Our Parish Mission Statement We, the faith community of St ... · PDF fileNews of Jesus hrist...

Our Parish Mission Statement "We, the faith community of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, believe that faith pro- fessed must also be faith lived. We strive to mirror the charity of Christ and extend His love, hospitality, and service to all. We dedicate ourselves to proclaiming and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ by encouraging acve parcipaon in dialogue, evangelizaon, steward- ship, prayer, and love." MISSION STATEMENT TO KNOW, LOVE, AND SERVE GOD AND NEIGHBOR

Transcript of Our Parish Mission Statement We, the faith community of St ... · PDF fileNews of Jesus hrist...

Page 1: Our Parish Mission Statement We, the faith community of St ... · PDF fileNews of Jesus hrist by encouraging active participation in ... Solomon would go before him to petition him

Our Parish Mission Statement "We, the faith community of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, believe that faith pro-fessed must also be faith lived. We strive to mirror the charity of Christ and extend His love, hospitality, and service to all. We dedicate ourselves to proclaiming and sharing the Good

News of Jesus Christ by encouraging active participation in dialogue, evangelization, steward-ship, prayer, and love."


Page 2: Our Parish Mission Statement We, the faith community of St ... · PDF fileNews of Jesus hrist by encouraging active participation in ... Solomon would go before him to petition him


THE ALPHA COURSE CONTINUES T h u r s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 9 t h

6 : 3 0 p m J o h n P a u l I I R o o m

You Are Invited!

A prayer for “Renew My Church” Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women who have gone before us. In every age and in our own time, you call to us and say: Renew My Church. Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you clearly to listen to each other attentively to imagine our future boldly to discern your direction wisely to persevere in your holy will courageously to stay together in charity to surrender our own plans readily to embrace the greater good to hand on your gifts to future generations. May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with patient confidence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

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The Bible and the Virgin Mary

The Promised Mother - Lesson 7

To understand the role of Mary as Queen Mother we must go back in the Scriptures to the Davidic Kingdom. This is the Kingdom that God said the New Eternal King would come from. We can look back to 1 Kings 2:19-21 to see the foreshadowing of our Blessed Mother. Here we read that Bathsheba the Queen and mother of King Solomon would go before him to petition him on the behalf of others. We see that when the Mother of the King enters the court the King bows to her and seated her at this right hand. Being seated at the Kings right hand was a seat of power and authority. But when the Queen mother made her request the King did not grant her petition. We learn here the relationship between the King and the Queen mother. Although the King refused the request what is important to note here is that she had the right to ask and to intercede for others. This is Mary’s role. She petitions the King, her son, on our behalf.

In Matthew 2:1-12 we read the coming of the king and the wise men that have come to worship him. Luke gives us a straight story of who Jesus is; “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there will be no end (Luke 1:31-33)’. Here Luke tells us that Jesus is the son of David and will reign as king for all eternity. So if Jesus, the son of Mary, will reign on the throne of David then Mary must be the Promised Mother. She is our mother who takes our petitions to the King, Jesus, on our behalf. Our faith is beautiful and rich in Sacred Scripture please continue to read and study the Bible. Please read Chapter 8 for next week. Prayer God our Father, We thank You for Your gift of the Blessed Mother. She is an example and roll model for all the faithful. Grant that you hear her petitions which she asks of Jesus on our behalf and help us to model her humility. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Phil Wroblewski

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Monday, September 26 Ss. Cosmas and Damian 8:00 + Lottie Krawczyk (Niece, Corinne Blotnicki) + Frank Scheffki Sr. (Mark Mikals) Tuesday, September 27 St. Vincent de Paul 8:00 + Anniv. Henry Polus (Dorothy Polus) + Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, September 28 St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions; St. Wenceslaus 8:00 + Cecilia M. Urban (Daughters, Lucille & Margaret) + Alfred Parkhill (Wife & Family) Thursday, September 29 Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels 8:00 + Cecelia Mroz (Son, Gerald) + Betty Hollyfield(Chris Roth & Michael Fisher) Friday, September 30 St. Jerome 8:00 + Leonard Czyzniejewski (Family) - In Thanksgiving for a beautiful Summer FIRST Saturday, October 1 St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 7:30 A.M. Latin Mass 9:00 + Joseph Sarbieski (Granddaughter, Corinne) + Souls in Purgatory 5:00 + Julia Adamczyk (Family) + Antoinette Bradtke (Hardy & Pala Families) Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 2 8:00 + Frank and Leona Sowa (Peter & Eileen Beda) + Roman Meduga (Wife, Arlene) 10:00 + Paul A. Cipowski Jr. (M/M Paul Ritchie) + Eleanor Fritz (Ron, Cindy & Kim Forystek)

Janet Moore Anthony Spargo

Larry Kallas John Jazak Steven R.

