Our Members are chief annual report 08-09.pdf · Our Members are chief officers of the following...


Transcript of Our Members are chief annual report 08-09.pdf · Our Members are chief officers of the following...

Page 1: Our Members are chief annual report 08-09.pdf · Our Members are chief officers of the following organisations: Access To Benefits (A2B) ACET in Ireland Action for Children Northern
Page 2: Our Members are chief annual report 08-09.pdf · Our Members are chief officers of the following organisations: Access To Benefits (A2B) ACET in Ireland Action for Children Northern

Our Members are chiefofficers of the followingorganisations:

Access To Benefits (A2B) ACET in Ireland Action for Children Northern Ireland Action Mental Health Adoption Routes (C of I) Advantage NI Ltd Advice NI Age Concern NIAlzheimer’s Society ARC Healthy Living Centre Ards Development Bureau & Community Network Ark Housing Association Arthritis Care NI Association for Real Change (ARC) Asthma UK N. Ireland Autism Initiatives Avec Solutions Aware Defeat Depression BAAF Northern Ireland Ballynafeigh Community Development Association Barnardos NI Beat Initiative Belfast & Lisburn Women’s Aid Belfast Activity Centre Belfast Carers’ Centre Belfast Community Housing Association Belfast Healthy Cities Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre BIH Housing Association Blackie Community Group Association Blu Zebra Ltd. British Red Cross Brook Northern Ireland Bryson Charitable Group Bytes Project CARDI Carers Northern Ireland Caring Breaks Ltd CAUSE for Mental Health Centre for Global Education Challenge For Youth Charity Bank Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Children’s Law Centre

Christian Guidelines Ltd CIH in Northern Ireland City of Belfast YMCA Cleaver Fulton Rankin Solicitors CLIC Sargent Colin Glen Trust Community Conventions Community Development and Health Network Community Evaluation NI Community Foundation NI Community Transport Association Concern Worldwide Connswater Homes Limited Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland Contact Youth Counselling Services Co-operation Ireland Co-ownership Housing Association Council for the Homeless (NI) Cruse Bereavement Care DePaul Ireland Disability Action Down District Local Strategy Partnership Dunlewey Substance Advice Centre Early Years – the organisation for young children East Belfast Community Development Agency East Belfast Partnership Edward Street Hostel EGSA Employers for Childcare Extra Care Falls Community Council Family Planning Association (NI) First Housing Aid & Support Services Fold Housing Association Fostering Network NI Foyle Hospice Friends of the Earth GEMS Northern Ireland Limited Gingerbread NI

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Girl Guiding Ulster Girls Brigade Northern Ireland Greater Village Regeneration Trust Habitat for Humanity Headway Belfast Help the Aged in Northern Ireland HIV Support Centre Home Start NI Housing Rights Service Include Youth Law Centre NI Leonard Cheshire Lloyds TSB Foundation for NI M.U.S.T. Hostel Macmillan Cancer Support Management & Leadership Network Marie Curie Cancer Care Mediation Northern Ireland MS Society Mulholland Aftercare Services National Deaf Children’s Society NCB NI National Children’s Bureau NEA (NI) New Life Counselling Newry Women’s Aid NI Association for Mental Health NI Cancer Fund for Children NI Centre for Trauma & Transformation NI Chest Heart & Stroke Association NI Council for Ethnic Minorities NI Council for Integrated Education NI Federation of Housing Associations NI Hospice Care NI Institute for the Disabled NI Womens Aid Federation NIACAB NIACRO

NICMA – The Childminding Association NICVA Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network Northern Ireland Scout Council Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment NOW Project NSPCC NUS-USI Open College Network NI Opportunity Youth Orana Family Support Centre Parents Advice Centre (NI) Parkanaur College Playboard Praxis Care Group Prison Fellowship NI Ltd Public Achievement Quaker Service Reconnect RELATE N Ireland Rethink RNIB RNID (NI) ROYAL MENCAP SOCIETY Royal National Lifeboat Institution Rural Community Network School EmployerConnections School For Social Entrepreneurs Sentinus SHAC Housing Association Shalom Care Shelter NI Simon Community NI Skills for Justice South Belfast Highway to Health Springboard Opportunities Ltd Stepping Stones NI Strabane & District Citizens Advice Bureau The Award NI The Cedar Foundation The Dry Arch Centre

