post office isM. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. ~ ~ s t e ~ a not ice of United States CivilColesworthy, Mrs. Wllliam S Horner, . ammatlons. 'A. E. Wohlert Mrs. George M. Henry, Positions for which examinations

Fletcher W. Sti tes, E . A. Muschamp, w il l b e held a re t he re listed. FurtherH C Gara Henry Rose Edward S Information D1a;r be obtained by those. . ' ' . I ntere ted f IHaws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. Les- s rom t Ie postmaster.

ter W. Nickerson, Wllliam D. Smed-ley. His face was pinched and drawn.With fa lt er ing footsteps he wended

his way among the bustl ing crowd.Anon h.e paused."Kind sir," he suddenly exclaimed

"wi ll you not give me a loaf orbread for my w if e a nd l it tl e o ne s? "

The s t r a n g e ~ regarded h im not unkit:\dly. "Far be it from me," h e re joined, "to take a dv an ta ge o f y ou r

des ti tut ion. Keep y our w if e a nd lit

t Ie s ones; I do not want them."Turning upon his heel, he walked

away. ,.

Edwnrd S. Haws, Postmaster.


Pat rons o f th e post office shouldendeavor -to have thei r mail addressed, ;.... --=

Stamps ar e on sale of ever y denom inat ion f rom one cent' to fifteen

cents. except eleven and fou rt een;' ll so a plentiful supply of postal cards,s tamped envelopes and newspaper

wrappers.Prices of stamped envelopes:

25 1c envelopes . . . .• • • . $ .28100 1c envelopes•. .••.•• 1.1025 2c envelopes..... . . . .53100 2c envelopes 2.10


c o ~ n I I T T E E S OF COUNCIL.

Itel". Andrew S. l lurke, neehlr .


nev. ,John "lin ~ e M s , Jllnlster.

Til}: I ' U } : S n Y T } : n L \ ~ CHUIU'H.




A par ce ls pos t convent io n h av ingbeen concluded be tween the United

S ta te s and Chi na to tak e e ffec t August 1st, 1916, parce ls post packageswill be admitted on an d after that Finance and Law Committee-A. P.

d at e t o the parcel post mails for that Redifer; W. D. Smedley. H. D. Narrlcount ry made up in and dispatched gan.from this country. Weight of a pack- Highway Committee-H. D. Narrl-age must be not mor e t han 11 pounds gan, F. L. Rose, Robert Savllle.nor mea su re mor e than 3 feet 6 Police and Health-W. D. Smedley._inches in length or 6 feet in length F. L. Rose. Robert Caville.and g ir th combined. Rate of postage Water, Fire and Light-F. L. Rose,w,u be twelve cents pe r pound or I,Willlam J. Henderson, Robert Savllle.fraction thereof. Parce ls post pack- O rd in an ce '-Wi ll lam J. Henderson,

age s for Chi na may b e registered. F. L. Rose, Robert Saville.

The services at All Saints' P. E.Church, Montgomery and Wynnewoodavenues, for next Sunday are as fol


8.00 A. M. HolY Communion.11.00 A. M. Morning Prayer with

Sermon.Last Sunday, the Rev . W il li am T.

Metz had cha rg e of all the services.He will also be at All Saints' the tworemaining Sundays in August.The Sunday school sessions and

the afternoon services will not be

r es umed u nt il t he third Sunday 'i n

September.Make it a point to get out to the

11 o'clock service next Sunday mornIng and encourage the visi t ing cler

gyman. He would much rather

p reach t o a large congregation than

a lot of empty pews.The c hu rc h ' bu ss es l ea ve Wynn e

wood and Narberth stations at 10.40all Sunday mornings.

Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clockthere will ]le a mee ti ng for public

worship. Mr. Robert C. McQuilkin,of Narberth. will deliver the sermon.Mr. McQuilkin's messages have always been most helpful .On account of t he p re va le nc e of

contagious diseases in our midst

there will be no sessions of t he Sun -day school until September.Union Twilight Meeting next Sun

day evening on t he Jus ti ce lawn at

6 o 'c lock .The Union Prayer Meeting this

Wednesday evening will be held inthe Methodist Church and will beconducted by Mr. Samuel "\V. Foster.

