Ottawa This Week - South

431860 1611B Bank Street (Bank & Heron) 613.523.1551 FENDI HAIR DESIGN 90% of Good Looks 90% of Good Looks is Nice Hair!!! is Nice Hair!!! 403645 ABBOTSFORD MOVING & STORAGE 613-836-3493 | | ABBOTSFORD 5977 Hazeldean Road Kanata / Stittsville Official Mover of: If it’s important to you, it’s important to us. Local Long Distance Office Moving Office Installation CHEERS Finding the perfect bubbly to ring in the new year shouldn’t mean having to break the bank, one expert says. 21 WASTEFUL ORGANICS Taxpayers are on the hook for $2.5M despite meeting the city’s first year targets for waste diversion. 5 EMMA JACKSON [email protected] This holiday, there were more people look- ing to cut their own Christmas trees than ever, but those well-cropped and shapely trees also cost customers a little extra. The Ontario government’s new harmonized sales tax was a big factor in the rising prices said Greely tree farmer Dan Laird, who owns Laird’s U-Cut tree farm located at Manotick Station Road and Snake Island Road. “I’m getting a lot of slack from the HST. There was no PST (provincial sales tax) on the Christmas tree before, but now there’s an extra eight per cent tax,” said Laird. This new tax put the price of trees up about $6 each, he said, in order to “offset the tax man” and make enough revenue for the year. He said he raised the prices eight per cent automatically, and then he added an- other one per cent because he hadn’t raised prices for about four years. He said the price hikes have angered some of his customers, and he’s spent his chopping season explain- ing the increase. “Some take it with a grain of salt, and some do a lot of complaining. Some people see my prices and think I’m a millionaire, so I have to explain no, no, no. It’s the taxes,” he said. “There have been a few that saw my prices and drove away, but I don’t know if it’s the price in general or if they’re bar- gain hunting,” he added. He said his tree prices started at about $35 this year. North Gower tree farmer Bronwyn Harper said the base prices of the trees at Hillcrest Tree Farm stayed pretty much the same, but went up or down a few cents as they tried to calculate the new 13 per cent tax to a round number. The HST itself put all total prices up about $5. Harper said she didn’t have to deal with much in the way of fallout from customers over the higher prices. “Most people didn’t even mention the price, I think they’re kind of used to HST,” she said. “We all still hate it of course, but I think that’s an issue between the voters and Mr. McGuinty,” she added. Harper said that demand has been in- credibly high for cut-your-own trees in the past few years, although Hillcrest is still waiting for many young trees to mature, so they aren’t operating at the same capacity as other tree farms. She said she suspects Ottawa’s growing south end has something to do with the in- creasing interest in area tree farms. “It may have something to do with the in- creasing building developments in the area. The city is moving south, and it seems ev- erywhere you look there are more houses,” she said. “As a result, some of the outlying farms aren’t very far away, so people don’t have to go very far to have a nice walk around in the woods and cut their tree down.” Demand, prices up for cut-your-own Christmas trees Photo by Emma Jackson HST CHOPS CHUNK OUT OF PROFITS Dan Laird, owner of Laird’s U-Cut Tree Farm in Greely, joins 12-year-old son Mike at the farm, where Christmas tree prices jumped about eight per cent this year because of the HST. Year 1, Issue 9 December 30, 2010 | 32 Pages SOUTH EDITION: Serving Riverside South, Hunt Club, Blossom Park and surrounding communities ALL-STARS The Junior Senators will be sending two of their forwards to the CHL All-Star game in mid- January. 24 See TREES page 7


December 30, 2010

Transcript of Ottawa This Week - South

Page 1: Ottawa This Week - South




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CHEERSFinding the perfect bubbly to ring in the new year shouldn’t mean having to break the bank, one expert says.


WASTEFUL ORGANICSTaxpayers are on the hook for $2.5M despite meeting the city’s fi rst year targets for waste diversion.



[email protected]

This holiday, there were more people look-ing to cut their own Christmas trees than ever, but those well-cropped and shapely trees also cost customers a little extra.

The Ontario government’s new harmonized sales tax was a big factor in the rising prices said Greely tree farmer Dan Laird, who owns Laird’s U-Cut tree farm located at Manotick Station Road and Snake Island Road.

“I’m getting a lot of slack from the HST. There was no PST (provincial sales tax) on the Christmas tree before, but now there’s an extra eight per cent tax,” said Laird. This new tax put the price of trees up about $6 each, he said, in order to “offset the tax man” and make enough revenue for the year. He said he raised the prices eight per cent automatically, and then he added an-other one per cent because he hadn’t raised prices for about four years. He said the price

hikes have angered some of his customers, and he’s spent his chopping season explain-ing the increase.

“Some take it with a grain of salt, and some do a lot of complaining. Some people see my prices and think I’m a millionaire, so I have to explain no, no, no. It’s the taxes,” he said. “There have been a few that saw my prices and drove away, but I don’t know if it’s the price in general or if they’re bar-gain hunting,” he added. He said his tree prices started at about $35 this year.

North Gower tree farmer Bronwyn Harper said the base prices of the trees at Hillcrest Tree Farm stayed pretty much the same, but went up or down a few cents as they tried to calculate the new 13 per cent tax to a round number. The HST itself put all total prices up about $5.

Harper said she didn’t have to deal with much in the way of fallout from customers over the higher prices.

“Most people didn’t even mention the

price, I think they’re kind of used to HST,” she said. “We all still hate it of course, but I think that’s an issue between the voters and Mr. McGuinty,” she added.

Harper said that demand has been in-credibly high for cut-your-own trees in the past few years, although Hillcrest is still waiting for many young trees to mature, so they aren’t operating at the same capacity as other tree farms.

She said she suspects Ottawa’s growing south end has something to do with the in-creasing interest in area tree farms.

“It may have something to do with the in-creasing building developments in the area. The city is moving south, and it seems ev-erywhere you look there are more houses,” she said.

“As a result, some of the outlying farms aren’t very far away, so people don’t have to go very far to have a nice walk around in the woods and cut their tree down.”

Demand, prices up for cut-your-own Christmas trees

Photo by Emma Jackson

HST CHOPS CHUNK OUT OF PROFITSDan Laird, owner of Laird’s U-Cut Tree Farm in Greely, joins 12-year-old son Mike at the farm, where Christmas tree prices jumped about eight per cent this year because of the HST.

Year 1, Issue 9 December 30, 2010 | 32 Pages

SOUTH EDITION: Serving Riverside South, Hunt Club, Blossom Park and surrounding communities

ALL-STARSThe Junior Senators will be sending two of their forwards to the CHL All-Star game in mid-January.


See TREES page 7

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW




In two days, I will join my family for Christ-mas. It is a time to spread goodwill where we can, and celebrate that for which we are thankful.

While I’m there, I hope to see my parents’ old friend, François d’Orglandes.

François is an artist whose family is known for taking in less fortunate strangers for din-ner on Christmas Eve. They personify the “kindness of strangers”. They make it easier to build healthy, secure, vibrant communities.

In the same way, The Ottawa Hospital ben-efi ts from remarkable community support.

What our community leaders, philanthro-pists and, in many cases, your neighbors have achieved this year is impressive.

The Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s 20/20 Campaign raised $24.5 Million for a new Cancer Centre at the General Campus, as

well as the Irving Greenberg Family Cancer Centre at the Queensway Carleton Hospital. The community’s contributions have made a meaningful difference.

They have allowed the centralization of nine radiation machines at the General Cam-pus; added 15 new chemotherapy chairs, for a total of 50, to the cancer program; offered more natural light and comforting clinical en-vironments to cancer patients; and provided them and their families with easy, comfort-able access to outdoor areas. All of this will help the recovery process.

There’s more. Our community has do-nated over $2 million dollars to research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Most recently, they have made possible the acquisi-tion of CyberKnife, a revolutionary radio-sur-gery system that can eliminate the need for invasive surgery in many cases.

Soon, they will enable us to fund the in-stallation of the Canadian Forces CAREN system, a virtual reality simulator to assist the rehabilitation of Canadian Forces combat casualties, as well as the other patients.

This generosity improves the quality of care patients receive every day. Donations make a real difference. In other words, the community is the hospital’s foundation. To fi nd out more, visit


Nicolas Ruszkowski VP, Communications Ottawa Hospital

Our community IS our foundation




[email protected]

The NCC has said an Ottawa South greenbelt pathway made of old forest ac-cess roads and several lengths of brand-new stone dust trails could offi cially open as early as the end of January.

Although the NCC said it cannot confi rm completely that the 4.2 kilometre pathway will open on time, due to unpredictable weather and construction conditions, Janu-ary’s end is the ultimate goal, said Jasmine Leduc, a spokesperson for the NCC.

The opening will also depend on the city of Ottawa’s obligation to construct a pedestrian crosswalk across Bank Street between Conroy Road and Davidson Road, where the path will intersect the busy four-lane street.

City of Ottawa spokesperson Jocelyn Turner said the crosswalk’s hardware

has been installed, and they are just wait-ing for hydro Ottawa to hook up power to it. She said if the weather and Hydro Ottawa’s list of requests co-operates, the city should hit the end of January target.

The new pathway is actually a mix of old and new, consisting of a network of old forest access roads, existing trails and newly constructed pathways that begin at Davidson Road at the NCC P18 parking lot, explained Leduc.

“The pathway then uses a portion of an existing NCC trail, and then a new section of pathway is created to link over to an old forest access road which connects to Conroy Road,” Leduc said. “An entirely new section of pathway will also be created between Conroy Road and Bank Street. West of Bank Street the pathway again uses part of an existing NCC trail.”

The nearly-completed pathway is part of the NCC’s larger greenbelt pathway plan, and the existing parts are already well-used by walkers and skiers.

The path will connect at Davidson to another 3.5 kilometre section that winds its way up and over Hawthorne Road to Russell and Ramsayville roads. This

stone dust section was nearly completed earlier this year and is already open for use.

Both sections will likely have site-spe-cifi c closures throughout the spring to fi x minor discrepancies along the trails, Leduc said. The two projects, totalling 7.7 kilometres of trail, cost $1.2 million and were paid for through the federal infra-structure fund.

