OSHA Committee UMB #1 University «! Manitoba · PDF fileOSHA Committee UMB #1 Meeting...

OSHA Committee UMB #1 Meeting Report University «! Manitoba Complete name and mailing address: UMB1 University of Manitoba c/o EHS Rm 191 Extended Education Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Telephone #204 474-6633: Facsimile #: 204 474-7629 Dateof Meeting: June 12,2017 348 Helen Glass Centre Date of next meeting: September 18,2017 Location: 210 Helen Glass Centre # of employees represented: 5,000 and 1,800 casual Worker Co-Chair: Ana Vialard Hart Worker members: Poluha, Bill Christie, Will Hamelin, Daryl Moorthy, Jehan Prokesch, Ruth Vacant Julia Panchyshyn Alternate members: Sam-King, Wilfred Erwin, Dirks Mackisey, Gail Vacant Vacant Bargaining Group: CUPE 3909 UMFA AESES CUPE 1482 UMSU - Student UMGSA UNIFOR 3007 EMAPS Bargaining Group: UMSU - Student CUPE 1482 AESES UMFA CUPE 3909 present X X X X X X X regrets absent X X X X X X Employer Co-Chair: Jansen, Rick Employer members: Stone, Barry Macdonald, Marcie McGregor, Dan Alternates: Unit/Faculty/Dept: SecurityServices Student Residences Human Resources Facultyof Health Sciences X X X X X Guests: Jolicoeur, Darrin Bellino, Joey Dodd, John EHS EHS EHS X X X Page 1 of 6

Transcript of OSHA Committee UMB #1 University «! Manitoba · PDF fileOSHA Committee UMB #1 Meeting...

OSHA Committee UMB #1

Meeting Report

University«! Manitoba

Completename and mailing address:


University of Manitobac/o EHS

Rm 191 Extended Education

Winnipeg, MBR3T 2N2

Telephone#204 474-6633:Facsimile #: 204 474-7629

Dateof Meeting: June 12,2017348 Helen Glass Centre

Date of next meeting:September 18,2017Location: 210 Helen Glass Centre

# of employees represented: 5,000 and1,800 casual

Worker Co-Chair:

Ana Vialard Hart

Worker members:

Poluha, Bill

Christie, Will

Hamelin, Daryl

Moorthy, Jehan

Prokesch, Ruth


Julia Panchyshyn

Alternate members:

Sam-King, Wilfred

Erwin, Dirks

Mackisey, Gail



Bargaining Group:

CUPE 3909



CUPE 1482

UMSU - Student




Bargaining Group:

UMSU - Student

CUPE 1482



CUPE 3909









regrets absent







Employer Co-Chair:

Jansen, Rick

Employer members:

Stone, Barry

Macdonald, Marcie

McGregor, Dan




Student Residences

Human Resources

Facultyof Health








Jolicoeur, DarrinBellino, JoeyDodd, John







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Opening RemarksMeeting commenced at 2:00 pm.

1. Welcome and introductions

2. Adoption ofAgenda for June 12, 2017M/S B. Poluha/A. Vialard Hart Carried

3. Adoption of Minutes for February 28, 2017.M/SJ. Panchyshyn/B. Stone Carried.

Recommendations to the EmployerDue Date for Employer's Response:#1 Date of Notification to the Employer:

a) Update on Communicating Legislative Requirements about Safety Training for New Employees - This was a follow upfrom themotion thatwas passed at the November 29, 2016meeting (see November 29, 2016Minutes - page 4, section 2(f) ofOngoingBusiness). EHS had recommended notsending this communication because a memo had been sent in 2013. EHS recommendedkeeping track ofthosetaking the online training and comparing thatwith the list ofnew hires thatHuman Resources sent each month.Those who have nottaken the training havebeencontacted along with their supervisor tocomplete the online training or toadvise EHSthatthey havebeen given equivalent training in their department/unit. CUPE 3909 contacted Human Resources (HR) about finding away tosatisfy therecommendation made by the OSHA Committee. CUPE 3909 hope to have a response from HR by September 2017.The urgency wasthat this communication could be sent outbefore September as a large number ofCUPE 3909 employees will be hiredat that time. The chiefconcernfor CUPE 3909 was to insure that itwas communicated that legislation required that this training be doneon paid time for both full time and hourly employees.

b) Update on Recommendation to Send Notice to Deans, Directors and Department Heads Regarding Legislative Obligations toEstablish LASH Committees - CO-Chairs/EHS - This recommendation was agreed upon bythiscommittee at the February 28, 2017meeting (see February 28, 2017 Minutes - page6, section 2(f) ofOngoing Business). CUPE 3909 hadcontacted HR about satisfying therecommendation made bythe OSHA Committee in particular regarding legislative requirements that hourly employeesreceive payforparticipation in a LASH committee. A. Vialard Hart will send out an e-mail to the committee if HR respondsbefore September. Thee-mail will ask committee members to discuss the matter and come to an agreement ifpossible.