The Fermanagh Trust The Orchardville Society The Prince’s Trust – Northern Ireland The Salvation Army (Divisional HQ) Threshold Tides Training Tinylife Together 4 All Family Support Project Training for Women Network Trauma Recovery Network Triangle Housing Association Trinity Housing Ulidia Housing Association Ulster Cancer Foundation Ulster Wildlife Trust Victim Support Northern Ireland Voice of Young People in Care Voluntary Arts Ireland Voluntary Service Bureau Volunteer Development Agency War on Want (NI) Ltd Womens Resource and Development Agency Women’s Support Network Workers’ Educational Association (NI) Young Enterprise NI Youth Initiatives Youth Link NI Youth Works

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ContentsChairperson & Director’s Foreword 05 Who We Are 06 Our Achievements at a Glance 07 Leadership and Professional Development 08 Informing Third Sector Leaders 10 Championing and Supporting the Role of Third Sector Leaders 12 Strengthening our Organisation 14 Financial Report 15 Balanced Scorecard 16 Company Information 18

Be encouraged at the impact you

and CO3 are making on the sector and the community.

The body copy in this document has been set in 12pt text.

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Despite the deepest recession Northern Ireland has known in many decades, CO3 members and other third sector leaders have continued to deliver for Northern Ireland and its people. Northern Ireland’s third sector leaders have a proud history of making a unique contribution to building strong communities, delivering innovative services and contributing to impactful policy. This role is all the more evident in the recession. CO3 has continued to support and work with its members to help them lead more effectively. This last year’s highlights continue to demonstrate our effectiveness:

Increasing the understanding of the importance and skill of third sector leaders by undertaking the first research project into third sector leadership in Northern Ireland.

Supporting leaders of smaller organisations in this challenging time by commencing and supporting a mentoring programme for leaders of smaller organisations.

Enhancing CO3’s leadership development work, though designing and offering bespoke training and leadership development programmes.

Ensuring that the views of third sector leaders remain at the heart of key decisions, particularly in the review of public administration in health.

Increasing the effectiveness of our association by growing membership and income.

These are just some of the activities we focused on during 2008/09. We commend this report to you as a more detailed account of our activities and impact. We want to thank our staff and board colleagues for their support during this year. We also appreciate the support of funders during this year. However, it is our members who we wish to particularly thank, for their effective involvement and committed support for their association. Together we have worked to provide collective leadership for a stronger, more resilient community in Northern Ireland during challenging times.

Stephen Mathews Majella McCloskeyChairperson Director

Chairperson and direCtor’s Foreword

05 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

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06 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

who we areCO3 is Chief Officers 3rd Sector and we are the association for third sector leaders in Northern Ireland. We have 200 members across Northern Ireland from a wide variety of community, voluntary and social economy organisations. We support, connect, inform and inspire our members to ensure excellence in third sector leadership. Our support to members includes:

Leadership, professional development and networking opportunities, through conferences, events, programmes and mentoring

CO3 reflects the common views and concerns of its members to government and other decision makers

Sharing help and expertise through ‘Call for Help’ services and supporting members in crisis through free counselling and legal services

Timely strategic information and bespoke publications Discounted membership of other leadership organisations such

as the Chief Executive’s Club at Queens, ACEVO and IOD.

Member focused and member ledIt is essential to maintain CO3 as being run by members, for members and to constantly continue engagement with members.

A shared futureTo ensure that as we undertake our work, we are mindful of the achievement of understanding, building good relationship and reconciliation.

A commitment to sustainable developmentThis will inform our policy and processes and will be an underpinning value of our work.

LeadershipWe believe in the importance of effective leadership in order to see the third sector flourish and develop.

Innovation and creativityCO3 is committed to encouraging innovation and creativity in our work, and in inspiring innovation among our members.

Quality and ExcellenceWe are committed to the ongoing achievement of quality standards in our work, achieving the standards that CO3 members would expect to achieve.

