Ormiston Park Academy...A warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growing Academy serving...

Ormiston Park Academy in partnership with South Essex College ‘Believe and achieve’

Transcript of Ormiston Park Academy...A warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growing Academy serving...

Page 1: Ormiston Park Academy...A warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growing Academy serving the community of Aveley. Our buildings and grounds offer outstanding facilities

Ormiston Park Academyin partnership with South Essex College

‘Believe and achieve’

Page 2: Ormiston Park Academy...A warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growing Academy serving the community of Aveley. Our buildings and grounds offer outstanding facilities

Ormiston Park Academyin partnership with South Essex College


Welcome toOrmiston Park AcademyA warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growingAcademy serving the community of Aveley. Our buildings andgrounds offer outstanding facilities for our students and Ofstedhave graded all aspects of our provision as ‘Good’.

We have both teaching and support staff who are devoted toproviding the best education possible. Combine this withstudents, of whom we are extremely proud, and the resulting mixcreates an Academy that is a pleasure to work and learn in.

The Academy offers a safe and secure environment in which tosucceed, and we passionately pursue with our students thehighest possible aspirations and achievements.

Our vision is for students to build a self-belief and confidence thataffords them no boundaries, and to couple that with the respectand discipline required to be leaders of the future.

We are committed to a strong home-academy partnership andactively promote and support parent/carer engagement in ourwork. We believe the whole community can contribute to ensuringthe outstanding progress of our students as they journey throughthe Academy to University, the workplace and beyond.

Huw DerrickPrincipal

Ormiston Park Academy

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Sponsor’s messageOur academy is a member of Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) –a not-for-profit, multi-academy Trust, which sponsors 36 primaryand secondary academies across England, delivering high-qualityeducation to 27,000 young people.

Each academy is led and run by the principal and senior leadersand as OAT believes that every academy and community isunique, it does not take a one size fits all approach. It provides abalance of focused support and challenge, a breadth ofopportunities, and it enables us to collaborate with academiesacross the network, to share best practice and to ensure webenefit from the wealth of expertise.

Everyone in the OAT family shares the same vision – to be whollycommitted to young people, ensuring that they have access tothe highest academic, social and practical skills required toachieve their full potential, whether going on to study at a leadinguniversity or entering the world of work. We are all determined tobecome part of the Trust that makes the biggest difference, bothinside and outside the classroom.

The impact is clear – with more than three quarters of theacademies being rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted sincejoining the Trust. For many years, OAT has successfully raisedacademic standards, including in disadvantaged communities,and the Trust is committed to ensuring that all children and youngpeople across the academies benefit from the high-qualityeducation being delivered across the network.

OAT has been recognised as one of the top performing educationproviders in the country by government, placing OAT as the fifthbest in England for primary school performance, out of 153multi-academy trusts.

OAT’s strategic direction comes from its Board of Trustees, whohave a wealth of experience in the education sector. The Trust isalso guided by its founding body, Ormiston Trust, which is anational charity founded by the Murray family in 1969 to improvethe life-chances of children and young people so they can fulfiltheir potential and lead happy and productive lives. The familytakes an active role in OAT and every one of its academies.

Peter MurrayChairman of Ormiston Trust

in partnership with

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Our MissionTo be ‘The Academy of choice

for the Community’Guiding principles:

Innovation:Staying at the

forefront ofdevelopments in



designed to meetindividual needs


eyes to the world

Inclusion:Serving local


VisionFor our students to

‘Believe and achieve’Guiding principles:

Belief:Aspiration Confidence Character

Aspiration – dreams, goals, ambitionConfidence – self-worth, independence, leadership

Character – integrity, determination, respect

Achievement:Enjoyment Participation Success

Enjoyment – passion, creativity, curiosityParticipation – engagement, collaboration, purpose

Success – advancement, accomplishment, excellence


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GCSE Results 2018Congratulations to Year 11 students who have achieved a hugely positive set of results, despitewholesale changes this year, with many new GCSE’s being sat with 1-9 grades for the first time.We are extremely excited about the bright futures for Ormiston Park students and wish them thevery best for the future. We have asked them to keep us updated with their successes andachievements.