Continuing Safety & Health Concerns and Problems*Date Initiated Concern or Problem Action to be Taken Assigned to

Dec 11/14 Health and SafetyTraining for New Employees Human Resources developing strategy to leverage Co-Chairs /

compliance with health and safety training to new employees EHS/M.

by sending document that employee supervisor must sign. Macdonald

M. Macdonald to provide update on onboarding testing inREACH-UM by a Faculty.

Feb 9/16 Progress Reporton Safe Work Procedures Committee requested that EHScontinue to provide a EHS / Co-

Workshops progress report on these workshops and the areas that werecovered. A request was made to establish a set of criteriathat will narrow the focus.


Nov 29/16 Communicating Legislative Requirements about CUPE3909 contacted HRto find a way to satisfy the Co-Chair/HR

Safety Training for New Employees recommendations proposed by OSHAC.

Feb 28/17 Working Alone Procedure Template J. Bellino to obtain permission from Libraries LASH J. Bellino

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committees to use their Working Alone Procedures (WAP)as a templateforother groups to use. Ifpermission isgranted, the WAP template is to be shared with the OSHAcommittee members.

Feb 28/17 Notice to Deans, Directors and Department CUPE 3909contacted HR to find a way to satisfy the Co-Chair/HR

Heads (DDD) Regarding Legislative Obligations recommendations proposed by OSHAC.to Establish Local Area Safety and Health(LASH) Committees

Feb 28/17 Quarterly OSHAC Co-Chair E-Mail to All LASH OSHAC Co-Chairs to send an e-mail to all LASH Co-Chairs Co-Chairs

Co-Chairs a month beforeeach OSHAC meeting. E-mail will givedateof upcoming OSHAC meeting, ask LASH Co-Chairs forsubmissions and distribute any important information. Thee-mail will includethe OSHAC agenda and a web link to theminutes of the last meeting.

New Safety & Health Concerns and Problems*

Date Initiated Concern or Problem Action to be Taken Assigned to

Jun 12/17 Renewal of Term for Worker Co-Chair E-mail to be sent to worker members to renew term or select

a new Worker Co-Chair.

D. Jolicoeur

Jun 12/17 AESES Letterto OSHAC Regarding February14, 2017 Incident on FortGarry Campus

Discussion on AESES Letter to be tabledat next meeting.W. Christie to provide electroniccopy fordistribution.

Committee /

W. Christie

Jun 12/17 Notice to LASH Committees Regarding NewSalary Procedurefor Hourly/Stipend Employees

E-mail to be distributed to LASH Co-Chairs detailingprocedurewith form attached once form has been approvedby Payroll.


*NOTE: Anyperson with a safety concern is expected to bringthat concern to theirdirect supervisor first. The supervisor is responsible forgetting the concern resolved. If the concern is not resolved or not handled to the worker's satisfaction, a committee member should becontacted. It is important to keep the worker informed of the disposition of the matter. Any person may contact the Manitoba WorkplaceSafety and Health Division for additional information and consultation.

Other S&H Committee Information: upcoming events, training, etc.

1) New Business





Welcome of New Employer Co-Chair - R. Jansen was unanimously elected as Employer Co-Chair by the Management Members. R.Jansen is the Employer Co-Chair on the UMB 18 Security and Parking Services LASH Committee. R. Jansen was happyto be in therole and hoped to make a positive difference. He will work to keep meetingson point and keep tangents in discussions to a minimum outof respect for people's time.

Terms of Reference - Renewal of Term for Worker Co-Chair •

select a new Worker Co-Chair.

