Oulton News

Oulton News News from Oulton First School Email: [email protected] Tel: 01785 336515 www.oulton.staffs.sch.uk Week ending 28.01.19 No. 10 ***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia*** Dear Parents, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Potts on completing and passing her Forest Schools training. She has put so much work and effort into this so it is thoroughly well-deserved; I know the children really enjoy their learning outside the classroom. Thank you to everyone who attended the Chocolate Bingo night last night which raised £291.47 for the school. Best wishes Mrs Graham A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.Proverbs 11:25

Transcript of Oulton News

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Oulton News News from Oulton First School

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01785 336515

www.oulton.staffs.sch.uk Week ending 28.01.19

No. 10

***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mrs Potts on completing and passing her Forest Schools training. She has put so much work and effort into this so it is thoroughly well-deserved; I know the children really enjoy their learning outside the classroom.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Chocolate Bingo night last night which raised £291.47 for the school.

Best wishes

Mrs Graham

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

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Our Eco– Spies will be out in force this

term checking on which class is the most

Eco aware and being awarded the Eddie

the Eco Bear trophy for the week.


Well done to class 3!

Eco champions two weeks


The winners of the Walk to school

trophy last week were Year 1.

Great effort!

This week the winners are

Year 1 again!


Help reduce the pollution

around our school.

If you arrive at school before

drop off or pick up time,

please turn off your engine.

***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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Living Streets is on the hunt for the next budding designers and have launched a WOW badge design competition, one of the largest design competitions for children in the UK.

Living Streets, the UK charity behind the walk to school campaign is asking primary school aged children to design a badge that can be used in WOW – the year-round walk to school challenge.11 winning designs are turned into the monthly badges with winners receiving prizes for themselves and their school, including a year’s supply of WOW resources, and the prestigious accolade of seeing their designs turned into more than 450,000 badges for use in over 2,000 schools across the UK during the next academic year. The badges are made in the UK from recycled yoghurt pot material.

This year’s theme is ‘Inventions that changed the world’ and will take pupils on a journey through time and across the

globe, celebrating some of the greatest inventions ever created. Entrants are being encouraged to recognise the

inventions of lesser-celebrated people, including people of colour and women inventors.

Competition sheets went home last week. Children have until Thursday

14th February to complete their form– including the reason why they

chose their design and hand it in to the office.

Box Drop

We are always on the look out for ways to raise funds for school.

We have decided to try this…

Recycling bags will be supplied for parents to take away and bring in on a set date (up to four recycling days a year).

The company only accept clothing which is clean and in good condition.

They do not accept bedding or any other home furnishings.

Bags will be sent home before half term and should be returned the first week


***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 5th February. This year we are linking our Safer Internet focus with ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’. The theme for our awareness week is Healthy: Inside and out. Due to the internet affecting our everyday lives we thought it

was important to show the link between the two to our children.

Children of all ages enjoy using technology. We now see young children going online to play games, talk to family, watch videos and even learn to use voice enabled tech like Alexa and Siri to find out about their world. Below you will find top tips that you can put in place at

home, to help keep your youngest children safe online.

*Enjoy going online together

The best way to keep your family safe online, and to understand your child’s internet use, is to use technology and the internet together. Get to know how a game or device works by exploring it as a family and finding where the main settings and safety features are.

*Establish clear boundaries

*Make use of parental tools

Make use of parental controls and filters which can be used on your home internet, devices, phone networks and online services such as Netflix and YouTube. Visit the Parents’ Guide to Technology on the UK Safer Internet Centre website to find out how to set up controls on a device www.saferinternet.org.uk/parent-tech.

*Start the conversation early

It’s important to begin the conversation about staying safe online as early as possible in order to establish positive behaviour and routines early in a child’s life.

*Choose age appropriate apps and games

When choosing a new game or app for your child the first thing to be aware of is the age rating.

*Know where to report

If you are worried or suspicious about someone who contacts your child online report them to CEOP (www.ceop.police.uk).

***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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Year 2: Fun in the snow, exploring

and learning how to make and stay

safe around the fire, before enjoying

a welcome hot chocolate.

Year 1: Enjoyed exploring, learning all

about spiders and how to tie knots to

create spider’s webs. Plucking up the

courage to climb on the fallen tree.

***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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This half term Class 3 children have been given The Stork

balance personal best challenge to attempt.

This one will run up to February half term.

The idea is that the children practice this in their own

time and when they feel they cannot improve any more they

can ask for their personal best to be measured by one of

the play pals or dinner ladies. Their score will then go

on the wall.

Please help

your child

to practice


challenge at


***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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Do you have any photos for the Active Wall?

Any activities your child or you have been involved in

over the last few week can be included.

For more information about the eat-well guide….


***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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Wow thank you so much!

We have already managed to fill the box in reception to send down to the Food

Bank. We are very grateful for your donations please keep them coming in.

Below is a list of things they currently need.

Tins Meat Tins Fish UHT Milk Toiletries

Shower Gel Tin Openers

***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***

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***Our Christian Values: Trust – Thankfulness – Friendship – Forgiveness—Koinonia***


Please continue to respect the local neighbourhood when parking cars. Class 3 now do swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon and the coach needs access to Rock Crescent. We have had a number of complaints regarding parking so we have asked if the local PCSO’s can attend to help with parking safely.

Please continue to refrain from using the staff car park to drop off and collect children at anytime time during the school day, including Kid's Club unless you have been given permission.

As the birthdays start coming round we ask that you do not bring in sweets/birthday cakes for the other pupils as we are a Healthy School. In the past children have donated a book for their Class and we have put a plaque inside the book so we know who kindly donated the book.

Spring Term 1 (07.01.19-14.02.19)

31.01.19 Chocolate Bingo (6.30-8.00)

05.02.19 Safer Internet day

08.02.19 Family Worship (2.30pm) new date

12.02.19 Class 1 trip to Tamworth Castle

12.02.19 Parents evening (3.30-6pm)

13.02.19 Parents evening (3.30-6pm)

14.02.19 PTFA Valentines disco (6.30-8pm)/end of term

15.02.19 Inset Day

25.02.19 School re-opens

Thank you for all of the questionnaires that were returned please see below the results. As many of you put

“don’t know “to how the school deals with bullying please click on the attached link.


We celebrate Anti-Bullying week every year which this year is happening Monday 11th-15th November.

Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Don’t Know

My Child is happy 68% 32% My child feels safe 82% 15% 3% My child makes good progress 79% 18% 3% My child is well looked after 79% 21% My child is taught well 79% 21% My child receives appropriate home-

work for their age 65% 32% 3%

This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved

72% 25% 3%

This school deals effectively with bul-lying

25% 22% 50%

This school is well led and managed 76% 21% 3% This school responds well to any con-

cerns I raise 65% 21% 14%

I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress

65% 35%

Would you recommend this school to another parent?

89% 11%