Origin of the Internet

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origin of the internet

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Raechel Victoria N. Panerio put your hearts up LECTURE 1Using the Internet: Making the Most of the Webs ResourcesThe Origin of the Internet ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Funded by the US Government in the 1960s Allowed computers at leading universities and research organizations to communicate with each other over great distances The Internet was created to respond to two concerns: to establish a safe form of military communications and to create a means by which all computers could communicate. Scientists were asked to come up with a solution to secure communications between large computer centers in case of a nuclear attack. They responded by inventing packet-switching and routers. By taking data messages and breaking them into small packets, each packet could be addressed and sent individually to a destination through a series of routers. The routers, like robot traffic cops, would send each packet along the optimum path to the next router, depending on traffic and availability. This development also gave birth to a network that could be scaled up infinitely. It could be argued that the scientists who quietly built the first packet-switched network in 1969 were more important to the future than the NASA scientists who landed a man on the moon in the same year.The Internet vs. The Web Internet part of the system that is primarily hardware infrastructure (telecommunications, routers, servers, disk drives, etcetera) Web - part of the system that contains intellectual property in many multimedia formats (test files, graphic files, sound files, video files, etcetera): the means to access the Internet. Internet development in the early 1990s gave birth to the Web. One crucial development was the introduction of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the software technologies that allow Web pages to link to other Web pages, whether they are on the same server or on the other side of the world. HTTP (Hypertest Transfer Protocol) is the code in a web address URL that specifies that you are looking for a common web site. Basically this protocol establishes the standard that computers on the Internet use to communicate and transfer data through web browsers. Other protocols you might see instead of HTTP are things like FTP, GOPHER and HTTPS. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the programming language that web pages are created in. When you publish a website to a host, this is the core language that the website is coded in. The other critical development was the browser, multi-platform software that allows users to see HTML files, called Web pages. Thus, the Web is a subset of the Internet, but because of its tremendous use, it represents the largest amount of Internet traffic.Client and Server Client computer: Users connect to the Internet Request data and Web pages Server computers Store Web pages and data Return the requested data to the client The Internet is a huge client/server network. Thus, a computer connected to the Internet acts in one of two ways: it is either a client, a computer that asks for data, or a server, a computer that receives the request and returns the data to the client. Connecting to the Internet Dial-up connections: Uses standard telephone line Least costly connection Requires a modem Modulate: converts digital signals the computer can understand to analog signals that can travel over the phone line. Demodulate Slowest connection speed (56kbps) To take advantage of the resources the Internet offers, you need a means to connect your computer to it. Home users have several connection options available. The most common is a dial-up connection. A dial-up connection is the least costly method of connecting to the Internet, needing only a standard phone line and a modem. A modem is a device that converts (modulates) the digital signals the computer understands to the analog signals that can travel over phone lines. In turn, the computer on the other end must also have a modem to translate (demodulate) the received analog signal back to a digital signal for the receiving computer to understand. Modern desktop computers generally come with internal modems. Laptops use either internal modems or PC cards that are inserted into a special slot on the laptop. Current modems have a maximum data transfer rate of 56 Kbps, usually referred to as 56KBroadband Connections Digital Subscriber Lines Faster than dial-up Upstream (16Kbps -640kbps) Downstream (1.5 Mbps 9 Mbps) ADSL: asymmetrical DSL SDSL: same upload and download speed. Requires special DSL modem Other connection options, called broadband connections, offer faster means to connect to the Internet. Broadband connections include DSL, cable, and satellite. DSL uses a standard phone line to connect to the Internet. However, the line is split between digital and voice, meaning that the digital signal does not have to be converted into sounds, and greater speeds can be realized. DSL requires a special DSL modem. Although the monthly fee is higher than dial-up, there is no need for a second phone line, and often the end price is comparable, but the Internet speed is at least double. Not all areas of the U.S. have DSL. Also, in order to use DSL, your telephone connection must be within fairly close proximity of a switching station. DSL provider Web sites include interactive tools you can use to determine whether your phone line is capable of including a DSL connection. The more typical DSL transmissions download data from the Internet faster than they can upload data. Such transmissions are referred to as Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). Other DSL transmissions, called Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL), upload and download data at the same speed.Broadband Connections Cable: Uses TV coaxial cable Fast connection speed (300kbps 4mbps) Speed depends on number of users Not available in all areas Requires a cable modem Another broadband connection is cable Internet. Cable Internet uses coaxial cable and a cable modem. If your cable company has an Internet service, you can receive data at speeds up to 4 Mbps and send data at approximately 500 Kbps. As technology improves, these transfer rates also will improve. This always-on connection can be slowed by the number of users connected at any one time, and it is not available in all areas.Satellite Connections Uses a satellite dish and coaxial cable Download speed 500kbps Upload speed 100kbps Signal is affected by location and weather Satellite Internet is another broadband option. You need a satellite dish, which is placed outside your home and connects to your computer with coaxial cable. Therefore, the initial equipment investment is high. Most satellite connections are used by people in rural areas unable to get cable or DSL connections. Even though bandwidth can be high, the signal must travel a long distance from the satellite and back, increasing the delay time. In North America the southern sky has to be free of obstruction, and heavy rain can cause interference in the signal. Comparing Internet Connection OptionsConnection OptionMaximum Upload Data Transfer Rate (approximate)Maximum Download Data Transfer Rate (approximate)


