Our Lady of Guadalupe - holyfamilydbq.org

Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Immersion School Local Procedural Guide 2021-2022 Our Lady of Guadalupe Phone: 563-556.4194 FAX: 563-582-5428 Forming disciples of Jesus Christ through Catholic educational excellence. Achieve. Lead. Soar.

Transcript of Our Lady of Guadalupe - holyfamilydbq.org

Our Lady of GuadalupeSpanish Immersion School

Local Procedural Guide2021-2022

Our Lady of GuadalupePhone: 563-556.4194FAX: 563-582-5428

Forming disciples of Jesus Christ through Catholic educational excellence.Achieve. Lead. Soar.

School Day

School begins at 8:15 a.m. with dismissal at 3:15 p.m.

The schedule of the school day is as follows:

8:00 a.m. Arrival Time/Supervision Begins8:15 a.m. Campus Announcements/Prayer in the Gym (MTTH)/Classrooms (WF)3:15 p.m. Dismissal

An Extended Care Program is available for before and after school supervision of students –prior to 8:00 a.m. and from 3:15-5:30 p.m. Please contact the early childhood director forrequired paperwork.


Call the Our Lady of Guadalupe office by 8:45 a.m. to report a student absence. This includesfamily vacation dates as well as ill students.


Students should arrive no earlier than 8:00 AM since there is no supervision before this time. Ifyour child needs to arrive earlier than 8:00, Extended Care needs to be used. Forms will be senthome for those needing Extended Care services. Contact the Early Childhood Director at563-556-2820.

Parents should turn into the Wahlert Catholic School entrances, take a quick left turn, drivethrough the lot between Wahlert and Our Lady of Guadalupe/Mazzuchelli, turn right into thecircle, pull all the way to the end of the traffic circle or until the car in front of you has stopped.All students in cars along the circle will disembark. You will be signaled to exit. Please turnright (west) out of the parking lot in order to keep the flow of traffic. See image below.


A breakfast program is offered at the Our Lady of Guadalupe campus. Breakfast is served from7:45-8:10 daily (located in the commons area). Breakfast cost is $1.75. Student e-funds accountsare charged for meals.

Clarke University Professional Development School Program

The Our Lady of Guadalupe campus, in conjunction with Clarke University, houses theProfessional Development School (PDS) programs. Located in Our Lady of Guadalupe, thisprogram offers pre-service teachers in the field of education opportunities to work with OurLady of Guadalupe students and teachers. Through collaborative efforts with the classroomteachers, these students provide instructional support to whole groups, small groups, and/orindividual students in math, science and reading in the content areas.

The second component of our Clarke University PDS model focuses on best practices and currentresearch methodology in Literacy instruction. Clarke Literacy interns partner with classroom teachers onproviding differentiated instruction, from remediation to acceleration and enrichment, in all areas of theLanguage Arts program. Student progress monitoring, including assessment and data collection to theimplementation of current research practices, are hallmarks of this partnership and programming


Email is our primary means of communication. Therefore, there will be very limitedcommunication coming home in paper format. Teachers will also use an application calledSeeSaw to share updates regarding your child and his/her work, as well as classroomannouncements.

Our school community newsletter is sent via email as well the Holy Family website atwww.holyfamilydbq.org. Click on “Schools” drop down and select the Our Lady of Guadalupewebsite. Then News. No paper copies of parent newsletters will be sent home.

Communication with Students During School Hours

If it becomes necessary to get a message to your child during school hours, parents/guardiansare asked to call the school office. Please DO NOT contact your child directly via phone orsmart watch during school hours.

Early Pick-up

If students need to leave before the 3:15 dismissal time, please call the school office tocommunicate the pickup time. If using email, please include the classroom teacher andadministrative assistant. Upon arrival, report to the school office to sign your student out. Yourchild will be waiting there. Do not go directly to the classroom.

Extended Care

Our campus offers a before and after school Extended Care Program. Operation hours are6:00-8:00 a.m. and 3:15-5:30 p.m. There is a non-refundable deposit, a 5-hour minimum and a

drop-in rate. If you are interested in this program, please contact the Early Childhood Directorat 556-2820. Extended Care is not available at this location on non-school days.

