Ouestion 7 evaluation presentation


Transcript of Ouestion 7 evaluation presentation






Looking back at my Preliminary task, The most I feel I have learnt throughout the progression from it to the final full product is the camera

angles. At the beginning of my Preliminary task I did not know how to use a camera ,For example what shot goes well with what you want to show

such as a high angle shot or close up etc, Doing the Preliminary task I now know how to do these camera shot . Therefore when we were filming our

opening sequence we knew which camera angle looks the paramount and portrays well with our opening sequence .We have got taught from our

Preliminary task. In addition our preliminary task actors were not shown aggressive as the role of what character we have choose to do in our

Preliminary task the facial expression should show more temper ,However we took this to consideration and when doing our real media opening

sequence we made our actor look more in role of the character and realistic as this what grabs the audience attention.

Moreover by doing the Preliminary Task we knew how to structure a basic film of how it should be . Besides we had a chance of trying out how it went well before doing a actual opening sequence and by doing the preliminary

Task we had a taste of when we do in our actual one we also know what ideas and what camera shots to put in our real opening sequence.

Furthermore in The preliminary task we learnt how to edit our footage by doing the Preliminary task we understood how to edit so when we were

doing our opening sequence it was much easier and beneficial on how to edit as while editing we knew how to do cross cut fade etc to make it neat,Altogethere doing Preliminary task helped our group to see and

adjust how to do our opening sequence as we have done a basic example of how it should be done.

We also had a experience with health and safety such as in the preliminary task when Vanessa kick the chair we went through the procedures of what will happen if she tripped over the chair . Therefore we had the understanding of health and safety

The Health and safety and logistical problems we did solve such as in our opening sequence we were not allowed to use a shovel outside school premises without an adult as for other external issues can may happen within filming which will be there responsible. However we solve this problem by taking a adult with us for example our teacher as he was aware of the shovel and had a eye on while using the shovel. Moreover he was holding the shovel at all times as he is responsible for allowing us to take the shovel out of premises. Having The Shovel as a prop was well in used such as it went well with our opening sequence such as the audience will think why our actor has a shovel and why he has digged a hole .Therefore the props give more attention such as the audience will be thinking why is there a shovel needed in the opening sequence also in our opening it shows the shovel is for digging but however the audience may assume the shovel is perhaps for the murder of the scene he has killed someone By props it leaves many answer and questions of what can or did happen within the opening sequence.

It was very difficult as a group to decide on a actor as the actors we have searched were not always available for the time we are free or go well with our story as may be because of the gestures of what they are showing for example we had Nicole as a actor at first digging the hole but it did not go well with the way we wanted to show audience as it did not alert horror and as she is a women it gave a image of maybe she just digging a precious item as some women may do this , However we did overcome this as Fergous our teacher was willing to help us and participate in our opening sequence as the male role. This was a better idea as he is a male and tall and looked more daunting. The location was nearby was behind college , it was easy to access as you can walk it to Milfields. The location we first imagined to film for our opening sequence was in Epping Forest however this is very far , and our actor was not possible to go every time when filming. Moreover as it is very far if we make any mistakes it was less likely we can go quickly and re film as it was very far. However if we did choose this location the atmosphere will be more clear of the image we wanted to present to the audience as it is a forest and the whole opening sequence we aimed was to be set in a forest. Never the less our Milfields did have tree and still did give the idea of feeling of forest such as the trees presented this and it was easier to access.

Creating a storyboard and a shooting script worked well in practice as it was in a layout which was broken down in steps what will happen in our opening sequence . It was in parts which was easy as it was already shown on the way we would like to film our footage of the opening sequence. Having a storyboard and a shooting script saved a lot of time as we already knew what we need to film what type of shot and where, whereas if we did not have this we would of had no structure or know what to film or have a sequence of ideas to go in a flow. Therefore it was a good idea of having this as you can always look back to the steps of what filming. However while filming we did add more camera shots and changed bits of our opening sequence such as we as a group thought the idea would be better and go well with the opening sequence or the camera angle for one of the shot in our opening sequence kept zooming in and out we changed this camera shot to long shot as we believe it went well with the opening sequence where as before we choose zoom and this did not go very well with the idea in our opening sequence. As it did not look professional Even though we did not always stick to the structure of the layout of the storyboard and shooting script we had different ideas while in the location which we as a group taught it will go very well within the opening sequence.

In the Preliminary task we had a time management which we had a deadline of planning production and editing . In Our final opening sequence we had the experience of this as we have already done this procedure. The time management was very limited . As we did not not have much time .As a group it is was very hard for in my opinion if we had more time our opening sequence would of had been much improved than now because there was limited of time we could not re film some of the footage we wanted to which was a disadvantage as some of the parts in our opening sequence is not focused and still as the camera angle is shaking . But within the time we still was able to meet our expectation of the final opening sequence. We managed our time by choosing pacific times and hours which we were able to film and within media lessons everyone in our group is free as it is lesson time we had the chance to film within these hours which was a success as all our group was together and we filmed our sequence which we needed to be done with each others initiate we also agreed to days and time which one of our group member took role of editing (Nicole) and she did many hours of editing as she was free at most times which we can . This was a success as we got our final opening sequence complete.

We did not do a production schedule in our preliminary task as it was a short and did it in one day , however we taught this is effective as this is why we used it in our actual opening sequence. The way we organised our human resources was we made a production schedule within our group which we wrote down who is available at what days and time which they can film or edit parts missing in our opening sequence. As a group we managed to meet our deadline of the coursework for opening sequence but there was a lot of arguments and dynamic in our process of film making such as the equipments and resources for example who to take the camera out when and when is our group are free to film . In addition our group were not conducting very well with each other as no one helped one another to get best grade within our group everyone was more individual and want to get the grade individually which was not a great idea as it is working as a group you should be helping one another to get the best grade achievable however at the very end we accomplished and finished our opening sequence.

I also did not know how to edit as in the preliminary task it was my first time editing .This was helpful as by knowing how to edit it helped me with my actual opening sequence how to edit the entire opening sequence and make it the best as possible. I learnt how to do a 180 rule match cut and shot reverse shot I implemented it in my actual opening sequence as these editing techniques are in my opening sequence.

These are the match cut in my opening sequence