Origin of water from quran

SURAH AL-BAQARAH AYAT-74 Al-Quran NOVEMBER 11, 2015 S.HASSAN RAZA [email protected]

Transcript of Origin of water from quran

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surah al-baqarah ayat-74



[email protected]

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“Then Your Hearts Became Hardened After That, Being Like Stones Or Even Harder. For Indeed, There Are Stones From Which Rivers Burst Forth, And There Are Some Of Them That Split Open And Water Comes Out, And There Are Some Of Them That Fall Down For Fear Of Allah. And Allah Is Not Unaware Of What You Do”.(Ayat-74,Surah-Al-Baqarah,Al-Quran)

By reading this ayat we can conclude that Allah has identified two rocks.


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the properties of these two rocks seems to be different from each other as it is mentioned that one rock bursts while other splits.

Both rocks contains water. I studied about the origin of water and came to following conclusions. Yes! Modern science has proven that water originated from rocks. Ayat-74 identifies the rocks which burst out to give rivers. It has been proven that water originated from volcanic activity. Volcanoes burst giving out huge amount of water vapors that cooled down in the form of rain and

thus formed ocean. Now we’ll talk about the second rock which is identified in ayat-74 which split and gave water. Scientists have been working Several groups of carbonaceous chondrites, notably the CM and CI

groups, contain high percentages (3% to 22%) of water,[2] as well as organic compounds. They are composed mainly of silicates, oxides and sulfides, with the minerals olivine and serpentine being characteristic. The presence of volatile organic chemicals and water indicates that they have not undergone significant heating (>200°C) since they were formed, and their compositions are considered to be close to that of the solar nebula from which the Solar System condensed. Other groups of C chondrites, e.g., CO, CV, and CK chondrites, are relatively poor in volatile compounds, and some of these have experienced significant heating on their parent asteroids.

Quran told us about origin of water many years before.

In the next topic we’ll discuss that how Allah(s.w.t) made earth a place to live on. The origin of water proved to be a key resource for existence of life on earth.

Please refer to these references






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"On average, it's colder at Vesta's poles than near its equator, so in that sense, they are good places to sustain water ice," says Stubbs. "But they also see sunlight for long periods of time during the summer seasons, which isn't so good for sustaining ice. So if water ice exists in those regions, it may be buried beneath a relatively deep layer of dry regolith."


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The south pole of the giant asteroid Vesta is seen in this photo taken with the framing camera on NASA's Dawn spacecraft.