#OromoProtests...scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty...

#OromoProtests: 100 Days of Public Protests March 2016

Transcript of #OromoProtests...scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty...

Page 1: #OromoProtests...scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty four days after the second round of the protest erupted, the third round of the protests


#OromoProtests: 100 Days of Public Protests

March 2016

Page 2: #OromoProtests...scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty four days after the second round of the protest erupted, the third round of the protests


Executive Summary

Oromia, the largest regional State in the Ethiopian Federation, has been rocked by series of

protests in the past 100 days since mid November 2015. The protests began with the aim of

having the proposed Master Plan of the capital, Addis Ababa, officially referred as the ‘Addis

Ababa–Finfinne1 Integrated Development Plan’ (‘Master Plan’) scrapped. The Master Plan was

designed by Addis Ababa City Administration in collaboration with the government of Oromia

Regional State and introduced early in 2014. The protestors opposed the Master Plan, which

covers 1.1 million hectare of land (approximately twenty fold the current size of Addis Ababa),

saying that its implementation will result in the eviction of millions of farmers and families from

their land. The first protests against the Master Plan were held mainly by students of Oromia

regional State in April/May/June 2014 which resulted in deaths, injuries and imprisonment of

many people all over the state. The protests erupted again in November 2015 and continued up

until now.

The ‘second round protests’, as it is called by activists, took wider area and longer time than its

antecedent. Police brutality have reached its climax and deaths, injuries, mass arrest, kidnapping

have tragically been reported in the State. In only the first hundred days of these protests,

hundreds of towns and villages have witnessed mass incidents. In addition, death tolls have

reportedly reached more than four hundered, thousands of people were injured and tens of

thousands people were briefly arrested. Even though the Master Plan has been officially been

scrapped by OPDO, ruling party in the regional State, on 13 January, 2016, fifty four days after

the second round of the protest erupted, the third round of the protests have continued with a new

momentum; what has started as an opposition to the Master Plan seems to end up looking for

answers of political questions that have grown in the past two decades.

The Ethiopia Human Rights Project (EHRP) has actively followed the protests and summarized

the issues, causes, and the human rights violations perpetrated by government security forces in

response to the protests in Oromia region.

1 Finfinne is another name of Addis Ababa as the Oromos call it.

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1. Introduction

Many parts of the Oromia region have been rocked by an unprecedented wave of protests since

November 2015. In the beginning, the protest mainly aimed to have Addis Ababa City’s newly

proposed master plan scrapped. Protesters say the the Master Plan would push the city’s size

about twenty fold and would evict farmers around Finfinee (of Oromia region). The latest

protests are a follow up of the April/May/June 2014 protests which resulted in the death, injuries

and mass arrest for many individuals as well as property damage.

Residents in all 21 zones of the regional State and hundreds of towns and villages in them have

joined the ‘second round protests’ since it began on November 12, 2015. The government’s

response to the protests has been very brutal and it even ignited an unending series of protests all

over the region.

The ‘third round of protests’ that started on January 14, 2016 and still ongoing at the time of

writing this report have been different from the two previous rounds in the sense that they

involved more violence and the changes in the demands protestors have been making. Like the

previous protests, the third round protests are spreading across the regional State that resulted in

reported hundreds of deaths and injuries as well as detention of thousands of Oromos.

2. Methodology

In the preparation of this report, we have primarily relied on second hand information. Incident

reports, names of victims and other data incorporated in this report were gatherd from political

parties’ activists and statements and press relases issued by the government.

As much as possible, we have tried to compile all the death reports with identified names and

place of incidents in its specificity. While there have been siginifcant challenges to document the

exact extent of the widespread human rights violations perpetrated in connection with the

protests the number of people killed and the geographic coverage of the protests could be much

more than incorporated in this report.

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Background of the Protests

After a long history of oppression and centralized experience, Ethiopia declared Federalism as a

system of government in 1995. The 1995 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE)

constitution establishes nine states mainly formed based on ethnic line and a central government

with its seat in Addis Ababa.

The constitution clearly provides the powers of the central/federal government and those of the

states. Later, the boarders of each State as well as the capital city Addis Ababa were delimited.

However, the non-demarcated but delimited borders became causes of some sporadic clashes and

disagreements among different states at different times.2 To resolve these disagreements, the

federal government mainly relied on political solutions.3

Besides border demarcation problems, even if the same constitution provides human and

democratic rights and electoral democracy, the fact on the ground shows a major problem of

constitutionalism. The representation of dissent in the political sphere has been shrinking from

time to time and with the ruling EPRDF and its ‘affiliates’ taking all the 547 seats in the Federal

2 Cross border clashes between neighborly states is rampant in the present day Ethiopia. The House of Federation

which is mandated as a House to deal with such cross border clashes is busy of arranging political solutions to solve political impasses. 3 International Crisis Group (ICG), Ethinic Federalism and Its Discontents, Africa Report No. 153 – 4 September 2009

Article 47 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia Member States of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are the Following:

1) The State of Tigray 2) The State of Afar 3) The State of Amhara 4) The State of Oromia 5) The State of Somalia 6) The State of Benshangul/Gumuz 7) The State of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples 8) The State of the Gambela Peoples 9) The State of the Harari People

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parliament and all the 1989 seats in States parliaments4 in May 2015, it hits the bottom-Zero.

Moreover, the ruling party made life harder to citizens of Ethiopia by promulgating new laws

that stifle rights5 and now it developed itself to be a full-fledged authoritarian party


Thus, the current wave of protests across Oromia region7 are the result of such discontents

among the Oromo people. In other words, it is a question of constitutionalism, representation and

human rights.

2.1. Addis Ababa verses Oromia

The FDRE constitution that established nine states and a federal government. Designated Addis

Ababa as the seat of the federal government. With regard to the capital city of the federal state,

Article 49 of the constitution provides:

4 National Electoral board of Ethiopia, www.electionethiopia.org (Last Acessed on February, 2016)

5 Anti-Terrorism Proclamation Ethiopia passed in 2009 is one of them. Many rights organizations critisized this law

as it is used by Ethiopian government to silence dissent. Ethiopia’s Charities and Civil Socities laws and the Ethiopian Press Proclamations are also criticized as they are used as a means of stifling citizens’ rights. 6 Freddom House, Freedom in the World 2016, Anxious Dictators, Wavering Democracies:Global Freedom under

Pressure, January, 2016, available at http://www.freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/freedom-world-2016 7 Oromia is the largest of all the states in the Ethiopian Federation both geographically and population wise.

1. Addis Ababa shall be the capital city of the Federal State.

2. The residents of Addis Ababa shall have a full measure of self-government. Particulars shall be determined by law. 3. The Administration of Addis Ababa shall be responsible to the Federal Government. 4. Residents of Addis Ababa shall in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, be represented in the House of Peoples’ Representatives. 5. The special interest of the State of Oromia in Addis Ababa, regarding the provision of social services or the utilization of natural resources and other similar matters, as well as joint administrative matters arising from the location of Addis Ababa within the State of Oromia, shall be respected. Particulars shall be determined by law.

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While there is no qualm on the first four sub-articles, the fifth one is so contentious.8 The fact

that Addis Ababa is in the middle of the largest State in the Federation, Oromia, raises the issue

of special interest of the same against the city of Addis Ababa. However, after two decades, there

is no public action or act that tells what that special interest entails and implies. On the other

hand, the absence of a demarcated boarder between the city of Addis Ababa and Oromia State

resulted in some practical problems over jurisdiction and the relation of the two entities.9

The 10th

Addis Ababa-Finfinne surrounding Integrated Development Plan was introduced amid

such legal vacuum. The Addis Ababa City Administration announced a new ‘development plan’

for the city and its surrounding in 2012. This ‘development plan’ unlike its predecessors was not

limiting itself only to the city rather it proposed to integrate Addis Ababa with its surrounding

towns in Oromia Regional State in the name of ‘Integrated Development’.

The proposed plan covers an area of 1.1 Million hectare, which is almost twenty fold the current

size of Addis Ababa, which stands at fifty four thousand hectare. Since the proposal was made

public, different interest groups and political parties expressed their concerns about the motive of

the plan in addition to questions of its legality. In a statement made public by the Oromo

Federalist Congress (OFC) in April 2014, the leading political party in Oromia Regional State,

expressed its concern as:

The fact that the new development plan aimed to enlarge the size of Addis Ababa city will

have multidimensional problems beyond taking lands from the surrounding areas of

Oromia State. It will affect the right to education of the population with their own lingua

franca, it will affect their culture and it may have a gerrymandering effect.10

For many activists and Oromo political pundits Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia had a

challenge for Oromos since its establishment11

. Even if the city is found in the middle of Oromia

8 Betru Dibaba Entellie, Constitutional Special Interest of ONRS in AACA: Present Status and Future Challenges,

2008 9 To halt the ever growing and sprawling Addis Ababa, the Oromia Regional State establishs a new Zone called

Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne in 2008. The special Zone is surrounding Addis Ababa from every corner. 10

Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), Press Release, April 13, 2014 Addis Ababa/Finfinne 11

Tarekegn Chimdi, The History of Finfinne reflects the way the Oromo people were conqured, available at http://advocacy4oromia.org/articles/the-history-of-finfinne-reflects-the-way-the-oromo-people-were-conquered/ (Last accessed on February, 2014)

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regiona, only less than twenty percent of its inhabitants are ethnically Oromos,12

an ethnic group

that constitutes more than one third of Ethiopians. The Master Plan was viewed by many as a

tool to dispossessing Oromo farmers from their land and eventually pushes them to destitution.13

The immediate cause of the ongoing protest all over Oromia region was this proposed master

plan of Addis Ababa and its surroundings.

