OSAO Xiamen University · 2016-09-18 · 入学通知书复印件 Admission Notice (Copy) 护照...

OSAO Xiamen University 厦门大学 学生处

Transcript of OSAO Xiamen University · 2016-09-18 · 入学通知书复印件 Admission Notice (Copy) 护照...


Xiamen University

厦门大学 学生处




校主/Founder: Mr. Tan Kah Kee(1874-1961)

校训/School Motto :


Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection!

院系/Graduate School, 27 schools

(76 departments), 14 research institutes

学生总数/Students: around 40000

海外学生/Overseas students: around 2000

校区/Campus:思明/Siming Campus

翔安/Xiang’an Campus

马来西亚分校/Malaysia Campus


Comfortable City, Oceanfront Garden

经济特区/Special Economic Zone

人口/Population: 3.67 million


年平均温度/Avg. annual temperature: ≈21°C


Siming, Huli, Haicang, Jimei, Tong’an, Xiang’an


OSAO is responsible for foreign affairs (visa issues),

medical insurance and scholarship program



Silin Chen, Deputy Director of Student Affairs Office

Wenan Yang, Chief of OSAO

Huiming Chen, Visa and Residence Permit Affairs

Karen Ke, Scholarship Programs



Visa, Residence Permit and certificates-related

issues: Student Affairs Hall, 1F, Jiageng 3 Building,




Scholarship, Medical insurance and other

affairsRoom 508, Jiageng 3, Siming Campus, 0592-


两级管理/Two-tier Cooperative Administration

• 校级管理/University Administration—Policy Makers

招生办 Admissions Office

研究生院 Graduate School

教务处 Dean’s Office

公寓办 Housing Office

学生处 Student Affairs Office

• 院级管理/College Administration


Colleges/Departments: daily affairs and academic


1. 课程与日常生活管理:学院Course selection, academic and daily affairs: Colleges

2. 外事与奖学金:海外学生事务科Foreign Affairs (Visa Issues) and Scholarship: Student Affairs Office

3. 本科生学籍管理事务:教务处Undergraduate Academic Status Affairs: Dean’s Office(Graduation/Extension/Suspension)

4. 研究生学籍管理事务Graduate Academic Status Affairs: Graduate School(Graduation/Extension/Suspension)

5. 校内住宿:公寓办On-campus Accommodation: Housing Office

6. 招生与奖学金申请:招生办公室Admissions and Scholarship Application: Admissions Office

• 各学校部门的办事地点和联系方式请见《海外学生手册》

• Please refer to Handbook for Overseas Students for detailed contact information of relevant offices.

《海外学生手册》是新生在入学报到时领取的,里面包含了重要的法律法规和学校规章制度介绍以及一些生活信息,请同学们务必认真阅读。Handbook for Overseas Students is issued at registration and includes important information about Chinese laws and university regulations and university life. Please make sure that you read it carefully.

住宿登记/Accommodation Registration

签证类型/Types of Visa

居留许可/Residence Permit

住宿登记/Accommodation Registration

• 外国人入境后,须在抵达后24小时内按规定办理住宿登记:

• 在翔安校区住宿的学生:前往新店派出所

• 在翔安校区外住宿的学生:租房合同+房东身份证复印件+房产证复印件 前往当地派出所。

• International students must register their accommodation within 24 hours of arrival in China in accordance with the relevant regulations:

• 1. Students living on Xiang’an Campus should register accommodation in Xindian police station.

• 2. Students who are to live in places other than Xiang’ancampus should complete accommodation registration at the nearest police station within 24 hours of arrival. Those who have failed to comply with the Accommodation Registration Regulations will be subject to a penalty, face restrictions on the length of stay, or be disqualified of residing in China by the Public Security Bureau in line with related laws and regulations.

A. 签证类型:X1/X2Types of Visa: X1/X2

B. 次数Entries: Single or multiple

D. 停留期限Duration of each stay

•X1签证/X1 Visa:须在入境后30天内更换 Student Visa with single Entry-Exit (a stay permit of 30 days upon arrival)

•X2签证/X2 Visa: 拥有30-180天停留有效期,可单或多次出入 Student Visa with single-/multi-Entry-Exit (a stay permit of 30-180 days upon arrival)

居留许可 Residence Permit:停留期限1个月至2年,可多次出入境a stay permit of 30 days—2years; can be used for multiple entries and exits.

更换必要 Do I need to transfer visa to residence permit?• If your visa cannot cover your study duration • If your visa cannot be used for multiple entries and exits申请时间 When to apply?

