Orlando : Gays, Guns, Gods Greeds Gonads? - Meetupfiles.meetup.com/1556838/1-Orlando Gays, Guns,...

1 Ethical Philosophy…In Practice Ethical Philosophy…In Practice Ethical Philosophy…In Practice Ethical Philosophy…In Practice http://www.meetup.com/Ethical-Philosophy-Discussion-Group-of-East-Portland/ Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Topic for Examination on June 19, 2016 Orlando: Gays, Guns, Gods Greeds or Gonads? Summary Here we go again with our endless public massacres caused by 1. the NRA, 2. “radical Islam” 3. a cynical betrayal of America by the Republican Party, 4. political correctness, 5. the paranoia of the gun crazies, 6. ISIS, 7. the American firearms industry, 8. Bush’s invasion of and destabilization of the Mid-east, 9. conservative Christianity, 10.Barak Hussein Obama (directly) because of his cowardice in Iraq, 11. our failure to address mental illness, 12. Barak Obama as part of his hated of white Christian America, Who ya wanna blame?

Transcript of Orlando : Gays, Guns, Gods Greeds Gonads? - Meetupfiles.meetup.com/1556838/1-Orlando Gays, Guns,...

Page 1: Orlando : Gays, Guns, Gods Greeds Gonads? - Meetupfiles.meetup.com/1556838/1-Orlando Gays, Guns, Gods, Greeds or... · Summary Here we go again ... Who ya wanna blame? 2 ... Orlando


Ethical Philosophy…In PracticeEthical Philosophy…In PracticeEthical Philosophy…In PracticeEthical Philosophy…In Practice http://www.meetup.com/Ethical-Philosophy-Discussion-Group-of-East-Portland/

Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Topic for Examination on June 19, 2016

Orlando: Gays, Guns, Gods

Greeds or Gonads?


Here we go again with our endless public massacres caused by

1. the NRA,

2. “radical Islam”

3. a cynical betrayal of America by the Republican Party,

4. political correctness,

5. the paranoia of the gun crazies,

6. ISIS,

7. the American firearms industry,

8. Bush’s invasion of and destabilization of the Mid-east,

9. conservative Christianity,

10.Barak Hussein Obama (directly) because of his cowardice in Iraq,

11. our failure to address mental illness,

12. Barak Obama as part of his hated of white Christian America,

Who ya wanna blame?

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We can certainly take pride in our rainbow of options.

John McCain Says It’s All Obama’s Personal Fault

If Obama hadn’t pulled out of Iraq (like those cowardly

Democrats who pulled out of Vietnam) ISIS wouldn’t have

come to power and organized global terrorism. It’s his fault,

entirely! (Ok, “I misspoke.”)

Christians Say It’s the Gay’s Own Fault

We know that bad weather in the Gulf States is god’s punishment for gay marriage,

that’s a given. Orlando is just further evidence. I

mean think about it. God’s vengeance is the only logical explanation. (He took out Cesar Chavez when we asked him to.)

Gun Crazies and their Gonads

There is no more intractable set of crazies. They are obsessed with the idea that

someone wants to steal their junk. Literally! They believe all people think about is their genitals/guns. The Sandy Hook

parents didn’t really care about those kids. They were only

thinking about confiscating guns in Iowa. Those parents

maybe even did it themselves as an excuse, or maybe it didn’t even really happen at all, like the moon landing.

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Actually, gun ownership in the US had declined since the 1970’s. Nevertheless, there

are many1 more guns today. The average gun owner now owns 7 weapons. However to

him, he can never own enough to make him safe from rampaging black, gay, liberal,

criminal, communist, Nazi zombies.

Self-Hating Gay Homophobes

Nothing new about that; people who can’t stop thinking about

gay sex are not exactly aware of their own motivations. It’s

called projection and it’s deep in the heartland.

The NRA is Making a Bundle

A gun OWNERS club known as the National Rifle Association was taken over by the gun MANUFACTURERS. Since then, claiming to be speak for private citizens,

(remember “corporations are people my friend”)

gun manufacturers have bought Congress and stoked

paranoia among the already paranoid.