Below is a summary of results at present, however, these may change as a thorough checking,and in some cases, remarking process is undertaken:

We are particularly delighted with the continued improvement in the achievements ofYear 11 pupils in both their English Language and Literature exams. There were alsoexcellent results in Science, History, PE and Art and Design.

The Academy would like to thank all of the students, parents and staff that have workedtogether to enable these results. We are very proud of the many individual successstories including the following top performers in the core subjects:

English: Oliver Hackett (8), Natalia Hirny (7) and Siana-Rose Nicholson (7)

Maths: Scott Healey (7), David Oloyede (7) and Gracie-Neil Murphy (7)

Science: Gracie-Neil Murphy (8), David Oloyede (8) and Abigail Pain (7)

GCSE Outcomes 2018Area Subject Grades Grades Trend Grades Trend A8 Trend 1 to 9 4 to 9 5 to 9

English English Language 100% 57% ↑ 34% ↑ 3.99 ↑ English Literature 100% 51% ↑ 32% ↑ 3.89 ↑

Mathematics Mathematics 97% 47% ↓ 29% ↓ 3.47 ↓

Science Combined Science 99% 43% ↑ 22% n/a 3.62 ↑

Humanities History 100% 58% ↑ 50% n/a 4.27 ↑ Geography 100% 34% n/a 16% n/a 3.13 n/a

Languages French 100% 0% n/a 0% n/a 2.50 n/a Spanish 100% 100% n/a 100% n/a 5.00 n/a

Arts, Design Art & Design 100% 65% ↑ 45% n/a 4.15 ↑and Technology Design and Technology RM 93% 11% ↓ 4% n/a 2.21 ↓ Catering 96% 15% ↓ 4% n/a 2.74 ↓ Drama 94% 31% n/a 13% n/a 3.0 n/a

Curriculum Finance 76% 60% ↓ 33% n/a 2.95 ↓for Life IT 100% 100% n/a 50% n/a 4.90 n/a

Physical PE 100% 69% ↑ 50% n/a 4.44 ↑Education Health and Fitness 73% 73% n/a 50% n/a 3.73 n/a


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Applying for a place atOrmiston Park Academy Completed application forms for a place at secondary schools inThurrock for a September start must be received by Thurrock onor before 31st October. We offer prospective students and theirfamilies the chance to explore the Academy and what we canoffer at our Open Evening each September. If you or your child isunable to visit the school on Open Evening, or would like to visitduring school hours, our staff will be happy to accommodate you. Please email Acting Vice Principal, Claire Whiley, at [email protected]

Applying for in-year admission:• Thurrock Admissions Team will co-ordinate an In Year admission scheme.• Parents will use one application form to indicate up to six preferences.• The LA will seek information about a child prior to admission, allowing schools to be able to prepare to meet individual needs.• This process may take up to fifteen school days after the application has been received by Thurrock Admissions Team. Pupils will only be transferred to another school in the Borough at the start of each half term, once information required from any previous school has been received.• The scheme will operate an equal preference system, as with the current co-ordinated arrangements for secondary admissions. All preferences are considered with equal weight, irrespective of the order of preference.• The LA will consult with individual admissions authorities before a place is offered.• The LA will send out offer(s) or refusal(s) on behalf of the admission authority. If no preferences were met the LA will offer an alternative school place, known as an ‘Unplaced Offer’.• The LA maintains waiting lists for the academic year in which the application has been made. The LA will write to the parents at the end of each academic year to ask whether they wish their child to remain on a waiting list. Children on waiting lists will be ‘ranked’ in accordance with the ‘criteria’ of each admission authority.• The LA will apply the processes and procedures contained within its ‘In-Year Fair Access Protocol’ in appropriate cases to ensure all vulnerable pupils receive suitable education. This may involve the ‘Formal Direction Processes’ in respect of Looked After Children and other relevant cases as appropriate.