2.2. ‘The Prison Speaks Afaan Oromo’

Although the immediate cause of the current protests was the proposed Master Plan of Addis t,

there was a deep-rooted cause i.e. the State’s relationship with the Oromos. The downfall of the

military dictatorship in 1991 was opening an opportunity to heal historical mistakes as well as to

democratizing Ethiopia. To realize such an opportunity, there was high interest to the July 1991

conference whichconference, which had established the Transitional Government of Ethiopia

(TGE). Among major participants of the conference, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary

Democratic Front (EPRDF) and The Oromo Liberation Movement (OLF)14

were the notable

ones. OLF had expressed its disappointment of underrepresentation in the conference and that

narrative shaped the next decades of the ruling elite relationship with the Oromo people. Later,

OLF left the TGE and resumed its armed struggle. Since then, the Oromo people have been

killed and jailed for every opposition they have to the regime. As the former Minister of Defense

who was later detained famously puts it, ‘The [Federal] Prisons Speak Afaan Oromo’15


Oromo is the language of the Oromo People).


FDRE Central Statistical Agency, Summary and Statistical Report of the 2007 Population and Housing Census Results, December 2008, Addis Ababa 13

Olaana Abbaaxiiqi, Why are Oromos opposed to the Addis Ababa Master Plan?, http://www.ethiomedia.com/aa2nov15/4767.html (Last accessed on February, 2014) 14

The Oromo Liberation Movement (OLF) was established in 1973 with a program of ensuring the right to self determination of the Oromo People. The OLF was part of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia after the demise of the military regime in 1991. However, because of its disagreement with the ruling party, EPRDF, it raised arms again and since then it declares war on the Ethiopian regime. On July 2009 the Ethiopian government proscribed OLF as a terrorist Organization along with four other Organizations. 15

Siye Abraha was a former rebel in TPLF before the demise of Ethiopian military regime in 1991 and since then he had assumed different positions including Minister of Defense. In July 2002, he was arrested after a corruption related allegation by the government that many say is politically motivated arrest. He was sentenced five years for petty corruption and spent most of his time in prison with Oromos who were mainly convicted of membership and support for OLF.

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The ruling party accuses legally registered Oromo political parties as affiliates of OLF and

sentences their members for long years of imprisonment.16

In 2011, the Ethiopian government

proscribed OLF as a terrorist group along with four other organizations including Al Qaeda and

Al Shabab. On the other hand, many Oromos consider the Oromo Peoples Democratic

Organization (OPDO) as a puppet and a powerless tool of suppressing the Oromo cause.17

Contrary to enormous grievances and human rights violations in the region, in the May 2015

Ethiopia’s general election, OPDO took all the 537 parliament seats in the regional parliament

as well as all the 178 seats in the federal parliament which is designated to the regional State just

a year later the first round protests erupted in May 2014.

Hence, the question of democracy and human rights resides behind the triggering cause of the

current region-wide protest. The ruling party’s growing trend of repression and human rights

violation in the region is the major ingredient of the protests. That is why the region-wide

protests are continuing in a full swing even after the regime announced that the Master Plan

would not be implemented.

2.3. Ethiopia’s Lack of Democracy

All the aforementioned specific causes of the problem take us to the general problem of

democratization in Ethiopia. The last decade showed a downward step of Ethiopia in the road of

democratization. Since the most contested 2005 Ethiopia’s election, the ruling party reversed its

own democratic records and every single day of the last ten years witnessed a less democratic

environment than the day before.

In the 2005 Ethiopia’s third general election, with all the complaints and electoral malpractices,

the oppositions were able to get more than one third of the Federal Parliament seats. Immediately

following that win, the ruling party started to restrict every aspect of dissent by promulgating

laws which aimed to cripple the civil society, restrict the freedom of the opposition parties,


Bekele Gerba is one of those prominent members of legally registered political parties later alleged and convicted for terrorism and released on March 2015. However, he is rearrested on December 2015 for an alleged act of organizing the current protests and committing an act of terrorism. 17

Hadi Kanku, Puppets can make only moves dictated to them by their manipulators and apologists, http://www.bariisa.com/index.php/296-puppets-can-make-only-moves-dictated-to-them-by-their-manipulators-and-apologists (Last acessed on February, 2014)

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journalists, etcetera and able to take all but one of the parliament seats in the 2010 general

election. To the worse, the ruling party managed to take every parliamentary seat in the Federal

as well as in Regional Parliaments in the recent 2015 election. That literally puts Ethiopia under

an electoral authoritarian18


This trend of growing authoritarianism left no constitutionally guaranteed right for dissent and

opposition in the land. The Oromos are the major victims of the growing authoritarian trend

(there are many Oromos who are accused and convicted by the controversial Anti Terrorism Law

which many say aims to quash opposition to the ruling party).

3. The Protests

The ongoing protests in Oromia Regional state has began on April 12, 2014 in Jimma University.

In the morning of April 12, 2014 Jimma University students presented their eleven questions of

protests including the scrap of Addis Ababa-Finifinne Surrounding Development plan in a

demonstration they held in the compound of the University.19

Starting that point onwards, life

has not been the same as it used to be in the region. Based on the questions raised by the

protesters and the time the protests were held, we divided the protests in to three phases. First

round of the protests was held from 12 April through 10 June 2014; the Second round of the

protests was held from 20 November through 13 January 2016 and the third round of the protests

is currently going since 14 January 2016. (They are similarly dubbed first, second and third by


To have a clear picture of what is going on in the last one hundred days; it is good to recall the

previous 2014 region wide protests.

3.1. First Round Protests

In the protests held April/May/June 2014, which we called the first round protests, it was mainly

High School and University students who took the leadership. The first round protests began in

Jimma University on April 12, 2014 in the South Western part of the country, and spread in to all


Maimire Mennasemay, Ethiopian Political Theory, Democracy, and Surplus History, International Journal of Ethiopian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1/2 (Summer/Fall 2005-2006), pp. 1-32 19

Habtamu Chimdessa, (name changed) one of the participants of the first protest in Jimma University told us the protest was succsseful except for the security personnels repressive measures in the aftermath of it.

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public Universities and numerous High Schools in the regional State. However, the protests were

not limited to students, rather it was endorsed by farmers and civilians in urban areas; these

people were joining the cause and protests in some parts of the region.

The main question behind the first round protests was the newly proposed Addis Ababa-Finfinne

Surrounding Development Plan, even though there were wider requests from some protestors20


The protestors were asking for the scrap of the proposed plan for a reason that it is a violation of

constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of Oromia Regional State.

The first round protests were mainly concentrated in the Western Part of the regional state,

particularly in West Shawa, West Welega, East Welega and Horo Guduru Zones. However, there

were some sporadic protests in the South-Eastern areas of the region.

The main feature of this protest is its concentration to Educational Institutes (Universities,

Vocational Schools, Preparatory Schools, Secondary Schools and Primary Schools).

Instead of entertaining the quest in a peaceful manner, the government of Ethiopia preferred

violent mechanisms. The government deployed regular army to schools and small towns as a

result of which many individuals were killed, injured and detained.

(See Appendix One and Appendix Two for the details of the first round protest and the

causalities resulted from it, respectively.)

On the other hand, the Ethiopian government blamed peaceful protestors as violent elements and

charged University students under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation 652/200921

. Nonetheless, no

single person (or institution) was/is held responsible for the killings, injuries and arbitrary

detentions of thousands of civilians.

3.2. Second Round Protests

Ethiopian government failed to respond to the legitimate question of the protesters in the first

round protests. Another round of protests was inevitably expected by many and they were


Students from Jimma and Haromaya Universities were presenting many requests on their protests in the first days of the protest. 21

Seven Oromo students were arrested and charged with the Anti Terrorism law in the aftermath of the protests namely Abebe Uregesa, Adugna Kesso, Bilisuma Damena, Megersa Worku, Teshale Bekele, Lenjisa Alemayhu and Gemechu Bekele. The first five are still on trial.

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erupted accidentally on 20 November 2015 in a Small town called Ginchi, West Shawa Zone and

continued until 13 January 2016 for consecutive fifty four days.

Like the first round protests, the second round of protests has mainly aimed for the scrapping of

the Addis Ababa-Finfinne Surrounding Development plan. However, unlike its predecessor the

second round of protests were widespread in to all of the eighteen Zones as well as to the three

Special Zones of the region. The participants were mainly farmers and the protests were able to

ensure their demand answered before ending.

This time, the protests did not limit themselves in to towns and their outskirts but also hit rural

areas of the region and that let farmers to play a very important role in the organization and

execution of planned protests.

