OSN ACADEMY S… · [2] TEST SERIES - 1 1. Chief Nanga, ironically called “man of the people”...

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Page 1: OSN ACADEMY S… · [2] TEST SERIES - 1 1. Chief Nanga, ironically called “man of the people” appears in – a) Chinua Achebe’s A Man of the People b) Wole Soyinka’s The ...


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1. Chief Nanga, ironically called “man of the people” appears in –

a) Chinua Achebe’s A Man of the People

b) Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreters

c) Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

d) Chinua Achebe’s No Longer at Ease

2. Which novel of Chinua Achebe presents a serious indictment of military regimes which

become leader-central and eventually develop into life presidencies?

a) Things Fall Apart b) Arrow of God

c) A Man of the People d) Anthills of the Savannah

3. Poems by two Brothers appeared in 1827 was collaborated composition of which of the

following two poets?

a) Lord Tennyson and Matthew Arnold

b) Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning

c) Lord Tennyson and his elder Brother Charles

d) Robert Browning and Elizabeth Browning

4. Choose the correct order of poems written by lord Alfred Tennyson.

a) The Princess – Dover Beach – Cleon – One Word More

b) La Saisiaz – The Inn Album – Asalando – Ulysses

c) The Lady of Shalott – Timbuctoo – Isabel – Locksley Hall

d) The Princess – Ulysses – Oenone – Dover Beach

5. Who is regarded as the first remarkable poet of Australia?

a) Francis Adam b) Zora Cross c) Charles Harper d) Frank Morton

6. Chaucer’s poem the House of Fame is written in –

a) Iambic pentameter b) Octosyllabic couplet

c) Free Verse d) Blank Verse

7. Not in vain

By day or star-light thus from my first dawn

Of childhood, did’st thou intertwine for me

The passions that build up our human soul

invoking the “Wisdom of the Spirit of the Universe”, who wrote

these lines-

a) William Wordsworth b) John Keats c) Walter Scott d) S.T. Coleridge

8. Which of the following arrangements of the successful journals is in the correct chronological


a) The Times - Blackwood’s Magazine-The Edinburgh Review- The Morning Post

b) The Edinburgh Review – The Morning Post – Blackwood’s Magazine – The Times

c) Blackwood’s Magazine – The Times – The Morning Post – The Edinburgh Review

d) The Morning Post – The Times – The Edinburgh Review – Blackwood’s Magazine

9. Apology for Poetry, published in 1595, is written by –

a) Sir Philip Sidney b) Thomas Moore c) Edmund Spenser d) Ben Jonson

10. Which arrangement of comedies is correct in chronological sequence?

a) A Fair Quarrel-The Loyal Subject-The Shoemaker’s Holiday-The City Madam

b) The City Madam- The Shoemaker’s Holiday-A Fair Quarrel – The Loyal Subject

c) The Shoemaker’s Holiday-A Fair Quarrel-The Loyal Subject-The City Madam

d) A Fair Quarrel –The Shoemaker’s Holiday-The City Madam-The Loyal Subject

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11. Which of the following plays, in the main, retells Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale?

a) John Marston’s The Malcontent

b) John Fletcher’s (in collaboration with Shakespeare) The Two Noble Kinsmen

c) Thomas Middleton's Blurt, Master Constable

d) Thomas Dekker’s The Bel-Man of London

12. The Associationist Doctrine is deep-rooted in –

a) Coleridge’s Theory of Poetry b) Wordsworth’s Theory of Poetry.

c) Dante’s Theory of Poetry. d) Shelley’s Defence of Poetry.

13. Identify the poet who was thrown into the jail at the accession of Queen Mary and was burnt

at Oxford.

a) Hugh Latimer b) Sir Thomas More

c) Miles Coverdale d) Alexander Barclay

14. “Go infear of abstractions. Do not retell in mediocre verse what has already been done in

good prose” Who wrote these words on Imagism in his A Retrospect?

a) Ezra Pound b) T.E. Hulme

c) Hilda Doolittle d) Richard Aldington

15. “Literature is perhaps the most remarkable of all the ideal constructions which the human

mind has begotten. It is a great sea into which for centuries have been poured all those

thoughts, dreams, fantasies, concepts, ascertained facts, and emotions, which did not fit into

any of the other categories of human thought.” Who defines Literature in these words?