T E GOLUEX RULES OF POST' OFFICE NTE}1}:ALTllFon S ( ~ I l O O J J CIIILDUEN 0 S P · t· D, , : ~ . : : r :::: : ~ : : : , ~ h o ~ : n d rescnpIOn epartment

for your age . Keep w indows in bed- post office. It I s d if ficu lt to rem em· Iroom well open. ' Y h I her t hem a ll . By hav ing your box our ea t is your most p ri ze d possession. When it is in

llonrs of Sleep for ]) jl ' ferent Ages. ~ ~ m b e r p la ce d on you r mail you wil l danger yo u wisely hasten to th e best physic ian y ou k nowHours of aId In having the mail cased up It '10 11 ' h •

Age Sleep T ime i n Bed without delay. I equa y Important t at you choose your druggist to ge t best5 to 6 13 6 P. M. to 7 A. M. results.Purity, Strength, Skill , Accuracy, Carefulness an d Clean!:-

6 to 8 12 7 P. M. to 7 A. M. m:1'T}:n }'ACILI'rIES ness a re o f g re at importance' . We l ay s tr es s o n all o f thes e an d Y 0 1 ~8 to 10 11% 7.30 P. M. to 7 A. M. }'OU POST OF}'ICE c n d h. b . a re s t a s su re t at your prescription h as b ee n compounded J'USt

10 to 12 11 8 P. M. to 7 A. M. ha r e rt h po st ollice IS unabLe to as your ph " • h .12 to 14 101h 8.30 P. M. to 7 A. M. t ak e c ompl et e advantage of the I YSlclan WIS es It Jrepared if you l ea ve it at

14 to 16 10 9 P. M. to 7 A. M. s ec ond- cl as s. p ri vi le ge owing to the F I EDLER ' S16 to 18 9% 9.30 P. M. to 7 A. M. lack of room in which t o place th e2.-Eat slowly, never between equipment that a second-class office I

mea ls . Chew food tho roughly. Drink i s e nt it le d to. s uc h a s modern casing11ETIIOHlS1' };PJ8l'Ol'Al, CRImeH'j water with meals but n.ever when racks sorting t abl es , c an ce ll in g Prescription Drug Store

there is foo(l in the mouth. Drink machine , f il ing cases for supplies andltev. r. (•• J(OJlllcl, I'llstor. water several times dur in g t he day. records, sack racks for outgoing mall Phone, Narber th 625 or 1284

3 . -Brushy 0ur teeth a t leas to n ce and many 0 th er th Ings too numerous :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=::=

The regular sessions of the Sun- a day. Rinse mouth ou t well with to enumerate These wil l be secured I -day s choo l wi1l he resumed Sunday, wat er a ft er .each meal. When. new q ~ a r t e r s ar e provided. IrLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME 'I $1000 WILL BUY ALO TSeptember 3rd, with a full equipment 4.-Be s ur e you r bowels move at lJof t eachers and officers. least onc e e ach day . Prmted s tampea envelopes may be11.00. Public wor sh ip . The p as to r 5.-Keep clean-body, clothes and secured at the post office at the fol- OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED

wlll occupy t he pulpi t. mind. Was h your hands a lways be- l ow ing prices: 'UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL

6.00. Union lawn service on : -\ ar- f or e e at ing. Take a warm bat h with 500 1-cent envelopes . . • . . . ••• . •• $5.62 Accordingto You rOwn P la n s. B a la ncberth avenue. soap once or tw ice a week; a cool 500 2-cent envelopes. .•. .•••••.• $10.62 Pasteurized Milk IDELIVERIES ,On Easy Terms.

Prayer Sen'Ice. sponge (or shower) bath each morn- These envelopes are of firs t quaIlty. B r y n C l o ~ i l l ~ e r t l l i e d WEST PRILA. Narberth's Highest Tract8.00. The Union Prayer Ser vi ce ing bef or e b reak fa st and rub bodY to The name a nd a dd re ss o f p ur ch as er (Pedriat lc Society) OVERBROOK

wlll be held i n t hi s c hu rc h on Wed- a glow with a rough towel. neat ly .pr int ed in upper l eft hand cor- Special "Guernse . . MERIOS All Conveniences-OldShade. Maoeadam

6 T t k I ner, WIth request to return inI


Y Road. Cement S i dewahs . Etc.

nesday night with Mr. Foster as .- ry 0 eep your compan ons,l ea de r. Eve rybody wel come . I especially young children, awa y from days. Note the price. I (Roberts '&Sharple8s ' : A ~ ~ : ~ : : ~ ~ D FM JUstl'Ce Montgomerv A1fenup.