Extended Care will be available on all late arrival and early dismissal days. If school iscancelled, Extended Care will be closed.

Students riding in vehicles:Parents should turn into the Wahlert Catholic School entrance, follow the Wahlert traffic circle,drive through the lot between Wahlert and Our Lady of Guadalupe/Mazzuchelli, then fill up thespots in the following areas: 1.Our Lady/Mazzuchelli traffic circle, 2. the parking lot area infront of Our Lady of Guadalupe/Mazzuchelli, and then 3. the longer lot between Wahlert andOur Lady of Guadalupe/Mazzuchelli (3 cars across). Students will be dismissed at 3:15 and willonly be allowed to move toward cars when they are all parked.Students will stand in theirgrade-level lines until the whistle blows. Parents may walk up to get students or wave from theircars. Please make sure the teacher see you connecting with your child. Once all students are intheir cars, a whistle will blow and cars will be directed to exit the parking lot through the OurLady of Guadalupe/Mazzuchelli exit only. We will repeat the process as needed. See the imagebelow. Do not arrive before 3:00 or you will be stuck in the Wahlert/Mazzuchelli traffic.

Walkers:Walkers who need to cross Kane Street will follow the crosswalk to the Wahlert circle where acrossing guard will assist them across the parking lot and then street, using the crosswalk infront of Wahlert. All students and parents who need to cross Kane Street must use the crosswalk.See blue line in image below.

Forgotten Items

Parents who bring forgotten items (i.e. lunches, band instruments, books, laptops, etc.) to schoolfor their children are directed to bring those items to the school office.


All students are expected to read every night. They may read to you, you may read to them, orthey may read independently. First through fifth graders may also have math facts and spellingand vocabulary words to study. In addition, older students may have practice work, tests tostudy for, and projects to prepare. Parents are asked to establish a routine for homeworkcompletion and reading practice. Students benefit from an established time and place forhomework.Homework is meant to be independent practice (parents may assist with the preparation forhomework – necessary materials, quiet place for study and appropriate monitoring forcompletion). Notify the teacher if your child does not understand the work or if homework istaking too much time to complete. In general, homework should amount to no more than 10minutes per grade level (10 minutes for K and 1st grade, 20 for 2nd, 30 for 3rd, 40 for 4th, 50 for5th).

Liturgies and Prayers

We begin our day with morning prayers. In addition, before and after lunch prayers are shared,as well as prayer before dismissal.

During the Advent and Lenten seasons, community prayer services are held. Reconciliationservices are also held during these liturgical seasons, with Stations of the Cross during Lent.

Our school community celebrates liturgy on scheduled Friday mornings at 8:40. Individualclassrooms help plan and participate in the liturgies. Classroom assignments for liturgies will beposted in the weekly email/newsletter. Parents are invited to attend all school liturgies andprayer services.

Lost and Found

Lost items are placed in the commons area or school office. Items not claimed will be donated.Make sure to mark your child’s items and clothing.


Monthly lunch menus will be posted on the Holy Family website. Students may choose to bringlunch from home or purchase hot lunch from school ($2.85). Milk is also available for studentswho bring their own lunch for $.60. If you choose to send lunch from home, we ask that yousend only healthy food and drinks (No soda or “fast food” items).

Each student has a lunch account. To credit your child’s lunch account, please log in or createan e-funds account. Simply go to www.holyfamilydbq.org. Then, click the drop-down FamilyResources and select E-funds.

Free or reduced cost lunches are available through the Holy Family hot lunch program. Formsare found on the Holy Family website. Those who feel they may qualify should return the formto the office. This information is kept strictly confidential and neither students nor teachers areaware of who receives free or reduced cost lunches. Application forms are available on thewebsite throughout the year, and you can be accepted at any time.

Hot Lunch account balances at the end of the year are carried over to the next year. If studentswill not be returning the following year, parents should notify the Lunchroom Director foraccount balance reimbursement.