D. Jolicoeur to send an e-mail to the worker members to renew or

2017-2018 Academic Year OSHAC Schedule - D. Jolicoeur will setup meeting dates in everyone's e-mail calendars for roughly every90 days for the nextacademic year. Thedates weresetup afterthe meeting, put in everyone's e-mail calendarsand listed below inSection 4. Amotion was carried to modify the quarterly reminder e-mail from OSHAC to the LASH committees to include a draftof theOSHAC agenda and a link of the minutes of the previous meeting. A. Vialard Hart made the motion and was seconded byW. Christie.

Request from Centre forthe Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) for Letter of Support - A. Vialard Hart -CATL requested a letter ofsupport for an application for grantfunding from the Workman's Compensation Board. The application was

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for a workplace education research project that hastheoverarching goal todecrease stress and promote psychological health for thosein academic roles (documents were distributed tothe committee by e-mail and in person). R. Jansen as Employer Co-Chair for OSHACtook the initiative tosend a letter ofsupport becauseofthe tight grant submission deadline. Thecommittee agreed tosupport the lettersent by R. Jansen.

e) Internal Annual Review of LASH Committees - This item was placed on the agenda as a reminder to discuss the role OSHAC willhave in this review. Thisreview will take place in either December or the earlypart of 2018.

2) Ongoing Business

a) Safety Concerns which Affect the University as aWhole as Identified by LASH Committees e.g. inspections and investigations- One ongoing issuewere thecars driving in thearea between Machray Hall, Duff Roblin and Buller buildings. The signage was noteffective. Security Services purchased bollards thatwill be setup byPhysical Plant in the next week or two. Thebollards will stopvehicles from entering the area butwill allow emergency vehicles to break through them. They are removable if access is needed formaintenance work.

b) Update on LASH Committees - Nineteen outofthe twenty LASH committees havemetin the lastninety days. The William NorrieLASH committee had not met because ofa transition with staffing. Theyscheduled a meeting nextweek. EHSwill provide training.EHS will follow up with LASH Committees that have out-of-date minutes on the EHS website and request a copy ofthe mostrecentminutes for posting.

An issue was brought up with EHS regarding signatures on the minutes thatwere puton the website. The LASH committees will submita second copywithout signatures so that theycan be posted on the website.

TheAESES member asked to be contacted if any LASH committees needed assistance finding an AESES representative. The CUPEmember likewise offered assistance ifa CUPErepresentative was needed.

c) Update on iAuditorInstitutional Account and Fire ExtinguisherSignage in iAuditor- EHS continued to introduce iAuditor to LASHCommittees. EHSwill assist each committee with setting up a licensedaccountand training them on how to use the app for inspections.The fire extinguisher signage was not required and can be taken offthe template provided by iAuditor.

d) February 14,2017 Attack on Fort Garry Campus - W. Christie- Aletter was submitted to the OSHA committee from theAESESemployee representative W. Christie regarding the effectsof the February 14, 2017Attack on AESES members. The lettercoveredtheconcerns raised byAESES members and the request byAESES that OSHAC make certain recommendations to the employer. Thecommittee agreed to table the discussion of this letterat the next meeting and to get an update on the various discussionsthat werebeing held at various levels. The extension ofthe StudentDeath Protocol to staffand academics was to be updated at the next meeting.W. Christie will provide an electronic version of the letterfor distribution bye-mail to the committee for the next meeting.

e) CUPE 3909 Representation on LASH Committees - CUPE3909 was satisfied that members were more aware of what they needed todo. This item can be closed and taken offthe agenda.

f) Update on Notice to LASH Committees Regarding New Salary Procedure for Hourly/Stipend Employees - Aform has beendeveloped to have LASH Co-Chairssign offon hours worked by an hourly paid employee which can applyto other unionized hourly staff.They are waiting on Payroll to advise ifthey can work with the form and approve it. Once approved, the OSHA Committee can followthrough on a previous motion to send an e-mail to all LASH Co-Chairs informing them of the newsalary procedure with the formattached. Once the e-mail has been sent, this item can be closed.

g) Update on General Report to LASH Committees on Accidents and Incidents at the University - Ninety claimswere reportedfortheentire University of Manitoba. Forty-four of those claimswere for lost time. Physical Plant had made thirty of the ninety claims. Twenty-two of the thirty were for lost time. Serious incidents (Workers Compensation Board (WCB) considers a claim a serious incident ifmedical attention is required):

