Oum Sem 2 English 1303

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Transcript of Oum Sem 2 English 1303

  • 7/28/2019 Oum Sem 2 English 1303


  • 7/28/2019 Oum Sem 2 English 1303


    with different level of people, atdifferent times, in different ways.

    create close relationships and bondwith our family, friends, people atwork, and people we meet.

    share information, thoughts,feelings, needs and intentions

    help us to acquire knowledge moreeffectively

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  • 7/28/2019 Oum Sem 2 English 1303


    According to Devito (2009)1. Receiving~When you listen, you concentrate on the

    verbal as well as non-verbal message

    2. Understanding~you learn to decipher the meaning ofthe message as well as pick up cues from theemotional tone of the speaker

    3. Remembering ~ involves remembering interpretedsounds or messages and saving them for use later

    4. Evaluating~Make some judgement about a message5. Responding ~ Give feedback based on what you have


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    According to Wood (2009)

    1. Interpretation of symbols createmeaning ~ Every words has a dictionary

    meaning2. Communication rules ~regulative rules ,

    constitutive rules

    3. Punctuation affect meaning~punctuation can signal the beginningor end of a particular interaction

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  • 7/28/2019 Oum Sem 2 English 1303


    Oral Communication (using verbal and non-verbalmessages to generate meaning )

    ~ face to face communication, meeting, oral presentations, publicspeaking

    Written Communication (exchange information usingthe written language by words and sentences)

    ~ letters, faxes, memos e-mail, reports, minutes of meeting,charts, graphs

    Nonverbal Communication (feelings are expressed andconveyed through facial expressions, gestures and bodymovements.

    ~ appearance posture, eye-contact, dressing

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    defined as a group that consists of atleast three members and at themaximum around twelve to fifteen

    membersto communicate freely and openly withall of the other members of the group

    have a common purpose or goal andthey must work together to achievethat goal

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    active participation by members ofthe group

    each member of the group has a role

    to playbrainstorm for ideas

    one person who manages the

    discussion.interrupt politely to ask questions orseek clarification

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    offer opinions, ask questions andrespond to questions

    we wish to get more information orseek clarification of an issue

    Using polite forms to get informationin a polite way such

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    process ofspeaking to a group ofpeople in a structured, deliberatemanner intended to inform,

    influence, or entertain the listeners

    The purpose of public speaking canrange from simply transmitting

    information and to motivating peopleto act.

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  • 7/28/2019 Oum Sem 2 English 1303


    Body language

    Speak with conviction

    Do not read from notes

    Maintain sincere eye contact

    Speak to your audience, listen to theirquestions, respond to theirreactions, adjust and adapt.


    Add humorusing audio-visual aids

    Have handouts ready and give

    Know when to STOP talking

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    Preparedness ~They monitor the rate,tone, pitch and volume of their presentation

    Credibility~by including thorough researchand data to support the claims of thepresentation.

    Structure~Organizing information in aneasy to follow, logical manner increases theability of the audience to retain theinformation

    Interactive Presentations~increasingtheir attention to the materials presented.

    Credibility of speakerand related qualities

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    There are no born-speakers.Successful speakers are bornfrom hard work and a

    knowledge of effectivecommunication strategies.

    Preparation and practicecan be the keys to success