Our Future. Some Facts World population is approximately 6 billion Over half are less than 25 years...

Our Future

Transcript of Our Future. Some Facts World population is approximately 6 billion Over half are less than 25 years...

Our Future

Some Facts

World population is approximately 6 billion

Over half are less than 25 years of age

19/20 people (95%) who make a decision to follow Jesus

do so before 25 years of age

After 25, only 1:10,000 accept Christ


1750’s – scientific discovery caused man to doubt God’s


Human problems can be solved through human reason

Post Modernism

Based on Sceptism

There are NO absolutes – everything is relative

“What I do and believe is up to me”

Subjective experience supercedes logic and objective facts

“I choose what I believe based on what makes me feel

comfortable and good”

Post Modernism

The nature of truth and God are relative, not absolute

“You have your God, I will have mine. Just don’t try and

convert me”

The Gospel

John 14:6

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me. If you

really knew me, you would know my Father as well”


Evolutionary theory


- No fixed human nature or “essence”

- The Individual has to choose his/her being

- Those who do not choose but base their lives on “prearranged” moral or philosophical systems are “acting in bad faith”



- God does not exist so there should be no pre defined human nature

- Human existence is based on “self consciousness”

- Self consciousness allows humans to define themselves

- Individuals create him/herself by making self directed choices

21st Century Youth

Changing Moral Foundation

“God is open to interpretation”. Beliefs negotiable

Interest in spirituality vs. religion and God

Changing Family Structure

45% of children will live in a single parent family

Isolation, Lack of Support

21st Century Youth

The Media is a Mentor

- Desensitisation

- Fantasy vs reality

- Images vs Logical thoughts. Opinion but WHY ?

Disillusioned and Sceptical

21st Century Youth

Desires Instant Gratification

- The “now” is the main focus

Youth Ministry

Where do we start ?

Youth Ministry

Must start at Home

CASA (Centre for Addiction and Substance Abuse) survey of parental behaviour in children

NOT using drugs

Engaged in teen’s lives

Regular sit down meals together

Set curfews

Drugs are seen as dangerous and morally wrong

Youth Ministry

Influence of Parents / Family

Influence of Peers ?

- short termed, choice of dress / music / entertainment

- BUT only when parents are negligent do peers

exercise more influence than parents in choice of

beliefs and values.


Strength of the relationship between parents and

teenagers fortifies teenagers to make wise choices

Teenagers from close families are least likely to be

involved in high risk behaviour

Am Fam Physician 2003

Youth Ministry

Must involve the family, involve parents in the nurturing of their children.

Programming may be family based, but does not replace age-specific youth programming.

Unrealistic to expect that all parents will be equipped and prepared to lead their children to Christian Maturity

There may be no parental interest

Power of the Extended Christian Family

Every teenager needs an extended family of Christian Adults

The Church should be the primary vehicle through which teenagers are exposed to Adults who make up the extended Family of Christ

Mentors and Role Models

Supportive to the role of parents, not as a substitute

Power of the Extended Christian Family

Hebrews 12:1

1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

A community of believers who affirm and encourage growth in Christ

Extended Christian Family - Strategies

Prayer partner program


Small group ministry

Combats isolation, provides a sense of belonging

Cross generational friendships

Youth Ministry

It is NOT about numbers

Jesus spoke of his kingdom in terms of

Mustard Seed

Widow’s mite

Single lost sheep


What is the purpose of our lives ?

“The Purpose Driven Life”

Colossians 1:16

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.