Ellen Levesque Sr. Josephine Espinas

Edmund Wladyka Alfreda Koch

Evelyn Zawislak Catherine Manning

Anna Krause

Genevieve McDermott Rosemary Juarez

Nicole Sparger Lorraine Maciejewski

Thomas Adams Alice Graska

Gabriella Poradzisz Adeline Zurawski

Josephine Moreno Ed Adamski

Irene Adamski Anthony DallaCosta

Please add the following to your daily prayers and also pray for those who care for them.


II Jerome Kotel and Caitlin Fisher

Responsibility Today's readings are a summons to responsibility. They remind us that only by assuming responsibility do we stake a claim in the Kingdom of God.

Religion: a Crutch?

Yo Scottie! Haven't seen you in a while. What's up? Oh, I've been to the university. I'm a full-fledged neuro-scientist. Then we'll see you in church again? Fraid not. I don't believe in that stuff anymore. I've found that religion is a crutch. Something a smart guy thought up. What? Yeah, all my professors think that way. It's a way to make money and to help people through the rough spots in life. All man-made. Well, Scottie, I' sorry to hear you say that but I will say I agree with you. What? Yes, except for one thing. What's that? Religion is not man-made, it's made by God. Oh, Charley. You've got to be kidding. You've never been to my professors. They're really smart. They may be smart but He has got them beat. He gave us religion to help us through the rough spots but also because it's true. God is the ultimate reality. He is loving and merciful. He gave us His Son and His Church and that is the truth. Yes, religion is a crutch and a wheel chair and an ambulance. Charlie, you've lost your mind! Yes, Jesus has given me a new mind, a new way of thinking. If I had someone to pray to I'd pray for you. There is Somebody, Scottie. He's waiting for you.

UNRECOGNIZABLE All God’s angels come to us disguised. —James Russell Lowell

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THIS WEEK Monday, September 26 6:30 RCIA Class - John Paul II room Tuesday, September 27 8:30 Novena Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:30 Bible Study - John Paul II room Wednesday, September 28 7:00 Choir Practice Thursday, September 29 6:30 Alpha Course - John Paul II room Saturday, October 1 3:30 to 4:30 Confession Sunday, October 2 9:15 Religious Education Classes


FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY AND DEVOTIONS Saturday, October 1, 2016 after 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Everyone is invited to pray the rosary to Our Blessed Mother.

LATIN TRIDENTINE MASS First Saturday Latin Mass at 7:30 A.M.

The Ladies Rosary Confraternity will be leading the Recitation of the rosary beginning at 9:45 a.m. BEFORE 10:00 a.m. Mass. Please come at that time to be part of this Rosary.


The Archdiocese of Chicago requires every Catho-lic church to record attendance during the month of October. Let’s remind our family and friends that they should make sure they attend Mass every weekend during this month. It is our hope that they attend at St. Andrew but it can be at any Catholic church,.

6 DAY VIGIL LIGHTS are available in the sacristy after mass for a $3.00 donation. If you light the candle yourself please remember the entire candle and plastic container are placed in the colored holder.


The scriptures for today urge us to change all that before it is too late. The letter to Timothy calls us to live in readiness for the “appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy 6:14), when all will be judged and rewarded according to their deeds. No clearer illustration could be drawn than the parable Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. Lazarus, the poorest of the poor, is rewarded with eternal comfort, while the complacent rich man finds himself in eternal torment.

Those of us who live in comfort can’t afford to be

complacent about the chasm between the rich and the poor. It was bad enough that the people of Amos’ time were deaf to the cries of the oppressed. We Christians have the added benefit of hearing the message from someone who rose from the dead. Today’s scriptures warn us to listen and repent. If we don’t ease Lazarus’ torment now, we must be prepared to suffer the consequences. Today’s Readings: Amos 6:1a, 4–7; Psalm 146:7–10; 1 Timothy 6:11–16; Luke 16:19–31 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

All who are visiting and all who come every weekend!

If you would like to register as a parishioner of St. Andrew the Apostle

Church stop in the sacristy and pick up a census form.

You are welcome to pray with us and for our church.


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Sacrificial Giving September 25, 2016

Sunday Collection $4,513.00

Mass Time

Presider Lector Eucharistic Ministers

Altar Servers

5:00 pm Fr. Jacek E. Zdanowski P. Grzybowski, R. Badyniak C. Ziobro, D. Ziobro

8:00 am Fr. Jacek D. Ranos B. Ogu, T. Ogu J. Vesolowski, L. Vesolowski

10:00 am Fr. Jacek C. Piwowar J. Lentz, A. Tkacz, S. Salinske, P. Wroblewski, G. Causey

Thelma, E. Gallegos



Sunday, October 2, 2016 10:30 Wreath Laying ceremony, Pulaski

Park, Calumet City (across from City Hall)

11:30 Field Mass Pulaski Park, Hammond, Indiana (139th & Sheffield Ave., Hammond)

12:30 Wreath laying ceremony Pulaski Park, Hammond 1:30 Authentic Polish family style luncheon

Cavalier Inn Restaurant, 735 Gostlin St. Hammond Official Proclamation & Program

Donation $20.00 in advance - Cash Bar To purchase tickets call 708-935-1222 or 219-933-9314


4:00 TO 5:00 PM School Gymnasium 156th & Freeland

Please remember everyone is welcome. If you are alone with no one to cook for you and would like to join us, please do. This is for everyone in our Parish

and community. Donations are always welcome. Stop by. We

welcome everyone. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please feel free to come.