Herein below is the list of Protests from 20 November 2015 through 13 January 2016 as

documented by dates:

No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

1 Ginchi West Shawa Dendi 20-Nov-15

2 Mendi West Welega Mene Sibu 25-Nov-15

3 Ginchi West Shawa Dendi 25-Nov-15

4 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 25-Nov-15

5 Geba Dafeno West Welega Jarso 27-Nov-15

6 Aiyra West Welega Aiyra 30-Nov-15

7 Haromaya University East Harerge Haromaya 30-Nov-15

8 Guliso West Welega Guliso 2-Dec-15

9 Meda Welabu University Bale Meda Welabu 2-Dec-15

10 Chelenko East Harerge Meta 3-Dec-15

11 Haromaya East Harerge Haromaya 3-Dec-15

12 Bedeno East Harerge Bedeno 3-Dec-15

13 Ambo University, Woliso Campus South West Shawa Woliso 3-Dec-15

14 Walaga University East Welega Nekemte 3-Dec-15

15 Nejo West Welega Nejo 3-Dec-15

16 Nekemte East Welega Nekemte 3-Dec-15

17 Bale Goba Bale Gasara 4-Dec-15

18 Furda East Harerge Bedeno 5-Dec-15

19 Adama University Adama Adama 5-Dec-15

20 Dugda Dawa Borena Bule Hora 7-Dec-15

21 Sululta North Shawa Sululta 7-Dec-15

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

22 Chiro West Hararge Chiro 7-Dec-15

23 Dongoro West Welega Lalo Asabi 7-Dec-15

24 Dawe East Hararge Kurfa Challe 7-Dec-15

25 Dodola West Arsi Dodola 7-Dec-15

26 Boke Tiko West Hararge Boke 7-Dec-15

27 Fincha Horo Guduru Welega Abay Chomen 7-Dec-15

28 Gedo West Shawa Chaliya 8-Dec-15

29 Olankomi West Shawa Dendi 8-Dec-15

30 Ejere West Shawa Hidhabu Abote 8-Dec-15

31 Weliso South West Shawa Weliso 8-Dec-15

32 Asigori South West Shawa Ilu 8-Dec-15

33 Mugar West Shawa Ada'a Berga 8-Dec-15

34 Shahamene West Arsi Shashmene 8-Dec-15

35 Alibo Horo Guduru Welega Jardaga Jarte 8-Dec-15

36 Ameya South West Shawa Ameya 8-Dec-15

37 Kurfa Roka Secondary School West Hararge Burka Dhintu 8-Dec-15

38 Jarte Horo Guduru Welega Jardega 8-Dec-15

39 Adama University Adama Adama 8-Dec-15

40 Shino West Shawa Meta Robi 8-Dec-15

41 Kokosa West Arsi Kokosa 8-Dec-15

42 Shukute West Shawa Jeldu 8-Dec-15

43 Boke Gudo West Hararge Boke 8-Dec-15

44 Dariya Secondary School South West Shawa Wonchi 9-Dec-15

45 Shukute West Shawa Jeldu 9-Dec-15

46 Bore Guji Bore 9-Dec-15

47 Arsi Nagele High School West Arsi Arsi Negele 9-Dec-15

48 Kokosa West Arsi Kokosa 9-Dec-15

49 Chabi West Shawa Jeldu 9-Dec-15

50 Agarfa Bale Agarfa 9-Dec-15

51 Arsi Nagele West Arsi Arsi Negele 9-Dec-15

52 Ali Bale Agarfa 9-Dec-15

53 Adaba West Arsi Adaba 9-Dec-15

54 Babich West Shawa Chaliya 9-Dec-15

55 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 9-Dec-15

56 Langey East Hararge Kersa 9-Dec-15

57 Boridede West Hararge Meiso 9-Dec-15

58 Kara Mille East Hararge Goro Gutu 9-Dec-15

59 Robe Bale Robe 9-Dec-15

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

60 Nejo West Welega Nejo 9-Dec-15

61 Qore West Arsi Qore 9-Dec-15

62 Biftu Secondary School West Welega Nekemte 9-Dec-15

63 Agarfa Bale Agarfa 9-Dec-15

64 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 9-Dec-15

65 Bareda East Hararge Goro Gutu 9-Dec-15

66 Shukute West Shawa Jeldu 9-Dec-15

67 Weliso South West Shawa Weliso 9-Dec-15

68 Holeta West Shawa Holeta 9-Dec-15

69 Aiyra West Walaga Aiyra 9-Dec-15

70 Muke Turi North Shawa Wuchale 9-Dec-15

71 Babich West Shawa Ameya 9-Dec-15

72 Dodola West Arsi Dodola 9-Dec-15

73 Leman South West Shawa Kersa 10-Dec-15

74 Bako West Shawa Bako Tibe 10-Dec-15

75 Nagele Guji Negele 10-Dec-15

76 Babich West Shawa Chaliya 10-Dec-15

77 Chobi West Shawa Jeldu 10-Dec-15

78 Machara West Hararge Daro Labu 10-Dec-15

79 Batu East Shawa Batu 10-Dec-15

80 Bubula High School East Shawa Adami Tulu 10-Dec-15

81 Lalo Kelem Welega Lalo Qile 10-Dec-15

82 Robe Bale Robe 10-Dec-15

83 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 10-Dec-15

84 Ababi West Shawa 10-Dec-15

85 Bilo East Walaga Boneya Boshe 10-Dec-15

86 Cittu South West Shawa Wonchi 10-Dec-15

87 Amuru Secondary School Horo Guduru Amuru 10-Dec-15

88 Hidilola Borena Meyo 10-Dec-15

89 Bako West Shawa Bako Tibe 10-Dec-15

90 Babichi West Shawa Chelia 10-Dec-15

91 Gedo West Shawa Chelia 10-Dec-15

92 Sandafa North Shawa 10-Dec-15

93 Sekela Horo Guduru Horo 10-Dec-15

94 Asasa West Arsi Gedeb Asasa 10-Dec-15

95 Adaba West Arsi Adaba 11-Dec-15

96 Mutulu West Shawa 11-Dec-15

97 Ijaji West Shawa Chelia 11-Dec-15

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

98 Jimma University Main Campus Jimma Jimma 11-Dec-15

99 Meiso West Hararge Meiso 11-Dec-15

100 Bedele Ilu Aba Bora Bedele 11-Dec-15

101 Adaba West Arsi Adaba 11-Dec-15

102 Mendi Preparatory School West Walaga Mene Sibu 11-Dec-15

103 Garamuleta East Harerge Girewa 11-Dec-15

104 Dodola West Arsi Dodola 11-Dec-15

105 Sayo West Shawa Dano 11-Dec-15

106 Chitu South West Shawa Wonchi 11-Dec-15

107 Serofta West Arsi Kokosa 11-Dec-15

108 Dawo East Hararge Kurfa Chale 11-Dec-15

109 Dambal Bale Gasara 11-Dec-15

110 Kachisi West Shawa Gindabarat 12-Dec-15

111 Langey East Hararge Qarsa 12-Dec-15

112 Robe Arsi Robe 12-Dec-15

113 Asebot West Hararge Meiso 12-Dec-15

114 Dodola West Arsi Dodola 12-Dec-15

115 Garadello Misraa West Arsi Adaba 12-Dec-15

116 Agarfa Agricultural College Bale Agarfa 12-Dec-15

117 Jimma University Jimma Jimma 12-Dec-15

118 Asabot West Hararge Meiso 12-Dec-15

119 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 12-Dec-15

120 Shukute West Shawa Jeldu 13-Dec-15

121 Leman South West Shawa Karsa Malima 13-Dec-15

122 Chitu South West Shawa Wonchi 13-Dec-15

123 Tere South West Shawa Sodo Dacha 13-Dec-15

124 Ginchi West Shawa Dendi 13-Dec-15

125 Olonkomi West Shawa Dendi 13-Dec-15

126 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 13-Dec-15

127 Kobo East Hararge Deder 14-Dec-15

128 Bako West Shawa Bako Tibe 14-Dec-15

129 Ginchi West Shawa Dendi 14-Dec-15

130 Wara Jiru West Welega Nejo 14-Dec-15

131 Achuma Gori West Welega Nejo 14-Dec-15

132 Gidda West Welega Nejo 14-Dec-15

133 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 14-Dec-15