Because of NRA campaign contributions, Republican

legislators have absolutely refused to allow any gun control. In fact, Congress has

proactively protected gun manufacturers from liability for damages their products

cause. Such freedom from “reckless disregard” is unprecedented and unique.


Orlando just happens to cross the paths of two groups, gays

and Muslims2. Therefore, it can be blamed on “the other”, in

this case ISIS. That way we can intervene even more in the


1 300,000,000 2 Of course the victims were probably mostly Hispanic and Catholic, but choose your filter. 3 While shooting, Omar Mateen texted that America, which had been killing innocent women and children with drone strikes, will

now know what that’s like. Our government of course, has ignored that inconvenient part.

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We Need MORE Guns

The only solution is more guns. Donald Trump swore to the NRA that he would eliminate gun-free zones (although his resorts are.) After Orlando he said that he’d have to check with the NRA

before he could comment.

If Obama Would Just SAY “Radical Islam”

If we could only get Obama and Clinton to say those words, then

everything could be solved.

Political Correctness Is the Cause

The Muslim communities know who is planning the next attack. But they remain silent because of political correctness.

Ban Muslim Immigration and Build A Wall

We need to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. until we can “figure out what the

hell is going on.” Trump says that right now, the government has no idea. There is no

filter, they are just flooding in. Not just from the Mid-east, but from Mexico, along with rapists.

I give Congress and the American people a grade of F on this one. It is clearly not the land of the free and home of the brave. It is, as the Canadians describe us, a

What do you think?

The bull shit gets so deeps you have to spout wings to fly above it.

SebastianSebastianSebastianSebastian Zebadiah Zebadiah Zebadiah Zebadiah Twit, Twit, Twit, Twit, June 18, 2016

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Later Reflections

When it’s done by X then it’s the FAULT of Y .

When it’s done by:

a lone wolf young man with no stated motive; it’s the fault of MENTAL ILLNESS.

a single young man angry at women; it’s the fault of FRUSTRATION.

a married Muslim man; it’s the fault of “RADICAL ISLAM.”

a closeted gay man; it’s the fault of HOMOPHOBIA.

two young men; it’s the fault of BULLYING.

a married Muslim couple; it’s the fault of “RADICAL ISLAM.”

a young man in a movie theater; it’s the fault of MENTAL ILLNESS.

a young man shooting at a pro-gun Congresswoman; it’s the fault of SKINHEADISM.

a couple of young men blowing up Federal buildings; it’s the fault of RESENTMENT.

a man shooting up abortion clinics; it’s the fault of too much PROTECTING LIFE.

But it is never, ever caused by GUNS.

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Too bad there are no common factors in these cases. If only there was something,

like men, young men or the easy availability of guns?

Public Images

To this observer, each of the groups has achieved a certain PR niche. LGBT’s are now

thought of as being all about LOVE. Evangelical Christians seem JUDGEMENTAL and RESENTFUL. Muslim Americans are awfully QUIET. ISIS has an image of being

surprisingly COMPETENT and GROWING. The Federal Government seems

FRENZIED and HELPLESS. The Republican Party seems PANICKED, in DESPARATE CHAOS and possibly near DEATH. The Democratic Party seems STABLE and UNITED. Hillary Clinton seems DISHONEST but very COMPETENT. Donald Trump

seems MENTALLY DERANGED. Congress is less popular than genital warts. Europe

seems to be BREAKING APART. Syria is UNSOLVABLE. The immigration crisis is

only EXPANDING. I now hear talk of a global crisis, a new draft and a Normandy-like

invasion of the Mid-east.

Republican Congressmen are hiding under their desks. Many of them disavow every

new thing Trump says, but somehow still support him. Several are not going to the convention. There is a vigorous NEVER TRUMP movement afoot to change the rules

of their convention.

It Will Only Get Worse

There will never be a shortage of crazies. America is already flooded with military

weapons. Big money in politics and politicians on-the-take will continue to misdirect

our attention away from real solutions. Fox News will continue to spew fantasies for

profit. Given the efficiency of the weaponry, it will only get worse. People with

power to legislate will hide behind armed barricades for their personal safety, and

leave the rest of us at risk.

Can anyone see any other possibility?