Leduc said that “in future years, as fund-ing permits, the pathway will be extended southward to the intersection of Albion and Leitrim roads, and will eventually connect to the City of Ottawa north-south pathway west of Albion Road.”

Currently the pathway ends within a looped trail between Bank and Albion, so that users aren’t facing a dead end.

Leduc added that using the existing forest access roads and trails saved mon-ey and the environment.

“By using the old roads and trails the NCC was able to minimize the amount of granular it needed for the pathways. Us-ing these existing corridors also allowed the NCC to create a continuous pathway with a very low impact on the environ-ment,” she said.

Photo by Emma JacksonA large map at the head of the NCC’s path-way south of Davidson depicts the route of a new pathway that could open at the end of January.

Work underway to offi cially open Ottawa South pedestrian pathway within a month

Photo by Emma Jackson

SLEDDING INTO THE NEW YEAROttawa South resident Jasmine Hedley gets a helpful push as she heads down the tobog-gan hill at Conroy Pit just south of Hunt Club, one of two hills maintained by the NCC in the city’s greenbelt.

NCC hopes to wrap up construction by

end of January

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Page 5: Ottawa This Week - South

December 30, 2010 - OTTAW




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The city’s green bin program hit its expected target of divert-ing 53,000 tonnes of organic waste from landfi lls in its fi rst year.

The program began in Janu-ary, and the city had hoped to divert between 47,000 and 55,000 tonnes of organic waste from landfi lls, McRae said.

But it still leaves taxpayers on the hook for around $2.5 million. That’s the amount of money the city paid for organics collection it didn’t use in 2010. Under the city’s contract with Orgaworld, Ottawa pays the company $93.40 per tonne to collect 80,000 tonnes of organic waste each year of its 20-year contract.

As for when the city could ac-tually use its full 80,000-tonne col-lection amount, McRae said, “we can’t predict the year if we don’t change some of our behaviour.

“We’ve been very success-ful so far to get residents par-ticipating in the program, but if we want to boost our over-all diversion, we have to take it to the next level,” she said.

McRae, who was recently elect-ed to lead the city’s environ-ment committee, repeated her desire to continue discussions with residents to fi nd ways to encourage greater use of the green bins.

“Last term’s council I don’t think went far enough in having the debate,” McRae said.

The green bin program helped boost the city’s diversion rate from 32 to 41 per cent this year, which puts Ottawa on par with large cities such as Toronto (which had a 44 per cent diver-sion rate in 2009).

The province’s goal, which the city also adopted, is a 60 per cent diversion rate. Since Ottawa collects and average of 280,000 tonnes of residential waste an-nually, it would have needed to divert 170,000 tonnes of organ-ics and recyclables from land-fi lls to hit that target.


If you live in an apartment, you might be getting a green bin in the new year.

The city will launch a pilot

project to introduce organic-waste collection in high-rise apartment buildings starting in January.

While only three to fi ve apart-ment buildings will be included in the four-month pilot project (with at least one of them in Cen-tretown), the city hopes to have the results of the pilot completed by the end of 2011. However, roll-ing out the program to all 100,000 of the city’s apartment units in 2011 would be “a challenge,” said Marilyn Journeaux, manager of solid waste management for the city.

Almost all of the city’s 220,000 single-family homes and 30,000 townhomes have received green bins this year, Journeaux said, with apartments are next on the list.

Apartments are a challenge because they often don’t have space for the bins and educating residents is diffi cult because of the high turnover in many buildings, Journeaux said.

The city had originally hoped to implement its green bin pro-gram in 2008, Journeaux said.

McRae said the city was “em-barrassingly slow” at getting the program going.

Photo by Laura MuellerIn her fi rst act as the head of the new environment committee, River Ward Coun. Maria McRae announced on Dec. 20 that the city hit its target of diverting 53,000 tonnes of organics from landfi lls in the fi rst year of the green bin program.

City’s green bin program rolling out to apartments


[email protected]

Public health officials are urging Ottawans to ensure their measles immunization is up to date following the confirmation of two cases of measles in Ottawa.

The source of the fi rst case, which was reported in early De-cember, is from international

travel. The second case, mean-while, was confi rmed as local transmission.

“Ottawa Public Health has alerted local physicians of both cases and is monitoring the sit-uation carefully,” said Dr. Isra Levy, medical offi cer of health.

Measles is spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. It can lead to ear infec-tions, pneumonia and swelling

of the brain. The last case of measles in

Ottawa was reported in 2002. Symptoms of the virus may

include fever, cough, and tiny white spots in the mouth. A rash may also develop on the face, body, arms and legs.

Within three to seven days lat-er a red blotchy rash will appear, fi rst on the face and then spread-ing to the body, arms and legs.

Reported cases of measles in Ottawa is very low as most of the population has been vaccinated.

Despite the rarity of this vi-rus in Ottawa, it is very impor-tant for young children, teens and adults born after 1970 to keep their measles vaccina-tion (MMR) up to date.

The measles vaccination is also recommended for many international travel destina-

tions.Residents are encouraged

to review their immunization records as well as their chil-dren’s immunization records to ensure that they have re-ceived the measles vaccine.

For more information visit or contact Otta-wa Public Health Information at 613-580-6744 (TTY: 580-9656) or by email at [email protected].

Two measles cases confi rmed in OttawaOffi cials tell residents to review their immunization records and keep vaccines up-to-date

For daily updates, videos and more, visit:

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Page 7: Ottawa This Week - South

December 30, 2010 - OTTAW







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Recent scrutiny on the Ottawa Police Service will not spare it from the city’s tax-increase lim-it, board members made clear at their fi rst meeting since the new council began.

As members of the Ottawa Police Services Board heard about measures being under-taken to address allegations of prisoner abuse, the service was also grappling with council’s re-cent direction that will force the police budget to trim $6 million from its 2011 projections.

City council adopted Mayor Jim Watson’s election promise of a 2.5 per cent tax increase limit for the 2011 budgets, as well as all departments – includ-ing the police.

After the police services board meeting on Dec. 20, Acting Po-lice Chief Gilles Larochelle said hitting that target will be a chal-

lenge for the service.“It’s going to have an impact to

our organization and ultimately to the community,” he said. “So we’re trying to see what we can do to work with the city and the direction of the board to meet that goal.”

Larochelle was fi lling in for Chief Vern White, who was out of the country for his wedding and honeymoon.

Next year’s draft police budget called for a 5.6 per cent increase, which will have to be trimmed to 2.5 per cent. Watson, who now sits on the police services board, offered the additional help of the city’s treasurer to help fi nd savings.

Watson said the police service isn’t unique, and all city depart-ments have been instructed to tighten their budgets.

“The police budget will increase by several million dollars. It won’t increase as much, because we’re all living in a post-recession world and we have to show a degree of restraint,” he said.

“There is no question it’s go-ing to be diffi cult for every group to come in at that level,” Watson said. “We have some belt tight-ening to do,” he said, adding that there is no public appetite for growing tax increases.

“It’s not going to be easy, we never said it was,” he said, add-ing that the 2.5 per cent fi gure matches recent infl ation rates.


At the same time as the police grapple with its budget, it will also be under intense scrutiny following a series of prisoner abuse allegations.

The police services board signed off on an agreement that will see the OPP step in to inves-tigate allegations that prisoners were abused in cellblocks fol-lowing public furor over secu-rity videos that showed offi cers roughing up prisoners.

In addition to the OPP inves-tigation, which will also involve the Special Investigations Unit, an independent consultant will prepare an audit of cellblock procedures.

Watson and members of the board wanted timelines on the reports.

Larochelle said there are no timelines attached to the inves-tigation, but he said he hoped it would be concluded “sooner than later.”

But some changes – including audio recordings on cellblock videos – will start as soon as

possible in the new year, Laro-chelle said.

“I think it’s quite important to help understanding what oc-curs in a cellblock. (It) will help offi cers articulate as well what’s occurring, because right now we just have simple video,” he said.

Following the cellblock au-dits, the police force will also receive recommendations on how to train offi cers who work

in cellblocks, as well as an audit of use of force complaints.

Also last week, lawyers acting on behalf of Stacy Bonds fi led a lawsuit against the police ser-vices board with regards to her arrest and treatment in a cell-block, as shown in a video.

Watson said he couldn’t com-ment on a case before the courts, but said, “Obviously, the police services board will fi le a defence within the due time.”

Photo by Laura MuellerMayor Jim Watson is sworn in as one of the newest members of the Ottawa Police Services Board during its meeting on Dec. 20. Barrhaven Coun. Jan Harder was also sworn in.

Police must cut $6 million from budgetAudio coming to cellblock video as force addresses


The other ongoing Christ-mas tree debate centres around the environmental benefi ts of getting a real Christmas tree, which Laird said dramatically outweigh the benefi ts of an arti-fi cial tree.

“A real tree rejuvenates the air, and the used Christmas trees are picked up and mulched. They’re not going to a landfi ll like a fake tree, where it’s not biodegrad-able,” he said. “There’s other ways, too – sometimes the trees are dropped in rivers to make fi sh habitats. Some people take their tree and stick it in the snow outside for the birds.”

Harper said it may just be get-ting outside in a wooded area that has appeal for people.

“It seems there are more peo-ple who would like to cut trees than there are trees that are available to be cut,” she added.

From TREES on Page 1

HSTree changes and challenges

Can’t fi nd a spot for that New Purchase?Reduce the clutter!

Sell it in the Classifi eds

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Since it is extremely risky to predict what will happen in the year ahead, more prudent predictors like to predict what won’t happen. Sticking oneself way out on a limb, here goes.

In 2011, the following won’t happen:- The tunnel won’t be dug under down-

town Ottawa. This is partly because of the most recent revelations about bedrock, soil or whatever it is and partly because people looked at the estimated four years of construction and conclud-ed that four years of Albert Street was marginally better than four years of no Albert Street. But it is mostly because people are thinking: “A tunnel? Under downtown Ottawa? Are you kidding?” Upon learning that Albert Street is not going to be a tunnel, certain people will demand that it become a bicycle path.