X1签证:首次入境后30天内X1 visa: within 30 days upon arrival in ChinaX2签证:当前签证失效前10天,首次申请居留许可需至少6个月X2 visa: 10 days before the visa expires; first-time transfer: the validity of residence permit should be not less than 6 months

居留许可证: 当前签证失效前10天Residence Permit: 10 days before it expires

STEP 1: 取得住宿登记表 GET Accommodation Certificate

Living on Xiang’an campus: Xindian police station

Living off campus: local police station

(passports, lease contract, the landlord’s ID card and his/her real estate license)

STEP 2: 取得健康证明 GET Health Certificate

Have a health check-up in Xiamen Quarantine Bureau

(4 2-inch photos, passport, 700RMB in cash, any recent health exam records from your home country)

STEP 3: 取得学校公函 GET Official Documents from OSAO

Bring the following materials to Student Affairs Hall (1F, Jiageng 3 Bldg):

住宿登记表 Accommodation Certificate

健康证明 Health Certificate

入学通知书复印件 Admission Notice (Copy)

护照 Passport, Copy of Passport Page and Visa Page

2寸照片 2 2-inch photos (white background)

STEP 4 前往出入境申请和缴费 Go to the Entry and Exit Administration Office to Apply and Pay the fees.

住宿登记表 Accommodation Certificate

健康证明 Health Certificate

入学通知书复印件 Admission Notice (Copy)

护照 Passport, Copy of Passport Page and Visa Page

2寸照片 2 2-inch photos (white background)

学校公函 Official Documents from OSAO


Address: No. 64, Zhenhai Road, opposite1st Hospital


1. 取回新的居留许可证一般要15个工作日,请在领回护照后,再次办理住宿登记,以备下次申请使用。It usually takes 15 working days (3 weeks) to get a new residence permit from PSB. After getting your passport back, please go to the place where you get Accommodation Certificate (local police station) to update your accommodation status and keep the new Accommodation Certificate for next time’s application. Otherwise, next time when you apply again, the stay duration will be shortened by PSB.

2. 请谨记签证/居留许可的有效期,如需延长,提前10天办理Please remember the expiry date of your visa/residence permit and apply at least 10 days in advance.


1. 9月22日,23日,26-30日可前往翔安校区2号楼B207申请学校公函,学校在9月23, 24,26-30日安排往返车前往厦门市出入境大楼,上车时间为早上8:30,主楼三号楼前。9月23日前及9月30后申请的同学,请自行前往公安局出入境管理处

Sept, 22, 23, 26-30: Room B207, 2#Bldg, Xiang’an Campus

for university documents application.

University shuttle bus to Entry &Exit Bureau: Sept, 23,24, 26-30.

Pick up time and place: 8:30am, in front of 3#Building; students applying before Sept. 23 or Sept. 30 please proceed to Entry & Exit Bureau yourself


Chinese Government Scholarship Students/Confucius Institute Scholarship Students/ Xiamen University Scholarship Students

奖学金费用贴补/Scholarship Allowances

年审/Annual Review

1.补贴对象:中国政府奖学金生/孔子学院奖学金生/厦门大学一等奖学金生For CSC/CIS Scholarship Students /First-Class XMU Scholarship

2. 发放时间:每月15日前发放至学生通过迎新系统提供的银行卡中,新生奖学金顺延至9月底或10月初发放。15日之后有问题联系财务处。Delivery time: before the 15th of every month; allowances for new scholarship students will be postponed till late Sept. or early Oct. Please contact Finance Office after 15th if there is any problem.

3. 银行信息有变化时请及时告知OSAO,否则可能无法顺利发放奖学金If there is any change of your bank account information, you should submit new information timely to OSAO, or it might result in failure of scholarship delivery.

银行转账至学生账户Banks transfer allowances to students’ accounts

财务处向银行发出申请Finance Office submits transaction application to related banks

学生处海外学生事务科收集信息并提交财务处OSAO collects bank accounts information and forwards

information to Finance Office

9月19日前通过迎新系统提交银行信息Students submit bank accounts information via welcome system

before Sept.19

发放补贴流程 Allowances Delivery Procedure


Scholarship students whose study duration exceeds one academic year are supposed to go through an annual evaluation in April or May. The result will come out during July and August.

2. 评审内容:学习成绩,考勤情况和奖惩情况Contents: attendance, academic and class performance, awards or punishments.

中国政府奖学金成绩标准:本科生一学年须修满25个学分Academic criteria: CSC undergraduates should earn at least 25 credits every academic year

孔子学院奖学金成绩标准:各科学习成绩全部达到90分以上,享受全额;各科达到80分(其中成绩低于80分的科目不超过2门),享受部分CI Scholarship Academic criteria: all course grades above 90: full scholarship; all course grades above 80 (less than 2 course below 80): partial scholarship

3. 评审结果:通过,继续资格;不合格,中止资格/取消资格

Pass: Scholarship continued;

Fail: Scholarship suspended/cancelled; Partial scholarship

4. 延期申请:自2014年起,中国政府基金委只接受应届博士毕业生的延期申请

Scholarship Extension: From 2014 on, the CSC only accepts extension application from doctoral students.

1. 按要求进行汉补的奖学金生,应在汉补结束时取得规定的HSK 等级证书

Students who are required to take Chinese language study before major study should obtain the HSK Certificate with accorded band. After getting an approval from home majors, they can complete registration in home major.

2. 对在规定汉补期限内未能通过考核者,将作为进修生结业回国

Those who are still not qualified after finishing Chinese language study, their study in China will be terminated.