Thank you Community Meal Team!

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St. Andrew the Apostle Church 768 Lincoln Avenue, Calumet City, IL 60409

Masses Weekend: Saturday, 9:00 am, 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday, 8:00 and 10:00 am Daily: Monday — Friday - 8:00 am First Saturday Latin Mass—7:30 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30—4:30 pm (English and Polish), Or by appointment

Baptism: 4th Sunday (except during Lent). Arrangements must be made prior to date.

Marriage: Arrangements must be made through web-site at least 8 months prior to date.


Anointing of the Sick and Communion to the Homebound: Please call the rectory, 708-862-4165

New Parishioners: Please register at the Rectory. Forms may be mailed if you find it more convenient, please call 708-862-4165.

Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Classes are held on Sundays from 9:15 — 11:00 am. Phone: 708-862-4165 ext.12.

Rite of Christian Initiation — RCIA — For information on becoming a Catholic, adult Sacramental preparation or re-newing the Faith commitment, call the Rectory or talk to Fr. Jacek.

Eucharistic Adoration—Second Tuesday of month begin-ning after 8 am Mass and ending at 6 pm. During Jubilee Year of Mercy Eucharistic Adoration on First Friday after 8 am Mass and ending at 3 pm. .

Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesday mornings following 8:00 a.m. Mass.

Pastor: Rev. Jacek A. Dada

Weekend Assistant

Rev. Ronald Kondziolka

Retired Deacon: Robert Banet

Organist: Mr. Steven Kukalis

Prep Director: Mrs. Tammy Vesolowski

RCIA Director: Mrs. Tammy Vesolowski

Sacristan: Mr. Phillip Goncher

Bookkeeper: Mrs. Mary Studzinski

Rectory Secretary: Mrs. Lois Heintz


768 Lincoln Ave., Calumet City, IL 60409

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm,

Sunday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am.

Phone: 708-862-4165 ~ FAX: 708-862-4124

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.saintandrewparish.com

Christ our Savior School

900 E. 154th St., South Holland, IL 60473

Phone: 708-333-8173

Website: www.christoursaviorcatholicschool.org

SHEDSOMELIGHT Christ Our Savior Catholic School

Christ Our Savior School Remembers 9/11 Christ Our Savior Catholic School students

recognized the 15th anniversary of 9/11 by conducting a memorial prayer service. Members of the Village of South Holland Fire Department attended the service which honored first responders and remembered those who perished in the tragedy. This very moving service was highlighted by our Praise Dancers’ interpretation of the song Peace on Earth.


You are invited to participate in a seven week Yoga/Stretch class that begins the week of October 3 until the week of November 14. Each session will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings at Christ Our Savior School. Each session will run from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. The cost of each class is $5. You pay for only the days that you attend. Mrs. Rochelle Tucker, our Physical Education teacher, will be the instructor. Guests must be 18 years or older. This is a great way to get into shape for the Holidays. Contact the school office if you have any further questions. ALL ARE WELCOME.


After two false starts our Scholarship Gala will definitely be held in the Spring of 2017. We are grateful to those who have purchased ads in our Scholarship Ad Book. Those ads will be in the Spring book. We are accepting donations for our basket raffle. Donations can be in the form of gift cards, small items or spirits. Thank you so much for those who have donated items for our basket raffle thus far. More details to follow in the weeks ahead.


SEEKING - CRAFTERS AND VENDORS for the annual Christ Our Savior Catholic School Craft Fair and Vendor Show. The show will be held on Saturday, November 12, in the school gym from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The show will feature a food concession stand, raffles, bake sale and more. The fee for an 8 x 8space is $30. If you would like to participate, please contact Karen Brodzik at 708.333.8173 ext. 24 or at [email protected]. An application will be sent to you.


Our Drama Group is collecting large boxes from washers, dryers, refrigerators, big screen TVs, etc., to use for scenery for their Christmas play. If you have access to any large boxes that you do not need, please contact the school office. Thank you! In Christ’s Love, Karen Brodzik

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CHURCH NAME & NUMBER — St. Andrew the Apostle &512164 ADDRESS— 768 Lincoln Avenue, Calumet City IL. 60409 PHONE— 708-862-4165 CONTACT PERSON—Lois Heintz SOFTWARE— Microsoft Publisher Windows 95 PKZIP Hyperterminal PRINTER— HP Laserjet 5P NUMBER OF PAGES SENT— 2 through 7