- Gasoline prices will not hit $2 a litre. They will stop at around $1.98. Those who hoped that higher gas prices would cause people to drive less will be disap-pointed. This is because people will be driving all over town trying to fi nd gas that costs less than $1.98.

- There will not be great disappoint-ment over the non-construction of the Albert Street tunnel. An exception will be those who hoped most of the build-ings on Albert Street would be put

underground as well.- The Lansdowne Park development

won’t happen. Neighbourhood pressure might be a factor. And with the CFL, you never know. They might decide to expand into Latin America instead of Ottawa. But the main factor will be the Ex. No matter what anyone says, the Ex is never leaving Lansdowne Park. And no one wants to live in new housing that has a ferris wheel outside the window.

- The Senators will not win the Stan-ley Cup. There’s a shocker.

- The four-laning of Highway 7 between Carleton Place and Ottawa won’t be fi nished. Once it’s fi nished the provincial government will have to take down all those signs about how hard it’s working for us. Highways are always more politically useful while they’re be-ing built than when they’re fi nished. So it’s important to keep the work going as

long as possible. They’ve done a good job of it so far.

(As a special bonus, here’s a pre-diction about what won’t happen in 2012: Once the highway is completed, the traffi c won’t be any lighter. This is in line with the principle that says the more lanes that are available the more cars will fi ll them. No one knows where those extra cars come from, but there may be a secret factory some-where.)

- Lawn chairs won’t be banned at Bluesfest. It is diffi cult to overstate the important of lawn chairs to the local economy. Not only do people invest heavily in lawn chairs, but they also buy larger vehicles to carry them around and, needless to say, look for venues to take them to. Fortunately, the Bluesfest organizers realize this.

- Drive-thru doughnut shops will not be banned, despite concerns about air pollution from idling cars. To the con-trary, the drive-thru trend will continue. The latest: drive-thru taxidermists.

- In a related development, moose will not be banned from suburban streets. City council will consider enacting a bylaw to this effect. But animal experts will dissuade them, saying that most moose do not read signs well and those

that do will just become angry, which no one wants. As a consequence, council will decide that moose will be allowed to roam the streets as long as they have a permit.

- Mayor Jim Watson will not attend every public event in the city. A dupli-cate bridge tournament in Highland Park will somehow escape his attention and he will unaccountably be absent from a tribute to Citizen columnist Randall Denley. Everything else he’ll be at.

- The NCC will not allow further construction on LeBreton Flats. Asked about the vast acreage of empty space, a spokesperson will say: “We’ve only been at this since 1960. Don’t rush us.”


Editorial PolicyOttawa This Week welcomes letters to the editor.

Senders must include their full name, complete ad-dress and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email to [email protected] , fax to 613-224-2265 or mail to Ottawa This Week, 80 Colonnade Rd. N., Unit 4, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7L2.


Funny Town


You read it here fi rst: what won’t happen in 2011

The project to build a downtown light-rail tunnel continues to reflect the city’s approach to transit: one step forward and two steps back.

Several decades after most major North Ameri-can cities clued in to the importance of rapid rail transit, Ottawa is slowly jumping onboard, but not without years of study.

One of the fi rst concrete steps in the process – a geotechnical study to assess the under-ground conditions where the tunnel is to be built – has already thrown a wrench into the works.

The bedrock around the University of Ot-tawa is too deep, and it would be difficult to build a tunnel through the sandy ground. (Sand in Sandy Hill – who knew?) That will likely mean the tunnel will be 600 to 900 me-tres shorter, and the station at Ottawa U will be above ground.

The problem is, that’s exactly what was origi-nally proposed.

Then the plan changed… David Jeanes, who sat on an advisory committee for the project,

says the shorter tunnel causes problems because the tunnel is so deep. That means it will have to be built on a steep hill to get up to the surface in a shorter distance.

While a shorter tunnel should mean less cost (the cost jumped by $175 million when that change was made in 2009), the tunnel’s route has been refi ned and changed so much that it’s diffi cult to say how or if the reduction in length would reduce the cost – and the city certainly won’t say.

While there is something to be said for making decisions based on factual evidence instead of continuing with a plan just because city council said it would, there is something troubling about an outright reversal in the plan.

But perhaps such a change means that the city and engineers are really trying to come up with what’s best for the city and transit users. Let’s just hope they get the details hashed out in a reasonable timeframe – can Ottawa really wait until 2019 for a solution to downtown traffi c and transit congestion?

No light at end of the tunnel

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW






The lambing pens are lined with hay, waiting for our Christmas babies to arrive. The rams obviously did some work before we locked them up in August, because there is a ewe or two with a distinctly swelling udder.

They are “bagging up”, as the Farmer says. That is a rather indelicate way to de-scribe the situation.

Most of our ewes are due to lamb in April.

Our cows are also due to give birth any day now. Gin-ger, Betty, Julie and Mocha each took turns dancing with

Young Angus when he arrived last spring. However, accord-ing to the Farmer, they are not bagging up. But that doesn’t mean anything. Betty didn’t bag up the last time she gave birth to a huge calf either. She just let out a long, low mooo one morning and 20 minutes later she was licking her new-born clean.

In order to make things as comfortable as possible for our four bovine mothers-to-be, the Farmer has closed them off in their own field on the far side of the barn. There they have their own water supply, an open pasture and part of the barn for shelter.

This weekend the Farmer decided to cut the huge beams that make up the half-wall in the turkey pen. This large, open room is ideal for the cows, and now they can get in.

Within half an hour of the Farmer’s renovations, Ginger and Julie had moved in to the new space. They are the smart ones, I think.

The cows are feeding now on wrapped hay that smells like whiskey. The fermenta-tion process has left the si-lage rich and scented. They chew slowly, savouring the flavour.

So we will go out in the morning and evening now to check on the animals. I hope they don’t all give birth at once. I hope things go without complications, as planned.

We selected a bull that would produce smaller calves

that grow quickly after birth. I don’t want to deal with any calves getting stuck during birth when I’m the only one at home. It would be just my luck to have this sort of thing hap-pen.

Misty is supposed to be pregnant, but we still don’t have that confirmed. Perhaps when we have the vet in to as-sist with the cow births, we will get him to do a pregnancy check on Misty at the same time.

I have to go to Rooney’s to stock up on calf bottles and milk replacer. I keep this at the ready in case an ewe gives birth to multiples.

Inevitably there will be a runt lacking the rooting in-stinct, and I will have to feed it with the bottle. During the first 24 hours, that milk must be colostrum straight from the mother, or the chance

of survival is very slim. As much as I try, however, I can-not get enough milk from an ewe to fill an eye-dropper. The Farmer has to climb into the pen, tackle the mother and steal her milk. He can get an inch or two of colostrum in no time, and then I fill the big sy-ringe to feed the baby.

Ideally, after a week or so, the runt will regain his strength and catch on to the routine of feeding from his own mother. If he doesn’t, I have to train him to feed from the bottle that I strap to the side of the pen. This method has worked in the past. We are in the business of grow-ing healthy sheep here.

If the cows need help feeding their babies, we will supple-ment their feedings also. I will buy my supplies, and wait.

They can come now – I am ready.

An accidental farmwife-in-waitingDIANA FISHERAccidental Farmwife

Preparations are already underway

for the spring lambing season

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2120 Rexton St. $469,900Immaculate Minto Sierra J model in popular Avalon. Tastefully decorated, with open concept layout. Maple hardwood fl oors on main and upper level. Amazing kitchen with granite counters, open to large family room with gas fi replace. Upper level boasts huge master with vaulted ceilings, walk in closet and gorgeous ensuite. Three gen-erous bedrooms, full bath and laundry room completes the second level. Finished basement with huge recroom and bathroom with rough-in. Fully fenced landscaped yard with interlock is perfect for enteraining. Great neighbourhood, close to schools, shopping, and recreation. ID# 9658

1860 South Russell Rd., Russell $459,900

Spacious custom stone split level on 56 acres of treed privacy! Less than 30 mins to downtown Ottawa. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage w/11 foot door, sun-room can be dining room, master features lovely en-suite & access to private balcony. Wired for generator. Large deck with glass panes, detached 30x30 heated workshop, stocked trout pond. Income potential with 30 acres of farmer managed hdwd & lifetime of hard-wood. ID# 3670

2626 Alta Vista $389,900A 4 bedroom home for under 400k! This 4 bedrm, 2 bath home has been updated & upgraded. Situated on large 60 foot lot, close to hospi-tals, walk to schools & shopping! Hrdwd throughout, updated kitchen & baths, windows, roof & membraned foundation wall, all appls. Generous bedrooms w/refi nished hardwood, rec room in bsmt w/fp. Pvt yard w. new deck. Immediate possession available. Vendor says “Make me an offer!” ID# 4894

1089 Field St. $384,900Located on a quiet tree lined street, pride of ownership is evident in this home! Backing onto private greenspace, this home features refi n-ished hardwood fl oors, updated kitchen, custom fi replace, newer windows, updated bathroom, a three season screened porch, detached garage and landscaped gardens. Lower level has 3-piece bath, cold room, and family room warmed by gas fi replace. ID# 11000

39 Huyck, Arnprior $229,9003 bedroom, 2 bathroom semi-detached in desirable area. Open entrance area leads to living/dining room fi lled with light from bay window. Bright kitchen with stainless steel appliances, full bathroom & 2 good size bedrooms complete main level. Finished lower level with gas stove, full bathroom, access to garage & walk-out to huge private yard with patio & deck. A lovely home! ID# 8640





Jumping into the Ottawa River might seem like a frigid way to start off the new year, but this “polar bear dip” will help warm your heart.

“Chillers” will rush into the cold waters at Bri-tannia Beach on New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. – the same time a group in Toronto will jump into Lake Ontario.

All the “chillers” will be raising money to help kids who are living with cancer.

The fundraiser for the Sears Canada Charitable Foundation in support of its children’s health man-date and will offi cially become part of the Sears Great Canadian Chill series, which offi cially kicks off its inaugural year.

The charity collects and distributes donations to charitable organizations that support initiatives for children’s health and children’s education – in this case, focusing on programs for children living with cancer.