a) John Strachey in The Coming Struggle for Power

b) William Rollin in The Shadow Before

c) Louis Colman in Lumber

d) Henry James in The Art of Fiction

16. Evelyn Waugh wrote a savage satire on American funeral customs entitles –

(A) The Loved One (B) The Quite American

(C) The Conscience of the Rich (D) The Acceptable World

17. Henry Yorke wrote the pen-name of –

(A) Henry James (B) Henry Greene (C) Henry Miller (D) Henry Treece

18. Which of the following John Dryden’s poems gives a spirited account of the Great Fire and

the War with Dutch?

a) The Medal b) The Hind and the Panther

c) Annus Mirabilis d) The Conquest of Granada

19. He was born of an Indian mother and a Portuguese father, and is considered the first

noteworthy creative writer in English in India Identify him.

a) Michael Dutt b) Lord Macaulay c) Edmund Gosse d) Henry Derozio

20. Complete Angler appeared in 1653, was authored by –

a) Izaak Walton in his Sixtieth year b) John Donne in his Sixteenth year.

c) John Milton in his Sixty-First year d) Abraham Cowley in his Twenty-sixth year.

21. Samuel Butler wrote a satire directed against Sir Paul Neale, of the Royal Society, entitled –

a) The Elephant in the Moon b) The Fair Heaven

c) Hudibras d) Genuine Remains

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22. Who amongst the following writers was in Parliament when his first novel Children of the

Poor was published?

a) Sylvia Ashton-Warner b) Dan Davin

c) Robin Hyde d) John Alexander Lee

23. Who was been called England’s “National Homer”?

a) Thomas Cranmer b) John Rogers

c) Richard Hakluyt d) John Wyclif

24. Here first the duties of today, the lessons of the concrete,

Wealth, order, travel, shelter, products, plenty-

These lines appear in “The United States to Old world Critics” Written by –

a) William Penn b) Herman Melville

c) J. Gordon Coogler d) Walt Whitman

25. “Homeward Bound and Home as Found” is written by-

a) James Fennimore Cooper b) Edgar Allan Poe

c) Washington Irving d) Walt Whitman


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1. Who amongst the following novelists believes that scientific knowledge will lead humanity to

Absolute Truth?

a) Mrs. Gird b) Hernshaw c) Edith S. Grossman d) William Satchell

2. Frank Sargeson says: “Solid Realism of setting is her greatest strength as a writer.” Identify


a) Janet Frame b) Janet Mander

c) Jean Devanny d) Katherine Mansfield

3. Coming Through Slaughter is the post-modern novel written by-

a) Russel Brown b) Robert Wilson c) Michael Ondaaje d) Frank Davey

4. Identify the other title of Thomas Sackville’s Gorboduc?

a) Ralph Roister Doister b) Ferrex and Porrex

c) Sapho and Phao d) None of these

5. Henry Savery’s Quintus Servinton, a novel falls in the category of-

a) The sentimental novel b) the picaresque novel

c) The horror novel d) the modern novel

6. Which of the following novels is hailed by Newspaper reviews as “a literary bombshell”-“The

most hard-hitting novel criticizing contemporary Kenyan society written since


a) Flora Nwapa’s Efuru and Idu b) Ngugi’s Petals of Blood

c) Gabriel Okara’s The Voice d) Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreter

7. 18th April 2003 marked the eighth death anniversary of one of the best women novelists that

Africa has produced who as she?

a) Miss Bessie Head b) Nadine Gordimer c) Flora Nwapa d) Dorris Lessing

8. When was the Tudor Dynasty brought to close?

a) By the death of Elizabeth in 1620. b) By the death of Elizabeth in 1603.

c) By the death of James I d) By the dominance of Civil War.

9. Who is the author of the critical essay “The seventh type of Ambiguity”.

a) Herbert Read b) Kenneth Burke c) George Herbert d) William Empson

10. “Disengaged from the quantity of inferior work which now obscures them, the best poems of

Wordsworth, I hear many people say, would indeed stand out in great beauty, but they would

prove to be very few in number, scarcely more than half a dozen.” Identify the critic who said

this in his critical essay “Wordsworth”

a) Jonathan Culler b) T.S. Eliot c) Matthew Arnold d) Helen Gardner

11. “The English Renaissance of the sixteenth century became renascent in the nineteenth.”

This is a famous opinion regarding the suggested spirit of Victorianism by a Victorian critic.