___ i t ho se who have con ta giou s d is ea se s. Edward S. Haws, Dairies) I I ,NARBERTH . Or

EYANGt:I, UAI"I'IST CllrUrll . I 7.-Use your handk.e rchlef to cover Postmaster. I NARBERTH 612 Ches tnu tS t •• Phl la.ream But termi lk ARDMORE \ •

a s ne ez e or cough and try t o avoidt;m6!'Moll I,. Swift, }'llstllr. coughing. sneezing or blowing your Private correspondence as well a s Table B ~ : ' e ~ ~ l p p i n g WYNNEWOOD JAMES G. SCANLIN

I nose in front of others. that for bu 'n h 1 b

0.::' I:; ~ i , ~ : ~ : : " " h ; : ~ , : ~ : ~ : ; 1 . , : ; - ~ ~ d ; o : , " : ; , t ' O ,tudy, w"k " ; . ~ , ~ : ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 7 f ~ : ; ; ~ ~ , : : t : : h 1 ~ : ; IS(10TI-POWELL 0RIHIES Contracting Painterwlll be announced on the bulletin 9.-Play hard and f ai r. be lo yal office of a dd re ss . If this precaution-\ lJ H Narberth, Pa.boards. I to ) 'o ur teammates and generous to ary measure cou ld be generally ob- Estimates Telephone

11 A. M. Morning worship. itev.\ your opponents. served it would greatly assist post 45th and Parrish StsGeorge G. Croft will preach. 10.-Be clv.!erful and do you r b es t office officials In th e h an dl in g of I . - - - - - -

6. P. M. Union Twilight Service on ! to k ee p y ou r scbool and you r home mal l matter. 'l.loward F. Cottert he J us ti ce lawn. Rev. George G. clean and att ract ive and .to make the ------ i J:Croft w il l b e t he speaker . - world. a better . Pl ac : t o l Ive in. U. S. ~ I A I L - M a y 28, 1916. Try a Pound of

W 1 d. A t Durlllg vacatIon IS a spl endid t ime MEATS of

e( nes ay evemng, ugus 16, t .1916, Union Prayer Service at the 0 practIce these rules. By Sep.tem?er Arrival. HOME MADE FUDGE QUALITYMethodist Church. Mr. Salll- they may be a part of your dally lIfe. 6.00 A. M.-East and t hrough wes t Iu el W. Foster , represen ting the Pres - 6.43 A. M.-East and t hrough wes t I H E DAVIS Y . M. C. A . BU ILD ING

hyterian Church, will b e t he leader. Y. 1\1. C. A. 8.59 A. M.-Local west • •0.37 A. M.-East and through west !!- LI G B S

HOllr,) of nIrectors. 11.50 A. M.-East and t hrough wes t I ; eorge · upleeH. S. Hopper, president; C. E. 12.26 P. M.-Local west

Kream.er, vice-president; D. D. S tl ck - 1.37 P. M.-East and t hrough wes t Ito their box numbers, as delays ar e Steam &HotWater Heatingney, treasurer; R. L. Bea t ty , G. M. 3.26 P. M.-Local west frequently caused in the del ive ry of PlumbingHenry , J . S. Harris, E. S. Haws Dr. 4.37 P. M.-East and t hrough w.est letters due to the address boeing slm- B 11 T IR. C. Hoffman, W. D. SmedleY, T. C. 6.37 P. M.-Local west p ly g iven a s Narbe rt h even when _e__e_e_p_h_on_e_. _

Trotter. A. J. Loos. T. R. Coggeshall. ·:Departure. s tr ee t a nd n umbe r i s ~ I v e n it is fre-J. G. Walton, I. T. Ward, Vernon 6.43 A. M.-Local west· qu ent ly n ec ess ar y t o look up the l

lV1AY I PROVE.Fleck, Carrol Downes, G. H. Gifford, 8.59 A. M.-East and t hr ou gh w es t name i n d ir ec to ry before t he mal l c an T h d

E. E. Se aver. J. B. Esenwein, Frank 10.37 A. M.-Local west : be cas ed up, causing extra wor k a s 0 y ou w at an a vantage it IS

StOM. 10.47 A. M.-East and t hr ough wes t Iwell as necessary delay. t o own you r own home?