“The Sears Great Canadian Chill is our way to bring families together on a typically quiet day to start, what we hope will become a new family tradi-tion, and have fun while helping other families who are in the fi ght of their life,” Dene Rogers, presi-dent and chief executive offi cer of Sears Canada, said in a statement.

Organizers hope to expand the event to six loca-tions in 2012.

There will be heated tents at Britannia Beach for participants and supporters to warm up under while they enjoy live entertainment, prizes for top fundraising and a costume contest.

Registration for the Sears Great Canadian Chill is now open. To make a donation or to join the event as a “chiller” or a volunteer, visit


[email protected]

The Ontario Government has set aside $135 million over the next three years to provide ac-cess to dental services for low-income children and youth.

“This new program will provide free dental coverage to children from low income families,” said Ottawa-Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi.

The program will help with early detection of dental prob-lems, reduce the need for ex-

tensive treatment services, demand for higher level inter-vention and result in lower overall costs, he indicated.

“We want to make sure children have access to good dental care, because it has an impact on their over all health,” said Naqvi.

The province will be running the program through public health units, which will then partner with community health centres to pro-vide preventive care to children and youth aged 0-17 years.

The program will be offi cially

launched in Ottawa on Jan. 11, according to Nancy Kennedy, program manager, dental health with Ottawa Public Health.

It is estimated that approxi-mately 9,900 young people in Ottawa will qualify for the new program. Somerset West Community Health Centre is among the centres designated to provide the free dental services. The centre will be holding its fi rst dental clinic on Jan. 14 at the Cambridge Public School on 250 Cambridge St. North.

“It is something we have been looking forward to for a long time,” said Rosemary Johns, resource development manager at Somerset West Health Centre. “It has been a need in our com-munity for a very long time.”

“We are very excited and we will make sure our clients are aware of this new service in the city,” she added. The program will provide screening and oral hygiene. Referrals will be made if a follow-up is required.

To meet the provincial crite-

ria, one will have to prove that they are 17 years old or younger, have no dental coverage and have an adjusted family net in-come of $20,000 or less per year.

Several application sites will be available across Ottawa and parents are required to com-plete the application forms and show the required documenta-tion for approval.

For more information on ser-vices offered, look for the Healthy Smiles Ontario posters at your community health centers.

New dental program keeps low-income youth smiling

Stop cancer coldHardy residents taking ‘polar

bear’ plunge for charity

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW




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Ottawa’s young at heart have much to look forward to in the New Year, with several new programs opening at the Heron Road seniors centre in January.

For those who are artistically inclined, a new print-making workshop will begin on Jan. 13 and run each Thursday for 10 weeks, offering a unique pro-gram for seniors who want to get their hands dirty in a tradi-tional artist’s medium.

“Students are going to explore a variety of non-chemical print-making techniques, includ-ing dry-point, calligraphy, and wood-cuts,” explained Noreen Carisse, the program co-ordina-tor for the seniors centre which is located in the Heron Road Community Centre.

She said the class will explore different kinds of paper and

inking methods as well. “We have a variety of artists

here already so they’re kind of looking forward to jump-ing into print making. They’re already drawing, painting, do-ing photography and so on, so the print-making is kind of unique,” Carisse said.

The 30-hour course is $117.75 for seniors under 65, or $106 for those over 65.

Carisse said it’s important to add new items to the schedule so that regular users can try new things.

“Each season, depending on the time of year and what’s go-ing on, we try to introduce a few things that are trendy or that people are asking for,” she said.

Another new item on the roster come January is a “total body transformation” program for 50-plus gym users.

“It’s a 45 minute program, which is unique in itself be-cause it’s much shorter than our other classes, which are usually an hour or an hour and a half,” Carisse said. “We condense the time and in 45 minute we give a complete weight training and toning program, using elastic

bands, dumbbells, and cardio, and ending with stretches and a relaxation period.

“We do this all in 45 minutes so they can get up and out and start their day.”

The city of Ottawa facility will once again be hosting the an-nual over 55 short story writing

contest, which accepts submis-sions of less than 2,000 words in novice or professional catego-ries. Entries will be accepted at the Heron Road seniors centre between Jan. 2 and March 15. The contest will culminate in “An Afternoon of Storytelling” at the centre, where the winning

entries will be read aloud and celebrated in the Heron centre’s auditorium on April 27.

The centre’s winter program also includes a variety of courses in the arts, physical activity, lan-guages and technology. For more program information, visit the Heron Road senior’s centre.

New programs offer unique activities seniors

Photo submittedSeniors take part in a gym class at the Heron Road senior’s centre, where there will be several new courses available in the New Year.

January brings new activities to Heron

Road seniors centre

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[email protected]

The underground light rail tunnel through Ottawa’s downtown could be shortened by almost a third because of rock near the University of Ottawa.

Engineers found bedrock much deeper than expected when they drilled to test it, and are recommending the tunnel come to the surface sooner – shortening the 3.2-kilometre tunnel by 600 to 900 metres.

The engineers wanted the rock closer to the surface so there is something solid for the tunnel to be built through. The ground around Ottawa U is sandy and would require a lot of work to shore it up and support the tunnel.

But so far, the price tag on the entire proj-ect hasn’t changed. Kanata North Coun. Marianne Wilkinson, who leads the city’s transportation committee, says the reduc-tion in length wouldn’t reduce the cost by much because the tunnel was already going to be very close to the surface in that area.

As for whether the project will still

have value to riders and to the city if it is reduced to just over 2 km, Wilkinson said there is no question it will.

“The usefulness of the tunnel is still there – it’s through the downtown,” Wilkinson said.

The main purpose of the tunnel is to shuttle riders through the city’s core (particularly between Bayview and Booth streets) more effi ciently, she said, and having the tunnel emerge to the sur-face sooner at the east end won’t have a negative effect on that.

In fact, a shorter tunnel was originally the plan, said David Jeanes of Transport Action Canada, who has sat on advisory committees for the tunnel project.

Initially, the tunnel was supposed to emerge around the Laurier Transitway stop, but in 2009 the city decided to ex-tend it to the University of Ottawa cam-pus, which increased the length – and the price – by about a third (from $600 mil-lion to $750 million).


The fi nding was part of a preliminary geotechnical study in which engineers drilled 34 bore holes to test what lies be-low the surface. Despite the deeper bed-rock and the discovery of several inactive fault lines, engineers say the $2.1-billion price tag for the entire light-rail transit (LRT) system is still a good estimate.

Cumberland Ward Coun. Stephen

Blais pointed out that it means the down-town portion will cost more and savings will have to be found in other areas of the project, which will eventually ex-tend above-ground light rail from the Tunney’s Pasture Transitway stop to the Blair stop, with 13 stops in between. Four of those stops were to be downtown in the tunnel, but that would be reduced to three if the tunnel is shortened.

Studies for the downtown tunnel are expected to be concluded by 2012, and construction is supposed to begin in 2013. The tunnel would be fully operational by 2019 – a timeline that Wilkinson said should be sped up.

“I think it would really be a nice ges-ture if we were able to open that tunnel in 2017,” Wilkinson said. “We’re going to have a lot of the public here, and I cer-tainly wouldn’t want to see all of our roads dug up when we’re celebrating…the (city’s) 150th anniversary.”

Other cities, including Vancouver, have built tunnels much faster, Wilkinson said, and she’d like to see the timeline sped up to accommodate the anniversary.

The studies will continue with a report on 90 additional bore holes expected in a couple of months, and a fi nal phase look-

ing at 100 more bore holes in the summer of 2011.

Jeanes said the fi ndings could be a blessing in disguise if they force the city to rethink the project. His group is still pushing the city to consider running sur-face rail lines along the Transitway on Albert Street instead of a tunnel.

“It could force them to look at some op-tions to make the tunnel cheaper,” Jeanes said. “It could even force them to re-look at where the stations are, because we still don’t think there are enough stations in the downtown.”

Additional reports and information have already caused the city to reconsider its approach to the Bayview and Train Transitway stations, Jeanes said, which is a promising sign that the city might look at other issues Jeanes and Transport Action Canada have brought to light.

Jeanes also said the tunnel is too deep, and that could increase the project’s costs over the long term. Having trains come to the surface sooner will force the city to build the tracks on a steep grade, which will cause lots of wear and tear to the trains’ brakes and lead to higher energy costs for the trains to climb the tracks to the surface.

Downtown tunnel could be cut shortUnderground rail could

be reduced by 900 metres – but the cost

will be the same

Photo by Laura MuellerRock and sediment drilled out of the ground as part of studies for the downtown light-rail tunnel have forced the city to reconsider the length of the tunnel – perhaps reduc-ing it by 600 to 900 metres.


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City councillors, including Peter Clark and Mathieu Fleury, gathered for a briefi ng on geotechnical studies for the downtown light-rail tunnel. The results have forced the city to reconsider the length of the tunnel – perhaps reducing it by 600 to 900 metres.

Page 15: Ottawa This Week - South

December 30, 2010 - OTTAW




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Sally and Ray Cavan of Briargreen are the proud winners of the CHEO Dream of a Lifetime Early Bird Prize.

The prize includes: a 2011 Chevrolet Equinox AWD LTZ from Myers Automo-tive Group, $25,000 cash, an Ottawa Sena-tors Flex 40 package in the 100 level and a vacation for two to Cancun, Mexico from

“We are thrilled to have won the Early Bird Draw package and would like to offer our thanks to the sponsors of the wonder-ful prizes - Myers Automotive Group, the Ottawa Senators and iTravel2000,” Sally wrote in an email. “As well, we would like to acknowledge the CHEO Foundation for their continued support of, and dedica-tion to, medical care for the youth of our community.”

Sally and Ray are both civil servants with the government. Sally retired in April after 36 years of service.

The couple moved to Nepean in the ’80s and has lived in Briargreen since 1986.

Sally said she didn’t know how many years they have played the CHEO lottery.

“It’s been quite a few, we are thrilled,” she said.

Accoording to the lottery website,

CHEO’s Dream of a Lifetime Lottery is celebrating its 20th anniversary. During those two decades almost 700,000 tickets have been purchased, and over 34,000 winners have won over $30 million in prizes. Most importantly the Dream of a Lifetime Lottery has raised over $30 mil-lion for CHEO’s kids.