DSL (ADSL)300 kbps1 Mbps

DSL (SDSL)1.5mbps1.5mbps

Cable500 kbps6 mbps


Internet Service Providers ISP: Internet service provider Provide user access to the Internet National, regional or local companies OSP: Online service provider Provide online proprietary content as well as Internet access AOL, CompuServe, MSN The differences between Internet Service Providers and Online Service Providers has to do with content that is exclusively available to the OSP clients. Firms like America Online offer web access but when users log on they must enter through AOLs site. There they receive information and services unavailable to non-subscribers. Whether these services are worth the premium price is a question each consumer must answer. Generally connection speed is similar and with the enormous amount of information available on the web, many have left the OSP providers in order to save money.

Choosing an ISP Factors to consider: Customer service Local access numbers E-mail options Cost Trial period The choice of Internet Service Provider should be based on cost verse service. It is very important that a dial-up provider offer a local access number, so that there are no long distance charges incurred. Many providers will offer multiple e-mail accounts and some will provide space for a personal web page. Local ISPs sometimes maintain sites with local information and web links. Navigating the Web: Web Browsers Computer software Graphical Enables Web navigation Popular browsers: Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Mozilla (firefox) Web browser is software installed on your computer system that allows you to locate, view, and navigate the Web. Web browsers are graphical, meaning they can display pictures (graphics) in addition to text, as well as other forms of multimedia, such as sound and video. Although Microsoft Internet Explorer is the most used web browser, there are other browsers available. All of them have similar tools. Because Microsoft products are the main targets for virus writers, an alternative browser may be less vulnerable. Internet Explorer is derived from the original browser developed for the government by Marc Andreeson who went on to start Netscape. The entry of Internet Explorer over a year later, as an embedded part of the Windows operating system, was a large part of the anti-trust conviction suffered by Microsoft in 2000 as it vastly reduced Netscapes market share. The toolbar features are described here. All of these features point to the power of the web browser. The navigation buttons allow you to travel down a long string of links and then back all the way out. The refresh button allows you to get the latest page update quickly. Being able to set a home page gave birth to the portal concept, where web services offer free services to entice users to set their homepage to their site. Favorites are a way to keep track of personal web preferences.

URL URL: Uniform Resource Locator Unique Web page address Protocol identifies the means of access Domain name contains the host and top-level domain Path identifies the subdirectories within the Web site A URL is a Web sites address. It is composed of several parts that help identify the Web document for which it stands. The first part of the URL indicates the set of rules (or the protocol) used to retrieve the specified document. HTTP is most common. Another popular protocol is FTP. The protocol is generally followed by a colon, two forward slashes, www (indicating World Wide Web), and then the domain name. Domain names consist of two parts: the host and the top-level domain (TLD). At times, a forward slash and additional text follow the domain name. The information after the slash indicates a particular file or path (or subdirectory) within the Web site.