A vibrant and creative third sector

To promote excellence in third sector leadership

Strengthen leadership skills Inform and inspire third sector leaders Champion and support the role of third sector leaders Strengthen our organisation

our Values

our Vision

Mission statement

strategic aims 1




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07 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

oUr aChieVeMents at a GlanCe

Significant impact on the sector’s role and involvement in Health and Social Care, resulting in sector health representatives on Local Commission groups and Senior (Board level) posts with sector responsibility in new health bodies

Strategic engagement between the Executive Committee, CO3 members and a range of key figures including Ministers, Permanent Secretaries etc

Membership grew to 200

Appointed a Head of Leadership Development to widen the leadership training and development on offer from CO3

Established a Mentoring Programme and matched 15 members with mentors from the private, public and third sectors

Continued the innovative ‘Good Governance – Leading the Way’ initiative for chairs and chief officers

Significant increase in the organisation’s funding

Awarded a pilot grant from Esmee Fairbairn and Henry Smith new NI Development Fund, with 3 year funding

Over 100 Calls for Help and Email Briefings to members

Creation of new associate category of corporate membership and our first corporate members joined

Members were supported through free confidential access to the counselling service and a free legal service

27 informative and inspiring events, for third sector leaders

Continued engagement in a network of third sector leadership organisations with ACEVO and ACOSVO

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A key role for CO3 is in strengthening the skills of third sector chief officers particularly as we face the challenges of recession and significant funding cuts. To help achieve stronger leadership we have delivered over 27 different leadership development programmes, workshops, as well as consultation or networking events. We have also offered our members free mentoring opportunities with leaders from our own and other sectors. Leader succession is important to CO3 and we planned for the first training programme for ‘second tier’ leaders in organisations, delivered in 2009/10.

01.04.2008 Members consultation meeting 08.04.2008 Members consultation meeting 17.04.2008 Working Dinner with Andrew McCormick on the Reform of Health and Social Care 24.04.2008 Reform of Health and Social Care Workshop with DHSSPS 28.04.2008 Employee Engagement – Awareness Workshop – Newry 29.05.2008 Landmark East – Third Sector Village 03.06.2008 Members consultation meeting 04.06.2008 Good Governance – Leading The Way Seminar 13.06.2008 Leadership in Complex Systems II 23.06.2008 Caught In Your Act Training Event 10.10.2008 Review of the Roles and Tasks of Social Work Consultation CO3 Discussion Forum 15.10.2008 Investors in People – Information Session 16.10.2008 Members Lunch 21.10.2008 Member Lunch 22.10.2008 Risk Management Strategy training event 12.11.2008 Managing Organisations through Joint Problem-Solving 18.11.2008 Charity Bank: Information Session 27.11.2008 Investor in People Programme – Introductory Workshop 11.12.2008 CO3 AGM 13.01.2009 Untangling the Spaghetti – Inspiring Leadership Series 27.01.2009 Creating Change Leadership Event 12.02.2009 Credit Crunch Lunch 19.02.2009 Mentors Information session 24.02.2009 A toolkit for Managing Change – Inspiring Leadership Series 25.02.2009 Mentees Information Session 10.03.2009 Surviving the Funding Crisis – Inspiring Leadership Series 24.03.2009 Explore your own leadership – Inspiring Leadership Series

leadership & proFessional deVelopMent

0808 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

the year’s events at a glance

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The Inspiring Leaders programme funded by Lloyds TSB Foundation Creating Change Programme was delivered in January–March 2009 and marked a step change in the delivery of training and development for CO3. Modules included:

Untangling the Spaghetti – the role of the chief executive A Toolkit for Managing Change Surviving the Funding Crisis Explore your own Leadership

This programme was tailored to meet the needs of leaders of smaller community and voluntary organisations, signalling CO3’s intention to deepen the levels of training and segment training and development to reflect experience in the sector.

We were delighted to offer bursaries to the Federal Executive Institute (FEI) at Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. During this year, Bill Osborne and Liz Cuddy were recipients of the bursary places to FEI. The Federal Executive Institute (FEI) Leadership for a Democratic Society is a 4-week programme that brings together executives from around 25–30 US government agencies for a unique, residential learning experience. Benefits reported by Northern Ireland graduates of the FEI programme include keen insights into personal leadership strengths and areas for development. The programme also improves leadership and management skills, in such areas as team building, influencing/negotiating, strategic thinking, political savvy and external awareness. It is widely regarded as exceptional training.

CO3 established the Inspiring Leaders Executive Mentoring programme focusing particularly on leaders of smaller organisations. This created 15 mentoring relationships involving Executive mentors from the private, public and third sectors. The programme included training for mentors and mentees, independent expert support for mentors and mentees and independent evaluation of the programme. CO3 updated and published the highly regarded and valuable ‘Guide to Executive Mentoring’ to support our ongoing work on mentoring.