Identify the name?

a) Matthew Arnold b) John Addington Symonds

c) Leslie Stephen d) John Morley

12. Identify the appropriate pair of writers, who has been the active supporters of Utilitarianism in

politics turned their attention to the cause of free trade.

a) Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin b) Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy

c) Richard Cobden and John Bright c) Thomas Huxley and Edward Fitzgerald

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13. Whose contemporaries called his plays “manly”?

a) George Etherege b) Thomas Shadwell

c) William Wycherley d) George Farquhar

14. Harry Sumerfield Hoff wrote his novel under the pseudonym of –

(A) Robert Conquest (B) Kingsley Amis

(C) William Cooper (D) Vernon Scannell

15. Hurry on Down brought out in 1953, a more carefully considered portrait of the Angry Young

Man was written by –

(A) John Braine (B) William Cooper

(C) John Barrington Wain (D) Kingsley Amis

16. ‘Discoveries’ a collection of notes made from time to time, which was published four years

after in 1641, was written by –

a) Sir Philip Sidney b) William Drummond c) Ben Jonson d) William Shakespeare

17. A Robin Red breast in a Cage

Puts all Heaven in a Rage

Who sang these words?

a) John Keats b) William Blake c) P.B. Shelley d) Lord Byron

18. Milton was education at Christ’s College, Cambridge, where his delicate features earned him

the name of-

a) “The Delicate Flower of Christ’s” b) “The incarnation of Christ’s”

c) “The Lady of Christ’s” d) “Exotic Fruit of Eden”

19. Mary Powell, is –

a) the first wife of John Milton b) the main character in Milton’s Comus

c) the heroine of Samson Agonistes d) The first daughter of John Milton

20. Adit and Sarah, these two famous characters appear in –

a) Kamala Markandaya’s A Handful of Rice

b) Anita Desai’s Cry, the Peacock

c) Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting!

d) Raja Rao’s Cat and Shakespeare

21. A River Sutra, a novel, is written by-

a) Gita Mehta b) Arundhati Roy c) Shakuntala Bharwani d) Gauri Deshpande

22. The first Scottish poet to claim our attention in literature was –

a) John Milton b) John Barbour c) John Donne d) John Wycliffe

23. Israel Potter brought out in 1855 in a novel by –

a) Sinclair Lewis b) Nathaniel Hawthorne c) Herman Melville d) Edgar Allan Poe

24. Who feels in Chaucer’s work the absence of “high seriousness”3

a) Walter Scott b) A.W. Pollard c) G.K. Chesterton d) Matthew Arnold

25. In 1715, Alexander Pope said of whom, “We acknowledge him the father of Poetic Diction”.

a) Dante b) Homer c) Kant d) Aristotle

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1. The Hour-Glass Girl (1966), a novel portrays marital discontent, is written by-

a) Graham Billing b) Catherine McLeod

c) Frank Neate d) Marilyn Duckworth

2. Henry Handel Richardson is a pseudonym of

a) Susan Dermody b) Ethel Richardson Robertson

c) Christopher Brennan d) Drusilla Modjeska

3. A newspaper The Australian was founded by-

a) W.C. Wentworth b) A.L. Gordon c) Henry Lawson d) E.J. Brady

4. So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man;

And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.

Who wrote these lyrical lines?

a) William Blake b) William Wordsworth c) John Keats d) Robert Southey

5. Lord Byron wrote all his plays in -

a) Miltonic Metre b) Prosaic Metre c) The Blank Verse d) Trochaic Metre

6. Me the Moon and Elvis Presley a classic novel about post, apartheid problem, is authored by-

a) Chinua Achebe b) Justin Cartright

c) William Plomer d) Christopher Hope

7. In 1983, who won the Booker Prize for Life and Times of Michael K?

a) J.M. Coetzee b) Nadine Gordimer c) Wole Soyinka d) Chinua Achebe

8. She published her first novel Efuru in 1966, when she was 35 years old. Who she was?

a) Nadine Gordimer b) Flora Nwapa c) Cyprian Ekwensi d) None of These

9. The last tale told by parson on the last day of pilgrimage in The Prologue to the Canterbury

Tales was a prose sermon on –

a) penitence, with emphasis upon the seven sins.

b) a contemporaneous tale, exploding the impostures of alchemy.

c) a fable of why the crow is black

d) a tragic story of Appius and Virginia

10. The War of the Roses is a thirty-year struggle between the houses of –

a) York and Tudor b) Lancaster and Surrey

c) Lancaster and Lancashire d) Lancaster and York.