134 Tulu bajo West Shawa Chaliya 14-Dec-15

135 Gindo South West Shawa Ameya 14-Dec-15

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

136 Burayu Burayu Burayu 14-Dec-15

137 Chancho High School Arsi Gololcha 14-Dec-15

138 Arjo East Walaga Jimma Arjo 14-Dec-15

139 Mendi West Walaga Mene Sibu 14-Dec-15

140 Lalo Kelem Walaga Lalo Qile 14-Dec-15

141 Dembi Dolo Kelem Welega Dembi Dolo 14-Dec-15

142 Kobo West Harerge Deder 14-Dec-15

143 Beke Qelate West Shawa Abune Gindabarat 14-Dec-15

144 Tibe West Shawa Bako Tibe 14-Dec-15

145 Gabate Horo Guduru Welega 14-Dec-15

146 Mugno Tutu West Shawa Chalia 14-Dec-15

147 Lalo Kelem Welega Lalo Qile 15-Dec-15

148 Haromaya East Hararge Haromaya 15-Dec-15

149 Aiyra West Welega Aiyra 15-Dec-15

150 Asela Preparatory School Arsi Asela 15-Dec-15

151 Tarre South West Shawa Sodo Dachi 15-Dec-15

152 Awaday East Hararge Haromaya 15-Dec-15

153 Mugi Kelem Welega Anfilo 15-Dec-15

154 Bila East Welega Gudeya Bila 15-Dec-15

155 Gabate Horo Guduru Welega 15-Dec-15

156 Muger West Shawa Ada'a Berga 15-Dec-15

157 Dalila South West Shawa Weliso 15-Dec-15

158 Nejo West Welega Nejo 16-Dec-15

159 Debeqa West Welega Babo Gembel 16-Dec-15

160 Melka Rafu East Hararge Kombolcha 16-Dec-15

161 Asebot West Hararage Meiso 16-Dec-15

162 Bila East Welega Gudeya Bila 16-Dec-15

163 Ejaji West Shawa Chelia 16-Dec-15

164 Mullo Burayu Mullo 16-Dec-15

165 Metu Ilu Aba Bora Metu 16-Dec-15

166 Sadiqa Arsi Robe 16-Dec-15

167 Nekemte Preparatory School East Welga Nekemte 17-Dec-15

168 Yubdo West Welega Yubdo 17-Dec-15

169 Wama Hagalo East Welega 17-Dec-15

170 Jida North Shawa Jida 17-Dec-15

171 Muger West Shawa Ada'a Berga 17-Dec-15

172 Sululta North Shawa Sululta 17-Dec-15

173 Bakke West Shawa Ilfata 17-Dec-15

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

174 Sire East Welega Sibu Sire 17-Dec-15

175 Kiremu East Welega Geda Kiremu 17-Dec-15

176 Geda West Welega Geda Ayana 17-Dec-15

177 Boridede West Hararge Mieso 17-Dec-15

178 Tole South West Shawa Tole 18-Dec-15

179 Shabal Kelem Welega Anfillo 18-Dec-15


Haromaya University, Chiro

Campus East Harerge Chiro 21-Dec-15

181 Walaga University East Welega Nekmte 25-Dec-15

182 Ambo University, Awaro Campus West Shawa Ambo 27-Dec-15

183 Welega University East Welega Nakemte 28-Dec-15

184 Ejere North Shawa Hidhabu Abote 28-Dec-15

185 Gida Ayana High school East Welega Geda Kiremu 31-Dec-15

186 Machara West Hararge Daro Lebu 31-Dec-15

187 Ejere West Shawa Ejere 1-Jan-16

188 Sire East Welega Sibu Sire 1-Jan-16

189 Hirna West Hararge Tulo 2-Jan-16

190 Ambo University, Waliso Campus South West Shawa Woliso 3-Jan-16

191 Hirna West Hararge Tulo 3-Jan-16

192 Adama University Adama Adama 4-Jan-16

193 Deder East Hararge Deder 4-Jan-16

194 Kobo East Hararge Deder 4-Jan-16

195 Wayu Tuqa East Walaga 4-Jan-16

196 Mugi Kelem Welega Anfilo 4-Jan-16

197 Mesela West Hararge Mesela 5-Jan-16

198 Awaday East Hararge Haromaya 5-Jan-16

199 Gerba Guracha North Shawa Kuyu 5-Jan-16

200 Robe Bale Robe 6-Jan-16

201 Hirna West Hararge Tulo 6-Jan-16

202 Deder East Hararge Deder 6-Jan-16

203 Ejere North Shawa Hidhabu Abote 6-Jan-16

204 Methara East Shawa Fantale 7-Jan-00

205 Asebot West Hararge Meiso 7-Jan-16

206 Tutis West Hararge Daro Labu 7-Jan-16

207 Bedesa West Hararge Bedesa 8-Jan-16

208 Chiro West Hararge Chiro 8-Jan-16

209 Sakina West Hararge Daro Labu 8-Jan-16

210 Defo West Hararge Daro Labu 9-Jan-16

211 Haromaya University, Technology Campus East Hararge Haromaya 9-Jan-16

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

212 Goro Re'e West Hararge Masala 9-Jan-16

213 Meda Welabu University Bale Meda Welabu 9-Jan-16

214 Haromaya University, Main Campus East Harerge Haromaya 10-Jan-16

215 Jimma Universities, Main Campus Jimma Jimma 10-Jan-16

216 Kobo East Hararge Deder 10-Jan-16

217 Wachu West Hararge Chiro 11-Jan-16

218 Kora West Hararge Miesso 11-Jan-16

219 Midega East Hararge Midega 11-Jan-16

220 Shashemene Preparatory School West Arsi Shashmene 12-Jan-16

221 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 12-Jan-16

222 Shashemene Preparatory School West Arsi Shashmene 13-Jan-16

223 Fincha Horo Guduru Abay Choman 13-Jan-16

224 Kofele West Arsi Kofele 13-Jan-16

225 Bedeno High School East Hararge Bedeno 13-Jan-16

226 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 13-Jan-16

227 Muger West Shawa Ada'a Berga 13-Jan-16 Table 1: List of places of protests from 20

th November 2015 to 13

th January 2016

The government’s response to the second round protests was worse than its response to the first

round protests. The government labeled the protests as an act of terrorism22

and vowed to take a

‘merciless action’23

against the protestors. As a result, hundreds of civilian Oromos were killed24

thousands of peoples injured and tens of thousands were detained25


Herein below is the list of civilians who were killed by the Ethiopian Security (NB: this list only

includes those reported deaths with identified names.)

No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

1 Dabala Tafa West Shawa, Chancho 2-Dec-15

2 Gutu Abara Dheressa (12th Grader) Wes Shawa, Guliso 2-Dec-15

3 Karasa Chala West Shawa,Guliso 2-Dec-15

4 Mifta Juneydi Bushira Wes Hararge, Badano Furda 5-Dec-15


Ethiopia’s Anti Terrorism Task Force which was established according to the Anti Terrorism Proclamation in statement issued on December 15, 2015 labled the protest as an act of terrorism and vows to quash it. 23

On December 16, 2015 Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalgn vows to take merciless action against the protestors that he lebels as ‘anti-peace elements’. 24

Ethiopian forces ‘kill 140 Oromo protesters’, BBC, 8 Jan 2016 (http://bbc.com/news/world-africa-35261314 accessed on 19 Feb 2016) 25

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Oromo: HRLHA and SNLF Statements Report Regional State Under Siege, December 15, 2015, http://unpo.org/article/18800 (Last acessed on February 2016)

