Our title sequence conforms to a thriller genre. This is due to the narrative of the film as it is...

Our title sequence conforms to a thriller genre. This is due to the narrative of the film as it is based on a girl who is rebelling against her catholic dad by drinking and taking drugs and she sees a ghostly figure and she runs away but she isn’t sure if the figure is a part of her imagination or if it is real. It doesn’t challenge the conventions of the thriller genre as it was created to snugly fit in with all the conventions of the thriller. Ranging from the eerie spooky sound to the build-up of tension. Our film has similar conventions to the film ‘”SAW’’ as it has fast shots of a mysterious person jumping out at another person to attack them like in saw with the people in the pig masks jumping out on unsuspecting victims and it has flashbacks like in “SAW”. Also the tense, scary music used for our piece is also used in saw to heighten the suspense and to mould the atmosphere. Question 1 intro

Transcript of Our title sequence conforms to a thriller genre. This is due to the narrative of the film as it is...

Our title sequence conforms to a thriller genre. This is due to the narrative of the film as it is based on a girl who is rebelling against her catholic dad by drinking and taking drugs and she sees a ghostly figure and she runs away but she isn’t sure if the figure is a part of her imagination or if it is real. It doesn’t challenge

the conventions of the thriller genre as it was created to snugly fit in with all the conventions of the thriller. Ranging from the eerie spooky sound to the build-up

of tension. Our film has similar conventions to the film ‘”SAW’’ as it has fast shots of a mysterious person jumping out at another person to attack them like

in saw with the people in the pig masks jumping out on unsuspecting victims and it has flashbacks like in “SAW”. Also the tense, scary music used for our piece is

also used in saw to heighten the suspense and to mould the atmosphere.

Question 1 intro

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The title of the film is called ‘’Hidden’’. It is a hint at the story’s narrative as the narrative involves a hidden figure spying after a girl and chasing after a girl in the woods. The title fades in and out at the end and this is done because it represents the intoxicated girl fading in and out of consciousness. This develops the generic convention of thriller as it is a reference to the narrative of something or something being hidden which suggests some one is hiding for a pacific reason. E.g., to jump out on someone or hiding from something scary. This reflects the conventions of the thriller film ‘’Hide and seek’’ as it involves hiding and building up tension and releasing it by some one suddenly jumping out or doing something dramatic.



The location we filmed in is stamnmna park. This was a good choice because it is huge section of woods and there were loads of paths which we could chose from to shoot our piece. The hugeness of the woods was effective as it gave a sense of emptyness and decollate to our piece making it feel like the girl was the only one in the woods apart from the mysterious figure, making our piece seem eeirie and more to the conventions of the thriller genre. The mise - en - scene of this piece reflects strongly to the thriller film ‘’Shrooms’’ as it is set in the woods and the people are “hallucinating’’ .


Costume and propsCostume and propsWe made the main character wear a anti Christ jumper as it suited her role as she was rebelling against her catholic dad. It symbolises un-purity and rebellion. We made her wear full black to give a more darker, gothic feel.We used a water bottle full of fizzy water and we pretended it was an alchaholic beverage. It was useful as it also resembled her rebelling against her dad by drinking alchahol. We also had her wear dark eye liner and poured water on it to make it appear that she was crying in fear. This dark costume and anti christ jumper develops the thriller genre because there isn't many strongly religious based narratives in the thriller genre. The costume and props reflects no other film as our conventions of our costume and props and original.


Camerawork and editingWe filmed a series of shots and in this shot I am doing a tracking shot which is of the main character (Emily) running on the path. This created an interesting shot as I filmed her legs and arms moving fast as she was running which created the effect of her running faster than she actually was because the camera was moving fast as well as I was running along side her.


Camerawork and editing

• In this frame Joe is filming an over head/birds eye view shot by filming on top of a tree. This creates an element of voyeurism, this was done to create the impression that the mysterious figure was spying on the girl running past from the tree. This angle was a wise choice as it gave our final cut a wide variation of shots and it made the character who’s running look smaller and more vulnerable. This develops the thriller genre as a lot of slasher sub genre thrillers use voyeurism to create tension and the impression of someone being watched. Also they film things and people like us so they appear smaller and more vulnerable. This method of filming reflects that of the thriller film ‘’ JAWS’’ where the shark is spying on a innocent swimmer from above.