• A Physical Plant carpenter fell and fractured a small bone in his knee that required medical attention.• A post-Doctoral Fellow from the Faculty of Engineering sustained a laceration and went to Victoria Hospital to get stiches.• Acaretaker was taken to Victoria Hospital by ambulance forchest pains.

h) Progress Report on Safe Work Procedures (SWP) Workshops - The workshopswere ongoing. EHS will be attending a meetingwith

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the Glenlea Research Station to look at safework procedures for that area. EHS continued toget requests from departments andgroups to review the tasks they were doing and toconduct onsite workshops on safework procedures. The request was made toestablish a set of criteria that would narrow down the report's focus such as how many areas are still outstanding and who iscurrentlyworking on SWP's.

i) Update on Health and SafetyTraining for New Employees - For January 2017, there were 81 new hires and 31 people completed theonline New Worker Orientation. In February 2017, there were21 newhires and 6 people completed the online orientation. In March of2017, there were 41 new hiresand 25 completed the online orientation. The online orientation had been moved to UMLearn in themonth of March 2017.

3) Members Round Table - Safety and Health Concerns and Problems

B. Stone reported an update regarding the moved bus route on Maclean Crescent. There were safety concerns for the residences in the evening.Acrosswalk has been put there butdid nothave curbcuts for accessibility. This has been reported to Physical Plantbuthas notbeen resolved todate.

W. Christie observed that the metal strips on the stairsgoing down into the Fletcher Argue building were loose. Someof the concrete hadcrumbled under thosestrips. The steps leading upto University Centre from Helen Glass Centre the concrete hadfailed from a previous repairjob. Barricades had been erected around thisarea. Forthe committee's information, he observed a large amount ofconstruction bythe C.A.S.T.building in the area ofthe old Ancillary Services building and former Security Services building. Heobserved a lot ofsignageand speed bumps inthat area which were good safety measures.

R. Prokesch reported that the metal strips wereloose and concrete was crumbling on the stairson the westend ofthe second level of UniversityCentre that lead to the EITC (Engineering Complex) doors right beside the Senate Chambers.

D. Hamelin observed that the fence erected by the StanleyPauleyconstruction has blocked pedestrian's view of the street and pedestrianscannotsee oncoming traffic. Aparking lotis in the same vicinity wheredrivers comeout and do notsee pedestrians because theyare looking in theopposite direction foroncoming traffic. This situation posed a serious riskto pedestrians. He observed that the construction zone's fenceperimeter has restricted the area for people to evacuate the EITC complex ifan emergencyoccurred. R. Jansen offered to send an e-mail to JaretKlymchuk, Director of Architectural &Engineering Services, to address these concerns.

4) Meeting Schedule for 2017-18: Dates Set for the Academic Year

September 18, 2017 -1:30 to 3:00 pmDecember11, 2017-1:30 to 3:00 pmMarch 12, 2018-1:30 to 3:00 pmJune 11, 2018-1:30 to 3:00 pmThe location will be announced at a later time.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 3:19 pm.

Co-Chair's signatures - In my opinion, the above is an accurate record of this meetingchaired

meeting (x)print name

Worker co-chairAna Vialard Hart

Employer co-chairX Rick Jansen

Ifone, or both co-chairs do not agree with the minute record, comments noted:

Distribute copies of the completed report within 7 days to:

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All of the committee members (on this committee), and

All Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and relevant management members, andEnvironmental Health & Safety (EHS) - [email protected] , andWorkplace Safety & Health Division (Province of Manitoba) - [email protected] , andPost on area's Safety & Health bulletin board.

This report form is intended to record briefly and clearly, the safety and health concerns at our workplace and steps takenby the committee or others to resolve them. They are designed to provide everyone at our workplace and the MBWorkplace Safety and Health Division, with information on the committee's activities and progress to date.

For more information, view the Environmental Health and Safety Office's LASH committee website:

http://umanitoba.ca/admin/vp admin/risk management/ehso/general safety/LASH.html

And / or:

SafeManitoba.com website or call Workplace Safety and Health for assistance at 204 945-3446.

The University's Health and Safety Policies and Procedures (on the Governance webpage) include:

Health and Safety Policy

Safety Committees

Safety Management Procedure

Health and Safety Procedure - Employees

Health and Safety Procedure - Students

Health and Safety Procedure - Visitors and Contractors

Health and Safety Procedure - EHSO

Response to Health and Safety Concerns - Employees

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