CO3 continued its Good Governance – Leading the Way series. On 4 June 2008 Andrew Hind, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission for England and Wales, spoke at a members’ seminar and also made a visit to the NI Assembly for a briefing with the Clerk and members of the Social Development Committee. Jenny Ebbage, Charity Law expert at Cleaver Fulton Rankin also spoke at the seminar.

CO3 also supported two Investor in People Action Learning groups during this year. In the first group, four out of the six organisations participating achieved Investors in People standard. The second Action Learning set got underway in October 2008.

Roger Courtney designed an extremely comprehensive manual for the session ‘A Toolkit for Managing Change’. CO3 sees this as a resource for leaders in the future and will publish this in 2009/10.

09 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

leadership development activity

Federal executive institute Bursaries

Good Governanceworking Group

toolkit for Managing Change publication


training and support to achieve investor in people standard

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10 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

inForMinG third seCtor leaders

CO3 keeps its members up to date and well informed and offers a very well regarded ‘Call for Help’ scheme to help members share information and ideas.

‘Call for Help’ is a system CO3 uses for peer support, which has included service recommendation, advice, expertise and support between third sector leaders. It is widely regarded by members as a way of tackling new challenges or problems, or benchmarking the standards which other organisations use. Members use the system for a wide range of issues, including Human Resources, Information Technology, and other advice and suggestions. Members are free to trigger a call for help at any time. Over 100 email briefings and Calls for Help have been administered by CO3 during 2008/09.

The following are just a small number of examples of the types of Calls for Help which CO3 has facilitated this year:

Sharing examples of good practice, advice and template documentation for chief officer objective setting and chief officer appraisal

Examples of a Fraud Response Plan in support of a Fraud Response Policy

Examples and suggestions of how to deal with confidential items on Executive Committee Minutes

Advice and ideas on processes for using traffic light system for project planning

Sharing good practice and success in adapting the standards of care as drawn up by a government department, for implementation into an organisation

In addition a wide range of template and example policies, procedures and job descriptions where shared between members, to help members benchmark and learn from others

Call for help

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11 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

CO3 has commissioned the first ever research into third sector leadership in Northern Ireland, supported by DSD. The research project made significant progress this year, with the completion of a literature review, production of a context paper, 15 one-to-one interviews and a survey of CO3 members, which received substantial support from CO3 members. The governance of the research project includes a Project Advisory Group and Project Steering Group. The Department for Employment and Learning, Department for Social Development, Institute of Directors, Chief Executive’s Forum and a number of CO3 members sit on the Project Advisory Group.

CO3 has also continued to operate a Leadership Library. Offering over 500 specialist publications, DVDs, journals and magazines, members who have used the library indicate it is a valuable resource particularly for those undertaking study or managing organisational change. CO3 also offers members a free subscription to AGENDA NI.

There was further evidence that the job of leading community and voluntary organisations in the current climate is very challenging. Peer and professional support is an essential resource, and for the past number of years CO3 has commissioned the provision of specialist, professional services to support members in times of crisis. These are free counselling services, provided in person or by telephone, from Staff Care Services. Members can also have free legal advice on legal issues from Rosemary Connelly Solicitors.

leadership researchproject

specialist services for Members in Crisis

These events create good networking

opportunities – I have a number of linesto follow up on.

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12 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

ChaMpioninG and sUpportinG the role oF third seCtor leaders

CO3 works to highlight the role and contribution of third sector leaders in Northern Ireland. We do this through our press and PR activities as well as by creating events and opportunities for our members to connect with their peers in the public and private sector. We also advocate for our members on key issues of common concern.