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

5 Murata Abdi Ibrahim (11th grader) East Hararge, Haromaya 5-Dec-15

6 Bekele Seboka Hunde West Shawa, Dhandi Enchini 7-Dec-15

7 Ebisa Gutu East Welega, Fincha 7-Dec-15

8 Mesret Tilahun Horo Guduru, Fincha 7-Dec-15

9 Murad Abdi Abrahim (9th grader) East Hararge, Haromaya 7-Dec-15

10 Wakjira Gidisa (10th grader) Horo Guduru, Fincha 7-Dec-15

11 Bekele Seifu West Shawa, Mugar 8-Dec-15

12 Ayana Banti Dhuguma West Walaga, Inango 8-Dec-15

13 Bayissa Badhasa West Shawa, Cheliya 9-Dec-15

14 Alazar Kelbessa East Welega, Inango 10-Dec-15

15 Banti Dhuguma West Walaga, Lalo Asabi 10-Dec-15


Bayisa Tadesse West Shawa,

Abunegindabarat 10-Dec-15

17 Bu'e Dhaba West Shawa, Abunegindabarat 10-Dec-15

18 Chala Teshome West Shawa, Babicha 10-Dec-15

19 Dereje Gadissa Taye (9th grader) West Shawa, Babichi 10-Dec-15

20 Fikadu Girma (9th grader) West Shawa, Gedo 10-Dec-15

21 Gudeta Bayisa Gobena (9th grader) West Shawa, Babichi 10-Dec-15

22 Lucha Gammachu West Walaga, Lalo Asabi 10-Dec-15

23 Shabe Dhiba West Shawa, Abunegindabarat 10-Dec-15

24 Tamene Tsegaye West Shawa, Gedo 10-Dec-15

25 Huseen Dula West Arsi, Hadaba 11-Dec-15

26 Misra Haji Nabo West Arsi, Adaba 11-Dec-15

27 Nasredin Mohamed West Arsi, Adaba 11-Dec-15

28 Amare West Arsi, Adaba 11-Dec-15

29 Alemnesh Mengesha West Shawa, Ilfata 12-Dec-15

30 Ayana Rikita South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

31 Birhanu Dinka West Shewa, Wanchi 12-Dec-15

32 Girma Ragassa West Shawa, Ambo 12-Dec-15

33 Habtamu Tsegaye South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

34 Lamesa Fayisa (12 years old) West Shawa, Ambo 12-Dec-15

35 Lencho Dinkesa West Shewa, Wadesa 12-Dec-15

36 Lencho Hundara South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

37 Solomon Mogos South West Shawa, Amaya 12-Dec-15

38 Tade Sefera South West Shawa, Amaya 12-Dec-15

39 Tadessa Dhaba Jobir West Shawa, Gindabarat 12-Dec-15

40 Tafari Dhangia East Welega, Jimarjo 12-Dec-15

41 Tariku Asefa South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

42 Ulfata Chimdi (12 years old) West Shawa, Ambo 12-Dec-15

43 Wako Moroda South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

44 Garedew Tolosa South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

45 Ayansa Mekonnen South West Shawa, Weliso 12-Dec-15

46 Abdata Lata Wayessa West Shawa, Gindabarat 13-Dec-15

47 Abeba Lata West Shawa, Jibat, Shenan 13-Dec-15

48 Aschalew Worku West Shawa, Ginchi 13-Dec-15

49 Bilbila Lalisa West Shawa, Asgori 13-Dec-15

50 Boru Gutama South West Shawa, Amaya 13-Dec-15

51 Chalchisa Gonfa West Shawa, Dandi, Asgori 13-Dec-15

52 Dajane Sarbesa South West Shawa, Gindo 13-Dec-15

53 Dejene Dinka West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

54 Dereje Workineh (78 years old) West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

55 Inawagaw Hailu West Shawa, Gindabrat 13-Dec-15

56 Kebede Tafa West Shawa, Gindabarat 13-Dec-15

57 Kebede Teressa (65 years old) West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

58 Sirnessa Serbessa West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

59 Tadese Abdisa West Shawa, Wanchi 13-Dec-15

60 Tadesse Tsige West Shawa, Gojo 13-Dec-15

61 Tashale Irgesa West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

62 Teshale Irgessa West Shawa, Wenchi 13-Dec-15

63 Abeba Gabisa West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

64 Ashenafi West Shawa, Ginchi 14-Dec-15

65 Baqala Ragasa West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

66 Bekele Tumsa West Shawa, Galessa 14-Dec-15

67 Birhanu Bajiga West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

68 Birhanu Hailu Amensisa West Shawa, Gindabarat 14-Dec-15

69 Chaltu Tadese West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

70 Dajane Bayisa West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

71 Gelane Bekana South West Shawa, Chitu 14-Dec-15

72 Magarsa Baji West Shawa, Galessa 14-Dec-15

73 Nato Gulumma West Shawa, Galessa 14-Dec-15

74 Seifu Tura West Shawa, Ginchi 14-Dec-15

75 Tadese Jambare West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

76 Tsagaye Abara West Shawa, Jaldu 14-Dec-15

77 Zerihun West Shawa, Ginchi 14-Dec-15

78 Abebe Gabissa West Shawa, Galessa 15-Dec-15

79 Dame Dabali (10th grader) West Walaga, Maqanajo 15-Dec-15

80 Tilahun Muleta West Walaga, Dembi Dollo 15-Dec-15

81 Barihunu Shibiruu (8th grader) West Shewa, Iluu Galaan,Ijaji 16-Dec-15

82 Dinkesa Chala West Shawa, Ginchi 16-Dec-15

83 Gamachis Tilahun West Walaga, Najo 16-Dec-15

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

84 Mekonnen Guddisa West Shawa, Tole Ababe 16-Dec-15

85 Tolasa Lelisa Soressa Horoguduru Welega, Watiyo 16-Dec-15

86 Dadhii Kumsa South West Shewa, Tole Abebe 17-Dec-15

87 Kuma Lenjisa South West Shewa,Tole Abebe 19-Dec-15

88 Almaz Guddata West Wallega,Canqaa 21-Dec-15

89 Gezahegn Olika West Walaga 21-Dec-15

90 Merete Alemu Gutema North Shawa, Sululta 23-Dec-15

91 Murata Alemu North Shawa, Sululta 25-Dec-15

92 Adugna Ireso Horro Guduru Welega, Alibo 31-Dec-15

93 Marga Rundassa Horo Guduru Welaga, Gabate 31-Dec-15

94 Abbas Abduraman West Hararghe, Mesela 5-Jan-16

95 Zewdu Siyum West Shewa, Adeaberga, Mugar 5-Jan-16

96 Abdata Olansa West Shewa, Ambo 12-Jan-16

97 Awel Ibrahim West Arsi, Hadaba 12-Jan-16

98 Bari Said Ali West Harargee, Masala 13-Jan-16

99 Abdeta Bayisa West Walaga, Babicha Before 17-Dec-15

100 Dule West Shawa, Gedo Before 17-Dec-15

101 Kano Tola East Welega, Gabate Before 17-Dec-15

102 Abara Dhabaa South West Shewa, Qarsa Mallima Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

103 Abdalla Muhamad Ibro West Hararge, Asabot Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

104 Abebe Bulo South West Shawa, Weliso Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

105 Alamigana Teshoma West Shewa,Ambo, Biloo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16


Alamineh Mangesha West Shawa, Ilfataa Goso

Mika'Elitii Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

107 Awayi Ali West Arsi, Adaba Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

108 Badhadha Kebede West Shewa,Muger Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

109 Bayisa Gedafa West Shawa, Gindabrat Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

110 Bekele Seboka West Shawa, Mugar Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

111 Birhanu Gadisa West Shawa, Wedesa Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

112 Chala Mohammed Ahmed East Hararge, Haromaya Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

113 Dabala Tafa Robi North Shewa, Fiche Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

114 Daraje Gonfa West Shewa, Jalduu, Bichoti Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

115 Desalegn Fikadu East Welega, Nunu Qumba, Adere Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

116 Dirriba Balacho South West Shawa,Tole Abebe Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

117 Diso Milkesa South West Shawa, Ilfata Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

118 Fahmi Abduraman Hararge, Chalanko Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

119 Feyisa Dadhi West Shewa, Mugar Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

120 Filica Wariyo West Arsi, Shalla, Ajje Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

121 Gabayehu East Welega, Sasigaa Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

122 Gabayehu Amsalu West Shawa, Bakkoo Tibbee Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

123 Hora Banti Irena Ilu Ababor, Gachi Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

124 Ifaa Indiris West Arsi, Bora Dega Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

125 Ishetu Fedhessa West Walega, Chanqaa Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

126 Izaddin West Hararghe, Chiro Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

127 Keneni Fikadu Horo Guduru,Watiyo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

128 Labata dinkessa West Shewa, Ambo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

129 Magarsa Mohamad East Hararge, Malkaballo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

130 Meserat Dinka Welega, Lalo Qile Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

131 Muhamad Adem Roba West Hararghe, Asabot, Wajaji Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

132 Regassa Chala West Shawa,Ginci Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16


Shasho Firdissa Horo Guduru Welega,

Waatiyyo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

134 Sheleme Teresa Walaga, Jimarare, Goban Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

135 Soboka Dilgasu West Shawa, Midekign Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

136 Tajir Taha Adam East Hararge, Malkaballo Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

137 Tolera Lelisaa South West Shewa,Iluu Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

138 Tolosa Dufera Obsina West Shawa, Gindabrat Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

139 Usheto Nagesso West Arsi, Shalla, Ajje Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

140 Usmail Sufian Adem West Hararghe, Doba Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

141 Wandimne Wayesa West Welega,Horra sabbu. Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

142 Yadata Guya West Welega,Horra Sabbu. Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

143 Yalaw Demise South West Shawa, Ilfata Between 17-Dec-15 & 2-Feb-16

144 Assefa Welega, Nekemte

145 Bushuna Gammachu West Arsi, Shashemene

146 Gaddisa Sherif East Hararge, Gurawa

147 Kashe Waltaji Walaga, Gidami

148 Melkamu Dheressa West Welega, Ayira

149 Ofgaha Gelalcha Welega, Gidami

Table 2: List of people killed Ethiopian security forces from from 20th

November 2015 to 13th

January 2016

After all the killings and mass detentions, the protests continued and forced the government to

finally scrap the proposed Development Plan on January 13, 2016. But, scrapping of the Master

Plan was too little too late to stop the protests.

3.3. Third Round Protests

The current region-wide protests as activists dubbed as the third round of the protests, started on

January 14, 2016 and continued at the time this report was being compiled. However, the raison

d’etre for third round of the protest was very general and different than its predecessors. Later

activists listed demands of the current protests. “The Union of the Oromo Gadaa Councils”, in a

Other activists who are writing for

Gadaa.com have listed 8 demands:

1. Lift the merciless military rule

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resolution released on 24 February 2016, has listed 12 demands as follows [see Appendix


The Union of Oromo Gadaa Councils:

1. Call for the immediate cessation of the

ongoing conflict; financial compensation to be

paid for loss of life in accordance with Gadaa

tradition; and release of all those imprisoned

without any charge against them,

2. Request the government to address the

demands of the people immediately,

3. Encourage our people to continue to

present their demands peacefully; we plead

for everyone to refrain from damaging

property while doing so,

4. Demand an immediate halt to the practice

of evicting farmers from their land without

their consent and without adequate

compensation. We call upon the government

to look into the damage created by past

mistakes and ensure that the victims are made


5. Announce that the Union of the Oromo

Gadaa Councils is ready to discuss and seek

solutions to the crisis that has now disrupted

the peace of our country,

6. Have decided that the upcoming Irreecha (Thanksgiving holiday of the Oromo people)

festival be celebrated in the city of Finfinee,

7. Have resolved to create an independent source of income for the Councils in order to

strengthen the Gadaa system,

8. Have resolved that henceforth the Spring Irreecha festival be celebrated at Tullu

Bossettii, Bossettii District, East Shawa and a week later at Tullu Sirree, Iluu

Galaan District, East Shawa,

4. Bring to justice those

responsible for the genocidal


5. Restore the constitutional

rights of the people to hold

peaceful rallies

6. Avail itself to the calls for

peace and national


7. Allow people to participate

in the affairs affecting their

lives and livelihoods

8. Start participatory

development that includes

people’s development

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9. Call upon people with no affiliation with the Gadaa councils who are now

interfering in Gadaa affairs to refrain from engaging in Gadaa-related acts for

they have no representation; and strongly urge government and media agencies

not to extend any assistance to anyone who do not have the authority of the

Gadaa Councils,

10. Demand that Oromo cultural centers and sacred sites be respected and the

sites be legally-protected with issuance of title deeds; and declare that the

Union of the Oromo Gadaa Councils is prepared to work with the appropriate

agencies to implement this resolution,

11. Resolve to strengthen Waaqeffanaa, the Oromo traditional religion, in

accordance with the Gadaa System, the religion’s original tenets and the

Oromo moral system of saffuu,

12. Resolve to do our part to protect our natural resources everywhere in our

regional state.