Since the Dream of a Lifetime Lottery’s debut in 1991, CHEO has handled over 3.6 million patient visits.

The fi nal draw for the grand prize will take place on Jan. 17.

Nepean couple wins early bird prize in CHEO lottery

File PhotoThe early bird prize might already be awarded, but the fi nal draw for the dream home is still a few weeks away.

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Same Great Staff , Same Great Service, But with a new look

and new product lines like our Home Health Care products and Guardian Rexall Brands

We look forward to serving you in our new location Come

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My dearest customer, As you are aware, I have operated Solly’s Pharmacy in its current location for over 20 years now. During that time, I have gotten to know many of you and your families personally. It has been a privilege to serve you. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to remain at my current premises.

Eff ective December 1st, 2010, Solly’s Pharmacy will be relocating to 2430 Bank Street, Unit 7. The new pharmacy will be at the corner of Bank Street and Hunt Club in the mall with the Harvey’s restaurant. Our new name will be HuntClub Guardian Drugs.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you or your family. I will still be providing you with the service that has been the hallmark of my pharmacy. Our team will now be joined by my partner, Ian McNeil. Ian is a community-pharmacist and embodies the very best of our tradi-tion. We will be opening longer and on weekends to serve you better.

I look forward to meeting you at our new location, and continuing our relationship for many years to come.

Solly and team



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While holiday cheer is in the air for many between Christmas and New Year’s, others are feeling the stresses of the season, leading to countless cases of the holiday blues.

“It’s supposed to be a time when we get together with family and friends,” said John Zelenski, a Carleton psy-chology professor. “But what we often do (during the holidays) is add to our daily lives, and things become unpre-dictable.”

While people are doing things throughout the holidays that should lead to happiness – like being sur-rounded by loved ones – Zelenski said hectic schedules, including family gatherings, Christmas shopping and holiday parties, only add to the prob-lem.

Stress also relates to holiday sad-ness, he said, and it’s common for people to feel a sense of depression throughout Christmas right until the new year.

This stress and sadness relates of-ten to holiday shopping where debt can build up, and people might feel guilty about not giving to charities because of the cash crunch.

However New Year’s celebrations can bring joy to people, who might

see it as the light at the end of the tunnel.

“You can look at New Year’s in Jan-uary as time when there are things to be hopeful about,” Zelenski said. “We do have this sense of new beginnings and a new start. Some people are looking forward to that.”

However before New Year’s rolls around, there are some simple rules Zelenski recommends people should follow when trying to get through the holiday blues.

Mentally, he said positive emotions can counteract feelings of depres-sion.

He advises people to think of ways to inject positive thoughts during times of stress – like big family gath-erings.

“Think of it as a time to spend a couple extra minutes with the new granddaughter,” he said as an exam-ple.

Some people might turn to alcohol to get them through the holidays, which he said might not be that bad of an idea.

“In moderation, it’s perhaps not the worst thing,” he laughed.

“But overdoing it can get you far-ther behind.”

He said the best advice to follow is to take a couple deep breaths – those simple breaths and a pause can have

a nice calming effect.Zelenski said he’s not sure of who

is more prone to holiday stress and depression, but research shows that women are more likely to be diag-nosed with depression and substance abuse overall.

He said people’s feelings also relate back to their personalities, which can be inherited through genes.

“Some people seem to be prone to stress and sadness,” he said.

Zelenski adds that the holidays, with its added stress, can also push someone over the edge or even affect people are usually resilient.

One of the most common things people also do during the holidays that affect their stress and depres-sion levels is worry about aspects of the holidays that they actually don’t need to worry about.

Some think holiday parties, for ex-ample, will be a lot worse than they actually are – sometimes they can even be fun.

Zelenski also advises people to know themselves, and know what as-pects of the holidays will put them in better moods.

“If you’re religious, look at that aspect of the holidays,” he said. “If you’re not, maybe sometimes giv-ing or helping others will be a mood boost.”


Holidays can be a sad time for some, expert says

Visit us Online at

Photo submittedCarleton professor John Zelenski said people get stressed out and depressed during the holidays for a variety of reasons.

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





[email protected]

The city is calling on tech-savvy resi-dents to compete for cash – and bragging rights – for the most useful mobile appli-cation, or “app” that uses the city’s data.

From fi nding fun Saturday-morning activities for children to locating the best dog parks in the city, the applications that will be developed during the contest will bolster resident’s ability to use the city’s new “open data” policy.

These developers are taking sets of digital information about the city and spinning them into handy tools for peo-ple to use on their cell phone and com-puters and entering them online as part of the Apps 4 Ottawa contest (

While creating these intricate techie tools doesn’t appeal to everyone, the apps can be used by anyone who has access to a smartphone or computer – and the city is hoping that gets residents interested in the initiative.

The contest closes on Jan. 3 and after that, it’s up to the public to weigh in on what they think are the best apps. Voting will take place online at from Jan. 4 to Jan. 28 to choose the peoples’ choice award. There is also a panel of judges – including develop-ers, researchers and librarians – who will dole out the rest of the cash prizes: $50,000 in total.


Last spring, the City of Ottawa began a process of making its information avail-able to the public as “open data” – a phi-losophy that certain government data be openly available in a digital format. The move is meant to increase transparency at city hall and remove barriers to infor-mation, and perhaps spur on community involvement and economic development.

The app contest isn’t just a way to get developers and residents interested in how open data can help them – it’s also a way to show city employees how useful it is and convince any remaining skeptics that it is worth their time to convert data into an “open format.”

It takes a bit of work, but the city’s in-formation technology staffers have yet to come across a city department that has said “no,” said Robert Giggey, one of the IT staff members who is working on the project.

“Our hope is that the contest will also do that – help drive home that message,” said Giggey. “Showing them the apps may spark that interest.”


The popularity of open data in Ot-tawa wouldn’t be nearly as high without the involvement of advocates like Tracy Lauriault and Edward Ocampo-Gooding, Giggey said.

Lauriault, a Carleton University re-searcher, and Ocampo-Gooding, an open data advocate and developer, have worked with the city’s information technology subcommittee and IT staff to bolster the initiative.

Ocampo-Gooding was one of the orga-nizers of two “hackathons” held at city hall in 2010, the most recent of which was on Dec. 4. The events bring together members of the public, researchers, de-signers and developers to create useful apps and encourage the city to create data sets to make the apps work.

On Dec. 4, hackathon participants put their ideas for data sets and apps down on paper, and now that brainstorm is something city staff and the information technology subcommittee can use to fuel the initiative.

Events like the hackathon are helping guide city staff as they navigate which sets of data are in the highest demand and which will be most useful to resi-dents, Giggey said.

A couple of the ideas that came out of the hackathon were an OC Transpo bus locater powered by GPS information found on 90 per cent of buses, a commu-nity equipment lock locator and an idea to pool resources and share equipment like snowplows within a neighbourhood.


One of the issues that will face the creators of apps for the contest is how to keep their creations going over time. Apps need updating and they need to be hosted online for people to download, and that takes time, effort and money. At some point developers providing the apps for free will likely give up.

In the contest rules, the city encour-ages developers to keep their apps avail-able for six months after the contest. But Ocampo-Gooding said he would like to see more incentive for creators to keep the apps up. He’s proposing the city take

a look at how it hands out contracts and consider changing the rules to make it easier for developers – many of whom do this work during their free time – to qualify for an app-creation contract with the city.

But there is also a role for the free mar-ket, Ocampo-Gooding said. Sometimes apps that are developed to be sold in the private marketplace could answer peo-ples’ needs better than an app created by and for the city, he said.

“We’re going to see an interesting evo-lution of both of those,” he said. “It could start out in the private market and then the city might see the value of it and de-cide to buy it.”

People interested in open data can con-nect with Ocampo-Gooding and the un-offi cial Open Data Ottawa group. More information can be found on the Google Group ( and search “Open Data Ottawa”) or by follow-ing @opendataottawa on Twitter.

Photo by Edward Ocampo-GoodingFriendly “hackers” and interested residents gathered at city hall for an open data ‘hack-athon’ in April (pictured here) and again on Dec. 4.

App contest puts open data on the agendaCommunity

Photo by Edward Ocampo-GoodingHackers work to create the app for the public to vote on. Our undivided attention |

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





[email protected]

Whether you’re staying in this holiday season or hosting a party, alcohol will likely be the fi rst thing you remember to stock up on.

There are ways to save money when hosting a new year party while ensuring your guests have a good time – and a safe ride home.


Sparkling wine sales peak at this time of year, according to Carleton University professor Rod Phillips.

Phillips, an expert and academic in wines and alcohol, said there are steady sales throughout the year including birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.

But at the end of the day, people always want bubbly to ring in the new year – and this year, they want it to be pink.

“Pink sparkling wine is becoming more and more popular – and plentiful,” said Phillips.

“Men seem to have gotten over the idea that pink wine (still or sparkling) is only for women.”

Phillips added that if people are buy-ing sparkling wine for their holiday par-ties, there’s no need to buy champagne – which can cost about triple the amount of sparkling wine.


According to Phillips, throwing a good party with quality alcohol doesn’t have to put a dent in your budget.

For those who want to follow the trend of serving sparkling wine at their holi-day parties, hosts can fi nd the fi zzy bev-erage for around $12 to $15 – this includes sparkling wine that’s made the same way as champagne.

“You can buy excellent Cava, (which is) a sparkling wine from Spain,” Phil-lips explained. “Or, Prosecco from Italy, which tends to be fruitier and easy to drink at parties.”

He added that for those who want to keep with the pink sparkling wine trend – even for men – an inexpensive pink bubbly is Pascual Toso Sparkling Mal-bec, which is from Argentina.

As a wine connoisseur, Phillips also recommends a white wine from Chile called Cono Sur Viognier which goes for $9.95 and an Italian red wine called Mon-talto Nero d’Avola/Cabernet Sauvignon, which costs $8.95.

“You can’t beat them,” he said.


While some people might be hosting fancier parties this time of year, there are those who like to stay in and ring in the new year with Chinese food, deep-fried foods or delivered pizza.

While beer seems to be the typical drink of choice for these foods, Phillips said sparkling wine can be just as good because of the bubbles in both drinks.