CO3 continued a programme of work to highlight the importance of involving the third sector, in changes in health and social care. CO3 has made a significant impact on the sector’s role and involvement in Health and Social Care Reform, resulting in two places for sector health representatives on the Local Commission groups and Senior (Board level) posts with responsibility for liaison with the sector at the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency. A working dinner for members was organised and delivered with the DHSSPS Permanent Secretary, Andrew McCormick. A workshop to consider the reform of health and social care was organised for members, with input from senior DHSSPS officials. CO3 also addressed the proposal from SEHSCT to pass through 3% annual reductions in budget across all the third sector organisations it funds. CO3’s Director undertook a 2-day study visit to the Department of Health in Leeds, Salford Health Matters and Salford Primary Care Trust to understand the role of the sector and social economy in health in England. The CO3 health team met with Minister Michael McGimpsey in February 2009, who reiterated support for the voluntary and community sector’s role in achieving health and social well-being.

rpa and health

Meaningful contact with the Minister and

the Head of Department in an environment that was conducive to an open discussion on the issues for the sector.

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13 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

Charities legislation CO3’s governance working group continued to monitor the Charities Legislation and consider the impact on third sector leaders. They provided evidence to the NI Assembly in their consideration on the Charities legislation. CO3’s governance work is supported be a Governance Working Group. We would like to thank the following working group members:

Wendy Osborne OBE Dermot Curran Carol O’Bryan

CO3 continues to be recognised as a body that can provide strategic representation across Northern Ireland. During the last year CO3 has been asked to identify members to sit on the following working groups, as follows:

Review of the Roles and Function of Social Workers (NI Social Care Council – 1 place) This was allocated to Liz Cuddy, CEO Extern

Membership of the NI Degree in Social Work Partnership (NI Social Care Council 1 place, 1 deputy)

In addition members remained involved in the following groups:

Skills for Care and Development Central Personal Social Services Advisory Committee The Western Health and Social Services Board,

Regional Adult Protection Forum

During this year, CO3 continued to develop stronger links with our sister organisations in England, Scotland and Ireland, through contact with NICVA, ACEVO, ACOSVO, and The Wheel.

CO3 established links with the Centre for Non Profit management at Trinity College Dublin and continued working with Swedish counterparts, Ideell Arena.

UK network

nomination opportunities

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14 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

strenGtheninG oUr orGanisation

CO3 works to ensure it is effectively governed and resourced, to deliver for members and meet the high standards members would expect.

CO3 has continued to grow funding. The Director was invited to apply to the Esmee Fairbairn Henry Smiths NI Development Programme and learnt at the end of the year that this was successful.

CO3 continued to build its brand and profile, with external public relations support. Media coverage this year included substantial coverage for a training event on employee engagement in Newry.

CO3 had an assessment for retention of the Investor in People Standard, which occurred in December 2008. The great news is that CO3 has retained the Investor in People standard.

Maurice Kinkead, John McMullan and Anne O’Reilly have joined the CO3 Board and had an induction session. Stevie Johnston has left his position at the WEA and is no longer eligible for membership of CO3 and its Executive Committee.

Jackie White, formerly CO3 member and Chief Executive of Speechmatters, part of the Stroke Association, joined the organisation as its Head of Leadership Development. Teresa Campton left her role as Finance Admin Officer and Tony Clarke joined the organisation as Finance Admin Officer.CO3 has established a new Intern relationship with the International Relations Business Studies Department, Katholieke Hogeschool, Kempen, Belgium to accept a student placement from an international relations business studies student, until 2013. Teun Van Aerschot joined the team from March–May 2009.

CO3 undertook a number of meetings with founding members and previous staff of CO3. This established that CO3’s roots are in the Association of Senior Officers of Voluntary Organisations (ASOVO). The founding chairperson’s diaries from the period show a first meeting of ASOVO on 27 April 1985.



Co3 history


investor in people standard

executive Committee membership

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15 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

FinanCial reportstatement of Financial activities Year ended 31 March 2009

Restricted Unrestricted 2009 Total 2008 TotalIncoming ResourcesIncoming Resources from Charitable Activities Grants Received 125,583 28,850 154,433 93,630

Incoming Resources from Generated Funds Membership Income 22,485 22,485 19,565 Income from Events 8,978 8,974 12,424 Sponsorship 1,848 1,848 1,000 Conference Income 95 95 15,915

Other Incoming Resources Sundry Income 331 331 1,024

Total Income Resources 125,583 62,583 188,166 143,558

Resources ExpendedCharity Activities 85,229 34,726 119,955 100,746Costs of Generating Funds 38,154 23,784 61,938 31,361Governance Costs 2,200 6,592 8,792 4,171 125,583 65,102 190,685 136,278Net Incoming/(Outgoing) Resources – (2,502) (2,502) 7,280Funds at 1 April 2008 25,759 25,759 18,299