Hoa rd o f ~ I a n a g e r s . 12.26 P. M.-East and through west WM. D. SMEDLEYMonday night-Daniel Lle tch Mem- 1.37 P. M.-Local west I At th C b'

bership Manager. ' 3 .26 P. M.-East and th rough west A WOlm TO T l n ~ NEW UESIDENTS e a Ill,Tuesday nlght- 4.37 P. M.-Local west I ~ o t he i nf orma ti on o f t he l at el y I Narberth & Haverford Aves.

Educational and Religious Work Man- 6.37 P. M.-East and t hrough wes t arnvmg residents of Narberth we an-ager. 6.59 P. M.-East a nd t hr ou gh w est no un ce a ga in that to purcbase postageWednesday night-R. G. Savill, Snnday. s tamps and s tamped envelopes i n t he

House Manager. Arrives 6.00 A. M. local post office is of great advantage

Thursday night-F. W. Stites, Social Departs 5.47 P. M. to the office as its advancement is A th •Work Manager. i based upon t he s al es . We aim to : n raelie CoalFriday night-H. C. Gara, Financial ICONYENIENCE AND ECONO"'rv be courteous and o b l l ~ i n g . We also

Manager. .lIL.L want to do business WIth our patrons. WOOD ASaturday night-Fred Rose, Ath- OF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. Edward S. Jlaws, Postmaster. ND

let lc Manager; T. R. Coggeshall, Gen- - - - I BUILDING SUPPLIEeral Manager; O. L. Hampton, Execu- The attent ion of t he p at ro ns o f t he Box re t f 11 t di Stive Secretary. Narberth Post Office i s cal led to the S e P t ~ m b e ~ s 3 0 t ~ r W i ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ a e ; : ' l b ~ ~ b: :~ ~ r : ~ ~ : c e o ~ ~ e ~ ~ n d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Y l b Y plos-I tween the 70th and last day of June. Narberth, Pa.

o ow ng owIEvery box In t he pos t office Is rentedrates are charged for sending sums to and t he re is a waiting list of m o r ~any money order post office in t he t ha n a dozen applicants--

. IUnited States: .

c.IThere has been received at the Nar-~ s e s of communicable dIsease are For o rd er s from $.01 to $2.50, 3 ber th Pos t Office a bulletin from the

ordlllarily reported t o t he s ec re ta ry cents. D t t f L b -tl B d . ' epar men 0 a or at Washingtono Ie oar of Health by the physI- From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents. containing a call for 30 000 t 40 000cian in attendance. I f no physician is From $5.01 to $10 8 cents ' 0,c al le d in, the responslbllltv for re- From $10.01 to $20, 10 c e n t ~ IKnaensto hTell

Phartvestf the crops in

t' t ' . . n as. Ie ra e 0 wages rangepor l llg res s ~ I t l ~ the head .of the From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents. from $2.00 to $6.00 pe r day. Bulletin

household . Til lS IS made oblIgatory From $30.01 to $40, 15 c ents. Is posted In the lobb Iby State law and the regUlations of From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents. 1 y.the Board of Health. The penalty for From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents.failure to report is a fine not exceed- From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents.

Ing $100 and costs. From 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.To avo id the impos it ion o f the pen- Same fees as quoted above charged

alty, physicians and householders are for remittances to a number of foreignrequested to report Immediately in countries. Orders are paid at 52,000writing c ases o f c ommunica bl e d is - pos t offices in the United States. Reease which may exi st to the secre tary '11lttances received in this way ar e

? f t he Board of Health. All chi ldren convenient for merchants , publishers,II I f amll ie s in which t he re i s whoop- seedsmen, insurance companies. etc.,ing cough or chicken pox must be etc.kept on the premises and not be al

lowed t o come i n contact with otherchildren.

Nllrbertll Hoard of Health.

8T. ,UA.ltGAUET'S CUURCH.Early Mass on S U l l d ~ . y f rom Apr il

I 'l t to October 31st at C.JO A. .\'1. FromNO\'ember 1st to l \I arcn 31st at 7 A. M.

Late Mass, 9.30 A. :'I\. throughout the

yea r. : 'I la sses on holydays, 6.3u and1l.3U A. 1\1. Weekdays at 8. Evening

devotions and o therservices at regular


MEIUON ~ I E E T I ~ G JlOUSE.Merion Meeting House i s opened for

wor sh ip eve ry Frist-day at 11 A.M. Visitors ar e cordially welcome.A registry book Is kept for visi tors .