“Try an inexpensive bubbly like Cava or Prosecco, or one of the other inex-pensive sparkling wines from Australia and Argentina,” said Phillips. “Spicy foods also go well with fruity and not-so-

dry wines, like viognier, pinot gris and gewurztraminer. The Cono Sur Viognier would be good too.”

When it comes to typical holiday din-ners like turkey and hams, Phillips sug-gests hosts pair it with a pinot noir or gamay.

He said a lot of good pinot noirs come from Ontario, New Zealand and France. Gamays can be found in the French sec-tions or Ontario sections of your local wine store.

“A lot of producers make it, and I think gamay is the grape of the future for On-tario,” said Phillips.

He added that pinot noir and gamay are versatile wines that go very well with food.

They’re not too heavy, usually well-balanced, juicy and a little lighter than other red wines.

While gamays wouldn’t go well with heavier food like steak and winter stews, Phillips said they go very well with tur-key, chicken, salmon and hams.


Phillips said the popularity of cham-pagne started in the 19th century when the industry was created.

Even back then, he said champagne was too expensive to have every day so it was marketed on birthdays, christen-ings, anniversaries and other special oc-casions.

“The message was driven so deeply into Western culture, that we’re still stuck with it,” said Phillips.

He added that luckily nowadays there are alternatives to expensive champagne like sparkling wines that people can en-joy.

People who don’t drink often still serve alcohol during the holidays for friends and family, and Phillips said this is be-cause alcohol is a social drink and makes for a more welcoming atmosphere at a gathering – no matter what kind of alco-hol is being served.


While everyone seems to have their own remedy for a hangover, Phillips said the best prevention is to not drink so much.

“If you can’t or don’t want to do that, live with the consequences,” said Phil-lips. “But you can reduce the effects by eating plenty of food as you drink, and by drinking plenty of water, not only al-cohol.”

Tom Wainwright from Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Ottawa

said there’s the common message the or-ganization tries to get across every year.

“If you’re having… parties, make ar-rangements beforehand,” he said.

“Either with taxis, or a designated driver.”

Operation Red Nose is also in effect again this holiday season.

For anyone who hasn’t planned ahead, party-goers can call 613-771-2886 and a volunteer will drive you safely from where you are to your house.

The service is free of charge but ac-cepts donations.

Alcohol 101 to ring in the new year

Photo by Kristy WallaceYour holiday parties – and drinks - this year don’t have to put a dent in your pocket.



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Page 23: Ottawa This Week - South

December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





[email protected]

Starting in the new year, the mixed martial arts community in Ottawa will fi nally have a fi ghting chance to show what they can do.

The provincial government will begin accepting applica-tions on Jan. 1 from MMA groups hoping to host profes-sional fi ghts in the province, and Ottawa’s Wreck MMA is looking forward to crossing the Quebec border to prove to Ot-tawa they are a positive force in the community.

“We’re Ottawa-based, so we’ve been helping local causes in Ottawa ever since we started, but we have to keep going over to Gatineau to fi ght,” said Nick Castiglia, president of Wreck MMA, explaining that virtually every show they host involves some sort of charitable cause.

For example, their most re-cent Gatineau fi ght collected more than a tonne of non-per-ishable food for the Ottawa Food Bank, and over Thanksgiving they hosted a completely volun-teer-run show for troops in Af-ghanistan.

The organization has also raised $17,000 for terminally ill Ottawa police offi cer Brian Dick.

“I just ask that the people in the community give the sport a chance. We have this sport played by true gentlemen, who hug after each fi ght, who are professional athletes. Wreck MMA tries to have the best ath-letes we can have in the commu-nity.”

The move to allow profes-sional MMA events in Ontario has been fairly controversial, with concerns over the violent nature of the sport popularized through the Ultimate Fighting Championship events, which frequently appear on sports-bar television screens across the city.

But Castiglia said the change of heart will be a huge benefi t for fans who want to attend an MMA event in the region.

“Some people are just turned off having to go to Gatineau,” he said, adding that the vast majority of their fans and fi ghters come from the Ontario side. “Most people in Ottawa live their lives in Ottawa, and they don’t want to go over to Gatineau and Aylmer, because it’s not as convenient for them. Any business owner is always looking for a way to make the

event more convenient for their customer. I think its going to be so much more convenient when it’s in Ottawa.”

Wreck MMA is hoping to host Ottawa’s fi rst Ontario-side pro-fessional MMA event, likely in May, Castiglia said, who will be

kicking off the new year with applications to the Ministry of Consumer Services, which will control the MMA applications through the provincial athletics commissioner.

“Come Jan. 1, I’m putting in my application fi rst thing. I’ve

got to get my next martial arts promoter license, and then we’ll put in the event application,” he said.

Although he doesn’t know exactly where the event will be held in Ottawa – “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse”

– he said the event will cater to between 1,000 and 4,000 specta-tors, and ideally would be set in a stadium or bowl-shaped venue, for maximum viewer sat-isfaction.

The fi ght would likely involve some of the area’s higher profi le fi ghters, including W1 champi-on Craig “Farmer” Brown who runs the FIT MMA gym at Scott Street and Parkdale Avenue in Hintonburg.

Applications for such events must be submitted at least 30 days before the proposed date, according to ministry spokes-man Stephen Puddister.

Applications require the sug-gested venue to be safe enough to host the event, and fi ghters on the application must submit to several medical and drug tests in order to be licensed to fi ght professionally, Puddister said.

Some fi ghters, including Brown, have voiced concern the MMA allowance in Ontario will create an infl ux of ill-prepared fi ghters in the system and in-crease the chances of injuries.

“The problem is everybody and his dog is going to try to open up an MMA gym,” Brown said. “People are going to open gyms, and they’ll have guys fi ghting who aren’t ready, and people will get hurt. The lack of education and people looking to make a quick buck, that’s my biggest worry.”

But Brown’s colleague Casti-glia took a slightly different per-spective on it.

“When professional MMA got acknowledged and accepted, so did amateur MMA,” he said.

“So we’re not only creating the avenue for professional MMA fi ghters to be practicing, but we’re also creating a stepping stone for the community’s aspir-ing athletes to build themselves properly at the amateur level, so they’re properly prepared for the professional level.”

Indeed, Puddister noted that the athletics commissioner will be taking a fi ghter’s history and skill levels into account when deciding whether or not to ap-prove a match.

“Competitors with signifi -cantly different skills and ex-perience would not likely be permitted to fi ght each other,” he said.

Castiglia said he just hopes the community will give the sport a chance and welcome it into Ottawa.

“It’s not just amount the money. We’re about working with the local athletes, working with local causes, and with local business,” he said.

“We want to get the sport off on the right foot. It took long enough to get it into Ontario, and we don’t want to be the ones to get it out.”


MMA fi ghts ready to rage in area octagonsSport good

for Ottawa, event organizer says

Photo by Emma JacksonMixed martial arts fi ghter Craig ‘Farmer’ Brown runs the FIT MMA gym in Hintonburg. As of Jan. 1, the province will allow professional MMA events to take place in Ontario.

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[email protected]

From the moment the fi rst goal was scored, there was a feeling it was going to be Ottawa’s night.

The Junior Senators were a step faster and far, far hungrier for a win than their opponents, the Gloucester Rangers, and were handsomely rewarded with a 10-2 win at the Jim Durrell Complex on Dec. 22.

The Rangers, who were playing with-out star forward Andrew Creppin, never recovered after Jr. Senators forward Joey House scored at 1:44 of the fi rst period.

By the end of the fi rst frame, Ottawa was up 4-0 and never looked back.

Following a poor showing at the Central Hockey League’s Holiday Showcase, Ottawa’s stars shone brightly against Gloucester.

Forwards Conor Brown and Ryan Lagace, who were selected earlier in the week to represent the Jr. Senators at the CHL All-Star game on Jan. 12, each had three points.

Drew Anderson showed he might have been overlooked for the Yzerman Divi-sion squad after adding two goals and two assists as Ottawa’s top line made easy work of the Gloucester defence.

Asked before the game about their all-star selection, Brown and Lagace said it was an unexpected honour.

“I didn’t expect it at all, to be honest,” said Brown.

“There’s a lot of good players in this league and on our team too,” Lagace added. “We got called out of practice by a teammate. We were pretty surprised (by the news).”

Brown, an 18-year-old right winger from Greely, currently leads the Jr. Sena-tors in goals (17), points (44) and assists (27) following the game on Dec. 22 against Gloucester. He is currently tied for 9th in the CHL scoring ranks.

Nineteen-year-old Lagace, a left winger who hails from Aylmer, Que., is second on the team in goals (16) and tied with Drew An-derson for second in scoring with 37 points. He sits tied for 12th in league scoring.

For both players, it will be their fi rst chance to play in the all-star game.

“I hope it can help me improve my game, especially playing against the top players in the league,” said Brown.

It will also be a chance for U.S. college and professional scouts to have a look at the league’s top players.

“It’s going to be pretty competitive,” said Lagace. “There’s going to be a lot of people watching. It’s going to be a good ex-perience for players to be seen by scouts.

“We’ll be looking forward to it, and I’ll especially be looking forward to making a good impression. Our team had a bit of trouble at the (Holiday) Showcase, so it’s going to be a second chance for me.”

Asked if they thought the all-star selec-tion committee might have overlooked any Jr. Senators, the pair said they’d have added a couple of teammates to the list.

“I’d say our captain Liam Burtt,” said Brown. “He’s definitely a force on defence and one of the better defence-men in the league.”

“I would go with my centre since the beginning of the year, Drew Anderson,” Lagace said. “I think if he didn’t make it, it was pretty close I’ll bet. He’s a very good player – he could play with us any day on that all-star team.”

House’s strong, aggressive play in re-cent games fi nally paid off on the score sheet, as he would add a second goal mid-way through the fi rst period and fi nished the game with three points.

Rookie forward Dalen Hedges also had a strong game for the Jr. Senators, pick-ing up a goal to go along with a pair of assists and while he only faced 21 shots, Dean Shepherdson played with confi -dence and turned away several shots that threatened to propel the Rangers back into the contest.