Funds at 31 March 2009 – 23,257 23,257 25,759

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16 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

BalanCed sCoreCardiMpaCt and resUltsObjective Scorecard Measure Target Outcome

Increase knowledge and skills of members

Membership Research Event evaluation

Baseline data established CO3 achieved impact on Governance & leadership knowledge and skills in research


Well informed, inspired members

No. Events Conference No. Leadership development programmes No. Email and postal briefings

Project for leaders of small organisations established Mentoring project for leaders of small organisations Hold 10 events Circulate 50 email and postal briefings Develop and organise one leadership development programme


Maximised influence and impact of members

No. Political engagement No. Key Stakeholder engagements

3 political engagements 3 Key stakeholder engagements


leadership enGaGeMentObjective Scorecard Measure Target Outcome

Increase membership No of new members Increase CO3 membership to 200 by March 2009


Maintain participation of members

No of active members Specialist services at critical times

At least 70% of members engaged in CO3


Engage associate (2nd tier) members and prepare for succession in the sector

Associate member event One specialist event for associate members


Effective governance project for chairpersons and chief officers

No of events and activities One Governance event Regular Governance working group meetings


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17 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

BalanCed sCoreCard Cont.

internal proCessesObjective Scorecard Measure Target Outcome

Build cost effectiveness and fundraising into our organisation

No of business members % Contribution from events No of funding bids

5 corporate members Minimum 30% contribution from contributing events 2 funding bids


To achieve quality and impact in our activities

Paper on Quality to Board Event evaluation – content and useful score Satisfaction rate in member survey

Average of 70% content of events – excellent or good Average 7/10 of evaluations on events ‘useful’ Achieve a satisfaction rate of 85% from member’s survey


Assess and improve database and event management processes

Assessment of database Database assessed and changes made as required


learninG and GrowthObjective Scorecard Measure Target Outcome

Develop our staff and trustees

Appraisal of staff Induction with new trustees Achieve IIP re-accreditation Board development time

Trustees induction Staff receive induction, appraisal and personal development plan Achieve IIP re-accreditation One Board/staff session to review and plan


Increase awareness of our organisation and brand

No of media hits through column cms Website visits

6 media hits 200 column cms coverageor 3 radio/television/ web news opportunities 1000 visits to website Phase 2 of website completed


Seek to understand direction for increase organisational capacity in information and policy

Produced report on information/policy role

One report on information/ policy role

Report to be produced 09/10

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18 CO3 Annual Report 2008/09

CoMpanY inForMation

CO3’s main funder is the Voluntary and Community Unit of the Department for Social Development.Grant aid, Help in Kind and sponsorship was also provided by:

Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland Creating Change programme

AVEC Solutions Cleaver Fulton Rankin

Majella McCloskey – Director Jackie White – Head of Leadership Development (joined August 2008)Tracey McCreanor – Finance & Admin Officer Teresa Campton – Finance and Admin Officer (left October 2008)Tony Clarke – Finance Admin officer (joined November 2008)

Stephen Mathews (Chair) – The Cedar Foundation Judith Hill (Vice Chair) – NI Hospice CareDermott Curran (Treasurer) – Belfast Community Housing AssociationOlwen Lyner – NIACROJoan Devlin – Belfast Healthy CitiesEric Rainey – Duke of Edinburgh’s Award SchemeGail Ferguson – NUS/USI (resigned July 2008)Ricky Devlin – Belfast Carer’s CentreStevie Johnston – WEA (resigned September 2008)Anne O’Reilly (stepped down March 2009)

McGuire & Farry, Emerson House, Carryduff

Cleaver Fulton Rankin, 50 Bedford Street, Belfast

Northern Bank Ltd, 1–9 Victoria Street, Belfast

CO334 Shaftesbury SquareBelfastBT2 7DBTel: 028 9024 5356E-mail: [email protected]: www.co3.bz

Company Limited by Guarantee Number NI37439 Registered Charity No XR24273



executive Committee




Contact address

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Recognition of our organisation

as a contributor both in terms of the challenges faced by the sector but as a part of finding the solutions.

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Promoting Excellence in Third Sector Leadership

34 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, BT2 7DBT: 028 9024 5356 E: [email protected] W: www.co3.bz

CO3 is supported by