All are asked to register their names.

8/7/2019 Our Town August 17, 1916

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-august-17-1916 4/4

- - - '.


(Io'rom Date.)


) L \ I ~ un: 19111 Sf'II};m;u:.

Week Commencing Mondav. Aug. 14th


209 Forrest Ave.




2: ~o1


An officer was s howi ng a n o ld lad:oYer tlloe ·battleship. "This ," sa id he.

O. A. K , pointing to an , insc r ibed plate on th e

9 0 0 deck. " is whe re OUr gallant captahl

4 1 0 fell."

o 1 1 "Xo wonde r. " r ep l ie d t he o ld ladr.

1 0 I"I nearly slipped on It myself."-Ex

1 0 change.

o 0; ~ 0

o 0o 0

5 0

O. A.1 02 5

5 24 11



11 21

........ .....

. . . . . . .13otals


PAOLI M. C. Tllnr.,ln)", "'rhln, ' nllnd S"lur<1n,'

R. H. O. A. E. UESSIE ) . 0" 1 ';


1 0 2 2 Snllllorlt'd II" WUfr ,· ,1 LnenH III n 81or,· of

Hayman, 21>. ),'rulltler LifeYoukel, ss 2 2 0 2 "IIEU,.TO.PAY AUSTIN"Supplee, 1h. . 0 2 0 2 0 Ad d .. ,1 Attrndloll, "Us/! n U , I . n ~ UI:UKt:

Palste, cf. 0 0 lOin SI"lt" 'nth Chul.t,·r of "GUUUA'S Jto-Rice, 3b., c. . 1 0 3 1 2 ) I A ~ C t : "

o 0 0 0 l \ I A I ~ »roductloll !;ltarts ot 10. 40 , 12. 30 ,Brown, If. . 0 0 2 .15, 4 , B, 7.45 alld 0.30.D'ter, r t, 3b 0 0 1 0

Heyburn, c. . 0 0 6 2 NOW IS THE TIME TOStur'nt, p. . 1 1 0 0

Magl1l, p., rt ~ ~ Buy a HODleTotals 6 6 21 8 6 Before Prices AdvaDce

West Phl1a '.. 2 1 3 2 3 20-13 CALDWELL & CO.Paoll M. C. , , 0 1 0 0 3 02- 6

Bon Air 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 -3 MISS WETHERILL'SWayne. . 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 x -4 i

Paoli, Pa .• Aug. 12.--Black's west : Elementary SchoolPhillies journeyed to Paoli and RE-OPENS MONDAY, SEPT. 18,1916swamped th e Men's Club nine, 13 to A Jirn,teJ number of I'urils receive,1. For infor

6, ill seven innings . The score: mation arrly to MISSMAUDE E. WETHERILL20 0 Dudley Avenue. Narberth.


R. H. O. A. E. ARCADIA\,. 'ner rf 0 1 1 1 0 CHESTNUT. Bel.16th St'IX " ." 0 0 0 0 Finest Photoplay The-

Pan'lo, 2b. . 0 atre oll is Size In th eClark, It·. . • . . . . . . . .2 2 0 0 1 Enl i reWorld.F'. Rob'n, cr....... 4 2 2 1 1 Photoplays-Cont inuous 10A.M.toU.30

1 P.M.Strauss'r, ss. . 2 1 1 3 Phi lo . . P a .

J . R ob 'n , 31>. . 1 3 1 2 0

McCann, 2h. . 2 1 1 1 0

C'lan, lb., rf . , 1 1 10 0 0

Greaser, p. . 1 0 1 1 0 ,\(o",ln>', Tnl·.<1Il,' "nOli "'ednt"'dn,'

Ul1man, c 0 0 4 0 1 H. U. W A n ~ ..m_ _ _ _ _ ~ U I J l m r h ' ( l h ~ . :nld l\lurkt",r In a 1)1..,- of

M,'ster, '

"SHEJ,L 43"


R. H.

Kane, 1b .. Jf 0 0

Brown, 2b. . 1 0Burnley, ef. . 1 0

Har'son, e .' 0 1

Rodgers, 3h. . 1 1

G al 'g he r, r f. 0 2

iMe'M'le. s s. . 0 0Kirk, If. 0 0Swartz, lb . . 0 0

Burke, p. . 0 1

Undivided rprofits


Phone, Narberth 672

Are You Going?