Michael Webley and Justin Armstrong scored goals for Gloucester.

The Jr. Senators have some time off for the holidays, but their vacation will be short, as they return to the ice on Dec. 30 in Cornwall to take on the Colts.

Photos by Matthew JayOttawa’s Derek Lowry awaits a faceoff against Rangers centre Michael McMurtry during the Jr. Senators 10-2 victory at the Jim Durrell Complex on Dec. 22.

Stars shine brightly as Jr. Senators rout Rangers


Page 25: Ottawa This Week - South

December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





[email protected]

The halls are alive with the sounds of music at St. Francis Xavier Catholic high school, where the school’s burgeoning band will soon have a brand new piece of music commissioned just for them.

The New Sounds of Learning project, spear-headed by music researcher and professor Bernie Andrews at the University of Ottawa, has commis-sioned four Canadian concert band pieces geared especially for beginner bands at four Ottawa Car-leton Catholic School Board high schools, includ-ing the brand new high school in Riverside South. Canadian composer Scott Tresham, based in Montreal, will be tasked with St. Francis’s piece. The composer stopped by the school at the end of November to get a feel for what the Grade 9 and 10 music students would like to hear in their special piece.

“They’re interested in something that has a lot of rhythm, but at the same time they’re also open to more experimental kinds of writing,” he said. “They have incredible character, and are really dedicated to their ensemble. And even though they don’t have amazing technical facili-ties yet, they are really enthusiastic about it. I was surprised with their choices and the things that interested them; it was not what I was ex-pecting.”

He said the students mentioned a recent per-formance of Stravinsky’s Firebird they went to see, which took him off guard. “They also really liked the Beatles, which I found surprising since they’re so young. I asked them what era of the Beatles and they said they like all of it, from A to Z.”

The project’s goal is to create more Canadian ensemble pieces for young bands that are writ-ten for their skill level yet still captivate them with interesting scores, said Andrews.

“We have found a clear correlation between music composition and music learning. You can write music that will help young musicians de-velop their music skills and music interpreta-tion, and this is an important research fi nding because we’ve identifi ed several techniques that will help students improve,” he said.

Some of these techniques include repeating a rhythm pattern throughout the piece at different pitches, and also making sure that all parts are equal. Equality of parts, Andrews said, is one of the most important goals when writing these pieces.

“When you pay professionals to play music, you’re paying them, so it doesn’t matter if the tuba or the trombone only plays a few notes. But when you write for students, it’s very important that all the parts are interesting,” he explained. “With young people they have to be motivated to learn, and they will not be motivated if the piece isn’t interesting and challenging. But then it’s a fi ne balance, because if it’s too hard they give up out of frustration.”

Tresham’s task, then, is a daunting one, espe-cially since he hasn’t really written anything of this nature for beginner musicians before, al-

St. FX high school to get commissioned band musicArts and Culture


though he has written for amateur ensembles and com-munity choirs.

“The challenge will be to write something that will be within their capability but at the same time challenge them, interest them, and stretch them a little bit. They are very eager to improve and be better,” Tresham said, adding that he has some ideas already as to what the piece will sound like, but he hasn’t quite settled on a theme.

The school’s band will perform Tresham’s fi nished

piece sometime in the spring, likely April or May, said music teacher Maureen Ahern. Once the piece is fi n-ished, the idea is to market the music on a broader scale in an effort to add skill-appropriate, Canadian-made mu-sic to the repertoire available to music students around the country.

“One of the big concerns is the lack of Canadian music in schools. Most music is either American or western Eu-ropean orchestral work,” said Andrews, who started this project while he was sitting on the Ontario council at the Canadian Music Centre, a major partner in the project. “A lot of public institutions and businesses don’t neces-sary support the arts, and if we’re going to have a vi-brant Canadian culture we need to be commissioning music on a regular basis,” he said, adding that he would also love to see more Canadian art and drama commis-sioned for schools.

The project has commissioned 12 other works apart from these four, including eight strings compositions for young string orchestras.

Ahern said her students have been very accommodat-ing to make sure the piece is as balanced and profes-sional as possible, so that it can be marketed to other students in the future.

“We didn’t have anyone playing bari sax, bass clarinet, or tuba, and the students have actually shifted so that we have those instruments now, creating a more balanced sound,” she said, adding that these changes have brought on the extra challenge of losing kids who are set on what they want to play. “We’re a new band, because the school only opened last year. So we’re building a program, and we’ve got people at different levels.”

The three other schools across Ottawa that will benefi t from a specially commissioned piece are Sacred Heart Catholic high school in Stittsville, Saint Peter Catholic high school in Orleans, and St. Patrick’s Catholic high school in Alta Vista.

The Ottawa Catholic School Board partnered with the University of Ottawa and the Canadian Music Centre to make the commissions possible, along with a grant from SSHRC, the social sciences and humanities research council in Canada.

Photo by Emma JacksonSt. Francis Xavier Catholic high school had a piece of mu-sic commissioned specifi cally for the school under the New Sounds of Learning project. Four Ottawa schools are part of the innovative music program.

Composer challenged to write a piece that motivates

beginner musicians

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26 Community

Community Calendar

We welcome your submissions of upcoming community, non-profi t events. Please email events

to [email protected] by 4:30 p.m. on Friday

• DEC. 31Come ring in the New Year at the Eastview Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, 294 Cyr Ave. In the Upper Lounge there is a dinner

and dance with the Legends beginning at 6 p.m. Tickets for the dinner and dance are $30 per person and available at the branch. In the Lower Lounge Terry McCann will be playing. Admission to the Lower Lounge is free and all are welcome. For more information, contact the Branch at 613-741-9539.

• JAN. 1Come celebrate New Year’s Day at the East-view Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, 294 Cyr Ave. Our Annual New Year’s Day Levee will begin at 12 Noon. All are welcome. For more information, contact the Branch at 613-741-9539.

• JAN. 9Silvie and Bryan Cheng’s piano/cello perfor-mance will take place at 2 p.m. at Rideau Park United Church, 2203 Alta Vista Dr. OC Transpo route 8 takes you to the door. Freewill offering will be accepted at the performance.

• JAN. 11Bytown Voices: Rehearsals begin for the winter/spring session at 7:30 p.m. in prepara-tion for two joint concerts with the Seaway Valley Singers on May 1 and May 7. Rehears-als are held Tuesdays from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. at St. Basil’s Church, off Maitland between the Queensway and Carling Ave. Information: or contact: [email protected]. All voices welcome in this com-munity choir.

• JAN. 18Ottawa Innercity Ministries, Dominion Chalm-ers United Church, 355 Cooper St., will serve a free holiday meal starting at 11 a.m. at the door. Donations of backpack, sleeping bags, water bottles, juice boxes, toiletries, granola bars, gift cards, warm socks, bus tickets and-many other items that can be passed to our less fortunate friends, are always needed and welcomed. Volunteers are needed year-round. For more information on becoming a volun-teer, please contact OIN at 613-237-6031.

• JAN. 19

Heritage Ottawa Free Public Lecture – Ottawa’s Notre Dame Cemetery: A Cemetery of National Importance. At the Ottawa Public Library Audi-torium, 120 Metcalfe St., corner of Laurier Ave. West at 7 p.m. Jean Yves Pelletier, a heritage resources consultant and author of a book on the cemetery, will provide an historical over-view and give an illustrated presentation of the cemetery. Jean Yves’ book will be available for sale after the lecture. This lecture will be in English with a question/answer period in both offi cial languages Info: 613-230-8841 or

• JAN. 23Atlantic Voices: the Newfoundland and Labra-dor Choir of Ottawa presents its winter concert, Cape Breton: Beautiful Island, Beautiful Music, at 3 p.m. at Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St. The program ranges from folksongs in Scottish Gaelic and Acadian French to con-temporary classics by some of Cape Breton’s greatest songwriters. Our own house band, the Fumblin’ Fingers, will provide pre-concert enter-tainment beginning at 2:15 p.m. You are invited to join the choir after the concert for free re-freshments and a silent auction. Tickets are $15 in advance or $18 at the door. Advance tickets may be purchased by calling Hannie at 613-722-9240. Admission is free for children 12 years and under. For parking and other information, visit our website

• JAN. 26Bayview Public School will host a JK/SK infor-mation night from 6-7 p.m. at the school, 185 Owl Dr. Come see what Bayview is all about. Programs at the school include Early French Immersion for JK-Grade 4, day care available, extra-curricular creative arts program. For more information, please contact the principal, Anne Laperrière at 613-733-4726

• JAN. 31 TO FEB. 21Toddlertime at the Alta Vista branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 2516 Alta Vista. Stories, rhymes and songs for babies and a parent or caregiver. Ages 18-35 months. Mondays at 10:30 a.m. (30 min.). 613-737-2837


As 2010 comes to a close, Ottawa’s politicians are beginning to look toward 2011 with an air of optimism and enthu-siasm, with plans to improve both in the personal and professional spheres. From increased time at the gym to lofty items to push in council, these movers and shakers aren’t missing the opportunity to turn over a new leaf come Jan. 1.


Desroches said his New Year’s resolu-tion as councillor is to become a better user of Twitter and Facebook.

“I haven’t been as active as some of my colleagues and I think it is a good tool to reach out to constituents,” he said. “I re-ally think we live in a very exciting time and I’m not exactly on the frontier of technology. I do have a Twitter account and I do have Facebook, and I’m going to do better, I promise.”

But he added that his social network-ing won’t infringe on his commitment to talking to residents face to face.

“I will continue to knock on doors, which I have for the last four years, usually on Friday afternoons, to talk to constituents. I fi nd it quite helpful to hear what’s on peoples’ minds, because although your emails are a good indica-tor of what people are thinking, nothing beats getting out there and talking to people when they’re not expecting it,” he said.

Desroches said his personal resolu-tion is to start running more, and that residents can expect to see him running the sidewalks of his ward on a regular basis.


McRae made a resolution on behalf of her constituents, wishing that they “don’t stop doing what they do well, and that is to stay involved and continue giv-ing back in their own way.”

McRae said she feels “very fortunate” to live in such a generous ward, where residents are so willing to give back to their community, be it through sitting on boards, volunteering at a charity or shov-eling a neighbour’s driveway.