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Attendance & Absence

At Ormiston Park Academy, the staff endeavour to provide anexcellent learning environment and experience for our pupils. Weaim to get the most out of every day through challenging, yetwell-supported learning in a stimulating learning environment. Wehope that for those pupils who attend school every day thatschool is a thoroughly worthwhile and rewarding experience.

There are very obvious benefits that come to pupils who have anattendance figure of 98% and above compared to those whoattend less often. As well as setting up a positive routine andattitude towards life, these young people rarely miss out. Everyday offers an opportunity to learn something new, whether it isknowledge or a skill. These students get to enjoy interacting withtheir peers and teachers and learn through a consistent anduninterrupted experience. National government research andstatistics support this view.

Furthermore, there have been some changes legally concerningnon-attendance - the details of which have been summarised inour Attendance Policy.

Penalty Notices will be issued for attendance below the nationalexpectation.


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We understand that the transition from Primary to Secondaryeducation can be an exciting and challenging process for bothparents and students. Here at Ormiston Park, we have a team ofdedicated staff that work with our feeder Primary schools toensure the transition process is as seamless as possible. OPAstaff visit future students in their primary schools early on andencourage parents to become involved with the transition processthrough various meetings and information evenings in order toalleviate any concerns prior to starting in September. On thesevisits staff will meet with key year 6 staff to make sure we have allthe relevant information on each student so the transition processis made as easy as possible for them.

Early in July, those students offered a place at Ormiston Park areinvited to spend a week with us experiencing academy life andbuilding their confidence through participating in a variety oflessons.

“My transition week hasbeen an amazing

experience!I can’t wait to join in


“My first day was amazing!There’s so many things OPAhas to offer - I’m so excited

to be part of it!”


Page 9: Ormiston Park Academy...A warm welcome to Ormiston Park Academy, a small but growing Academy serving the community of Aveley. Our buildings and grounds offer outstanding facilities

Student Welfare

Student welfare and pastoral care is of the upmost importance atOrmiston Park Academy. Pastoral care is provided in the firstinstance through the tutoring structure led by Heads of Years.Outside of that is a wide-ranging team of other colleagues allcontributing to meeting the needs of our students including SENlearning support mentors, Pastoral Leads, NHS Nursing Team; external specialist organisations and specialist counsellors.

Each Head of Year shares in the academy vision to create anaspirational ethos wherein students ‘Believe and Achieve’. Tutortime activities strive to embed the importance of personalresponsibility, leadership and confidence for academic success.The strategies used to embed this ethos are both innovative andbespoke to students dependent on age and need, including:WHYTRY, coaching, aspirations training, assertive mentoring, aswell as providing students with the skills and techniques they needto access learning at the academy in year 7. A wide and diverseCPRE (Citizenship, PSHE and RE) programme is also deliveredthrough a range of assemblies, challenges, competitions, guest speakers and classroom work & discussion.

Form Tutors also monitor and hold students to account for theirprogress throughout the academy. This includes achievements,academic progress in subjects, attendance, punctuality, readinessto learn and finally behaviour for learning. As a result of themonitoring, tutors are able to create bespoke interventions forstudents serving as a regular link between the student and other stakeholders.

It is the vision that all students feel a sense of belonging withintheir tutor team with their tutor providing the resources andopportunities for every student to have the confidence to takeaction and become an aspirational young person within theacademy and, beyond, into the wider community.


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CurriculumKey Stage 3From day one your child will experience a broad and balanced curriculum, teaching of thehighest quality and an engaging combination of lessons structured to ensure every child achieves their potential.