11. “Some, to whom Heaven in wit has been professed want as much more to turn it to its use”.

Who said this?

a) Alexander Pope b) John Dryden c) William Smith d) Joseph Warton

12. Who felt that the critic should know the full meaning of the words he employs, because, “The

source of bad criticism is the abuse of terms.”?

a) Alexander Pope b) Dr. Samuel Johnson c) Henry Home d) Robert Hurd

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13. Eric Hugh Blair is a real name of –

a) Sydney Keyes b) J.F. Hendry c) Malcolm Lowry d) George Orwell

14. Who amongst the following writers is by birth a Hungarian?

a) Alan Rose b) Alan Stewart Paton

c) Anthony Burgess d) Arthur Keostler

15. Who has written “Which of Edmonton” a play, in collaboration with Ford and Rowley?

a) Ben Jonson b) Henry Chettle c) John Marston d) Thomas Dekker

16. A New Way to Pay Old Debts published in 1633 was written by –

a) Philip Massinger b) John Ford c) Jeremy Taylor d) None of these

17. The Temple published in 1633 is written by

a) John Milton b) Sir Thomas Browne c) Thomas Fuller d) George Herbert

18. “The novel is a tragedy told for its own sake as a presentation of particulars containing a good

deal that was universal and nor without a hope that contain Catholic, Aristotelian qualities

might be found therein.”

Who defined the term novel in these words?

a) Thomas Hardy b) Charles Dickens

c) Matthew Arnold d) Arthur Hugh Clough

19. Thomas Hardy portrayed a famous charter of Angel Clare in which of his following novels.

a) Under the Greenwood Tree. b) Tess of the D’ Urbervilles

c) Far from the Madding Crowd d) Jude the Obscure

20. “Oedipus Rex; the Tragic Rhythm of Action” is a critical essay by-

a) Francis Fergusson b) L.C. Knight c) G. Wilson Knight d) Eric Auerbach

21. In his ‘A Dialogue of Aural and Objective Correlatives’ first published in 1958, he opposes to

the notion that the poem has some kind of objective spatially defined existence, the idea of the

poem as an utterance, as the expression of a personal interiority. Who was the critic?

a) Yvor Winters b) M.H. Abrams c) Marshall McLuhan d) Walter J. Ong

22. Besides being a prolific writer on many different subjects, he is best known as the author of

Love and Death in the American novel. Identify the critic.

a) Frank Kermode b) C.G. Jung c) Leslie A. Fieldler d) Henry James

23. Who amongst the following was a fellow at Deccan Colege, Poona during 1958-59?

a) A.K. Ramanujan b) Raja Rao c) Pritish Nandy d) Manohar Malgaonkar

24. Dance of the Happy Shades, a collection of short –stories is termed as “Sequence Stories” or

“Linked Stories” Who is the author?

a) Margaret Atwood b) Alice Munro

c) Margaret Laurence d) Robert Gibbs

25. Thomas Kelasket, later given the nick-name ‘Stash’, is a famous character sketched in-

a) Jeanette C. Armstrong’s novel Slash

b) Lee Maracle’s novel I am Woman

c) Maria Compbell’s novel Halfbreed

d) Susanna Moodie’s novel Roughing it in the Bush

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1. Who won the Booker Prize for Literature in 1985?

a) Katherine Mansfiled b) Janet Frame c) Keri Hulme d) None of these

2. English Journal, the first regular weekly started in 1622 was edited by –

a) John Milton b) Thomas Archer c) Nicholas Burne d) Both (a) & (b)

3. Who said : “A Satire is a medley or a hotch -potch”?

a) John Milton b) Dr. Johnson c) William Congreve d) John Dryden

4. Repeal of the Corn Laws was incepted in –

a) 1846 b) 1847 c) 1848 d) 1849

5. Which is Charles Dickens’ earliest work?

a) Great Expectations b) Hard Times

c) Sketches by Boz d) David Copperfield

6. Who is called the pioneer of the modern psychological novel?

a) George Meredith b) Thomas Hardy c) George Eliot d) George Gissing

7. The bird would cease and be as other birds,

But that he knows in singing not to sing.

The question that he frames in all but words,

Is what to make of a diminished thing.