Did. you ever notice t ha t t he chronic

k ic ke r i s p ro ud o f t he t it le ?

"1 was at t he b ig gener al s to re s in

Market street the other day ," s ai d

SlImfingered Joe, "when the whole

electric-light apparatus went wrong,

and a ll t he different departments were

as black as pitch,""My word, what a bi t 0' luck!"

chuckled his friend. "What d id y ou

g e t ? ~ . '"My beastly luck again. It 's always

dogging me. I was i n th e gran,d plano


I f any association member wants to

hnow if week-end trips to Dewitt farms

or th e Y. M. C. A. Country Club at

Downingtown ar e worth While, let

him as k e i the r ! \ewton Compton 0:

!-'eeretary Hampton or Mr. Just i ce or

Mr. Gara.

These wer e only four of th e sev

enty-five at the club last Saturday

a nd Sunday, a nd these because of th e

fine time and good eats they had

agreed to repeat the dose at an ear ly

date. I n t he meant ime If you ar e Interested in a del ight fUl week-end,

"say s omet hi ng " a nd h av e y ou rs el f

registered f or so me Saturday and

Sunday between now and September

15th. You'll find It time well spent

at a smal l money cost. Take the

word fo r i t of

Don't mis s t hi s c hanc e.

On e W ho Knows.





Merion Title & Trust Co.

New York




Moving Furniture and Hauling!Automobiles for Passenger ServiceNight Trips When Orderea




NARBERTH OF.FICE, Open From 8 A.'M. 104- P . .LV/.

Friday Evenillgs, 7 10 9.


Pier 32, North River

Towhere woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Between New YorkCity (with Albany and Troy the gate.ways) and

Lake GeorgeThe AdirondacksLake ChamplainThe North and West

The logical route is "The LuxuriousWay"

Largest and most magnificent riversteamships in the world


Send for free copy of Beautiful

"Searchlight Magazine"

"1 h e Sear c h I i g h t R 0 ute"


rata. M!;Ginte '0U 2 ) S . l I l h I 7 ~ S ' Phil.dd hla

Detective Bureau





Your physician knows our ability in com"1pounding, and our prices .are !"uch l o ~ e rthan those in PhiladelphIa, with supenor



Hith Grade Butter IThTelephone-Narberth 644 A. e


A FeatureOur Prescription Department

is complete With the highest. quality of


NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN-..A.UGUS1.' 17 , 1916=========:;====== - : = = = = = = = = = = = = : = = = = : = = = = - = =

l [AIN LINE LEAGUE. )[11111 Line League.- - - Won. Lost . Pct .

))UII & Co. :N I I I I ' lUanage to Keep L"p Dun & Co. . 15 4 .789Ral)ld StrIde. Narberth . . . • . . . . . . . . 14 4 .777- - - Bon Ai r . . . . . • . . . . . . . .12 7 .632

Berwyn, Fa." Aug. 12.-Cloughley's Wayne , ,. 8 9 .471Dun & Co. tourists traveled to the Autocar . . 8 11 .421ho me o f th e Berwyn Pirates t o- daY W. Phlla 6 13 .316and handed ( Ju t a c lean-cu t whitewash Berwyn . . . 6 1:{ .316in a Main L in e L eag ue g am e b y the Paoll . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 13 .277score of 5 to O. Dun's new pi tcher , - -Markley, made a most impressive TnI-: :XAmn;RTIIdebut, a l10wlng three s ing les an d I ) U E 8 n Y T E R I A ~ CHl'UCH.

creating a n ew r ec or d b y striking ou t - - -

18 batsmen. I Public Worship, 11 A. M.

This v ictory enabled th e pace-mak- Preachers and Hymn numbers forin g Dun & Co. team to maintain their August, 1916:half-game lead over the fas t -s tepp ing I Aug. 6-Rev. J. Clement Berry , pas

champions. The score: : to r of Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church,

! Phlladelphia. Psalter 6, Hymns 85,DUN & CO. : 519, 500.

H. O. A. E. Aug. 13-Rev. L. M. Keirn, Narberth,

1 1 0 0 Pa. Psalter 7, Hymns 70, 507, 498.1 0 0 0 Aug. 20-MI '. Rober t C. McQuilkin,

2 7 0 0 Xarberth, Pa . Psalter 8, Hymns 40.1 0 0 0 512. 488.o 3 1 0 Aug. 27-Rev . Franci s S. Hort , pa s-

2 15 3 0 to r o f Ca lv in Presbyterian Church,

1 1 0 Philadelphia. Psalter 9. Hymns 52,o 2 0 411, 453.o 1 0 i Union Twilight 1\leetings ar e held

- - - - each Sabba th at 6 P. M. on t he J us

10 27 S 0 t ice lawn, if storm, in th e Presbyter-

ian Church .