Hence, we can reach to the conclusion that the third round of the protests is mainly focused on

democracy and human rights questions as well as to a demand for compensation of the damages

occurred during protests. This shows that the previous protests were not only targeting at

scrapping the Master Plan but also were consequences of violations of human rights.

Like the previous two protests, the third round of the protests was as well widespread and


Herein below is the list of protests from 14th

January 2016 to 29th

February 2016 as documented

by date:

No. Place Zone District Date

1 Sachi Lafto Salga West Welega Sibu Sire 14-Jan-16

2 Bako West Welega Bako Tibe 14-Jan-16

3 Agarfa Bale Agarfa 14-Jan-16

4 Chercher Preparatory School West Hararge Chiro 14-Jan-16

5 Lucy Secondary School West Arsi Shashamene 14-Jan-16

6 Shenen West Shawa Jibat 15-Jan-16

7 Bedeno East Hararge Bedeno 15-Jan-16

8 Wachu West Hararge Habro 15-Jan-16

9 Mieso West Hararge Meiso 16-Jan-16

10 Homi Horo Guduru Abay Choman 16-Jan-16

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No. Place Zone District Date

11 Meiso West Harerge Meiso 17-Jan-16

12 Ambo University Awaro Campus West Shawa Ambo 17-Jan-16

13 Kurfa Call East Hararge 17-Jan-16

14 Asabot West Hararge Meiso 17-Jan-16

15 Lemen South West Shawa Kersana Malima 18-Jan-16

16 Asebot West Hararge Meiso 18-Jan-16

17 Nekemte West Welega Nekemte 19-Jan-16

18 Mieso West Hararge Meiso 19-Jan-16

19 Asebot West Hararge Meiso 20-Jan-16

20 Mieso West Hararge Meiso 20-Jan-16

21 Kiremu East Welega Geda Kiremu 20-Jan-16

22 Cahaki North Shawa 20-Jan-16

23 Burayu Burayu Burayu 20-Jan-16

24 Kokosa West Arsi Kokosa 20-Jan-16

25 Asebot West Hararge Meiso 21-Jan-16

26 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 21-Jan-16

27 Shashmene West Arsi Shashmene 21-Jan-16

28 Nekemte West Welega Nekemte 21-Jan-16

29 Burayu Burayu Burayu 21-Jan-16

30 Tulu Milki North Shawa Were Jarso 21-Jan-16

31 Bedesa West Hararge Bedesa 21-Jan-16

32 Deder East Hararge Deder 21-Jan-16

33 Geba Dafeno West Welega Jarso 22-Jan-16

34 Anano Miti East Hararge Jarso 22-Jan-16

35 Wedesa West Shawa Ambo 23-Jan-16

36 Boridede West Hararge Meiso 24-Jan-16

37 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 24-Jan-16

38 Arjo Gudetu East Welega Diga 24-Jan-16

39 Girawa East Hararge Girawa 24-Jan-16

40 Nekemte East Welega Nekemte 26-Jan-16

41 Nekemte East Welega Nekemte 27-Jan-16

42 Harkelo Guji Liben 28-Jan-16

43 Debre Tsige North Shawa Debre Libanos 28-Jan-16

44 Goro Muti East Hararge Meta 28-Jan-16

45 Harqalo Guji Gorodola 28-Jan-16

46 Guliso West Welega Guliso 29-Jan-16

47 Gidami Kelem Welga Gidami 29-Jan-16

48 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 29-Jan-16

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No. Place Zone District Date

49 Sabbaa Boruu Guji Sabbaa Boruu 3-Feb-16

50 Bedeno East Hararge Bedeno 3-Feb-16

51 Sirti North Shawa Jidda 3-Feb-16

52 Bule Hora Borena Bule Hora 4-Feb-16

53 Weliso South West Shawa Weliso 4-Feb-16

54 Adare East Wolega Nunu Qomba 4-Feb-16

55 Jeldu West Shewa Jeldu 4-Feb-16

56 Dogu East Hararge Girawa 4-Feb-16

57 Jidola Guji 7-Feb-16

58 Chiracha East Hararge Girawa 7-Feb-16

59 Dongoro West Welega Lalo Asabi 7-Feb-16

60 Harkelo Guji Liben 8-Feb-16

61 Sababoru Guji Sababoru 8-Feb-16

62 Abaro West Arsi Shashemene 8-Feb-16

63 Darme Guji Sababoru 9-Feb-16

64 Aje West Arsi Shala 15-Feb-16

65 Lafto East Hararge Girawa 15-Feb-16

66 Girawa East Hararge Girawa 16-Feb-16

67 Kofele West Arsi Kofele 16-Feb-16

68 Batu East Shewa Batu 16-Feb-16

69 Shashemene West Arsi Shashemene 16-Feb-16

70 Amuru Horo Guduru Amuru 16-Feb-16

71 Bulbula East Shawa Adami Tulu 16-Feb-16

72 Shashemene West Arsi Shashemene 16-Feb-16

73 Sirofta West Arsi Dodola 16-Feb-16

74 Gundo Meskel North Shewa Dera 16-Feb-16

75 Gobe West Arsi Qore 16-Feb-16

76 Qore West Arsi Qore 17-Jan-00

77 Kofele West Arsi Kofele 17-Feb-16

78 Girawa East Hararge Girawa 17-Feb-16

79 Bule Hora Borena Bule Hora 17-Feb-16

80 Haroji Kelem Welega Jimma Horo 17-Feb-16

81 Shashemene West Arsi Shashemene 17-Feb-16

82 Abomsa East Shewa Jido Kombolcha 17-Feb-16

83 Abora Horo Guduru Welega Amuru 17-Feb-16

84 Wabe Gefersa West Arsi Kofele 17-Feb-16

85 Kachise West Shawa Gindaberet 17-Feb-16

86 Dodola West Arsi Dodola 17-Feb-16

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No. Place Zone District Date

87 Shagule West Arsi Shashemene 18-Feb-16

88 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 18-Feb-16

89 Bako West Shawa Bako Tibe 18-Feb-16

90 Wabe Gefersa West Arsi Kofele 18-Feb-16

91 Edo West Arsi Dodola 18-Feb-16

92 Kobo East Hararge Deder 18-Feb-16

93 Gudar West Shawa Toke Kutaye 18-Feb-16

94 Dawe East Harerge 18-Feb-16

95 Jigessa West Arsi Shashemene 18-Feb-16

96 Warra Jiru West Welega Nejo 18-Feb-16

97 Guradhamole Bale 18-Feb-16

98 Goro Bale Goro 18-Feb-16

99 Ginir Bale Ginir 18-Feb-16

100 Babich West Shawa Chalia 19-Feb-16

101 Chiro West Hararge Chiro 19-Feb-16

102 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 19-Feb-16

103 Negele Sigalo West Arsi Dodola 19-Feb-16

104 Gode West Arsi Arsi Negele 19-Feb-16

105 Shashemene West Arsi Shashmene 19-Feb-16

106 Dire Gammachis East Hararge Girawa 19-Feb-16

107 Mojo Asha East Hararge Girawa 19-Feb-16

108 Dawe East Hararge Kurfa Challe 19-Feb-16

109 Chafe Janata East Hararge Girawa 19-Feb-16

110 Asassa West Arsi Gedeb Asasa 19-Feb-16

111 Awasho West Arsi Shashemene 19-Feb-16

112 Guder West Shawa Toke Kutaye 19-Feb-16

113 Qebe Kelem Welega Gawo Qebe 19-Feb-16

114 Guder West Shawa Toke Kutaye 20-Feb-16

115 Asasa West Arsi Gedeb Asasa 20-Feb-16

116 Gimbi West Welega Gimbi 20-Feb-16

117 Nagele Guji Negele 20-Feb-16

118 Deder East Hararge Deder 20-Feb-16

119 Dursitu East Hararge Girawa 20-Feb-16

120 Nekemte East Welega Nekemte 20-Feb-16

121 Lafto East Harerge 20-Feb-16

122 Doroba East Hararge Girawa 20-Feb-16

123 Huruta Arsi Lode Hetosa 20-Feb-16

124 Kobo East Harerge Deder 20-Feb-16

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No. Place Zone District Date