“I like the fact that they care enough to actually write to me, or that they care enough to be the rink operator, or to drive people from St. Patrick’s (long-term care facility) to appointments. We do have a lot of people who are very involved in the community,” she said.

In her personal life, McRae said she will yet again strive to attain a better work-life balance, although she said she has yet to be very successful in her goal, having made it her resolution several years in a row.

She said anyone in a position like hers, be it a politician or the CEO of a com-pany, usually faces the same challenge of making sure they are giving enough time to their personal life.

“I think that it’s better for everyone if we can try and obtain that goal and still

continue with our responsibilities we have in our jobs,” she said.


This veteran councillor is looking to hit Ottawa’s greatest gym in 2011 – the outdoors. Thompson said he wants “to exercise more in the winter by walking and skating. I am hoping to spend more time biking in the summer.” He said he is also hoping to get to the gym more of-ten on top of his outdoor adventures, and to spend more time with his grandchil-dren.

In his duties as Osgoode councillor, Thompson said his main goals for 2011 are focused on transportation – of cars and people. Goal No. 1 is “to work on de-veloping a multi-use pathway between Metcalfe and Greely,” and after that he would like to see more surface treat-ment for the area’s gravel roads. He is also looking to “obtain more money for upgrading and repaving our paved roads and streets.”

Politicians embrace 2011 with ambitious resolutions


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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





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INTERIOR RENOVA-TIONS; Renovating bathrooms, decks, tiles, laminate flooring, in-stalling faucets, sinks, suspended ceilings. Call Mark,613-323-4523.

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WILL PICK UP & RE-MOVE any unwanted cars, trucks, boats, snowmobiles, lawn- tractors, snowblowers, etc. Cash paid for some. Peter, All Pur-pose Towing. 613-797-2315,613-560-9042


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HUNTER SAFETY Ca-nadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group, exams available. Wen-da Cochran, 613-256-2409.


WORLD CLASS DRUM-MER (of Five Man Elec-trical Band) is now ac-cepting students. Pri-vate lessons, limited en-rollment, free consulta-tion. Call Steve, 613-831-5029.w w w. s t e v e h o l l i n g


Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?We can help.Al-Anon/Alateen Fami-ly Groups613-860-3431

AT THE KIDS TABLE AGAIN this Christmas? Fifth wheel at all the holiday parties? Time to change? Call MISTY RIVER INTRODUC-TIONS and let us help you find someone won-derful to spend the rest of your life with. 613-257-3531

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Security fenced (24hr key pad access).613-258-1146




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CLEAN DRY SEA-SONED hardwood, mostly Maple, cut and split, 2 years old. Free delivery. Kindling available. Call today 613-489-3705.

CLEAN SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. $100/face cord. Call 613-227-1451 or or-der from our web site at

FIREWOOD FOR SALEDried, split hardwood firewood for sale. $140.00/cord taxes & delivery included. Call: 613-838-4066 or email: [email protected].


FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Early Bird Special. All Hard-wood.613-836-6637


KANATA LEGION BINGO, Sundays, 1:00pm. 70 Hines Road. For info, 613-592-5417.

STITTSVILLE LEGION HALL, Main St, every Wed, 6:45 p.m.


WELDING made fast and easy. Small eve-ning classes, hands on e x p e r i e n c e / l e a r n cutting techniques/ arc welding, and M.I.G., T.I.G. Course available. Certificate course, tax deductible 432-7932


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Call 1.877.298.8288

Email classifi [email protected]




Happy Holidays

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Job Title: Full-Time - Advertising Sales Representatives

Department: Advertising Department Location: Ottawa

Are you looking for a fast-paced, creative and chal-lenging work environment? Is working with energet-ic, passionate people focused on winning the right place for you? Metroland Media – Ottawa Region offi ce has excellent opportunities for individual’s that are committed to building a career in sales; this is an entry level position with huge growth potential. You will be asked to produce results and devote time and eff ort required to consistently improve results.

The candidate we seek will demonstrate exceptional abilities in... • Prospecting and closing customers with advertising sales opportunities. • Cold-calling new or non-serviced businesses in Ottawa and surrounding area. • Creative thinking style and an ability to problem-solve • Self-starter with loads of initiative who needs minimal direction • High energy and a positive attitude • Excellent verbal and written skills • Literate in computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel • Driven for success • Excellent organizational skills

This is a career position. You like to produce results and devote whatever time and eff ort is required to consistently produce improved results. Remunera-tion includes:

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Post Secondary Education an asset but not a pre-requisite.

Interested candidates are asked to forward their resumes to:

Nancy GourMetroland Media – Ottawa Region

[email protected]

We appreciate the interest of all applicants; however only those selected for an interview

will be contacted

Job Category: SalesCL22191



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Must have vehicle.

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4 BEDROOM HOUSE 8739 Copeland RD Ashton. Fully Furnished with garage including heat and light. For de-tails call 613-838-5695.

4 BEDROOM HOUSE 8739 Copeland RD Ashton. Fully Furnished with garage including heat and light. For de-tails call 613-838-5695.



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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places?

PETSADORABLE PUGGLE. 2 years old. Looking for a loving home. Call Gina 555.3210

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Go to yourclassifi or call 1.877.298.8288

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW






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Are you looking for a fast-paced, creative and challenging work environment? Is working with energetic, passionate people right up your alley?

Are you an individual that consistently overachieves? If so, is looking for you!

Position Available: Sales Consultant and Metroland Media Group currently have an excellent opportunity for a dedicated Sales Consultant to join our Ottawa team.Th e brand, a leading Canadian online daily deal destination, off ers amazing deals on restaurants, spas, fashion, activities, and events on behalf of a growing number of retailers in Canada. We deliver great off ers by assembling a group of “WagJaggers” with combined purchasing power.Th e Sales Consultant will introduce and sell’s daily deal marketing solution to local small and medium sized businesses in the Ottawa Region, while achieving aggressive revenue targets. Th e Sales Consultant will also service and grow accounts by managing client relationships before, during, and after the featured off ers are presented on our website.If you are a highly self-motivated, energetic and results focused sales professional and want to build a career in the dynamic industry of online media, forward your resume to [email protected] by January 14th, 2011THE POSITION:• Identify and cold call prospects to develop new business• Negotiate and structure sales agreements• Develop and build strong relationships with clients• Respond promptly to sales enquiries, and provide thorough customer follow up• Consistently deliver against aggressive revenue targets • Generate insertion orders• Contact advertisers regarding campaign optimization, growth strategies, and opportunities• Act as an ambassador of the brandABOUT YOU:• 1-5 years experience in sales/account management with a proven history of achieving and surpassing sales targets • Experience in online or media sales preferred• Strong negotiation, presentation, and telephone skills• Experience in, and high comfort level with, cold calling to develop new business• Ability to build and develop eff ective relationships with clients and within the sales team• Solid organizational and time management skills • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment• Strong written and verbal communication skills• University or College Degree a defi nite asset • Valid Drivers License and a reliable automobile

We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted!




Call 1.877.298.8288

Email classifi [email protected]


Business & Service Directory



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Find your answer in the Classifi eds – in print & online!

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December 30, 2010 - OTTAW





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Fwd, V-6, Power Group, Low kms.Fwd, V-6, Power Group, Low kms.4 Available4 Available

1@ $21,888**1@ $21,888**$112* $112* Bi-weeklyBi-weekly

Plus Taxes, 7.09% for 96 MthsPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 96 Mths





Sunroof and Leather. 3,400 kms.Sunroof and Leather. 3,400 kms.PR 3364PR 3364

$35,888**$227* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.29% for 96 Mths

Cruise control, alloy wheels, leather,Cruise control, alloy wheels, leather, with 32,976km! US1600with 32,976km! US1600

$24,888**$158* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 96 Mths

A/C, power windows and doors,A/C, power windows and doors, traction control, ABS breaks. P-3518Atraction control, ABS breaks. P-3518A

$26,888$26,888****$217*$217* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.29% for 96 MthsPlus Taxes, 6.29% for 96 Mths

07-10 CTS - 8 TO CHOOSE FROM07-10 CTS - 8 TO CHOOSE FROMP-3473AP-3473A


4X4, 20” wheels, DVD and NAV with4X4, 20” wheels, DVD and NAV with 20,229km US160420,229km US1604

$41,888**$41,888**$268*$268* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.29% for 96 MthsPlus Taxes, 6.29% for 96 Mths

Performance vehicle with heatedPerformance vehicle with heated leather seats US1596leather seats US1596

$32,888**$32,888**$209*$209* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 96 MthsPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 96 Mths

7 Pass, V6, power group, with7 Pass, V6, power group, with 73,000km. 11-5069A73,000km. 11-5069A

$18,888**$18,888**$174*$174* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 60 MthsPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 60 Mths

V6, power group with 57,000km.V6, power group with 57,000km. P-3488AP-3488A

$9,888**$9,888**$98*$98* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 7.35% for 60 MthsPlus Taxes, 7.35% for 60 Mths

Heated leather. Only 21,000 kms.Heated leather. Only 21,000 kms. 5 Available5 Available

1@$35,888**1@$35,888**$227*$227* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 96 MthsPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 96 Mths

16’ cube, A/C, ramp with 26,000km.16’ cube, A/C, ramp with 26,000km. PR3365PR3365

$29,888**$210* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 84 Mths

ABS breaks, remote entry, rear wiper,ABS breaks, remote entry, rear wiper, 54,031km! US1616A54,031km! US1616A

$17,488**$124* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 6.99% for 84 Mths

V8, power windows and locks, stepV8, power windows and locks, step bars, with 18,000km! P-3546Abars, with 18,000km! P-3546A

$22,888**$22,888**$161*$161* Bi-weeklyBi-weeklyPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 84 MthsPlus Taxes, 7.09% for 84 Mths

Christmas DealChristmas DealOF THE WEEKOF THE WEEK

4 dr, 5 spd, a/c, only 64,000 kms

$6,995*$6,995*INC FREE winter tires and rims or $65** biweekly + taxes 6.9% for 72 months

2007 Chevy Aveo

1200 Baseline @ Merivale




