I Mr. Berry will preach on th e eve-

E. i ning of August 6 and Mr. Hort on

o the evening of August 27.1:

}'IRE C O ~ [ P A N Y .President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec·

r eta ry , Char les V. Noe l; f in an ci al

secretary, E. C. S toke s; t re asur er ,

Carden ~ V a r n e r ; c hi ef e ng in ee r,

Chas. V. Noe l: f ir st assistant engin.

eel', Edw. Wipf; second assistant en·

H. C. FRITSCH gineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant

d Sale Ie ng in ee r, H . B. WaH; fo urt h as -Properties Fo r Rent an Isl's'tant en!!ineer, A. W. Needham.

Fi re Insurance

Bell Phone Sli2 W.

Wall Building. Narberth, pa-l I - ' U I ~ E S W D D I I ~ G 1,1-;8801\'S.


Prime Meats

R.Mudle, 3b. . 1Deegan, If. 2Schw'z, lb 1Gilbert, cf. ., 0

H. B'itz, 2b. . 0

I 2% interest allowed on checking accounts on balances of Fahey, c 0I Hevener , r f. . 0


$50.00. ' Markley, p. . 1

3% inter es t a llowed on Saving Fund accounts, com-/ H. B'ltz, SS•••.•••• 0

-----y--B--W-A-L-L- pounded liemi-annually, I -5

BARR. Deposits of $1.00 and upward received In the SavingI Tota s .......

Plumbing, Gas Fitting Fund Depa,tment.

and HeatingN AR B ER T H . PA

Home D,esSl'J Poultry. Butter. Eg'1::5 alhl .G,!me.F'nc\' FrUit an,\ V e ~ e t a l ' l l · s . "A STORE I-ORPARtiCULAR PEOPLE."

Te ephone. N A R B E R T H . P A .


R. H.Casso cf. . • . . . . . . . . 0 0Kelly, ss 0 0

Watson. 3b. . 0 0 0 2 0

Davis. lb. .. 0 1 1 : 1 1

IFitzg'd, H. . 0 1 1 0 0McLees, 2b 0 0 2 1 0

L(nvis, p. . :Q 1 0 2 0 August l!lth-Xarherth at Paoli,

Burkey, rf. . 0 0 1 1 0 . Dun & Co. at Bon-Air, Berwyn at

The spacious la\\'n o f Mr s. Ferree l\Ioran, c. . 0 0 7 1 1 '"\Yayne, 'Yest Phl1adelphia at Auto'"Brinton's home at St. Davids will - - - - - - car.

preo,ent a n u nu su al a nd a tt ra ct iv e I Totals 0 3 27 13 :1 August 26t h-Wayne a t I\'arberth.

scene on October 4, when the Berwyn at Paoli. Dun & Co. at Auto-

Womans' SUlfrage Party of three ' Dun & Co. . . . . . 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 -5 car, West Philadelphia at Bon-Air.

counties will co-operate in holding a Berwyn '" .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 September 2d-Bon-Ai r a t Narberth.

lawn fe te in the inter.est of sUffrage.l[ - - Dun & CO. VS. \Vest Philadelphia,

Mrs. W111. Ward, Jr., of Chester, gen- Wayne , P a. , Aug. 12.-The Wayne Autocar at Berwyn. Paoli at Wayne.

e ral cha i rman, is arranging a unique. Suhurhanites won a h a r d - f o u ~ h t Sep temher 4 th A. M.-Berwyn at

entertainment among th e interesting: game from th e Bon Air Barons. 4 to Xarberth, Dun & Co. at Wayne, West

featur,es of ' ~ h i c h will be a p l a y , ' ~ . This plaeel1 th e Suhurhanites Philadelphia at Autocar , Paoli at Bon-

The Lower Mer ion Young Men 's cards , m usi c an d d an ci ng . \V omen back in the first. division. Air.

