Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier...

Our Celebration of Worship May 13, 2018 ~ Youth Sunday Paxton is a Stephen Ministry Church WE GATHER IN GOD'S NAME PRELUDE “Adagio Cantabile” from Pathetique Beethovan Aaron Bingaman ~ Piano “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz Band Aaron Bingaman, John Haskins, Tommy Nichter, Clayton Signore OUR LIFE TOGETHER Tommy Nichter “Kumbaya” ~ Little Lambs INTROIT “I Am a Promise” ~ Angel Choir “Know that God Is Good” ~ Chimettes CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 118:1-4 Elisabeth Corl Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His Love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.” GIVE PRAISE TO GOD * HYMN 452 “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord” * PRAYER OF CONFESSION Olivia Signore Dear Lord, let us praise you. Your love has and will forever save us from sin, even as we have forgotten and forsaken it. Hear our prayers and remind us to think about the love in this room, the love between mother and child, the love for our mothers and all others, most importantly, your love for us. Help us this day and lift our souls as we praise you and your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. (Please pause for a moment of silent confession) * ASSURANCE OF PARDON Olivia Signore Friends, believe the Good News. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Praise God. Amen. * GLORIA PATRI (Hymnal Page 581) TO CELEBRATE THE FAMILY OF FAITH CHILDREN/ADULT MOMENT Lelia Webb Simmons * PASSING OF THE PEACE Peter Apeti The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. MORNING PRAYER/THE LORD’S PRAYER Clayton Signore TO HEAR GOD'S WORD PROCLAIMED FIRST LESSON Romans 13:8-10 (NT Page 162) Tyler Webb Simmons This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM “Morning Has Broken” Chimers/Bells arr. Waldrop GOSPEL READING Luke 1:39-48 (NT Page 57) Aaron Bingaman This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. MESSAGE Rachel Hitz HYMN 300 “We Are One in the Spirit” * APOSTLES’ CREED (Hymnal Page 35) Tyler Webb Simmons TO OFFER OUR GIFTS AND DEDICATE OUR LIVES PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS Molly Corl OFFERTORY “I Love the Lord” Rachel Hitz & Lelia Webb Simmons * CALYPSO DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all you people; Let Him know Praise Him above, let the heavens sing. Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost Well, AmenAmenAmen Oh, Amen. Yes AmenAmenPraise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Transcript of Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier...

Page 1: Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz

Our Celebration of Worship May 13, 2018 ~ Youth Sunday

Paxton is a Stephen Ministry Church


PRELUDE “Adagio Cantabile” from Pathetique Beethovan

Aaron Bingaman ~ Piano “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier

Jazz Band Aaron Bingaman, John Haskins, Tommy Nichter, Clayton Signore


“Kumbaya” ~ Little Lambs INTROIT “I Am a Promise” ~ Angel Choir “Know that God Is Good” ~ Chimettes

CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 118:1-4 Elisabeth Corl

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His Love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.”

GIVE PRAISE TO GOD * HYMN 452 “Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord” * PRAYER OF CONFESSION Olivia Signore

Dear Lord, let us praise you. Your love has and will forever save us from sin, even as we have forgotten and forsaken it. Hear our prayers and remind us to think about the love in this room, the love between mother and child, the love for our mothers and all others, most importantly, your love for us. Help us this day and lift our souls as we praise you and your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

(Please pause for a moment of silent confession)

* ASSURANCE OF PARDON Olivia Signore Friends, believe the Good News. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Praise God. Amen.

* GLORIA PATRI (Hymnal Page 581)


CHILDREN/ADULT MOMENT Lelia Webb Simmons * PASSING OF THE PEACE Peter Apeti The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. MORNING PRAYER/THE LORD’S PRAYER Clayton Signore


FIRST LESSON Romans 13:8-10 (NT Page 162) Tyler Webb Simmons

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM “Morning Has Broken” Chimers/Bells arr. Waldrop GOSPEL READING Luke 1:39-48 (NT Page 57) Aaron Bingaman This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. MESSAGE Rachel Hitz

HYMN 300 “We Are One in the Spirit” * APOSTLES’ CREED (Hymnal Page 35) Tyler Webb Simmons TO OFFER OUR GIFTS AND DEDICATE OUR LIVES PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS Molly Corl OFFERTORY “I Love the Lord” Rachel Hitz & Lelia Webb Simmons

* CALYPSO DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all you people; Let Him know

Praise Him above, let the heavens sing. Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

Well, Amen—Amen—Amen Oh, Amen.