Every child at the academy has a tutor with whom they meet daily. This is a partnership thatsupports the development of confidence, decision-making skills and student well-being.During Years 7 and 8 there is considerable emphasis on accelerating progress in Englishand Maths in order to enhance progress across the board, with all students working towards challenging targets.

At OPA, we view learning as an exciting journey with each student being placed on anaspirational Flight Path for each of their subjects during year 7. Regular and rigorousassessment ensures that students and parents remain clear, at all times, whether they are on track to achieve their Flight Path targets.

By Year 8, students have fully developed the confidence and ability to manage the demandsof a secondary school day. Subject knowledge is increased and advice and guidance is inplace as students begin to explore the options they have available to them asthey move into Year 9.

Key Stage 4Students move into Year 9 on either the Traditional, Integrated or EBacc pathway havingselected KS4 options appropriate to their interests, abilities and future educational plans at the end of Year 8.

We offer a variety of subjects, reviewed and adapted each year to match the interests, and meet the needs of, the particular year group.

A personalised approach to option planning means that students progress well as a resultof courses meeting their particular interests and needs, allowing teachers to inspire and motivate students beyond what might normally be expected.

In Year 11, students continue with an individualised programme planned to ensure they areon track to succeed. Sophisticated tracking, monitoring and mentoring ensures all studentsbenefit from a precise balance of challenge, intervention and support during this crucialstage. Key Stage 4 students are also carefully supported to explore the post-16 options available to them through bespoke Careers Education Information and Guidance.


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Literacy and Numeracy All teachers at Ormiston Park Academy are teachers of Literacyand Numeracy above all else and are committed to accelerating progress in these essential skills in order to maximise opportunitiesfor life-long learning and achievement.

On leaving us, our students enter one of the most competitiveemployment markets experienced for decades. We believe it isthe absolute right of each of our students to enter that market with communication skills at least equal to their peers.

Central to our ethos is the belief that strong Literacy andNumeracy skills upon entering either the workplace or furthereducation are the key to success. A broad, balanced and creativecurriculum offers students the wealth of opportunities required tomaster the art of communicating effectively enabling them to facethe world with confidence. Schemes of learning are explicitlyplanned, and regularly reviewed, to ensure key basic skills remain a priority at all stages of learning.

Extensive assessment and regular monitoring of essential basicskills is undertaken and a range of highly effective interventionprogrammes are available to students needing to accelerate in these areas.


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SEND SupportAt Ormiston Park Academy we employ the graduated approach to support. The first element of support for ourlearners with SEN is through high quality inclusive teaching. Teaching staff use their knowledge of the student’sindividual needs to tailor their teaching and learning sequences; work is differentiated and the students partake in all areas of the curriculum. The second offer of support is through small group targeted intervention including arange of intervention programmes often focusing on literacy and numeracy. Finally, 1 to 1 support will be put inplace where needs are still posing a barrier to making good progress after other types of support have been used.In the same way that all teachers are teachers of Literacy and Numeracy, all teachers are able to provide anappropriate level of personalised support for students with additional learning needs and lessons are planned to ensure there are no barriers to learners with SEN.

Every effort is made to ensure the provision of specialist equipment and furniture for those students who require it.

The Academy uses the following systems for the early identification and assessment of SEND students: • Liaison visits to feeder schools during the spring and summer terms by the SENCO. • Extra Induction days for SEND students in the summer term.• Screening of all year students by use of standardised testing twice in the academic year for KS3 students, and as required KS4.• Screening all students admitted to the academy mid-year using standardised tests.

In all cases, test scores and other information are circulated to all staff at the earliest opportunity to informlesson planning and differentiation.

Our arrangements for ensuring the involvement of parents of children with SEN are as follows:The SENCo aims to meet with all parents of new students or potential students who have special educationalneeds or disabilities prior to them joining the academy. Education Health Care Plans and other documentationare requested from the primary school or previous secondary school in advance to ensure provision to meetthe students’ needs can be put into place. Each child with an EHCP or a statement is assigned a member ofthe SEN team as their key worker and first point of contact. The SEN team are available at all parents’ eveningsand by appointment at other times. Outcomes of intervention programmes are shared and discussed with both the parent and pupil and all pupils with an EHCP or a statement have full review meetings at least annually.