Christian Associat ion will start a free from Chester county will have charge Septemher 4th P. M.-Narherth at

swimming campaign on August 10 of t he c ar d tables; Delaware county 'wAYXE. Paoli, Dun & Co. at Berwyn, West

l ~ 1 \ ( 1 d ur in g t he s uc ce ed in g t en days representatives w ill b e in charg,e of R. H. O. A. E. Philadelphia a t ' '' ay ne , Bon-Air at

will give every boy In Lower Merion refreshments, which include a sup- Weaver, c. . 1 1 4 1 1 Autocar.

free lessons In th e ar t of getting pel'; while Montgomery county women B rooke. cf. . 0 0 0 0 0 September 9 th -A ut oc ar a t Nar-

~ r o u n d In th e water. E ach lad will will superintend tlte music and RuseI'. ~ h . 2 3 1 2 1 berth. Dun & Co. at I",lOli, West Phila -

bave three l es son s. Eve rybody who dancing. T he p lay will be given Pat'rson, ss. . 0 1 4 4 1 delphia at Berwyn, Bon-Air at \Vayne.

learns t he c ra wl s tro ke will ge t a under . th e direction of Mrs. E. Murphy, If. 1 1 1 0 0 Septemher 16th-W'est PhiladelphialJUtton. A life saving c rew of twelve,' Mitchell, of Ardmore; Mrs. E. 1"1 Shutz'h, rf. 0 1 1 0 0 ,a t Xarherth, 'Vayne at Berwyn, Auto-

older b o ~ ' s will as si st t he i ns tr uc- I ~ l a n n e r y , of Wynnewood, will · m a ~ - I Sing'ton. 2h 0 0 1 2 0 •ca r at Paoli, Dun & Co. at Bon-Air.

Itor. Iage a fish-pond, and Mrs. A. 1\1:. WII- i T ~ e r g ' o n , lb . . 0 0 1 :; 0 0 i Septemher 23d-Dun & Co. at Xar-

, son. of W a ~ ' n e , will conduct a puh- iHallowell, p. . 0 0 0 4 0 •berth, West Philadelphia at Paoli, Ber-

i TO S'L;R."E. Iicity hooth, Including literature, novel- i - - - - - wvn It Bon\ i r \V'lvne at Autocar( ) l ' l ' O J { T t : ~ I T Y r.. t ie s. e tc . I Totals 4 7 27 1 3 ' . ' ~ ~ ~ _ .At the Montgomery County Fair to '

" \'egetables ar e always acceptable tA t 29 30h e h el d in Po t stown, ugus , , iU ~ I T I - ; D STATES CIVIL I at the K i n ~ ' s Daughters' Holiday :n and September 1, t he W om an 's '

SER"ICE E X A ~ n N A T I O X . House on Sabll le avenue, near Wynne- Suffrage Party will conduct a rest

- wood avenue. Contributions o f money tent t o whi ch all visitors wil l b e w,elXotice is pos te d i n th e l obby o f th e will also be thankful1y received, as come. The well-known speaker, Miss

. f tIle flllHls ar e running dangerously A 'I C '11 I 11post office of an examination or pos- nna IV c ~ u e . WI ma ,e an a( ( ress

tal or initial derks i n t he N ar be rt h low at this time. each day.post office. The e xamina ti on w il l b e I t might be said In connection with. _

held August 12th. beginning at 9 A. the above announcement that the:e: NEXT' 1 I t us gar<1ens m I1\1. Applications for this examination' are no (OU? nurnero

must b e m ad e on prescribed form, t ,11\(1 about Narbe rth where there Is awhich , with necessary Isntructions surplUS of v e ~ e t a b l e s , oftentimes con

may be ohtained f rom th e commls- siderahle gOIng to waste. If th e

sion's loea I representative, Miss Helen K ing' s Daugh te rs could be IJotifiellM. Kernan, at t he N ar be rt h p os t of- they would gladly ~ e ~ d . for vegeta

fice or from the Civll Service Secre- b le s i n cases where J IS mconvenient

tarv in t he F eder al Bui ld ing, Phlla- for the donors t o de ilver same to th e

delphia. Persons desiring to t ak e t he S umme r Hou se ~ h e r e so many poor

examination shOUld file applications children ar e b e ~ n g cared for. Call

at once. up th e house o n p ho ne or send a pos-

Elhn\J'(l S. lInws, Po stm as ter. tal carll.

Miesen's BakeryN A R B E R T H A R C A D E


Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,.Ca ndy , Ic e Cream