125 Jardaga Horro Guduru Welega Jardaga Jarte 20-Feb-16

126 Ambo West Shawa Ambo 20-Feb-16

127 Toke West Shawa Toke Kutaye 20-Feb-16

128 Bedeno East Hararge Bedeno 21-Feb-16

129 Asasa West Arsi Gedeb Asasa 21-Feb-16

130 Santari East Harerge Bedeno 21-Feb-16

131 Furda East Harerge Bedeno 21-Feb-16

132 Saden Chulul East Harerge Girawa 21-Feb-16

133 Aradano Shifa West Arsi Shashemene 21-Feb-16

134 Gidami Kelem Welega Gidami 21-Feb-16

135 Nekemte East Welega Nekemet 21-Feb-16

136 Koro Gora Dola Guji 21-Feb-16

137 Sululta North Shawa Sululta 22-Feb-16

138 Michata West Harerge Daro Lebu 22-Feb-16

139 Mechara West Harerge Daro Lebu 22-Feb-16

140 Aweday East Harerge Haromaya 22-Feb-16

141 Bifatu East Welega Nekemte 22-Feb-16

142 Haromaya East Harerge Haromaya 22-Feb-16

143 Chelenko East Harerge Meta 22-Feb-16

144 Robe Gerjeda Arsi Limu Bibilo 22-Feb-16

145 Mugi West Welega Anfilo 22-Feb-16

146 Furda East Harerge Bedeno 22-Feb-16

147 Kara Mille East Harerge Goro Gutu 22-Feb-16

148 Aramuri East Harerge Bedeno 23-Feb-16

149 Aiyra West Welega Aiyra 23-Feb-16

150 Begi West Welega Begi 23-Feb-16

151 Shabe Jimma Shebe Sondo 23-Feb-16

152 Qercha Guji Qericha 23-Feb-16

153 Buri Kelem Welega Gidami 23-Feb-16

154 Furda East Harerge Bedeno 23-Feb-16

155 Bilo West Welega Bonya Boshe 23-Feb-16

156 Yabelo Borena Yabelo 24-Feb-16

157 Guliso West Welega Guliso 24-Feb-16

158 Aiyra West Welega Aiyra 24-Feb-16

159 Dabaso West Welega Sayo Nole 24-Feb-16

160 Haroresa West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

161 Yubdo West Welega Yubdo 24-Feb-16

162 Bedele Ilu Aba Bora Bedele 24-Feb-16

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No. Place Zone District Date

163 Michata West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

164 Bilami West Shawa Mida Qenyi 24-Feb-16

165 Gadulo West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

166 Milkaye West Harerge Daro lebu 24-Feb-16

167 Agamsa Horo Guduru Welega Amuru 24-Feb-16

168 Bule Hora Borena Bule Hora 24-Feb-16

169 Buraysa West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

170 Mardida Halo Guba West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

171 Kobor West Welega Begi 24-Feb-16

172 Kiramu West Welega Gida Kiramu 24-Feb-16

173 Mero Jimma Limu Seka 24-Feb-16

174 Gaba Kamisa West Welega Begi 24-Feb-16

175 Gadulo West Harerge Daro Lebu 24-Feb-16

176 Mena Bale Dolo Mena 25-Feb-16

177 Hidlola Borena Meyo 25-Feb-16

178 El Waye Borena Yabelo 25-Feb-16

179 Sichawo Kelem Welega Gawo Qebe 25-Feb-16

180 Eteya Arsi Hitosa 25-Feb-16

181 Weliso South West Shawa Woliso 26-Feb-16

182 Defo West Harerge Habru 26-Feb-16

183 Dikicha West Harerge Habru 26-Feb-16

184 Milkaye West Harerge Daro Lebu 26-Feb-16

185 Dinaba East Harerge Bedeno 26-Feb-16

186 Burqa Bedaso East Harerge Bedeno 26-Feb-16

187 Dikicha West Harerge Habru 27-Feb-16

188 Boke Tiko West Harerge Boke 28-Feb-16

Table 3: Places of protests from 14th

January to 28th

February 2016

Similarly the Ethiopian government vowed to take ‘decisive actions’ against the protesters and

blaming foreign elements26

as instigators of the protest. As a result hundreds of peoples are killed

and injured and thousands are detained.

Herein below is the list of civilians who were killed by the Ethiopian government (NB: this list

only includes those reported deaths with identified names)


“Government will take merciless action against anti peace forces – Hailemariam”, 23 February 2016, http://www.ebc.et/web/ennews/-/government-will-take-merciless-action-against-anti-peace-forces-hailemariam (Last accessed on February, 2016)

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

1 Biruk (Tolasa) Dhufera West Shawa, Gindabarat 16-Jan-16

2 Abdala Hasan West Hararge, Mieso 17-Jan-16

3 Abdellaa Mohamed West Hararge, Mieso 17-Jan-16

4 Abdulhakim West Hararge, Mieso, buri 17-Jan-16

5 Ahmed West Hararge, Mieso, Anano 17-Jan-16

6 Musa Hasan West Hararge, Miesso, Sodoma 17-Jan-16

7 Yasino Abdalla Ali West Hararge, Mieso 17-Jan-16

8 Adam Abdala Ali West Hararge, Mieso 19-Jan-16

9 Mohammed Nama West Hararge, Miesso 19-Jan-16

10 Zerihun Jiregna Beyene East Welega, Arjo Guddatu 27-Jan-16

11 Ibrahim Usmail East Hararge, Midhaga Tola 4-Feb-16

12 Tsegaye Darge East Welega, Jimma Arjo 4-Feb-16

13 Alemu Yabo Borena, Bule Hora 5-Feb-16

14 Nuguse Guye Borena, Bule Hora 5-Feb-16

15 Bilicha Wariyo West Arsi, Ajje 15-Feb-16

16 Mustefa Hussien West Shawa, Ajje 15-Feb-16

17 Shukuri West Arsi, Ajje 15-Feb-16

18 Adam Mohammed Abdalla East Harerge, Gurawa, Chaffe Jannata 16-Feb-16

19 Juhara Mussa (Woman, age 60) East Hararge, Gurawa 16-Feb-16

20 Abdoo Hajii West Arsi, Kofale, Gambotahara 17-Feb-16

21 Gelgelu West Arsi, Kofale, Garmama 17-Feb-16

22 Geru Ararsa West Arsi, Kofale 17-Feb-16

23 Kadu Waayu West Arsi, Kofale, Alkaso 17-Feb-16

24 Mahadi Sani East Hararge, Gurawa, Oromitu 17-Feb-16

25 Sabit Jamal East Hararge, Gurawa 17-Feb-16

26 Safi Ibro East Hararge, Gurawa, Oromitu 17-Feb-16

27 Abdissa Tadesse West Arsi, Kokosa 18-Feb-16

28 Ayub Mustafa Haji-Nabi West Arsi, Dodola 18-Feb-16

29 Barsitu Oulla (74 years old woman) West Shawa, Jigessa 18-Feb-16

30 Desta Dhaqabo West Arsi, Shashemene 18-Feb-16

31 Muhammed Tusiye West Arsi, Shashemene 18-Feb-16

32 Beekuma Chaluma Dirbaba West Shawa, Gudar 19-Feb-16

33 Dammu Mohammed East Hararge, Gurawa 19-Feb-16

34 Kelifa East Hararge, Gurawa 19-Feb-16

35 Magarsa Abdalla East Hararge, Gurawa 19-Feb-16

36 Melese Yihun Engida Horo Guduru, Shambu 19-Feb-16

37 Abdella Mohammed Yahya West Arsi, Dodola, Metama 20-Feb-16

38 Gelana Tasisa West Shawa, Ambo prison 20-Feb-16

39 Jafar Taye West Shawa, Gimbi 20-Feb-16

40 Bilisumma Abdisa East Hararge, Sadisa, Ballo 21-Feb-16

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

41 Geleta Negero East Hararge, Sadisa, Balo 21-Feb-16

42 Muayib Abdurazaq East Hararge, Guara, Karra Horda 21-Feb-16

43 Abdella Ali Boru (10th grader) West Harerge, Machara 22-Feb-16

44 Abdi Ali (8th grader) West Hararge, Michata 22-Feb-16

45 Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed East Hararge, Bedeno 22-Feb-16