Musical Programs

We celebrate four musical productions throughout the year.● Early Childhood Christmas Program in December● Kindergarten program in December● Grades 1 & 2 and Grades 3 – 5 alternate the December Christmas program and the Spring


Out of Uniform Dress Code

Each Friday will be Spirit Friday. Students may wear any Holy Family t-shirt and uniform pants.There may be other dress down days. which will be communicated in the school newsletter.Guidelines for appropriate dress on those days include:

● Spaghetti strap, halter tops, or bare midriffs are not allowed.● Shirts with inappropriate sayings and/or advertisement are not allowed. Clothing that

has drug, alcohol, tobacco, sexual references, inappropriate pictures, or bad words arenot allowed.

● Hooded sweatshirts are allowed on dress down days.

Pants/Shorts/SkirtsJeans are allowed on dress down days, as are sweatpants and yoga pants.Shorts may be worn on dress down days within the guidelines of the Holy Family ElementaryDress Code which states “from the beginning of the year through October 15 and from April 15through the end of the year shorts may be worn. Shorts must be no shorter than 3 ½ inches fromthe top of the kneecap.

Shoes/SocksRegular dress code shoe regulations always apply, including non-dress code days.Sandals are never allowed due to safety concerns. Shoes must be closed-toed andclosed-heeled. Boots are not allowed in the classrooms.Socks must be worn.

Parent Association

The Our Lady of Guadalupe campus has a very active Parent Association. The ParentAssociation plans various community-building activities throughout the school year, assists withcampus events, provides teacher reimbursement on needed classroom supplies and sponsorsfundraisers. Parent Association meetings are held 4-6 times during the school year. These willbe announced via the Family Newsletter. All parents are welcome to attend meetings.


All students will receive at least 30-50 minutes of recess per day. Additional recess times willbe scheduled at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Weather conditions will dictate indoorrecess (wind chill factor below 10˚, rain, lightening). We use the Child Care Weather Watch putout by the Iowa Department of Public Health for weather safety guidelines. A doctor’s excuse isneeded if a student is unable to participate. Changing weather conditions means appropriateapparel is necessary for outside recess (snow boots, jackets, hats, mittens, etc.). Please markclothing items with student’s name.

Once snow is on the ground, students need to bring snow boots every day until they are notifiedotherwise. This is done for a few reasons: to keep feet warm and dry, to keep salt and dirt outof the classrooms, and to establish a routine of bringing boots.

We ask students NOT to bring play items, such as balls, bats, electronic games, etc., to school.Fidgets are not allowed, unless authorized by the classroom teacher.

Safety and Security

All school doors are always locked. When visiting campus, please use the main doors and ringthe intercom button; indicate who you are when asked and office staff will approve yourentrance into the building.

Tardy Policy

Students are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom by 8:15 a.m. The student mustcheck into the office and receive a pass to go into class. Excessive tardiness directly impactsstudent behavior and learning and is extremely disruptive to the classroom environment.Tardiness can also impact future success in school.

Vacation Homework Requests

Taking students out of school for planned vacations may be disruptive to their learning. Whenpossible, we ask that you utilize non-school days built into the school calendar for these types ofactivities. If a vacation is planned during the school year, parents are asked to notify both theteacher and the office at least one week in advance. Although some homework may be given inadvance, most homework will be given to the student upon their return. Parents may need toassist their child in covering and/or reviewing missed instruction and skills.


All visitors must come into the office and sign in. A badge will be given to visitors and must beworn while in the building. When visitors are ready to exit the building, please return the badgeand sign out at the school office.

Wellness Policy

The Holy Family Catholic Schools Wellness Committee addresses issues pertaining to physical,mental, and spiritual health of the students and faculty and implementation of the Healthy KidsAct passed by the Iowa Legislature. The committee consists of parents, students,administrators, and faculty. The committee meets regularly to discuss issues of wellness thatpertain to the Holy Family Catholic Schools.

Student Birthday Recognition

All birthday celebrations must be non-food celebrations with the focus on the child. Each childhas his/her name announced during morning announcements. Those birthdays falling on aweekend or holiday are announced prior to the date. Invitations to parties taking place outsideof school should be handled outside of school time. Invitations should not be distributed duringclass, lunch, or recess. They should be mailed or delivered. Please note that the school is notallowed to give out addresses or phone numbers of classmates without prior permission from aparent or guardian.