Web Sites Web site: Collection of related Web pages First page known as Home or Index page Web page: HTML document Text and graphics Unique address Hyperlinks The first page in a web site is called the home page. If you type the domain name into the browser window, the server will find the site and look for a file called index.htm, the standard name for the home page. Every web page has a unique URL and is an HTML document. It may or may not have links to other pages or other web sites.Current Top-Level Domains.aero Members of the air transport industry.biz Businesses.com Can be used by anyone.coop Cooperative associations.edu Degree granting institutions.govUnited States government.info Information service providers.mil United States military.museum Museums.name Individuals.net Networking organizations.org Organizations (often nonprofits).pro Credentialed professionals The three-letter suffix in the domain name (such as .com or .edu) is called the top-level domain (TLD). This suffix indicates the kind of organization the host is. The most used is the .com or commercial domain, which can be used by anyone. There are also domains for countries outside the United States. For instance a Web site in Germany has the extension .de and in Britain it is .UK The three-letter suffix in the domain name (such as .com or .edu) is called the top-level domain (TLD). This suffix indicates the kind of organization the host is. The most used is the .com or commercial domain, which can be used by anyone. There are also domains for countries outside the United States. For instance a Web site in Germany has the extension .de and in Britain it is .UKHyperlinks Provide access to other Web pages Specially coded text or graphics Cursor becomes a hand with finger pointing upward Once youve reached a Web site, you can jump from Web page to another within the Web site or to another Web site altogether by clicking on specially coded text called hyperlinks When programming HTML, the Web page author can code any word or image to be a hyperlink. Generally, text that operates as a hyperlink appears in a different color (often blue) and/or is underlined. Sometimes images also act as hyperlinks. When you pass your cursor over a hyperlink, the pointer turns from an arrow to a hand. Clicking the left mouse button when the hand is present immediately makes a request for the Web site referred to in the code.Favorites and Bookmarks List created of favorite Web pages Easy method of returning to Web pages Internet Explorer uses Favorites Netscape uses Bookmarks While browsing the Web, you may want to remember a site for future reference. Using the Favorites or Bookmark feature, the sites URL is stored in a special folder. To add a Web page to your list of Favorites in IE, from within the site you wish to mark, click on the Favorites menu and select Add to Favorites. You can modify the name of the Web page on your Favorites list to make it more meaningful. You can also add subfolders that categorize the Favorites. Tabbed Browsing Found on Firefox and Safari browsers. Not available on Internet Explorer Multiple pages in same browser window A very nice feature that is only available on Firefox and Safari browsers is tabbed browsing. With tabbed browsing, Web pages are loaded in tabs within the same browser window. Rather than having to switch between Web pages on several open windows, you can flip between the tabs in one window. You can even open several Favorites from one folder and choose to have them displayed as tabsSearch Engines User keys word or phrase in search box Spider or Web Crawler program scans web pages Results are indexed and sent to the client A search engine is a set of programs that searches the Web for specific keywords you wish to query and then returns a list of the Web sites on which those keywords are found. Search engines have three parts. The first part is a program called a spider, which collects data on the Web. An indexer program organizes the data into a large database. The search engine software searches the indexed data, pulling out relevant information according to your search. Using search engines like Google, users can scan millions of web sites in seconds, with the search page returning thousands of relevant web pages. Revenue is generated by offering a side column of paid links that are ties to certain search requests. For instance, if you put cat food in the search box, Google returns many related sites. Businesses who agreed to pay to have their link appear when someone requests cat food pay a small amount for every time their ad links appears. Subject Directories Web pages organized by topics and subtopics A subject directory is a guide to the Internet organized by topics and subtopics. Examples include Yahoo! or the Librarians Index. With a subject directory, you do not use keywords to search the Web. Instead, after selecting the main subject from the directory, you narrow your search by successively clicking on subfolders that match your search until you have reached the appropriate information. For example, to find previews on newly released movies in Yahoos subject directory, you would click on the main category of Entertainment, select the subcategory Movies and Films, select the further subcategory Preview, and then open one of the listed Web sites.Evaluating Web Sites Who is the author of the article or Web site sponsor? What audience is the site geared toward? Is the site biased? Is the information current? Are links available? Evaluating the content of a web site is important. Before you believe what the site says or take action based on the information presented, several questions need to be answered. Who exactly owns and operates the website? Who are they trying to reach with their message? Are the opinions expressed objective, or are they slanted toward one position or another? If it is slanted, why is it slanted? Is the information up to date? How often is the site updated? Do the hyperlinks all work or are some dead-ends? Like anything else, how well maintained a site is helps determine its believability.Communicating Through the Internet E-mail Weblogs Chat rooms Instant messaging Newsgroups A major function of the Internet is communication. It happens in several ways. The oldest of the mediums is e-mail. Like the postal system, e-mails are written documents, with or without attachments, that are delivered through mail protocols. Blogs are personal journals that are written and updated periodically for public viewing. Chat rooms are public connections where the conversation is written but seen by all participants as it is entered. Instant messaging is similar but the connection is private and chosen by the participants. Newsgroups are threaded commentary, sort of a public discussion based on a previous comment about a specific topic..