46 Arganne West Walaga, Begi 22-Feb-16

47 Asad Abraham Abdulla (12 years old) East Hararge, Bedeno 22-Feb-16

48 Aziza Mohammed East Hararge, Bedeno, Goba Haro 22-Feb-16

49 Dereje Mante West Hararge, Mahcara 22-Feb-16

50 Destu (female 8th grader) West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

51 Fedhasa Bultume West Shawa, Jaldu 22-Feb-16

52 Firomsa Abdi Abdulla (10 years old) East Hararge, Bedeno, Ballina 22-Feb-16

53 Hassan Abdella West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

54 Hussen Mohammed Abdurahman West Hararge, Michata 22-Feb-16

55 Huzeyfa Hassen Mohammed (4th grader) East Hararge, Qalina 22-Feb-16

56 Megersa Ahmed Ibrahim West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

57 Megersa Mohammed Abdurahman West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

58 Mustefa Ahmed East Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

59 Najash Garada East Hararge, Bedeno 22-Feb-16

60 Obsa Mohammed (8th grader) West Hararge, Michata 22-Feb-16

61 Reshid Ahmed Juneydi West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

62 Reshid Mohammed West Hararge, Machara 22-Feb-16

63 Roba Mammo East Hararge, Meta, Chelenqo 22-Feb-16

64 Tolera Merga East Welega, Sasiga, Ballo 22-Feb-16

65 Yitbarek Nugesse Arsi, Chole 22-Feb-16

66 Buruse Tafesse Shorro Kellem Walaga, Gidami, Buri 23-Feb-16

67 Fufa Gelecha Gute Kellem Walaga, Gidami, Buri 23-Feb-16

68 Melkamu Degefa Morka Kellem Walaga, Gidami, Buri 23-Feb-16

69 Mirressa Welteji Shorro Kellem Walaga, Gidami, Buri 23-Feb-16

70 Mohammed Jemal Sharaf East Hararge, Bedeno, Ulaga 23-Feb-16

71 Temesgen Delotan Mendi Kellem Walaga, Gidami, Buri 23-Feb-16

72 Amenu Terefe East Welega, Sassiga, Ballo 24-Feb-16

73 Motumma Feyera Tolesa (10th grader) West Shawa, Goro 24-Feb-16

74 Remedan Hassen Muldeta West Welega, Begi, Tenzet 24-Feb-16

75 Taressa Barissa Leta West Shawa, Bako Tibe, Guto 24-Feb-16

76 Teressa Berissa Leta West Shawa, Bako, Guto Meti 24-Feb-16

77 Birhanu Waltaji West Shawa, Ambo, Jijigu Waransa 24-Feb-16

78 Samuel Abash East Welega, Haro Limu 25-Feb-16

79 Bedhane Tisse Guji, Shakiso, Magado 27-Feb-16

80 Israel Tisse Guji, Shakiso, Magado 27-Feb-16

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No. Name of the Deceased Place Date

81 Galchu Guji, Shakiso, Magado 27-Feb-16 Table 4: List of people killed by Ethiopian security force from 14th January to 27

th February 2016

4. Measures Taken to Stop the Protests

Article 30 of the FDRE Constitution provides the right to protest as follows:

The constitution guarantees the right to public demonstration and public protest for every

peaceful citizen of the land. The only constitutional condition to participate in a public protest is

peaceability. When we see the ongoing protests in Oromia State from the information we

gathered, it was mainly peaceful and legal. Nevertheless, the Ethiopian government is claiming

that the protests were violent and it necessitates the use of force by the security personnel. The

government labeled the protests as an act of terrorism to consequently use every violent means to

quash it.

Government security forces used excessive force that caused death and injury to children from

the age of eight to elderly aged of seventy eight. Evidences show that the government deployed

army units to small towns armed with heavy weapons including helicopters and tanks. Most of

the deaths and injuries of civilians were inflicted from bullets and heavy machineguns.

5. Conclusion

In our overall assessment, the protests in all the three phases covered more than 476 mass

incidents (protests) in almost all areas of the regional State of Ormia in a way that changed

residents’ life once and for all. Ethiopia’s government disproportionate reaction caused the

The Right of Assembly, Demonstration and Petition 1. Everyone has the right to assemble and to demonstrate together with others peaceably and

unarmed, and to petition. Appropriate regulations may be made in the interest of public convenience relating to the location of open-air meetings and the route of movement of demonstrators or, for the protection of democratic rights, public morality and peace during such a meeting or demonstration.

2. This right does not exempt from liability under laws enacted to protect the well-being of the youth or the honour and reputation of individuals, and laws prohibiting any propaganda for war and any public expression of opinions

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deathe of at least 266 people. Thousands of protesters were injured. Tens of thousands of

protesters, political figures, activists, and journalists have been detained. Neverthless, the

protests have continued.

6. Recommendations

EHRP remains concerned that the evergrowing protests in the State of Oromia in Ethiopia will

end up in instability if government’s disproportional and forceful responses continue . Therefore,

EHRP recommends the international community particularly the government’s major

development partners to strongly condemn and urge the Ethiopian authorities to respect the

constitutionally guaranteed rights of the people to peacefully assemble and demonstrate; and to

immediately launch an independent and credible inquiry into the human rights violations

perpetrated in connection with the protests.

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Appendix One: List of Places where First Round Protests Held: April 12, 2014 to June 12, 2014

No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

1 Jimma University Jimma Jimma 12-Apr-14

2 Adama University Adama Adama 16-Apr-14

3 Metu Universtiy Ilu Aba Bora Metu 19-Apr-14

4 Ambo University West Shawa Ambo 25-Apr-14

5 Bule Hora University Borena Bule Hora 25-Apr-14

6 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 26-Apr-14

7 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 27-Apr-14

8 Haromaya University East Harerege Haromaya 28-Apr-14

9 Meda Welabu University Bale Meda Welabu 28-Apr-14

10 Sasiga Secondary School East Welega Sasiga 28-Apr-14

11 Nekemete Secondary School East Welega Nekemte 28-Apr-14

12 Gedo Secondary School West Shawa Chelia 28-Apr-14

13 Alibo preparatory School Horo Guduru Welega Jardaga Jarte 29-Apr-14

14 Ambo University West Shawa Ambo 29-Apr-14

15 Adama University Adama Adama 29-Apr-14

16 Dire Dawa University Dire Dawa Dire Dawa 30-Apr-14

17 Gimbi Secondary School West Welega Gimbi 30-Apr-14

18 Mendi Secondary School West Welega Mene Sibu 30-Apr-14

19 Balemi Secoundary School West Shawa Midakgni 30-Apr-14

20 Ambo Secondary School West Shawa Ambo 30-Apr-14

21 Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa Addis Ababa 1-May-14

22 Guder High School West Shawa Toke Kutaye 1-May-14

23 Abuna Ginde Beret West Shawa Ginde Beret 1-May-14

24 Alibo Horo Guduru Welega Jardaga Jarte 1-May-14

25 Guder West Shawa Toke Kutaye 1-May-14

26 Meda Welabu University Bale Meda Welabu 1-May-14

27 Ganji Secondary School West Welega 2-May-14

28 Burayu Secondary School Burayu Burayu 2-May-14

29 Mendi West Welega Mene Sibu 2-May-14

30 Ayira West Shawa Ayira 2-May-14

31 Bako West Shawa Bako Tibe 3-May-14

32 Enchini West Shawa Tikur Enchini 3-May-14

33 Kombolcha Horo Guduru 4-May-14

34 Sire East Welega Sibu Sire 4-May-14

35 Kiramu Kelem Welega Gida Kiramu 4-May-14

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No. Place of the Protest Zone District Date of the Protests

36 Shambu Horo Guduru Welega 4-May-14

37 Sebeta South West Shawa 4-May-14

38 Ayira West Welega Ayira 5-May-14

39 Guliso West Welega 5-May-14

40 Gidami Kelem Welega 5-May-14

41 Sheno West Shawa Meta Robi 6-May-14

42 Dembi Dolo Teachers Training college Kelem Welega Dembi Dolo 7-May-14

43 Bedele Ilu Aba Bora Bedele 7-May-14

44 Gimbi West Welega Gimbi 10-May-14

45 Sayo Secondary School West Shawa Dano 13-May-14

46 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 13-May-14

47 Welega University East Welega Nekemte 14-May-14

48 Nejo Secondary School West Welega Nejo 15-May-14

49 Hamacho Secondary School East Welega Ambo 4-Jun-14

50 Sibu Sire Secondary School East Welega Sibu Sire

51 Nekemte Teacher’s College East Welega Nekemte

52 Haro Limu Secondary School Kelem Welega Dale Sedi

53 Kiremu Secondary School Kelem Welega Gida Kiremu

54 Bila Secondary School East Welega Gudeya Bila

55 Gida Secondary School East Welega Gida Kiremu

56 Jarte Secondary School Horo Guduru Welega Jardega

57 Jimma Teachers Training College Jimma Jimma

58 Midajgni High School West Shawa Midakgni

59 Dirre Enchini Secondary School West Shawa Tikur Enchini

60 Cheri Elementary School West Shawa Ambo 30-Apr-14

61 Liben Mecha Secondary School East Shawa Adulala

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Appendix Two: List of People Killed in the First Round of the Protests

No. Name of the Deceased Place

1 Gemechis Debela Gimbi Secondary School

2 Telila Tolessa Gimbi Secondary School

3 Megersa Gullisoo

4 Dawit Wakgari Qellem Walaga, Anfillo Ashi

5 Abdissa Negassa Walaga University

6 Abebe Kumsa Walaga University

7 Abebe Kumsa Walaga University

8 Gete Teferi Walaga University

9 Teshome Dawit Walaga University

10 Balachew Takele Walaga, Horo Guduru, Jergeda Jarte Jaru Sira

11 Fayera Ragasa Walaga, Horo Guduru, Jergeda Jarte Kiltu Chakka

12 Misgana Kebede Walaga, Horo Guduru, Jergeda Jarte Kiltu

13 Bayissa Sori Jimma University

14 Esrael Habtamu Jimma University

15 Felmeta Beyecha Jimma University

16 Gelana Abebe Jimma University

17 Getachew Dereje Jimma University

18 Getachew Jirata Jimma University

19 Gete Teferi Jimma University

20 Hussen Umer Jimma University

21 Zebene Beressa Jimma University

22 Gelana Yadeta W/Shawa, Shenen

23 Bilisumma Lemi E/Shawa, Lume Ejere

24 Mekonen Hirpo Bale, Robe

25 Mohamed Abdulhamid Bale, Robe

26 Tigist Mamo SW/Shawa, Seden Sod

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Appendix Three: Resoulution of the Union of the Oromo Gadaa Councils

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