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Technology at Ormiston Park

It is not only the physical building at OPA that provides an excellent and versatilelearning space; the virtual environment we offer students is just as exciting andconducive to accelerating learning. With Wi-Fi and 3m teaching walls in everylearning space supported by one of the most advanced networks to be found inany school, we are well placed to take advantage of digital teaching and learning.

Computers are strategically clustered throughout the Academy providing easyaccess from all areas of the curriculum. All user accounts provide pupils with onlineaccess to resources and offer numerous ways for pupils and staff engage inlearning outside of school hours.

Supporting innovative use of technology is important to us and we are alwayslooking for new ways of making learning stimulating and exciting. Immersiveprojection features in two lecture theatres and our Innovation Room includes an 8’Skyping wall, immersive projection and high-end computers for app development.Our commitment to providing an IT rich environment has been extremely excitingand has already produced two UK champions in Microsoft examinations.

Our digital facilities are also a focus for a range of enrichment activities and ourpupils have earned trophies and awards in a number of STEM competitions. FirstLego League, Bafta Young Game Design Award and Cisco Little big Awards areexamples of the range of national competitions that feature on our annual calendarfor which teams from all year groups have represented the Academy.


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Spiritual, Moral, Social andCultural Development

At Ormiston Park Academy we champion a holistic education,experience and curriculum that ensures that our pupils are‘rounded and grounded’. We recognise that the spiritual, moral,social and cultural development of pupils, plays a significant partnot only in their ability to learn and achieve but in their ability to successfully access and relate to the world they live in.

We therefore aim to provide an education that provides childrenwith opportunities to explore and develop their own values, whilst recognizing and accepting how those of others may differ.

Beliefs and the development of a personal spiritual awareness aredeveloped throughout the curriculum alongside an expectation of only the highest standards of personal behaviour.

Students are actively encouraged to possess and demonstrate apositive caring attitude towards other people. We are proud of therange of programmes and events our students both participatein, and organize for community involvement, which celebratediverse social and cultural traditions. An appreciation of thediversity and richness of other cultures are all critical skills andattributes that we value and foster through our curriculum andenrichment offer.

Frequent and regular trips to the theatre, exhibitions and studentconferences also ensure our students are able to broaden theircultural horizons and experience learning opportunities outside the classroom environment.


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Physical Education and Sport PE and Sport play a crucial part in the holistic development ofstudents at OPA. It is essential for lifelong health and well-beingthat students have the opportunity to learn to value and enjoy physical activity.

With this in mind, opportunities to participate and develop skillsare on offer in a wide range of sports including basketball; football;rugby; dance; netball; handball; softball; rounders; badminton; multi-gym; gymnastics; cricket and athletics.

The PE department are committed to embedding an aspirationalsporting culture for our students. Passionate and highly skilledPE staff support students to become confident independentlearners during the lower key stages, building a sportingfoundation of understanding which will enable progression into the option subjects at KS4.

For those students not opting to continue with PE as a KS4Option subject, Core PE remains on the KS4 timetable with thefocus shifting to ensuring that students remain active and healthy through continued participation in physical activity.

Students in Core PE are given more control in their choices ofactivities and will work collaboratively with PE staff to plan their lessons following a specific pathway;a) Competition b) Recreationc) Leisure

Extra-curricular SportsStudents are actively encouraged to participate in the wideselection of extra-curricular sporting activities and clubs on offerat OPA which currently include football; badminton; netball;basketball; fitness; dance and athletics.

Inter-form competitions and fixtures against other schools areorganised throughout the year across a variety of sports and ourannual ‘OPA Games’ in July always proves to be a popular wholeacademy event showcasing the sporting efforts andachievements of our students.