These are the final lines of-

a) The Road Not taken by Robert Frost

b) Oven Bird by Robert Frost

c) Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening by Robert frost

d) Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

8. In 1905, who was able to start the course in play-writing that later grew into the famous 47

workshop at Harvard?

a) William Vaughn Moody b) Eugene O’Neill

c) George Pierce Baker d) Percy Mackay

9. Which is Eugene O’Neill’s commercially most successful play which ran in New York for

over 2500 performances?

a) The Iceman Cometh b) The Hairy Ape

c) Mourning Becomes Electra d) Abie’s Irish Rose

10. A Red Earth is written by-

a) Jane Mackay b) Patrick White c) Keri Hulme d) banjo

11. The chief characteristic of the Renaissance was-

a) its emphasis on Humanism. b) its emphasis on high imagination

c) its refusal of cultural progress d) its refusal of scientific achievements.

12. The major influence on the new literary techniques and lines of investigation have been those


a) Plato – Aristotle – Longinus b) Yeats – Eliot – Auden

c) Darwin – Marx – Frazer – Freud d) Wordsworth –Coleridge –Shelley

13. “The Disappearance of God” brought out in 1968 is written by –

a) Georges Poulet b) Sarah Lawall c) Edward Dowden d) J. Hillis Miller

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14. Sarah Lawall adds that the critics of “Geneva School of Criticism” could be called.

a) Apocalyptic Critics b) Genetic Critics

c) Geneva Critics d) Generation Critics

15. Which of the following terms had been originally applied to interpretation of scriptures?

a) Hermeneutics b) Transcedentalism c) Aesthetics d) Scriptorium

16. The Tourist Mecca is a Drama written by-

a) T.P. Kailasan b) Asif Currimbhoy c) Pratap Sharma d) Gieve Patel

17. Which of the following is Mulk Raj first novel?

a) Coolie b) Untouchable

c) Two Leaves and A Bud d) Across the Black Waters

18. Whose poems were not published during his life-time?

a) John Donne b) Henry Vaughan c) George Herbert d) Richard Crashaw

19. A Philosophical View of Reform (1819) was written by-

a) P.B. Shelley b) John Keats c) William Wordsworth d) Robert Southey

20. Who characterized Wordsworth’s The Prelude as “More than historic, that Prophetic Lay,” “A

Orphic Song” uttered by a “great Bard”?

a) Leigh Hunt b) John Keats c) S.T. Coleridge d) Walter Scott

21. Who opines that ‘Native’ and ‘Sentimental’ are two forms of poetry?

a) Fichte b) Kant c) Schiller d) Hegel

22. Zulu Heart is an artistic work authored by

a) Debra Philips b) Steven Barnes c) Obi d) Chaka Khan

23. Vorticism is a literary and artistic movement base on Cubism founded by-

a) Alun Lewis b) Sinclair Lewis c) F.R. Leavis d) Wyndham Lewis

24. Identify the philosopher-critic who was vigorous antagonist of the idealistic school of Kant

and Hegel.

a) Francis James b) Henry James

c) William James d) Montague Rhodes James

25. Who amongst the following poets was paid greatest attention during the Second World War?

(A) Alan Ross (B) Laurie Lee (C) Dylan Thomas (D) Sidney Keys


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1. Owls Do Cry a novel adopts a new method of stream of consciousness written by-

a) Janet Frame b) Frank Sargeson c) Witihamaera d) James K. Baxter

2. Charles Lamb devoted his life to the welfare of his afflicted sister, who frequently appears in

his essays under the name of –

a) Sleepy Hollow b) Cousin Mary Lamb

c) Cousin Bridget d) Cousin Miss Bates

3. Oedipus Tyrannus of Swellfoot the Tyrant is a drama written by –

a) P.B. Shelley b) Lord Byron c) Joh G. Lockhart d) Henry Hallam

4. Which of the following arrangements of literary publication is in correct chronological


a) The Borderers – The Life of Byron – The Essays of Elia

b) The Essays of Elia – The Life of Byron – The Borderers

c) The Borderers – The Essays of Elia – The Life of Byron

d) The Life of Byron – The Borderers – The Essays of Elia

5. Which of the following comments on Byronic Hero is correct?

a) Byronic Hero is smart, strong, edulous, seriocomic, and shy by nature.

b) Byronic Hero is sad but hopeful; lazy but crazy; inactive but imaginative worker. c) Byronic Hero is happy, joyous, agile, aggressive, derring-do expertise in action and action

d) Byronic Heronic Hero is gloomy, weary, restless, stricken with grief, remorse and wonder.