Sending flowers or balloons to school for students is discouraged and such items will not bedelivered to classrooms. The office will page students to the office at the end of the day to pickup deliveries.

School or Classroom Celebrations

Schools are encouraged to celebrate occasions that highlight our Catholicity, patriotism and/orcultural events. All celebrations must be approved by the principal. Special classroom andschool celebrations including food are to be limited to several per school year. Only healthyfood choices and beverages of unflavored water or low fat/skim milk should be provided. Anapproved list of healthy food choices is available at your school office. Additionally, thesecelebrations should never conflict with lunch times and should include portion sizes that wouldstill allow students to choose proper portions at lunch.Sending flowers or balloons to school for students is discouraged and such items will not bedelivered to classrooms. The office will page students to the office at the end of the day to pickup deliveries.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Staff

Email addresses for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s staff are provided below for your convenience. Ifyou have questions or concerns about your child’s progress, you are highly encouraged tocontact your child’s teacher via email. *Phone extensions are to be determined and will be addedat a later date.

First Name Last Name Position Email Extension

Sam Anderson Campus Music [email protected]

Jordi Aragonés OLG Kindergarten [email protected]

Annette Barton St. A Preschool [email protected]

Katie Bormann Campus Guidance [email protected]

Beth Broderick Campus Nurse [email protected]

Amanda Brosius Dual LanguagePre-K

[email protected]

Isaac Cloward Campus PE [email protected]

Sara Devaney OLG 2nd grade [email protected]

Erin Diekman OLG 4th GradeEnglish

[email protected]

Jose Garcia OLG 5th grade [email protected]

Blanca Gaspar OLG Kindergarten [email protected]

Michelle Hartmann OLG 3rd grade [email protected]

Karen Hillard OLG Associate [email protected]

Vanessa Hocking Campus Art [email protected]

Rafael Jaume OLG Associate [email protected]

Tara Link OLG 3rd Grade [email protected]

Josefina Medellin OLG Associate [email protected]

Celina Meza OLG Associate [email protected]

Lori Obendorf OLG 1st Grade [email protected]

Trini Olivera System LanguageCoordinator

[email protected]

Erin Palm Special Needs [email protected]

Diane Porras OLG 4th GradeSpanish

[email protected]

Tina Pothoff Early ChildhoodDirector

[email protected]

Cami Saenz-Ruiz OLG Kindergarten [email protected]

Kerry Shelke OLG 1st Grade [email protected]

Jodi Sigwarth OLG Admin Asst [email protected]

Shelly Theisen Campus TechSupport

[email protected]

Andrea Tschiggfrie OLG SpanishImmersion Pre K

[email protected]

Pam Unsen Campus Librarian [email protected]

Adrianna Welter-Mayne

OLG 2nd grade [email protected]

Paula White OLG 5th grade [email protected]

Carolyn Wiezorek Campus Principal [email protected]

Rebecca Zillig 1st GradeTeacher

[email protected]

Our Lady of Guadalupe Expectations by Settings(Defining Expectations Across Locations)


Arrival in theGym

Cafeteria Restrooms Hallways


appropriately*Sit in your assigned

spot*Follow guidelines for


*Go straight to therestroom*Walk


*Walk single file onthe right side exceptwhen directed to do


Attitude*Include others *Include those sitting

around you at your tablein appropriateconversations

*Accept personalboundaries

*Wait your turn*Go at the

appropriate time

*If an adult greetsyou in the hallway,respond with voice

level 1*Stop and allow

adults to pass

Respect*Respect others


*Respect yourschool

*Use your manners -say please and thank

you*Say the prayer

reverently*Hold lunch card


*Respect theprivacy of others*Leave the area

clean*Keep water in thesink and garbage in

the trash can

*Respect personalboundaries - keephands and feet to

yourself*Keep hands off

items hanging on thewall

Empower*Follow the

rules*Be a leader

*Let office staffopen the lobby


*Clean up table area*Empty tray carefully

and correctly

*Quietly go, flush,wash, leave*1 and done

*Paper towels tothe blue line

*Report when yousee a problem

*Face forward*Stay in your place in

line*Walk silently in line

*All teachers areresponsible for all


Voice Level 2 1- waiting in line 1 0

2- when eating0- when exiting cafeteria

Our Lady of Guadalupe Expectations by Settings(Defining Expectations Across Locations)