E-mail Electronic mail Primary means of communication E-mail accounts Client-based Web-based Spam Prevention E-mail has quickly caught on as the primary method of electronic communication because its fast and convenient and reduces the costs of postage and long-distance phone calls. Some e-mail accounts are client-based. These programs require a computer with the correct e-mail client. Client-based systems are normally tied to a local ISP and use that domain for an address. If a user changes ISPs, then the e-mail address changes. Web-based e-mail, on the other hand, finds the messages at a host site received by and stored on a mail server, and can be accessed from anywhere. A web-based e-mail address will stay the same no matter what ISP is used. Free e-mail accounts such as Yahoo! or Hotmail use Web-based e-mail clients.Weblogs Known as blogs Personal logs or journal entries posted on the Web Available to the public Weblogs or blogs are a way for anyone to post their thoughts for public viewing. Of course posting a blog doesnt guarantee that anyone will read it. Blogging is easy and free. Reading blogs can be very interesting, as they plug into the unsolicited viewpoints of people who believe they have something to say.Chat Rooms Real time text based conversations Rooms focus on specific topics or interests Identity protection Username A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chatrooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldnt type in all capital letters. Instant Messaging Real time text based conversations Set up a list of contacts Buddy list Contacts must be online IM software detects presence Example: AOL Instant Messenger A chat room is an area on the Web where many people come together to communicate online. The conversations are in real time and are visible to everyone in the chat room. Chat rooms are sometimes theme oriented and sometimes not. There is no chance for editing out outlandish or offensive opinions or language. People in chatrooms choose an identity and therefore are anonymous. General rules of etiquette (netiquette) include introducing yourself when you enter the room and specifically addressing the person you are talking to, refraining from swearing, name calling, and using explicit or prejudiced language. Users cannot repeatedly post the same text and shouldnt type in all capital letters.Newsgroups Online discussion forums Post and reply to messages Newsgroups are sometimes called threaded discussions or discussion groups. Built around topics or interests, participants read entries from other participants and respond, each respondent adding something new to the discussion, creating a thread. A participant can also start a new thread. Unlike chat rooms, threaded discussions dont rely on instant response but on a more thought-out written response. In distance education classes, threaded discussions are often required, and serve as the class participation component of a course. Listservs are similar except that the threads are sent out as e-mails, where each participant in the thread receives each new posting. They are less public than newsgroups.Online Annoyances Spam electronic junk mail Pop-ups intrusive advertising Cookies tracking users browsing habits Spyware Programs that collect data from a users computer Phishing and Hoaxes Ruses to fool and maybe steal from users. As the Internet has grown, so have the annoying things on it. Some of these are dangerous and some merely annoying. Like heavy traffic on the roads, air pollution, gossip, or any number of annoyances in life, the Internet reflects the public who uses it, with its share of things to add stress to a users life. The next few slides will discuss each of these annoyances in more detailsSpam Junk E-Mail Spam filters Anti-spam practices Spam is a particularly difficult problem because there is little that can be done to control the people who send it. All one needs is a list and a message. Lists with millions of e-mail addresses can be purchased. There have been laws passed to make sending spam illegal, but they are difficult to enforce. One way to avoid spam in your primary account is to create a special e-mail address that you use when you fill out forms on the Web. A spam filter is an option you can select in your e-mail account that places known spam messages into a folder other than your inbox. 95% of spam can be filtered, never reaching your inbox. You should are careful by reading privacy practices carefully before registering your name on Web sites, by not replying to spam, and reporting spam to agencies that filter and fight spam. Pop-ups Usually advertising Pop-up automatically Pop-up blockers Pop-up windows are the billboards of the Internet. Some sites use pop-ups to increase the functionality of their site (your account balance may pop up at your banks Web site, for example). There are ways to reduce or eliminate pop-ups. Firefox and Safari have built-in pop-up blockers. Windows XP (Service Pack 2) includes a Pop-up Manager to Internet Explorer that allows you to selectively block pop-ups. If you feel you need more protection, you can install anti-pop-up software such as Pop-Up Stopper and Pop-Up Defender.Cookies Text files stored on client computers when visiting