6. “The post-war Welfare State Englishmen: Shabby and not concerned with his appearance;

poor, he has a bike, not a car, underfed, underpaid, overtaxed, hopeless, bored, wry.” The new

post-war fiction was described in these terms by –

a) Kingsley Amis b)A. Alvarez c) Iris Murdoch d) David Storey

7. Who is better known as the founder of Deconstruction ?

a) Jacques Derrida b) Michel Foucault c) Julia Kristeva d) Roland Barthes

8. Choose a correct group of writers belonged to New Historicist Movement?

a) Stephen Greenblatt – Jonathan Goldberg – Stephen Orgel – Frank Whigham

b) Peter Hulme – Simon Shepherd – Thomas Healey – Kate Mcluskie

c) Terry Eagleton – Jacques Lacan – Michel Focan- Michel Foucault – Julia Kristeva

d) None of these

9. Why amongst the following critics uses the term ‘emotive’ not ‘poetic’ because he wishes to

extend the emotive use to literature in general.?

a) T.S. Eliot b) W.H. Auden c) I.A. Richards d) C.K. Ogden

10. T.S. Eliot is his essay ‘Hamlet and His Problems’ gives his famous theory of-

a) Negative Capability b) Unification of Sensibility

c) Dissociation of Sensibility d) Objective Correlative

11. ‘Octoroon’ refers to persons who are-

a) Half White and Half Black

b) Three-Fourths White and Quarter Black

c) Seven-Eighth’s White and One-Eighth’s Black

d) Semi White and Semi Black

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12. Joe Christians, The tragic figure, appears in-

a) William Faulkner’s Light in August

b) George Washington Cable’s The Grandissimes

c) T.S. Stribling’s Birthright

d) William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses

13. White and Black, published in 1992, reveal the struggles and persecutions of the Negro, is

authored by-

a) Clement Wood b) Herbert Sand c) Du Bose Heyward d) Carson McCuller

14. Which of the following novels has a nameless Black hero, who is invisible not due to any

magic but because people refuse to see him?

a) Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man b) Richard Wright’s Native Son

c) George Schulyer’s Black No More d) Nella Larsen’ Passing

15. Delhi is a vast novel conceived almost on an epical scale written by-

a) K.A. Abbas b) Ashish Nandy c) Pritish Nandy d) Khushwant Singh

16. The novel Yatra (1988) is a tale of Krishna, the daughter of a sikh father and a Greek mother.

Who is the novelist?

a) V.S. Naipaul b) Nina Sibal c) I Allan Sealy d) Seepersad Naipaul

17. Seepersad Naipaul was the father of-

a) Gurudeva Naipaul b) V.S. Naipaul

c) Joyce Cary d) Shashi Tharoor

18. A.C. Swinburne wrote the supreme elegy entitled The Forsaken Garden on the death of –

a) Baudelaire b) Burne-Jones c) Dolores d) Keats

19. Which novel of Benjamin Disraeli is called a Modern Gulliver’s Travels?

a) The Voyage o Captain Popanilla b) Henrietta Temple

c) Vivian Grey d) Ixion in Heaven

20. The Last Days of Pompeii, a historical novel, was written by –

a) Charles Reade b) Edward Bulwer-Lytton

c) Anthony Trollope d) Charles Kingsley

21. The Moonstone is one of the earliest and the best of the great multitude of detective stories.

Identify the author.

a) Nathaniel Hawthorne b) Willkie Collins

c) Political drama d) Morality play

22. Samuel L. Clemens took the pen name-

a) Richard D. Blackmore b) Walter Besant

c) Charles Dickens d) Mark Twain

23. Canadian Literature was founded in 1959 by a group of scholars in the U.B.C. English

Department and Library. Who was invited to become the first editor?

a) Donald Stephens b) Ronald Sutherland

c) George Woodcock d) W.H. New

24. Before She Met Me brought out in 1982 written on the theme of Sexual Jealousy was

authored by –

(A) H.E. Bates (B) Patrick Barnes (C) John Bayley (D) Howard Barker

Page 15: OSN ACADEMY S… · [2] TEST SERIES - 1 1. Chief Nanga, ironically called “man of the people” appears in – a) Chinua Achebe’s A Man of the People b) Wole Soyinka’s The ...


25. Hugh McDiarmid is a pseudonym of –

(A) Alan Jellicoe (B) William Sydney Ghram

(C) Christopher Murray Grieve (D) Nina Mary Bowden


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