Camerawork and editingIn this frame here I am going to talk abou the editing. We used short flashes of clips of the killer attacking the main character by jumping out of the darkness. This happens later in the film fully where we show the whole clip. This method of building up tension is very effective as the short clips are foreshadowing of what is going to happen later on in the piece. Also the short clips replicate flashbacks and her memory and mind crashing and going unstable. This makes the viewer feel uneasy as it makes it uncomfortable to watch. This is why it develops the generic convention of the thriller genre, because as I said it puts the viewer on edge and makes them uneasy, which is a key element of a thriller genre. Also these conventions of the short flashes reflect the ones used in ‘’SAW”.

Camerawork and editing

Here in this frame we edited it so at the end we would increase the contrast and brightness so it would then fade out smoothly to the white background of the title of our movie ‘’Hidden”. This was done to resemble her passing out due to tiredness and intoxication.

TITLE FONT & STYLEWe used white writing on the text to symbolize purity and we contrasted this with the dark blue writing which symbolises saddness and depression. We placed the titles on the characters and well fitted places to introduce our film.We used block font to stand out and look serious.For example here I placed the titles so it would line up perfectly with the tree giving a more professional , authentic feel.

This challenges the conventions of a thriller as most thriller films don’t use white block writing, they use darker more complex styles of font for dramatic effect. This style of font reflects the opening title sequence of the thriller, Casino Royale. This opening title sequence using block writing like ours, to contrast strongly with the images being shown. Also it is done for a serious effect to represent the seriousness of the narrative.


Story and how the OTS sets it up• The story is based on a young girl who is rebelling against her catholic dad by

drinking and taking drugs. She drinks and takes to much, then sees a strange figure and it starts chasing her so she tries to escape by running away. The opening title sequence sets it up by showing her running in the woods, then assists this with flashes of parts of memories and full memories of the strange figure attacking her. As the opening title sequence goes on you start to under stand why and who she is running away from. At the end she is passing in and out of conciousness, which creates confusion and makes you want to watch the film to find out more.

• This is develops the conventions of a thriller as it makes you want to know what happened to the girl in the end, but it is just left of a cliff hanger for dramatic effect which is a feature of the thriller genre. This opening title sequence reflects the film ‘’Shrooms’’ as it is about a group of people taking drugs, hallucinating in some woods, becoming scared and panicking in fear.


Genre and how the OTS suggests it• The genre of our piece is thriller obviously but the opening title sequence suggests

this because of the down beat, dark soundtrack. There is a heartbeating sound towards the end to build up tension and to show that the person who is looking around is scared. Also the dark, low saturated colours make the piece look eerie and scary, by lowering the mood of the piece. Aswell as this, the high amount of built up of tension throughout the piece with the scary figure suddenly jumping out at the end which is the climax of the overall tension. The girl wearing black refers to a darker more gothic theme which is symbolizing death and the anti Christ logo on the shirt represents the devil. The flash backs in our OTS suggest it is a thriller as they reveal information from what happened before, filling you in on the story. Flashbacks are a feature of the thriller genre, as flashbacks often happen when bad things have happened and they come back to haunt you or your brain is mentally crashing for what ever reason. These are strong features to do with the thriller genre as they are mostly used in thriller movies. Our film reflects that of the film ‘’Scream’’ as it is to do with people running away from a crazy killer.


How characters are introduced• The character is introduced by having her name siting in front of her face as she is

first seen and running. This is a clear indication of who the character is and when she gets introduced. This develops and challenges the conventions of the thriller genre, as in most thriller they don’t introduce the characters by having names on their faces, but it works well when introducing characters as you don’t miss it. This is because the characters face is so close up it nearly covers the whole screen, but most thrillers properly introduce the characters a lot later on in the film to create mystery and tension and this is why our OTS challenges the conventions of thriller.


Special Effects

We used a few special effects, for example here we used the effect of when she moved, she covered the text with her head. We did this using masking. Also we added cross and additive dissolves between some of the clips to add a more professional look and to symbolize some one fading in and out of consciousness.