OPA has links with a number of local organisations includingThurrock Hornets Basketball Club, Thurrock GymnasticsAcademy and The U do it Dance Foundation. Students areencouraged and supported in joining external clubs to furtherdevelop their skills, knowledge and performance.


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Student VoiceStudent Voice allows students to share who they are and whatthey believe in with the entire school community. At OrmistonPark we care about what the students think and take time to listento their views. Student Voice is engaged in numerous ways andis led by our Students for Solutions team. At Ormiston Park wevalue young people and give them ownership of opportunities tomake a difference to their educational experiences.

Student LeadersAt Ormiston Park we run a programme to promote student voiceled by students. Students for Solutions are students who act asrole models for other students in the school as well as undertakinga number of additional duties to assist with the smooth-runningof the school and to support staff and other students eitherpractically or in a coaching role.

Student Leaders do not fit a certain ‘character profile’ but whatthey do have in common is an enthusiasm for school life and awillingness to get involved in activities that are often outside theircomfort zone. They demonstrate the very highest standards ofbehaviour and uniform, have a positive attitude towards theirstudies, are reliable and demonstrate positive relationships withstudents and staff.

Being part of the Student Leader family offers the opportunitiesto practice and showcase new skills they are developing, suchas mentoring and interpersonal skills, self-confidence, publicspeaking, team-building, collaborative working and problemsolving. All of these skills and qualifications will be invaluable whenapplying for sixth form, college, jobs and university.

The Student Leaders hold their own rigorous recruitment processand uphold their own high standards. If you visit the school for atour, you will likely be shown around by one of the team such isthe significance of their role in the Academy and our confidencein them to uphold our values and ethos.


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Combined Cadet ForceThe Academy proudly runs a Combined Cadet Force contingentof approximately 20 cadets, offering our students a broad rangeof challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities.

Being a member of our Cadet Force gives each student anopportunity to develop values that will help them get the most outof their lives, and to contribute to their communities and country.Cadets engage in activities that develop qualities such as self-discipline, loyalty and respect, strong leadership, teamwork andresilience. These will help them achieve excellence and shape their own future.

Cadets are expected to parade once a week after lessons andattend a one-week summer camp. In addition the may participatein overnight camp, trips and other training activities. The trainingis organised by our School Staff Instructor (SSI) and staff holdingCCF Commissions. We are also lucky enough to have a numberof volunteer staff and a body of highly competent senior cadets.

The Cadet experience helps give our students the life skills andself-confidence to take charge of their lives so that they can reachtheir full potential at the Academy and beyond, including inemployment and at University.


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ASCEND - A Specialist Centre for Education, Nurtureand Development

ASCEND provides specialist education for students with specific social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.The centre operates within its own outstanding base within the Ormiston Park grounds. At ASCEND webelieve that in order to create an environment of respect, trust, nurture and cooperation we have to work as a team. This must include staff, students and parents alike.

During every day we make thousands of decisions that affect us in many different ways. Some decisionsmay change our lives forever; others have little or no impact on us. The important fact to consider is that wedecide who we are, what we will be and where our lives will take us. It is our duty to guide our students to believe that their future is in their hands.

Our aim is to create students who can make a positive contribution to the wider community and are confidentabout themselves. It is vital that we empower and support our students to make positive choices whilst at school and then later throughout their lives.

The centre has a high ratio of staff to students and provides for 20 pupils. The high ratio allows for very smallteaching groups in which the students follow a broad curriculum very similar to that of the mainstream school.We deliver English, Mathematics, Science, Food Technology, Resistant Materials, Physical Education,Information Computer Technology and Humanities. Also within the curriculum, there is time allocated to workwith the students on a one to one basis to accelerate their skills in Reading, Writing, Communication and Mathematics.