1. 对象:中国政府奖学金生和孔院奖学金生

Chinese Government Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship Students

2. 学年报到确认/Annual Registration

中国政府和孔子学院奖学金生需于每年开学初(9月初)到 OSAO报到确认奖学金资格。

Chinese Government Scholarship and Confucius Institute Scholarship students should come to sign in at OSAO at the beginning of every academic year, usually in early Sept. to confirm their scholarship status at Xiamen University.

1. 选课/Course Selection

本科课程/Undergraduate Course: 咨询学院

Upon registration in the college/department, consult the teaching secretary

研究生课程/Graduate Course:咨询学院

Upon registration in the college/department, consult the teaching secretary

Note: Applications for cross-level courses are not available for most of the exchange programs.

2. 成绩单出具与寄送/Transcript Granting &Delivery


The transcript of undergraduate courses is granted by Dean’s Office


The transcript of graduate courses is granted by Graduate School

XMU 将于新学期开学后2个月内寄送成绩单至相关院校

The transcript will be delivered within the first 2 months of the new semester.

生活指南 Guide to University Life

医疗与保险/Medical Services &Insurance

校园生活/Campus Life

信息获取/Information Access

医疗与保险 Medical Services & Insurance

1. 中国政府奖学金/孔子学院奖学金生:由奖学金涵盖

For Chinese Government Full scholarship and Confucius Institute Full scholarship students, the insurance fee is covered by the scholarship.

2. 门诊服务/Outpatient Medical Insurance

A. 只能在大陆公立医院就诊

Limited in public hospitals in mainland China

B. 每学年的650元门诊保险费已经涵盖在生活费中。门诊费用在650元以下的自付,累计超过650元收齐所有材料由OSAO转交保险公司。650元以上的部分85%以上赔付,日限额为600元

The 650 RMB for out-patient medical treatment is included in the living allowances. When the outpatient medical expenses exceed 650RMB, submit all relevant materials to OSAO. 85% of the excessive part will be reimbursed by the insurance company and the daily limit is 600 RMB.

医疗与保险 Medical Services & Insurance

3. 住院医疗保险/Inpatient Medical Insurance


Only full scholarship students can apply for prepayment service at designated public hospitals.


After inpatient treatment finishes, send required documents to OSAO and we will forward them to the insurance company.

医疗与保险 Medical Services & Insurance

1. 福建省政府奖学金生,厦门大学奖学金生和自费生参加学校统一购买的外国留学生团体险。在每学年缴交学费的同时缴纳相关投保费用,因拖欠投保费用而造成的一切后果由个人承担。

Fujian Government Scholarship, XMU Scholarship students and self-supporting students should purchase the Comprehensive Insurance Scheme for Foreign Students of Ping An Annuity Insurance Company (Fujian Branch). Students should pay the insurance fee together with tuition fee at the beginning of every academic year. Students should be held responsible for results arising from arrears of insurance fee.

2. 就诊范围:只能在大陆公立医院就诊

Limited in public hospitals in mainland China


Coverage: Accidental Injury & Inpatient Medical Insurance

生活指南 Guide to University Life

1. 交流生可自愿购买平安留学生团体保险

Exchange students can join the Ping’an Group Insurance Scheme for Foreign Students on a voluntary basis.

2. 保费:600元/人/年(6-45岁)1000元/人/年(46岁-69岁)

Premium: 600 Yuan/Person/Year (Age 6-45)

1000 Yuan/Person/Year( Age 46-69 )

3. 覆盖范围:意外伤害医疗保险;住院医疗保险

Coverage: Accidental Injury & Inpatient Medical Insurance

4. 有意向购买的同学可直接联系OSAO

Students who want to join the group insurance scheme can contact OSAO for further information.

校园生活 Campus Life

☆厦大邮箱 XMU Student Email学校为新生提供了以学号为账户的厦大邮箱,在学期间,


The university provides every student with a student email and your student No. is your username. We will release information and news via the XMU email system.

初始密码为有效证件后6位,新生需登录i2.xmu.edu.cn使用初始密码认证后方可登录邮箱并修改密码。New users should log in i2.xmu.edu.cn to activate your account. The initial password is the last 6 digits of your passport. After activation, you can set your own password.


If you cannot activate your account, please proceed to EcardCenter with your passport and Ecard.

校园生活 Campus Life

☆其他信息 Other Information


火警:119 ;匪警(公安报警、交通事故):110


厦门大学保卫办:2888110Emergency Telephone:


Police Station (Public Security & Traffic Accidents:110)

Emergency Ambulance:120

Emergency Hotline of Xiada Hospital:2886120

Xiada Security Office:2888110

信息获取 Information Access

☆网站:学生处网站海外学生事务栏目Website: xsc.xmu.edu.cnOverseas Students

☆厦大邮箱:统一发送通知和活动信息XMU Email: Important news and notices will be sent to your XMU Student email accounts.

☆联系我们/Contact OSAO:地址:思明校区嘉庚三508室Address: R508, Jiageng 3 Bldg. 电话:2183606Tel: 2183606邮箱: [email protected]: [email protected]

厦门大学 学生处


Xiamen University