Web sites Used on return visits to Web sites Unique ID number Personal information remembered Privacy risk Selling information Cookies are a necessary annoyance because they enhance the web experience and speed up web page loading. When you go to a web page for the first time the web document drops a small text file in a folder. This text file saves information about the user and assigns an identification code so that when the user returns, the same preferences are loaded and the web site may be more geared to the user. This is critical on sites where the content is somewhat chosen to meet the users wishes, like in My Yahoo or other personalized sites. Although cookies are generally not privacy risks, there have been cases where the information has been collected and sold to advertisers.Spyware Added as a program piggybacked with a requested program Gathers information, usually about surfing habits Anti-virus software doesnt detect it Anti-spyware programs are required Often a company will offer something for free, like a screensaver or a game. Piggybacked with the program is a hidden spyware program that monitors your browsing and sends this information back to a server. Anti-spyware software is available from many sources, often for free, and can effectively find and destroy these annoyances.Phishing and Hoaxes Phishing is a phony communication Attempts to scam someone into sending vital information Hoaxes are attempts to scam people into sending money, or join a chain letter. If you receive an official looking e-mail from your bank saying that there has been a software security breach and to help regain control you need to confirm your username and password, dont do it. This is one of the most common scams called phishing. The e-mail is made to look very official, with logos and signatures, and many unsuspecting customers have entered their passwords into the return. Hoaxes often are offers to make millions from a distraught African ex-prince or to help the victims of a hurricane. It is always best to absolutely know who is sending the message before responding.Conducting Business Over the Internet E-Commerce: Electronic commerce Business-to-consumer (B2C) Business-to-business (B2B) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Secure transactions E-commerce grows in importance everyday, with billions of dollars worth of transactions. In business to consumer or B2C transactions, such as Amazon.com, the end buyer purchases goods or services over the Internet. In business to business or B2B transactions, businesses sell to one another . In consumer to consumer C2C transactions, like Ebay.com, consumers sell to one another. Businesses hire security companies such as VeriSign to certify that their online transactions are secure. Thus, if the Web site displays the VeriSign seal, you can usually trust that the information you submit to the site is protected. Another indication that a Web site is secure is the appearance of a small icon of a closed padlock (IE) or key (Netscape) on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, the beginning of the URL of the site will change from http:// to https://, the s standing for secure..Web Entertainment Multimedia: Involves forms of media and text Graphics Audio Video Streaming audio and video: deliver on-demand pictures and sounds without downloading the whole file. Plug-in: built-in program and automatically loads Multimedia is anything that involves one or more forms of media in addition to text. All kinds of multimedia are available on the web. One can download music files, video files, and even movies. Streaming audio and video can deliver on-demand pictures and sounds. Sites like CNN.com offer clips from their broadcasts. Some files require a plug-in program like RealPlayer. In recent versions of Windows, Microsofts MediaPlayer is built-in and automatically loads when a music file is selected. The speed and quality of audio and video on the Web is dependent on the speed of the Internet connection.Future of the Internet Large Scale Networking (LSN): Research and development of cutting-edge networking and wireless technologies Internet2: Project sponsored by universities, government, and industry to develop new Internet technologies Internet2 backbone supports transmission speeds of 10 Gbps The Internet will continue to have great influence in the future. Greater bandwidth, wireless access ,and the amalgamation of telephone, TV, and Internet technologies will bring change and spur new, unforeseen developments. The U.S. government sponsors research called the Large Scale Networking (LSN) program, which funds cutting-edge research in wireless and networking technologies. Another major effort is Internet2, a cooperative research project of over 200 universities. A major thrust of their research is increased bandwidth for the whole Internet. There are also companies working on smell generators and printers that output taste cards. We are still in the beginning stages of Internet development. As the technology becomes more and more part of the fabric of our lives, newer and better methods for using these tools will emerge. What it all becomes will be determined by users. Each of us who uses the Internet will help shape it in the future.