Yes Amen—Amen—Praise the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Page 2: Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz

THANK YOU FOR VISITING WITH US TODAY! We are happy to share this Sunday with you and hope you come back soon! Please fill out the yellow card and be sure to include your name, address, and phone number for our records. If you are interested in membership at Paxton Church, please indicate this when the friendship folder is passed or speak to the Pastor or Lector following worship. THE FLORAL ARRANGEMENT in the chancel this morning is placed in honor of Pax-ton’s young people ~ the future of our church, by Dawn and John Palmer. THE YOUTH USHERS today are: Tyler Webb Simmons, Peter Apeti, Elisabeth Corl, Molly Corl, Olivia Signore, Gia Signore, John Haskins. NEXT SUNDAY IS PENTECOST, don’t forget to wear your red.

Paxton Presbyterian Church 3500 Sharon St., Harrisburg, PA

561-0510 ~ www.paxtonchurch.org ~ [email protected]




Jazz Band ~ Aaron Bingaman, John Haskins, Tommy Nichter, Clayton Signore

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Page 3: Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz

Paxton Church Staff

Pastor, The Reverend John W. Green Treasurer, Laurence Kilpatrick, CPA

Director of Music, Richard Fowler Organist, Jeanne Bruce

Chimers Director, Cindy Green Christian Education Administrator, Jo Jacoby Office Staff, JoAnn Snyder, Judy Frankford

Wedding Coordinator, Peg Elder Custodian, Mary Bowers

3500 Sharon St., Harrisburg, PA 17111 ~561-0510 [email protected] ~www.paxtonchurch.org

Sue McLain Wanda Newhouse

Richard Peiffer Cathy Roland Joy Stennett Bev Ziebell

PAXTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3500 Sharon St., Harrisburg PA 17111

(717) 561-0510—Fax: 561-4052

Website: www.paxtonchurch.org Email: [email protected]

Ministers ~ All Members

Happy Barber Connie Cochran Erin Giambrone Rebecca Haner

Doug Hitz Don Laughery Rich Lengler

Nan Bonnet Linette Burd Jerry Davies

Linda Flowers Nino Giambrone

Marti Greiner

BOARD OF DEACONS Pam & Louis Robertson (Co-Moderators)

We are a Stephen Ministry Church For confidential referral, or if you are inter-ested in becoming a Stephen Minister please contact a leader.


Helen Heidelbaugh Gary Myers Jane Rising

Jane Sanford


Carol Anderson LaVerne Collins Susan DeRemer

Karen Herrold Cheryl Holtzman Janice Hutchison Annette Kilpatrick

Bill LaDieu Donna Leaver Nancy Lengler

David McPherson Steve Miller

Kathy Woodbridge

David McPherson Gary Myers Lisa Pletz

Blanche Skinner Jason Skrinak

Merideth Staudenmaier Kristian Stennett

Erika Hanes (Clerk of Session)


Sun 13 YOUTH SUNDAY 9:00 Church School 10:00 Worship 11:00 Sunday Snacks Tues 15 9:30 Staff Meeting 4:00 Pastoral Relations & Staff 6:00 Food Bank PACE DEADLINE Wed 16 6:45 Men’s Fellowship 9:30 Sewing 7:00 Session Thur 17 6:15 Bells Softball Game 7:30 Adult Choir Sat 19 Private Event Sun 20 9:00 Church School 9:30 Blood Pressure Screening 10:00 Worship/Pentecost 11:00 Sunday Snacks 50 Year Member Luncheon

Password: 7175610510

Each month during 2018, two of our youth will be highlighted in the bulletin. By the end of the

year, you will have the opportunity to get to know each one of them a bit better.

My name is John Haskins and I am 13 years old. My grandfather is Pastor Green and my grandmother is Cindy Green. My parents are Erica Ickes and Ryan Haskins. My stepdad is Chris Ickes. I have two little sisters – Cassidy and Emma.

I am in 7th grade at St. Catherin Laboure School.

My hobbies include swimming, soccer, playing tenor saxophone and piano. I am on the EPAC swim team. My favorite events are the freestyle and butterfly.

A fun fact about me is that I went to Australia with my grandparents.

My name is Peter McLain Apeti and I am an 8th grader at Swatara Mid-

dle School and the son of Sue McLain. I have a sister named Mimi and 16 pets.