Achievement and positive attitude are reinforced continuously through our strong and well-structured rewardssystem which revolves around a simple set of rights and responsibilities. It is the expectation that studentsare at school to work hard and learn as much as possible. Students achieve merits by achieving daily targets.The achievement of daily targets is celebrated with merits earning the opportunity to attend weekly and termlyreward trips. This gives the students and staff further opportunities to get to know each other which provides us with a more in-depth understanding of the student and creates outstanding relationships.

ASCEND is an inclusive provision. Whilst expecting nothing but the best from our students, we accept therewill be times when making the right choice can seem problematic and in these cases our expert staff will work one to one with students to empower them to make the appropriate decision or choices.

Students are well prepared for the challenges and demands of life outside and beyond school through ourSEED Programme (Social, Emotional and Economic Development) lessons in which bespoke lessons are planned to meet the differing needs of our students.


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Uniform Girls

School skirt: Grey pleated skirt from Marks &Spencer schoolwear. PLEASE NOTE: onlyOrmiston Park Academy skirts from Marks &Spencer are permitted. If a school skirt is notpurchased, girls must wear mid-grey standard fitgrey trousers.

Navy blue blazer with OPA logo

White shirt and OPA tie

Optional: Academy jumper with OPA logoPLEASE NOTE: no other jumpers/cardiganspermitted

Plain neutral or plain black tights, or whitesocks (NOT socks and tights together)

Coats must be plain black, conventional indesign and without motif or writing Leather, suede and denim jackets or brushed cotton hoodies are NOT acceptable

Plain black shoes with very low, wide heels(NOT trainers or plimsolls). Laced shoes musthave black laces.

PE - GirlsPlain black shortsOPA polo shirt (available from Sue’s schoolwear.)OPA fleece (available from Sue’s schoolwear.)Suitable trainers

BoysSchool trousers: Standard fit grey trousers;NOT denim, brushed cotton, stretch material,chinos or ‘jeans style’

Navy blue blazer with OPA logo

White shirt and OPA tie

Optional: Academy jumper with OPA logoPLEASE NOTE: no other jumpers/cardiganspermitted

Black or white socks

Coats must be plain black, conventional in designand without motif or writing Leather, suede and denim jackets or brushed cotton hoodies are NOT acceptable

Plain black shoes, (NOT trainers or plimsolls).Laced shoes must have black laces.

PE - BoysPlain black shortsOPA polo shirt (available from Sue’s schoolwear.)OPA fleece (available from Sue’s schoolwear.)Suitable trainers

No Extremes of fashion or Hairstyles • Hairstyles - Extreme styles and colours are not acceptable, including shaved or patterned styles. • Jewellery - One watch and one pair of small, plain ear studs may be worn. NO other body piercing is permitted. • False Nails - For health and safety reasons false, gel or acrylic nails are not permitted. Any students wearing nail varnish other then clear nail varnish will be asked to remove it using nail varnish remover. • Make-Up – False eye-lashes are not permitted and these will need to be removed. Any students wearing make-up that is obvious will have to remove it using face wipes. • Hair bands/Ribbons – must be plain black or plain white

The Principal reserves the right to decide what constitutes appropriate uniformUnless there are exceptional extenuating circumstances leading to students not being in correct uniform,students may be sent home to get changed. In such instances, parents will be contacted by the Academy toinform them of this. Where it is not deemed appropriate to send a student home, the student will be taught inisolation. Persistent and defiant non-compliance with the Academy’s uniform code may result in exclusions.


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Belhus Park LaneAveleySouth OckendonRM15 4RU

Tel: 01708 865180Fax: 01708 864498E-mail: [email protected]: www.ormistonpark.org.uk

schoolachievement awardDepartment for Education and Employment

Ormiston Park Academyin partnership with South Essex College

Produced by ‘The School Brochure Specialist’, FM Litho Design and Print. Tel: 01787 479479 Web: www.fmlitho.co.uk