Church Dismissal Recess (Indoor/outdoor)

Cooperate *Wait your turn onthe blue line

*Participateappropriately*Use the restroombefore mass

*Followclassroom rulesto pack upquickly*Stand in linequietly

*Follow rules/line upquickly & quietly*Play in designated areaswith designatedequipment/gear*Walk single file in theconed area until you get torecess area

Attitude*Go at theappropriate time*Wait patiently inline with handsand feet to yourself

*Be a positive rolemodel*Go to communioncorrectly

*Keep handsand feet toyourself *When sitting,keep things inyour bags

*Include others*Take turns*Show sportsmanship

Respect *Keep water in thefountain or yourmouth

*Give the sign ofpeace to thosearound you*Be prayerful

*Follow thewhistle protocol*Listen to theall staff on duty

*Use appropriate language*Use equipmentappropriately*Respect all recesssupervisors

Empower*1-2-3 Save somefor me*Follow classroomrules regardingfilling waterbottles

*Put up kneelersquietly.*Put away booksquietly. *Hold the door forothers. *Be mindful ofothers as you exit.

*Pay attentionand move in atimely fashion

*Pick up equipment*Report conflict to a staffmember on duty if you can’tsolve it by yourself

Voice Level 0 0 - when entering,exiting, waiting, orlistening to Father2 - when responding3 - singing

1- when leaving thebuilding2- when waitingoutside

0- lining up1- walking in lineIndoor recess: 2 Outdoor recess: 4

Our Lady of Guadalupe Expectations by Settings(Defining Expectations Across Locations)


Office Crosswalk Extended Care Technology

Cooperate *Greet officepersonnel

*Walk in a singlefile line *Observe the STOPsign and white lines*Wait for theteacher to enter thebuilding

*Sit quietly and waitto be checked in.*Walk quietly andquickly to theclassroom.*Do homework rightaway.

*Walk appropriatelywith computer/iPad*Wait your turn at thecart*Returncomputers/iPads thecorrect way

Attitude*Demonstratepatience whenwaiting for thesecretary

*Use your manners-Say GoodMorning, ThankYou to crossingguards

*Include others andinvite them to join inyour activities.*Keep hands and feetto yourself.*Speak positively toothers.

*Wait patiently forinstructions - wait andlisten*Keep hands toyourself

Respect *Use your manners*Stand on yourside of the counter

*Keep hands andfeet to yourself*Follow thedirections of thecrossing guards andteachers

*Respect all staffmembers.*Play with toys andequipmentappropriately.

*Respect computers,iPads, headphones*Respect others’space/equipment*Be respectful ofothers’ work

Empower*Walk directly toand from the office

*Remain in yourspot in the line

*Help clean up.(snack, games, toys,computers, etc.)*Report conflict to astaff member if youcan not solve it byyourself.

*Keep area tidy*Follow alltechnology rules*Access approvedsites

Voice Level 2 2 1 In the classrooms duringhomework 2 When playing inthe classrooms3-4 When playing outside

0 - in hallways/classroomswhen getting and puttingthem away

Our Lady of GuadalupeCommon Classroom Expectations


Classroom Expectations

Cooperate *Raise your hand to speak*Stay in seat during formal teaching*Follow established routines

Attitude*Use your time wisely*Use respectful voice always (Do not talk back)*Have a positive attitude

Respect *Actively listen and follow directions quickly*Be prepared: Have all necessary materials ready for each class*Treat others the way you want to be treated*Respect property - others, self, and school

Empower*Create an environment that allows everyone to learn*Do the right thing even if others are not*Participate

Voice Level 0- independent work, 1-small group work, 2-answer questions, 3-presenting