I like reading, video games, sports and swimming. My left hand was burned when I was a baby and I still have a scar.

I am very energetic and run around a lot. A weird hobby I have is climb-ing trees. I’m tall and use that to my advantage.

I’m also in the chime and choir groups at church.


As Christians we are called to pray for everyone in a difficult time of life. To protect the privacy of those for whom we are praying we ask that permission be received before a name is placed for prayer request. We will keep the names in the Prayer Square for two weeks. If you would like them to be included longer, please call the church office or submit another prayer request.

Please keep the following members of Paxton in your prayers: Jean Herrold, Jo Cain, Bruce Cavanaugh, Winnie Lenker, Dottie Dzink, Kathie Zimmerman, Bert Wood, Kacey Bowers, Nancy Wion, Paul Remaly, Susan DeRemer, Fern Nickum, Christopher Bruce Family & Vera, Kitty Janes, Jean Roberts, Marti Greiner, Morris Rill, Gwen Casey, Louis Robertson, Donna Leaver, Yvonne Rosenberger, Becca Hane

Continued Prayers: Krista Baer, Jim Gischel, Jane Rickert, Carmen DeLuccia, Erin Francis-Friel, Lori Giroux, Kathy Clark, Fred Purvis, Joyce Burd, Greg Brazil, Lynn McWatters, Raymond March, the Lackey & Hocken-berry families in the loss of their brother, Jim Hockenberry, Dennis Otte, Ron McWatters

May 13 Sue and Dave Shuey, Nate Shuey, Adam Gartner, Fred Gartner, Amy Sciotti, Frank Rusak , Delores Wells, Cassandra Martinez, Bernice Williams, Evie King, Adeline Richter, Matthew Richter, Dennis Myers, Rick Bazdar

Each week we will be praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ within our Presbytery. This week we are praying for the Faith Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Harrisburg.

Page 4: Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz


Thank you to everyone who supported our Pie Sale Fundraiser! We sold 100 pies, this fundraiser is not a huge money maker but I feel that so many people really love these pies. Maybe you will think about our young people at Paxton as you’re having your pie. We are so blessed!

Next Sunday, May 20 we will recognize our teachers and grads. If you are a recent graduate please send your information to the church office this week.

Teachers, please attend church next Sunday as we recognize you for the dedication and knowledge you share with our young people.

There’s still time to sign-up for Krislund Traveling Day Camp, forms are in the Gather-ing Room on an easel.


Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 29. Presbyterian Women will be sponsoring a fundraiser at the Friendly's Restaurant at the Target Shopping Plaza. The fundraiser runs from 5PM to 8PM (Please note the time change) and PW will receive 10% of the total sales that night, so we need lots of people to come out and support us. Tell your family and friends.

We hope to see you that night.

We also need a few people to be greeters that night. If you are willing to give us an hour of your time, please see Jeanne (564-2036) or Carol M. (566-2786).

The Deacons continue to sponsor the food drive here at Paxton. During the month of May they will be collecting:




All you can eat picnic 2:30-4:30

Game time 3:30

(hamburgers, hotdogs, barbeque, chicken, mac & cheese,

baked beans, coleslaw, cookies, soda & water)

Mission Central will be collecting small travel size personal items

& school supplies in a truck located at the ballpark entrance

Free baseballs for first 1,000 children

Faith Band

Local Church Choirs sing The National Anthem

Children can run the bases after the game

Cost $26, Adults ~ $16, 12 & under ~ 3 & under free


Phone #_________________________________


#Adults_________ Cost________

# Children _______ Cost________ (12 & under)

Questions: contact Jan Watt 717-991-3875 or [email protected]


Thursday, May 17 Hbg. Hospital Lower Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Tuesday, May 22 Brightbill Field/Friendship Center Double Header 6:00 PM

Thursday, May 24 Bethany Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Thursday, May 31 Linglestown CoG Field

Tuesday, June 5 Bethany Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Tuesday, June 12 Hbg, State Hospital Lower Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Tuesday, June 19 Hbg. State Hospital Lower Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Thursday, June 21 Hbg. State Hospital Lower Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Thursday, July 12 Bethany Field Double Header 6:00 PM

Page 5: Our Celebration of Worship Hymnal Page 581 · “Pastels” Tommy Nichter ~ Piano Martha Mier “Folia” Rachel Hitz ~ Piano Scarlatti “Genesis” John Haskins ~ Piano Mier Jazz